Fates of the Unicorns 17 - Harems and Histories

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#17 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 17 - Harems and Histories

SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters.

Maegan crawled along behind her Master, moving as fast as she could so he did not have to wait for her. She shivered in excitement and fear. This was the right thing to do, she was sure of it. If she kept her head down she would just get picked off like all the others and sent to some unknown fate. This way she had a chance of a better life if she could convince her dragon Master that she was worth some pampering. She glanced about as she was taken through the tunnels and caverns, and quickly lost. She had lived her life in the open and in small houses and had no experience with anything like the maze like warren she found herself in now. She heard footsteps behind her, and the clack of claws and dipped her head down to look behind her, seeing a female dragoness walking up.

Rahmor cocked his head at the newcomer and said, "Is it an emergency?"

Cavanel shook her head, "No Sir... routine reports that need your attention." She hurried up to walk beside Rahmor, ignoring Maegan as her tail brushed against the male dragons tail. "It should only take a few minutes to go over.. and I would be happy to make you.. comfortable while you read them."

Rahmor let out a chuckle and indicated his slave behind him, "I have plenty to make myself comfortable with." He looked the dragoness up and down though, and eyed her swollen belly.

The dragoness ran her fingers over her belly, "Yes... eggs for the empire. I'm unmated."

Rahmor sighed, looking at the dragoness with a bit more lust now. Any male dragon loved the idea of fucking a dragoness full of eggs, hoping to add one of his own. Taking a dragoness so obviously claimed by another. Adding his own domination of her womb. "Later. I have several busy days ahead of me."

The dragoness mrrred and continued to walk along him, a hand reaching out to stroke a lump at the front of his leather kilt. "Are you sure, sir?"

Rahmor took a deep breath and pushed the hand away, "Later. Now go..." he ordered. His hand left hers, but before returning he made a quick grab of her crotch, and a hard pinch with his talons!

The dragoness yelped and jumped, hands moving to her crotch.. then growled seductively. "Yes sir... I will return later as you ordered, sir..."

Once the dragoness was gone Megan let out a sigh of her own. She thought she knew what she was doing with her Master, but another dragon would have complicated things.. she was relieved that she left. She had to speed up as Rahmor was walking even quicker now and once more she wondered where he was taking her. To his bed chambers that she heard Tamira talking about? Or that dining hall? That wasn't the same dragoness she heard about, was it? He didn't seem to know her well so she didn't think so.

She let out a soft squeak as she nearly ran into her Master who had stopped suddenly. She was sure that shoving her horn up his butt was not the way to win his heart, even if the point had been dulled.

Rahmor slid a foot under Maegan's nose and watched her dip down to lap at his toes. "I can see you have had previous experience in submission and bondage."

"Yes Master..." she whispered in between licks.

"You have fantasized about this all your life... being enslaved. Serving a Master."

She moaned softly and nodded, "Yes Master.. I have."

"Has the reality lived up to your expectations, slave?" he asked.

Maegan paused, unsure of how to respond. The truth was it had not. But she wasn't about to insult her Master, so she thought hard how to phrase her answer.

Rahmor let out a chuckle, "Silly girl. I know you have hated ever moment of being here, just as all the rest of you have. I will not punish you for telling the truth. I will however, punish you for lying... so answer honestly. ALWAYS."

Megan gulped and nodded, having forgotten his previous instructions on lying. "I... I have not enjoyed being here, no. Master."

"Why not, slave? Isn't this what you always wanted?"

She shook her head, "I never wanted to be chained in the cold with bad food and abuse." She grimaced and peeked up, worried.

Rahmor however seemed unconcerned with her blunt statement. "You want to serve and submit.. but you want to do so in ways you enjoy, is that it?"

"Yes... I suppose so Master."

The dragons tail swished slowly as he nodded, "This is not your fantasy, slave. It's mine. Every slave here is my property, bought and paid for. You serve my wishes, my will. There are many jobs, many roles that I require a slave to fill. Each one is a mold that I expect the slave to conform to. I will not reshape those molds to fit a slaves preferences. Do you understand?"

She wasn't sure she did. Was she just being brought here to be told off? To be punished for wanting better treatment? Maybe she had made a terrible mistake.

"But just as each mold is a different shape, each of my slaves have their own skills and talents. Some times a slave and a mold are a good match. I think I have such a match here."

"You do... Master?" she said with a hopeful voice.

"Yes, my slave. You may have played at being a slave before, but now it is time to become one. Most slaves must have their will broken before they will properly serve. They eventually submit and obey, but they do so out of fear or training. You have the chance to become my willing slave. To surrender your will to mine, to spend the rest of your life with no cares but to please your Master."

A shiver ran down her back as her Master spoke. It thrilled and scared her, the though of becoming that submissive.. she wasn't sure if she could do it, or if she truly wanted to. But there was not much choice left to her. She could go willingly, or as he said, be forcefully broken. "I want to obey, Master..."

Rahmor licked his lips, "Good. Then it's time to join my Harem." He pushed open the large set of double doors and pulled his unicorns in behind him, the doors closing once she had entered.

Maegan looked around, her jaw opening slowly as she took in the scene. It was indeed a harem, down to the last detail. There were three enormous four poster beds with silk hanging from the tops and pillows of all sizes piled on the lacy sheets. The walls were covered in rich tapestries, the furniture all heavy solid wood with gold inlays. Fancy cups and trays covered one table, piled high with fruits and wines. Big pillows were strewn about the room and the floor was covered in a thick, soft carpet that she pawed at, not having felt anything soft for so long. She also noticed the signs that this was a dragons harem. Chains and cuffs hung from all the walls. There were several leather bondage benches and paddles, floggers and other sex toys were in abundance. It this were a painting she would have laughed at how over the top it was. But it was real which made it not funny at all, but highly erotic to her. Then she looked at the inhabitants. Many were totally naked like her. All wore collars, but some had silk scarves and wore jewelry. There were so many different races here.. she couldn't see two of the same. One bed held a fox, looking back at her in curiosity. One of the bondage benches was occupied by a bunny tied tightly to it, a doberman and a lynx were kneeling beside her, each holding feathers. A long shelf on one wall caught her eye. It contained a row of eggs each about the size of a large fist. They were all very different. Some were shiny and smooth, others had a mottled or rough texture. Each one was painted in a different pattern. No, none were painted.. the shells were all of varying colors. After a moments study she realised each one matched one of the harem girls here. The egg on the far left, that one had clear zebra markings that must have come from the mare kneeling beside one of the beds. She shivered and wondered if she would have to give him an egg to add to the collection, and what it would look like.

Rahmor moved to a large chair and sprawled into it. Instantly every non-bound female in the room came to surround him like a group of schoolchildren gathering before their teacher. His feet were both lifted into separate laps to be massaged and licked. The fox was behind the chair and started to massage the dragons shoulders. The doberman filled a cup with a dark red liquid and knelt at the side of Rahmor's chair, offering it with her head bowed. An elf crawled under his legs and knelt between them with her head pushed under his kilt.

Maegan had never seen half the species here, especially the elf. They kept to themselves even more than unicorns did, all living in a single city far from the dragon borders. She crawled over to the other side of the chair and knelt, waiting to be told what to do.

"Girls.. meet your new sister, Unicorn."

The elf pulled her head from Rahmor's kilt to nod her head in Megan's direction while the rest did the same, pausing in their service just long enough to greet her, and then returning to their work, but keeping an eye on her.

"She will be trying out for a position here. Teach her everything she needs to know, train her in all the skills I expect a good harem girl to be capable of."

There was a chorus of "Yes, Master!" to that and a few soft giggles of anticipation. Maegan blushed, wondering what sort of training she was to receive.

Rahmor pulled up his kilt and the elf quickly took his erect cock into her mouth and slid her lips down over it, her cheeks bulging. Her hands were wrapped around his legs and she moaned into his cock, bobbing her head. A brown zebra mare scurried off and returned with a leather paddle and tapped the elf on the ass. The elf moaned and hiked her ass, wriggling it and the moaning even louder as the zebra began to spank her.

The sound startled Maegan. She had been spanked before, and enjoyed it, but the bare skin of the elf made it a much harsher sound than hitting her own furry rump. She watched and was unable to help from feeling her sex wetting at the sight of the girl being spanked while sucking off her Master. If her old boyfriend could see this he would cream his pants in two seconds! She swallowed as her Master layed a hand on her head and petted her. A soft whinny escaped her lips and she decided then and there she would do whatever it took to stay here. She would not be plant food. She wasn't going to scrub the walls and floors. She wasn't going to be a decoration tied up to show off to other dragons. Her place was here. If the price was permanent submissions.. well.. maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all.

Rahmor watched his slave and smiled to himself. She would do well here. In time she will become like all the others.. thinking of nothing but his pleasure. Becoming an extension of his own will, living to serve and worship her Master. As it SHOULD be. He grabbed the elf by her hair and pulled her off his cock with a sigh, "Now.. I have work to do. I'll check in on her progress over the next few days.. and then.. I'll spend a day here and see how you have done.

There were groans and nods and one of the slaves said, "Oh.. we will be waiting, Master!"

He passed the cup back to the doberman and stood, smoothing down his kilt, the harem girls parting like a sea before him as he made his way to the door and beyond.

Meagan looked around at all the girls. "So... whats first?"


Dana ran her hand along the stone wall of her prison. She wondered how many other groups of slaves just like hers had been kept here. Not just Master Rahmor, but the dragons that came before him. This had been a dragon stronghold for longer than anyone could remember. Even before the seas turned deadly. She wondered how long it would remain a slaves prison. If the insects did manage to break through, would even they continue to use it to store furries for whatever terrible things they used them for? She shuddered and although she wished many bad things to befall dragonkind, that would not be one of them. The remaining unicorns and furries would surely perish or be turned into half-insect breeders. She was happy when a noise distracted her.

Telly groaned and paced in a circle, doing small hops now and then. "I'm going to DIE!" she wailed.

The poor unicorn had displeased their Master that morning and as punishment, was forbidden to use the toilet . "You're not going to die..." she told her.

Telly thrashed her tail behind her and stomped a hoof. "Well I better! Because I am not going to be able to hold it for two hole days!" It had not bee so bad at first. In fact she didn't even feel the need until late in the evening. But now when it was getting time for bed the need to pee was beginning to become seriously urgent.

"Thinking about it is just going to make things worse."

Telly moaned, "It's hard not to think about it when... it's all you can think about!" she yelled in frustration.

"There has to be something we can do to keep your mind off it" said Dana as she looked around. "Anyone?"

One of the other mares said, "Why don't we tell stories? I don't know about you, but after all this time together I am ashamed to say I hardly know anything about any of you. All we talk about is wanting to go home or how bad things are here."

Dana said, "All right, that sounds good. Come on everyone, it's not like we have anything better to do." With some more prodding she finally got everyone together, settling down into a large circle. It wasn't too hard as everyone liked Telly. "I wish we had a campfire.." she joked.

Tamira who had sat next to Dana said, "Don't. That drake down there might come up and try and light one." This got a few nervous giggles and worried looks at the ledge. "Well? Anyone have any adventures to tell?"

"I got kidnapped by a bunch of dragons once" said Heathel which shocked many of the unicorns not because of what she said, but because Heathel was usually so quiet.

Dana rolled her eyes but laughed with several other, "Umm, I think we all know THAT one. Next?"

Telly squirmed in place and groaned. "Don't make me laugh, please."

Sabeth sighed and said, "Well.. I suppose I can tell some embarrassing stores about people I don't like and will never see again." She was leaning back as she sat, trying to keep the heavy medallions hanging from her nipples from pulling too hard. The new piercings were no longer bleeding, but the constant pull on her nipples hurt and were a constant reminder of her latest humiliation. She had only recently stopped holding them in her hands.

Dana looked surprised but kept quiet. Her dislike of Sabeth was between the two of them and so she just listened politely. She felt sorry for her as well, the dragon having forced her to wear those huge nipple decorations. That had to be uncomfortable.

"Well... there was this boy. A real creepy kind of kid. Not popular or anything but always trying to act like he was, you know?" started Sabeth. "I knew him when I was going to school in this crappy little village. Lots of us got sent there because the teachers were these crazy monk folks that had all this wisdom or some bullshit. Anyways... I had to find something to do so I used to throw lots of parties and sleepovers for some of the other girls there. We were not all hicks you know."

A few mares coughed a bit and Sabeth hrrmed, "Well I would have invited all of YOU of course... anyway... so all the prettiest girls would come of course. Boys were always trying to get an invitation but you can't talk about them if they are THERE you know." There were a few snorts of amusement and nods and Sabeth relaxed again. "Well, there was this one kid like I said. So it's late and we all were ready to go to bed and were showing off our nightgowns. I had this really great one my parents got me in the city..." She paused there and there was a deep silence as she and others thought about their own parents. Someone nudged her to go on and she said, "Well. There was this yell and noise by a one of the windows and we run over and what do we see but that kid. He was watching us! But he got all tangled in the pricker bushes! He starts stammering and making excuses and I was all like, Ricke, you were peeking! And another girl points out hes got a boner and so while he is trying to get untangled I pantsed the little shit." She looked around, "Pansted. You know, yanking down someone shorts."

Tamira chuckled, "Ahh, thats what you call is. In the military we say 'deployed' but it's the same thing. Funny... that used to be embarrassing.. being seen in your underwear. Now look at us."

There were some blushes and several did just that, realising for the first time in a while that they were all naked. There were a few attempts to cover a breast or crotch but they all soon just sat back and prodded Sabeth to continue.

Sabeth said, "It was even worse for him because it wasn't that big of one either. It took him a while to get himself out of the prickers and the whole while we are laughing at him and his little pecker. He was a tiny thing anyway. No muscles to speak of and short too. In more ways than one. He ended up running off holding his pants up. He didn't hear the end of it for months. The little fucker. We should have dragged him inside and beat him to death."

"Thats harsh... I mean.. peeking like that is pretty creepy and all but thats nothing to kill anyone over" said one of the mares.

Sabeth made fists, "Oh. He was a BAD seed. When the dragons came a bunch of us were out in the woods. He turned us in to the dragons! I would still be safe at home if it wasn't for him." She glanced at Tamira, but for once didn't accuse her of being another reason she was here.

There were gasps at this. "Thats terrible!" said one. "He didn't!" exclaimed another horrified voice.

Sabeth nodded, "He did. The dragons told us about it. He even admitted it later when.. well... I don't want to talk about that part. I hope this helps, Telly."

Telly nodded, "It does, actually... every now and then I almost forget how much I need to pee!" She looked over at Tamira, "Tamira.. can I ask you something?"

Tamira nodded, "Of course, anything."

Telly bit her lip, "Well.. all of us pretty much went through the same thing. None of us put up any fight, we just got taken like a bunch of animals. But you fought them. I heard you even killed a dragon... could.. could you tell us about that?"

Dana took Tamira's hand unobtrusively and gave her a comforting squeeze.

Tamira thought for a bit.. "It's.. it's not a nice story. Bad things happened. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Telly nodded, as did a few others.

Tamira put her hands under her chin and leaned on them as she sat. "Well... I'll leave out some of the details because they are kind of gross. Maybe it's time I talked about it too... it haunts me. Every day."

The rest edged forward a little, even Sabeth looked interested and didn't even notice the warning look Dana directed at her. Dana wasn't sure if she should be annoyed or happy about being ignored, but turned her attention back to her warrior friend.

Tamira leaned back, looking up and closing her eyes, and remembered...


"Everybody up, this is NOT a drill! Formations!"

Tamira rolled out of bed and landed on her hooves, shaking the sleep from her eyes. This was her squad's day off and she had a late night. She threw on her clothes and gave a comrade a shrug at the unspoken question of what was going on. Outside she got into line with the rest of her squad, checking out the camp out of the corner of her eyes. Everyone was being brought out. This was not good.

"Listen up everybody! Three reports of dragons attacking nearby villages have just come in. We will be sending troops to all the towns in the immediate area while we wait for reinforcements from the main garrison." said her commander, a bull-chested stallion shows nostrils flared in the excitement.

Dragons this far in furry territory was unheard of. They raided lands bordering their mountain homes but never came further in, or in force. Was it a full scale invasion? She stood at attention while her commander shouted out orders, forming them into various groups. Unicorns were running around in organized chaos, hooves stomping and clipping as they ran about. Then it was her turn, a group of two dozen of them sent to aid one of the three villages that had reported attacks. She turned her head as her name was called and heard the leader of her squad tell her, "You scout ahead." She nodded and took off at a sprint, quickly out-pacing the rest of her mates who ran behind her.

She had begun to calm down after the initial excitement, slowing her pace to the standard run the rest of her group would be taking. A well trained unicorn could run all day if need be, and still be up for a fight. They should reach the village in less than an hour. She kept a sharp eye as she moved, watching for anything unusual. A dragon would surely be unusual. She had never seen a live one before, but she doubted she would mistake them for anything else. At first she could see for miles, but soon the village her small garrison was in fell behind and fields turned to patches of woodland, the road slowly curving between small hills.

She knew all the roads here well, for she grew up here, and except for a few short years training in the city she had spent her whole life roaming the towns and villages. The clearing she entered was about halfway to the village she was to assist and she took a good look around. It was a perfect place to stop and rest, so she was careful to make sure there were no signs of any dragons. Seeing nothing she continued on, but spun in place, whipping out her sword at a noise. She nearly dropped it as she saw a huge bat-like form gliding over the trees to land with a heavy thump, blocking the path she just came from. Jerking her head to the side she saw a second monster landing at the other side of the clearing, trapping her.

Ambush! She snapped her sword out to the side and charged, horn down as a dozen dragons jumped down from the large drake blocking the path back to her squad. She had to warn them. Clods of dirt flew up from behind her as she ran, eyeing the dragons as they came forward. They were all armored, metal breastplates, chain-mail, gauntlets and with everything from morning stars to swords at least as twice as long as hers. She wished the furry lands were not so damned metal poor. Her leather armor did not seem like much use against those weapons.

"Whoa, girl! You going to take all of us on alone?" asked one of the dragons. Several others laughed in deep voices. Most had not pulled their swords out yet.

She took aim at the dragon in the lead that had taunted her, watching him pull his own sword and begin a cut aimed at her head, his shield arm coming up to block any blows from her own. Her sword flashed out defensively with a large clang, her arm nearly going numb with the impact. It left her sword badly out of place, the dragons being deflected but quickly coming around again. It was just as she had intended, her head dropping down as she rammed into the dragon with the tip of her horn.

The dragon let out a screeching howl as the unicorns horn sliced right through his shield, and then his arm to impale his chest, the tip sticking out from his back. He gurgled and dropped his sword as he stumbled back from the impact.

Tamira halted with a skidding of her hooves and the dragon was flung forward off her horn to collapse onto his tail with a grunt, blood gushing from front and back. She jumped hard to her right and with a jerk of her head, slashed clean through another dragons throat, nearly severing his head. It was her last easy kill for the other dragons now had their weapons out and it was only with a tremendous effort she was able to jump back to avoid several thrusts and slashes as they came at her.

"Damn! If they are all like this we might have some fun after all!" said one of the approaching dragons, his fangs gleaming in the sun. Another however was not amused, "She just killed two of my men because they were treating this like a game. Shut your muzzle and kill the bitch."

Tamira shook her head, hating the feel of blood on her forehead. "If you are all as pathetic as those two, this will be BORING!" she taunted. She grimaced with satisfaction as the dragon who had been laughing began to snarl and charged her. She stood her ground, sword raised as the dragon came at her with a large axe. She swallowed her fear, knowing it was big enough to cleave her in two if she let it. The dragon swung it low, intending to chop her in half at the waist. She swung her sword overhand and down at it, hammering against the front edge and tilting it downward as she bend over with the swing and stabbed the axe with her horn tip. The dragon spun on his feet as the axe blade shattered and left him unbalanced and spinning to present his side to the unicorn warrior.

Her horn plunged into the dragons side, stabbing through his armpit to pierce his heart, then back out as she retreated. The broken end of the axe swung past, just missing her nose as the dragon arrrged and took one, then two steps before collapsing. She panted hard, she HAD to have made enough noise now to alert her squad. If she could just hold on for a few more minutes they would be here. Noise from behind her made her look and she shrieked as the large drake let out a roar. All she could see was a blur as it's tail swing around and slammed into her side, throwing her off her feet and then hard onto the dirt. Seeing stars she stumbled to her feet, her vision blurry.

"No wonder you all got sent out on this crap assignment. You wouldn't last 10 seconds on the front!" said a loud voice.

Tamira turned, her vision clearing to see a large drake standing almost on top of her. She clenched her empty hand, realising she dropped her sword. Jumping forward she aimed her horn at the head of the dragon but let out a yelp as she smacked into the palm of his hand, his fingers spread so the horn passed between them. She tried to jerk her head back but the dragon held it firmly, claws digging into her head painfully. Trying to pull the fingers off her head she struggled for a moment, realising her mistake as a gauntleted fist swung into her unprotected stomach. It was like her leather armor was not even there, her breath exploding out in a woof as she crumpled around the fist. But she didn't fall, the hand holding onto her head keeping her upright, and her hands were too slow to intercept the next to punches, each slamming into her firm and round breasts.

She screamed silently at the pain, unable to breathe, her breasts bruised from being crushed against her ribcage. She was sure she felt a rib crack from the first punch, but her whole body seemed wracked with pain. Her head jerked about uselessly as she tried to shake free and she kicked out with a hoof, only to have it caught in the iron grip of the dragons other paw. She balanced on one hoof as he leg was forced up and out, and saw the knee coming up in time to manage a small squeak before it connected with her crotch.

She tasted dirt as the dragon let her drop and she curled into a ball with shallow whines and gasps. Her pussy was a searing hot source of agony, her tender lips mashed and bruised between the armored knee and her own pelvic bones. Her clit felt as if someone had just hit it with the head of a hammer. She had trained hard, had been in fights before, but it was a struggle to even cry out with all the pain she was enduring now. She clamped her thighs together, arms held over her stomach and breasts as she tried to gather her strength, but even drawing breath was a struggle.

"There.. not so tough after all" said the dragon standing over her. He flexed his taloned hands. "I'm sure your neck will break as easily as those nice breasts did..." he said.

The threat of having her neck wrung finally broke through the haze of pain. She saw the dragon bending over through tear-blurred vision and while still struggling to get her breath back, snapped her head out and stabbed the dragon clean through his calf muscle. Damn.. she missed the bone... but it gave her time to manage to get back on her hooves, swaying unsteadily as the dragon staggered back to deal with his injury.

The dragon was roaring in anger, his tail wrapped around his leg to squeeze it tightly as he snarled. "No clean death for you now, bitch.. you will pay for that" he said in a threatening voice. He charged at her, feet pounding, his movements hardly affected by the bleeding hole in his leg.

Tamira blinked back tears and slashed at the dragon, but missed. Her legs wobbled as she tried to turn and took an elbow in the small of her back as the dragon passed her. She cried out and stumbled, almost falling to her knees as she completed her turn. But the dragon wasn't there anymore and she howled as the dragon gave her a series of kidney punches that finally sent her to the ground, her hands clawing, trying to pull herself up. She let out a gurgle as the dragon grabbed her by her horn and throat, lifting her up into the air, hooves dangling under her. Tamira hung there by her neck, struggling and hitting at the brutal arms she could only barely see through the haze of pain. She swung dizzily around and was blinded by the sun as the dragon tilted her backward up to force her vision into the sky. She felt him run forward and the world shook as her back was slammed hard into a tree. Her horn, pointed behind her had sliced clean through the trunk and when the dragon let go, she hung by it, arms and legs thrashing in the air.

The dragon grunted, walking around to the other side of the tree where he saw the tip of the unicorns horn jutting from the back. He grabbed her shoulders, then worked his hands down her arms to pull them behind the tree and tied them tight. He did the same with her ankles, binding her helplessly to the tree.

Tamira groaned and tried to pull her horn from the tree but it was no use. It had gone in straight, and with her back pressed to the tree she couldn't pull her head out straight, only tilt it. She doubted she could pull it out anyway, as her weight was hanging by it, jamming it into the tree securely. She panted, her stomach a knot of pain, breasts aching and nose bleeding. Were was everybody? They should have been her by now. She yelled as claws ripped and tore at her leather armor, stripping her down roughly, leather belts and straps burning as they were pulled harshly and snapped. She spat blood upward and struggled to free her wrists. But they were bound tightly together and she couldn't get at the ropes. She screamed, "Over here! Ambush! Get.. ouuuuurrrhf!" Her yells were silenced with a brutal fist to her stomach, this time without even the meager padding of her leather outfit to protect her.

"Your friends won't be coming to rescue you, bitch. They all died while you were still fighting out there." said the dragon, delivering several hard slaps to her breasts.

"No..." she managed to gasp, trying to shake her head. She winced at the slaps to her breasts and let out a shriek as she was punched hard in the cunt, her legs spread around the tree trunk and unable to close to stop the second fist from smashing into her tender cunny. She screamed in pain, the knee to her pussy had already felt like it had broken and smashed her poor sex, but the two rapid punches showed her the dragon could inflict much, much more pain on her that she had thought possible only a few minutes ago.

"You must have run right past them without even knowing they were there. They let you go so they could slaughter all your little friends instead." He grabbed both breasts in his hands, talons digging into the helpless orbs as he squeezed.

Her mind whirled, dead? No! She squirmed in pain, unable to think clearly. She let out a choked gasp as talons began to caress her wounded sex, feeling like she were being fondled by a bunch of razor blades. Her swollen, bruised pussy lips were slowly spread by the dragons claws, his breath on her throat and she knew she was going to die.. but not before this dragon had his way with her. Despite her best attempts she let out a piteous whinny as her clit was teased, then given a cruel poke with the tip of a dragons talon. Then the teeth pressed around her throat, only a bite away from ending her life. She didn't feel like a unicorn anymore, she didn't even feel female for every bit of her feminine curves was screaming in pain. The dragons treatment of her made her feel like a slab of meat. Helplessly lying on the butchers block, with tenderizing hammers and knives poised to turn her into hamburger. Tears streamed down her face as her pussy was savaged by pricks and pinches, then a gasp as the claws suddenly pulled away. She opened an eye to see another dragon holding her tormentor's wrist.

"That's enough. This one is mine now." said the newcomer.

"It's a dead horse! Get away from me, Worpath!" he said and yanked his hand back. He then let out a howl as his wounded leg was slapped by the other dragons tail and he hopped back.

"No.. I think I have a better use for her. I report directly to Master Rahmor you know. He asked me to keep an eye out for anything interesting.. and she certainly qualifies. I'm going to make a present of her to him."

"You can't. Orders are to kill their military so they don't interfere with the culling. She dies."

Worpath said, "I think Master Rahmor can call in a favor or two so he can keep this one. I know his tastes.. and she is just the kind of slave he is looking for. So go deal with those dead solders and leave her to me. Unless you want to fight over her..."

Tamira hung there, exhausted and in pain. She couldn't see directly in front of her, and could only vaguely make out the two dragons. She tried to shrink back as her tormentor moved closer, his fangs clear as he leaned up against her face, "Perhaps this will be better... instead of a rape and quick death, you will suffer for the rest of your life as a dragons fuck toy." He stepped away and was gone. She shuddered, the pain and story of her dead brothers and sisters too much for her to truly take in the new events. Slave? Fuck toy? She yelped as her wrists and ankles were cut free, and strong paws grabbed her head and wrenched her horn free from the tree with much grunting and twisting back and forth. She was too much in pain to fight any more as she was re-bound in steel shackles and chains, her face covered in a sack and tied tight. She struggled to breathe in the darkness of the rough burlap sack, and it was finally all too much for her and she passed out.


The room was silent when Tamira finished. "I didn't see or remember much after that. I was held separate from the others until Master bought me and I joined the slave chain we were all put in for the march here."

Dana leaned over to give Tamira a hug, "I'm so sorry about your friends." Others murmured the same. Sabeth was silent, looking at her hands and hiding her expression.

Tamira shrugged, "Well, thats why I kinda limped a bit for a while when I was first part of the chain. I was pretty banged up and it took a while to get over all of it. All of the physical stuff anyway."

Telly said, "Still... I loved the part where you know.. did all that stuff. I wish.. well.." she looked at the guards and lowered her voice, "Well, I won't say anything about what I wish because you are all probably thinking the same thing.. so lets leave it at that, eh?"

There were laughs at that. Dana was sure she knew what Telly was referring to. They all were picturing their Master impaled on their own sharpened horns.

Telly snickered and then yelled, "No laughing!" with a laugh.

Tamira cupped one of her breasts in a hand and let out a soft whinny. "Just thinking about that again makes my breasts ache."

Telly frowned, "I thought it was just me... something to do with what.." she looked down at her belly that when looked at closely was starting to look a bit rounder than usual. "With what Master did to me... giving me eggs." She slid a hand down between her legs to cup herself gently. It was only now that she didn't hurt down there from the brutal raping her Master had given her. She shuddered at the memory of those sharp cock-spines inside her.

There was a general pause as all the mares gingerly poked and prodded themselves. They were all feeling a little sore. Dana asked aloud, "Do you think it has anything to do with that stuff he, I mean our Master made us eat?" She winced as she gave herself a gentle squeeze. Sabeth looked worried as she examined herself, lifting a medallion so she could eye her breast without it being pulled and distorted by the heavy weight.

Another mare finally said, "Ok, ok... I have a story. So there was me and two friends and this big old wagon..."

Master's Play Things - By Vaporeon249 Master's Play Things - By Vaporeon249