Thanks, Man

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As part of their new dynamic, Trey finally gets Nat a worthwhile birthday present

"Thanks, man," sighed Nat. "It's fuckin' hot as shit today." With that, she fumbled off her shirt and dumped it, sweaty and unwanted, on the floor.

Trey knew, academically, she wouldn't be wearing a bra underneath. But the sight of his best friend's fat tits still gave him frequent pause.

Of course, over the past month they had transitioned into something else. She was his best friend with benefits now. The best benefits. From that first blowjob, things had really opened up. Now Trey not only had a constant source of oral sex, he also had full permission to fondle Nat's curvy body however he liked. Her ass and chest and warm, soft pussy were available to him, the way his cock was available to her.

She had also started treating his place like a second home. If that meant her stripping naked in front of him, well, he could cope with her brazenly raiding his fridge.

"You don't have to ask, y'know," he said. "I think at this point, you wanna go pussy-out here, you just go for it. It's not like I'm gonna stop you."

"Heh. Guess not." She was already reaching for her waistband. "In that case..."

Trey watched, comfortable but intent, as she discarded her shorts and panties too. Not for the first time, nor the last, he could see every part of Nat's nude body.

"Much fuckin' better." She crashed into the couch next to him, her tits bouncing freely. "Well? You gonna do the same, or what?"

He shrugged. He didn't feel the heat as badly as she did, but he had no objections to following suit. Anything that maintained their relaxed vibe was fine by him.

He removed his shirt, and pants, and boxers, and rolled them up in a relatively neat bundle by the couch. Then he settled down next to his friend, and the two of them sat in comfortable, naked silence for a couple seconds.

"...Now what? We just gonna sit here?"

"I didn't want to start pawing at you," he said, "since you already seem tired and sweaty."

"Heh. Yeah." She loosed a characteristically catlike yawn. "Kinda sucks. Feels like we've already fucked but without getting to fuck. Sorry to disappoint, but you're right - I dunno if I wanna get pinned under you right now."

"That's fine," said Trey, even as his cock stirred a little at the very thought. "I actually had something different in mind."

"Look at you, all fuckin' mysterious. What would that be?"

He stood - fully aware that her eyes would follow his naked ass. He was still getting used to that. It felt pretty good. "So, uh. It's your birthday next month-"

Nat groaned, and not just from the heat.

She had good reason. Trey considered himself a generally good and reliable friend, but was under no illusion about how shit he was at getting presents. Previous offerings for Nat's birthday included a big bottle of soda, a used copy of a mediocre game (specifically used by her friend Trey), and a hug. He wasn't a dumb kid any more, though. He was a dumb young man, and he could buy things online.

He raised a defensive hand. "So for this birthday, and to make up for... certain other years, and because, well, I'm still grateful to you for suggesting this kinda vibe in the first place-"

"I'll bet," said Nat, her eyes wandering to his half-erect cock.

"I figured I better get you something good this time. And I did. I hope."

He had retrieved a box he had stashed behind the couch earlier. Pastel pink and innocuous. Suspiciously innocuous.

She watched him, expecting him to just hand it over. Instead, he walked back around - and knelt in front of her spread legs. "Oh. This might be interesting after all, huh."

No sense drawing this out when she could make an educated guess. Trey opened the box for the second time. He had already examined it, and put the batteries in.

Nat's present was a pretty big, pretty advanced vibrator.

Trey had never bought something like this before, and certainly not for someone else. Plus, even with how drastically things had 'relaxed' between them, there was always a bit of giddy nervousness involved in showing off anything like this. Luckily, Nat had a tell. He knew he had done a good job when her pupils dilated.

She confirmed it verbally after a moment. "Well, well... Gotta say. You've finally redeemed yourself."

"Glad to hear it."

She held out a paw. Trey had kinda wanted to apply it directly to her pussy, but it was perfectly reasonable for her to take a look first. It was her present, after all. She took it from him and eyed it over, licking her lips.

"Damn, three settings. I think I'm gonna get real use outta this."

"I remembered you mentioning that your last one broke," said Trey, adjusting his position a little. It felt good to be between her soft thighs. "I tried to get one that was just as good, or better."

"Oh, you definitely did...."

Nat looked down at him. She flashed some fang in a lazy grin.

"You wanna try it out right now, don't you?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Yeah. Especially when I can see how hard your cock is."

Trey laid a fingertip on her clit, inches from his nose. "Can you blame me?"

"No," she sighed. "And since you're down there... I'm not gonna crank this thing up to max and shove it straight in. How about helping a girl out, huh?"

He licked his lips slowly. "My pleasure."

It really was. He had developed quite a taste for her.

Trey settled in and got to work. Nat kept her legs apart, as usual, letting him ease into their now-familiar routine. He rested his snout right against her, savouring her intimate scent for just a moment...

...and then he treated her to a long, slow lick. Bottom to top.

Nat let out a quiet sigh and settled back on the couch. Trey knew how to get her going, and they were only getting started. He rested his hands on her soft belly as he got in close, his lips on hers, his tongue circling her. Penetrating her.

She enjoyed the treatment for a little bit, her eyes lazily closed as though she was dozing. The prospect of her new toy soon roused her, though. As Trey continued to work her pussy, guiding her body towards getting wet, she returned her attention to the vibrator. It was a simple but effective design, basically a thick purple dildo with (waterproofed) controls on the flat end. She had used and enjoyed wands in the past - lazily resting them on her snatch and then putting on a movie - so she was intrigued by the idea of getting fucked more thoroughly by a toy.

"Yeah. You did good, buddy." She reached down with her free hand to scratch Trey's ear the way he liked. "Couple more presents like this, and you'll start to turn around your shitty reputation."

He just grunted, unable to say more.

"Good point," she said. "I could also just keep you down there for another few months." With that, she crossed her ankles behind his back and squeezed.

Another, louder grunt, this one of mock protest. It was an old routine by now. Nat always got a kick out of pretending to trap Trey's snout against her pussy. He always got a kick out of being down there.

He knew how to end the stalemate, though. Instead of the gentle, broad licks he had settled into, Trey's tongue started to focus on her clit. Nat's whole body bucked, but she met the first wave of pleasure with a low chuckle.

The second motion earned something more like a sigh. Then, a low groan. Trey didn't relent, teasing and licking and pleasuring her clit until-

"Okay okay okay...!" Her legs popped open, freeing him. "Let's not get distracted, I wanna try this thing out."

"Why not do both?"

"In this heat? You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "I want to stick this inside you too, y'know."

Nat paused, just for a second, watching him with her fangs on her lower lip. "...Kinda liked hearing you say that, dude."

"Good." He reached up and took the vibrator out of her hand. Their fur brushed together lightly. "I enjoyed saying it. But not as much as I'm gonna enjoy sticking this inside you."


She shuffled a little on the couch, ensuring her soft legs were fully spread for him. Trey did the same, settling into position with the toy in his hand. He looked it over for a second, just confirming what he already knew. Trey's claw found the mechanism, and flicked the vibration from 'Off' to 'Low'. Immediately, the toy came to life, adding a electric buzz to the air.

Nat's eyes landed on it and stayed there. "Well?"

He brought it in close. He paused, briefly, to settle back into a comfortable position between her thighs, and to get a decent grip on something that was, to an extent, trying to squirm out of his hand. But the delay was short-lived.

Trey slid the vibrator into Nat's pussy.

She welcomed it with a loud noise, somewhere between a grunt and a sigh. She grabbed his shoulder, signalling him not to stop. He had no intention to.

It was in Trey's nature to start a new thing slowly, and that's what he did. With his other hand on her waist, he pushed the vibrator steadily deeper inside his friend. Her body welcomed it, pussy lips parting with an ease that matched the heavy breathing he heard above him.

He got it about halfway inside her, then paused. "So? How is it?"

"Good," she huffed. "Good good." Nat was never one to fake enthusiasm - and the husky quality of her voice left no room for doubt. Trey gave himself a moment to be proud. He had finally gotten his best friend a present she deserved.

When that moment was over, he calmly flicked it up a notch.

Nat melted back, arching her back and letting out a loud and undignified sound. "Fuck! Fuck, that's good. Don't stop..."

He didn't. Leaving it on the medium setting, he started moving it again, first out a little, then back in. Out, and back. With a steady grip on the base (and, with his other hand, Nat's thigh), he was able to simulate the kind of rhythm she usually enjoyed. It wasn't as fun as using his own dick, of course, but considering he had broken a mild sweat just getting into this position, their decision not to press up against each other held.

"Mmmnh... Yeah, dude. That's great." Nat wiggled in place a little, giving him a wonderful view of her tits. "I love how this thing feels."

"Shame there isn't, like, a robot arm that could do the fucking part automatically."

"Oh, yeah," she purred. "Instead I gotta have a handsome boy kneel between my legs and do that part for me. How terrible. Total nightmare."

Trey blushed at that, and said nothing.

He had work to focus on, after all. He started pressing further, sinking the vibrator steadily deeper into Nat's eager pussy. She let out a quiet groan, resting one hand on his shoulder.

They lapsed into a productive silence for a few minutes. Trey kept up the motions, fucking her with the toy. Nat rubbed his shoulder, sometimes petting his head. The heat had them keeping their distance otherwise, but the soft way her fingers stroked through his fur made him warm in a way that has nothing to do with the heatwave.

Occasionally, she sighed, or purred, or murmured something emphatic under her breath. His favourites were her physical reactions, like when she abruptly shifted in place, or arched her back with a quick inhalation. The rare times Nat wasn't talkative, her curvy body got very expressive instead. He always loved to watch her.

Before long, the motion was so ingrained it was almost reflexive. Trey could continue for another hour. This was probably sufficient. He could probably bring Nat to a perfectly fine orgasm if he kept this up. But Trey knew his friend, and knew that she didn't go for 'sufficient' or 'fine'. He had bought this toy partly because of its grandeur. This wasn't a discreet little 'massager' for moms and teens to quietly hide in their bedrooms. This was designed for bad bitches like Nat, and it had the settings to match.

He was cautious by nature. He wanted to pick his moment. But looking at his friend's face, the way her eyes were lidded and her cute mouth was slightly ajar in sweaty pleasure, it was clear there was no point in waiting. The moment was now.

"Hey, guess what."


With a final flick of his claw, Trey turned the vibrator to max.

The effect was immediate. Nat's eyes widened and she made a noise he could only describe as a yowl. Her limbs all stiffened, jerking her out of her sleepy arousal. Crucially, though, nothing about her reaction impeded Trey's work.

After a second or two, once she was over the initial shock, Nat's hips started to move. He recognized the motion from the (by this point, considerable number of) times they fucked. She never stayed still, always humping his dick in a way that complimented his own movements. Now, automatically, she was doing the same thing for the toy. Smiling quietly to himself, Trey kept working it into her pussy.

Her breathing was noticeably louder. She panted heavily, her little pink tongue on display. "God... Fuck... It's...!"

Trey had to raise his voice a little to be heard over the sound of the diligent gadget, but his playful smirk was obvious. "Want me to stop-?"

"Fuck no," she practically shrieked, cutting him off immediately. "Fuck me with it! Fuck me hard! Oh my god...!"

She planted both paws on her thighs, showing how committed she was to keeping herself spread. Trey gave her what she needed. The toy continued to pump her eager pussy, earning urgent sounds of delight and encouragement.

Trey planted a quick kiss on her abdomen, then smiled up at her. "Ready?"


"You sure?"

"Yes! Fuck!"

"Alright, here goes..."

He changed pace; slower, deeper thrusts. Building to the big finish. She was clearly more than ready, begging for it verbally and bodily. He knew better than to keep her thrashing helplessly at the edge for too long.

Trey took a breath, tinged deliciously by Nat's frantic scent, and then pushed the churning vibrator as deep as it'd go.

Nat sucked in a gasp, her body stiff, her expression magnificent. Her mouth flapped uselessly, unable to form words.

"Yeah?" he said, redundantly. "Is that good?"

"Shhhhhit - shit shit shit fuck!"

Nat made a face Trey had, by now, seen a lot of. She was cumming.

She mewled - no other word for it - as her eyes screwed up and her hips bucked on the couch. Flecks of her juices escaped in random directions as the vibrator continued to diligently, mercilessly, work her climaxing pussy.

His first instinct, watching this, was to switch off the vibrator to let her catch her breath. But he knew her tastes by now. Catching your breath was for after your orgasm. During it, she liked to take every drop of pleasure she could. With the toy buried to the hilt and her twitching walls snugly keeping it in place, he could loosen his grip a little and do something else.

"That's it," he murmured, moving up to her chest. "Just cum your brains out, girl."

He licked her nipple and she whimpered.

She followed his gentle directive, not that she had much choice at this point. The dildo buzzed unstoppably in her snatch as she came around it. Trey's touch was softer, his tongue carefully circling her sensitive flesh and adding a warm, wet sensation to the powerful waves of pleasure crashing up her spine. Nat regained use of her arms and used them to grab fistfuls of his fur and drag him closer. She buried her face in his forehead and bucked and mewled.

At this point, Trey was getting pretty aroused himself. Being so close to a cute girl orgasming this hard was quite an experience. But it had also become familiar in its way, and he was able to stay focused. It was fine that his cock throbbed beneath her. She would return the favour soon enough.

For now, he contented himself with watching her slowly melt. Her grip on him relaxed, and she started to sink back. Trey's hand had never left the dildo - why give up proximity to Nat's twitching pussy? - so he was able to immediately turn down the intensity. First medium, then low. Then the buzzing ended with a click, leaving only the sound of a sweaty cat catching her breath.

He left the silence unbroken for a few moments, giving her plenty of time to catch her breath. Eventually, though, he had to ask. "So...?"

Nat's eyes opened, and slowly met his. He held her gaze, tempting as it was to fully appreciate the way her chest wobbled with every breath.

"How do you like your present?"

Nat was breathless, but as direct as ever. "Get your cock in my mouth, right now, so I can suck you off 'til you cum."

He felt himself twitch. "That good?"

"Don't make me repeat myself," she said, and there was an edge of a command to her husky voice that made Trey very, very horny.

He didn't waste time. He stood, and she flopped to one side of the couch, and he and his dick stood at attention by her side. In moments, Nat had taken him into her mouth, and he was sighing gently at the welcome, familiar pleasure.

They had done this plenty of times, and aside from the heat - which gave Nat the scent of boy-sweat to savour, her nose so close to his fuzzy crotch - the only difference was the weight in his hand. Naturally, his free hand was lightly brushing Nat's fur, just as she had done for him, but in his other, he still held the vibrator.

He hesitated for a moment, too far from the table or even the floor to deposit it without pulling away from Nat's wonderful tongue. The couch was right there, but he wasn't going to stain the cushions with something... wet...

Trey realized that although he had no real interest in riding the toy himself (unless Nat made a very, very convincing case...), it could still provide him pleasure. And so, keeping his cock right where it was, he lifted the vibrator to his muzzle and started licking it clean of Nat's love juice.

He relished the flavour, just as he enjoyed the lazy but effective motions of Nat's mouth, soon added to by her fingers gently caressing his balls. They would ride out the rest of this heatwave together; Trey, Nat, and Nat's new (second)-best friend. A good gift, reflected Trey, really was its own reward.

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