Silver Lake Ch.3

Okay this is chapter three and it contains so fairly violent parts, so if your either going to get sick or complain about it, don't read any further. Otherwise enjoy a werewolf's revenge. Oh and on a side note I'm so sorry this...

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The Last Christmas Gift

A somewhat sad Christmas story. "Hey Fawkes, come look at what I found while coming home from work." Barry yelled out to his son as he walked into the door, dropping his tools in the short hallway, the heavy...

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Silver Lake Ch.2

So this is Chapter 2 in the Silver Lake series edited by Reks-Hatake Thank you sooooooooo much! \>.\< Also I'm sorry that this is so short, but I thought that it was the perfect place to end it and I didn't want to write anymore. Oh and btw I wrote...

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Silver Lake

Well this is one of the stories that I wrote a wile ago and decided to rewrite and put up here. I did this to help with the writer's block I got wile working on the second chapter of The power of love. Anyway, let me know that you think about this...

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The Power of Love Ch.1 De Ja Vu.

Okay this is the actual first chapter of my story. I'm sorry it took so long to put up, but my life is busy so I don't get to devote much time to this and I'm a perfectionist so I tend to delete whole paragraphs if I don't like them. Anyway let me know...

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The Power of Love (the teaser intro)

Okay this is the intro/teaser of a story I'm working on. I just wanted to post it to see what kind of responces I'd get and to see if anyone had some pointers at to what I could work on to make it any better. This is the first story I've ever written...

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