Elysia: Kevin - Part 3, Ending

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#9 of Elysia

A collaboration between Mickeylion and gilo2.2 (his accounts below)https://gilo2-2.sofurry.com/https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gilo2.2/

My contribution was primarily writing up the outline and early drafts of the first two parts, while gilo2.2 did the brunt of the creative writing and final editing.

This story continues the Elysia series and picks up after the events of Elysia: The Taxidermists: Part

2 https://www.sofurry.com/view/828832https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15965301

Elysia is now in charge of a flourishing wildlife sanctuary, having taken over John's ranch and all-but dismantled his old client base.

Sadly, Elysia knows that she still has work to do. She now sees it as her sacred duty to take the fight to humanity, having witnessed their cruelty and mindless destruction of nature first-hand. She has already transformed numerous well-deserving individuals into animals, having used them to fill the sanctuary and to help repopulate the surrounding countryside.

Elysia has now found a new unsuspecting victim and his family...

Previous part:https://www.sofurry.com/view/1883457

Kevin meowed idly to herself as she slowly slumped to the ground and rolled onto her back. She then licked her lips seductively as she eagerly spread her legs, proudly presenting her dripping, swollen pussy to the world. Her slick virgin sex was on fire; burning in a torturous yet extremely pleasurable way as her first feline heat truly started to blossom. She had had enough of being teased and brought to the edge of orgasm so many times. She had witnessed her mate's strength and virility at a distance, but now she wanted to feel it for herself. The nagging itch in her loins was becoming unbearable, and her mate's thick barbed cock was the only thing that would ever be able to properly scratch it.

Aside from this, dozens of other lewd thoughts now raced through Kevin's confused mind. Part of her wondered what it would be like to have sex as a girl for the first time, let alone an animal. Meanwhile another part of her was curious about the new possibilities that pregnancy could bring. What would it feel like to swell with cubs, to feel them slowly squeezing out of her pussy, and then to have their mouths nipping and suckling on her stiff, sensitive nipples? It was all deeply disturbing for the human man buried deep inside the cat's body, but by this stage Kevin almost felt drunk on lust as she struggled to form coherent thoughts. At the moment her animalistic instincts were in charge; and they were telling her that she was in desperate need of a good, hard fuck!

Kevin desperately tried to regain control as she sensed herself slipping further and further into a lust-filled haze, however she was soon distracted when a large furry shape moved over her. She looked up, only to see her transformed mother, Nancy, carefully stepping over her so that he was left facing her eagerly twitching tail. Being so close to such a handsome male made Kevin's heart skip several beats. Maybe it was finally time for her to get the relief she so desperately needed...

"Don't worry kitten," Elysia interrupted as she read Kevin's thoughts, "soon you will be rewarded for your patience. In a matter of minutes your new mate will put his dick inside you and claim you as his own. Oh yes, he is just as excited as you are, now that the thought of impregnating his own son no longer seems to bother him anymore!"

Hearing this stirred something deep inside Kevin as her anger and outrage cut through the confused fog in her mind. What the hell was she doing!? What the hell was HE doing??!! He wasn't some pathetic female pussycat, he was still a man for Christ's sake..."

Kevin was immediately reminded of HER new position and gender as Elysia reached down to play with her new feminine assets. One hand lovingly squeezed one of Kevin's fleshy teats, causing the soft mound to jiggle slightly as its owner trembled in response. In the meantime, Elysia's other hand moved between Kevin's legs. Once there, the forest spirit wasted no time as she casually pressed a pair of fingers into Kevin's dripping feminine opening. Elysia then made sure to tease Kevin by twiddling her fingers around inside her tight vaginal passage, whilst also making sure to scissor the cat's silky folds apart so that everyone could see the moist pink tunnel that lay beyond.

"There," Elysia finally announced as she removed her fingers and let Kevin's pussy lips snap back shut, "that should remove any delusions that you are still a man. In fact, I think you've already demonstrated just how eager you are to try out your new equipment. What do you say kitten, should we see if your mate is ready to introduce you to the joys of womanhood?"

Having said this, Elysia took everyone off guard as she quickly moved her outstretched hand away from Kevin's crotch and brought it straight into contact with Nancy's mouth. The male ocelot briefly tried to pull away as he figured out the implications of this move, but Elysia's nimble fingers proved too quick and powerful as they ended up forcing their way inside the startled cat's unsuspecting mouth. This meant that Nancy was forced to sample her transformed son's sweet feminine taste, as Elysia made sure to liberally smear her sticky digits all around the inside of his agape mouth!

"That's it," Elysia said with a chuckle, "your new mate is young, fertile and ripe for the taking. Look at her spreading her legs for you like a whore. She wants to feel you inside that needy cunt of hers, so why don't you help her prepare for her big moment!?"

As she said this, Elysia gently gripped the back of Nancy's head and began to guide it down towards Kevin's furry crotch. Nancy initially tried to bite and pull away in protest when he realised what was happening, but once he got a whiff of Kevin's intoxicating feminine scent, that was when things really started to spiral out of control...

Kevin yowled out in surprise when she felt her mother's rough, sandpapery tongue give a long, sensual lick right over the pronounced furry mound between her legs. The sensation made a jolt of unwanted pleasure immediately shoot up Kevin's spine and settle deep inside her crotch. The human inside desperately wanted to stop this disgusting act of incest, but sadly Kevin's instincts once again took charge as the urge to mate quickly drowned out any pesky inhibitions she might have had.

As a result of this, Kevin was powerless to stop herself as she happily purred out an invitation for the nearby male to sample her as he pleased. Nancy proceeded to do just that as he slid his tongue up and down over Kevin's firm pussy lips, causing her fleshy labia to flutter slightly as a thick ooze of lubrication spilled out from her depths. Having her pussy touched so intimately made her let out a few deep moans of content as she started to twitch her tail and flex her eager body in excitement. Deep down Kevin knew that this was wrong on so many levels, but weirdly that only made it feel naughtier and sexier as she started to truly embrace her feminine side for the very first time.

For the next few moments, Elysia simply sat back and watched as Nancy continued to sample her son's vagina. Before long, any hint of restraint had evaporated from the excited male ocelot as he started to lap at his mate's dripping opening in short, excited licks. Once again, this made Kevin growl and writhe around in delight as her whole body trembled in excitement. This reaction aroused Nancy even further, as he sensed the raw animalistic need and desire in his intended mate's voice. As a result, Nancy felt a familiar heat settle between his legs as his new male equipment started to get ready for action. Soon, Nancy was sporting a full-blown erection, as his cock began to drip with salty precum in eager anticipation of what was to come.

"Oh goodie," Elysia said to Kevin as she knelt down beside the excited feline, "it seems your mate enjoys your sweet taste. Now, to make things fair I suggest you repay the favour. It is time for you to sample your mate's fruit and to let him know just how much you love him!"

With that, Elysia used her surprising strength and speed to enact the next stage of her twisted plan. With one hand, she abruptly grabbed Nancy's rock-hard cock and pointed it firmly down towards the ground. Then, in one fluid motion, Elysia used her other hand to force Kevin's head straight upwards, causing her muzzle to slot neatly between Nancy's hind legs. This took Kevin completely by surprise as she felt her mother's dick effortlessly slide its way between her jaws and straight into her unsuspecting mouth!

This sudden development made Kevin's eyes shoot open as she felt the stiff male penis pressing deep into her mouth. Her first instinct was to spit the disgusting organ out, but soon Kevin was brought to heel by her own instincts as she was quickly consumed by lust once more. As a result, Kevin was soon playfully sucking on the thick feline cock inside her mouth, all whilst she continued to squirm and mewl pathetically from the persistent licking to her increasingly-needy vagina.

With both cats now locked in a clear '69' position, Elysia was keen to involve her other two victims as she turned excitedly to Vicky and David. Owing to their recent ordeals, the tired magpie and lungfish were both lying flopped on their sides as they tried to block out the disturbing sounds of passion now coming from the two nearby ocelots.

Cruelly, Elysia was quick to capitalise on her victims' despair as she casually scooped them up in her hands and deliberately parked them near the base of Kevin's tail, meaning that both now had a clear, close-up view of the cat's vagina being licked and teased by her partner's tongue. Sadly though, as disturbing as this already was, things soon got even worse as Elysia set about humiliating her victims individually.

First, Elysia decided to focus on Vicky. With absolutely no warning, Elysia positioned the startled magpie between Kevin's legs before plunging her boney beak deep into the ocelot's unprepared opening. Vicky squawked and Elysia yowled in surprise, however neither reaction bothered Elysia as she started to use Vicky like a dildo; rapidly pressing her beaked face into her husband's dripping opening and revelling in the humiliation and unwanted pleasure that resulted.

After a short while spent doing this, Elysia next turned her attention to Kevin's father. By this stage, it was obvious that the poor lungfish was starting to dry up as she weakly flopped around on her side. Seeing the helpless fish beginning to panic was exactly what Elysia wanted. She had no intention of actually letting David die, but she was happy to use it as a threat in order to compel her helpless victims to follow her commands.

With this in mind, Elysia leaned in to whisper her next set of instructions and threats to David. Nobody else heard what was said, but the resulting look of shame and regret which spread across the lungfish's face made it clear that it wouldn't be anything good.

Following on from this, David didn't resist as she let Elysia scoop her up and bring her over to her distressed daughter-in-law. Then, David slowly opened her mouth and obediently held her jaws apart, thus allowing Elysia to pull Vicky's beak out of Kevin's vagina and to force it firmly to the back of the fish's throat.

This sensation initially left David stunned and confused, but a stern look from Elysia quickly prompted her into action. As a result, David quickly sealed her snout over the magpie's beak before she started to suckle over its length, causing Kevin's sticky juices to begin rolling straight down her throat and into her stomach.

After holding David and Vicky together like this for a short while, Elysia seemed determined to humiliate both of them further. With this goal in mind, Elysia shifted towards the other end of the two ocelots, where Kevin could now be seen eagerly sucking Nancy's dick as she reached up between his legs.

Seeing Kevin performing such a debauched act with such enthusiasm made Elysia chuckle. However, she didn't let this distract her as she set about humiliating the magpie and lungfish some more.

First, Vicky was given a very intimate view of her mother-in-law's new anatomy as she was forced directly into contact with the male ocelot's swollen, furry balls. The horrified magpie was then given a disturbing tour of Nancy's new equipment as Elysia rubbed her up and down over the cat's testicles and pressed her right up against them.

As for David, she was given a similar treatment as she ended up getting a closer look at her son's new mammaries. Elysia made sure to let David feel each and every one of Kevin's sensitive teats and fully-erect nipples, as her slippery body was forced over, around and between them.

Regrettably though, David's final humiliation came when she was made to place one of her son's nipples inside her mouth. The distraught lungfish was then instructed to suckle on the stiff, rubbery nub, which caused Kevin to writhe around in delight as the subtle teasing added another layer to the powerful feline lust already engulfing her mind.

As a result of these latest developments, it soon became clear that the two ocelots were starting to build towards their first ever climax together. By this stage, Kevin was mewling loudly in need as she greedily slurped on the rock-hard penis inside her mouth. She was clearly eager to bring about her elusive first female orgasm as her whole body started to tremble in time with her excitedly-quivering pussy.

As for Nancy, he too seemed keen to finish what he started as he began to actively press his tongue into Kevin's vaginal passage and roll it around inside. At the same time, Nancy also started to involuntarily hump forwards with his hips, causing his cock to begin thrusting deep into Kevin's eagerly waiting mouth. It was now obvious that both cats were starting to near the precipice of orgasm. Now there was nothing to prevent nature from taking its course...

All of a sudden, Nancy yowled out in anger and Kevin let out a frustrated gurgle as Elysia cruelly decided to intervene at the worst possible moment. Having placed Vicky and David safely to one side, the sadistic woman used her supernatural strength to force Nancy's head up and away from her partner's crotch, meaning Kevin was left quivering on the edge of climax but with nothing to finally push her over the edge.

In response to this outrage, Nancy snarled and fought to get back down between Kevin's legs. However, Nancy's rage quickly started to shift into sexual frsuration as he resolved not to let all of his hard work go to waste. With this in mind, Nancy growled in defiance as he started to fuck Kevin's mouth even harder, causing his mate to start choking as she struggled to contain the frenzied movements of the rigid cock inside her mouth.

As it happened, Kevin did her job well enough. With a piercing cry filled with both frustration and satisfaction, Nancy shoved his hips forward one last time before he finally exploded into Kevin's mouth with a massive torrent of hot, sticky cum. This immediately made Kevin cough and splutter loudly as she was forced to swallow down the first few jets of her mother's impressive load. However, while Kevin was able to catch most of her mate's salty semen, rogue strands could soon be oozing out between her teeth and slightly-parted jaws as she struggled to contain her partner's virility.

Nancy seemed to ejaculate for an unnaturally long time as she continued to jerk her hips and flood her son's mouth with rope after rope of her sperm-rich seed. This continued until the last wet dribbles had successfully spurted out into Kevin's mouth, after which Nancy simply rested there, without even bothering to extract her slowly-deflating cock. As for Kevin, she was left with a mouthful of cum and a terrible emptiness between her legs. She had been denied yet again, and now she could already feel herself coming back down from the amazing high that she had spent so long trying to build up to.

With the action having died down, Elysia looked on in amusement as the two ocelots went their separate ways in order to clean themselves up. For Nancy this involved curling himself into a ball so that he could lick his own excess semen off his slowly deflating cock. As for Kevin, she used her flexible tongue to collect any rogue strands of stickiness and guide them into her mouth. At the same time, her pussy now felt emptier than ever as she started to miss having her mate's tongue buried inside her.

Happily, it seemed that Elysia was keen to fix that as she knelt down beside Kevin and started to pet her lovingly. "There, there kitten, don't worry," Elysia said as she stroked Kevin's tail with one hand and scratched her ears with the other, "I think you have waited long enough. Why don't you go and show your mate just how much you love him, then I'm sure he'll give you what you really want."

Kevin hated the fact that she ended up following her tormentor's suggestion, but the witch would only punish her if she misbehaved. Of course, this excuse was used to hide Kevin's true motivation; namely that she was now desperate to rid herself of the torturous heat in her loins. Her only cure was to feel a male's cock inside her, which is why she now moved towards her transformed mother with the sole aim of seducing him and enticing him into giving her the relief she so badly needed.

With this in mind, Kevin let her instincts guide her as she paced towards Nancy with slow, purposeful steps. She also made sure to raise her tail and exaggerate the swaying of her hips as she strutted confidently towards her intended mate. She also made a point of staring at the male seductively as she licked her muzzle in anticipation. She was now determined not to let this handsome male specimen slip away from her, not until the burning heat inside her had been quenched.

To that end, Kevin continued her advance until she was standing right beside her target. Once there, Kevin let out a series of suggestive chirrups and mewling sounds as she started to rub up against Nancy and playfully lick her with her sandpapery tongue. Furthermore, Kevin made sure to give the male plenty of clear close-ups of her rear end, as she deliberately stopped to wiggle her ass and show off just how wet and swollen her pussy had become. This also had the effect of releasing Kevin's enticing feminine scent into the air, meaning Nancy was soon engulfed by a thick cloud of enticing pheromones as he found it increasingly difficult to ignore his son's sensual courtship display.

After only a short while, it quickly became clear that Nancy was reacting positively to the female's advances. Before long, he was inhaling deeply through his nose, allowing him to sample more of Kevin's sweet aroma as he started to become increasingly turned-on by her extremely sexual performance. Predictably, this reaction was soon manifested physically as, with a familiar surge of blood and testosterone around his body, Nancy once again felt his spined penis beginning to rapidly harden between his legs.

After noticing this positive response, Kevin sought to further hammer-home what she was offering, just in case the nearby male had any lingering doubts about what he needed to do. To this end, Kevin continued to stare at her mother suggestively as she slowly sauntered away from him and turned her furry ass in his direction. She then let out a long, lustful purr of need as she slumped to the ground, raised her tail and invitingly spread her hind legs. This left Kevin waiting impatiently in a typical feline mating pose, with her frothing pussy and swishing tail clearly signalling that she was ready. Now it was up to the male to make the next move.

As Kevin lay there mewling to herself and trying to contain her excitement, Nancy was still slightly hesitant as the still-human part of his mind continued to fight for control of his body. He shook his head and grimaced as he mentally reminded himself that Kevin was his beloved son, not his mate. This aspect of the cat's mind was still determined that he was still the same kind woman on the inside, and SHE was therefore determined to keep fighting in order to save her family from this horrific nightmare they all found themselves in.

Unfortunately, Elysia wasn't prepared to let that happen as, with a slow but purposeful movement, she slyly reached down and swiped two of her fingers right up the length of the dripping wet slit between Kevin's legs. Elysia then casually went over to Nancy and rubbed a thick glob of Kevin's juices over his nose. She then gripped the startled cat by the back of the neck and roughly forced his head down to look at what had become of his once-proud son...

"That's it dear," Elysia hissed into Nancy's furry ear, "get a good look at your pathetic 'son.' She has already accepted that she will live out the rest of her meaningless existence as a lustful feline whore. From now on she will be used purely to entertain me and to help repopulate her new species. She now knows her proper status in life, so how long will it be before you realise yours?"

Nancy was only half-listening to Elysia's damning words. Instead, he was still busy trying to suppress his body's instincts as they started to have a resurgence of strength. Kevin's heat now filled the male ocelot's nostrils as the glob of wetness slowly started to run down over his muzzle. This meant that some wetness actually ended up inside Nancy's mouth, which made him grimace as he did his best to spit the taste back out. Unfortunately though, there was only so much Nancy could do before he started to feel something stirring between his legs. The familiar tingling in his cock and balls signalled that he was rapidly losing control. Now it was surely only a matter of time before he ended up doing the unthinkable to his own transformed son.

"That's it," Elysia said as she reached down to squeeze Nancy's testicles and roll them around in her hand, "give in to your instincts and embrace what you have become. I have given you the only tool you will ever need in your new life, now why don't you go over there and show your son exactly what it's for!?"

Nancy hated himself for doing it, but he couldn't help following Elysia's gaze to where Kevin was still proudly presenting herself. Nancy immediately tried to avert his gaze, but sadly he ended up locking eyes with Kevin as she looked back at him expectantly. Seeing his son mewling to herself as she licked her muzzle seductively made Nancy feel a strange mix of both disgust and arousal. He desperately tried to remind himself that this was still Kevin; his own son. Sadly though, Nancy's eyes then settled on what lay between his son's legs, and that's when things really started to spiral out of control...

Despite his best efforts to look away, Nancy couldn't help being drawn towards the sloppy wet cunt nestled beneath his son's tail. Kevin's vagina had now gone into overdrive, churning out a steady flow of sticky lubrication that had already drenched her crotch and inner-thighs, and which was now starting to form a small puddle on the ground between her legs. Seeing such an eager young female sitting there swollen and dripping in need was extremely appealing to the more masuline side of Nancy's brain. This female was clearly in-season and offering herself to him, something which no self-respecting male animal could ever truly resist...

With his tortured mind unable to stand the tension any longer, Nancy suddenly charged forward and buried his face between Kevin's legs. He then started to greedily lap at the moist opening in front of him, causing soft wet squishing sounds to echo around the room as Kevin moaned in delight. Feeling the sandpapery tongue plunging into her depths and tickling her sensitive labia sent shivers running up her spine. Her efforts to attract a mate were finally paying off. Hopefully soon she would finally be getting the sexual release that her body so desperately craved.

With this in mind, Kevin was initially horrified when her mate's delightful tongue abruptly withdrew from between her legs. She let out a growl of frustration and desperation as it looked like her mate might have lost interest. However, she was soon reassured by the feeling of two large paws gripping her sides and a large shape moving above her. This was it! It was finally time to discover what sex in her wonderful new body would feel like!

Sure enough, Kevin was soon left seeing stars as, in one fluid motion, Nancy crouched down and shoved his throbbing penis as deep into her eager vagina as it would go!

Both ocelots let out loud grunts of satisfaction as they were joined together in the most intimate way possible. Nancy's rigid cock fit Kevin's pussy like a glove, leaving the excited female feeling filled and stretched to just the right degree as her mate's balls rested comfortingly against her dripping entrance. Feeling such a dominant male both above and inside her made Kevin tremble in pure animalistic lust. As a female this was her new position in life, and now she was eager to discover just how strong and virile her new mate truly was.

Nancy soon answered his transformed son's question as, with a deep guttural growl of dominance, he confidently reached forward and clamped his jaws down over the nape of Kevin's neck. This move ensured that the female beneath him had no means of escaping, though judging by Kevin's excited growl in reply, this probably wouldn't have been an issue anyway. Nevertheless, Nancy wanted to leave his mate with no doubts as to who was now in charge, and to further prove this point he decided that it was about time to bring this prolonged mating ritual to its conclusion...

Kevin called out in a sudden mix of pain and pleasure as Nancy worked his hips backwards, causing the vicious barbs on his spined penis to dig into the tender pink flesh lining her inner vaginal walls. However, any discomfort quickly dissipated as Nancy shoved his hips forwards again, causing his cock to rub and tickle Kevin in all the right places. This rush of excitement and rising lust then helped to numb the pain when Nancy's barbs raked her again a few moments later, meaning that it wasn't long before the two lovers were able to settle into a steady mating tempo.

With Kevin and Nancy now fully drunk on lust, the sounds of passionate feline sex quickly started to fill the room. Loud wet squelches could now be heard echoing from deep inside Kevin's needy cunt, as her sticky lubrication was compressed by her mate's advancing cock and forced out around its base. These lewd sounds were also joined by the slapping of Nancy's testicles between Kevin's legs, as well as the chorus of needy grunts and moans that both cats, mainly the female, shamelessly unleashed throughout the course of their passionate lovemaking. The fact that they were committing the most aggregious act of incest clearly didn't bother either of them. In this precise moment, all Kevin and Nancy could think about was satisfying their own selfish desires. Their bodies demanded that they fuck like their lives depended on it, so that was exactly what both of them were going to do.

With this simple but powerful need now driving both mother and son to new heights of sexual satisfaction, neither animal seemed to be put off by the fact that they weren't the only ones enjoyinging their passionate mating ritual. From the sidelines, Elysia grinned to herself as she watched the two transformed humans acting like the animals they had become, as they both rocked in time with the rhythmic thrusting of Nancy's cock. It was both hilarious and deeply gratifying to see these two well-deserving humans making up for their past crimes against the natural world, but this wasn't nearly enough to sate the forest spirit's intense need for revenge. She still had two other victims to deal with, so it would only be fair to incorporate them into the vivid display playing out in front of them...

With this sadistic outlook firmly fixed in her mind, Elysia briefly turned away from the frantically mating ocelots as she shifted her focus to the horrified magpie and lungfish sitting silently nearby. Both animals were clearly mortified by what their loved ones were now doing to each other, as they tried to block out Kevin's loud moans of ecstasy whenever one of her mate's barbs caught her clit or rubbed a particularly sensitive spot in just the right way. It was a truly terrible scene to witness, but sadly both Vicky and David had by now come to the chilling realisation that it was far better to play along with their captor's twisted little games than it was to protest and risk invoking her wrath.

As a result of this thought process, neither David nor Vicky dared to fight back as they felt Elysia's hands gripping them tightly and bringing them up to her eye level. "Hello again my beauties," Elysia teased, "I hope you are enjoying the show as much as I am. At this rate it won't be long before I have a litter of adorable kittens on my hands, isn't that exciting!?"

Neither animal dared to reply as they tried to remain silently defiant in the face of their tormentor's damning remarks. Unfortunately, this continued resistance merely seemed to amuse Elysia as she proceeded with her twisted plans regardless.

"Oh dear," Elysia continued in mock disappointment, "it looks like you two still haven't learned to appreciate your wonderful new bodies. Perhaps I can sway you by showing you just how much Kevin and Nancy are enjoying theirs..."

With that, Elysia excitedly moved in close to Kevin and Nancy as they continued to shamelessly copulate without a care in the world. Happily, this allowed Elysia to continue with her twisted plans as she carefully lowered David and Vicky beneath the two cats and manoeuvred them into a position close to Kevin's left haunch. This left both animals with a clear close-up view of the action, as they were forced to watch Kevin's vagina oozing with various sexual juices as it swallowed down her mate's rapidly pumping cock over and over and over again.

"There we are dears," Elysia continued as she mentally detected the various thoughts of despair and disgust that both Vicky and David were now feeling, "soon you will have the privilege of witnessing one of the greatest miracles of life. Kevin is destined to become a loyal mate and a wonderful mother to her cubs, and now we are all about to witness the beginning of this magnificent journey. Kevin's past life was simply preparing her for this moment. Now we shall awaken the animal that has always resided deep inside Kevin's soul..."

With that, Elysia gracefully waved her right arm over the two ocelots, causing their lust to start crescendoing out of control. Nancy's furry balls seemed to surge with testosterone as they descended even lower between his legs, causing them to create an even louder slapping sound whenever they collided with Kevin's furry ass. In reply, Kevin let out a deep guttural moan of desire as a fresh spill of wetness squirted out around the base of her mate's furiously thrusting cock. The need for orgasm had passed the point of torturous long ago. All she wanted was to put an end to the scorching heat blazing deep inside her; and now, finally, it seemed like that glorious moment had arrived...

As it happened, Kevin was soon proven correct as the passion between the two felines finally started to explode out of control. After sensing this, Elysia made sure to press Vicky and David even further forward, thus ensuring that they were directly beneath Kevin's quivering vagina as it received a few final thrusts from Nancy's throbbing penis. This meant that the poor magpie and lugfish were left mere inches away from the action, which in turn meant that they were treated to a vivid close-up view of the dramatic climax that had been building between the two cats for what had felt like forever.

Not long after this, the floodgates soon opened as Nancy gave one final shove forward with his hips, causing the tip of his throbbing penis to press demandingly against Kevin's cervix. This finally pushed Kevin over the edge as, with a loud roar of sexual release, she felt the most intense orgasm of her life washing over her while her stuffed vagina started to pleasurably spasm out of control.

The delighted female signalled her enjoyment with a healthy squirt of juices over her mate's trembling shaft, most of which ended up spilling out behind her and splashing messily over Vicky and David's faces. As well as this, Kevin's vagina also contracted tightly around the meaty cock inside her, causing the brutal barbs to dig deep into her sensitive inner walls as she naturally encouraged her mate to flood her with his sperm-rich semen. And, as the final act of preparation for this outcome, Kevin's ovaries now kicked into action as they released her soon-to-be-fertilized eggs. Kevin was now in heaven as she basked in the triumph of her first female climax. Now, she simply had to sit and wait patiently for nature to take its course...

Predictably, Kevin didn't have to wait too much longer to receive her 'reward.' Nancy clearly couldn't contain his excitement as his balls tensed and his dick jerked violently inside Kevin's vagina. Then, with a loud roar of triumph, Nancy finally signalled his own dramatic climax as he came powerfully inside his mate's young, fertile body. Soon, the first hot jets of Nancy's creamy semen started to splatter deep inside Kevin's eager womb. As a result of this, each of the female's vulnerable eggs was instantly coated with millions of eager sperm, all of which quickly got to work as they aimed to turn Kevin into a mother for the very first time.

Despite already impregnating his son with just the first few squirts of his impressive load, Nancy seemed keen to guarantee his success as he exploded inside Kevin at least a dozen more times. As a result of this, Kevin's already-stuffed vagina was soon left overflowing with a disgusting cocktail of gloopy white semen and her own sticky juices. Cruelly, most of this disgusting mixture ended up coating Vicky and David's faces as Elysia held them firmly in place beneath the freshly-mated couple. The magpie and lungfish were clearly revolted by the whole ordeal, but sadly that did nothing to dissuade Elysia as she revelled in the despair and humiliation that she was inflicting.

Things continued like this for a short while longer before Nancy finally started to run out of steam. His balls were left feeling empty and noticeably lighter once the last watery dribbles of cum were safely inside the female's well-coated passage. This left Nancy feeling tired but satisfied as he rested on top of his mate for a moment. His animalistic instincts told him that a young, fit and fertile specimen like Kevin had the potential to produce dozens of large, healthy litters of cubs. She was certainly an asset worth fighting for, and Nancy wanted to do everything in his power to keep her by his side.

With this in mind, Nancy only remained on top of Kevin for a few more moments before he finally decided to untangle himself. As he did this, Kevin let out a gentle whine of discomfort as the barbs on Nancy's cock scratched her one last time on the way out. Then, with a disgusting wet *pop,* Nancy's slimy, dripping penis finally slipped all the way out of Kevin before it returned to its original position dangling heavily between his legs. Sadly, Nancy's withdrawal brought with it a fresh torrent of sexual juices, all of which ended up spilling down Kevin's hind legs before trickling messily over David and Vicky's faces as Elysia still held them firmly in place.

Having now completed his reproductive duties, at least for the time being, Nancy continued to let his instincts guide him as he carefully moved beside Kevin and started to gently groom her with his tongue. It was immediately obvious that Kevin was highly receptive to such affectionate treatment as she licked her muzzle and let out a series of contented purrs. She was clearly utterly enamoured by her new mate, especially now that she was almost-certainly pregnant with his cubs. Such a prospect ought to have horrified a former-male, but in her lust-addled mind Kevin was already starting to look forward to swelling with her first litter, as the powerful urge to sire the next generation burned brightly inside her.

And so, with the two cats now basking together in post-orgasmic bliss, the dramatic mating display was finally over. Elysia was clearly pleased with the results as she admired the disgusting mess which now lay between Kevin's legs. The ocelot's crotch was now matted down with various sexual juices, some of which had started to congeal in her fur as more rogue strands continued to trickle down from above. In addition, Kevin's vagina was left reddened and gaping open slightly as a result of the brutal fucking that it had recieved. Even now, it was possible to see a pearly white glob of excess semen slowly emerging from Kevin's depths. Seeing the former man in such a state made Elysia feel giddy inside, mainly because she would make sure that Kevin ended up looking like this every single day for the rest of her miserable life.

With this exciting prospect burning brightly in her mind, Elysia was soon eager to see more as she casually waved her hand over the two ocelots like she had previously. Almost immediately, Elysia was pleased to see Kevin's gaping sex quickly sealing itself back shut as the outer lips grew taut and reformed into a tight vertical slit sitting proudly between her legs. At the same time, Nancy's still-dripping penis rapidly stiffened between his legs as his dry, saggy testicles suddenly started to bulge and swell with renewed vitality.

As a result of this simple fertility spell, both cats soon looked ready for round two as they stared longingly into each other's eyes. Perhaps somewhere deep inside there was still the faint recognition that they were really mother and son, but neither animal seemed to show it as the intense need to mate once again started to rise from deep inside them.

Following on from this, it wasn't long before Kevin once again started to succumb to her urges as she slowly rose to her feet and seductively sauntered to a position in front of where Nancy was currently sitting. Then, with a seductive flick of her tail and a suggestive look back at her new lover, Kevin proudly presented her cum-filled pussy before she slumped to the ground, spread her legs slightly and prepared herself for more of the same wonderful sex that she now craved more than anything else in the world.

Thankfully for the excited female, Nancy was thinking along similar lines as, with a growl of excitement, his eyes firmly locked-on to the moist slit between his mate's legs. The young male was already confident that his partner was pregnant, but in his twisted, lust-filled mind, he reasoned that there was no harm in making a hundred percent sure...

As a predictable result of this, Nancy was soon back on top of Kevin and looking forward to emptying his balls into her once again. This time, Nancy didn't even bother using his tongue to prepare Kevin for his arrival. Instead, the eager male got straight down to business as he forcefully pressed his cock all the way into Kevin's hungry sex, before he quickly settled into his previous routine of fucking Kevin like his life depended on it.

And so, with the sounds of feline sex once again starting to fill the room, Elysia made sure to move David and Vicky back to their position just beneath Kevin's vagina, so that they were once again treated to a vivid close-up view of the action playing out above them. This meant that they could see every grizzly detail as they watched Nancy's rapidly-pumping cock forcing his old cum to spill out of Kevin's passage, down her hind legs and directly over their horrified faces. Surely there was no way this living hell could get any worse, but neither of them wanted to put this to the test as they both remained perfectly still and tried to block out everything that was going on around them.

As for Elysia, she was more than pleased with the way her little performance had gone so far. However, she still reckoned that she had plenty more despair to milk from her four victims before she would finally be happy to call it a day...

[... some time later...]


Kevin couldn't contain her excitement as, for the fifth time that afternoon, she felt her mate's penis trembling inside her before a thick rush of semen suddenly exploded into her fertile depths. Soon, just like the previous four occasions, Kevin was left overflowing with the excess of their passionate lovemaking. This meant that, once again, Vicky and David were given a fresh coating of feline sexual juices, something which by this stage no longer shocked or surprised them.

With the conclusion of the cats' fifth coupling, Elysia finally seemed to be satisfied as she gave all of her victims a little bit of time to recover. In particular, she made sure to wait long enough for the lustful hazes in Kevin and Nancy's minds to dissipate. Cruelly, this meant that the pair's human awareness was slowly allowed to return, meaning they were only now given the chance to process the unspeakable acts of incest that they had both committed right in front of their loved ones. Kevin and Nancy were both filled with a deep sense of sorrow and regret as they felt the excess from their most recent coupling still dripping from various bits of their anatomy they never should have had. Neither of them liked the idea of living as animals for the rest of their lives, but having to do so as part of the opposite gender just made the whole situation ten times worse.

"Mmmmm," Elysia interjected as she moved over to the two horrified felines, "that looked like an awful lot of fun. You will no doubt be delighted to hear that Kevin is now pregnant with her first litter, so I expect she will start to show before too long. Already she has proven her worth as an effective breeder, which already makes her far more useful than she ever was as a man!"

Hearing this clearly triggered something inside Kevin as she moved to lash out at the cruel witch that was taunting her. Sadly though, it seemed that Elysia had been waiting for an excuse to humiliate Kevin further as, in one fluid motion, she abruptly aimed David's elongated snout straight at the cat's vagina before roughly shoving her inside as far as she would go.

Kevin yowled out in distress as her transformed father's slippery body and protruding fins started to scratch and tickle all along the length of her tender vaginal passage. As for David, she was in a truly grim position with her snout pressed right up against her son's cervix. What made this even worse was the sheer amount of cum that had been left over from Kevin and Nancy's numerous couplings together. This meant that the poor lungfish was practically left swimming in a disgusting soup of feline sexual fluids, some of which even ended up flowing into her mouth. The knowledge of where she now was just made David want to be sick, but all she could really do was flap her tail and desperately pray that this whole nightmare would be over soon.

Sadly, David's hopes were quickly dashed, as Elysia set about using her long, eel-like body to further humiliate her emasculated son. To this end, Elysia made sure to slowly twist David around inside Kevin's vagina, causing her fins and scales to scrape against the sensitive walls of her inner passage. This made Kevin's whole body shudder as she tried to deny the intense feelings of passion that were already starting to re-emerge from deep within her loins. For the most part Kevin was able to maintain her composure, but whenever David's fins caught against the pronounced nub of her clitoris she embarrassingly couldn't hold back the odd little grunt of satisfaction.

"Yes, that's it" Elysia said as she continued to slowly rotate David inside Kevin's abused feminine sex, "you make such an adorable, female kitty. I don't think I will ever get tired of pleasuring this delightful little cunt of yours. Even now you are struggling to deny just how good it feels to be touched down there. Already you are trying not to think about just how good it feels to be fucked by your own mother. I would be more than happy to watch the two of you mate for a sixth time, but I get the sense that that's not something you would like at the moment. Perhaps if you agree to obey my instructions and accept your new role as my loyal pet, maybe our relationship needn't be as strained as it seems to be at the moment."

In response to this, Kevin still clearly wanted to remain defiant as she grit her teeth into a hateful snarl. However, with a few more loving twists of the lungfish inside her pussy, as well as a playful scratch behind the ears from Elysia's free hand, Kevin inexplicably ended up agreeing to her captor's demands as she bowed her head in submission.

"Good girl," Elysia said as she continued to lovingly run her hands through Kevin's furry pelt. She then deliberately set about stimulating the ocelot's most sensitive areas as she gently rubbed up and down the cat's spine before she stopped to stroke her sensitive tail. As humiliating as it was to admit, Kevin simply couldn't deny just how good it felt to be petted by her new mistress. This thought briefly made Kevin question why she was now referring to her torturer and captor as her 'mistress,' but strangely the idea of being submissive and obedient now appealed to the more animalistic parts of Kevin's brain.

As a result of this, Kevin's thoughts were left completely scrambled as Elysia enacted the final humiliating acts of her twisted performance. First, she carefully extracted David from between Kevin's legs before bringing her around to the cat's front. She then presented the cum-drenched lungfish to the startled ocelot, before she simply started to glare at Kevin expectantly.

A part of Kevin was clearly still hesitant about going along with her sadistic captor's orders. However, Kevin had now seen and done far too much over the past few hours to even consider angering her new mistress.

With this in mind, Kevin needed no further instructions as she carefully reached up and clamped the lungfish safely between her jaws. She then set about using her flexible tongue to clean up any spots of wetness on the fish's body, whilst making sure to swallow down anything she collected as she went. The taste of her own arousal and her mate's congealed semen made her feel sick to the core, but she now knew better than to show it as she simply swallowed the sticky mixture down in loud, determined gulps.

"Mmmmm, you like that don't you kitten?" Elysia teased as she reached down and gave a playful pinch to one of Kevin's rubbery nipples. "You will therefore be pleased to hear that there are several more courses to your delicious meal. Once your father is left looking good as new, I then want you to give your former wife the same treatment. Make sure her feathers are left nice and shiny. After all, we want her to look her best when we set the boys loose on her!"

Upon hearing this, Vicky let out a defiant squawk of protest as she immediately understood what her sadistic captor was alluding to. However, when Elysia shot her a threatening glare, Vicky was instantly reminded of the witch's power, and the very real possibility that things could get even worse than they already were.

After Vicky's interruption, Elysia took a moment to remind herself what she had been talking about before. "Ah yes, as I was saying Kevin, you will make sure that David and Vicky are both left looking spotless. After this, you will service your mate. You will suck his cock until you have swallowed down every last drop of your combined juices. And then, just to round things off, you will also need to give yourself a good clean. Make sure to get nice and deep inside that juicy cunt of yours, just to make sure that you gather up as much as you possibly can. Once that is all done, the four of you should finally look presentable enough to be introduced to your new home. Now get to work kitten, you don't want to anger your mistress now, do you?"

As soon as she heard this thinly-veiled threat, Kevin immediately got on with her perverted task as she continued to suckle and lick up and down the length of David's long, slippery body.

As for Elysia, she simply stepped back and admired the obedience of her new favourite pet. Kevin finally seemed to understand the status quo; something which would serve her well once she was brought back to her new home at the wildlife sanctuary. Elysia still hadn't fully-planned exactly out how she would continue to punish Kevin and her family going forward, but already she had several brilliant ideas that she was more than eager to try out on her four unfortunate victims..."


[10 weeks later]


Kevin let out a muffled cry of surprise as the barbed penis inside her mouth was suddenly shoved right to the back of her throat. She then started to gag loudly around the cock's tip as it began to tremble inside her jaws. Embarrassingly, Kevin already knew from experience exactly what was about to happen, so she desperately tried to pull away in order to get some breathing room.

Unfortunately, it was at that exact moment that Kevin felt an even larger penis thrusting all the way into her straining vagina. This caused Kevin to choke loudly on the cock inside her mouth as she was roughly forced back towards it. A couple of warm tears trickled over Kevin's furry cheeks as she was left feeling completely stuffed and unable to properly breathe. She was now sandwiched beneath the large, furry bodies of the two males above her. There was no point trying to escape or fight back against the stronger males. Her only option was to brace herself for the dramatic climax that was about to follow.

Sure enough, things quickly got worse for Kevin as, with a couple of triumphant roars coming from the males above her, she was suddenly flooded at both ends as jet after jet of salty white semen started to splatter deep inside her. This rush of emotions also triggered Kevin's own orgasm, as her pussy quivered and covered the rigid dick inside it with a healthy spray of her own sweet juices.

Sadly, Kevin had to focus more on simply breathing than on her own sexual release, as she struggled to contain the unnaturally large load that was rapidly starting to fill her mouth. She did her best to swallow down what she could, but very soon several long, sticky strands of the disgusting mixture could be seen oozing from her mouth and dangling down from her chin. Being left in such a state once would have made Kevin feel ashamed or embarrassed, but after weeks spent enduring countless similar situations, she now saw being pumped full of copious amounts of cum as just another chore in her miserable new life. Deep inside there was still a part of her that desperately wanted to fight back, but she had gradually learned that obedience was the only sure way to make this living nightmare just that little bit more bearable.

With this in mind, Kevin simply waited for the torrent of salty white semen to end, as she tried to accommodate the two males to the best of her abilities. Acting mainly on instinct, Kevin started to milk the two trembling dicks inside her as she contracted her inner vaginal walls and suckled noisily on the meaty shaft nestled between her jaws.

In response, both males growled in approval as they fired a few more wet dribbles of semen into the receptive female beneath them. By the time it was all over, Kevin was left looking utterly despoiled, with disgusting wet patches covering both her crotch and muzzle as a vivid reminder of just how far she had fallen.

With the action having finally died down, both males rested on top of Kevin for a few moments before they started to untangle themselves. First, the cock in Kevin's mouth mercifully withdrew as her transformed mother, Nancy, pushed off and landed back on his four pawed feet. There was then a brief flicker of sadness and regret shared between the two ocelots as they tried not to think about the numerous acts of incest that they had both been forced to commit over the past few weeks. Both of them desperately prayed for this nightmare to end, but sadly they knew that, until it did, their best course of action was to obey their mistress' commands and to stay out of trouble.

The two ocelots maintained this sad eye contact until Kevin was distracted by the feeling of the other male beginning to withdraw from her reddened, cum-coated vagina. This cock was noticeably bigger than Nancy's, with brutal barbs that were far longer and sharper than an ocelot's. Indeed, this large cougar cock belonged to Randle, one of the previous owners of the disused ranch that all of them now called home.

In response to Randle's withdrawal, Kevin let out a loud groan of discomfort as the cougar's wicked barbs scratched and raked along the tender pink flesh lining her inner vaginal walls. This was followed by a fresh spill of the couple's combined sexual juices, as Randle finally slipped his cock all the way free and let it dangle proudly between his legs as it dripped with the excess of his latest conquest.

With both males now spent for the time being, Kevin's ordeal was sadly far from over as she remembered her next perverted task.

With a sad groan, Kevin looked over to the corner of her enclosure to where her transformed father, David, was looking back at her sadly. The female lungfish clearly hated the living hell she now found herself in, but sadly, just like her transformed wife and son, there was very little she could do to improve her situation besides trying not to anger their self-appointed mistress.

With father and son both already understanding what they had to do next, Kevin let out a tired groan of discomfort as she shakily rose to her four feet and started padding over to where David was waiting. Sadly, this was made difficult by the extra size and weight that Kevin was bringing with her. After conceiving her first litter on the fateful day of her transformation, Kevin's pregnancy was now immediately obvious, given that she was mere days away from becoming a mother for the very first time.

In preparation for this dramatic new chapter in her life, Kevin's chest had become much larger and bloated as her three healthy cubs continued to grow inside her womb. Furthermore, Kevin's teats were now heavy and swollen with milk as they jiggled slightly with each of her laboured steps. It was truly disturbing for David to see her son in such a state, but sadly she had few options but to accept that this would be Kevin's life for as long as they all remained captive in this hellish place.

With the ocelot and lungfish both lamenting the grim reality they now found themselves in, both reluctantly understood that they had to appease their cruel mistress; at least until an unlikely opportunity to escape presented itself. For now though, Kevin knew what she had to do as she lumbered over to her father and looked down on her long, slippery body from above. Seeing her proud father reduced to this pathetic creature made Kevin want to cry; and what made it even worse was the fact that she was forced to humiliate the poor lungfish on a daily basis, merely in the interests of keeping her alive.

From her position towering over David's eel-like body, Kevin was filled with shame and regret as she looked at the thick soup that the lungfish now lived in. David was currently basking in a small, clear plastic container in the corner of her family's shared enclosure. The tub was deliberately quite shallow, meaning that David was never able to fully submerge herself and hide away from the outside world. Instead, she was kept just moist enough to remain comfortable. This wouldn't have been a problem if it were just water that David was now swimming in, but she and her son both knew the true reason why her tank was so murky...

With another reluctant groan of dismay, Kevin continued with her sickening task as she bent her head down and slowly let herself dribble messily over her father's scaly snout. Kevin's drool was mostly a white colouration as she let the lingering remnants of Nancy's sticky semen slowly drip onto her father's body. This sickening process helped to keep David nice and moist, while the excess ended up dripping into the thick soup that surrounded her.

Once Kevin had spat out the last few drops of salty ocelot cum from her mouth, she methodically moved into her next position as she sought to get things over and done with as quickly as possible. Now, Kevin had her chest carefully lowered over David's tank, with her two rows of fully-erect nipples sitting just low enough for the lungfish to reach up and latch onto one of them with her scaly snout!

Kevin trembled in unwanted desire as her father's slimy mouth started to suckle from one of her swollen milk sacs. This simple contact sent shivers up Kevin's spine and down into her crotch, as her pussy gave a slight flutter of excitement. Despite being so close to giving birth, Elysia's magic ensured that Kevin's intense feline heat never dissipated. Instead, she was permanently left feeling warm, slick and empty between her legs, as the constant urge to reproduce relentlessly swirled around her head without showing any signs that it would ever cease.

With Kevin's body temperature quickly starting to rise, David dutifully continued with her perverse mission as she started to suck and nip at the dark nub of flesh inside her mouth. This soon led to the inevitable as, with a sudden stream of white, Kevin released some of the pent-up pressure inside her swollen mammaries. This made Kevin purr in relief as she steadily filled her father's mouth with her warm, nutritious milk. Very soon, trickles of the runny liquid could be seen leaking out of David's mouth and dripping down into the disgusting soup that made up her new habitat.

David took a moment to swallow down as much of Kevin's milk as she could before she paused for a second to catch her breath. However, this respite was only brief as, with another press of her snout, David firmly latched onto another rubbery nipple and started to repeat the process all over again.

Things continued like this for the next few minutes, with David methodically milking her son's swollen mammaries one at a time, thus ensuring that her tank was topped-up with more than enough moisture to sustain her throughout the day. Sadly, in spite of this, Kevin and David both knew that there was one more stage to this humiliating performance. And so, as Kevin carefully stepped over David's tank and started to gently lower her furry ass down towards it, the poor lungfish simply shut her eyes and tried not to think about what was about to happen next.

Everything was dark and silent for the next few moments as David waited nervously for what was to follow. Then, she struggled to keep her composure as she felt something warm, wet and hairy pressing down on her from above. David deeply wished she could deny what was now happening, but as she felt her son's fleshy labia spreading wetly over her back, and the spill of excess semen that came with it, all she could really do was pray that it would all be over soon.

With this in mind, David remained completely still as Kevin started to carry out the final stage of her humiliating performance. With her velvety pussy lips now tightly hugging her father's eel-like body, Kevin carefully worked her hips in a gentle grinding motion as she slowly slid her vagina along the line of the lungfish's back. This caused a sticky trail of some of Kevin and Randle's combined sexual juices to smear wetly over the David's streamlined body, before they too added to the disgusting cocktail that filled the lungfish's tank.

Once Kevin had made her way to the base of her father's tail, she then proceeded to work her way back up toward the fish's snout. This ensured that David was given a healthy covering of various feline sexual fluids as Kevin steadily worked her way up and down a dozen more times.

As disturbing as this understandably was for David, what made it even worse was the fact that her son was deriving some sick pleasure out of this perverted act. Weirdly, the feeling of the lungfish's smooth, scaly body rubbing and stretching her cum-filled vagina made Kevin tremble in delight. Of course, her father's body was not nearly as stimulating as the feeling of a thick, barbed cock thrusting in and out of her; but Elysia's curse helped to ensure that even the slightest touch between her legs was enough to excite Kevin and make her pussy moisten in anticipation.

As a result of this, David soon felt a thick squirt of Kevin's vaginal juices splattering over her back, as the perpetually-horny ocelot trembled and moaned in delight. This mini-orgasm wasn't enough to satisfy her for very long, but it allowed Kevin to clear her head long enough for her to realise that her job here was now done.

With that, Kevin awkwardly stood back up and gently padded away, leaving a faint trail of wetness behind her as she went. This left David alone to stew in the disgusting pool of liquids that she now called 'home.' Feline cum, milk and pussy juices formed the main ingredients of this thick, murky soup; but Elysia was also keen to keep adding other 'sweeteners' to the mix as she frequently introduced Kevin to the sanctuary's other residents. Whether she was busy receiving a face-full of creamy white semen, or being worked like a dildo inside some poor animal's sloppy wet cunt, David always ended up utterly drenched and stinking of sex and depravity.

As bad as this already was, Elysia's punishments didn't stop there. As well as relying on the juices inside her tank to stay suitably moist, Elysia's terrible curse ensured that these same fluids now made up the entirety of David's new diet. Despite how revolting it was, the spell ensured that David not only was able to stomach the rich soup surrounding her, but she was actually somewhat addicted to the taste as she swallowed it down in long, greedy gulps.

Cruelly, this enchantment also had terrible consequences for Kevin and Nancy; since it ensured that they both had to keep mating in order to produce the necessary volumes of sexual juices needed to sate David's ravenous appetite. Every day, the couple were forced to fuck repeatedly, just to keep the poor lungfish alive for another day. Regrettably though, the couple's increased stamina and heightened need for sex often made it difficult to stop. This meant that Kevin and Nancy frequently ended up mating over a dozen times a day before their enhanced libidos were finally satisfied. It was a truly grim reality for everyone involved, but that just made it all the more satisfying for Elysia to watch...

"Mmmmm, it looks like those three are all enjoying themselves," Elysia said as she fondly viewed Kevin and her parents from the window of the farmhouse office. "I told you they would learn to appreciate the magnificent gifts I have given them, just like you have come to value yours..."

As Elysia said this she reached out to gently stroke the attentive female magpie perched on her arm. In response, Vicky shut her eyes and let out a gentle squawk of appreciation. She was pleased to see her mistress admiring her and lavishing her with attention. Her life as a beautiful, confident young woman now seemed like a bad dream. She was now just a loyal, obedient pet; a mere piece of property for her mistress to use as she pleased.

Elysia smiled when she sensed this reaction. Breaking Vicky's human spirit had been harder than expected, but after countless hours of perverse humiliation, emotional torment and dehumanising treatment, Kevin's beloved wife had been reduced to little more than an empty, spiritless husk. This meant that Vicky was now the perfect minion; often being used to scout for intruders or to hunt for potential victims. She had already helped in the capture of two of the sanctuary's most recent arrivals, a feat which earned her the trust and respect of her incredibly proud owner.

Of course, in spite of her special status, Elysia still liked to use Vicky for her own sick amusement. Every now and then, Elysia enjoyed parading Vicky around in front of Kevin, Nancy and David, purely so that she could savour their sweet despair when they realised that Vicky's spirit had been completely destroyed.

What's more, Elysia would sometimes go so far as to summon a flock of male magpies from the nearby forest. She would then make Kevin and her parents watch as Vicky obediently squatted down and gladly offered herself to her excited suitors. Vicky would then be mounted and claimed by each male in turn, meaning those watching were treated to vivid snapshots of the magpie's dripping cloaca and cum-stained feathers in between her frequent matings.

Sadly, the worst part was that Vicky actually enjoyed her new sex life. She never hesitated in bending down and presenting her feathery cunt to a potential mate, even if she had just finished with one of his rivals. This, and the way she squawked and flapped her wings whenever she felt a hot squirt of cum inside her eager bird sex, made it clear that the real Vicky was long gone. To all intents and purposes she was just an extension of Elysia's will. Now she was little more than a puppet for the sadistic woman to play with.

As if to prove this point, Elysia finally finished petting Vicky as she brought her up to her eye level. At the same time, she continued to look out of the office window as Kevin tiredly slumped to the floor and rolled onto her side. It was clear that the ocelot was exhausted both from her pregnancy and her numerous matings with Nancy. The poor cat clearly wanted to just shut her eyes and drift off to sleep, but sadly Elysia had other ideas...

After whispering a few twisted commands to her pet magpie, Elysia simply sat back to watch as Vicky flew over to her transformed son's enclosure. Once there, Vicky didn't hesitate as she landed near Kevin's gently swishing tail, after which she hopped closer to the cat's large, bloated body. Then, without giving any sort of warning, Vicky dutifully carried out her mistresses' commands as she suddenly darted forward and buried her entire beak into Kevin's unsuspecting pussy in one firm push!

Kevin's eyes immediately shot open when she realised what was going on. However, her heavily-pregnant chest meant that she was slow to react, thus allowing Vicky to start thrusting in and out with her long, boney beak. This tactic soon caused Kevin's resistance to evaporate as she clearly started to enjoy having her pussy rubbed, filled and stretched in just the right way. Soon, she was left twitching her tail, curling her toes and mewling out pathetically, as the need for release inside her dripping wet cunt quickly started to build...

After watching for a few moments, Elysia was suddenly distracted from this amusing spectacle by a short buzz from a mobile phone on the nearby table. Upon picking it up, Elysia's amusement abruptly died down when she read a new headline that had popped-up on her news feed:

"A Case Too Far: Private Detective And Family Disappear Without A Trace!"

Seeing this made Elysia go quiet for a few moments as she slowly scrolled through the text on the screen. Reading about some of Kevin's proudest achievements throughout his career, such as catching a ruthless serial killer and rescuing a large group of kidnapped children, made Elysia question herself for a short while as she wondered whether this man truly deserved his fate. It was now clear that Kevin had only ever shown an interest in exotic animals so that he could investigate the numerous disappearances that Elysia was responsible for. Seeing Kevin in this new light made Elysia consider everything she had done over these past couple of months. Did any of her victims actually deserve to be punished like this for the rest of their lives?

At that moment, a loud roar echoed from outside. Elysia looked up from her phone to see that Vicky had performed her task to the letter. After just a couple of minutes, Kevin had apparently forgotten that she was tired. Instead, she now lay on her back with her legs spread; with Randle's cock lodged firmly down her throat and Nancy's sandpapery tongue gliding effortlessly over the furry mound between her legs.

As for Vicky, she was busy preparing Nancy for action as she gave him the best avian blowjob she could manage. Happily, the excited male ocelot seemed to enjoy this attention as he let out another growl of anticipation whilst staring at the swollen pink slit between Kevin's legs. Clearly he was eager to be inside his mate as soon as possible, a feeling which was now shared by the nearby female as well.

Predictably enough, Nancy could only last so long before the need for sexual release became too great to contain. With a startled squawk, Vicky quickly hopped out of the way as Nancy charged forward and impaled Kevin in one fluid motion. Kevin then let out a muffled moan of ecstasy as Nancy started to wildly pump his dick in and out of her like his life depended on it. At the same time, Randle seemed keen to outdo his rival as he too started thrusting, meaning Kevin was once-again being roughly penetrated at both ends as she struggled to contain her mates' enthusiasm.

As the passionate sounds of feline sex quickly started to get louder, Elysia continued to watch with a slght pang of regret. Kevin and her family were far less deserving of punishment than many of her previous victims, and yet they were all still part of the problem... they were all once human.

Weirdly, this abhorrent attitude seemed to trigger something deep inside Elysia's very being. The knowledge that Kevin and her family were good, innocent people should have filled her with regret, but instead it actually seemed to do the opposite as Elysia felt a strange warmth washing over her.

At first she figured that this rush of blood was simply a wave of tension leaving her body. However, it was soon clear that something very unusual was happening as, with a slight gasp, Elysia realised that she was starting to feel a little bit wet between her legs!

Upon feeling this, Elysia quizzically reached down and brushed her vagina with the tip of her finger. Sure enough, she could feel a few buds of moisture between her sensitive pussy lips as they glistened in the morning sunlight. Of course, Elysia had touched herself in the past, but she had never been quite so aroused or stimulated as she was now. Seeing Kevin as a horny, pregnant ocelot, now happily taking two dicks at a time as she choked and moaned in time with her mates' thrusts, made Elysia tremble in strange delight. If Kevin had been a bad man then this would have been deeply satisfying to watch, but the knowledge that she was once an exemplar of human justice, kindness and decency, just made her demise all the more enjoyable!

With this twisted logic in mind, Elysia hiked one leg onto a nearby desk and started to excitedly rub herself like she never had before. And as she watched Kevin and her two lovers beginning to near a particularly dramatic climax, she too began to feel the same way as the burning warmth between her legs started to burn hotter and hotter.

Strangely, it was in this moment of sheer orgasmic delight that Elysia had an epiphany. Punishing the worst of humanity was still necessary to protect the natural world, but how much more satisfying would it be to punish the best of them? The idea of turning true paragons of morality and kindness into shameless, sexed-crazed beasts made Elysia shudder in excitement.

This thought alone finally pushed Elysia over the edge as she came powerfully over her two elegant fingers. Not long after this, the three cats followed suit as Kevin was flooded at both ends with a torrent of gloopy white cum.

And as she fondly watched Kevin's mates ejaculating deep inside her, Elysia seductively licked her sticky fingers before she turned to a nearby computer. She then immediately started typing as hundreds of exciting new ideas started to race through her lust-addled mind.

Punishing Kevin and her completely-innocent family had been a very good start, but now Elysia was on the prowl for fresh victims as she wondered what exciting new opportunities lay on the horizon...