The Price of Disobedience

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A bonus story that was got by my patreon expanding to a certain level, when a minion of the nexus lords have a problem they try to fix it as best they can before they do something drastic. Instead of the usual rubber dragon however Renzyl has decided to give Olavar a shot at dealing with the self-proclaimed rubber naga god, which is something the nexus deer is more than willing to prove now that the nexus wars was over.

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In the space between realms a lone figure sat on a throne of blackness, the only light coming from above that illuminated the shiny muscular rubber body. He had been tapping his clawed hands on the stone angrily, and as the seconds passed the more fervent it got. Eventually his hand slammed against the armrest and he stood up, which caused the thick coils of his rubbery body that had surrounded the base of his throne to unfurl. As the huge naga began to slither the light above him followed, and as he made his way down the dais that his throne was situated on he found himself not alone. There was a momentary pause before he saw that it was a similar rubber naga who stood at attention, his body at attention showing off his lithe but still athletic form and heavy serpent lower body.

"Drel, I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood tonight for anything tonight," the bigger naga said with a sigh.

"It seems that you are extremely disgruntled," Drel replied, his voice almost a monotone. "May I ask why, master?"

"You know why!" the naga shouted with an angry hiss. "This is the fifth year in a row that those ungrateful followers of mine have failed to summon me during the festival, and after I so strongly warned them last time that they will face my wrath if they forgot their patron again! It is clear that I've been far too kind to them, now it is time to show them the wrath of Kaz'drin after enjoying my bounty for so long."

As the rubber naga god started to slither back towards his quarters he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Perhaps there is a better way for you to punish your flock than just the usual fire and brimstone that most in your position tend to gravitate towards," Drel replied, whispering in Kas'drin's ear despite the two being the only ones in that particular area. "Especially considering who the patrons who gave you that form in the first place represent."

The last few words were spoken so authoritatively that it caused Kaz'drin to turn and look at his servant. "Drel... you've never spoken to me like this before," Kaz'drin said in slight awe as the other rubber naga smirked at him. "Which means I'm wondering if that's you at all. Why don't you go ahead and show yourself so that can have a chat... Renzyl."

As Kas'drin looked about he saw a figure that was in the shadows move towards him, though it wasn't the rubber dragon that had given him the form and power that allowed him to play god in the first place. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kas'drin," Drel continued to speak even though it was clearly not his voice as his body and face became blank and expressionless while the black-furred deer moved towards Kas'drin. "My name is Olavar, I can already seen that you have met at least one of my brethren."

"You speak of Master Renzyl," Kas'drin stated, the deer nodding in approval. "I don't remember him ever talking about a deer."

"I am... rather new around the block," Olavar said as he continued to speak through the other rubber naga. "Renzyl has been keeping an eye on you godling and it appears that your flock has abandoned you in order to engage in their own carnal pursuits, even keeping you out of the festival that you created in order to engage with them so that they could worship you properly. Eventually their annual summoning ritual turned to bi-annual, then longer... and it appears from your current outburst that it's been nearly half a decade since they last remembered to bring you along for the ride."

"Which is why I'm going to be thinking of very creative means of punishing them for forgetting about the one who shares their power with them," Kas'drin practically growled. "They will pay for their arrogance."

"That they will, I'm sure," Olavar said as the deer went up and massaged the shoulders of the muscular rubber creature. "In fact it's why I'm here to help, my brother referred me to your problem and believed that I could create a solution for you. I believe that your situation is ripe for something that I created with Athear, someone that I think you would like considering the form you took."

Though Kas'drin felt the usual calmness that came with being around one of the nexus lords he found his head swirling with questions as the deer smirked at him. It reminded him of the first time he had met the rubber dragon, everything from the seductive tone to the way he rubbed down his chest made the decision all the easier. "You certainly are like Master Renzyl," Kas'drin replied as a smile slowly crept across his face to replace the frown that had been there. "But I am curious... I thought from what Renzyl said that the nexus lords don't get along, yet it sounds like you're working with one another."

"We've buried the hatchet," Olavar spoke. "Now, would you want what I'm offering? The chance to punish your followers while also making sure that you continue to adhere to the guidelines of the nexus that you agreed to when you first took Renzyl's gift?"

There was a moment of silence as the rubber naga god saw the nexus deer stand in front of him. For a few moments Kas'drin looked down at the ground, making up his mind before he looked back at Olavar. When he did he was slightly surprised to see that the muzzle swelled and bulged slightly before something began to push its way out of his mouth. At first he thought that it was just the deer's tongue but soon it became clear that it wasn't as he heard Drel say that this would be the means to their vengeance, all he would need to do was accept it into him so that he may release it as a plague of much more fun nature.

Kas'drin was beyond the point of caring as he leaned forward and allowed the snake to slither into his maw while their lips met in a fierce kiss. Though his rubber throat was able to handle the creature easily having something stretch his neck caused him to gurgle and gulp slightly. The rubber naga god wasn't allowed to back away however as the creature continue to slide down his gullet, though as they briefly separated their lips he could see the tube of thick flesh that connected their maws. Olavar was not one for leaving him half-infested and Kas'drin once more was pushed back into a kiss as his body twitched and spasmed from the pleasure that came from the invasion.

Eventually Olavar backed away from the naga, smirking as he saw the look of surprise on his face as the nexus deer could see the tail of the creature wiggle in the mouth of the god before sliding the rest of the way in. The god had a shocked look on his face and when he tried to say something about it the only thing he could do was gasp as the snake could still be seen stretching out his shiny stomach while it wiggled about. As Kas'drin brought his hands to his belly the two could both see that the parasitic creature was growing bigger, stretching the writhing creature even more until finally he could see it split. It wasn't long before the entire rubber chest of the naga was writhing and Olavar watched with rapt fascination as his creation came to fruition, starting the reign of a new god... a terrifying god of infestation...

Back up in the physical realm the annual festival part continued to rage on, as it had since it began a few days ago and will for several more. Those in attendance were considered to be the acolytes of the god Kas'drin; while many years ago all the men that were in the sprawling temple complex would be acolytes to the rubber naga god these days it was merely an excuse for them to get away and have passionate sex with one another for a week. Though those that were in attendance no longer believed that the god responsible for the festival even existed it did seem that those who engaged often were youthful, athletic, and very handsome as they strutted around naked or in skimpy rubber clothing. The wolf was one of those people and couldn't help but stare at all flesh on display as he passed by two men in rubber snake masks grinding against one another.

Denver had been newly initiated into the group from his friend Arman, the horse's family a legacy that he had chosen to follow, and so far he hadn't regretted it for a second. The entire first day had been a feast and orgy so spectacular that he could hardly remember it and by the second he needed some time to recharge. It gave him some time to feel out the actual mythos behind the group and he was surprised at how long it had been around and how much it used to center around the naga whose statue he found himself standing in front of. A rubber naga god that was said to bestow wonderful gifts... it was a pity that they no longer tried to summon him, it would be quite interesting to see what sort of blessing Kas'drin would offer as he moved towards the space in the middle of the room surrounded by the massive stone coils.

When he got to where he could see inside he was taken slightly aback when he saw a lizardman lying on his back on top of a stone altar, his arms and legs bound and a hood with lenses completely covering his head along with a collar that matched his cuffs while his impressive cock jutted up in the air. Behind the restrained creature was a tiger man who had an x-harness on and was strapped to a rack in a standing position with his arms above his head. The feline's cock was buried deep in the tailhole of the other man and Denver could see that whenever the tiger tried to pull out his body stretched a layer of latex that was stretched over the frame behind him that pushed him back. Though the two were clearing having a good time the wolf was surprised that the two were left like this with no supervision and went over to see if they needed any help.

"Oh, you're one of the fresh bloods that just got initiated," the tiger said when he saw the wolf approach, a smirk on his muzzle as he continued to thrust into the restrained creature in front of him. "Normally you'd be the one in this position of the lizardman on the altar, if we still did all that. A shame, would have been fun to have you bent over with everyone watching the ritual."

"The ritual to summon Kas'drin, right?" Denver asked as he felt the rubber thong that he wore start to stretch with his own arousal while he watched the two. Since they were clearly not in distress he found his curiosity getting the better of him, especially since between the stretched rubber shett behind the tiger and the hood on the lizardman there really wasn't room for him. "Why did they stop, if I may ask?"

"We just decided that there was no need for someone to pretend to be possessed by the power of the naga god," the tiger explained with a shrug. "If what the elders say is true we still get his blessings regardless of his presence and those that are a little younger were more here for the party than the ceremony. The only reason the two of us are here was because it was supposed to be my turn to be the vessel of Kas'drin and I wanted to see what it... it would have been... like.... ugggghhhh..."

The words of the tiger turned into a loud groan as he slowed down his thrusts and his mouth started to widen as though in shock. At first Denver wondered if he was about to orgasm but as his hips started to slide forward once more and shove his throbbing cock back into the lizardman the wolf noticed something underneath the tiger's. On first glance it looked like a rubber dildo spreading open his furry cheeks that he assumed was attached to the rubber sheet, but as he looked at in question it seemed to wiggle more than just by the movement of the hole it was spreading open. It also appeared to be growing bigger by the second like it was inflating and when the tiger hilted the man in front of him both a bulge appeared in the furry abs of the man.

Had they done it, Denver thought it awe as the rubber sheet began to shimmer and swirl, had the two managed to summon Kas'drin? Having never seen the ritual himself the wolf was unsure of how it was supposed to look, and given the surprise on the tiger's face it was unlikely that he did either. As the rubber cock continued to thrust into the tiger to the point of stretching out his furred stomach the feline face went from shock to intense pleasure as his eyes rolled back into his head. His entire body began to quiver and shake and once more the wolf thought that perhaps he was orgasming, which as he saw the lizardman also shuddering in time and heard muffled groans it seemed to Denver that perhaps the two were just locked in their climax... at least until the base of the tiger's cock pulled back.

Denver let out an audible gasp as not only had the thick shaft become swollen but it looked like it was pumping the lizardman full of something. The scales of the muscular man's stomach started to stretch and it soon went far beyond merely just getting pumped full of an excessive amount of cum, something that the restrained man seemed to notice as he let out several muffled grunts and groans. It almost looked like he was being inflated like a water balloon as the tiger stood still while his own furry stomach started to stretch. The look of shock on the tiger's face soon turned to horror, and as he looked like he tried to say something black started to drip out of his mouth that caused Denver to take a step back.

While the tiger's body started to writhe and leak however it was the lizard that had started to actively writhe and shake. The groans soon became gurgles and suddenly the rubber mask he wore stretched slightly like something was filling it as the bloating in his stomach began to diffuse to his chest and thighs. His cock was also starting to somehow grow bigger and the more he swelled the more he seemed to be in ecstasy. The wolf's eyes widened as the swelling got to the lizardman's limbs, and as it did the scales seemed to crack and split... except instead of blood he saw shiny black rubber as his growing shaft surpassed a foot.

A sudden gurgle from the tiger brought Denver's attention back to him and the wolf thought for a second that he was throwing up, except as something pushed out his throat it was going far too slowly. At first Denver thought it would be more of the strange shiny fluid but as the tiger's chest started to swell and his legs inflated with muscle it looked like what was coming out of his mouth was... a snake head? The wolf's eyes widened when he saw the gooey snake slither out of the muzzle and fall to the floor, which as it did another one could be clearly seen doing the same as the same gooey substance started to leak from the feline's nostrils and ears. That was enough for Denver to leave, and as he headed towards the door he glad he did as he suddenly saw the rubber suction to the lizard's face as the flesh of his two-foot long cock started to squirm and writhe before similar serpentine goo creature pushed their way out of the tip while the man orgasmed.

Denver quickly closed the door to the chamber and tried to think about what to do next. While he wasn't sure what he had seen he had clearly seen something happen that related to the ritual, and from the way the tiger and lizard were both growing they might be becoming some sort of monsters while also producing those strange goo creatures. What he needed was more information on Kaz'drin and what the ritual entailed, and there was only one place he could go to for that as he quickly made his way down the hall. Had he stuck around for a few more seconds however he might have heard a loud roar and the snapping of chains, or saw as several gooey snakes squished themselves under the door and began to slither into the main hall...

In a nearby bedchamber a shark man named Sebastian laid on the pillows that lined the floor, stretching out his muscular form as his vulpine lover was sprawled out on the bed. Their snake masks and rubber gear lay in a pile around the area as the two had hooked up for some fun before dinner. As he looked over at the fox that had passed out after their roll in the sheets he wondered if he would be up for another go or if his libido had worn the guy out. It wouldn't be the first time, he thought as he laid back into the pillows again and put his hands behind his head to rest up a bit as well.

While the two rested a third entered into the room without their noticing, the thin snake sliding across the floor towards the creatures that it sensed. Sebastian had closed his eyes by that point and was unaware that anything was heading towards him as the locked door proved useless in keeping the gooey rubber snake out. In a matter of moments the creature was on the pillows as well and made its way towards its target, which with the dozing man made it easier to approach as it dropped down from above. The goo snake briefly rested on the palm of the shark man before raising up its body and darting forward, sliding its somewhat tiny body into the ear of the aquatic creature.

The insertion was enough to cause Sebastian to bolt upright and smack his hand against his ear, though as it felt unnaturally full he tried to push his finger into it that only served to shove the creature in further. The noise had caused the fox to awaken as well and as he looked around he eventually saw the naked shark man sitting there on the pillow holding his hand against his ear and staring off into the distance. When Sebastian's eye twitched slightly and his neck spasmed the fox asked if he was alright, and after asking again the shark just looked up at him and gave him a big smile. Without saying a word he went up to the fox and kissed him deep on the lips, then had him lie down as he took the nearby cuffs and put them on his wrists and ankles to restrain him.

Though the fox gave him a coy smile at his lover wanting to go further than their previous experience he was a bit surprised as well. When he had first mentioned such a thing Sebastian had outright refused, but this time the shark seemed more than eager to use the restraints on their second round. Once the last cuff was in place the fox found himself moaning slightly and shifting about on the sheets to entice the other man, only to watch as Sebastian grabbed his rubber snake mask and briefs before he walked out the door. The fox asked what was going on, then shouted at the snake only to get the door practically slammed in his face that caused the vulpine to lay back with a sigh.

As he laid there wondering what he did to deserve such treatment the fox was unaware that the bed had been surrounded, several larger goo snakes using their bodies to climb the posts in order to get at the restrained creature above. As he had waited for someone to come and eventually untie him, or perhaps actually use him like he had thought the shark was about to do, the gooey creatures continued to slither slightly towards him. With his body completely naked and his arms and legs bound there was nothing that the fox could do but start to squirm when he began to feel something push up into his exposed tailhole.

The fox let out a yelp as the head of the larger snake began to push up inside of him but as soon as his mouth was opened it allowed the one near his head to slither inside. While he tried to shake his head back and forth there was nothing he could do as his muzzle was stretched open and the creature began to push down into his throat. The consistency was like a thick ooze and as the fox found himself starting to swallow it as his body shivered from the one stretching open his tailhole. Those weren't the only ones though and as several more smaller ones burrowed into his tall ears and wiggled into his skull.

The restrained fox's body continued to thrash about for a bit from the insertions and the pleasures that came from it as another thin one curled up over his hardening shaft and began to push into the tip. With the parasitic creatures half wiggling out of his ears his eyes started to roll back into his head while his throat bulged from the goo snake pushing down into it. Soon all the movement of the vulpine merely turned into a twitching of his body and the slight thrusting of his hips upwards as his cock bulged from the one that had slithered down into his dick. The ecstasy-soaked fox trembled even more as the first goo creature finished stretching out his tailhole another one had already started to ease its way, except it was two that spread him open at the same time while another joined in stretching his muzzle...

Denver was unaware of any of this happening as he went down the hallway in search of his friend Arman, frantically searching in order to try and find where the horse had gone off too. He needed to find him as soon as possible and figure out what he had just seen at the altar of Kas'drin. After about ten minutes though he couldn't find where the horny man was and after looking into several bathrooms and interrupting the sexual escapades of several people the wolf sighed and put his hand to his head. He felt like he was going crazy; everything so far still looked like the festival was happening as normal, though more than once he thought that perhaps he saw something only for it to disappear.

What he needed was a guide, Denver thought to himself, and when he looped around the bedding chambers for the second time he saw a raptor wearing a rubber snake mask and nothing else walking out of one of the rooms. "Oh, thank goodness I found someone," Denver said as he got the raptor's attention. "I'm trying to find one of my friends, he's a horse named Arman."

"Oh, you're friends with Arman?" the raptor replied, the wolf nodding his head. "He likes to hang out with the aquatic creatures in the lagoon section, I can take you there if you would like."

"Please..." Denver practically pleaded. "I need to talk to him immediately, I thought I saw something in the Kas'drin room and I have to ask him about it." As the two walked down the hallway and into a different section of the compound the wolf asked if the other man knew anything about the naga god and what the ritual entailed, only to frown when he said that he had only been there for a few years and never even saw the ritual take place. Denver frowned as it seemed like for a bunch of naga god worshippers they definitely fell from the fold as they went through an archway with several columns where they saw someone standing there.

Denver heard the raptor whistle as they both saw that the deer man was smoking hot and built like a professional athlete as his entire form was coated in liquid latex. Though both Denver and the raptor both instinctively rubbed against this groin, the wolf squeezing through his thong while the other man actively stroked his cock, Denver mentioned that he really had to get to his friend. The raptor was enraptured by the sight of the other man though and it was clear that he was used to letting his lusts guide him as he said that he just wanted to talk to the rubber deer man and walked up to him. Though normally Denver would be more than happy to join in and they could have a threesome right there in the hall the image of what he saw was enough to keep his mind on track.

The raptor had no such compulsion though and went up to him with his half-hard cock still in his hand. Before the man could utter a word the rubber deer man grabbed him and shoved him up against the wall, which just caused the scaly man to moan in desire as the wolf sighed. It appeared that his guide was going to be preoccupied and no longer able to help him, but just as he was about to leave the two to rut he began to see something that caused him to pause. As the thick member of the muscular cervine pushed its way up into the tailhole of the raptor his shaft looked more gelatinous then the latex texture that he had thought, and as the silent cervine pressed his thick pecs and washboard abs against the back of the other man tendrils of blackness could be seen slithering over his body.

The raptor continued to groaned and told the other man to go deeper, and as the wolf watched he found himself once more watching a bizarre transformation as the black goo that leaked out of the saurian's backside started to spread over his cheeks. It was like the deer was starting to envelop the raptor and as it did the bigger man's form started to shift and grow, his muzzle stretching as gooey snake-shaped tentacles began to push their way out while more pushed their way out from his back. It was like the altar scene was happening once more, except this time the raptor whose stomach was being swelled out by the huge cock inside him was able to move freely as his partially covered body started to stretch.

When the thickening chest of the raptor began to wiggle and writhe while it inflated with goo being pumped into it Denver found himself slowly backing away, unable to look away as the swelling stomach of the smaller man continued to migrate upwards until it reached his throat. The stag's cock had grown so big that it would have caused the raptor to gape if his body hadn't started to turn to a rubber-like goo, his voice growing deeper with every thrust until it was suddenly punctuated with a gurgle as a snake-like goo tentacle pushed its way out of his mouth. As the raptor grew more monstrous as he was inflated with the corrupted substance Denver took his chances and darted past, which fortunately didn't draw the attention of the two gooey monsters even as those tentacles on the stag's back reached out. When he got to the other side he just turned back once to see if he was being followed only to see the cobra mask shifting and morphing on the raptor's face until it fused to it completely, the two growling loudly as both their bodies swelled with even more corruptive goo.

As Denver ran in the direction he believed he remembered the raptor had said they were going, and to his relief he found that Arman was there in a rubber speedo with an orca man in a shiny wetsuit sucking him off on the edge of the pool. He called out to the horse and as his friend looked up he motioned for him to come over, only for him to turn his head and the orca to pull his thick cock out of his mouth as there was a loud banging. The sauna door had opened and a naked sea serpent practically started to crawl out of it, black goo leaking out of his mouth before a shark man with a shiny black cock and more of the rubbery substance leaking form his ears, nose, and mouth pouncing on him and shoving his cock inside. The sea serpent let out a loud moan as the increasingly gooey shark managed to impale him in one smooth stroke, and when he did the body of the already corrupted creature rippled and grew as the scaly skin ripped from the bloated muscle to reveal rubbery flesh underneath.

This caused all the others to start to immediately stop what they were doing and swim away, but as they did several more came out of the open sauna and began to dive into the pool and chase people. As Arman pulled up his speedo and tried to run towards Denver the orca did the same, only to be pulled back into the pool by one of the gooey monsters that met his beak in a sloppy kiss that caused his throat to bulge out. The effect was instantaneous and as Denver felt Arman grab him to run the wolf saw the corrupted orca to break the kiss only to have several of the goo snakes push inside of him, sliding down into him as his skull deformed and the back of his head flared out into a cobra-like hood. It seemed that Denver didn't have to tell his friend what he saw anymore as the two of them raced out of the pool with most of the others that tried to escape getting captured and pumped full of goo until their bodies turned thickly muscled and rubbery with serpentine features.

That still didn't stop Denver from trying to explain to Arman what he had seen, and as he did he could see the already worried look on his face grow more dire. The horse explained that the ritual he saw was not Kas'drin, or at least not what usually happened, and that the year before the elders had made mention that they were contacted by the snake god and told there would be dire consequences if they ignored him again. The wolf couldn't believe it as he was told that the snake god used to actually physically manifest in their realm to have sex with them and give them gifts, but when the elders found that they got them anyway they just cut out the ritual. This was retribution, Denver realized, this group had pissed off a god and he was punishing them... by turning them into horny rubber goo monsters?

At this point Denver didn't care, he just wanted to take Arman and escape as it appeared the wrath of the god was quickly spreading. The horse wanted to warn the elders though and he told him he had to go near the main hall where they all were anyway and the wolf just sighed and nodded. It only took a few minutes to get to the area where most of the group had went to eat, drink, and socialize. He remembered that this was one of the few places were sex wasn't allowed and people had a bit more rubber gear on in a semblance of modesty. Denver held back a bit while Arman went up to a group of people at the bar that had rubber snake pendants on, the wolf glancing around nervously as people ate and talked without realizing what was going on further back in the temple.

After a few minutes Denver thought that maybe the corruption was contained to the back, but as he started to hear a disturbance that was happening near the middle of the room. It took a second for the wolf to find where it was and eventually his eyes landed on a fox with a pair of cuffs on his wrists and ankles with a huge cock that was buried deep inside of the thin cheetah man whose latex briefs were down around his ankles while he was pushed into the table. Several had started to complain but the fox continued to plow deeper and harder into the man beneath him, eventually pulling him upwards with surprising strength as the cheetah flailed about. As Denver watched however his eyes narrowed as he saw the feline's cock starting to grow thicker and bigger, not just from being erect but actually transforming as the spotted fur started to stretch with growing muscle.

As Denver realized that they were here he tried to rush over towards Arman, and as he wound his way around the tables the cheetah was growing bigger and more muscular while his throaty gasps grew deeper with every thrust. Those that had been complaining just watched in both shock and curiosity as the feline had grown to the point where he was head and shoulders above the fox railing him, but still the vulpine managed to keep him up as he reached around to stroke his huge cock whose sensitive flesh started to have tendrils pushed around inside. When the wolf got to the horse though and pointed out what was happening the monster cheetah let out a loud roar as his shiny black fingers pushed through the yellow fur as every muscle in his beastly body tensed while he came. The fox directed the flow of the spurting cock and splattered as many people as he could with the monster cock while a new serpent muzzle pushed its way out of the feline muzzle while his tail split with a thickening gooey snake version.

Those that had gotten splattered at first started to try and wipe it off while others were trying to figure out what was going on, only for the shiny substance to spread over their bodies like wildfire and causing their muzzles, tails, and limbs to swell and grow as they rapidly inflated with muscle. Anything rubber that absorbed the corrupted cum stretched out instead and started to completely coat people, which only served to stretch them before it suctioned to their bodies and transform them. Those with snake masks were immediately turned to serpentine creatures, their legs growing into a snake lower body while they turned to rubber nagas. It didn't take long before those that were completely mutated into gooey beasts turned on others, pushing their cocks and tongues into those that initially escaped corruption to turn them as well.

Arman had started to push the elders to the back, but as they started to move all of them groaned and clutched onto their pendants as they immediately began to start to gain serpentine features. As the horse gasped he felt a hand pull against him and saw Denver pulling him back, telling him that this was a lost cause and they need to escape. The two and a few others made their way towards the exit, trying to avoid the monsters that were rampaging the area. They managed to get out of the main hall but when Arman led them to the exit they skidded to a stop at what they saw.

"No... no way..." Arman said as he saw the blank space where the door used to be. "We are being punished... Kaz'drin's warning is manifesting and he'll turn us all to monsters..."

Denver just shook his head and grabbed onto the horse's hand. "We're not giving up yet," Denver said. "Come with me, I'm going to need you."

"Need me?" Arman asked in shock. "For what?"

"For summoning Kas'drin," Denver replied stoically. "I may be new here, but I want to talk to this god mself."

A Serpentine Snack

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Changes Happening Below

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