Kindness of a Stranger

Story by Cyrus Defloras on SoFurry

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Authors note: This will be my second story written, I love this site, so easy to post. I'm sure everyone is familiar with their origins age restriction, not like I'm actually going to enforce it, I just love furry stuff and everyone should be able to see what they want... *coughs * Pardon my rambling.. Well, I love feedback of any kind and I take requests, been writing for almost three years now... well my e-mail address is [email protected] should anyone want to drop a line. Thank you and enjoy this one, a little better done I think. On a final note, I am dedicating this story to a friend of mine, who I got the character Rabu from in both name and appearance. I in no way, shape or form claim credit for Rabu Kicchi whom is owned by my friend.


Vergah- Male Tiger of 16 years, 5'7" tall and a weight of 156 Lbs. Stunning brown eyes and fluffy orange fur with black stripes. Semi-built but not very big, a tail that's 4 feet long and a cock of 11 inches. Wears a full black suit and tie, always wears sunglasses that hide the ever-constant lustful look in his feline eyes. Also tends to wear a canines choke chain collar. Has a dominant type personality and a light pretentious voice with a hint of a German accent.

Rabu Kicchi- Male of 15 years, 5 foot 10 inch tall, 125-pound cheetah morph. Very dark and round black spots covering his entire body, his eyes are a dark blue color, shaded by small reading glasses, and fairly long brown hair wrapped into a ponytail. He wears a white undershirt and a pair of dark blue faded jeans. Has a cock size of 12 inches and has a very soft and kind voice.

Kindness of a stranger

On a dark and stormy night on the 9th of October, a large anthromorphic Tiger named Vergah is traveling down a long deserted road in a forest. The trees are close together providing him some shelter from the pelting rain but he can't help but jump at the sound of the thunder. A comical sight considering the fur looks like he could take on the army alone. He continues down the road, mewing and cowering each time the thunder bangs overhead. A little farther he sees a small house, he heads for it in the hopes that the owner might let him stay at least until the thunder was gone. He approaches the and bangs on it a few times, after a minute without a reply, he bangs a little harder, at a mid-knock, the door swings open and he nearly hits the fur on the head. He looks up into the kind eyes of an anthromorphic Cheetah and finds himself at a loss of words.

"S-sorry..." He manages to stammer. "No problem, come in, its terrible out there." The cheetah says, waving the tiger in. Vergah comes into the nice warm house, a fire crackling in the living room, casting its warm glow throughout the otherwise darkened room. Vergah stands there in the porch shivering and dripping onto the wooden floor. The cheetah grabs the timid fur by the arm and takes him into the room, sits him down on a couch next to the fireplace, and smiles warmly. "There now, you'll be right as rain in no time, no pun intended." The cheetah chuckles. "Names Rabu by the way. What are you doing in weather like this at this time of year?" The cheetah says, casting a strangely cheery look at Vergah.

"M-my names V-Vergah... t-thank you f-for your h-hospitality." Vergah stammers, more from the cold now then the sight of Rabu. Rabu leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a thick blanket and wraps it around Vergah and sits down next to him. The two of them sit there in the silence, nothing but the crackling of the fire, the thunder and rain making any sound. After almost an hour, Vergah finds himself able to talk. "I don't really know where I am. I woke up a few days ago in the middle of nowhere. I just started walking, hoping I'd find someplace I recognize. My home's in Alden, but I don't remember this area." Vergah says. "Alden?! That's more then a months distance by foot from here." Rabu says in shock.

He quickly recovers and smiles. "Well, you can stay here as long as you like, I never get much company out here anyway." Rabu says, removing his glasses and wiping them with a silk cloth. They once again sit there in silence for a few more hours until Vergah starts to shiver again. "Oh my, I almost forgot about your cloths. They must be soaking right into your fur. Well, I'm of to bed, just strip down and lay your suit by the fire; it should be bone dry by the morning." Rabu says then turns to leave. "Thank you again, I don't know what I would've done without your kindness." Vergah says quietly, more to himself then to anyone else. Rabu just smiles again and leaves the room, pausing for just a moment.

"Bathroom's the second door on the right, my room's the first on the left, and the kitchen is the first door on the right. Help yourself if you get hungry, good night." Rabu says and then is gone. Vergah hears the door squeak a little but it tells him its not fully closed. The tiger just sits there, after a moment he removes everything except his collar and places his clothing, neatly folded, by the fire. Vergah feels himself blush, being nude in a strangers house wasn't a very comfortable feeling, but he kinda enjoyed the freedom his tail had, and he was a little warmer without his damp clothing on. He lies down on the couch and warms himself by the fire, hundreds of scenarios running through his head, most involving him and Rabu in some kind of sexual situation. Vergah sighs and shakes his head.

"He's probably straight, the cute ones are never gay..." He mutters and rubs the slight bulge in his pouch. He quickly realizes it would be very rude to paw off in a stranger's house, especially after they had helped him. He sighs again and takes away his paw, feeling horny but knowing he'd have to put up with it. After another little bit, he falls asleep, dreaming about some sort of shadow that was after him. He suddenly jerks awake, hearing slight moans over the sound of the rain pounding on the window and the thunder still triumphantly shouting up in the sky. He starts to cringe into the blanket, not sure of what the sound may be. He slowly pulls himself together and thinks that his savior might be in some sort of trouble.

He quietly slinks off the couch and pads softly down the hall, razor sharp claws fully extended, he approaches the bedroom, door still slightly ajar, he goes up to it and peers inside. He gasps, but not at some gruesome violent sight, but at a completely unexpected one. He glances at Rabu, lying done on his bed with his cathood fully extended into the air, his paw moving rapidly up and down the barbs that cover his member. Vergah tries to pull himself away, knowing fully that what he was doing was wrong. But he couldn't help but watch the furs private business, finding himself unable to even take his eyes off the sight for a moment. He starts to drool as the sweet and salty smell of precum wafts over him and into his sensitive nose.

Rather then a bulge this time, his tigerhood had fully come out and was rock hard, a little bit of pre glistening on his tip. Subconsciously, he reaches down and starts to caress his own barbs before taking his member into his hand and quickly moving his paw up and down, soon matching the pace of Rabu, wishing it was his own paw pleasuring Rabu. The cheetah starts to arch his back, precum and urine flowing freely from the tip, moans of pleasure constantly escaping the cheetah's muzzle. Vergah watches intently, some low groans escaping his muzzle as precum starts running down his shaft. Vergah closes his eyes finally and now concentrates on his own pleasure, the vivid scene he was watching playing before his eyes.

Rabu fully arches his back and climaxes, urine and cum spurting all over his chest, cock, and face. Vergah, now fully into his own doings, failed to notice that Rabu was once again aware of his surroundings, and now realizes that he was being watched. Rabu gets up, cum and urine dripping off him, and wanders over to the door. He keeps a blank face as he opens the door and is not too startled at what he sees. He simply tries not to smile as he taps Vergah a few times on the shoulder. Vergah snaps back to reality as his legs give out and he thuds onto the floor. He looks up at the cheetah morph and instantly tries to apologize, only managing a slight merfle as he looks down at the floor. "Enjoying yourself?" Rabu says, on the verge of laughing but managing to sound at least a little angry.

"I...I..." Vergah tries to say but just starts whimpering. Rabu kneels down and helps the fur up, guiding him over to the bed and sitting him down. If you were horney you could have told me, I don't get company very often so I don't get the attention I'd like." Rabu says with a smile. He leans over to Vergah and licks his muzzle. Vergah puts on a confused look for a moment before realizing what was implied. Vergah gives a gleeful mew as he nuzzles Rabu. Rabu smiles and guides Vergah's head down in front of his re-hardened member. Vergah eagerly grips the cock and licks it playfully before swirling his tongue around the tip. Rabu murrs and lays back, waiting to see what the tiger can do.

Vergah murrs and takes the cock into his muzzle and starts to suck lightly on it while still playing with the tip, moving his paws around to tease Rabu's tight tail-hole. Vergah starts to bob his head slowly, moving Rabu's cock head to his mizzles lips before sucking hard enough to bring him back down. Vergah murrs loudly as he continues to suck on Rabu, remembering he was still teasing Rabu's tail-hole, he slides one of his in and starts to wiggle it around, causing Rabu to moan loudly. "Aren't you just the perfect little cockslut." Rabu purrs out, Vergah just gives a muffled squeal of glee in reply as Rabu's cock starts to leak precum and urine.

Rabu starts to guide Vergah's rhythm as he shudders, nearing his climax. Vergah sucks a little harder and feels Rabu tense up expecting Rabu to cum, Vergah sucks a little harder and relaxes his throat. He feels Rabu shudder and is caught by surprised when urine hits hard against the back of his throat. He pulls back quickly only to be blasted in the face as Rabu climaxes, covering him from head to shoulders in piss and cum. Vergah just sits there stunned as Rabu relaxes and starts to laugh.

Rabu reaches over and scritches the tiger between the ears, drawing out a loud purr. The cheetah glances down and sees that Vergah is still very hard and just dripping precum. "Well..." Rabu says as he gets on all fours, dipping slightly on the soft mattress of the bed. Vergah smiles and gives a little giggle of glee as he sees that Rabu is allowing him to mount. Vergah pounces and drives his barbed cock into Rabu's ass. Rabu gives a slight cry of pain as the barbs drag through quicker then expected but the pain is replaced by pleasure as Vergah's cock starts pressing against his prostate.

He forces his ass to relax as Vergah starts pumping quickly, not hesitating as he starts pissing hard and fast into Rabu. The cheetah groans as the hot liquid starts to fill his insides, then yelps as the tiger digs his claws into his chest and bites into his shoulder hard enough to draw a minor amount of blood. Rabu starts to moan in pleasure as he becomes extremely aroused by the rough treatment. Vergah grips in deeper as his thrusts become more fierce and brutal. After ten minutes of this brutal treatment, Vergah finally climaxes, shooting hot ropes of tiger cum into Rabu.

Afterwards he pulls out and slumps down onto the bed, both of them breathing heavily. After they catch their breath, the two of them fall into a deep sleep and don't wake up until around suppertime the next day. "What the? What time is it?" Asks a fully rested Vergah. "Late enough. I suppose you're leaving soon then..." Rabu replies with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I'm not feeling too well actually. I may need to stay here... maybe a week, sorry to say, but you may have to ?take care of me'." Vergah says. They both start to laugh as Rabu sets off to prepare a long-term room for his new friend.

The End...

Well, I may make a sequel if I heart enough good things about this. Questions, comments, requests? You know where to ask.