Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 18

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#3 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

Chapter 18: Uraku vs Aveyi

Everybody in the contest was there for the final event. The MVP section became open to the public. Daniel and Nick followed Jalhamut to some vacant seats near where Kilch and Benson sat. Sazla was missing, and Nem was still being treated for his wounds. That otter couldn't take much damage. The announcer was in the middle of the arena, and the two finalists were already in position. Aveyi looked happier than ever...and so did Nick. Daniel nudged his buddy, making a purring sound. Nick growled loudly, loving the sound of his new voice. He alerted the surrounding onlookers, so he tucked his ears back and crouched down a little. "Oops..."

"Here we are folks...the two final contestants in this tournament! You know them well by now. Who will win? Aveyi?"

Half the crowd cheered for her. "Or Uraku?" The other half cheered. It was a split decision. Nick and Daniel refrained from voting, but they knew who each of them voted for. The elephant quickly scurried away, not wanting to be victim to the violence that would soon occur. He sounded his trunk, and the two of them...didn't move?

Uraku held up his paw, looking Aveyi in the eyes. He smirked, quirking a brow at her. She returned the gesture, confusing most of the people in the audience. She gave a nod...then the real deal began. Uraku morphed into the white tiger, his paws and eyes on fire like they were in the fight with Jalhamut. Aveyi's paws glowed with the blue flame, and her eyes likewise. Uraku let out his intimidating roar, everybody feeling afraid except for Aveyi. She grinned, beckoning for the tiger to come to her. "Show me what you got, tiger."

Uraku, dashed straight for her, lunging at her throat with ferocious speed. Aveyi shifted to the side just enough to dodge the strike, and she snapped her fingers, a large stalagmite shooting out from under Uraku. The tiger returned the lightning fast reflex with a thrust of his forepaws under him, rapid swipes cutting the stalagmite to pieces as it appeared until he was safely over the growing protrusion. Uraku swung his butt at her, tail whipping right at her side and hitting her dead on. The first blow was made, but hardly any damage had been done.

Aveyi grunted angrily, throwing her elbows back so a circle of ice came from her form. The dome of freezing temperature grew and grew until Uraku threw his paw up, halting the extension. He growled intimidatingly again, thrusting his paw through the barrier of the ice dome and lighting himself on fire. The dome became an overactive sauna now. Aveyi was in a daze as the tiger rushed her, jumping up and swinging his mighty paw at her head. She slid so far across the ground with her face in the mud that everybody feared she was dead. The wolfess came to a stop, and slowly stood up. The crowd cheered as they saw her arise...almost completely unharmed. Her only wound was a scratch from Uraku's claw.

Aveyi rose her paw up to Uraku, grinning wickedly as millions of shrapnel-style ice shards flew at the tiger. Uraku jumped around, trying to dodge the deadly spikes, but once the first shard had pierced him, his body stood still...frozen. Aveyi walked up to him, still bombarding him with shards of ice. The tiger's eyes moved around wildly as his body could not react to anything. Blood started shooting out of the exit wounds with the ice. The tiger was being ripped apart at the seams.

Daniel looked on in great fear. His tiger was dying, and nobody was doing anything about it. Nick looked just as worried. This was far too violent to be sport. Daniel shook Jalhamut's arm. "Stop them! She's killing him!" Jalhamut turned his head to Daniel and started laughing. Daniel threw his arm up to punch the offending cheetah in the face, but his hand was caught easily in the cheetah's other paw. " don't know how powerful Uraku really is, do you?"

Daniel just sat there, gaze unwavering from his lover. It seemed like ages of endless butchering. Blood could have made a pool by now...he had to be dead.

Aveyi was getting tired after about ten minutes of endless attack, the wolfess throwing her paw down and panting heavily. Uraku laid there still for a few moments. The crowd was losing hope in the survival of the tiger...including Jalhamut. The cheetah started to weep...Aveyi really had gone too far this time. The wolfess crouched down near the tiger, feeling his neck for a pulse...and there was one.

Uraku roared loudly and punched Aveyi right in the gut, sending her flying to the wall with a loud THUD. Aveyi groaned out in pain, but was still able to stand...barely.

Uraku rose, standing in his pond of blood...holes in his flesh tying themselves up. The tiger looked just as worn out as Aveyi was. The crowd was cheering at the revival of their fallen tiger...and Daniel was just stricken with shock. How could anything survive something like that? Was Uraku a god? Could he be killed?

Jalhamut wiped his tears away. "That jerk...he scared us all..." Daniel started to laugh now. His lover had just faced death and completely annihilated him. Uraku morphed back into his normal self, which looked pretty torn up, but nothing serious. He fell to his knees, gasping for air. "He can heal himself very quickly, but it takes up so much energy. I think he's about to pass out." said Jalhamut. The tiger kept gasping for air as if he was choking. Eventually he coughed up a huge chunk of ice that was just melting. "Sorry...had something in my throat."

Aveyi giggled, reverting to her calm form to match Uraku. They both were pretty tired, but they could still fight. Uraku held out his paw and formed that giant sword of his.

Daniel watched as the two furs went at each other again, but just before the attack, an interruption...

An arrow had landed just between the two...a bone arrow. Uraku and Aveyi stopped and looked toward the waterfall. Millions of bone arrows were rising...and some closer ones were already falling. Uraku muttered quietly, "He's early..."

The entire stadium was being lit up with bone arrows, the arena itself and the seats getting bombarded. Everybody was panicking as they tried to rush to the exit for cover. The sight was horrible...a mass murder of thousands of innocents. Blood was painting the seats as furs next to him were dying...he couldn't find Jalhamut or Nick anywhere...were they dead? Was Aveyi dead? He didn't even bother worrying about Uraku anymore...he was too strong.

The sounds of the screaming went silent except for the sound of bone arrows whipping through the air and hitting the seats around him. Daniel laid down after the stampede, making sure the only thing that could be hit by an arrows was his arm. He felt one sharp bone dig into his funny bone, sending shivers down his spine along with a bitter pain. He groaned out, pulling the arrow from his elbow and holding it tightly. He started to whimper...the bone arrows hurt so much.

"Mommy! Get up!" He heard a pup's voice, looking over to see a red fox, nuzzling against the mangled hump of meat that must have been his mom. The poor little thing was crying his heart out...Daniel could only imagine the fear he felt. He reached out to the pup, wanting to hold him and comfort him. Daniel's sorrow turned to a dark bitterness as an arrow peirced the skull of the pup, ending his life before it had a chance to begin. His heart felt no emotion...and then all went dark.


Daniel had awoken at the river he was at earlier. "Oh no...please, no!" Daniel frantically looked through the book to see what had happened. He read and read, praying that his death wasn't true.

Once he read the final page, his eyes were filled with a vengeful fury. He wasn't dead...but the world his friends were in was in trouble. " just messed with the most destructive species in existence."

Daniel got on the road, making his way to the only place that could help them now.

Oh hush, next chapter you''ll read what happened from the point Daniel was knocked out to the point where he is about to wake up. It's what Daniel read.