Hate You BUT

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#14 of Gifts and Trades

What do you do when you're stuck in a room with someone you can't stand, but you're in heat and he's easy to push around? Sometimes you just have to know how to make due with what you have.

Special thanks to Faelan the Floof for letting me use Faelan for this!

Posted using PostyBirb

"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you." The Midnight Lycanroc looked at her equally blue company with disdain as she sat on the dressing room couch, waiting patiently for Damion and Lexis as the pair put on their performance in the adjacent contest hall. The sole saving grace for Fae was the TV that had been turned on for them before they left for the stage, letting Fae and Anima watch the contest and cheer for their favorite partners. It gave the grumpy blue Alpha female something to do instead of growl at Anima, still detesting the dragon heavily after their first encounter together.

"You know, it's not like it has to be all bad," Anima countered, flying over to sit next to her on the couch with a less-than-innocent look on his face. "After all, we do have a good hour or so together. And I know you've been itching for a little extra attention while Damion has been busy with all his training..." Fae only grumbled, crossing her arms across her chest and doing her best not to give him the dignity of a response. Not that this deterred Anima in the slightest, taking her silence as an opening to slink just a bit closer. "No need to play coy, little Alpha. You don't need to pretend to like me to get that itch of yours scratched."

The warning growl from Fae was pointed, but she made no other move to push him away from his position next to her. Much as she hated to admit it, he was absolutely right about just how pent up she'd gotten while unable to have her Alpha take care of her. Pent up enough that even the Flygon next to her was starting to look reasonable, and his lurid suggestion had her cookie dampening despite her resistance to the whole idea. As much as she wanted to just slap the Flygon across the room, she couldn't deny that the twin spears he was packing would at least tide her over until her beloved Houndoom could fill her properly. Even so, she certainly wasn't going to make it easy or pleasant for him to coax her. Horny as she was, she still had her pride, and Damion wouldn't have forgiven her for acting as any less than an alpha should.

Side-eying the randy Flygon, Fae made to get up off the couch, turning her nose up just slightly at him as a show of contempt. It had the desired effect, taunting Anima into lunging at her with a low growl and pinning her down against the couch with his heavier bulk. His fangs were close to her neck as he leaned in to growl in her ear, a sensation that had a thrill running down her spine despite herself.

"What's the matter, Fae? Scared you can't handle me without Damion here to protect you?" She scoffed at that, bracing her knees into the couch and parting her thighs just a little further apart under him as she refused to look his way. If she'd had a mind to, she supposed she could have thrown him off of her and made her exit - Damion had helped her hone her strength enough for that, and his bulk was much less than her Alpha's besides. But instead she simply put up token resistance as he ground his throbbing twin shafts under her tail, smearing his pre all over her tight tailhole and letting it drip to her soaked cookie.

"Just trying to keep you from getting hurt feelings, bug." Fae kept her voice haughty even as she fought back the start of a little moan as he teased her. "We both know you can't fuck half as well as Damion can. But if you insist on being a good little sex toy..." She rolled her hips back against him as she raised her rump just a bit off the couch, catching one of his tips with her rosebud as she did so and feeling him slip in just a bit. "I suppose I can let you try and please my ass." She wasn't worried at least about him mounting her dry - as wet as he felt between her legs, she already knew his thick pre would ease his way into her just fine. Once again she was pleased to find him play right into her paws - were all males this easy once their cocks were hard? His sharp claws found her waist as he took her at her word, digging into her hips to hold her steady as he lined himself up to take her properly.

"Cocky little bitch," he snarled as he drove both soaked members into her waiting ass, forcing a gasp from her muzzle as she pushed her rump back to meet him. "By the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to remember your own name, never mind Damion's." Fae's claws dug into the couch, tearing slightly into the cushion below her as she felt him stretch her out around him, each of the ridges on his shaft adding a delicious bit of extra stimulation as he hilted her. Damion was still plenty bigger, but she'd found herself a taste for the unique feeling of one Pokemon being able to double penetrate her, the extra pressure of both shafts trying to stretch apart enough to make her folds drip and her eyes roll back in her head. Not that she'd give Anima the satisfaction of admitting that to him.

"By the time your- hff- limp dicks give up, I still won't even remember your name," she taunted back. Anima rewarded her smart-ass remark by sinking his claws just a bit deeper into her hips, drawing a hiss from her lips. He took his time pulling his way out of her, each ridge making a wet little pop as it slipped from her tight rosebud and making her tremble just a bit more as she bit her lip, knowing what was coming next. "Giving up already? Bet you're already about to-" Her comment was cut off as he dragged her hips back, his hips slapping against her rump as he slammed their bodies together. It hurt, but god did it hurt good.

"Better bite down on something, slut pup. Unless you already need to call for help." Somehow Fae managed to scoff at him through a moan, though she did move with him as he started rutting her properly.

"Just try not to be a minute man, bug boy. Or I'll have to trash your ass myself." She felt those scaly paws move down to her thighs, pulling them around his waist as he lifted her fully off the couch while he knelt behind her, seemingly determined to show her who was boss here. Fae found she had no complaints about it, folding her arms under her head and bracing them against the arm of the couch as she leaned into the position, even growling for him as she felt him lean down to sink his fangs into her neck. Not as long or as sharp as Damion's, certainly not enough to damage her rock-tough hide. But feeling him try to claim her riled her up all the same, provoking to struggle a bit in his grasp just so he'd have to work harder for it.

Fae wasn't quite sure if it was just her heat getting to her or if Anima had gotten better since their last time together. Either way, she soon found herself reaching down between her legs, shamelessly working her soaked spade with one paw while the other kept her from smashing her face into the couch as he laid into her. The horny Lycanroc even found herself moaning out to the room each time he pulled her back into his hips, a bit more of her fluids dripping down his crotch with every wet slap. Of course, he couldn't keep his stupid mouth shut long enough for her to lose herself in the act.

"That's right, slut puppy. Tell me how bad you need it. You love it, don't you?" His voice was a mix of grunts and moans mixed into his taunts, and Fae just couldn't resist knocking him down a peg.

"Yeah, Anima? You wanna know how much I'm thinking about Damion pounding my needy wet pussy?" She looked over her shoulder at him with a savage smoldering gaze. "I'll admit you're not a bad warm up, but I doubt you'll get me off." The wound to his pride was immediate, and she couldn't help but get a thrill at the furious look that cross his face.

"You really love running that sassy fucking mouth of yours, don't you?" he growled as he moved one hand to wrap around her neck, claws digging into her as he squeezed down around her throat. Equal parts fear and excitement went through Fae in that moment as she felt him double down, yanking her off the couch and throwing her over the arm of it before lining himself up once more. "All you had to do was say you wanted to be bred."

It was in that moment that Fae realized that she'd fucked up. But the feeling of him dragging those soaked tips against her aching folds made her back arch, and despite herself she didn't do much of anything to stop him. If anything, she found herself provoking him more as she rolled her hips back to tempt him.

"You know Damion'll beat your ass if you try it," she choked out, even as she braced her paws just a bit further apart on the floor, hooked claws digging into the wood. "If you've got the balls, you better make it worth it - you won't have em for long when he's done with you." The dangerous growl he gave her as he sank in, taking his time to make her feel every inch of both those tapered dicks spreading her heated spade wide open just to drive the point home that he would in fact take what he wanted from her.

Much as she hated him, the act of defiance was one of the hottest things she'd experienced since her threesome with Dasha and Damion, giving her a sinful rush as she continued her token resistance. When she felt him bottom out in her once more, she found herself clawing at the cushions in front of her as he gave her exactly what her body was craving. She could almost forgive that it was her hated rival that was rutting her into the furniture. Still, even as her body trembled and she choked moans out with every thrust of his hips, it wasn't in her to just let this scaly fucker use her like a cheap sex toy. After all, she was the alpha here. He was her toy, not the other way around!

The speed and strength she showed despite the urge to just lay there and take it like a good girl was enough to stun Anima as she threw her weight back, knocking the dragon to the floor with a growl that walked the line between aggressive and lusty. He didn't get much chance to resist her before she was on him, pinning his much shorter arms to the wooden floor as she straddled his belly, stubby tail teasing his twitching shafts as she knelt over him.

"Almost good enough, buggy. But let me show you how an Alpha expects her needs to be met." Try as he might to get up from under her, she held him pinned with her own weight as she eased herself down on him once more, getting her revenge for his aggravatingly teasing pace from as she ground her soaked sex against his aching shafts. Watching him thrash and fight under him as she tempted him with what he'd been so sure was his to take was almost as satisfying as having him in her, though her heat-addled mind would only abide the delay for so long before she needed that relief again.

They shared a moan as she sank back onto him, feeling those tips spreading her spade once more and taking her sweet time letting him feel her welcoming depths around him. Unlike his own animalistic pace, just pounding her however felt best for him, she took her time and rode him with long, slow strokes. Each time she dropped down, she could feel him thrust up to try and meet her despite his restrained position, making it that much more satisfying to take him to the hilt before rising once more. She could feel how desperate he was getting with every drop of her hips, leaning forward to growl into his throat as she every so gradually picked up her pace.

As she took full control of the situation, Fae failed to notice the shadow watching the pair rutting from the doorway. The contest round had ended minutes ago, and Damion had broken off to check on the pair in the dressing room only to stumble upon the scene with a mix of shock and amusement. He trusted his chosen partner to be able to take care of herself, and she hadn't disappointed at all as she'd put the randy dragon type promptly in his place. Not wanting to spoil her fun right away, he contented himself to watch the display of dominance as he licked at his own quickly growing arousal, teasing himself to the sight of his sweet little pup asserting herself just as he'd taught her.

"Feel this, bug boy? This is why you'll never be as good as- hff- as Damion is." She let her tongue drag up his long neck before continuing, nearly tasting his desperation. "You simply don't know how to savor the moment, how to make someone want it so bad they'll lose their minds... All you know is brute force, and honey? You aren't even great at that part." With that she sank her fangs into his throat, just hard enough to draw blood, just hard enough that he knew she could have crushed his windpipe if she felt so inclined. The sensation of him arching up into her, body twitching and thrashing as she sent him over the edge, of his hot spunk pumping into her eager folds, it was all too much. Moans and growls reverberated into Anima's flesh as she came with him, milking his throbbing lengths for all he would give her and feeling the excess oozing from her to soak his crotch.

Riding out her peak, Fae rode the dragon for all he was worth, rolling her hips and grinding her soaked folds against his soaked vent while he bucked and writhed below her. But the blue Lycanroc was hardly content to wait for him to finish before pulling herself free of his twin shafts, letting the last weak spurts paint his belly as she stood up over him. She couldn't deny how good it felt to see him looking up at her with lust-clouded eyes, the clear need painted on his face only making her hotter.

"We're gonna have to work on that stamina of yours, buggy. Guess I'll have to get what I want another way." Anima didn't get a chance to question her before she was kneeling over his head, paws seizing his horns as she pushed his face into her soaked spade with surprising strength. His paws pushed against her thick thighs as she ground her hips down into his muzzle, smearing his cum and her own juices across his face as she let her actions speak for her. to his credit, he didn't resist long before opening his mouth and putting it to her desired use, lips closing around the whole of her swollen spade and drawing a shameless moan from her as his tongue pushed between her thick lower lips to plunge into her dripping depths. Fae was far from gentle as she humped and rode the dragon's face, holding his muzzle tight against her messy crotch as he worked his serpentine tongue in and out of her needy sex.

"That's right, you scaly fuck. Clean up your mess, get that tongue good and deep in there. Show me how much you love the taste of your alpha's pussy," she growled lustily. "This is how you use someone's muzzle, bug boy. Now show me you can do more with that mouth than talk a big game." Even as she fucked his muzzle, she never took her eyes off of his, savoring the way the look in his eyes faded from indignant to needy to downright reverent as he gave in to her entirely. "That's right, Anima. Be a good boy now, put that tongue right up against my clit. Just- hff! Just like that, yes..." His efforts were soon rewarded as she came again, holding him tight against her and forcing him to suck on her sensitive spade as her nectar soaked his eager tongue.

She felt rather than heard when Damion entered at last, and offered no resistance at all when he tossed her across the room. The dazed Midnight Lycanroc landed on the couch with a lusty smile as the Houndoom stalked over to her, leaving Anima on the ground as she rolled over and spread her legs wide for her lover. A few months ago, she might have been afraid of what her Alpha would do to her, but now? She knew exactly what she was in for, and she wanted Anima to see just how badly she wanted it from her lover.

"You just couldn't wait, could you?" Damion growled as he moved to loom over her, earning an impish smile from her in return. Difficult as it was to contain his pride in her performance, he wasn't about to let her get away with her shenanigans scot-free.

"I was so needy, Alpha... You must know I was desperate, to settle for someone like him..." She wrapped her paws around the back of his neck, pulling him down into a desperate kiss. "This heat has been so bad, Alpha... Your pup needs a proper breeding." Her breathy begging had it's desired effect, and she couldn't help but give Anima a bratty leer as she felt Damion move to grind his own throbbing red cock against her, smearing his cock against her soaked white folds and using Anima's oozing cum to lube himself before slipping himself into her. Fae was sure to make an extra show of her pleasure as she felt her already-bred sex spread all the more around her much bigger mate, her claws digging into his shoulders as she howled her delight to him.

The feeling of Damion's heated fangs against her neck was a welcome sensation, the moisture of her blood wetting his fangs and reminding her who she truly belonged with and to. The sound of Anima shamefully stroking his own spent shafts at the naked display of dominance only increased the pleasure as she did her best to move with her beloved Houndoom, meeting him thrust for thrust in just the way he'd taught her. He was rough but not impatient as he fucked her, taking his time to savor her like a fine meal even as she oozed another male's cum out around his swollen cock.

"Arceus yes, Alpha! God, yes deeper! Harder!" Her mind was quickly dissolving into a haze of pleasure as he pushed her past the high Anima had given her, overstimulating her body but making her love every minute of it. He knew just how to push her to make sure she came for him, howling and singing his name, and she loved just how perfectly he seemed to fit in her after so many passionate nights together. "Alpha, please! I want your eggs! Breed me, breed me, breed me please!" Even after all this time, she wasn't usually quite this vocal - she still had her pride, after all. But knowing that the annoying Flygon was watching, listening to her? She wanted to make sure those daggers dug deep. Deep enough that if he bothered to try again, he'd be better at it next time.

Damion's knot was already starting to catch in her tight white folds with every thrust, making her tremble and clench around him to try and trap him in her. Much as she wanted to drag this out, she knew she likely wouldn't have it in her to keep going for much longer, and she wanted to make good on him breeding her.

"Do it, Damion! Do it! Please Alpha, please!" Fae was a mess of lust and desire as she held him tight, sex clamping down around him with need as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The growl he gave her made it clear she was about to get exactly what she was begging for.

"Take it, little pup!" His voice was all but a snarl as he drove his cock in to the root, tying her snugly as he came for her. "Don't you dare waste a drop." Her body instinctively milked her alpha for everything he would give her, his throbbing tapered cock delivering the whole of it directly to her needy womb. Pulling him down to lie down over her, she nuzzled into his neck affectionately as she savored the body-shaking afterglow.

As they lay there, Fae faintly registered Anima skulking off to find their trainer, his tail all but between his legs as he left the room. She had no doubt that both Lexis and Damion had been watching at least the tail-end of her hate-fuck with the dragon, though she didn't feel the same embarrassment or shame she might have at the start of her relationship with the crew. If anything, it was satisfying to know she could pull Anima's strings to get what she needed out of him.

"Can you try not to break him?" Damion's teasing chastisement made her blush as she turned to meet his gaze. "Lexis is going to be pretty upset if you break his spirit entirely." She batter her eyes and gave him her best innocent look, even bringing her paws up under her chin to sell the look.

"Me? Break him? Not at all, Alpha. It's not may fault he just doesn't know how to accept no for an answer." She wiggled her hips, shivering at the feeling of his cock being tugged along with the motion. "You know you're the only one I need to be satisfied." He cocked an eyebrow at that.

"I see. I guess I'll let Dasha know that she doesn't need to worry about-" Her displeased whimper cut him off, making him chuckle at the speed she folded on her act. "Like I said, just don't break your toys."

"No promises."

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