The Power of Love Ch.1 De Ja Vu.

Story by Fawkes Softpaw on SoFurry

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Okay this is the actual first chapter of my story. I'm sorry it took so long to put up, but my life is busy so I don't get to devote much time to this and I'm a perfectionist so I tend to delete whole paragraphs if I don't like them. Anyway let me know what you thing and where I can improve. Also this story contains gay relationships and some gay sexual content so if you don't like that stuff don't read any further. Other than that enjoy >.<

The .45 caliber pistol gleamed in the small amount of lite that was present in the dark ally, the source of the lite was a small security light positioned above a solid steel door at the back of my own video games store. I glanced down at the dead dragon/wolf at my feet, his dark fur almost completely hiding the blood that had run out of his head wound. Seeing my mate dead at my feet should have caused my to cry, but instead I was strangely comforted by the fact that we would soon be reunited. With my back pressed against the brick wall, my snow white fur getting filthy from the grimy bricks, I looked away from my dead lover laying on the cold (and now blood stained) concrete and back to his shooter. The wolf standing in front of me I knew, he was my ex mate Damian. Damian's silver and white fur seemed to shine in even this small amount of light, a drastic contrast to his black sleeveless shirt and dark pants. I could easily see the mussels that I had more than once ran my paws over, those soft blue eyes I had thought were so sweet looking, and that face that I had kissed so many times. Then he spoke, the pistol smoothly moving from my dead lover to my head."I told you when we first met, you will be my mate to the end and that no one else could have you. I've just proven what I said and now I'm going to make sure that no else will ever try to take you again." He said in his gentle and soft voice, a quality that had attracted me to him when I first met him all those years ago. I didn't say anything back to him, I knew what he was here to do and I welcomed it, for with out my mate I saw no reason to live. "I really expected some sort of anger from you, some half baked plan to strike back at me because I shot your mate. Well I'll just end it then." He said, then taking careful aim he pulled the trigger. Time slowed to a crawl as the trigger reached the back of the trigger gard. The gunshot was strangely muffled as the gunpowder went off pushing the bullet slowly out of the barrel, the gas causing the slide to move back ejecting the brass and causing it to tumble end over end before hitting the ground. As the recoil forced his paw back, the mussels on his arm rippled under his glossy fur, the bullet finally made it's to my head. The impact caused my head to snap back and hit the bricks; a sickening cracking fills my ears. There is no pain just a numbing feeling that slowly crept down my body. I felt detached from my body as blood dribbled down my forehead and my face turning my white fur crimson. My body then slid down the wall still in slow motion. There was no outer body experience, no flashing of my life, just darkness creeping in from the corner of my eyes.

As my red eyes started to glass over my shooter, my ex mate, and my mate's killer pulled the trigger multiple times. The eight additional rounds tore into my dieing body, putting holes in both my favorite shirt, the black one with the dragon on the front, and the flesh of my chest. The rounds tried to find my heart but they only found the mussel and bone of a dead fox, the dead dragon had already taken it with him when he died. As the darkness closed completely over me I saw no more of that world, heard no more, and didn't care about it anymore. Just as I thought I was headed to heaven I heard my lover's voice, "You get one more, I won't let such a wonderful life be taken from this world." he said softly in the voice I had gotten to know better than my own, then as I felt a familiar pair of lips on my own and two warm arms wrap around me I fell into a pool of darkness so complete words cannot describe.

"NO!" I shouted as I through the covers off a bed that was not my own but was straingly familiar. Looking around I saw a room covered in shadows making every thing seem like they had soft fuzzy edges. When a beautiful wolf in her 30's with hazel eyes and light gray fur opened the door to my right with a look of confusion and worry on her face I gasped. "Fawkes what's wrong?" She asked as I stared at her in horror for the wolf in front of me was my mother who had died seven years ago. "Oh dear god!" I choked out as I knew what had happened. Right then my eyes rolled back in my head and I passed out. I heard her shouting for my step dad to call 911 as the same darkness that had attacked me before covered me again.

"No mom, I don't remember waking up and yelling in the middle of the night, maybe I was sleepwalking?" I said shrugging as I wondered why my mom was bringing this up as I sat in a hospital bed, my white fur blending in with the equally white blankets that I was warped in. Almost everything in the room was white with the exception of the small wooden cross on the far wall facing the bed, trying to offer the feeling of purity; it only made me feel more uncomfortable. I always felt uneasy in hospitals, it had something to do with the amount of pain that most of the furs there were in. My mom was sitting on a silver fold out chair next to my bed, with a very worried look on her face as she continued to ask me questions about the night before. The fact that my step dad wasn't here, or wasn't showing any worry on my behalf doesn't surprise me, he isn't a fan of 16 year olds. "So how much longer do I have to be stuck a St. John's? You know I don't like hospitals." I said interrupting her flow of never ending questions and giving her a simi-stern look. "The doctor want's to do a few more tests on you to make sure that your alright." She said in that tone of voice that showed she cared, petting my head softly with one of her paws in the way she always dose when she's worried about me.

Right as I was about to say something along the lines that I was fine the doctor walked in. He was a tall pink Jaguar, the color was striking against his white coat. He had the body of a runner, thin but with just enough mussel to show that he worked out at least three times a week, and for some reason I had a feeling that I had met him before. "Actually he won't be staying much longer, there isn't anything pointing to any major things wrong with him. Fawkes here should be out in a few hours." The doctor said his voice soft, soothing, and sounding very familiar to me. I found myself starting to really like him even though I'd just met him. My mind started to wander to places as I checked out the pink feline in front of me. I quickly snapped myself out of those very vivid thoughts just as they started to take on a very naughty nature. "Cool so what do I have to do to get out of here?" I asked forcing my eyes from his chest to his eyes. "Well you'll have to wait for your paperwork to make it through filing then you can go." He said then looking through his notes on his clipboard he added "I noticed that you haven't had a physical in a few years, so if you want to I could check you out wile we wait." Just then my vision grayed out a little and everything got a dream like feeling.

_ "Sure lets make sure I'm completely fine." I heard myself say. I felt like I was watching a movie through my own eyes as I moved off the bed and waved my mom out of the room. "Mom I love you but I don't want to be naked with you in the room." I said as I stood up and turned around facing the wall. Getting up quickly my mom headed out the room with the doctor right behind her all the way to the door. As the door swung shut he locked it and walked back to where I was still standing. "Your not going to put on those cold ass gloves are you?" I asked as my hospital gown slid off of my slim frame reviling a little bit of mussel I had built up by riding my bike and lifting boxes of food at my job. "I'm supposed to but sense there isn't anything wrong with you and sense you've been here already way too long I'll make an exception for you." He said moving close to me and gently placing his paw against the soft fur that covered my balls, the contact made me lose my self and I didn't hear what he was saying to me at first. "Uhm... Fawkes, could you turn your head to the side and cough for me?" He repeated. I turned my head as instructed, but right as I was about to cough he moved his paw. The feeling of his paw moving against my sensitive orbs caused me to close my eyes and moan softly. "OH! I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." He said trailing off as he removed his paw and got up. "Your perfectly healthy so you can go, don't worry about your discharge papers I'll get them handled later." He said, rushing his words together in an effort to get out of the room as quickly as possible. Then gathering his things he left quickly. I was confused as to why he was acting so embarrassed until I recalled seeing a slight bulge in his pants as he fled the room. That thought made me smile as I got dressed and......._

"Fawkes are you alright, Fawkes?" the doctor asked as he stood right in front of me. Seeing him right in front of me made me jump a little, the surprise bringing me fully back to reality. "Yeah, I'm fine I just had a little de ja vu." I said shaking my head to clear it. "I think I'll pass on the physical though." I added as I tried to repress the shiver that passed through my body. 'What was that about?' I thought to myself as my mom and the doctor moved away and started talking about me.