Love, Life, and Leopards

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A married couple volunteer to live as snow leopards in a zoo, to both repopulate the species as well as have the children they never could in human life

The warm sun settled on Linda's fur as she roused slightly, opening her massive muzzle in a big cat yawn. Though she didn't care for the scent of her morning breath, she had long since gotten used to her during her stint as a leopard. It was one of the things she had come to accept about her life now, and, all in all, the pros long outweighed the cons.

One such pro was the sensation of something warm and soft on her belly, small, squirming things reaching for her very erect nipples. Linda was hardly able to suppress a purr as the small mouths closed around the red nubs, sucking and reliving a pressure that had been irritating her several times in the night. Though, with how much her cubs needed to eat, there was little time for that pressure to build too much. They were certainly good eaters, indeed!

Linda had always wanted to be a mother, and now that she was one, she truly felt it was everything that she could have ever imagined wanting and more. Life was pure fulfillment, able to care for her cubs and live here with them, without a single care or worry besides. Though a leopard's life wasn't all glamorous, it was not something that she would exchange for anything in the world.

Of course, Linda had not always been a leopard. A snow leopard, to be precise, a species that she had always admired growing up and was excited to see on the list of potential species to become. It had taken her no time to choose the species and sign up for the change as soon as she got her affairs in order. And, despite some kinks in the way when she had first been changed, there were no regrets about her choice as she settled into her new life as an animal.

Such a decision was hardly that rare in this day and age. What had started as a supplement tailored for enthusiasts of the idea of physical transformation had become a worldwide phenomenon. It was inevitable that such pills, once only found on the black market, would become leaked to the general populace. Though there were a number of such uses for altering one's DNA rather than just for recreational purposes, one aspect that came up in recent years was to aid the many species on the planet that were dying. Without the ability to conserve land and biodiversity, and since the pills couldn't be used to transform non-human species into other species directly, another opportunity presented itself, one that some people jumped at the chance for.

As there had been difficulty finding animals for zoos and rehabilitation programs, soon, the service of providing those spaces to changed humans into them came about. With enough reserve DNA on hand, it was possible to program the pills with enough diversity that healthy offspring could be birthed. People could choose their length of stay within such spaces, prompted to mate and have children that could be then kept within zoo circles, or, in some cases, returned to the wild.

The sounds of loud snores turned Linda's reflections outward toward her sleeping husband, as the feeling of his legs rubbing against her back made her suppress a growl. At least he had his claws in, and the motion didn't scratch her. But he was clearly in the throes of a deep sleep, dreaming and shaking his legs as though scratching an itch. His snores had not been the source that had roused Linda from sleep. Though, with how loud he was being, Linda was sure that she wouldn't be getting back to sleep now. Perhaps a noontime nap was in order, something common for their days as cats.

Mario and Linda had been married almost ten years before Linda pursued the notion of joining one of the rehabilitation efforts. Her argument was twofold. Though they both made decent money in their current fields, neither of them felt much fulfillment beyond the rat race that was corporate life. And, of more concern, their long dreams of being parents together waned with each passing year of being unable to conceive. It put a strain on their marriage, one that neither parent wanted but one that was inevitable given their circumstances.

It was Linda that eventually put forth the idea of becoming animals, at least for a time. Far from being poor, their savings could be used to fund their stint as zoo animals. The option to be changed back would be ever-present, in case their new lives did not turn out to be what the two of them had hoped them to be. The pills prevented their loss of mind, and they would even be able to communicate, understanding leopard speech as easily as they did English. And, best of all, they would be able to birth children, though ones that would still be animals. At least they would be ones their love created, something that meant a lot for the two of them.

In the end, the idea of becoming snow leopards started to appeal to Mario as much as it did to Linda. He had been stressed at his job for many years, and the idea of leaving all of that behind was powerfully attractive. Without unnecessary obligations, he felt he could truly rest in animalistic life in a way that no vacation could manage. And, with government initiatives for repopulation efforts in place, he would have a job still waiting for him once he returned to his humanity, leaving no risk for undergoing such an endeavor.

The actual process of signing up for their tenure as leopards was rather easy, much more than the two of them had been expecting. The two of them set their affairs in order, liquidating their unneeded assets, and investing the money for when they were ready to return to humanity. They could live as long as they wished as cats, all of their needs met like any other animal's in the zoo would be. Though there would be the usual creature comforts provided to them, the staff could work with them to provide enrichment activities, both feline and human, to keep them from getting bored as cats. Though naturally, the pair knew one thing that they would be doing frequently during those first few times as leopards, it being their duty to propagate the species as well as fulfilling their dreams of being parents!

In the end, the two of them decided that a few years as cats would be a good starting point. That way, they could raise one litter, then two, and decide where they wanted to go from there. Although there was every chance that they would want to be human once it was over, there was also the possibility that feline life might be preferable once they had experienced it for so long. Without many friends and few living family members, both decided there might be a precedence for that finality.

Of course, they were given many lectures on leopard life, everything from physiology to behavior to bodily functions to reproduction and mating. Most of it, even the more disgusting aspects, were readily accepted. Things like cleaning themselves and living in a cage with all their expulsions weren't the most appealing aspects, but it was easier for them to be housed like other cats were without millions of dollars being invested for a more human habitation. Besides, living as cats in a zoo life as authentically as possible had some level of appeal that the two of them were eager to experience.

Eventually, the time came for them to transform. Linda recalled fondly the process of becoming leopards with her husband, those special fifteen minutes that had literally changed their lives forever. The pills they were given were specifically tailored for them and would allow them to change painlessly in body towards the forms of the cats they would soon take on. It would be a little uncomfortable and unnerving, but the pair had been shown videos of others transforming and even agreed to be filmed themselves. Such videos were of an adult nature, for the most part, but still something that the pair were interested in performing. There was something exciting about being on display like that, allowed to be exposed and give each other a show they would likely never forget!

Pills consumed, the itching of fur soon started to poke from their skin, both from their pores and altering the hairs that were already present. It began to form a white wave under their chests and bellies, teasing down towards their groins and covering them in a soft pelt. The pair were eager to explore each other's bodies as best they could while they still had human facilities to do so. Seeking hands played over their growing coats, loving the luscious feeling as their follicles exploded and skin was soon obscured entirely. Best yet were the distinct spots that marked the unique patterns on their coats. It was exciting, their torsos covered in the fur they would carry for the entire tenure as cats!

It went without saying that the process was arousing, more so than the two of them could ever have planned for. Mario was already erect, penis pounding as Linda pushed against him, teasing him for the fun that would come. They had already made love one final time the night before as humans, the excitement of becoming cats the next day almost more than they could bear. There was no time for them to have one last hurrah now, but they would certainly be as amorous of leopards as they could be. Better yet, they knew for certain that Linda would be in heat as soon as the changes were over, to allow their cub's conception. That was the goal overall, of course, and something they welcomed!

Yet, the growth of fur was hardly a drop in the bucket to the other changes they would undergo. The next one started as a tingling in their spines as the bones unfused and pushed outward, twitching as the growth added muscles and linkages. Both took turns rubbing the protrusions as they bulked out with fat and muscle, feeling them twitch this way and that. It was an alien sensation, one both were excited for but not something they could have imagined would feel so exquisite. Soon, their new appendages stuck out several inches, granted several points of articulation and their own coats of fur. Nothing could equate to the sensations of playing over each other's tails, better when they started to rub the backs of them from the base, prompting them to purr like the cats they were becoming!

Yet, that tactile sensation would be among the last they would ever experience as the next changes started to overtake them. Both knew full well the reality of being leopards, that their primate sense of touch would be forever robbed from their forms. It was something they had accepted, though it was still jarring to feel fingers shrinking into tiny immobile nubs, pads forming on their undersides as their palms swelled with flesh and fur. The couple tried desperately to hold hands one last time, though could do naught to maintain their grip on each other as their ability to do so was robbed from them. It was a bitter-sweet moment, though one that didn't ultimately bother the couple, not with all the other feline ways they would come to learn to show affection for each other in the coming days and weeks.

Still, there were aspects of owning leopard paws that the two soon found were even fun. The growth of sharp claws from inside their nubs was a little jarring at first, though thankfully numbed by the transformation process. Still, the formation of sheaths over them was rather pleasant, as was the sensation of them sliding in and out, retracting from their homes as though they were stretching fingers. Besides, realistically, with all their needs being taken care of, what did the pair need with hands, anyways?

Better than the claws was the swelling of muscles over their chests and arms, the bulking up of previously lean bodies into big cat forms. Though it was unlikely to last given the stationary nature of zoo lives, all of the fat on their forms was melted away, giving them lean, powerful muscle that would allow them to leap several feet into the air, climb trees, and even carry a goat carcass up a hillside with them! Not that they would be fed goat carcasses for lunch, obviously. Still, it was nice to know that they could...

Naturally, the shift from bipedal to quadrupedal movement was jarring for the pair, who allowed themselves to fall over as soon as their hips shifted. It was powerfully uncomfortable, though not painful, to feel their musculature shifting and alter, popping out of place as spines stretched, stomachs grew lean, organs shifted lengths, and shoulders compressed against barreling rib cages and thicker necks. Their muscled torsos were powerfully compact, perfect killing machines, like house cats only actually capable of murder.

Though they couldn't talk, at least in human words, that was perfectly fine. They would be able to articulate words that the process could translate into speech of a sort, though one that only leopards could understand. <Hey honey, can you understand me? This is wild!> Mario said, growling in a leopard cadence but hearing English words coming out of his mouth. It seemed as though his initial hesitance in being an animal for a few years was lost with the elation of actually being one!

<Check these out!> Linda said, opening her widening mouth wide as her canines started to thicken, pushing the other dentures aside for a moment as her jaw extended. Her tongue tickled as tiny grooming and meat-scraping spines adorned it. The cracks and pops of her altering muzzle were hardly noticed, over the excitement of having leopard fangs, the rest of her teeth soon following suit. It was exciting to open her mouth as wide as it would go as it grew ever larger!

<Wanna fuck? Damn, I'm so horny watching you change,> Mario admitted, feeling his cock straining to arousal. Though it was in the middle of altering right now, growing half the size of his human equivalent, he knew it didn't matter to the cats they were becoming. He had asked to be a little larger in the leopard department, a wish that was granted when making his particular pill. After all, the idea was for them to have leopard cubs to populate nearby zoos, and bigger equipment certainly would be an asset to that goal. Still, it was a far cry from his primate physiology, and, though he had chosen to accept it, now that it was time...

<Ohh, well, here it goes. It was nice while it lasted,> Mario said, a little defeated as his shaft thinned and started to taper, backward-facing as the head pulled down into a foreskin that tugged it back towards his puckered anus. Though, given his arousal for the change and the idea that his wife was so into him, he was hardly in a position to be flaccid.

<Oh, stop your whining! You knew you were going to have a smaller dick, so get over it! Shut it and put it in me!> Linda replied, getting down on her haunches and raising her tail up and to the side. Her own sex had turned puffy, swollen, and red, wafting a potent stink into her mate's nostrils, ones that were widening and forming slits to breathe in every molecule of her pheromones. If he wasn't already hard for his leopardess, then he certainly would be with her heat in his nose!

Though Linda had been a little reluctant to go through it at first, in the end, she wanted to experience all that it meant to be to be a cat. It would have been difficult to get around feline heat, anyway, the change leaving her in season so that she could birth cubs as soon as she was able. Though, she would also have sex for love, her bond with her husband strong, and her love of their martial activities just as much. Leopards had several advantages on that front. They could go all day and night if they were so inclined, and needed to if their understanding of leopard biology was any indication!

<See! It's big enough! Right there...just...OW! Fuck those spines hurt!> Linda called out that first time as Mario got into position, spearing for her cunt lips with his modest leopard prick.

The entrance had been perfect, Linda had to admit. His cock was a little large for her smaller sex, which suited her just fine. And it was powerfully stimulating, making her shiver as it opened her up. But on the way out...she knew cats had penile spines but to actually have them rake her insides was almost maddening! She had wanted the authentic experience, but now she was starting to regret it. If this was what sex was going to be like for the next couple of years...

<SORRY, SORRY! I'll be gentle on the exit!> Mario said, ashamed. He tried his best to keep his penis inside her without pulling back. But, even shallow thrusts were enough to rake his wife's insides with his spines, and the lack of stimulation was almost maddening with his need to ejaculate. Just sitting inside of her was hardly doing a thing for either of them, even without Linda telling him so. Reflexively, she began moving her hips backward, ass trying to sink down on that cock as best as she could. Though not wanting to hurt her love, Mario still ended up thrusting, the building pleasure too much for him to hold back against and needing to feel what it was like to be a leopard sexually.

Linda, for her part, grit her teeth (proverbially) and took the pain of the spines against her insides. Though, soon, it seemed as though those penile spines were having another effect, one that sent shivers through her cunt lips and made her growl out, not from pain, but from a queer sort of pleasure. It hurt, certainly, but there were waves of ecstasy that came on the heels of the exit, ones that sent her heat into overdrive and made her quiver and shake with an oncoming and unexpected orgasm.

<Oh...OH NEVERMIND...fuck! Those spines! So...fuck...fuck me! Harder!> Linda called out, release building faster than she was ready for. The physical pleasures were enough to make her explode, releasing an orgasmic wave and sending her into ovulation at the same time. A feline's sperm took some time to take hold, hence frequent mating sessions. Still, it was amazing to feel, knowing that there was a chance she would be rewarded with cubs as soon as this first time!

<Fuck...I'm...I came? Damn, give me another one!> Linda growled, abused sex no longer caring about the pain racking her body from the raking spines.

<Alright baby, I'll try! Can't hold back too long...wait...can I try something...?> Mario asked, hesitation in his voice.

<Hurry up and do it!> Came Linda's reply, desperate now as his spines wracked her body. Her tortured sex was ignored over the needs to cum again and experience an epitome of purpose that was beyond her understanding.

<OK, I hope this doesn't hurt too much...> Mario growled before getting up on his haunches. Keeping his leopard dick inside his love, Mario reached down with his jaw, able to stretch impossibly long, a sign that he was changed fully. Lost in the heat of rut, he hadn't noticed that his skull had sloped, his eyes had widened, and his twitching ears and nose were taking in the world in a manner different than he could have ever imagined. However, his nose was focused on breathing in her scent of rut, ears on the slick sounds of their sex, and sight on the silvery fur and black spots as he loomed over her neck in accordance with his feline instincts.

<Wh-what! OWW!'s not that bad! I was just surprised...OH...> Linda muttered as Mario's fangs bit down on the nape of her neck, a fleshy stripe that didn't really hurt as much as she had been expecting. Even better, something about his presence there sent shivers of sensation through her body, bringing her the second release she had been craving. Almost...just a little more...

<Oh FUCK yes, honey, here I go!> Linda called out, the second orgasm wracking her insides and making her growl in contentment.

<Me too...fuck...YES!> Mario resounded as he, too, came, the clenching on his smaller feline prick far too much to bear. He shot only a teaspoonful of semen into his lover's womb, but it was enough that there was a chance to create the new lives they so eagerly wished to bring into the world.

Though they knew they were being watched the two of them took their carnal pleasures three more times before they were rested and sated enough that their new 'handlers' could come in and take them into their new habitats. Linda waddled a little bit from how abused her cunt was, and there was still semen leaking from it, which should have shamed her. But, the scents in her nose, seeming to correlate with emotions that popped into her head, denoted notes of jealousy from their human counterparts. Naturally, zookeepers would long for the simple lives of their chargers to some degree, though whether they would ever partake was always up for speculation.

The cage itself felt rather small even though they had been told it was large by leopard standards for most zoos. There was a tree in the center, big enough for them to scratch, scent mark, and climb up to lie in. A back area for sleeping was present, as well as a toy tire in the center that they could swing around, jump on, and play with. All feline enrichments that were above and beyond what even most zoos would do.

<This> Mario said, reaching out with tentative claws to scratch the tree. It was real, to their delight. An artificial one might have been more inclined, but this tree would last their tenure, and the construction of an artificial one was always an option in the future.

<Ah man, that's the stuff! You've got to try this honey!> Mario called out, rubbing his claws on the tree and leaving thick marks. The pleasure ran into his former fingers and paws, making him eager for the experience over and over as Linda joined him to the delight of their feline bodies.

It did not take the two of them long to try everything that was present to play with for their leopard bodies and inclinations. Thankfully, they soon needed to sleep, their circadian rhythms much different than those of a human. Cats, it seemed, were inclined to sleep about twenty hours a day, something the pair could both get behind.

As expected, it did take some time for them to get used to their new lives, as far from their human experience as being transplanted into a different part of the earth. Eating only meat, raw meat, at that, was something that neither really minded. The taste wasn't much; it seemed that cats didn't carry the ability to really distinguish many flavors. Sometimes the meat was lightly seared, but raw was fine for their sensibilities. It was really the texture of the food, as well as the smell to tell them it was fresh, that really did it for them.

Using the litterbox, too, took some getting used to. Both had to squat to piss and shit and were compelled to bury their waste, digging into the box just slightly and using their back legs to cover their leavings. Unlike real cats, they could bury until they eliminate the smells of their waste, which was a luxury that was denied most animals in the zoo, making them thankful they had chosen cats as their forms. Thankfully, their zookeepers had no problem cleaning up after them on the regular, the pair better at cleanliness than their natural-born brethren. The notion of using their tongues to clean their assess was disgusting but preferable to leaving them dirty, and, like most of the aspects of their new lives, was quickly grown accustomed to.

Their senses, too, took some period of adjustment. Of biggest note was their decrease in colored vision, the cones in their eyes lacking from primate counterparts. Greens and reds were all but lost to them, leaving much of the world in shades of grey. Though, it made human things of less interest to the pair. Rather, their improved sense of smell was what really excited them. Hearing was excellent, too, and they often shriveled their ears in the direction to find out what some of the zoo guests were saying. Though, much of it was irrelevant talk, things like bills and sports, movies, and, most amusingly, complaints of the pair sleeping rather than doing something 'interesting',. Sometimes they would jump in response to the criticisms and put on a show for the zoo's guests. But, more often than not, they would just sleep, muttering something akin to <Ah, be quiet, trying to sleep here!>, their circadian rhythms taking precedence.

But, it was really smell that told them all they needed to know about the world. Of course, their own scents were paramount to their noses, and they often loved to sniff at each other, just reassuring each other of their presence. And were somewhat inclined to scent mark a little, enough to make the place really theirs. Some of the nearby exhibits wafted into their habitat, for better or for worse. Though, smells weren't nearly as bad for them as they might be for humans, more in line with information provision rather than a pure animalistic stink. Still, they preferred the familiar scents of home and habitat, and of each other.

Though they were, mostly, content to eat, sleep, scratch, jump, and, most of all, fuck, human comforts from time to time were welcome. They were offered choices of movie nights and news channels, though, for the most part, such things only reaffirmed their pledge to live as cats. Movies were hard to focus on, and current events were of little concern to the pair. Their caretakers often offered them other options, but more often than not, they declined for an evening of leopard activities that were enough for entertaining their hybrid psyches!

Naturally, they were inclined to mate and mate often, especially in those first few weeks with Linda still in heat. It was almost more than they could bear to be apart in those first days, Linda nearly begging Mario to the point of exhaustion. Likewise, he wanted to take her as many times as he was physically able, and, he did, often to the detriment of his health and the health of his penis. Still, after several matings, Linda was finally able to sleep, and Mario was able to curl up with her until her heat inevitably woke her up, and she had to scream at him to take her again!

As the weeks went on, Linda grew used to the pain of fucking, Mario's spines no longer bothering her like they had in the beginning. Her insides were used to the ache, and she was able to suffer through it for the eventual pleasure and satisfaction that the mating act provided her. It was worth it in the beginning for the shivers that the spines would stimulate through her body, and the end result of feline orgasm and a brief reprieve from her heat always did it for her. And, despite the fatigue that Mario sometimes felt from their frequent sessions, he certainly never complained to go as many times as Linda demanded of him! Typical male!

Eventually, her heat came and left, a sign to the two of them that her pregnancy was coming to fruition. Confirmed by her caregivers and the slight swelling in her belly, Linda felt she couldn't be happier with the arrangement. Mario, too, was to be a proud father, fretting over every little thing Linda did as to not have her over-exert herself. Linda swatted at him more than once in those early days, annoyed by his persistent nagging. She was fine; her feline physiology was hardly inconvenienced with pregnancy as she would be as a primate. Plus, she had the added plus of never having to experience a period again, heat the better alternative, especially with a leopard prick to satisfy it!

One added benefit for the pair was that their human intellect gave no reason for them to be separated from each other after having mated, unlike the natural-born leopards. Mario would be no danger to their cubs, of course. Mario was as eager to be a leopard father as he had been as a human, and even his overprotectiveness was tolerated after a fashion. Though, Linda was still annoyed with his insistence, especially with how under-taxing the pregnancy was on her body. It was far easier to have cubs as a leopard than she would have ever expected being a human mother! And, though her heat was quelled, she was still inclined to make love to her mate regularly, the two of them both loving sex for the sensations and the bonding it gave, beyond the simple animalistic needs to procreate.

Days, weeks, and months went by, and the pair eventually settled into leopard life. Having guests come to see them on the daily basis was enough of a break from what would be perceived as monotony, though it was hardly a bother once they fell into their new routines. They enjoyed greeting the staff that cares for them, engaging in one-sided conversations but conversations nonetheless. There were no worries, no fear or concerns for the future. Though some trepidation came with the coming of their cubs, all vet visits assured the pair that their children would be healthy. Their past experiences made every hiccup frightening, but there were none by leopard standards. The birth itself was rather smooth, only a little inconvenience from contractions but nothing painful. Looking after the cubs, licking them clean, and cleaning after their leavings as leopard instincts dictated was rather gross by human standards, but something that was largely accustomed to by this juncture. Mario even had the wherewithal to aid in the care and cleaning, much to Linda's relief.

Linda's recollections were brought back to the present with the cessation of snoring and a familiar sensation at the top of her head. <Morning, my love,> Mario said, licking his mate's forehead. His thick, spined tongue groomed her readily, the contact familiar and comfortable. Though they would likely feel their cubs licking them at some point as they grew, there was nothing more familiar than the touch of her husband and mate. Reflexively, she began licking her husband back. They didn't kiss, not as they did while humans. Rather, their compulsion was to mutually groom each other's heads and necks, signs of companionship as cats that seemed to sit better with their new instincts. It showed their love for each other, strengthening their bond beyond what they ever fathomed.

<Morning, honey,> Linda replied, yawning a bit. Though she was tired, any rest she needed could be taken later in the day, the mid-afternoon naps they partook in one of a great many feline pleasures. Being able to sleep and rest most of the day, save when the cubs were needy, was one of the best things about being a cat. No bills, no work, no worries! Just cubs and mate and sex!

And then, of course, there were the cubs. Both parents had always wanted kids, and giving birth to a pair of healthy babies, a boy, and a girl, was everything they could have wanted and more. As Linda reached down to lick her nursing cubs, using feline flexibility, their constant purrs echoed in their parents' ears. It prompted Mario to lick Linda with gusto, the equivalent of a tender kiss to his love. He then reached down to lick his cubs as well, loving the pair more than the eager father could have ever imagined.

Soon, though a little longer than Mario might have wished, the slight snores and still bodies of the cubs came as a sign of their slumber. Yawning once more, Linda got up, careful not to rouse the cubs. <Shall we, my love?> Mario growled softly, getting up a little more eagerly than Linda. Linda was, of course, eager to take her husband in their new marital bed. But, he was always the most enthusiastic, something she chided him for being a 'typical male'.

Going into the back, the pair commenced their morning ritual. Only in the weeks leading up to their cub's birth did they cease making love, for obvious reasons. But, after the cubs were born, Linda once more expressed her eagerness for sex, something Mario certainly had no objection to. The cubs, after all, were too small to care about their parent's marital activities. Hell, they wouldn't know anything even when they were grown, being animals in mind as much as body. But, that was neither here nor there, as it were.

The two's ritual was performed once a day, in the early morning before even the zoo's staff came in to make the rounds. It was the only time the two of them had to themselves, though, as animals, there was really no shame for them to make love at any time of day, even in front of an audience. Still, they preferred to keep their activities to themselves, as much as it was something for the two of them alone as it was an issue of privacy.

Without a word, Linda took the position, raising her tail up and to the side, exposing her wet and needy sex. Though it hurt more when she was not in heat, something about doing things on her own terms was more fulfilling. Once a day was far better than the several times until the two of them were beyond the point of exhaustion that heat required of both of them! Linda loved the sensation of her leopard lover licking her luscious fur before guiding his penis towards her sex. He was certainly a generous lover, though Linda was hardly inclined to say no whenever he asked to have his cock sucked. Such attention, not shared by leopards in the wild, was the perfect combination between bestial passions and romantic love. More fulfilling than sex even as humans, which was hardly anything to disappoint at the time!

It was then that Mario decided to ask the question that had been on both of their minds for some time now. It had always been an option, but, in the ensuing months of being leopards, it was all too obvious that it was the right decision for the pair. <Do you want to stay like this forever, my love?> Mario asked, dreading and anticipating the answer in equal measure.

He was not expecting to receive the answer so plainly after posing the question, but Linda replied without missing a beat. <Yes,> She said, with a contentment and certainty within the words, even over the feline growls that came with it. He knew, at that moment, that the two were making the right choice for them.

Without waiting, Mario lined himself up with her cunt lips before making love to her like the snow leopards they were. His small penis was just enough to penetrate her cunt lips, making her grind her backside to take as much as it could. Large by leopard standards, it was plenty to send shivers through her insides as they made love in earnest, excited by the truth that they had finally admitted to each other. That they wanted this to be their lives forever.

With that in mind, the powerfully bestial waves of pleasure rolled over them in waves, an urgency to the rut that seemed to cement their tenure as leopards. It was as though they needed to cum fast before giving them the chance to second guess their decision. Though it was hardly one that they had to decide on at any point in the future, it was one that they wanted to reassure themselves in.

Naturally, it was Linda that came first, though hardly to be her only orgasm with how much skill and care her husband took in the act. His oral ministrations seemed to bring her close before penetration, enough to send her over the edge and clench on his spiked rod before milking it for all it was worth. He had enough patience in his thrusts to hold back just enough to usually bring her a second time, or close enough that a few more licks from a rough tongue would do the trick.

Not today, however. Mario could hardly hold back on gripping her neck, holding her down like the cats that they were and that they longed to remain as. Naturally, the effort caused her no pain, used to the sensation of fangs on her skin with fur and fat there that protected her from most of it. This time, Linda cried out her eagerness, with a <Oh, yes...cum in me, my leopard!>

Mario, unable to speak, was still happy to oblige, feeling his balls slapping against his mate's furry backside as they prepared to spill their load. His thrusts were bestial, uncontrolled, eager only for the rut and the orgasm to come. But, coming from the love of her life, and exactly what she needed in the moment, Linda was remiss from wanting to feel anything else!

<MMMRRRR....MMMRRRRRRR!!!> Mario growled non-coherently, feeling his balls spill their modest load. Though he certainly wouldn't mind impregnating his love, he knew that without heat, she would not be with cubs again. But he was happy to cement his love and sate their lusts as many times they wished, living the rest of their lives in this modest space and in the forms they had chosen.

At that, Mario kept his penis inside of his lover, enough to bring her purrs of contentment. <Yes...please...just a little more...MARIO!> Linda called out, feeling her second orgasm wash over her in waves, making her growl in contentment. There was something almost spiritual about having her mate's leopard cream inside her as she came again, taking it deep in her womb as though to cement their futures together.

Afterward, the pair sat there, Mario on top of Linda and riding the waves of post-orgasm as they cuddled in a pile of leopard fur. The sounds of their cubs breathing and sleeping in the main chamber were enough for Linda to know they did not need her attention just yet. Thus, there was nothing urgent to draw their notice other than their love for each other.

<What happens when the cubs are grown?> Linda asked suddenly. If they were to be human again, they could simply visit the zoo where the products of their love had contributed to the species. But as cats...

<We can ask to see them again, but once they are grown, they'll have their own lives. Like any children,> Mario said, though a little sad. He wanted to grow old with the knowledge that he would be a grandfather or even great-grandfather. But to never see them was one of the only drawbacks he could think of to permanent leopard life.

<Maybe we could ask to see them sometimes. I bet it would make a great news story and publicity for the zoos> Linda said, starting to fall asleep again. Some mornings it was like that, without any further cares, they were content to sleep after their lovemaking until it was eventually time for breakfast.

<Rest well, my love,> Mario said, sleepy himself. Still, it was nice to watch out of the door at the rising sun and the new day. It confirmed what the two of them had been thinking ever since that first day when they'd changed. The first day of the rest of their lives, as it were.

<You, too, my love,> Linda replied, trying to stay awake and watch the sunrise but feeling sleep take over.

Even though exhausted, Linda couldn't help but think about the rest of their lives and what they would hold. They were truly lives of luxury, animalistic as they were. There were little concerns other than the raising of cubs, but even that was of little consequence with how easily their other needs were met. Their lives would be shorter, even with the pills, but they were young for leopards and had many years left in them. Nothing was ever certain, after all, so that was a small price to pay.

Yet, the nuzzling and licking on the back of her neck were enough that she was certain of her decision. She had her life, her love, and their children. Nothing else was needed as she fell asleep, assured of her purpose and future more than at any point in her life.

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