Shark-Blade Goes on a Rampage

Story by FootStomp on SoFurry

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Jason -

A small rusted up Toyota pulls into a vacant parking space a few hundred meters away from the public beach. When the car comes to a stop the engine backfires, sending a plume of black smoke kicking out from the vehicles rusty tailpipe. The shark inside let's out a torrent of swears before grabbing his towel from the passenger seat and exiting the vehicle.

A small fox glares at his wife as she run's her eyes up and down the near naked shark, resting them on the large bulge barely concealed by the furs red Speedo. Jason winks at her, making her blush furiously, then slams his car door and begins the long walk towards the beach. He barely conceals a smile as he feels eyeball after eyeball explore his well built frame.

Jason lets out a sigh as his feet sink into the warm sand. He stops and pushes them deep within, his eyes scanning the area for a place to spread his towel. The area in front of him is utterly packed, so he decides to look further down the beach. He once again sets off, watching as large, blue waves crash against the beach, rising up and nearly soaking a few furs that are fairly close to the water.

Jason isn't paying attention to where his feet are landing when suddenly his foot sinks into the sand and he feels a small pointy object against his sole. It's too late though, Jason already put too much weight into the step, and with a straggled croak his knees buckle as the object pierces through his right foot.

Jason reaches down and grabs his foot in both hands, squeezing in a desperate attempt to dim the pain. He clenches his teeth together and looks down at his foot, realizing that the object is a golden dagger of some sort. Already furs are getting to their feet and running towards the shark, trying to be the first too offer a helping hand.

The shark barely looks at them though, instead he places a thick, vein enriched hand on the hilt of the blade and slowly begins to pull it out. Furs, seeing what is happening, scream at Jason too stop, but he doesn't listen, he wants the thing out of his foot and he wants to get to a hospital, Now. Jason's arm flies back as the blade comes free.

A white blinding light, followed by a high pitched ringing sound emits from the heart of the dagger. Furs fall to their knees and go into the fetal position covering their ears in pain. Jason unaffected by the light or sound, drops the dagger in horror. As soon as the dagger touches the ground the light and sound stop instantly. Jason stares in disbelief at the furs around them, some nearest him clutching their ears with blood soaked hands.

The dagger begins to glow brightly, and Jason desperately tries to cover it with sand, fearing what happened moments before. The shark is compacting sand over it when he notices hundreds of little rivers of blood, all flowing from injured furs towards the dagger like a magnet. Jason, unsure of what is happening begins to crawl backwards, watching wide eyed as the daggers golden light begins to shine brightly through the sand.

Jason looks to a fur nearest the dagger and realizes that her skin is losing its color from the loss of blood. Horrified, the shark darts forward and grabs the dagger, thinking that if he holds it above the ground the blood won't be able to reach it, and thus will stop pouring from the injured furs. As soon as the sharks hand touch the golden tool however, he is overcome with a feeling of intense pleasure. To the furs around the shark it appears as if a thousand volts are passing through his veins.

The blood begins to rise from the ground towards the dagger. To everyone's horror the vibrating shark slowly starts growing, the tissues in his right foot repairing in moments and his eyes filling with a pure golden glow. The bodies closest to Jason begin too wilt as all of their blood flows to the dagger, the ones behind them quickly following the same fate. Jason gasps for breath as his already tight Speedo begins to tighten on his hips. The sharks face is literally blue when the cloth explodes into a million pieces, raining down on the furs below.

Jason reaches 300 feet when the dagger suddenly implodes in the sharks vice like grip. Jason falls to his knee's and the glow in his eyes slowly fades. He looks down at the beach below and see's hundred upon hundreds of dead, lifeless bodies. To his surprise he finds that he barely cares, he feels like a god now. Jason gets to his feet and stares at the large, pitiful city before him, his hormones spiking as he realizes he can destroy it all, and nobody can do anything to stop him.

A smile spreads across Jason's face as he see's a flurry of news choppers flying his way. He looks down at his huge, naked body, realizing that he doesn't care in the slightest if his cock is sprayed all over the news. Jason looks up and begins walking towards the parking lot, his cock growing hard as he see's hundreds of vehicles, little traffic jams dotting here and there as furs get stuck in there rush to escape the behemoths wrath.

When Jason is close enough he winds up, then sends his foot plummeting towards the earth below. His foot sinks into the cement with little too no resistance and cars are sent flying into the air. The cars smash into buildings and tear them to shreds, knocking them down to the ground in huge plumes of fire, dust, and smoke. It doesn't take long for the shark to grow bored however.

Chaos erupts in the streets as furs realize that the giant is heading towards them. Car's crash into buildings and furs, and in seconds the streets are filled with screaming little's and piles of burning wreckage. Jason smiles at this and begins walking down the center of the street, purposely stepping on as many furs as he can, enjoying the sensations as their frail little bodies pop like grapes beneath his toes. Jason raises his foot above a particularly large crowd, watching as they fall to their knee's and put their paws up in an attempt to stop the titan. Jason hears sirens just as the crowd his doused in shadow from his plummeting paw.

The behemoth spins on his heel towards the screeching sirens. The cowering furs all breath a sigh of relief, many even breaking down in tears. They shakily watch as he turns towards the source of the sound, his large rock hard cock swinging like a crane in the wind. Jason smiles down at the fleet of police cruisers down the road, then begins walking slowly over to them, allowing their eyes to soak up every inch of his godly beauty. The police officers open fire and to Jason's surprise the bullets feel like nothing more then little bug bites, not even piercing his thick skin.

"Pitiful." Jason says, his voice sounding like a roar to the furs nearest him. The police officers, realizing that they are out of bullets, turn and run towards their squad cars. Jason takes his time and watches as they start their engines, slowly trying too flee in the already over filled streets. He sneers at them then grabs onto a large building, his muscles flexing powerfully as he throws the tower down onto the street. There is a roar as the building crashes into the pavement, flattening all but one cop car.

Lust overcomes the giant. Reaching down he wraps his fingers around the last cop car, denting it slightly, then brings it up to his crotch. Ever so slowly he pushes the car (which is under half his length) against his pre soaked head. He watches, his hormones spiking, as the car compacts into near nothingness. With a loud, window shattering laugh he opens his hand and lets the wreckage fall to the ground below.

Realizing that he is in dire need of release, Jason slowly makes his way over to a large group of fleeing furs. Kicking some of the wreckage off the street he sits down, using his legs too surround the group like walls. They run around the small area in confusion and terror, and Jason can't help but laugh at there sad attempts to escape, their paws not even being able to get a handhold on his rock hard skin.

Jason reaches forward and begins moving the writhing mass towards his globe like balls. He gasps in pleasure as soon as there thrashing bodies come in contact with his tool, and as his muscles contract a large squirt of pre shoots from his head and rains down on the little's below. He finds himself in a sudden frenzy. He reaches down and grabs a thick handful of furs, more pre shooting forth as he feels there bones crack like toothpicks in his tight grip.

He begins rubbing his hand quickly up and down his shaft, tightening his grip and gasping as the little's blood squirts forth, coating his shaft and acting just like lube would. When the little's in his hand slow their movements he drops them, grabbing another handful hungrily. He does this for five minutes, his whole body shining with a thin layer of sweat. He is astounded, the pleasure just keeps coming, and for some reason he just can't get release.

Jason is so close when he runs out of little's. He roars and gets to his feet, looking to the fleeing furs only a block away with needy eyes. He advances on them, his bloody cock swinging with every step he takes. The ones that realize that they are being chased fall in shock, bones breaking as the furs behind trample them in their desperate attempts to escape the giants wrath. Jason is almost on them when he notices a huge skyscraper only a few blocks away. It is almost double his height, and as he looks closer he realizes that hundreds upon hundreds of little's are peering out of the windows, enjoying the show and thinking that they are safe. I'll give them a show Jason thinks to himself.

Jason turns and walks over to the skyscraper, peering inside the little windows, watching as chaos fills floor after floor as the little's realize that the giant is targeting them. The giant presses against the windows, his cock laying flat, small cracks spidering along its length. Jason takes the building in a bear hug, slowly increasing his weight against it. He feels the glass bend against his organ, then suddenly it gives way, his cock slamming down and pressing a few furs against the floor boards.

The giant moans as the little's move beneath his pole, then ever so slowly he begins to push the rest of his length into the building. The little's beneath him beat against his pole in horror as they get unwillingly dragged across the work space. Jason slowly slides his length in and out of the building, being careful not to destroy it too quickly. He can already feel the glass bending where his arms and legs are, and he knows that within seconds the whole building will collapse.

Jason picks up his pace, locking eyes with a fur who is struggling to get to his feet, every pump sending him falling back to his knee's. The shark smiles at the fur, then throws himself into the building one last time. There is a roar as the building gives way, crumpling at the half way point and plummeting to the ground below. Jason barely notices as the flying shrapnel destroys three more towers on its way too earth, he is already searching for a new toy.

The shark turns from the plume of dust and begins searching for a big group of little's to play with when he see's a long, sleek subway train enter a tunnel below ground. Excited the shark begins to speed walk over, his eyes following the underground passage way to the other side. It is long, so Jason doesn't expect to see the train for a few more minutes.

The track coming from the tunnel rises high into the air and rides above a busy intersection. Jason, realizing what the height is perfect for rips some of the track off, throwing it behind him absentmindedly. He straddles the remaining track then gets to his hands and knee's, crushing a few cars beneath him. The shark uses his left hand to place his cock directly on the tracks, then watches giddily as the train flies out of the tunnel at 35 mph, a torrent of sparks flying from it's wheels as the engineer tries to stop the inevitable crash.

Jason gasps in pleasure as the train collides with his massive tool. The first 3 cabins are destroyed mercilessly, but as the shark looks down the tunnel he see's dozens more that are ready to take there place. Jason curls and uncurls his toes in pleasure, slowly pulling the soft leather wrapped cabin back along his blood soaked length, his eyes clenching shut as he feels the little's trapped around his length try desperately to escape.

Jason takes the train and pulls it towards himself, throwing his entire tool inside. He feels the fourth cabin buckle with no resistance, and his length quickly fills the entire fifth and sixth cabin, the tip of his head jutting into the seventh. Jason's body begins to tighten as the furs trapped against his length try desperately to escape the cabin, there small broken hands beating uselessly against the organ.

The shark takes the train and pulls it away from his length, then begins slamming his cock into it again and again, using it just like he would use his flesh light at home. Too the sides of his tool there is an ever growing pile of corpses and crinkled metal, but the behemoth barely cares. The shark delays the inevitable, his body slowly tightening in a godly tribute of power, then with a window shattering roar the beast releases, his seed exploding forth. Shot after shot of his warm, sticky essence slams into cabin after cabin, slaughtering nearly every fur inside.

Jason collapses on top of what's left of the train, his hips still thrusting forward slowly. The shark is still in complete ecstasy, he hasn't had release this good since he was a child. The giant rides out his orgasm and lays there panting. Since the sharks eyes are tightly closed he doesn't realize that the world is changing around him.

News choppers fly lower, the camera men inside quickly zooming in their lenses too follow the rapidly shrinking giant. Jason is only twice his original height when he opens his eyes, staring at the ever growing world in horror. He slowly stumbles to his feet and begins climbing from the wreckage around him. He makes good progress at first, but as foot after foot is cut from his stature, he finds that climbing the cum soaked metal scraps is quickly becoming impossible. Jason is climbing a particularly large piece of scrap metal when his three foot frame becomes doused in shadow.

The shark looks up in horror at the hate filled raccoon only a few feet away. The raccoons fancy suit is hanging off his limbs in tattered shreds, and the creatures fur is coated with both blood and Jason's thick essence. Jason's heart drops as the raccoon raises his foot high into the air, holding it above the shrinking fur steadily. When the shark is no taller then a few inches the foot plummets to earth, and that's the last thing Jason ever see's.