VG Cats #5: Smells Like Teen Spirit

Story by silvergunner on SoFurry

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Anyone looking down the hill that day in June would have seen a grey anthropomorphic cat dragging himself up the hill in the sweltering heat. It was without a doubt a scorching day, and one where simply lying in the shade relaxing would be in order for most people. Most people but the poor cat though it seemed. Unlike others he didn't have the time to relax - he had to make his way to his client.

Why he agreed to take this summer job in the first place he had no idea whatsoever. Whatever it was, he certainly regretted it, given the working conditions at least.

The walk seemed to take forever. As soon as he made his way over the hill he would have to spend the time cleaning up a garden for a stupid old woman who hadn't done it ever since her family stopped visiting several months ago. It would take several hours, in the scorching heat, while listening to stories about her childhood. He shuddered at the last thought - if his own Grandmother was bad, this woman must be much worse. It was worse that it would take place on one of the nicest days of the summer. He could have been spending time with his friends at the local swimming pool.

In retrospect, he wondered if that is what his parents meant by "keeping out of trouble". After all, he did get into a hell of a lot of trouble the last time he was there...

His thoughts were interrupted by the light of the sun in his eyes as the sky came into view. He had finally made it to the top of the hill, and now it was time to find his client's house in the middle of the maze of Old People's Houses. He wandered around for several minutes before finding the correct house: "Lincoln Lodge". He looked up to see a small bungalow surrounded by a garden that was beyond the definition of overgrown. He had a lot of work to do, it seemed.

Groaning at the thought of work, he walked up and knocked on the door. Time passed. He knocked again. No response. He hammered on it, then turned to leave. He figured she must be out, and as a result he could bunk off this job.

The door creaked open slowly, making him literally jump with surprise. He turned around to see before him a completely stereotypical view of an old-age woman. She was an anthropomorphic cat just like him, only white-and-brown tortoise-shell instead of grey.

Been shorter than him, she had to look up to see his face. "You must be Leon Leonardo" she smiled. He grimaced; getting his name wrong was a bad step to begin with. He nodded however, not wanting to jump into problems. "Please, come in" she added, turning and walking back into her house. Leo followed her, closing the door behind him.

Inside the colour scheme consisted almost totally of dark brown, with white skirting boards adding a little ambience to the rooms. There was a strong scent of mildew in the air, pretty common in post-war houses like it. The furniture was all wooden, stained by the years of use. Leo followed the old woman into the lounge, where tattered and torn sofas littered the room, dusty old books were held on shelves, and an antique television (complete with Betamax player) sat in one corner. She motioned towards one of the sofas, and Leo sat on it. He didn't feel any cushion left, only the hard springs and wood below. She sat on an old rocking chair from a typical Victorian documentary situated by the window.

"Now Leon" she started, getting his attention. "I would like you to be a good boy and cut the grass for me" she smiled. "The Lawnmower is in the hallway" she added.

Leo jumped up. "I'll get right to it, Mrs. Siren" he smiled.

"Please..." Mrs Siren began. "Call me Grandma." Leo shuddered, and continued on his way out.

In the hallway he found the Lawnmower buried until what seemed like a decade's worth of dust. He pulled it out, and found it to be an odd prototype model which was powered by a Lead-Acid Car Battery. It would probably have sold for thousands had eBay existed at that time, but back then most people didn't know you got the Internet on computers yet. Shuddering at the thought of using such a piece of junk, Leo pulled it out and pushed it outside. Hitting the switch, it whirred into life, a surprise which confirmed that the battery was charged.

For the next hour, Leo slowly pushed the Lawnmower around the garden in an attempt to render the lawn acceptably level. More and more grass was cut away as Leo succumbed further and further to the effects of the extreme heat. The sun was unbearable, and the real motivation for Leo was to get the job done as quickly as he could - the sooner he could get a cold drink indoors the better.

However, he wasn't the only one interested in him finishing the job. Mrs Siren was staring through the window, watching him closely. He was an energetic 11-year-old boy and pretty strong for his age. She wondered if he was interested in girls yet, both romantically and carnally. The latter thought made her tremble with delight - she was at the side of the pool when Leo took his shorts off and dove into the pool naked. She saw his erection and could think of nothing but it. It reminded her of her previous husband, and the situation in how they got together. She had jumped on him suddenly to catch him masturbating, and they made love on the spot. Her lip trembled as she remembered the feeling, the pleasure, the lust...

Blinking away from these thoughts, she focused back on Leo. He was getting tired, and looked like he was in need of a drink. She nodded, and headed outside. She opened the door and shouted at Leo to come over.

Leo turned the mower off and dashed over. "Anything I can do... Grandma?" he asked, wincing at the last word.

She smiled. "You look like you are getting hot out there. How about a cold drink?" she offered. He nodded. "Right this way then dear" she replied, and Leo followed her back into the house.

"What would you like to drink, dear?" she asked as she headed into the Kitchen.

Leo went back into the lounge and sat down on one of the uncomfortable sofas. "Coke please" he replied.

It was lucky that Mrs. Siren kept some Coke aside just in case her family changed their minds and decided to visit. As she poured it into the glass, thoughts flashed through her mind as she underwent an epiphany. She wanted Leo to herself, before any other females could corrupt him. But she knew that going through the usual routine would not work - he would run home to his parents and report a strange woman was touching him. She knew he had to WANT to have sex with her before they could fuck. Considering the options, she opened a drawer and pulled out a small box. Inside were several tablets. She crushed one, and mixed it in with the Coke. Putting the box away, she carried the spiked cola back into the lounge.

She passed it to Leo and he downed it quickly. It tasted a little funny, Leo thought, but coke was coke. Either way it was delicious and full of enough sugar to give a dentist a panic attack. In less than a minute the glass stood empty on the coffee table.

"Thank you Grandma" he said, happy that he was refreshed. "Shall I get back to work?"

"That would be wonderful, dear" she replied. Leo dashed out as she gazed out the window. She noted the time as she watched him finish off mowing the lawn. In ten minutes, the Viagra would begin to work wonders on him.

The more Leo pushed the lawnmower around, the more his body heated up. He thought it was the sun shining down, but he began to think that even the sun couldn't give out this much warmth. Suddenly he felt his trousers pressing against him and glanced down. In horror, he found that his penis was growing! He bent over, trying to hide it and desperately wishing it would go down. It just seemed to get even bigger. He tried to take his mind off it by continuing to mow the lawn, but the stretching of his trousers was making it difficult to walk.

Mrs. Siren was staring in surprise. Leo's erection was almost twice as big as any other boy his age, and a lot more than the one he had at the pool that day. She shook not in fear, but in anticipation. It was part of stage two of her plan.

She wandered outside once again. Turning to Leo she said "Are you alright dear?"

Leo, bent over so much his hands were at his feet, replied "I'm fine", despite been nowhere near. He had a massive erection in front of a prude old lady, and now was about to be caught with it.

She blinked at him. "Are you sure Leon? You're bent over..." she replied. Leo grunted. He placed his hands at his crotch, trying to hide his member. "Is it your thigh?" she asked, moving over to have a look. "I used to be a nurse, so just show me what's wrong" she said. Something in her voice made Leo feel comfortable around her.

Leo hesitantly removed his hands from his crotch. His immense erection came into full view, poking against his trousers. "I... Can't stop it..." he breathed, blushing so hard she could feel the heat from his cheeks.

She smiled. "Its natural dear" she explained. "Although I have a way to make it go down" she added.

"Could you use it then?" Leo asked. He was so trusting of her he didn't even stop to think how odd it was of an old lady been interested in his boy-parts.

She nodded. "Come in, and i'll help you out" she smiled.

Inside, she led Leo not to the kitchen or lounge but instead to another room in the hallway. She opened the door to reveal her bedroom - a medium size room dominated by a large king-size bed, covered in several blankets, duvets, and cushions. There wasn't a smell of mildew here, and the colour scheme was a bright pink and red. It was almost worlds apart from the rest of the house. It confused Leo quite a lot.

"Please, sit down on the bed" Mrs Siren asked. Leo did so. "Now, pull down your clothes so I can see what is wrong" she said, pointing at his trousers. Blushing, Leo did so, revealing his stretched underwear. He grimaced, then removed that as well. She gasped as his cock came into view. It was larger than the average adult, despite Leo's young age.

Whatever it was, she struggled to hold back. She kept calm and focused however as she moved on. "Now Leon" she started. "You need to massage it when it gets like this" she grinned. "You ever tried rubbing it?" she asked to receive a negative head-shaking motion. "Well then" she grinned. "Its time for me to teach you how to..." she started. "...Pleasure yourself" she grinned.

Out reached one hand which grasped around his cock. Leo let out a squeak as he felt her warm hands feel cold against the extreme heat of his pulsing member. Despite this, he was incredibly submissive to what she was up to, and as a result made no motion to stop her. The old lady began to rub his member with her hand gently. A funny feeling shot through Leo as she drew her fingers along his length - it was weird, but felt good. He smiled, a sign to her to continue all-out.

Mrs Siren continued rubbing Leo's cock, speeding up and getting more vigorous as time went on. Every time she drew her hand along his rod, he let out a small meow. His purring grew ever and ever louder until his body began to shake and his penis pulse. A wave of energy burst through his body, sending pleasure to every part of him. The feeling was so incredible, it felt like he was going to pass out. As he underwent his first ever orgasm, his semen sprayed out of his cock, splashing the old lady in the face. She licked it off her face - she loved the taste of it. It made her feel incredibly horny, and lusting for more.

Leo recovered and looked up. He saw the white liquid dribbling from his penis. "Did that just squirt out?" he asked her. "Did I... pee myself?"

She looked up. "No sweetie, that was your sperm. You spray it out when you undergo that feeling you just felt. Its called an Orgasm" she explained.

"That... Orgasm thing... was good" he commented.

She grinned. "Just as well I showed you how to achieve one then" she replied. She thought for a moment. "You do know us females can have orgasms as well?" she queried. Leo shook his head. "So left in the dark..." she commented. "No sex education at all?" she asked to a similar response.

Leo looked down. "I'm sorry I hardly know anything about that thing..." he said.

Mrs Siren looked at him. "Maybe I should be your teacher then" she said, and stood up. "I used to teach Sex Education during my nursing career" she explained. "But this is a new lesson strategy..."

She reached around behind her back and undid several buttons. She then pulled her dress off over her head like a T-Shirt. Underneath lay tough cotton lingerie obscuring her breasts and pubic area completely. "I'm guessing you've never seen a woman naked" she wondered. Leo shot a look expressing ignorance of the topic. She then reached behind her back again and undid the clasp holding her bra onto her body. It came off, bring her breasts into view. Leo stared at them. He had seen a woman's breasts before when his mother used to feed him when he was much younger, but hers were never the size Mrs Siren's were. He had always wondered why men didn't have them as well as women, but figured by now it was a female thing.

"Would you like to touch them?" she asked Leo. He didn't even give a confirmation - he moved towards her and grasped onto them. He spent several minutes rubbing and squishing them, while she moaned in delight. It had been years since a man touched her breasts, and she was loving every moment of it. Leo finally retracted himself, and she let out a final purr.

"Now, its time to show you a woman's most important place" she giggled. She gripped the sides of her knickers in with both hands, and pulled them downwards to her knees. Leo could see the outline of her labia from her exposed pubic area, poking through her fur. Smiling, she pulled her lowers lips aside, giving Leo a full view of the inside of her vulva. Leo could make out two small holes and a bumpy piece of flesh above them, which was sticking outwards stiffly.

"What are those..." he asked, confused.

"Let me explain" she started. "This is my clitoris. It stiffens when I'm turned on - just like now" she giggled, pointing at her hardened clit. "Now this..." she said pointing at the entrance to her Urethra. " where I pee from. We girls don't have a penis like you boys, so we use this" she explained.

Leo blinked. "How precisely do you do that?" he asked.

"Let me show you, Leo" she smiled. "I need to go anyway" she added, and moved her legs aside. Still holding her labia apart and facing Leo, she let the control of her bladder go.

Leo stared as the first drops dripped out from her urethra, landing at his feet. Then, a stream began and intensified until it sprayed forward rather than downwards. Leo squeaked as his feet were splashed by the golden shower emitting from Mrs Siren. She put as much effort as she could into it, trying to splash Leo's body with her waste. It was in vain though, as despite how much she kept peeing it all pattered over his feet. The stream eventually stammered then stopped, the last few drops wetting her underwear.

She sighed. "I really needed to let that out" she purred. Leo looked a bit annoyed, but in a way enjoyed the feeling of her hot pee on his skin. He didn't know why, but it made him even more envious to undergo another "Orgasm thingy".

"Moving on" she began, flicking the last drops away by shaking herself. "This is the vagina. Its a multipurpose tube for reproduction" she explained, pointing at the large hole in the centre of her vulva. "Its used for both insemination by a male and delivering a baby from inside" she explained.

Leo blinked. "Mom said something about babies coming from a woman's insides..." he murmured.

The old lady nodded. "However, the most important purpose is for sexual intercourse. That is an act between a boy and a girl which is for both love and reproduction" she explained. "Keep in mind Leo, not all couples have sex to get babies" she noted. "Most of us have sex for the pleasure of it all" she smiled.

"Could you demonstrate like you did with the previous part?" he asked.

Mrs Siren shot him a dirty look. "That is a very dirty request to ask a lady, young man" she scowled. "Just as well I'm dirty" she grinned, and moved over towards him. "Let me show you how to pleasure a woman, Leo" she smiled.

She kicked off her panties and laid down on the bed face-up. "Now Leo, come over so you are over crouching over me" she commanded. Leo moved over, to a point where they were face to face, and his member was hovering over her lower belly. "Now, what you need to do is push your penis inside my vagina."

Leo was gobsmacked. "Are you sure about that?" he asked her. "That doesn't sound... right" he murmured.

"Oh but it is, dear" she replied. She licked Leo on the nose. "Now, hurry up and shove it in now!" she squealed, full of anticipation for what was about to happen.

<! This part Needs to be re-written... !>

Taking a deep breath, Leo placed the tip of his cock against Mrs Siren's vulva. He pushed forward, and a slick sound was made as his member plunged into her Vagina. He gasped, feeling the tightness around his shaft. He continued pushing forward to more friction, until she made a motion for him to pause. "Now, pull out and push back in" she smiled. "Not all the way outwards though" she added.

The catboy did as she asked, pulling out slightly and shoving his member back in slowly. Pleasure flowed through his body as he continued to hump her, purring in delight. The lady gasped every time he pushed back in, her whole body rocked by his motions. She laid there moaning in pleasure as the tingling in her womanhood began to flow through her body like divine energy.

Leo could feel the energy flowing through his body as well. He speeded up humping his partner, the jolts of pleasure increasing as he did so. It was too good to hold back... a scream was heard from his partner as he thrusted at high speed, both of their bodies slamming against each other with every move.

Mrs Siren could feel Leo pushing deeper and deeper into her. She had never felt such pleasure in all of her years, and now she was here anticipating his full length in her. She screamed louder and louder as he plunged deeper and deeper, until it pushed her over the edge. Shockwaves burst through her body as she felt faint and pleasure burst through her entire body and soul. She couldn't hear her own screaming, as she was lost in the greatest Orgasm in her whole life.

Her tense body crushed Leo's member at his maximum point. He let out a loud meow as he too reached orgasm. The shockwave burst through him, rendering him in a state of true pleasure. Inside, his penis sprayed seed through his partner's cervix into her womb. All this was lost however as he fainted from the sensation, falling into a deep sleep.

Leo got up and yawned, finding himself in Mrs Siren's bed. He looked around, but saw that he was alone. His clothes were back on him, and his feet were clean rather than stained. "It must have been a dream" he thought to himself, walking through the house.

He saw the old lady at the window again, sitting in her rocking chair. "Enjoy your experience, Leo?" she asked him.

"Experience?" he asked. It hit him. "You don't mean... my dream..."

" was reality, my dear" she smiled.

Leo blushed. "I'm... Thank You" he replied.

"You're welcome my dear" she giggled. Reaching into her drawer, she pulled out a small paper bag and gave it to him. "I think its time for you to go home - its late after all" she said.

He was sad to leave her at such a moment of intimacy, but Leo nodded. Goodbyes were exchanged as Leo left the house and walked home as the sun began to set.

When he was halfway down the hill, he opened the bag and looked inside. It contained a book and an envelope. He ripped open the envelope to find his tip. He was shocked to find it was a whole twenty - he was only promised five forty! Smiling, he looked at the book. It was titled "A Guide to Growing Up", and a quick look at the back confirmed it was a complete guide to Sex Education. A note was also inserted into the book - he picked it up and read it.

"Read this. Remember not to tell ANYONE about what happened today - Marianne S."

So she was called Marianne, Leo thought as he reached his house. Entering it, he kicked off his shoes and headed straight up to his room. He threw himself onto the bed and laid there for a while, considering what had happened that day.

His mother entered. "I got a call from Mrs. Siren" she said to him. "She wants you to go back for more gardening tomorrow, maybe even the whole summer" she said, smiling. "I guess you did a great job, little Leo" she added, then left him to it.

A whole summer Gardening and having Sex... Leo couldn't have asked for more.

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"So thats why you were naked in my Grandmother's Bed!" Aeris exclaimed, shocked at the story Leo just told her.

"Thats correct" Leo said. "I guess it was just chance you decided to pay a visit that day when you got out of your parents' head-fur."

Aeris considered this. "So what happened for the rest of the summer?" she asked, curious.

"We fucked every day, until we were discovered by you" Leo responded. "Then, we became friends, and the rest was history."

"So I guess thats why Grandma was always happy with us both as a couple" Aeris stated. "Because she could trust you to love a woman properly..."

"Something like that" Leo replied, lying back on the sofa.


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