Give And Take

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#15 of CBT One Offs

This story has been a WIP for almost a month and a half since I couldn't think of a way to finish it in a way I found satisfying. It's gone through several iterations, each slightly less disappointing than the last, and now it is complete!

Warning: Ballbusting, CBT

Hope you enjoy! :D

The persian had been doing a great job sneaking into the berry farms around his den. He would dodge their patrols and take his fill of the juicy fruit at no cost to himself besides the effort it took. His life was at it's peak and there was nothing that could bring him down until he got caught.

It had been midwinter and the usually thriving farm was barely producing enough to keep him fed. His hunger had led him to make several mistakes that he'd have never made otherwise and he was forced to make a deal with the furfrou who'd cornered him. Which was why he'd begun to visit the farm less than usual.

Everytime he broke in the canine was there waiting and it always ended in him being unable to walk normally for several days. He was certain that she'd be the death of him but food was scarce and he needed whatever he could get.

"G'night sunshine!" exclaimed the excited furfrou when she spotted him.

"Hello Felicity," sighed the persian.

"Ready to start, dear," she asked, her paw dangerously close to his pudgy nuts.

"Let's get it over with," he replied, closing his eyes.

It was the same thing every time but it never hurt any less when she crushed his kittenmakers beneath her heavy paw, sandwiching his sheath between her toes.

He grunted as she juiced his berries and wrapped her mouth around his hidden cock. This was the deal they'd struck. She gets a drink and he gets a meal. It was give and take.

Something about her demeanor was different tonight, she seemed more excited than usual and was being more forceful than normal. His balls were definitely feeling the difference and his now erect member could certainly tell as well. He tried to quietly tell her to calm down a bit but the silent crunch that came from his nuts put that idea to rest.

A long dormant instinct told him that he was in danger of losing something very valuable to him and he didn't know just how right it was until her weight suddenly doubled.

He did his best to suppress a yowl and instead just grit his teeth, his paw trying hard to get her attention while she inadvertently ruined him. Under normal circumstances it would have just been a bit of ballache, a good blowjob, and some delicious food but now it was looking like he'd be leaving with less than he'd come with. His jewels were almost completely flattened, less than half of their usual size and shrinking even more as she continued to increase the pressure on his crumbling nuts.

Felicity was a kind furfrou who just so happened to be a little kinky but now she was about to castrate him and he needed to do something. With a frantic swipe, the persian felled the canine to the ground and immediately clutched his swollen sac and the squishy cargo inside. He felt tears welling up in his eyes and his spined cock throb as he denied himself his orgasm but at least he still had testicles to blueball.

The furfrou lay confused on the ground before realizing she'd probably done a little more damage than she'd intended. Her heat made her more careless than usual and now the male was paying the price. A look of guilt caught the persian's eye as Felicity slowly removed his paws from his groin. Her tongue reaching out to apologize for their rough treatment and the male appreciating her gentle touch.

It really did help him keep his mind off the pain when one of the most attractive females he knew was sucking on his family jewels. A spurt of his pre landed between her eyes and drew her attention to his neglected shaft.

With a final kiss, Felicity drew back and flagged her tail towards the persian, giving him the universal sign for mating. Before he could jump to action she stopped him and made him a deal.

"You get to mount me whenever you visit but I want one of your berries," she offered with a teasing lick to the side of his muzzle.

She'd just offered him unlimited sex at the cost of one of his most prized possessions. It was quite the dilemma. He knew there was a probability she'd end up breaking one by accident but now she was asking for permission to pop it and that was completely different. If he accepted her deal, he'd be one kittenmaker down but one guaranteed sexy mate richer. He could live with just one, right?

"I... I don't know," the persian mumbled, eyeing the large sac he'd always been proud of.

"Just think about it, all of this," Felicity smiled as she spread her spade, revealing her pink insides to the nervous feline, "for one of those fat berries of yours."

"W-will you at least stop kicking them if I do take this deal of yours?" the persian muttered, considering Felicity's deal under the influence of the very nuts she wanted to crack.

"How about three kicks, that won't be enough to break anything," Felicity offered, toying with his throbbing shaft to try and sway his decision.

"F-f-fine," he groaned, pushing her paw away to claim his prize.

"Nuh, uh," she giggled while pushing him to the ground. "Ball first, then sex."

"W-wait," he cried out as he watched her paw land on his juicier right berry.

He watched it distort and saw bubbles of persian nutflesh stick out between her toes. The excruciating pain made his owns paws land on hers, crushing the flattened sphere to it's breaking point. The already damaged kittenmaker couldn't handle the sudden increase in pressure and burst open, letting it's innards float freely.

He had accidentally destroyed his own right ball and that realization came far too late. The male would have yelled if the furfrou hadn't caught on in time to smother his face with her puffy spade, rapidly swiveling on top of his ball and finishing it off entirely.

Sure, her sudden movement had completely destroyed his kittenmaker but that had been the plan all along and now they didn't have to worry about unwanted company.

Felicity could feel the sloshing mass of feline genetics beneath her paw and wanted a little more detail than it would allow, so she moved it out of the way and pulled his lopsided pouch into her mouth. The vibrations going into her sex not only made her moan but also made her realize the persian probably wasn't liking the inquisitive touches of her tongue.

The way he mewled made her feel pity for the lonely orb in his sac, practically forcing her to apologize for the death of it's brother. Felicity suckled on the swollen organ and drew a few shots of persian juice from his pulped fruit.

It was a shock to her how desperate his body was to spread his genes, not even finishing his ball off was enough to stop it from trying to complete it's purpose. After several seconds of pleasure, the canine decided it was time to examine the fruits of her labor.

She slowly began to chew on his lopsided sac, making sure not to catch his remaining jewel between her teeth. The persian's back legs trembled and kicked weakly in response as she felt his paws grab her behind and the feline dig his muzzle into her. The male taking a new approach to dealing with the agony.

His sudden change of attitude caught the furfrou by surprise and put his kittenmaker in the direct path of her sharp canines. The sickening crunch that both pokemon felt froze the persian in place and made the furfrou examine his ball with her tongue to make sure it was still intact.

To their relief it was just worse for wear but completely whole. Felicity didn't feel like trying her luck anymore and eased the orb out of her mouth. She turned around to find the persian almost comatose on the ground, his limbs twitching weakly and his shaft dribbling his destroyed right testicle's last load. He was completely out of it and she was further away from a very good rutting.

Felicity sighed and returned to her guard duties, knowing the male wouldn't be going anywhere and that he'd be relatively safe in this part of the farm, not that she remembered everyone's patrol paths or that it mattered who found him so long as he could fuck her later.

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