Big, Bad, and Oh-So Wolfie, Chapter 2

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#3 of Big Bad Wolf

Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie

Chapter ...

Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie

Chapter 2: Meet the Family

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

"No!" said Peter, giving his foot a firm stomp. "Absolutely not!"

Wolfie growled a bit, his hackles rising. He desperately wanted to eat this man, hardly more than an obstacle on his road to happiness. But Peter P. Pumpkineater was Red's father, and Wolfie had promised to behave himself, however much it galled him.

"But dear," said his wife, tall, slender and sweet, the source of Red's auburn tresses, though Red's hair was cut short, for functionality, while the older woman's reached almost down to her calves, a sign of her nobility. "Can't you see how happy they are together, how happy our dearest darling is?"

"Adelheide," said Peter, turning to look at his wife sternly. That look was all it took for the tall, pale woman to back down. For all her noble blood, she'd been well-trained by this domineering man, and it showed. Wolfie might have been wicked himself, but at least he was the open sort of bad. Peter, though...Peter was something else. he was an older man, perhaps twice the age of his wife, his hair a washed-out, muddy color, his eyes much the same, but flashing with a fiery, hateful light when he was aroused to high emotion, which was often. It was obvious that he'd been handsome in his day, and likely in the time that he'd first wed his wife. But the cruel spite that governed him, taking control of all his passions, left him withered before his time, sickly, his face pale, his health right on the edge, held in relative stability only by his supreme will.

"I will have nothing to do with this unnatural coupling!" snarled Peter, barely holding back a fit of coughing, turning back to his daughter, tears already trickling down her cheeks, "and certainly won't give my blessing to such a marriage as you propose. I knew you were a strumpet all along! My justification is complete for making you wear the red cape. Now begone, and never return - I disown you as my daughter! From this day forth, I have only one child!"

With a glare at Red and Wolfie, his nostrils flaring, the cruel glare of his eyes strong upon them both, Peter pointed towards the door. Wolfie knew a challenge for Alpha dominance when he faced one, and he took a step forward, his hands, each big enough to easily wrap around this scrawny weakling's neck, clenching, ready to sink teeth and claws into the fray. But then he felt Red's small hand on his arm.

"Fine," said Wolfie, turning and bending to pick up Red in his mighty arms, pulling her close to his broad, warm chest. "Can't think of a priest that'd marry us anyway, with your blessing or without. C'mon, Red."

As Wolfie stormed from the great entry hall of Pumpkineater Manor, he heard, ever so faintly, a light giggle, like the tinkling of bells. He turned his head, just a little, enough to see a golden-curled head peeking over the landing, impish blue eyes staring at him and Red from behind large round lenses, and a pretty, mocking face that betided truly stunning beauty after she departed adolescence for full womanhood, and one who was already used to getting her way, spoiled to the very core. This girl, barely three years younger than Red, had all the look of a dethroning child who has seen her older sibling suffer a tremendous upset. This haughty young beauty was now the queen of the roost, and had taken a moment to gloat from afar.

"Goldilocks," he growled under his breath as he pushed open the big front double doors, and stepped out into the light of morning. "You'll get yours."

But that would have to wait for later. For right now, Wolf had to take care of his mate. Red had tried to hold her tears in, but being picked up by the towering male had driven home feelings of childish helplessness, and as the doors to her former home slammed behind her, she couldn't help but break into tears. Instead of trying to say anything, Wolf went with what was most natural, holding her close to his chest, cradled tightly in his strong arms as he walked along, towards the woods.

In the shade of his ancient home, Wolf felt strength returning to him, his confidence great, and more certain of his ability to accomplish whatever tasks he might need to fulfill to make his Red happy. As he walked along, Red also seemed to feel a degree of safety in the wildness of the woods, with its apex predator holding her so closely, and her crying slowly stilled, before she snuggled up against the Big Bad Wolf's strong, furry body, sighing softly as she closed her eyes.

"Red," said Wolf after some time walking through the forest. "I'm gonna take you back to Grandma's for a while, all right? I've gotta do some thinking, and I'm gonna need to do it alone." He frowned, his brow furrowing as he concentrated. "I'm not used to having a mate, and I need to sort out my thinking before I'm gonna be much good for either of us, sorting out this mess."

"All right, Wolfie," said Red tiredly, sighing softly in his arms, the emotions of the past hours, of the tirades and storming rages of her father before he'd met Red's wolf, and then the disowning that had come after he'd met Red's wolf all having worked together to wear her out. "When will you be back, do you think?"

"A little after dark," said Wolf. "I think I'll have a plan by that point. But there're some things that I'll need to check out first, and some people I'll need to see." He stroked the auburn-haired teen's back gently. "You'll be provided for. I promise you that. I'll make you happy, Red, as long as I'm alive. You know I will."

"I know, Wolfie," said Red, opening her beautiful eyes to smile up at him, wiping away the last of her tears with her arm, before leaning forward, and kissing his chest, making the towering black-furred beast shiver at the contact. "I know you will."

* * *

Grandma was as surly as ever, despite her younger look, but she was indeed willing to put Red up for a while. Wolf was able to smell the arousal of the older woman as she watched him kissing her granddaughter, however, and knew that it was only a matter of time before he brought Grandma completely around. After all, Red was pregnant with Woody's child (as Wolf had smelled the day after), and Grannie pregnant with Wolf's: they'd need somebody to take care of them, and satisfy their needs - all their needs - for the foreseeable future.

"When I get back," Wolf growled, his clawed hands groping Red's toned tush through the denim shorts she was wearing, "I'm gonna make you howl, Red." He then grinned at Grannie, giving her a saucy wink, before he released his new mate and turned to go. "A little after dark - watch for me."

"I love you, Wolfie," said Red, waving on the front step as the Big Bad Wolf stalked off into the forest, the dense undergrowth and shadows soon swallowing him from view.

"That wolf's a bad one, badder than anybody else in the woods," said Grannie, shaking her head, before she suddenly broke into a grin. "But then, that's part of his appeal, isn't it?"

"Yeah," said Red with a giggle, following her grandmother inside, the pair getting the tools that they'd need for work in Grannie's garden. "I feel safe around him, when all the rest of the world seems like it's out to get me. Nobody can beat that kind of badness, not really. You can't keep him down."

"Just don't expect him to be faithful," snorted Grannie, tugging on a pair of sturdy work gloves and grabbing her hoe, while Red picked up a basket filled with trowels and garden forks. "He's not the type."

"We talked that over," said Red with a very naughty smile indeed. "I don't expect fidelity from him. He's not human, after all, and he does what comes natural, when it feels right to his instincts. But he'll always come back to me. I know he will, for the same reason: it's part of his instincts."

"You may be right there, Little Red," said Grannie as the pair walked back out into the sun of the day, heading towards the back of the house where the garden was. "You may indeed be right. But we'll see the truth of things soon enough. If he can provide for us, and he keeps coming back to us, then maybe I'll be convinced."

"We'll see," said Red.

* * *

"I love you too."

He hadn't said the words very loudly as he'd lowered to all-fours for greater speed, and didn't know if she'd heard him, though he didn't pause to make sure of it. It wasn't a set of words he was used to saying, after all, and he'd been just about to take to the wildness of the woods once more, making such concepts as love harder for him to understand. Red was his mate, and that was all that he needed. But he knew that she needed words sometimes; it was a human thing.

Knowing full well that there was only so much daylight available to him, Wolf turned his nose towards a familiar house in the woods, one of only a few that he frequented often, and on friendly terms. Fast as the wolf could travel when he ran as an animal, it was no time at all before he came upon a dirt path. He knew that the other end of that path led all the way to a less-used path that would eventually lead to the Town ("the" because it was the only major human gathering around). The smaller path also led to the Path, and the Path led to almost everywhere else. Everywhere that humans could travel to without danger, anyway. The rest belonged to the Woods and its many creatures.

This little path, however, led to a place that humans usually avoided, but was still accessible to them, and even safe, provided that you showed the proper respect. After all, bears were dangerous creatures when upset, and the Bear family were smart enough to know how to use their upset in some pretty creative ways.

For his part, Wolf was on terms as good as could be imagined with the Bear family. The Bears were the recognized intermediaries between the human world and the intelligent animals of the Forest (the unintelligent ones, of course, having their own set of rules). Wolf had first gotten to know them when he'd traded sheep to them, after stealing a flock from one of the many outlying little villages that bordered the Town. At least once a month Wolf would head over to the Bear house to play cards, along with a few other of the Forest's residents. He'd gotten the midwife, and been there personally to help when Baby had been born. For all he knew, in fact, Baby might have been part wolf (if such a thing were possible), as he'd had sex with Mama Bear on several occasions, and with Papa too, for that matter, and the both of them at the same time more often than not. Yes, Wolf was on very good terms with the Bear family indeed.

Mama Bear was sweeping off the front porch as Wolf arrived, and he couldn't help but grin as he looked the full-bodied, statuesque woman over, her simple peasant's dress going little to hide her figure. She was a muscular, amazonian female, large and powerful, with breasts like hills and hips that didn't quit, but if you liked 'em big, Mama bear could satisfy your deepest cravings like no other female in the Forest. She was weaker than the Big Bad Wolf in terms of physical strength, however, a fact that made her tend to lust after him almost as badly as she did her husband, because of a deep-seated need to be dominated in her nature, which seldom had an opportunity to come out, thanks to her powerful build.

Papa, for his part, was dozing in a hammock slung between two trees nearby, and Baby, already well into his teens despite his nickname (he figured it was better than Junior), was just barely visible as he made his escape into the woods, a fishing pole over one shoulder.

Letting Baby get clean away without revealing his departure, Wolf grinned and winked at Mama, and then walked up to Papa, grinning down at the lounging bear as he slowly opened his eyes at the presence of another so close to him.

"Grrrhm," growled the massive, thick-armed and barrel-chested male as he raised himself up slightly, and then gingerly rolled out of the hammock with more grace than might have been expected from one of his size. "Wolf. What brings you into these parts again? Figured you wouldn't be walking straight after the last time you were here, both me'n Mama riding your bones as hard as we did."

"I remember it well," chuckled Wolf, his grin just getting bigger at the memory. "But I'm here on business today, Papa. I've got a new mate, and I need to provide for her."

"Shouldn't be a problem, good hunter like you," said Papa with a shrug, before he stretched and yawned, scratching his belly through the overalls he wore. "And you just bring in some sheep or something if you need human money, not that such a thing happens much, knowing you."

"It's more complicated than that, Papa," said Wolf, putting his hand on the bear's shoulder as they walked towards the front porch, Papa only a little taller than the leaner, sleeker form of the Big Bad Wolf, though his greater strength was easily visible in his broader body. "She's a human girl."

"Human girl?" said Papa and Mama almost in unison, before Papa continued, scratching his head in puzzlement. "Who the devil would want to...?"

"It's that Little Red Riding Hood slip, isn't it?" said Mama with a knowing look at Wolf, nodding in satisfaction as she caught his slight nod of admission. "I knew it! You've had your eyes on her since as long as I can know you, and not just as food." The she giggled. "You rogue, you. This does change things, doesn't it?"

"A li'l bit," said Wolf with a shrug as the three of them went inside the house. "But humans need things like houses to sleep in, with furniture, and clothes, and cooked food. You know about things like that, that I've never had to deal with, ever."

"Sounds like quite a predicament," said Papa, slumping into his solid, extra-hard wooden chair by the fire, Mama taking her extra-soft chair not far off, while Wolf remained standing. "Grrhmm indeed. I'll need to think about how to help you on this one. And me with all my own problems, too."

"Problems?" asked Wolf, cocking his head curiously. "What sort of problems have you been having?"

"Theft, mostly," said Papa, shaking his head with a curling of his lip in anger at the thought. "Somebody's been nicking my apple trees, and my honey stores, and sometimes my mead."

"And my baking, every time I leave it out to cool," Mama added in.

"I'm pretty sure it's those kids from the Town," continued Papa, "and judging from the footprints, it's older kids mostly, but I can't seem to catch 'em in the act. It always seems to happen after they let out of school each day, but they always hit something different, so I never manage to be in the right place at the right time." He shrugged, then, seeming to relax. "It's nothing really bad, mostly, just some petty theft like you'd expect of hungry teenagers after school and before dinner. But it's still cutting into my produce, and I have to work all the harder to make ends meet." He smirked, then. "If you could help me catch the thieves, or at least the ringleaders, I'd be much obliged. I'd be about as obliged if you could bring me some fresh meat for me to smoke and sell. Nobody in these woods can bring in the bacon like you."

"Bacon..." mused Wolf, his brow wrinkling in thought, before he snapped the fingers of his pawlike hand. "The Three Little Pigs. If anybody knows how to build a sturdy house, it'll be the Third Little Pig."

"You're crazy, you know," laughed Papa, shaking his head. "Those three have a long history with you, and I'm pretty sure they won't change anytime soon. You'd be better off with the Seven Dwarves, if you want sturdy."

"They might make things to last, but those seven runts don't come cheap," said Wolf, shaking his head, before a look of thoughtful determination came over his furry features. "I'd need more money than I'll ever have to get them to help. And I think I can persuade the Pigs. After all, money talks, and piglets walk. And I'll have ways to make money soon enough, starting with your little burglars."

"I've got plenty of homespun, if you need clothes," said Mama with a friendly smile, reaching over to pat the Big Bad Wolf's paw. "Though, if you want the best-tailored things I've ever seen, you'd want to see about this new tailor in town. I'd be careful of him, though - he's a wily one, far too clever for his own good."

"'Seven with one blow'?" Wolf asked with a smirk, which grew wider at Mama's nod. "Yeah, I've heard of the guy. Real piece of work, and a giant killer besides, if what they say is true." He shrugged. "But then, I'm not the sort to believe everything I hear." Shaking his head, Wolf started towards the door. "Think I'll just show myself out, Papa, Mama, and maybe sniff around a bit on your property, see what I can come up with. But you can believe I'll be back."

"We always look forward to havin' you around, Big Bad," said Mama with a sly wink and wave from her chair, her other chair reaching for a basket of knitting.

"Grrhmm," added Papa, his muzzle curling back in an eager grin. "Maybe bring the new missus around next time, we can get all...friendly with her."

Wolf chuckled at the two bears.

"If she's not objecting to the idea, you better believe it."

The door swung open silently on well-oiled hinges, and the Big Bad Wolf stepped out onto the front porch once more and took a deep breath of fresh air, centering his mind on the tasks at hand. It was a daunting set of jobs, all right, as he listed them off in his mind. First of all, he'd need to get help from the Bears. That meant finding the thieves, not an easy thing, considering the size of the Bears' property, and how overgrown it was with woodland and underbrush. That would give him a bit of working money, at least, something that he could use to get started, maybe work his way into some more money over time. Money, of course, was the big issue above it all. Humans demanded that you live with the stuff, and though the Big Bad Wolf couldn't help but curl his lip at the thought of having to use filthy lucre over what he could simply take with the strength of his shaggy body and cunning brain, he was in an entirely different world now, and that meant playing by new rules.

Shrugging, Wolf let those thoughts go. There was no sense worrying about what he couldn't change, after all. Best just to deal with one issue at a time. But before that...well, a little relaxation couldn't hurt, now could it?

Dropping back to all-fours, Wolf started off towards the stream where he knew Baby would be, judging from the fishing pole the teenaged bear had been carrying before. His nostrils worked the air as he approached the riverbank, and he smirked as he quickly picked up the scent of the young bear. Then he frowned: there was more than one scent here, and one of them was fresh. That meant two things. First: Baby had somebody with him right that instant, somebody whose scent Wolf recognized. And second: six sombodies who weren't bears had passed this way not many hours ago. In fact, with a little more snuffing, Wolf picked up the tell-tale scents of four human girls, one human boy, and...a sheep? Putting this together with the other evidence, Wolf knew that there was only one place those scents could be headed going in that direction: they were heading to a secluded pool just outside the property boundaries of the Bears' place, where a natural spring bubbled up at the top of a short hill. While the culprits weren't likely to be there now, so late in the day, it was exactly the sort of place that you'd expect a bunch of hooligan kids to go to cool off after a bit of pilfering. Just to test that theory, Wolf skirted the lake, drawing closer to the spring, but all his keen ears and eyes and nose picked up were old sounds and sights and scents. No, no thieves here now. But it was a start. All he had to do now was lie in wait there just a little bit after school let out the next day.

Tomorrow already filling up fast, Wolf decided to make the most of the day that was still left to him. Curiosity getting the better of him, he ambled casually towards where his sensitive nose picked up Baby Bear and the Other Scent. He didn't bother to conceal his presence, knowing that at least one of the pair would pick up his scent just as easily as he'd picked up the Other Scent's smell.

Stepping out of the underbrush next to the fishing hole where Baby had gone, Wolf grinned at the sight that greeted him. As he'd suspected, Baby was doing a lot more than just fishing. Seated on a stool he'd brought with him, his back propped up against a tree, his head fallen back, his face showing signs of ultimate bliss, quite insensible of the rest of the world, Baby Bear panted hard, his hips jerking, his overalls peeled right down to his ankles. And kneeling in front of the teenaged ursine, his slender, expert muzzle slurping and suckling greedily on the youthful length of bear meat, was Reynard the Fox, big bushy tail wagging, as naked as the day he was born.

Leaning against a nearby tree to watch, Wolf noted that the fine clothes that Reynard preferred to wear were hung up on a nearby bush. Reynard was a trickster, after all, and following that path usually led him to great fortunes, which he just as quickly squandered, save for that which he gave to his vixen mate, to take care of the kits he and she so often produced, and which were always in need of feeding. Wolf's family had history with Reynard, with Wolf's older brother, Isengrim, often trying (and failing) to get the better of the clever fox, but Wolf didn't hold it against Reynard. Isengrim had, after all, had more than one affair with Hermeline, Reynard's mate, and had the hybrid kits still running around the forest to prove it. All told, Wolf called it about even.

"What's sauce for the goose," Wolf chuckled, licking his chops as he watched Reynard's black-furred hands grip Baby's work-toned rump tightly, a finger teasing just under the teenaged bear's stubby tail. Baby's whole body tensed up at this, and soon Wolf could see, as he craned his neck a little, as Reynard's cheeks were forced to puff out with what must have been a most prodigious load. But the ever-ready Reynard didn't spill a drop, his throat visibly gulping it all down eagerly, before pulling back with an audible 'pop,' giving the plump, tulip-shaped tip of Baby's cock a teasing final lick.

"A nice show," said Wolf, stepping out with a grin, which only grew wider as Baby grabbed for his overalls in a desperate - and futile! - attempt to cover himself. After all, the damage had already been well and properly done. "How've you been, Reynard? Been a while."

"Not since that last farm raiding incident," agreed the fox, his gentle Irish tenor perfectly normal in tone, unashamed of his nudity, as both males ignored the deeply embarrassed teenaged bear standing between them. "We're just lucky not to have gotten our tails shot off."

"You and your British cousin," said Wolf with a smirk. "Both crazy like foxes."

Both canids laughed at this, before they turned and settled on the edge of the pond's bank, each putting a paw on one of Baby's shoulders, to gently guide the younger male to sit between them. Baby's eyes were as wide as saucers, pressed between the two males as he was, with only his unbuttoned, loosely-hanging overalls to conceal his modesty, but he didn't say anything, nor did he resist.

"I'm starting to figure out a plan to make some money, Reynard," said Wolf after a few moments of silent looking out on the pond, during which he was rubbing Baby's firmly-formed farmboy thigh. "And I think I'll need some of your help to make it work."

"Whatever would you need money for, my dear Wolf?" asked Reynard with a scoffing grin, his hand stroking Baby's back, just down to the very base of the boy's stubby tail. "You're not really the sort to put much stock in grubby material things or positions, not at all like your older brother."

"I'll take that as a compliment," said Wolf with a snort, before cupping Baby's full, almost-developed balls through the overalls, making the younger male gasp and grow stock-still, his sheath already starting to fill out - typical horny teenager. "See, I've got a mate now. And she's human."

"The Riding Hood girl, isn't it?" asked Reynard, before he grinned widely on seeing Wolf's face, knowing he'd guessed right. "Of course. The pair of you couldn't make a better match."

"Her father doesn't think so," replied Wolf with a scowl, giving Baby's family jewels a light squeeze, just to make the boy shiver. "We're on our own, and, well...she deserves more'n what I've got to give her right now."

"So tell me all about this plan of yours, Wolf," said Reynard, tugging on Baby's overalls, peeling them down the younger male's body with expert, subtle skill, so that it was almost unnoticeable until they were suddenly completely off of his body, lying neatly folded nearby. "You said you needed my help?"

" part of it I've got covered," said Wolf with a shrug. "But there's another remember the Three Little Pigs?"

"Who could forget?" said Reynard with a scowl, even as he wrapped his hand around Baby's burgeoning shaft. "I've been cooked alive enough times myself to not envy you your present position in their story. First it was you in the earliest versions, where the pigs with straw and wood houses were the smart ones, being able to build houses that were light and strong and fast to make, to keep you out so that you could eat the foolish pig who made his house of bricks, but couldn't finish in time, and was so haughty about it beforehand, too."

"Values change with time," said Wolf with a shrug, before he gripped Baby's bare bear bottom with his huge paw, making the boy tense up all over, shivering as he looked between the two males pressed so close to him on either side. "Then you did time in those Uncle Remus many other versions out there..."

"And finally you got the lead role again when the cartoons came out," finished Reynard with a smirk, before he leaned over and gently bit down on Baby's exposed nipple, making the young bear's eyes roll back into his head. "Mmm, I did enjoy some of my time, though, in that story," the fox admitted, lifting his head and giving Wolf a wink. "After all, the tale always left out what I did to those two cute, younger little pigs when I had them as prisoners in my den, tied up, helpless, willing to do just about anything if only I wouldn't cook and eat them."

"You horndog," chuckled Wolf. "Of course, we'd both quit being allowed to eat 'em long before that," he added, moving his paws away from Baby, letting Reynard work the pubescent cub over. "Now it's a story about home security and preparedness against impending disaster. And I'm the disaster," he finished, smirking ruefully. "Stories are hard to break, Reynard. I only managed it with Red because it became a story of breaking the immature sexual roles of victim and predator to take on more mature ones, as partners, equals. But I'm still a predator, Reynard, try as I might, even with Red as my mate. I need the Three Little Pigs to work for me, to build me a house for Red to live in, but I know they won't work for a predator like me willingly. And I can't just break up the story completely - I have to work within the bounds set by the tale itself."

"Well," mused Reynard as he stroked Baby's cheek and chin, slowing rising to his black-furred hindpaws. "You know, it could rather easily be changed to a story about community preparedness, rather than just about individual preparedness. I don't recall those three porklings ever once working together, even when Third provided housing for First and Second. They were always on their own, having to rely on the cleverness of just one to save them all."

"Instead of the group as a whole," Wolf said, nodding as he started to get the idea. "Again, though, I'd need your help to make it work, I think. Sort of a contrast to them not working together, and us working together, you get me?"

"In this case, our better organization and teamwork netting us three cute, plump little pigs as spoils, to do with as we please," Reynard summed up, before he cupped Baby's chin, and guided his own hard pink erection to the young bear's muzzle, gently slipping it inside as the teen wrapped his lips around the shaft of the more experienced male, looking up hopefully, so obviously eager to please that his expression alone made Wolf horny just watching it. It was almost too much for him to be able to pay attention as Reynard gave him the quick outline of the plan that the quick-thinking fox had come up with in record time, but he managed.

"I'd better get back home, then," said Wolf, rising to his feet even as Reynard knelt on the grass by the pond, making Baby slowly lower himself to all-fours, his brown-furred rump thrusting invitingly into the air as he continued to service Reynard's penis, obviously inexperienced, but so enthusiastic in his task that it didn't matter. "I'm gonna need to get up early to make my end of things work, and Red's gonna need more'n a little of my attention before I get any sleep tonight."

"Who's the horndog now?" teased Reynard, before whispering a soft tip on how to improve his fellatio technique to Baby, soon wincing in pleasure as the boy bear seemed to admirably put the advice into effect, reaching out to grip the boy's buns and give them a firm squeeze. "You know, sometime Hermeline and I really need to hook up with you and Red, and maybe even Papa and Mama Bear, for a little party. Get to know each other a bit better all around."

"We'll see," said Wolf with a knowing smirk, watching the fox and bear a moment longer before he gave then a final nod, and turned to drop back to all-fours, letting his great strength and speed carry him like the wind through the woods once more. Back to Grandmother's house. Back to Red.

* * *

The smell of wildflowers hit his nostrils first as Wolf neared the old, familiar path that led such a short distance to the house he knew so well. He'd died there often enough, after all, to have it burned permanently into his memory. Another scent also met the wolf's sensitive nostrils, and he quickly turned towards the field of wildflowers, dropping into a crouch as he crept forward.

There she was, kneeling in the field, her basket by her side, already partially filled with some of the flowers that she'd picked. A wide, toothy grin on his face, Wolf couldn't help but drool a little as he watched Red's skirt ride up a bit, showing the tender skin on the backs of her knees and thighs as she went to all-fours herself, reaching out for a nearby flower. Her sweet, youthful, healthy, lively scent hit him, intoxicated him, drove him mad with desire.

In former times, the Big Bad Wolf hadn't bothered to let himself be distracted from his goal, which was to deceive his victim so that he could devour - or perhaps ravish - both her grandmother and then herself. Now he didn't resist the impulse, creeping silently up behind Red in the field, and slipping his nose up under her red cape and skirts, nudging them carefully up, flipping them onto her back, out of the way. He'd done this with such care that Red didn't seem to notice, not even turning around to look.

Leaning back to admire the sight before him, Wolf's eyes grew huge indeed as he discovered that his Red hadn't bothered to wear panties. He could smell the seed of Woody, the woodsman he'd devoured before, already having taken firm root in Red's belly, even as he lightly ran his muzzle from top to bottom over Red's exposed, lightly-furred little slit. She was moist as well, and somehow he knew that she was thinking of him, in the same way that he'd been thinking of her all day long, her need at least as great as his own. The thought of Red's human daughter growing up to be even half as beautiful as her, and then claiming that dazzling beauty, daughter of a beauty and a handsome male, as his own right alongside her mother, filling the both of them with his pups...Wolf's shaft was as stiff as stone. Unable to control himself, his muzzle parted, tongue extending, arching slowly outward...before he plunged forward. The field of wildflowers was suddenly filled with the raw, primal sounds of a savage predator feasting with gusto upon the delicious juices of a sweet teenager's still-girlish cunny. Moments later, they were also filled with the delighted, ecstatic squeals of that same still-girlish young woman as she cried out in the most exquisite and eagerly-accepting pleasure.

"W-Wolf, you're back," Red got out with an effort, before biting her little finger on the right hand to keep from screaming as she felt Wolf's long, thick, deliciously smooth tongue penetrating her, felt his huge, powerful paws gripping her upturned pink bottom, spreading her open to allow him still deeper access, to all the better stretch her open and lash her into submission. "I missed you so much..."

Red's words trailed off with a deep moan as Wolf arched his tongue over her G-spot as he pulled back, and then she really did scream as he latched onto her throbbing clitoris and began to gnaw on her flesh, worrying her like he might a fresh, bloody kill, his movements almost brutal, with only the least amount of restraint. Her arms gave out beneath her, and Red only just had the presence of mind to fold them beneath her cheek as she lay there, her smooth body trembling with the intensity of sensations blasting through her, so hard and so fast, skin and clothes beaded with the sweat of the intensity of the experience.

She didn't want Wolf to wait, and he didn't either, as they'd both been having the other run through their minds all day, hoping and desperately needing this moment so very badly. His rough, bestial paws stroked over her labia, peeling them open as he jerked his tongue back with a lewd, juicy sound, before Red started despite herself at the heavy, meaty feel of his massive lupine prick slapping against her bared little pussy, shifting like a nervous little filly being covered by her first stallion. One hand drew back, gripping his shaft as Red looked back to watch with wide, eager eyes and flushed cheeks, before Wolf began to stroke his cock's tip up and down Red's slick, almost painfully swollen cunny lips. Then, suddenly, Wolf's glans was slotted into place, his powerful hands grabbing her hips firmly. Red had only enough time to turn her head back to face forward, her back arching as she braced herself, before Wolf's hips slammed forward, his balls slapping against her inner thighs, her smooth bottom rippling with the force of impact.

Wolf and Red howled together at this moment of total, complete joining, both their heads lifted to the moon that was just visible, despite the daylight still left in the sky. Then he began to thrust, his hips moving forward and back, slowly at first, taking his time, savoring the sensations that came as Red's inner walls clasped so tightly around him, gripping him, urging him onward with their deeply erotic embrace. Red held still, like any good she-wolf in heat, breathing hard, low, animalistic moans coming from deep in her throat as she continued to bite her lower lip, trying to keep from being overwhelmed by the wonderful, overpowering feelings coursing through her body.

"Your baby's gonna feel my cum pretty soon," growled Wolf in her ear, softly, his voice low and darkly feral. "The baby that's in your belly right now. The baby I'm gonna knock up along with her mother, just as soon as she's old enough to survive the birthing." His sharp-fanged mouth teased the lobe of her ear, before his lips closed on the tender back of her neck, suckling lewdly. Red could feel the grin on Wolf's muzzle as she began to shudder in her second orgasm of the evening at such obscene words, at the images that they brought immediately to her mind. Somehow she knew that her daughter (and it would be a daughter) would be a blonde, like Woody had been, and that her daughter would look only slightly younger than her when the time for her first breeding came - time in the world of fables, fairy tales, and folk stories worked that way. It would be almost like having a younger sister, with benefits. And before long, they would both have great, swollen bellies like a full harvest moon, and the perversions that the Big Bad Wolf would enact upon them both during that time when they would be so completely helpless and dependent upon him made Red's whole body tingle in erotic anticipation.

But then all thought and fantasy was shattered as the Big Bad Wolf's hips started to pick up the pace, and Red's whole body and mind were focused on the rippling sensations that burned in her belly and tingled from there throughout her entire body, until she felt as though she were being engulfed in dark lightning. She felt so deliciously dirty and so sweetly sublime, all at the same time, even as she felt Wolf's hands stroking her hips and bared lower belly, knowing that the noises she was making would surely have embarrassed her at any other time. Then one big paw arched back, finding that point of pleasure at the juncture of her legs, and all thought ceased entirely as Red's body shook and jerked, young muscles tensing and tightening her body around him, urging him to yield up his seed to her, to share his male essence with her innermost places. Wolf did not deny her body's need for long, his head arching back, jaw tightening as he plunged himself to the hilt in Red's body, her juices spurting out around his heavy shaft, wetting his balls and lower belly, before his pleasures peaked beyond the point of no return, dragging a dark, throaty grunt from the savage male as his balls tightened, and then unleashed a torrent of virile sperm in a gush into Red's ready sex. It felt as though she'd sat on a geyser, there was so much of it, and so hot! The heat was the only sensation that would really stick with her for some long moments, all else forgotten in the wash of ecstasy.

When she slowly came to herself, Red became aware of a pair of heavy, furry balls stroking her sensitive inner thighs, an even heavier, furry weight resting on her upturned bare bottom. She shivered slightly, and then gasped as she felt Wolf shift on top of her, before she gave a low, half-disappointed moan as he pulled free, feeling his and her copious juices flowing down her legs. After a moment's rest, Red rolled over, letting her skirts fall back into place as she looked at the magnificent male who'd mounted her like he was of his own kind, kneeling in the moonlight as the sky darkened overhead (had they been there that long?), smiling at her.

"You are so beautiful," said Wolf in his low, gruff voice, the feral growl of his tones almost tender to Red's ears, or as close to it as he was able to be. He reached out to stroke her cheek with the soft-furred back of one huge paw.

Of course Red kissed him then, taking the initiative, her hands gripping and stroking through the fur of his broad, powerful chest. His heavy, clumsy paws stroked her back, and then moved to the buttons on the front of her dress, working at them with some difficulty. She helped him, and soon together they pulled the unnecessary garment up and over her head, tossing it into the flowers near her basket. Her arms wrapping around him, their kiss never breaking, Red allowed herself to be lowered back onto the soft grass and loam of the meadow, moaning deeply into the kiss as Wolf's penis found her willing sex once more, and slid easily back into place, until she could feel the tip of his prick knocking on the door of her occupied womb, his heavy balls resting on her smooth little bottom. The human girl spread her legs, and then wrapped them around Wolf's hips, her hands going down to grip and then grope his tight, taut buns, feeling them flex with each of his smooth, rolling thrusts, his tail hiking upward. As Wolf broke the kiss, his head arching back so that his nose was pointing forward, bestial head at a right angle to her own, Red lifted her head to nibble on Wolf's exposed neck, making the powerful male shudder, rewarding her with a hard jet of precum against her cervix. It was almost like she was looking down on her own body at this point, as Red's orgasms had left her meditative, contemplative. She observed the movements of Wolf's body over her, soft fur stroking her utterly naked skin in such delicious ways. She felt the weight and wonderful thickness of his shaft within her, stretching her open, making her ache so badly for more, even as she knew that she's ache in a far less pleasant way in the morning. Her eyes went down to the place of joining, where his body entered hers, and she couldn't help but smile, reaching down a bit lower from his hot wolfbuns to stroke and gently fondle his balls, still so weighty and full with his male essence. It was at that moment that Red realized that Wolf would plunge that mighty, magnificent shaft into many others, willing and unwilling, during their time as mates - it was simply his nature, as an embodiment of rapacious desires, lust and greed and gluttony. And not only did she not feel any jealousy at this realization, but Red knew that she would help such couplings to take place, and would share in them eagerly whenever possible. Willing or unwilling.

At this realization, Red also felt a perverse thrill run through her as, in her mind's eye, she saw her own sister, Goldilocks, squirming and crying out as she was violated in the same position Red was now in, utterly dominated and made to serve the lusts of the savage brute that was even then humping Red human-style, the fantasy Goldilocks' own belly almost certain to be swollen with a litter of bestial pups in the very near future, deeply planted all against her will. Her body tensed, another orgasm shaking her frame as Red looked up, straight into the yellow eyes of her feral lover. The Big Bad Wolf grinned, and Red knew that he knew what she's been feeling, and why, even if he might not yet know the exact fantasy that had caused her intense reaction. That realization made her scream in another orgasm, this one even more powerful than any before it, her fingers clawing desperately at the fur of Wolf's back and butt and legs, her legs wrapping tightly around him, keeping him plunged to the depths inside of her until she felt him tremble in his second orgasm of the evening. She looked up at that moment of orgasm at his beautiful, tautly-tensed face, his bestial nature utterly revealed, his whole body pulsing and stretched to what had to be the breaking point, veins standing out so much on his mighty, solid male body that they showed through his thick, soft fur.

Rather than let Wolf pull free as she felt his second rush of pleasures fade, Red pressed up against him, pushing on his chest as he started to rise, rising along with him. For a moment she felt the aching, painful emptiness that came as his still-hard cock popped free of her dripping sex. But then he was lying on his back, looking up at her, just as she'd guided him with her hands, and she smiled triumphantly down at him as he looked up at her in eager confusion, hopeful for whatever new kink she wanted to explore, one big, furry hand resting on her hip.

"I want to be on top this time," Red explained with a grin, which Wolf returned, holding her waist in his powerful paws as she positioned herself carefully, lifting his hard shaft until it was pointing almost straight up, before she plunged herself down onto it with a high-pitched cry of joyful bliss, her whole body flushed and bathed in a sheen of sweat.

Riding her wolf like a woman possessed, Red howled out her pleasures to the moon above, feeling the paws of her lover stroking her pleasure-sensitive body everywhere, feeding her desires until the flames of passion threatened to consume everything.