Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 20

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#1 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

Just kidding, two more chapters O.o

This chapter has some nasty stuff in it regarding violence. I'm doing this for a reason, not because I'm a sadist. I'm sorry if you're squeemish >.<

Chapter 20: Fleshy Fury

Daniel kept his eyes closed, remembering well the last words Qurrah said in the book. He felt the scent of blood flood his sense of smell. The thoughts of the blood spilt in the arena resurfaced, feeding Daniel's unconquerable rage. He pivoted the knives in his hand around to saw away at the rope that binded him. After three minutes of slicing, he broke his wrists free. He sat up, opening his eyes and looking down at his ankles, focus kept on freeing himself completely. He worked quickly, wanting to get up on his feet and ready to fight before Qurrah returned.

He was free now, standing up tall as he twisted the knives around in his hands and sheathed them quickly, pulling out the Beowulf and holding it steady in his arms as he aimed it forward. He stealthily strode across the long platform, never looking back or at the blood that surrounded him. Nothing mattered to him but the death of Qurrah and the safety of his friends.

The charred remains of ancient furs framed the doorway of the next room. Daniel looked up to see the horrified expressions of several species of animals as their lives were swiftly taken away. They weren't even properly burried.

The next room he entered was filled with baths, and the vast size of the corridor reminded Daniel of where he was taken through when he was knocked out. He was on the right trail it seemed. The thousands of bats looked down at him and shot him an amorous and evil stare, all of them coverred in filth and sperm. The bats screeched, lunging down at Daniel to get their fill of human sex. Daniel did not hesitate for a second as he raised his gun up and opened fire those deadly rounds of destruction upon the swarm. Each round took down about thirty bats as they pierced through vitals. They were still so far away, but their numbers were dwindling rapidly. Daniel began to fall back into the previous room, reloading the gun quickly before he resumed his attack on the arroused hedonistic bats. His shots were more effective than ever, the bats funneling into the gateway to give his rounds more heads to break per shot. Daniel's mind was filled with lust of a different kind as the blood painted the floor and walls, the guts of his enemies dropping out of them as they tried to hold them all inside. Their suffering was justice to him...sweet erotic justice. He hungered for more, wiping out the entire swarm except for one bat which he purposely shot off the wings, the bat whining as he laid back on the floor.

Daniel approached the pained bat, kicking it's erection hard, but that didn't do much to annoy the bat. Daniel pulled his gun up and aimed it at the bat's face. "Where's Qurrah...?" The bat began to laugh. "Go ahead...shoot me! See if I tell you anything!" Daniel smirked, taking a great deal of pleasure in the bat's denial to reveal information. "Very well..." Daniel backed up, changing his target to something more precious. He knelt down, holding the bat's firm erection tightly as he pressed the barrel of his rifle against the small opening. He shoved the gun inside, splitting the hole open just enough for the barrel to be stuck inside fast. He stood up again, holding his finger over the trigger. The bat was crying with unbearable pain, and plead for mercy as he gave up his information. "No! He's...He'll be comming through about ten minutes! That's the truth, I swear!" The panicked expression gave Daniel such great satisfaction. He wanted a little more though. "Thanks, hun...but I can't let you live." Daniel looked ahead, grinning as he pulled the trigger to send one round into the bat. He pulled his gun out and walked back into the vast corridor, not looking to check the damage. The ear-piercing screeches of pain told him the story...

He reloaded his gun again as he now ran through the corridor, knowing that his gunshots must have alerted the whole lair by now. He came to the other side of the corridor, faced with two doors. One lead upstairs, the other lead downstairs. He closed his eyes, listening carefully.

"Daniel!" he heard Nick's voice. His friend recognized the sound of gunfire, and knew Daniel had returned. The ear on his left twitched heavily at the sound of Nick's voice, knowing they were held downstairs. He made his way down with such speed, faster than he normally went down stairs. It was almost unsafe for him...but his adrenaline made him too balanced to fall.

On his way down there were a few undead archers that were rushing up the stairs. Daniel didn't bother wasting bullets with them since their bows weren't even loaded yet. He used the gun to swipe their weapons from their cold paws, dropping the gun for a moment as he pulled out his knife and severed their heads with such gorey grace. The feel of their cold blood on his hands was so satisfying...he wondered if this was the way war felt back home. He picked his gun back up after putting his bloddied knives away, going downstairs until he hit the bottom floor.

There they were, dangling from a cage that was covered in ice. The bats that went to rape the five furs had felt the rath of Aveyi. Daniel rushed towards them, standing on the edge of the platform that ended in the vast pitfall. He shouted up to them, "Swing the cage! I'll get you down!" Uraku and Nick looked down at Daniel, nodding to one another as they held onto the bars tightly, The cage was swinging further and further back and forth, and Daniel repositioned himself to take aim at the thin rope that held them up there. Once the momentum was sufficient, Daniel took a shot at the rope and severed the cage from it. It flew far across the vast pit, and just barely landed loudly on the concrete surface where Daniel previously was. The frozen cage shattered into pieces, and the five furs were freed. Daniel rushed over to them, knowing there was one more thing he had to do before their reunion. He pulled his gun up and aimed at the furs, all of them looking worried. Daniel took a shot at his target...Benson's head blown to pieces as his body fell to the ground.

"Daniel! What are you doing!?" Uraku was shocked as he rushed over to take Daniel's gun from him. Nick reached out and grabbed Uraku's shoulder. "He knows more about what's going on than any of us right now, me." Daniel put his gun on his back, walking up to them. "Benson had been working for Qurrah this whole time...the book told me everything. He had to go before he reported us to Qurrah."

Daniel felt a heavy burden lift as he saw the faces of his four closest friends smile at him. Daniel had done something important for righteousness. Uraku was the first to rush over to Daniel, the human opening his arms to embrace.

"It's not so easy...Daniel." Qurrahs voice tremored through the lair, the ground shaking violently as the ground under Daniel crumbled. He fell down with the rubble, Uraku crying for his love as he fell. Daniel's gun was caught on an outjutting rock up where he was just at. He hit the ground hard, his legs hurting slightly as he stood up. He was in the the large pit of spikes, but he had luckily landed in between the teeth and onto the safe ground. He pulled his knives out, knowing they were his only weapons left now. He heard a loud wind blow behind him and he turned around quickly, thrusting his knives out as Qurrah came bearing down Daniel with two black-bladed katanas. Daniel held up well against the panther's strength and eventually shoved him back, getting a good look at him.

The panther was as tall as Daniel, only the ears giving the panther a slight height advantage. He wore a black cloth around his waist to hide his junk, and a leather vest to cover his vitals. The cape on his back was ripped in several places, which served to make the panther seem more dastardly. The yellow gaze in his eyes were a perfect complement to what Qurrah represented. Qurrah laughed, twisting the blades around in his paws with such ease and skill. "Oh Daniel...the look in your eyes when I slaughtered that pup...that's when I knew you had become evil." Daniel dashed for Qurrah, but the panther faded away, appearing further down in the pit. "Your bloodlust is greater than mine, Daniel! You proved that today! I'm proud to be facing you off in battle!" Daniel rushed the panther again, but this time a little slower. The things Qurrah said were bringing the good back into Daniel's heart...the desire to give everyone a chance. The memories of what he did today were comming back to slowly create guilt.

Qurrah disappeared completely for a moment. Daniel looked around frantically before his eyes widened. A stabbing pain entered his back and a large black blade came out from his chest. Daniel coughed up blood as he fell to his knees. He could hear the rage Uraku felt as he watched Daniel die. He couldn't help him though...he was too far down and in a trap zone. Qurrah laughed maniacally. "And yet you die so easily! It's a shame! We could have..." The Beowulf had shot again. Nick had the gun steadied in his paws, and a round pierced Qurrah's skull, sending the panther to hell where he belongs. The black feline dropped to the ground with a thud, eyes staying open as his life poured away from him. Daniel knew that Qurrah was gone...he had finished what he came back to do. He was ready to die.

Daniel lived for a while longer, giving Aveyi time to slowly descend the furst to the spikes and find a spot to land. Uraku rushed over to Daniel's side and held up his head, kissing him passionately for a moment, not caring if he had blood in his mouth. "Daniel! Please don't go...I want to be with you!"

Daniel smiled, feeling enough strength to say something...

"I choose Uraku to visit Earth..."

Those words took the last bit of Daniel's strength as he perished from this world.