Venturing: Trigger Pul

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Three coins are located inside an abandoned building, but what they do is very unclear. This was the call that the Vaster Police gained after appearing in front of it with the intention of investigation. What did these three coins hide from the others and their purpose for the moon hanging high above them?

Venturing: Trigger Pul

A single house stood in front of us. Adjacent to the police station, but no one mentioned that however. As our eyes stared upon the house before us, Zander and Kyro glanced over to Yang and frowned. But only Zander pointed towards the house and spoke to her, "You are kidding. This is the place?" "That was what the call was about, Zander." Yang responded with a nod following afterwards. She walked forward, closer to the door of the house where she grabbed the knob and pulled back. The door opened automatically which allowed us inside. We all watched her before we closed in onto her. Thus, disappearing inside the house.

The kitchen was what greeted us first after we have arrived inside. The place was also empty too. With nothing except junk in all of the places except for the yellow table before us. I stared at the table. Upon it was a note which I grabbed. I gave it to Yang. She turned to me and read it before handing it back. Around this time; Zander, Kyro and Natty were already exploring the place. Having been inside the other room in front of the kitchen. "They have disappeared rather quickly..." I noticed with a frown, Yang chuckled back and said nothing in response. She explained about the note, with every detail in her words. I just nodded back towards her, maybe smiled a bit afterwards too. For when she was done, we both turned our attention towards the door behind her. There, Kyro and Natty reappeared back into the kitchen. Their heads shook after they respawned and Natty spoke following him, "Nothing around the house. Although Zander found a coin in the second floor." "A coin?" I questioned her, Natty nodded as her eyes met with mine. "Yeah. Is that any important?"

"How big is it?" Yang questioned, "Big. It is hard to explain however." Natty replied, with a frown as she turned to Kyro who nodded his head. Agreeing with Natty. Me and Yang stared at them both then to one another afterwards while the silence loomed over our heads. Thus, Yang broke the silence "Well... There is a note detailing about the coins after all." "really? What it say?" Natty questioned, tilting her head to one side gazing at her. But Yang fell silent as her eyes settled upon the table behind us. Which Natty got the memo and walked passed us to grabbed the note. On this, Yang turned to me. "So we got the first coin from this house." "The other two are located somewhere else." I pointed out to her, mentioning some detail within the note about the other two. Yang nodded and rose her eyes to the ceiling as Natty settled the note upon the table, turned to her and commented. "Alright. Looks like I got it now." "Yeah. Now we just have to find the other two." I told her, "Lets split up first." Yang followed, shifting her head to me and Natty in sequence while she spoke. "Me and Ling will find the third coin located on the target. Natty and Kyro will find the other one in the far corner." "Alright sounds fair." Natty agreed, Kyro replied to us "We will meet up here afterwards."

No one said anything as we walked out the door and splitted off from one another. Me and Yang flew to the ceiling in front of the house we were called into. Thus as we landed and folded our wings, we turned our eyes towards one another and frowned. Our expressions were clear as day. "The third coin is located on the target... But where can we find that target anyway?" Yang suggested after giving the hint to me. I just shook my head. "I do not know. Maybe we can try the store, target?" "That would be too obvious." Yang answered in response, I nodded and leaned back. Turning my eyes upon the blue skies above me, I had not realized however that it was already noon. We had spent the entire morning inside that house, gathering up and searching for the first of the three coins. 'How time went by so fast...' I thought to myself, chuckling as Yang perked her ears and turned her attention to me with confusion written onto her face. I held my claws up in front of me before I got up, "Come on Yang. While we do not have any leads towards this 'target' hint. At least, we can just look about and find it." "Where would we go? Vastertown is a vast town, you know that better than I, Ling." Yang answered, I nodded 'true. But it beats than sitting here pondering.'

After some time of convincing, Yang agreed to search the town. We split up the work down the middle of the town with each of us taking a side to be our searching grounds however. Yang, of course, took the right side which left me with the other side. I did not mind however as I smiled faintly towards her and she nodded in response to my kind before we got up onto our feet. Spreading our wings, we took to the skies once again and flew separate from one another. Towards our respectives sides. I flew towards the west side of the town. Landing in the center of the square where I folded my wings and shifted my eyes about. The place was empty. Although loads of hay and straws were scattered about, covering the flooring beneath my feet as my eyes lowered and gaze at the grounds beneath me. My mind raced in ponderance, wondering about the hint and this so called target that the note was talking about. As my eyes lingered upon the ground while I walked, I crashed into the hay and another after trying to get away. I growled irritated while narrowing my eyes, squinting out to the horizon where a bunch of hay had surrounded me. Pinned me down at the center of the square, perhaps with nothing out. I gaze around, seeing four exits out from the square. But all of which were out of reach. I pondered, at least for a bit before shifting my attention towards the fountain behind me.

Walking to it, I raised my foot high above its walls. Dipping myself into the cold freezing waters that await for me. I shivered in response, closed my eyes and thought about something else as my other leg followed. Now standing in water, I glanced around the fountain a bit. I spotted something at the center of the fountain, a black small hole with thousands of bubbles shooting outward from it. I stared at it momentarily before walking forth towards its center. I felt something in my nether and shivered before backing off. Ashamed that it never boosted me upward like those virtual games that I had played in my past time. I spread my wings and hovered above the water grounds as I felt the warm air biting against the cold shivers of my legs, I flew a bit north. Towards a building's rooftop and landed there. From here, I gaze about. The square was a medium size place. It was also where all the citizens gathered to host important dates such as that festival in two months from May. I never knew what it was called however and I never cared as my attention was focused upon looking for a target that perhaps would be located here of all places.

I sat upon the rooftop for a while. It was already daybreak, the sun was sinking from the skies. Sending warm colorful sunrays out into anything that it could touch, I realized then that the night was coming. I yawned, remembering myself that i had needed sleep because of staying up all night searching for this siren that Chaos was talking about before. As my eyes raised from the ground and stared up towards the horizon, I spread my wings. Having noticed that nothing was at the square and I had needed to go a bit further to find what I had wanted. I flew further west, passing by the series of alleyways and streets along the way while I kept my eyes out for anything unusual. I guess it never took long for me to find out when I had noticed something red peaking out from a corner of my eye. As I shifted my eyes to it, I landed upon a nearby building and stepped towards the edge of the rooftop, staring down onto it. I tilted my head to one side before leaning my body towards the right with hope of gaining a better view of what I was seeing however. As I leaned, I noticed more and more of that red. It was paint and it is wet which meant that it was made recently. 'But how?' I wondered silently gazing at the wet paint and frowning. 'Did anyone else knew about our note recently? Or eased dropped upon our conversations?' Many questions landed my mind, none of which were answered however. As I stepped closer to the edge without realizing that there is no ground beyond it, I glanced closer to the wet paint that I was seeing.

Deciding to radio Yang for some help and clues as to the wet paint, I raised my walkie and clicked the side button. I talked into the mic, "Ling to Yang, I request you come over here. There is something interesting here you have to see." "Yang to Ling, I heard you." I heard an immediate response. "Will be coming over with Zander." "10-4" I responded before lowering my walkie again. I turned to the wet paint again for a moment then stepped away from the edge, settling down onto the brown box thing I had found later on. It did take them a while for both Zander and Yang to arrive in my positioned. Because the night had already come, luckily it was still young. As I turned to both dragons just after they had landed upon solid ground, they turned to me. But only Yang walked up close and spoke calmly and quietly, "What is it?" "Its important. But I think I found our target, Yang and Zander." "You found it?" Yang replied with a gasp as I nodded in response towards her, Zander looked equally surprise as well but kept quiet as his eyes looked elsewhere.

"Where is it then?" "Over there." I said, pointing to the Northern position ahead of me. Zander and Yang followed my pointing and gaze out towards the horizon. A pause of quietness was settled between the two before it was shattered by Zander, however Yang overtalked him and spoke "I see it." Zander turned to Yang, frowning. But her head was lowered, gazing at the ground where the wet paint was. "Oh." The black dragon responded after a while, nodding again in agreeance as I stepped forth passed them and spoke. "I called you both to see if you guys can provide backup for me while we draw closer to the 'target'. Hopefully there are not that many enemies about here." "There are not." Zander responded quietly, rolling his eyes while looking back onto me. I said nothing back but me and Yang spread our wings again and hovered to the target in front of us. Zander followed seconds afterwards, lining himself up against us as we all folded our wings afterwards. Our eyes stared upon the target settled with silence taking over. Neither of us said anything else before Yang stepped over the target and stopped. Me and Zander looked surprise at her, but did nothing while Yang continued to the second line. Then the third. Upon reaching the center of the target was when she looked up. Me and Zander followed. Above us, we spotted something floating in midair. Adjacent to the building's rooftop edge and Yang smiled. "I never would had thought it be up there." I commented as Zander jumped and flew up, snatching the thing from above as he landed adjacent to me. "Same." He commented, we laughed about it for a moment before Yang walked back to our presence and smile, "Great work, you two." We both nodded afterwards as I pressed the walkie again, calling Kyro and Natty wondering about their positions.

They claimed to be back at the stationed. Poised for our return. They have already gathered the third coin from the police station, never knowing that it be there in the first place however. Despite me and Zander laughing at them, we flew back. Retreating to the station where our unit had a short reunion break before we went right to work.

Midnight had came. The ringing echoed our ears while the sounds ceased. We all gathered around the table, no one talking as our eyes settled upon the three coins in front of us. All of which were lined up perfectly. "Here are the three coins." Yang said after a while in silence as her eyes were settled upon the surface of the table. Everyone else nodded, "Now then. The note that I had read back from that house before had told us to 'eat the coins in the right way will expose something for us.'" "What is that 'right way' that it speaks about?" Zander questioned, tilting his head to one side. Neither of us can answer it as our eyes settled to the coins again. Silence came again with no one answering. Yang grabbed the middle coin, Kyro grabbed the left coin while Zander snatches the right. All three stared at their coins momentarily and in silence, as if pondering about the 'way'. Although each of them took a variety of time, they all bit the coin from unique sides. Yang from the top, Kyro from left and Zander from right. Me and Natty stared at the eaten coins which were settle upon the surface table afterwards.

I grabbed all three eaten coins and put them together like puzzle pieces. The top eaten coin at the bottom while the left and right eaten coins were above it. Forming some sort of a mouse head. It glowed suddenly and brightened up the already lit room. We all gasped in response, yet our minds wondered if we had already solve the problem settle in our eyes. As the light brightened, our unit stepped back from the brown table and waited in the following silence for it to darkened. It took long for it to do so. But when it does, we glance upon the table again and stared in disbelief that the coins were whole again. "What in the world..." Natty whispered, although she breathed the words as I stared, "I thought... that did it?" Yang questioned with a frown following afterwards. Kyro and Zander snatched their respective coins and bit into the sides of it once again. But before any of us could stop them, they had already bit into it and munched upon the broken pieces before gulping it down. Our eyes stared at them, surprise that they would do so. But the two pointed their claws upon the last coin which Natty grabbed and bit into it again before settled it down.

The cycle repeated again and once again it had returned to its whole state. Kyro and Zander were determined to figuring out the puzzle's solution to the three coins and were poised to bit into the coins. However Yang stopped them by slapping their claws with her own, forcing them to drop the coins upon the surface of the table. They whimpered in response, but her anger scowling actions stopped them completely. As I smiled faintly upon the three, I shifted towards Natty who was already pondering over this. I did too.

It took all night of ponderance. But none of us were able to answer it at all. All we had were red tired eyes; wings drooping as our tails settled hanged lower. Touching the solid grounds beneath us. Our minds were aching and pulsing in pain. I even heard Zander complaining about something; but my ears were too tired to even hear a word. As Yang yawned long and stretched her arms out from her, she spoke towards the rest of us. "Alright, take five everyone. Get some sleep, all of you. We will deal with this when we are all freshen up." "And when will that be?" Zander joked with Kyro growling at him. He said nothing in response as we all walked out from the dark room and back onto the station at hand.

We had an eight hour long break of sleep and upon the next night was when we all gathered around the table once again. Hoping to solve this puzzle. We all stared at the three coins in silence before all eyes were settled onto me. In turn, I held up my piece of paper and pencil and place it upon the floor. Written in the paper were all the combinations possible. Even the ones we have tried; which were only two at the time. They were already crossed out and dealt with while I nodded towards the rest of my unit, they faintly smiled before gazing at the paper. We tried many possibilities. None of them were successful however. We even tried some combinations that were unusual and unique such as biting the 'corners' of the coins and putting them together. Or biting into the coins, making them into little shapes and such. But that never worked either.

Until the noon, we were all tired and lost of motivation. Zander and Kyro could not even take a bit due to being 'full' already. As their eyes opened and ran out the door, vomiting whatever they had inside; me, Yang and Natty stared at one another in boredom then settled our eyes upon the table. It only took a second for someone to hit the table as our heads turned to Yang who growled angrily and irritatedly. The table was snapped into two. How was that even possible when Yang was located to the left of me? Nevermind that. I gaze at the broken table then upon the three coins. Something popped into my head as I turned to Yang, Natty already comforting her. "Yang." I said as the silence was broken aftwards, she turned to me. Tilting her head to one side. I smiled faintly before reaching over the broken table and grabbed onto the three coins. I pulled them close towards her and urged her to break them. Yang looked at me in confusement, protested to me that these are real coins. Not some easily broken wood or such. But despite her protest, she did so regardless.

All three coins breaks into two. There were six pieces in total, minus the crumbs that were scattered about of course. As the three of us stared, we watched as the coins glowed. But it was dimmed unlike the brightly ones before. Our eyes widened, wondering if we had done something correctly. We waited until the dim faded into the darkness and the coins returned to their normal states. Broken in half. Natty and Yang celebrated in kind, throwing their claws into the air just as Kyro and Zander entered into the room. Yet the two were surprise about our celebration which Yang bring them up to speed. Their eyes settled onto me. I had gained different responses from them. Kyro was glad. But most importantly never having to eat those coins again. Zander huffed, rolling his eyes and crossed his arms. Growling or grumbling lowly as if he was muttering about something. But it fell on deaf ears.

Yang's and Natty's celebration was short lived when our eyes turned towards the broken coins. They were pulsing in beats as if music was built into them. Glowing in cycles. We gathered around the broken coins and watched as a white beam was shot from them. Breaking into the ceiling above us where the sun's rays shined faintly through. We all looked up towards the blue skies, silence came from either of us. Then the beam disappeared, Yang smiled before returning her gaze to us again and spoke "Seems like this mystery had gotten a bit better." "Where was that beam heading anyway?" Kyro questioned, looking into the sky again. Despite either of us shrugging in answer towards the red dragon, I frowned and gaze back to the skies again and pondered.

'Was that beam sending a signal towards the moon?'

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