Enter The Pokeverse.

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Vin gets trapped in a world were pokemon exist...and not as a human but as a legendary MewTwo.

*My life was fairly average at best. I had two younger brothers and a loving mother and father. We would often do what most families do like camping and the occasional outing to the newest restaurant. One day my father started developing new VR technology and wouldn't ya know it, it became a worldwide sensation that people from all ages could enjoy. It was the most realistic experience you could have. Touch and taste, feel and see almost anything you could ever imagine. *

** Simple success however was never enough for people. Everyone always wanted something more and my dad could only do so much. What was there to do with virtual reality? He sat in his office for days constantly working himself, but he still took some time for me and my brothers. Everyone was exhausted but happy. At least until the day when everything went horribly wrong and I was at the center of it.**

"Aww c'mon! You said you would play with us Vin!" My younger brother zack said waving a headset in front of my face.

"Dude I had a rough day at school today and graduation is only like a week away. " I said grabbing the headset from his fingers and setting them on my desk.

" What's that suppose to mean. Its VR! You can relax and play at the same time. Plus a new Pokemon game came out and I don't wanna do it by myself."

" Go find Georgy then. I don't play those types of games. Besides I stopped watching pokemon like 10 years ago. I don't wanna relearn all the hundreds of names."

Zack made a face and stormed out of my room dragging his headset behind him before slamming the door. I let out a sigh before laying back on my single bed noticing that he had left my headset closeby. Honestly I would love to try and get back into older games but at the same time I don't want to get addicted to virtual life. I only really play when I have nothing better to do. School and finding a career took up a majority of everything for me and one day my brothers would have to learn the same lessons I have.

I slowly rocked myself off of my bed snatching the headset from its resting place. I then left my room and went into fathers workshop and reconnected my headset back into its charging station. Looking around nothing much had changed about my dad. Motivational posters on every inch of the wall with machines and gadgets on all the tables and shelves most of which I had no idea what they were. There were a good ten or so computers with the patented Virtual Reality server core right in the middle of the room.

Eventually I saw that pokemon game jammed into the side of the core. It was in the wrong port and it really pissed me off. If my two dork of a brothers busted dads machine I would never hear the end of it. I walked over and reached down to pull out the drive and found that it was stuck. "Goddammit! Why doesn't dad lock the door". I said growing frustrated by the minute. With enough force it started wiggling free and when it was done I could go finish my homework.

A sudden spark flew out zapping my skin. "Fuck! I am gunna kill those two!" Before I knew it my anger turned to concern as the VR core started making really strange noises. It was like metal being hammered on by a mallet. Then an awful bending noise like if you were on a ship being tossed around on the waves. The room around me was beginning to distort with the posters and gadgetry seemingly streching apart. The core itself was beginning to glow an ominous orange color before a loud bang and a large flash eclipsed the room.

Next thing I knew I was in a black void with no gravity. "Fuck did that just kill me?" I said as I was floating around in circles. "What a dumb way to go and only a week from graduation. Funny I don't actually feel dead." I was still able to see myself and feel my arms and legs. I couldn't really explain what was happening nor could I understand. Was I cursed unto the endless void forever?

Luckily I didn't have to wait long. The skin on my body started to glow a bright white color and an intense pain coursed throughout my body. It was like being struck by thunder and my body was paralyzed. The black void eventually started to dissipate and the world around me started forming once again. Within a blink of an eye I fell down onto the flat earth still feeling my body pulsating. "Oww fuck.."

As I slowly regained my senses the world came into view. I was surrounded by a large dense forest with green grass and plenty of wildlife most of which I didn't recognize. I could barely see the sun from the shade of the trees. "I am totally confused...were am I?" I felt so nauseous trying to sit myself up. The cloths on my body felt so tight and I just felt so....off. Maybe I did die? Maybe....

Looking down at myself I saw that my skin was a pure white. "What the...." Upon further inspection my fingers were almost completely gone instead being three digits with orbs attached to the ends of them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a purple bulb lashing about behind me and turning my head I saw that it was a tail fully connected to my rear. Surprised I fell back onto my butt with my feet flying up infront of me. Like my fingers my toes were gone and I had only two with the two orbs on the ends of them. My feet also looked a bit streched out as well. My anxiety was pounding in my chest. Not only was I completely lost in some random forest but I was.....an alien!

"I mean I guess its cool? I certainly was not expecting this when I woke up this morning." Having a good sense of humor was probably the best way I could distract myself from this situation I was in. The most important question for right now is what to do next. Getting to my feet I looked around picked a direction and started walking. I didn't have shoes trekking around this unknown world so my feet were killing me. One thing I did begin to notice is that the animals parading around the area looked equally as alien as me yet somehow familiar in a sense.

There were big worms with bulging eyes, small purple rats scurrying about, and birds that looked like they had weird haircuts. I even saw a horse that was on fire. What a cruel world this is. I felt as if everything was watching me and the more I walked the more I came to realize that all the creatures in the forest were indeed staring at me. Walking faster and faster until I was jogging I wanted so desperately to escape and go back home. I ran and ran being careful not to trip eventually stumbling across a large house just sitting in the middle of the woods.

The house was at least two stories tall and had a large triangular roof. It had windows that were impossible to see through and it had a wood exterior. "Now that's a rich persons house." I cautiously walked up the cobblestone driveway and approached the door. "Ah shit what am I doing. I'm an alien dumbass. They would totally freak if they saw me." With that fear in mind I walked around the house looking for a way in. "I just need a phone and I'm out."

It was difficult to say the least finding any way inside from here. The triangle roof did have an outside balcony on the side so that was probably my best bet. Their backyard looked like a warzone with craters and holes everywhere which made me very nervous. "I hope I'm not breaking into a psychopaths' home geez." As I began formulating a plan, I felt something conk me in the side of my head. "The fuck?" Looking down at the object it rolled around before stopping just at my feet. It was a ball that was half red and half white with a button dead center. Within an instant the ball opened up and a flash of red blinded my vision.

The next thing I knew I felt trapped inside a bubble and then the bubble starting moving around and I could hear the faint sounds of voices just on the outside. I panicked throwing my body until I was suddenly standing just outside the house again. When I turned around I saw this ten year old kid wearing a blue cap, a jacket with a yellow rat on it, and baggy pants. He had black hair and had a very angry look on his face.

"What the hell kid! Can't a guy roam around the property without being assaulted!?" I yelled clutching my fist. The kid sneered back at me while reaching into his back pocket to pull out another of those weird balls. Within an instant another red flash shot to the ground and a large humanoid looking blue frog appeared. Its tongue wrapped around its neck like a scarf and had sharp fins and other froggy features. Why does this look so familiar to me?

They both prepared themselves entering a battle stance. I slowly turned my heels fully prepared to run. "Logan! What are you doing!" A middle aged man with a scraggly black beard walked out the backdoor of the house wearing a tank top and gym shorts. "Sir I am so sorry if my son caused you any inconvenience. Please forgive him and I assure you it will never happened again." He bowed his head and headed over to the kid erupting into a shouting contest between the two.

"Umm excuse me...dad and son...but you wouldn't happen to have a phone would you?" I said. The pair went quiet and turned to face me. The dad fumbled around his pockets for a minute and threw his phone at me. Thank god I didn't have to break the law to get this. Dialing on the phone was a real challenge given the fact that my fingers were too big for the buttons. Every time I would hit one I would hit around 3. Of coarse the more it happened the angrier I got. "Motherfucker!" Something inside of me lit up and the phone suddenly crumpled in my grasp with a light purple glow. What was that?

Mewtwo learned telekinesis.

"Oops sorry about that." I said as the dad walked over to me.

"It's ok. My name is Tom and this is my son Logan." The young boy scoffed.

"I could have taken him on dad!" Logan pointed at the frog. " Greninja has been getting stronger every day."

"Son you can't just fight a legendary pokemon without getting hurt. What were you thinking!"

That's when it hit me and cleared up so much of what was going on. I was in the pokeverse! All the weird creatures I had been seeing were pokemon and that includes myself. The dumb pokemon game that was stuck in the core must have either sent me to a similar dimension were these things could exist or delivered my consciousness into the VR version of the game.

As I remained in thought, the kid walked up to me with his hat off. "I'm sorry for attacking you...my dad is wondering if you would wanna stay for dinner." he looked over his shoulder and his father gave a nod. Honestly I would have school at this point but all things considering I could go for some grub. I gave a meager thumbs up and Tom sighed in relief and the two family members went back inside the house leaving me to myself.

"Umm...hello." A feminine voice came from behind me. I turned around to see the greninja still standing around. "It's nice to meet someone as great as you." She said with her hands clasped together.

"Oh uh sorry I wasn't aware you could talk and sorry I really think you guys have me confused with someone else." I walked over to the greninja with a friendly smile.

"Oh no its just that your a very rare breed of pokemon with a lot of power...amongst other qualities". She said looking down at my crotch. The constricted nature of my pants were showing my bulge.

"Oh shit I am so sorry about that." I quickly covered myself with my hands. "You wouldn't happen to have any spare clothing I could use would ya?"

"Mhm although I don't know why you would wanna hide it."

"Uhhh personal preferences I guess." I said turning my body away from her.

With a big smile on the greninja's face she walked into the house and a few seconds later had a fresh change of cloths for me and even offered me to come inside. I accepted and entered their humble abode. Their home was well furnished with pictures of Tom, Logan, and their pokemon. I was led upstairs looking at the fancy wooden interior and stepped into the mostly empty guest bedroom.

There was a large queen bed with red bedsheets, a dresser with a mirror attached to it, and one lamp light attached to the ceiling just bright enough to light the whole room. For the first time since I got here I was able to see myself in the mirror. "I'm definitely not human anymore." I started pulling off the tight cloths left behind by my previous self and tossed them to the side. "Holy cow greninja wasn't joking." I said admiring myself.

My thin frame was well toned and my manhood even got massively upgraded. Two large ovals swung between my legs with a flaccid dick nestled on top. The area between my legs seemed to be purple and was connecting my tail to my body. I had thick white thighs and my chest felt like it was as tough as iron. My face didn't look a thing like me anymore. A small muzzle and like the rest of me was totally white. My ears were pointed at the top of my head and I had a tube that started from the back of my head to my back. I had dark purple eyes and any other human feature that may have existed was totally gone. "I still look weird. Why did they have to take my hair"

I had managed to find some loose fitting shorts inside the dresser. They were not easy getting on mostly because of the gargantuan tail I had. The back end of the shorts would not go up past my ass and eventually they ripped down the seam. "Fuck this shit!" The more I struggled with it the more I began to felt this foreign power lurching its way into my brain. The blue shorts began to glow a hue of purple and pink and the seams that were previously torn fixed themselves around my tail. "Well that works. Still a bit tight around the crotch but as long as it hides me I am good."

A light knock on the door drew my attention away form myself. The door slowly creaked open and an unknown creature poked its head inside. "Ummm...dinner is..about ready" It was mostly purple from the top half I could see and had two large blue spikey mohawks on both sides of its head. I am really going to have to start learning the names of pokemon aren't I?

When it left I stepped out into the hallway hearing the soft thuds as it went downstairs. I very quietly poked my head into some of the rooms. A bathroom, two bedrooms, and an attic were all I seemed to notice. The kids bedroom was lined top to bottom with pokemon related items. From plushies to posters this kid was a megafan just like my younger brother. From what I could remember back when I watched pokemon there should be a device around that could let me identify all the different kinds of pokemon.

"Were is it you little bastard." I said to myself carefully looking around the room. "Aha!" With some luck I found a blue and red tablet the size of my hand and opened it up. It looked like an I-phone but sadly it only had a few buttons with very little in terms of settings. "Hmm how does this thing work exactly...." I fumbled around with it in my hand until I heard the sound turn on with a little robotic voice popping in to greet me.

Mewtwo a Psychic type pokemon. It was once a man-made pokemon based off the genetic DNA of another Pokemon named Mew. Over the coarse of the centuries however it was able to reproduce with a success rate of 0.00000001% success rate. Mewtwo is considered one of the very first legendary pokemon in existence and is considered to be very dangerous. Along with having a very powerful psychic ability that could make the tides shift, Mewtwo is also very intelligent and can cause immense amounts of destruction. Some eye witnesses say that Mewtwo is mostly friendly but still caution is advised.

I had the pokedex accidently pointed straight at me causing it to read off what it knew about me. "Oh wow no wonder Tom was freaking out over me. I must be very powerful but I don't really feel all that strong." I took some time and went through the pokedex trying to familiarize myself with some of the pokemon and came across greninja's profile. "Hmm yada yada water type....very good close range and long range with a good amount of ninja based attacks like a water shuriken. Yep definitely could have kicked my butt."

Upon further investigation into the pokedex I found that strange guy from earlier. It is apparently a low-key toxitricity an electric type and a poison type. It makes guitar sounds and shoots out pent up electricity from its body as well as acid and a bunch of other attacks. "Wow that actually sounds pretty badass. I guess the newer generation of pokemon aren't all that bad."

Now with a bit more information I could feel more confident around my hosts. I put everything back were I found it and proceeded downstairs for whatever they had cooked up. Their dining area was about what I had expected. Kitchenware that was neatly organized along an oval table, fine china inside glass cupboards, and the sweet aroma of cooked chicken with a deep barbeque scent glazed over the top.

Tom and Logan were already at the table cutting into their meat. "Ah! Do please help yourself to whatever you like." Tom said waving me over. " I wasn't sure what you like so I made a few things. Chicken, beef, maybe something organic? We have a big fridge." I was practically salivating over the words themselves. I hadn't had a home cooked meal in ages it felt. I happily took a slice of chicken and a fork.

"Soo Tom...what exactly do you do for a living?" I said cramming my mouth full of delicious goodness.

" Well I have ranger duty in the park. I make sure everyone is safe and having a great time." Tom smiled and Logan gave a sideways glance over to him almost visibly angry.

"You wouldn't have to be a ranger if we stayed in the city!" Logan erupted jumping out of his seat. "My dad was a pokemon master! One of the very best and both him and tox!" Tom put a hand on his forehead looking down at his meal. "One day he started losing and no one wanted him around anymore, not even mom....not even your own pokemon..." I could faintly see tears welling up on Logan's eyes. He then walked past me and ran upstairs with his feet pounding against the wood.

"I'm sorry. He is still a bit upset about being out here. It's not easy being a kid forced to move out into the middle of nowhere". Tom said.

"It's ok I get it. I'm sure you guys had a good reason for moving and I won't pry." I said setting down my empty plate on the table.

"Anyways...what brings the legendary Mewtwo out here in my neck of the woods?"

"Oh umm...I am just exploring and trying to find a home." I said.

"Well your always welcome here." He smiled but I could tell it was just for show.

Honestly I was a bit hesitant on telling them what was going on with me. I'd rather them think I am this legendary pokemon. That way I don't have to be worried about them trying to capture me or anything. Still I had no idea what to do next. Should I await rescue? Either I was stuck in a simulation or sent far away from home. One wrong move and I could just embarrass myself forever.

After dinner was done I went outside and sat down on the front porch. I looked down at myself and propped my foot onto my thigh. I then reached out with my left hand and moved it over the white skin tracing it up my leg. I could feel the sensitivity both against my hand and on my foot. The nerves in my body telling me that I was very much here in this body. I could even feel my tail as it drooped over the side of the porch as clear as day. If this was a simulation I definitely would not feel this.

"I am so sorry about Logan. He has been going through a hard time recently".

I looked over my shoulder and saw the toxitricity poking his head out of the window.

"Oh its ok. I grew up with younger siblings so I know how it is." I said.

The tox then disappeared from the window and I could hear soft thuds coming around to the front door. It swung open and the tox can walking out on his stubby legs. While he mostly looked exactly like he did in the pokedex, it doesn't really tell you about everything. For example the large ballsack tucked tightly in his crotch paired with a flaccid dick. I guess like most animals its ok to be out in the nude like that, but it still makes me feel very uneasy.

Tox plopped his butt right beside me and sighed. "What are you going to do now?" He said with his lazy eyes drifting over to me. "Something tells me there is more to it then 'looking for a home'". Tox was very perceptive and I really didn't have a good answer to that question. "It's ok if you don't want to answer. Its not everyday we get something like this to happen ya know."

"Well if I'm being honest with you...I may be this legendary pokemon you all seemed to know, but really I am a totally different pokemon. Well I am a Mewtwo but you get my meaning."

"Yea I already knew that. I had actually fought Mewtwo at a tournament once. He was quite the opponent. He had a wise aura around him and kind of a strict personality...nothing like you." Tox said patting me on the shoulder.

"Oh ok good but I don't know how well I can trust you. You seem like a good guy and all but we just met." I said keeping my eyes leveled to his snout.

"Everyone has a secret." He said standing up. "If you need your own space I get it. Town is just a few miles north so if you want to continue your search there you can."

"Not sure that's the best idea for me. I don't need everyone trying to fight me after all." I said laying my back against the wooden deck.

"Well I have an idea for ya. You can always stay here...provided of coarse you help out. The humans can only do so much after all."

"I suppose I could...temporarily." I said. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

A few hours later....

Greninja, Toxitricity, and I were in the backyard with all the craters. They both told me that this is were they trained. Logan was wanting to grow up to be a master just like his dad was and both pokemon were going to help him achieve that goal. I still had no idea what they wanted from me. I wasn't much of a fighter but I would do what I could.

"Alright we are ready." Greninja said taking up a stance with Tox.

"We want you to come at us and we promise we wont fight back." Tox said as his body let out a few sparks.

So they wanted me to fight. I sighed pulling up on my shorts with the constant thoughts of failure hammering in the back of my mind. After all why should I care what they think of me. I quickly ran at them swinging my fists toward them. Unfortunately I couldn't seem to land anything. The constant dodging and weaving made them impossible to hit. They certainly had been training for quite some time.

They eventually started smacking me in the back every time they would move out of they way. With every smack I could feel something building up inside me. The dynamic duo were certainly starting to tick me off. My eyes gave off a light purple hue and the next time I swung my hand a large pressure shot from my fingertips and propelled both of them back a few feet at least.

"Oh shit I'm sorry". I said rushing over to them.

"Wow so you do have some power." Greninja said dusting herself off. "Maybe now you can learn to control it."

"I guess I do..." I was filled with both excitement and joy. I always fantasized about having superpowers and I had the best kind.

We sparred around for a while as I attempted to get control over my powers. All I could figure out was the shockwave and I knew I had to have more than that. The pokedex said I was a psychic type which meant there was a way I could use telekinesis. Hour after hour I practiced honing my ability. Yet the more I trained the more I noticed that Tox wasn't really paying attention. Was I that easy still?

"Is everything ok?" I said in between breaths.

"Oh!" Tox snapped back into reality shaking his head. "It's nothing."

"Ill go get us some beverages. You guys relax for a bit." Greninja said walking back to the house.

Tox looked away from me and started walking into the woods. I followed closely until we reached an outing. A small dock was settled along the beach with a large sparkling lake laying just beyond. A large mountain could be seen in the back almost like a painting. Tox stood at the edge of the wooden dock looking down in the water staring at his own reflection.

"I'm sorry you just remind me so much of someone...back when I use to compete, greninja and I had a training partner. He was a very outgoing charizard who we practically knew from an egg. He was also really tough taking on both of us at the same time. One day something terrible happened to him and he nearly lost his wing. Tom's wife really had a go at him and charizard wasn't improving. Both her and charizard left sometime after that and we moved out here to get away from it all. I can't say for sure what happened but we have never seen him since..." Tox looked back me with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have laid it all on you like that."

"It's ok. It fills in some blanks" I said walking up beside him.

" If you want the rest you can always ask Tom but don't get your hopes up." He gave a weak smile.

I was never really good in situations like this. The best thing I figure was just to be there with him. We sat down with our feet dangling over the dock just barely grazing the water. We didn't say much to each other and watched as the sun began to fall behind the mountain. It was peaceful and in that moment our bond with each other grew. I can't say if I'll ever return home but its nice to know I have friends here.

The boards creaked as Tox scooted closer to me our legs touching each other. He slowly put his right hand on my thigh rubbing over the texture of my shorts. His thick fingertips were inching closer to my crotch and as I looked over to him, I could see that once flaccid penis was at half mast throbbing subtly. My heart was pounding in my chest. I had never been so nervous and confused in my life. I'd never really gone on any dates with guys. Only the occasional outing with the girls from school. Yet me staring at this guys junk made me feel so....good.

"You can touch it if you want". Tox said slightly parting his thighs.

"Oh shit". I said with my face turning red. "Sorry it's distracting me..a bit."

His light massaging of my leg then curled around the bulge in my shorts. I let out a soft grunt as he leaned over putting his face up to my neck. His thick tongue pushed against my skin dragging over the thin white muscles. I could smell the scent of musk coming from him and I could feel what he wanted from me. There were certain lines one was never to cross, but this was a purely fictional character....and so was I.

"Why don't you lose the shorts. I bet you look amazing out of them." He said making me blush even more.

I nervously stood up turning away from him looking down at my shorts. This was it...the moment I could walk away. My mind was racing battling the consequences and the wants. Tox stepped up behind me putting his hand around my waist pulling the lining of my shorts with his fingers and wriggling the entirety of his hand inside. He gripped around the base of my cock leading it with his pointer finger. I could feel my body easing up and my penis enlarging. Pulse by pulse my cock pushed tightly against the insides of my clothing threatening to burst out at any moment.

"Your bigger than I thought you'd be." He said stroking over the middle of my cock.

"Oh...fuck....thanks." Was all I could say as his fingers roamed around my dick.

My mind was in a haze of pure lust. The toxitricity sure knew what he was doing. This was going to happen....what's the worst that could happen after all. I let my fingers around the waistband pulling them away from my body. Then after a short exhale I dropped my shorts around my ankles with my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. With one swift kick my only piece of clothing was somewhere in the grass far from were I stood.

Tox's hands pulled up from my erect penis and hugged himself close to my back. I wasn't too sure what I was doing but I felt this compulsion to be as erotic as possible. I gently pushed my ass back against him as he coddled my body. I looked back at him and he had his eyes closed as if he were somewhere else. I huffed slowly bending my upper body forward a bit. His hands shifted lower until they were around my waist.

"What a view". He said staring at my bare ass. The compliment was making me even harder.

Soon enough I felt his rod against my ass with one of his hands holding onto my tail. Tox pushed the tip of his cock in between my cheeks while rubbing his shaft along my rectum. His precum dripping down around my leg. After a few good thrusts he stopped to catch his breath. "Is everything ok?" I asked. He smiled pushing me a bit causing me to fall over. I turned myself over until I was on my back looking up at him and his throbbing pink cock.

I took a nervous gulp as I leaned up and got on my knees. Tox slowly approached me and rubbed on his own dick right in front of me. My heart was pounding and I was practically sweating. I reached up with my left hand and gripped his dick with a sudden throb as I touched it. The skin was slick and I could feel the electricity that was surging throughout his body. I started stroking up and down. Tox groaned in pleasure but I felt like I could go further. I put my snout up to the base of his shaft inhaling his masculine scent before I let out my tongue.

"Ahh....taste it.." Tox said putting his hand on my head.

It was all the encouragement I needed. My tongue pressed against his ballsack and I traced it up his shaft to the head making tox buck his hips in response. He tasted like iron and salt which definitely wasn't a bad thing. My intense greed started taking over. While one hand was on his shaft, the other was underneath his balls. "I wonder if I can...." I said to myself. My mouth opened wide around one of his testicles and my tongue wrapped under the heaving sack. With minimal effort I got one of them in between my lips and I suckled on it. Tox groaned with a mix of both pain and pleasure.

When I pulled it out of my maw, His sack swung back in between his legs and I moved on. With my nose pressed closely to his shaft I soon found myself at the tip. Just like before I felt hungry for him. I pointing his hard shaft toward my maw and led the tip of his dick into my mouth. I closed my lips around the meaty rod slurping and sucking. The tangy taste of his pre gliding down my throat. My tongue got between every crevice of him and slowly he pushed until the tip was against the back of my throat.

"Ohh....arcaus!.. Ughh!!" He moaned as his thick phallus pushed into my throat.

It was hard to breathe but so satisfying to hear him moan. The tense muscles in my neck worked over his constricted tip which continued to drip feed me his seed. With no warning he pulled himself free from my grasp panting. "I want you...now....please...." He said putting his hands on my shoulder. I smiled and nodded laying back on my side. I was not nearly as nervous now...I guess sucking him off had that affect.

With an angry look on his face he got himself on his hands and knees and pulled my tail away. That strong feeling of embarrassment overtook me again as he stared right at my ass. He pushed his face right into my butt and I could feel his wet tongue gliding along my rectum. Such intense pleasure caused me to clench but his slow and methodical licking relaxed me enough to let him in more.

I was ready for him. With a wet popping sound he let me go. He put his feet right next to my thighs positioning himself so his cock was resting on my ass. "Are you ready my legendary bitch." His dirty talk was so hot so I nodded again and replied with a simple "Fuck me right now!" With a smirk he reared back pushing his leaking tip to my tight hole. I could feel this pressure growing and growing until his cockhead disappeared into my body.

"Oh fuck!....so much....RGHH!" The intensity of sex was so overwhelming. It was so painful it felt as if my whole body would be torn in two. At the same time I felt this sensation of pure erotic joy as his cock made my nerves scream for more. Tox's hands gripped tightly on my waist and he began thrusting with no regard to me. I slowly adapted to him and as my rectum loosened I only felt pleasure.

The musky smell of sex combined with the huffing and slapping of his waist against me. His rigid cock pulling back and forth on my insides. This was something I wanted to experience again and again. My throbbing cock beneath me was on the verge of orgasm and I could feel that he was almost there as well. His thrusting became slower and harder.

"OHHH...charizard!!!" He yelled giving one final plunge until his ballsack was up to my cheeks.

His warm jizz pumped into my body and he struggle to stand on his two feet. I followed suite and came right there with him squirting my pokemon spunk along the wooden docks. As soon as he stopped his ejaculation he pulled out of me with thick strands of cum oozing out. After that he collapsed beside me panting and sweating. I just had gay sex with a pokemon....what a day.

A few minutes later we were laying there looking up at the night sky together. He was obviously still distressed about his old friend and maybe the sex was just his way of trying to get over him. "Tox....." I began to say but in the pitch black I could only see tears running down the side of his face. I sighed putting an arm around him and pulling him close to me. He instantly hugged into me shaking like a leaf. I had no idea what to say now.

We fell asleep like that. When the morning came I found myself alone. "I hope tox will be ok..." I said gathering my cloths and cleaning up a bit in the lake. What could I do to help him feel better I wondered....and why did I get this feeling like someone was watching me...


Author: Thank you so much for reading I hope you all enjoyed. Do stay tuned for another part to this :) Let me know whatcha think in the comments. ..