Tiger Milk

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Howler, a four-headed hulking shortstack of a wolf wants nothing more than another taste of his beloved tiger Tai's delicious milk, and that's what he gets tonight and more! Extreme Hyper Muscle, Muscle growth, Multi-Head and MLac content inbound! Plus, a special cameo appearance from an older story of mine!

FA Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48954817/

"Oh wow, I didn't know you're into MLac!"

Me either, but people change, and man, let me tell you. The entire month of August was nothing but new awakenings almost every week, and of course I decided to write about all of it. Expect some more in a few weeks!


Also, a little cameo appearance from an older story of mine and a bonus scene. Nothing much about it, and I probably won't do it again. I just...ran out of names for the extras and decided "Hey, why not? Here's Trip, let's go I guess."

Anyway, please enjoy as always!

"Alright, now slowly raise your arms." "That's right, keep going."

A deep voice gently reminded as the wolf saw the otter in front of him raise his arms ever so gently, gritting his teeth through the pain. The wolf let his large paws grab the mustelid's shoulders, his muscular mitts immediately covering more than his shoulders as he instructed the otter further.

"Now hold your pose and take a deep breath." "You can do it dude. Just calm down."

He saw the mustelid heave, the dude was tired from his chest day and the wolf just chuckled, his chest rumbling as he moved closer, letting his large paw cover the otter's chest as he helped him. His barrel furry chest hit the striated back of his client as the massive gray wolf continued.

"Now, breathe in." He said, his voices overlapping as he felt the otter do his instruction, clearly in pain but still faring better than some of his clients would. "Now, breathe out." The otter did, and the cannie saw how relaxed his client was as he smiled toothily. "Nice. Good job!"

"Haah...fuck, that's hurts." The otter said as he lowered his arms, his body now fully relaxed as the otter took smaller breaths. The wolf simply laughed as he helped the otter stand up to his full height, almost two heads taller than the wolf as his client stretched his entire body. "Thanks again, Howler."

"You're welcome, man!" "We got another good day of gains today."

The wolf said as he tilted his four heads up to face the otter. The otter was 6 feet even, already a foot or more taller than the hulking wolf with his height barely 5 feet. Not that he minds, of course, as his hulking 950 pound body is more than enough to make up for the height difference compared to the otter's 280 pounds. Howler rolled his watermelon-sized shoulders, his pecs rolling for every movement to try and intimidate the otter.

"Well, not as much as someone over here!" The otter chuckled brightly as he looked down at his trainer, the massive wolf's torso as wide as ever.

Howler's four heads grinned at his client as he grabbed the two bottles of water from a nearby bench, his meaty paws easily holding the two two-liter bottles with ease as he gave one to the sweaty otter. His client accepted and took a mighty swig of his drink.

"Haah, you know it!" "I never stop gaining!" Howler said as he saw the tall otter sit down, the taller of the two now at least eye level with his 4 foot 8 frame as the wolf let his near half-ton bulk shadow the slimmer otter. His four heads looked up and down to his client and smirked. "You're making some good progress at least."

The wolf let his paw rest on the otter's torso, his massive hand covering the entirety of Trip's body. The otter would have been surprised but he was used to the hyper muscular wolf doing this, just letting his paws rest in his client's body like it was nothing.

"Getting some good definition on your chest." "Nice abs, too."

He let his padded finger stroke the otter's decent 21-inch arms.

"Your arms are getting full, too." "Forearms are a bit weak." "We'll fix that."

He then moved one hand to the otter's back, slightly pushing him so that Trip's chest bumped against Howler's own barrel set of pectorals. One hand engulfed both legs as he hummed.

"Back is getting stretched." "Nice width, thick lats too." "Your legs are quite defined and thick."

The wolf's three heads kept peppering Trip with compliments as the otter simply blushed, sheepishly chuckling as he was scratching his head. Howler's other head simply laughed, his massive pec shelf heaving up and down for every laugh as he saw his client being rarely bashful.

"T-thanks, Howler. Been getting some good gains these past months thanks to you!" Trip said as he flexed his arms, earning bright smiles from his trainer as he did a few more poses, his pumped, taut muscles stretching his fur apart. He then relaxed, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his blue tank top. "Though I don't think I could grow as big as you." Trip said and Howler merely laughed from his four heads.

"Thanks for the compliment, Trip." Howler said as he let his fingers tap the otter's thighs. "Now come on, let's take a good shower" "Finish this night nice and clean."

Trip chuckled as he stood up, looking down at his coach as he nodded. "Sure, Howler."

The two walked towards the showers, the gym at night is quiet as ever with only a few regulars training their bodies at this dead of the night.. Howler greeted some of them, chatting with some of the other trainers and letting their clients gawk at his mighty physique. Trip stood alongside them, talking about his own life and goals as well as he showed off his hard-earned gains. The otter is definitely the sociable type, his jockish yet nice attitude made it easy for people to warm up to him.

Howler admitted he started hanging out with the otter after their training sessions. Trip even met his lover of many years, the otter's face when he saw how tall Tai was is always a good memory for the wolf, as he commentated on the mustelid's gains, talking about definition and whatnot to his fellow trainers.

Still, more comments about Howler's monstrous physique flew by and the four-headed gray wolf simply laughed, his cheeks brushing against each other as he flexed 78-inch arms to its full 90 or so inches, letting his peaks rise beyond his clenched fists and watermelon sized delts. He let people grab his relaxed muscles, so soft with a layer of fat then flexed to let them touch his flexed muscles, hard as steel and stretching his pelt to its limits. He was called a monster many times that night and the wolf simply laughed at the absurd comment.

Though it was true. 950 pounds would have looked ridiculous on a taller guy. On him, who is merely 4 foot 8? He was basically overstuffed with mass, filling his body with so much bulk. Howler's traps tower over his heads, his delts and pecs made a nest that made his heads look like they were sinking, making a nest of flesh around his bulging pillar-sized necks. His pecs heaved out of his body at least a good 3 feet from his body, casting a shadow on his always bloated belly as the bottom of his stomach rubbed against his massive thighs.

His pecs are always so huge and hefty, a good layer of fat covering the mighty muscles. His waist is thick with both pudge and brawn. Who needs abs when the pillar of mass looks like it could crush rocks when flexed. His mighty legs are pillars of pure power, 100 and more inches thick and pushing his mighty endowment obscenely forward, his soft 7 inch wolf rod and baseball-sized nuts sticking out of his incredibly tight shorts

Truly, Howler was a monster, and he was growing bigger every year. His fellow trainers are used to his ridiculous growth spurts that happen every year, despite being in his late twenties. When asked, the wolf just gives them an equally ridiculous answer: drinking milk. The others merely laughed at the obvious joke and the wolf just grinned knowingly from his four heads.

They didn't realize that the monstrous wolf is technically correct.

Still, despite his absolutely intimidating appearance, his 4 foot 8 tall 950 pound frame isn't exactly a gentle sight, he was friendly, cheerful, helpful, and smart with actual training techniques. It really helps that Howler is also incredibly proud of his body to the point that he only wore shorts in the gym, not that any clothes could dare try and cover his monstrously wide and thick physique. It certainly helps attract some potential trainees, whether their reason is to improve their health, gain some mass, or they have a bit more...superficial reasons involving the wolf's bulk.

Howler chuckled as he crossed his arms across his chest, juicy wolf meat spilling over his forearms as his back widened. Talking with people always makes him happy, but he has to end it for now. He waved goodbye to the others as he and Trip moved on.

As much as he wanted to keep talking and be drowned in compliments, he has a little date with a certain tiger later.

The two moved on, Howler lumbered towards his locker and grabbed his bath brush, for his back and other areas that were hard to reach due to being muscle bound, and a special towel; basically just three towels stitched together to better dry his massive furred body. He grabbed his boxers, feeling his lats surge a bit as he shimmied his way out of his shorts and boxers, letting his wolf cock and balls air out as the otter did the same. It was only the two of them here, anyway so it was fine.

However, Howler saw Trip giving him glances, especially on his nether regions. The massive four-headed wolf simply laughed as he gently clapped the otter's back, the force still enough to make Trip stumble as he moved on.

"Eyes up, buster." "We already got boyfriends." "Unless...?" "You want a little double date night...?"

The wolf smirked as he shuffled past the blushing otter. Howler's tail swayed left and right, his waddling accentuating his inhumanly thick glutes. Trip simply shook his head, his thick tail swinging idly as he followed the waddling wolf.

The two showered peacefully, having a bit of conversation here and there as the water ran through their bodies. The wolf felt at peace as he felt water run through the very crevices of his muscular body, pelting his thick body with warm water. Howler needed two showerheads due to his wide physique as he shampooed his two heads first, his biceps and forearms surging in size for every movement. His other two heads, with not much to do, decided to talk with the otter beside him, talking about their future plans when Trip told him about leaving the city.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah..." Trip said, sounding just as disappointed as the wolf as he scrubbed his head and pits, trying to clean himself off of the trademark otter musk. "But it's all good! I'm gonna move in with my boyfriend!"

The wolf widened his eyes, his blue eyes shining as he smiled brightly to the otter. "Oh! Congrats!"

"You've been talking about him for a while now." What's his name again?"

"Roland. And yeah, think it's time to take it to the next level." Trip moved on to his furry chest, diligently scrubbing his paws against his nicely built body as he continued. "The lion's really excited. Honestly, me too!"

Howler laughed as he moved on to his two other heads, scrubbing his head fur gently as his muscles bounced. "Ah, I remember when I first moved in with Tai." "We've been together for so long..."

"You've been with him for...5 years?"

"Yup!" "The man is just so good."

Trip chuckled as he saw the lovestruck expression in Howler's four heads. The otter had seen the towering tiger a few times, and the two are clearly in love, despite their clear difference in stature. He sighed as he felt the water flow down his musculature, digging his paws on his hard-earned muscles.

"Hope I get the relationship you guys have. Roland's really nice, a bit sassy, but...yeah."

"Just be yourself and relax, Trip." "You got this!" Howler said as they continued to shower. Howler takes a bit longer due to his massive body to the point that Trip decides to help a bit, scrubbing his furry yard-wide back with his smaller paws.

After a few good minutes, the two men are fresh from the shower and are now drying themselves up. The tall otter wrapped himself up with the towel as he scrubbed himself dry. The wolf shook his body, letting his fur be dry the old-fashioned canine way, from his towering traps to the tip of his long, furry tail. His fur became shaggy as he tried to smooth himself up as much as he could.

Trip wore a stretchy blue shirt and black shorts, that accentuated both his height and his musculature. The otter took a bit more time as he sprayed himself with some cologne as he saw the wolf trying his best to wear his boxers.

Howler took steps to let his paws into the holes as he shimmied the stretchy garment through his ham-sized calves, then to his pillars he called quads. He stretched a bit to fit the boxers on his majestically enormous ass, his pecs surged forward as he stretched back and finally fit the cloth on his butt. He then fixed his crotch to let his 7 inch softie and balls fit the pouch in front. All the while his torso shook and swelled and flexed hypnotically. The otter simply stared as the wolf finally finished wearing his boxers and is now gonna wear his brown cargo pants as he repeated the process once more.

Trip simply smiled as he sat on the bench, bag strap on his shoulders as he watched the monstrous wolf move and shimmy his way to wearing the garment. The end result is quite sexy, the overblown wolf is almost brutish looking with him wearing nothing over his massive torso. His quads filled up his pants so much that just a simple flex could rip them apart in half if the four-headed monster so chooses. HIs four heads are quite a looker; brown short chopped hair and clean shaven square chin gave him a clean look which was accentuated with his deep blue eyes. All in all, Trip isn't surprised that the wolf is in a long-lasting relationship.

Howler simply stood back, relaxed. His entire body is so wide that even relaxed, his lats pushed his arms to a forty degree angle. His pecs are so deep and thick that one could use it as a shield against the rain if it weren't for his equally bulging muscle gut. He was so wide that he could cover three or four lockers with his bulk even when relaxed. The wolf simply laughed, his four heads howling in proud laughter as he looked at the otter.

"Let's go?"

Trip just smiled and nodded as they went on their way. The city was bright with the lights of the night life. Street lamps above them illuminated the way, cars passing by as the two walked silently, the otter walked behind the lumbering wolf as Howler conquered most of the space. The wolf in particular is looking at the moon, his four heads broke into a smile as he wanted to, as his name implies, howl at the the shining crescent moon above them. The otter saw this and simply chuckled, the hulking shortstack joined him as he two reached the crossroads; Trip going west to his apartment and Howler going north to his home.

"Guess this is it." Trip said as he looked at his trainer for almost two years, a sad smile in his face as he crouched down to mee the wolf almost eye to eye.

"Yup." "Just remember to keep going to the gym, okay?" "Maintain that motivation and you'll grow BIG, I tell ya." "Hell, invite your boyfriend to give him a show."

Trip laughed at the last suggestion as he gave his trainer a hug, his arms not even able to fully circle the wolf's wide backside as Howler wrapped his massive arm onto the otter, covering the otter entirely with his arm muscles.

The two were like this before letting go and the otter is on his way. "See you next time, Howler! Just hit me up whenever in the chat! Also say hi to Tai for me!"

"You too!" "Show some progress pics, too!" "And say hi to Roland for me as well!"

The otter's form disappeared towards the night cityscape as the wolf''s four heads sighed. Trip's a great client and friend, but the two could probably talk online if ever. As Trip was gone, the wolf walked the other direction to his home, the street lights and moon lighting up the way.

He felt the night breeze against his body, his gray fur swaying with the wind as he raised his arms and placed his hands behind his traps, his hairy pits out in the open as he let his massive muscles heave, walking down the streets like he owned it.

He saw people looking at him with bugged eyes, not used to seeing the shortstack hulk of a wolf as he easily took more than half of the sidewalk despite being shorter. The near half-ton wolf let his heavy footfalls shake the ground gently as he peacefully made his way to his home.

Especially since it was a day he awaited so much, a once in a year affair that would ensure some...big results. Howler's four heads grinned, as he moved a bit quicker, eager to get a taste of his tiger.


"Hmm...this should be fine, right?" The tiger asked no one as he crouched down to look at the oven, his knees and one hand on the floor as he eyed their dinner. Their dinner for today is three whole roasted chicken, a simple Sunday's roast despite being Friday is something he wanted to do. Makes him feel like a rebel.

He chuckled as he stood up and eyed the kitchen timer. "Five more minutes, huh?"

He really should trust his gadgets more, he thought as the feline sat down on one of the chairs as he waited for the chicken to finally cook, or for his husband to arrive from the gym. The tall tiger let his hand brush his hair away from his face as he eyed the clock. It should be high time for Howler to come home after his gig at the gym and Tai can't help but chuckle.

He propped his elbow on the table as he leaned on it, touching the fabric of the apron above his white dress shirt, landing on his meaty pecs as he fondled them a bit, earning a chuckle from himself. He can't wait for later, already he could feel his erection stain his boxers.

He then eyed his outfit, still in his work clothes. He probably should have showered first before preparing dinner, but if he wanted to let the chicken cook then he have t-


"Ah, there it is." Tai said, chuckling as he stood up to meet up with his husband. He had to crouch down to fit the doorways as he saw the wolf do the same, except sliding himself sideways to fit his near-half ton bulk around. One head of his husband smiled and it was like a domino effect as the rest smiled so wid and brightly that it warms his heart as the monstrous wolf.

"Good evening, Tai."

The tiger simply smiled as he was brought down by those massive logs the wolf calls his arms. "Good evening Howler." Tai said as kissed one head on top and then his lips, then did the same to the other heads, leaving Howler lovestruck, his lone tail wagging so hard as he received Tai's love.

The tiger simply chuckled as he nuzzled in between the wolf's chest. Howler love-filled trance breaks as he sees his tall tiger and chuckle, letting his deep voice reverberate from his chest to the tiger.

"Aww, you miss me that much?"

"More like I can't wait for later." Tai said as the wolf let go of the tiger as he rose up to his full 7 foot 9 height. The tall orange tiger was practically about 3 foot taller than his beloved wolf, Howler's heads level with the tiger's midsection. The height gave Tai a good angle to admire the massive bulk of the wolf. Seeing Howler's thick pec shelf and wide, mountainous back that made him as thick as he is wide is just a sight to behold as he smiled at his lover. His four heads tilted so high due to their size difference as they chuckled.

The tiger heard the faint ding of his kitchen timer as he tilted his head in the direction of the kitchen. "Guess dinner's ready."

"Just in time." "I'm hungry already." "What's for dinner?" Howler said as the wolf swept the tiger off of his feet with a mighty swing of his arms, letting the tiger sit on his mighty peaks like a perch.

"Roast chicken. And don't worry, I cooked two for you." Tai could just imagine the hulking shortstack wagging his tail and simply chuckled at his wolf's antics as Howler waddled to the kitchen, not even addled with the added weight of his lover.

The tiger isn't even a tall beanpole. He has a decent muscle definition of an amateur bodybuilder, a body that would make people drool, and with his tall height the 300 pound tiger is a sight to behold. But what he is very proud of is his pecs that were so plump and meaty that it pushes his nipples down, almost overblown-looking in comparison to the rest of his body.

It was Tai's pride and joy, but not because of his size alone, but because of...something that he could do with it. And that something is what made the wolf excited as he let the tiger stand up and prepare dinner.

The wolf waddled behind the kitchen table, not even bothering with the wooden chairs as he could easily destroy them with his weight, not even counting the fact that his ass is so wide that it wouldn't even fit in the small chair. The way the wolf was wider than the small table, his pecs covering most of the table space in front of him was a sight that never gets old.

As Tai pulled out trays of perfectly roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots around it, the two started conversing about anything they had in mind. It was a simple affair as the tiger set up some plates for the two and served their dinner, two chickens for the wolf and one for the tiger. Tai removed the apron as he sat down to eat and poured a glass of juice for the both of them, though he had to stop himself from chuckling as Howler immediately started.

As expected, the wolf practically tore apart the first chicken he grabbed, every bone was picked clean of meat as his four heads chewed their meal happily. Tai simply laughed as he took a piece from his own whole chicken, already thinking of recooking the leftovers he will have for tomorrow.

The two were silent for a while; Howler focused on eating and making himself full, and Tai focused on those delicious, bulging muscles. The gray wolf's arm practically inflated with so much mass, fighting with his forearms as it surged so thick and powerful.

Tai slyly stroked the bulging muscle with his finger, and Howler stopped at the tender touch of his tiger. In retaliation, the wolf slid a thick finger in between Tai's pecs, letting his digit be squeezed as the orange-furred tiger flexed his meaty mounds. The two laughed as the wolf slowed down, telling him about his work and his client, especially about Trip.

"Trip is leaving?"

"Yup." Howler's one head said as his three other heads were busy with food in his mouths. His muscles once again bulged to a monstrous degree as he brought more chicken meat to his heads. "Gonna move in with his boyfriend in a week, but he has to move some stuff around."

"Aw, that's great!" Tai said as he grabbed a chicken leg and sank his fangs into it, enjoying his meat. "He's a good guy, as far as I remember."

"He is!" Howler said as his three heads burped. "Hope it works for them."

The two continued to enjoy both their meals and conversation. Tai was stealing glances of his hulking lover as Howler now began tearing apart the second whole chicken. His biceps and pecs heaved up and down, flexing to their diamond hardness before relaxing to their soft, supple state. Each handsome face of his wolf is smiling brightly as he licked his chops, obviously eager for what later entails.

Tai could feel his pecs bouncing, his chest feeling so full as their meal in peaceful silence. He sighed as he grabbed his glass and drank a bit of his juice. Howler wasn't always the hulk that he was; a combination of hardwork and a secret that the tiger has has made him the hulking shortstack that he is today.

And later, there would be even more of the wolf to enjoy.

The tiger stood up from his chair, standing at his full height as he eyed the wolf still eating. He saw one head of the wolf tilt his head up to him and grinned, licking his tongue and making the tall tiger smirk.

With that, he left the wolf with his meal and decided to shower a bit. He could feel the wolf's quad-gaze boring into his back and he flicked his long tail around and slapped his ass for good measure. He didn't need to hear the loud groan coming from his lover to know his teasing work as he closed the door behind him.

Now all alone in the bathroom, he removed his dress shirt and saw his white underbelly fur. He admired his physique for a bit. He wasn't as big as his hulking wolf, but he looks like an amateur bodybuilder, which is hard for his height to achieve.

He grazed his fingers across his 8 pack abs, grabbing his trail of white hair from his belly button to his crotch. He then did a double biceps, making his 18-inch arms flex into hard balls of muscles.

But what made him smile is his meaty pecs. His pectorals are so soft and supple to touch as he grabbed a handful of tiger pec meat and squeezed it gently. He moaned at the sexual pleasure it gave as he played with his perky nipples, facing down due to the weight of his pec muscles. He played around with his knob like this, twisting, squeezing, and pulling it around until he felt his fingers wet with something.

His eyes widened as he shook his hand away. He could see drops of white gold dripping from his nips, sliding down to his gorgeous abdomen as he laughed.

"You okay there?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Tai said as he saw the drops of milk stopped, his nipples almost reddish due to him playing with it. He took an apprehensive squeeze of his pecs as gently as he could. "Though I think I spilled a bit of your surprise."

He heard the wolf laugh from the kitchen. "My tiger is quite excited, huh?"

"Not as excited as you!" The tiger shouted and once he heard no more comebacks, he removed his pants and boxers, letting his erect 7 inch tiger rod and balls hang as he grabbed his towel.

Tonight is going to be amazing.


Shower was quite fast for the tiger. The usual 'too tall for the shower' problem persists as always, but to be fair, he was used to such a thing many years ago.

He didn't bother wearing a towel, only drying himself up and depositing the towel shower as he walked to their bedroom naked. Ducking a bit to enter, he saw the beautiful sight of his beloved hyper muscular wolf naked, his four heads grinning as he stood there with so much power.

The wolf stood there, the only light source coming from the moon, shining the wolf in some unearthly glow; a perfect fit for his godly physique. The tiger smirked as he walked closer, their bodies in front of each other. The wolf tilted his heads up, those handsome faces leveled just above the tiger's belly button as the monstrous shortstack smirked.

Tai smirked as well as he went down on his knees, still taller than his lover as he grabbed the soft, supple pec meat of the wolf. The tiger's paw could barely grab even a quarter of those round muscles, digging his digit into his thick fur as the wolf hummed in satisfaction. Tai crouched further and planted his entire head into the deep divide between Howler's pecs, his muscled torso hitting the wolf's musclegut. He then extended his arms to the side, keen on hugging the entirety of the wolf, but it was no use; Howler was too wide, too large as his hands only grazed the wolf's thick lats.

Howler's four heads laughed, his deep voice reverberated through his chest and the tiger could feel it firsthand, the mighty walls squishing his head jumping up and down. Tai moved his arms down, underneath those barrel chest as he tried with all his strength to lift them up. The wolf merely laughed at that as Tai struggled to budge it even by a single inch. The casual show of strength made the tiger moan as he licked the muscle in front of him, making the wolf groan in pleasure.

The couple were like that for minutes, only intensifying as the tiger humped in between those massive pillar-like legs with his own cock, feeling the wolf's 11-inch erection hitting his torso as the wolf groaned. Howler raised his arms, his 78 inch arms flexed to full hardness, his peaks split at the very peak it rose above his clenched fists. The wolf's heads felt squished as his traps, his delts and pecs all rose up. The absolute muscularity of the wolf is insane, almost godlike with his almost 1000 pounds heft.

And all of it is going to grow bigger.

The tiger rose up once more, the two of them eager to start as they walked, the wolf waddled, to their large king sized bed. The tiger laid down first, his erection stood up to its full 7 inches as he saw the wolf crawl towards him. An absolute monster of inhuman weight crawled down, those deliciously thick pecs scraping his torso, gray fur brushing against orange as the wolf stopped to tease the tiger with his pecs swallowing Tai's cock. The tiger moaned as his meat was swallowed by those mighty pectorals, before the four heads chuckled and moved forward, Howler finally eyeing the very prize he had wanted ever since this morning: those delicious, juicy tiger pecs.

The wolf planted his large paws beside the tiger's head. Forearms thicker than Tai's own waist stood beside the tiger's head as the wolf hovered a good two feet or more. Despite that, his mighty pecs sink so deep against this bed, trapping his body between those massive mounds of muscle.

The image they give is astounding. The wolf propped himself up, heads level with the tiger's chest and yet his feet barely reached Tai's calves. All the height difference the tiger has was nulled by the sheer width and thickness of his lover., almost as wide as their bed.

Tai smirked, seeing the burly wolf engulf his midsection with his musculature.. He could feel the mighty wolf tower rubbing against his own erection as he cupped his own pecs, priming his nipples to those hungry mouths of his lover. "Drink up, big boy."

The wolf immediately attacked those perky nipples, making the tiger moan. Two heads are sharing a pec each, tongues flicking and licking and even nibbling on those perky nubs as the tiger could feel his nipples being attacked many times over. The wolf was eager to taste and drink the tiger's white gold as the wolf finally got a little taste of that delicious tiger milk.

The stream of white gold continued, and the wolf continued to drink and gulp all the spewing milk from his lover. Howler's two heads clamped onto those massive tiger tits, sucking out all the milk his cheeks could contain before letting go and letting his other two heads clamp and suck into those pecs. Each time the wolf switched heads, the tiger moaned as he felt each and every sucking, every clamp. His nipples felt swollen as the hungry wolf continued feeding himself off of Tai's precious milk.

The wolf continued to do this entire process until the stream of tiger milk flowed harder than ever, filling Howler's cheeks faster than ever. Some milk is bound to overflow from his mouth as he tries to do the process faster, making the tiger moan faster than ever as production ramps up.

Howler could feel his stomach bulging as the stream continued as if like a dam broke down as Tai squeezed his pecs even more, moaning as he did so. The wolf could feel his body starting to heat up, continuing to suck as hard as he could, making the tiger writhe in extreme pleasure. Howler's body now started to absorb all that tiger milk into his body, making him groan as he felt his body expand with more mass, becoming even heavier and thicker and bigger than he was before!

The tiger tried to pry his green eyes open and was once again in awe at what he's seeing. Despite seeing this many times, it was always a treat to see the already muscular wolf getting even more powerful, even bigger. His back sprawled over to the side as more deep canyons and hill-like muscles filled the wolf's furry back side. He could feel the pecs pressing against him growing larger and larger, digging itself deeper on the groaning mattress. 78 inch arms becoming 80, then 85, then 95 so quick, his forearms joining that growth as it became just as thick as his upper arms are earlier and went beyond that in such an alarming rate.

This is how the wolf got his monstrous muscularity. The tiger's milk had such an effect on him and every year, when the tiger can't help but release all his milk, the effect seems to intensify until he is the monster he is today. And today, the effect is much more apparent as the wolf is slowly surging wider, so close to becoming wider than the couple's king's size bed as his lats pulse bigger and thicker, starting to push away the bedside tables with his thick wing-like lats.

Tai could feel the wolf's weight pressing down on both him and the bed even more. The tiger looked down. Gray furred traps surged closer to him until it covered the entirety of the wolf's heads. All he could see now was the wolf's widening backside, pulsing and growing even more detailed with so many divides and crevices. The orange-furred tiger could feel the massive pecs and gut pushing him more and more against the soft bed.

He looked at the pillars of meat around his head and was shocked as those forearms had now reached a hundred inches each and were still growing, the wolf now going wild as he sucked more and more of that delicious tiger milk that was spewing on Tai's nipples like a faucet.

At the same time, the tiger felt his milk production intensify, harder and faster than the years before; from just mere drops it was when they first met to absolute liters of milk that he has right now.

With the combination of the tiger's increasing production and the wolf's increasing response, Howler grew to double his size and weight in just a few minutes. And it wasn't even done. Tai cupped his pecs, helping the wolf by squeezing more milk to those hungry mouths. He was barely halfway to feeling empty. He could feel the wolf groan as his massive chest was now bigger than the tiger's torso. The bed can't handle it anymore as it finally broke down underneath the two.

Tai closed his eyes, anticipating being crushed by the wolf's weight, but those ridiculously built arms held the wolf up. In one swift motion, he grabbed the tiger, trapping him gently between wrecking ball sized arms and even bigger pecs as the canine rolled to his back.

Howler landed with a loud THUD that shook the entire house as he reversed their positions, the wolf now on the bottom facing up as the tiger was laying down on him. The four heads, deliriously drunk on tiger milk, pushed the tiger deeper with his heavy arm that covered Tai entirely, the tiger's chest once again being assaulted by those canine mouths of his lover as he kept on going.

The tiger, this time, grabbed onto the wolf's growing traps like Howler did with the headboard. Tai felt those muscles were as hard as concrete but still has an undeniable softness to it, thanks to a layer of fat the wolf always has. It kept on growing, already creating a wide dent to the wall as the wolf continued to grow, pushing the bedside tables and anything else with his widening torso.

Speaking off, he felt himself being pushed away from the wolf as Howler's pecs and belly surged up despite what gravity dictates. The beefy belly is the size of a beach ball now, pecs are even bigger each as it tries to drown his belly, fighting for space on his short torso.

He got pushed downward, angling his pecs over the massive chest so that the wolf kept on sucking, milking him dry as the wolf continued to grow, the tiger continued to get milked. The wolf was beyond a ton now, probably two or three tons as the trickle of milk finally slowed down to simple drops. Despite this, the milk's effect continued; growing the wolf to such monstrous proportions.

The wolf continued to suck and bite those reddened nubs despite the milk being gone, but he eventually let go as he took a deep, deep breath, lifting the tiger up by a few feet before letting the air go. The tiger is breathing hard as well, tired as he sprawls on those growing pecs of his lover, his hands barely reaching the edges of those wide mounds of muscle.

Howler felt so huge. This is probably the most insane growth he had ever since he discovered this many years ago, back at their first date. He felt so heavy, so drunk with power and milk as he tried to move. His entire muscular body twitching in response, his pelt stretched to its absolute limits as each second Howler's body bulged to titanium hardness, then back to its relaxed soft state.

The tiger stood up first, hand massaging his swollen nips as he inspected the damage his hulking wolf created, and his jaw dropped when he saw that the very peak of his pecs were almost eye level with him. It was then he felt the massive furry ground and found out he was stepping onto the wolf's lats instead, meaning...

He stepped down from Howler's lats and his jaw dropped further to the floor as his wolf is now thicker than Tai is tall; those heaving, enormous mounds now reach a few inches above him, making Howler eight feet thick, probably more. The tiger had to step back a lot to see the wolf's new hulking form, his jaw perpetually open as he surveyed his lover, heaving deeply as he tried to move.

Howler is just...huge. Immense. Titanic. The previous words aren't even enough to describe the hulking wolf.

The wolf was beyond 10, 15 feet wide, probably more. His entire back and ass was at least three feet thick, raising him up and making him more intimidating. His limbs are beyond 200 inches thick at this point, his legs even thicker, all of them beyond mortal limits. Peaks of his upper arms curved so muched like mountains despite being relaxed, his forearms thicker than the thickest of trees, his legs! Those legs are wider than roads, his calves almost spilled over to his mighty feet.

Tai chuckled as he realized the wolf barely grew an inch in height once more, meaning he's still 4 feet 8. He heard the groans coming from his lover and he held back his chuckle, wanting to see his reactions to his new size. The wolf fumbled round, trying to stand up as he flailed his vehicle-sized limbs round. As much as the tiger wanted to help, he didn't know if he could even do so.

Still, the tiger tried to pull the wolf. He obviously failed, instead helping the lumbering, hulking wolf as he tried to prop himself up with his hands. He saw the four heads of Howler somewhat drunk with his milk as each movement of his made the entire house shake.

After a few painful minutes, the wolf finally stood up and the tiger had to literally sit down to comprehend what he was seeing. "Wooow..."

Seeing Howler standing is even more impressive. His pecs shelf would have covered his entire midsection with how much they droop with so much mass if it weren't for that massive belly bulging and fighting for space in between those mounds and his thighs. The wolf's torso is just a few feet shy from touching the walls with how much his lats surged to the side, pushing his vehicle wide arms in an almost 90 degree angle. HIs belly is like a dome that surged, filled with muscle and fat. His legs are insane, if it weren't for the fact that his belly and pecs filled the space above it, he could probably use each thigh as a chair with how thick and deep it is.

His traps and delts surged so high and the tiger stood up to compare himself to the hulking shortstack. His jaw dropped once more as the very peaks of those traps are now level with his clavicle and he just laughed at how absurd his lover's physique is. So powerful, so wide, so thick, yet so so shorter than the average male. A true shortstack hulk.

"W-what's so funny?" Howler said almost absentmindedly with his four heads. Tai simply smirked as he leaned on that massive pec shelf, the distance between the edge of the wolf's pecs and his heads is almost comparable to a normal person's height. "I feel so..."

"You okay there, love?" Tai said teasingly as he propped his elbow, leaning his hand with his paw as he enjoyed the drunk look of his wolf. The four heads are looking around in different directions, trying to discern what was funny to his tiger as he tried to raise his arms.

Tai's grin only grew wider as Howler's four pairs of eyes all widened as he felt his entire body heaved with so much new strength. He heard the groans of his body, his ears twitching as he looked around, now fully awake.

"Huh? Why are they so heavOH MY GOD!"

Tai laughed as he saw the wolf looking around with new vigor flowing through him. Howler had never been this huge and his shocked faces turned to proud ones as he saw the results of his feeding. "I AM HUGE!"

Tai stood back up and saw his partner trying to move around, feeling each of his massive muscles fighting, clashing for space. Each swing of those car-sized arms made a loud whoosh sound, his pecs bouncing every time and hitting his snout with his absolutely gigantic pec meat the way up and then bouncing on those mighty thighs as it went down.

"How much...?"

"I haven't measured you yet, but..." Tai said as walked around his lover, getting closer to that absolutely huge arm. Tai smirked as he grabbed a small part of that arm with his paw and Howler's heads were shocked as he felt how...small his tiger's paw is, much much smaller than before. Tai then tried to hug the pillar of absolute meat and the wolf almost gasped at the touch, not because of how tender the hug felt, but because the tiger can't hug the entire arm at all!

"Holy fuck..."

Tai laughed as he pressed his nuzzle against the absolutely enormous bicep. The wolf is clearly enjoying this, since he's speaking with his four heads at the same time. He tried to stretch himself more, trying to grasp more of the pillar-like canyon, but it was no use; Howler's arm was too huge.

He then scooted to the back of his wolf and he was amazed at the topography of Howler's backside. Mountains and hills decorated his back, large canyon-like crevices all the way down to his thick lower back. He could see the very bottom of his back muscles squeezing against those absolutely thick glutes, spheres of fat and muscle bigger than car tires as he palmed and massaged those mighty cheeks.

The wolf moaned, his entire torso heaving as Tai continued to knead those fat globes of his lover. He moved upward, scouring the very vast expanse of that gray-furred back as he once again tried to hug it. Once again, he could barely reach the edges of Howler's lats as his arms covered less than half of the wolf's back. His entire body pressed as his erect cock dug deep in between those cheeks. Tai could feel Howler's tail brushing against his bare torso, clearly enjoying this entire experience.

"How wide am I?"

"Very. We'll measure tomorrow"

Tai then moved back to the front, looking at Howler's heads smiling brightly as 4 pairs of blue eyes looked at him with sheer contentment as the tiger dove into his fluffy belly, a dome so big and full and just as big as his one pec. HIs bulging midsection was like a large ball that tried its damn hardest to push those car-wide pecs up, fighting for space as it clashed against those meaty thighs. He heard sloshing sounds coming from the wolf's bulging belly, and Tai caressed it lovingly as he squeezed the enlarged nipples of Howler.

The tiger stood up, then swiftly vaulted over the hulking pec shelf, the wolf not even flinching as his tiger landed and simply laid down perfectly. All four of Howler's heads were shocked even more at the implications, his square jaws hitting his pecs. He immediately smiled brightly as he bounced his pecs, making the tiger bounce.

Howler is so wide and thick that Tai could lay down on his pec shelf, with so much extra space! Even their old bed couldn't fit his lover, his feet always dangling in the air as they slept. The wolf's tail wagged as much as it could, stuck in between his sprawling canyon-like back and his enormous ass.

The wolf is enjoying his new weight as the tiger keeps on touching and massaging and nuzzling every part of his body. His tiger is now focused on his right delts and shoulders, massive boulders contained in his gray pelt, so soft when relaxed but titanium steel hard when flexed. Every touch felt so small, smaller than before, but it was effective in arousing the wolf up. His four heads struggled to turn to his left arm, mountainous delts blocking his view like a towering wall of flesh. He wanted to know how it feels when it's flexed. How it feels when he is in full power.

The wolf himself, too curious, raised his arm to the side and all four of his heads gasped as he had to look up, and up, and up to even see the very peak of his relaxed muscle towering over him, taller than his traps. He felt the tiger lean against his mountrous, car-wide delts as he flexed his left arm hard, struggling as his thick forearms and massive delts ballooned and preventing him from even completing the flex.

Still, that didn't stop him and the wolf roared from his four heads as his biceps ballooned even thicker and bigger, surging past its previous size as it grew two feet more, muscles as hard as titanium steel rose up higher than his lover as it reached its limits. The tiger stood up, Tai's entire weight felt like nothing for the wolf as Tai walked slowly over to the bludgeoning tower of mass that is Howler's left arm.

Howler felt his lover hug the massive tower, already he could discern that his bicep is wider and thicker than his entire body's previous size, and that made him horny even more as he put more effort in flexing his left arm, surging a few inches taller than it should as he felt his belly churn. Howler's four pairs of eyes widened as he grinned, feeling his stomach rumble as the leftover tiger milk powered him up for another massive growth spurt.

"Wha...?" The tiger stammered as he stumbled, landing on his back as he felt the wolf's body shake underneath him. Already he could feel such arousing warmth coming as the wolf roared, his entire body surging thicker, wider, and bigger.

The wolf could feel more power flowing from his stomach through his pulsing veins as his muscle fibers were destroyed and repaired into a bigger size. His pecs bounced, making the tiger jump as it moved a few inches forward, his thighs widening as he fixed his stance, his feet already a couple yards apart.

His four heads continue to roar as he raises his other arm, delts squishing his heads together as the right arm ballooned, mirroring the left arm as it too surges higher and higher, continuing to fill his muscles with blood as his body grows more and more pumped. The wolf could feel his stomach still churning, still processing the milk inside as he laughed maniacally.

The tiger is shocked. This is the first time there was any residual growth that happened. He could feel the meat beneath him blow up with more mass, his wolf lover blowing past his previous size by a foot, by two feet, still growing! He could see those flexed winglike lats inch closer to the walls as Howler continued to grow wider and bigger!

"This is..." Tai mumbled, as he felt the entire room grew humid with the wolf's sweat. Sitting at the epicenter of growth, the tiger simply felt at awe at the sight of his liver growing more hulkish. "...this is insane."

"YOU THINK THIS IS INSANE...?!" Howler's four heads roared simultaneously, his blue eyes almost glowing as his entire body creaked and groaned, his pelt continuing to stretch further and further as he continued to inflate with more mass, now at least 20 feet wide and still growing. "CHECK...THIS...OUT!!"

The wolf sneered, breathing through gritted teeth as he raised his arms upward. His delts, traps, pecs are so over inflated with muscle that the best the wolf could do was make a crooked V-shape with his arms. He could feel more of his muscles heaving with more power as he felt covered in sweat, howling as he willed his biceps bigger, wider than cars as it surged closer to one another.

Tai is simply flabbergasted as he witnessed something incomprehensible. The man he loved is continuing to grow. Wider than roads, heavier than heavy vehicles. The man is at least 5, 6, probably 9 tons of pure wolf meat and yet his 4 foot 8 height remained. His body is locked in place, immobility was in sight and yet the wolf continued to pursue total godhood as he roared. The entire room is being filled with nothing but Howler, furnitures are being pushed to the very corners of the room. His traps just a few feet away from hitting the ceilings, his massive pecs threatening to break through the windows.

Howler is becoming an absolute muscle god!

The tiger started to worship the pec below him, licking the growing expanse beneath him as tried to show his love to the growing god in front of him. He sprawled on the widening pec bed of the wolf as Howler roared and continued to grow wider.

Howler tried to raise his arms up even further, his delts threatening to swallow his sidemost heads, his traps and pecs rising further up and sinking his heads in more of his own meat. Mighty, monstrous peaks continue to surge more and more, easily reaching 600, 650 inches of massive wolf muscle with more to come. The entirety of the wolf's body all heaved with power as the wolf flexed with all his might, his quads surged and fought for space, his deepening triceps hitting the floor. The wolf felt his lats break through the wall of their own home, too wide to fit in any room and yet it all continued. He was becoming grotesquely muscular, his height remained and yet his weight ticked upwards as he grew and grew.

It was then that Howler felt it, he could feel his twin peaks touching, pressing against each other as he laughed, his four heads let out a crazed laugh as his entire body destroyed the walls of his own home. His wolf cock, buried in all that mass spurt out cum as he orgasmed at the feeling of real strength, painting his thighs and the underside of his belly with his own seed as he howled.

He was a god, a total god and nothing can stop him!

With one final howl, he flexed harder as his arms were pushed away, his biceps clashing for space as he could feel the milk inside his stomach finally ran out.

The wolf stayed in that pose for a few seconds, before letting his arms rest against this cabinet-thick lats, arms dangling at a ninety-degree angle as the wolf is getting calmer. His energy lowered until his growth finally stopped, leaving the wolf into a breathing, tired shortstack muscle god.

Tai, also breathing hard, laid down on his back, feeling the muscle fibers of his beloved as he basked in the afterglow of his lover's growth. He didn't even realize he had orgasmed, coating merely a small portion of the prestigious pec bed of Howler. The tiger kept in pace with the wolf's breathing, a few minutes of pure silence before standing up and surveying what's left of their bedroom.

Which is mostly nothing at all. The wolf had filled the entire area and then some with his massive wolf bulk. All the furniture is destroyed, being crushed in between the hard walls and harder muscles. Even the walls aren't spared, Howler's bulk destroyed the walls to the side, his entire body spilling towards the bathroom and living room.

He can't even guess how wide and thick he is, but one thing's for sure: he has evolved from a monster to a god.

He heard the tired groans coming from his lover. He slowly walked to where Howler's heads were, and his awe at the shortstack muscle god turned to lighthearted exasperation as he saw how groggy and loopy he looked, his eyes almost drooping. One head has his tongue out, panting like the canine that he is, two are leaning against each other, eyes crossed trying to look at one another, and the other is looking at him; all of Howler's heads look so drunk with milk and power.

"I...feel so huuuuuge." He said, his four heads speaking almost out of sync. It would have been terrifying if Tai weren't used to him being like this when the wolf is drunk. "I feel so wiiiide...and heeeeavy...like...an elephant..."

"Yeah?" Tai said as he sat down cross-legged across the set of heads, his smile growing wider. "An elephant?"

"Yeeeeaaaah..." Howler said as he leaned all his heads together, his blue eyes unfocused and tired. "...like a cube."

Tai blinked. "A cube?"

The heads nodded, still out of sync. One even stayed down and Tai can't help but chuckle as the groggy Howler continued. "Yeah...like...a cube...but wider...and thicker. A short cube."

"That's...not how cubes work, Howler."

"I don't care...Imma god now...I can do...hng...do what I want..."

Tai chuckled as he kissed Howler gently, each head got a gentle kiss as he ruffled his lover's hair fur.

"...night, Tai...love you..." Howler murmured before he finally fell asleep standing up. Then again, if the wolf laid down, he might not be able to stand up.

Tai simply smiled as hugged Howler's heads together. "Love you too, you muscle god."

He finally leaned back on his elbows, seeing that the wolf had destroyed even the ceilings. His lover is too enormous to be contained by such a small house. He sighed as he fondled with his now empty but still meaty pecs, fingers twirling his nipples. Back then he didn't think that his milk could grow his beloved. Now, he couldn't believe that his Howler became a powerful god of destruction with his tiger milk alone.

He looked around the house and scratched his head. There's gonna be a lot of logistic problems about housing his beloved, but even with that, he looked forward into living with him for the next few yea-

"Oh." He stopped, his fingers frozen as he suddenly realized. "Next year."

He tilted his head to the side and saw his beloved sleeping, then turned around to see the absolute house-destroying body of his beloved. That's right, he thought. There's gonna be next year, and the year after that, then the year after that one, and Tai couldn't imagine how big the wolf could be in the next two years.

Will he be bigger than a country? A continent? The entire planet? The whole solar system? Will he be able to move? Will Howler be the muscle god he claims to be?

Tai could feel his erection rising up again and he quickly gave himself a quickie before closing his eyes, too hot and bothered to enjoy the fast orgasm. All he could think of is Howler getting bigger and bigger. Even in his dreams, where Howler is the size of the universe, his bulk filling in the void of space, he could see the wolf inflating with mass and all of that due to his milk.

And he can't wait for that to happen.

***Bonus Scene***

A few months after a certain incident, a couple are walking on a beaten path beyond the city limits. One of them, a smaller male, stopped a bit to rest, hands on his knees and the taller of them stopped...

"Haah...didn't think your old trainer lived this far out of the city..."

"Tired, Roland?"

The well-dressed lion didn't have to look up to elbow his otter, sending the taller of the two in a loud laughing fit.

Trip almost doubled down in laughter, leaning to his lion as he hugged him. "Aww, sorry Roland. I didn't know that they moved a few months ago." The lion simply huffed childishly and turned his head away from the otter. Trip, used to his antics, simply nuzzled the angry lion as he cuddled him. "Ro, babe, please...how can I apologize to you?"

"How about you use those big muscles of yours and carry me on your shoulde-AH!" Roland hadn't even finished ranting before he got whisked away so easily, finding himself riding the bulky otter's shoulder like he wanted.

"This fine?" The smugness is clear in the otter's voice and the lion tsked, a wry smile in his face as he waved it off.

"Yeah, yeah. Now wipe that smug off your face and get going, big guy."

The 285 pound otter simply laughed as he continued their trek to Howler's new house.

Trip suddenly had the urge to visit his old trainer, and with a few finagling with his and Roland's work schedule, Roland's was almost impossible without the lion making a scene, he managed to snag a weekend vacation back here, solely to let Roland meet his monster of a trainer. He hyped the four-headed wolf to the lion so much that the little guy almost got jealous.

He is surprised however that the wolf hadn't visited the gym a single time ever since Trip left, and he even moved out of a house after an accident or something, which is weird. The wolf would have mentioned something like that from their constant exchange of texts this past few months.

Still, he managed to get the address from a common friend, who warned him about Howler's new size. Trip just scoffed as the two head to the direction given. He knew about the four-headed wolf's growth spurts. The damn man managed to gain mass equal to a heavyweight bodybuilder in a single night, so he's used to seeing him hulk out every year.

'Then again, so did that trainer...so why?' Trip thought and suddenly he was a little worried about meeting Howler. The thuds he kept hearing in the distance isn't really helping matters. Whatever is in there is just making him think that the wolf is-

"You okay there, Trip?"

The otter flinched, his train of thoughts broken as the lion tugged his ear lightly. The damn lion is so great at reading him, it was near useless hiding something as the lion has the smarts to just...know what he's thinking.

Pretty much why he likes him, among other reasons.

"Eh, just thinking about what the other trainer said."

The lion simply shrugged as he petted the otter's head, trying to calm him down. "Well, it's probably nothing, right? You told me he just suddenly grows every year, so it should be normal...huh? What is that?"

Trip stopped as the lion pointed to a small gray hill over yonder, wider than the length of a school bus and as tall as the trees. Roland squinted his eyes and saw...

"Are those heads on there?" He can't see clearly due to the distance, but those are clearly heads, a set of small four heads surrounded by gray-colored hills.

"Holy fuck."

Roland looked down to see the flabbergasted face of his boyfriend. He was confused until Trip spoke, his voice almost shaking.


"What?" The lion looked back and saw that the 'gray hill' moved, that the entirety of all that is Howler's body. "What the fuck. I know you said he was a monster, but this is ridiculous. He's the size of a house!"

Trip just stood frozen in...fear? Awe? Envy? He didn't quite know. Even if he dismissed it, the warning is clearly not enough to tell the actual size of the wolf. "D-did he grow all that in one night?"

"The stretchmarks on that guy must be brutal..." Roland said as he slid off of his perch as he looked at his lover. The two saw how slow the wolf moved, each labored movement sent a loud thud all around him.

"So that's what I've been hearing..."

Trip could see an orange man near the heads, Tai obviously, as the tall tiger steadied himself. All around him are a dozen trees, standing on top of Howler's...

"Are those his pecs?"

"I...think so...it's too huge but..."

Trip and Roland looked at each other, before looking back at the four-headed god wolf by the distance.

"You still wanna go visit your old trainer?"


"...I'll think about it."

Out of Control

A quiet day in the park, no people walking around, just peace and quiet. This is what the mouse needed, especially now. The small white mouse is looking around, trying to find the perfect spot to do what he wanted. All Joshua needs now to find is a- ...

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Elevator Ride

Night shift is a weird thing, Craig thought as he walked the almost empty lobby of his office building. He was so used to this place being filled with people, employees or not, but now it's just so barren. He was recently "promoted" and one of his new...

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A Hand or More

It was a beautiful day today, Jesse thinks, as he yawned a big yawn and immediately jumped off the bed. The bed groaned in relief as his large frame was finally out of the poor bed. His large footfalls can be heard all around his bedroom as he happily...

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