Sibling Switch [Commission]

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A commission for avatar?user=68077&character=0&clevel=2 adamnemo42

"Okay so obviously we're gonna do an equal share of the work..." Sarah began, taking an appraising look around her.

"Obviously..." Ronnie replied. A short retort but with the subtle tone of voice indicating he'd be alert to any attempt on his twin sister's part to get out of doing any real work.

"But obviously we need to be sensible. So I'll take the small, delicate items that need careful packaging, and I'll thank you to take note of how many of those there are in here..." she continued, letting her brother know she hadn't missed the meaning of his remark. "... while you take care of things that require a strong, strapping big brother. Y'know, like furniture and stuff..."

"Yeah, well it's not like I was really using my spine anyway. So you wanna get rid of the furniture?" he asked as the raccoons made their way through their new home which was anything but new. It was a big old house in the town's historic district, and everything in it seemed to look a century behind the times.

"Well...yeah? C'mon all this stuff is sooo old!"

"Yeah, but it's the classy kind of old. It's all carved solid wood, brass and bronze for the hinges and handles..." Ronnie continued as they made their way through the huge place, their footsteps softened by thick carpets.

"Okay Mr. Smarty-pants, so what are they? Oak, walnut, mahogany? What period?"

"You know I have no idea, and that's my point. If we just sell it off now we're bound to get ripped off. Better to do a little research, and see what we might want to keep."

"What, like that sofa?"

"It's genuine leather!" Ronnie protested.

"It's going to clash with my cushions!" Sarah insisted.

"The pink heart-shaped ones? The ones fuzzier than your tail?" he asked, but one look at his sister's face made it clear she was willing to make the cushions her last stand if need be. "Fine, I'll put it in my room."

"Great! Then we can get a normal couch, and you can keep that monstrosity. When you sit on it you can pretend you're snuggling with a morbidly-obese dominatrix or something." she exclaimed, obviously satisfied with her victory.

"How long do you think it will take us to actually make this place... normal?" he asked, as they entered another room, a smallish one with big and very full display cabinets stacked against every wall.

"I dunno. I don't think Uncle Arthur liked normal." she remarked, making them both think about their recently departed and thoroughly estranged uncle.

Their family wasn't a particularly exciting one and their elderly uncle had always been the black sheep, even though nobody could give a straight answer why. He'd been intelligent, quite well educated, did very well for himself and had never been in trouble with the law. Or at least had never been caught. Even his wake had been a chorus of outrageous rumors. Some insisted he'd been a spy, but nobody could agree who he'd spied for or against. Some claimed he'd been involved in smuggling, but nobody was sure of it had been drugs, weapons or stolen artwork. He'd never married but every now and again he'd turn up to a family gathering with some exotic beauty on his arm. Few of them spoke English, but then again Arthur had been fluent in at least one language from every continent.

"Do you suppose anything of what they said about him is true?" Sarah asked as she examined a shelf lined with books, heavy tomes bound in leather and bearing gilded letters in a variety of scripts.

"Some of it must be. But if you believed everything_said about him, then he was a spy, an international gigolo, a crime boss, Indiana Jones, and probably a time-traveler and a part-time ninja too..." he said, earning a giggle-snort from his sister. "Ooh, I know which room _this is!".

"Nononono, don't open that door!" Sarah insisted, going so far as to yank his hand away from the knob.

"C'mon, you'll be thirty in a few years, you can't _still_be scared of it..." he teased.

"I'm not scared!" his sister lied. "It just gives me the creeps. C'mon, let's just..." she insisted, trying to push him away before Ronnie dodged her and threw the door open. If Sarah wasn't afraid, he wondered how she'd explain the look of wide-eyed terror and her puffed-up tail.

The room was one of the guest bedrooms, but one with a twist. Hanging from the ceiling was the skeleton of an enormous python, arranged in such a way as to look like it was slithering in mid-air high up near the ceiling, with its head bent down and its jaws open obscenely wide just above the bed. Uncle Arthur had explained the trick was to get in bed with your eyes closed, and then to open them wide to see the flying skeleton-constrictor getting ready to swallow you. Ronnie had loved getting a good fright although he wasn't sure if he'd have been as brave if he'd seen the thing first time he woke up.

"Remember the time I dared you to lie down and take a look at it?"

"Yeah, I remember doing it to finally shut you up!" Sarah insisted in a tone that made it clear that was the approved version of events. She didn't need to be reminded how long it had taken her to gather the courage to stumble towards the bed, or the fact that she'd peed her pants just a little when she'd worked up the nerve to open her eyes. "And by the way smart-ass, you just picked your room."

"Well, one of them..." Ronnie corrected. The old place was huge and even though they were moving in together they'd end up with more living space than they had in their tiny rented apartments. "You think we can make this work? I mean, live together and not have it end up like our senior year back home?" he asked, and a small but significant silence followed as they remembered the short but turbulent period of their lives that only ended when they each went to a separate college.

"Yeah... I mean we've both matured. Well, at least one of us has..." Sarah said, breaking the awkward silence. "Besides, back then we had _four_people living in a much smaller house than this, and two of those were mom and dad! I know we didn't really plan this but it just makes sense - a much nicer place to live and we'll each save a fortune on rent! I know that last year we really made sparks and fur fly, but we were but angsty teens fresh out of puberty.


"Well, what do you think?" Sarah asked, cocking a hip, throwing her hair back and trying not to smirk too much.

"I... I don't think that looks like a man's robe?" seemed to be the best her brother could manage this morning. But he did look stunned, which was what she was going for.

"That's because it's not. It's the sort of thing a gentleman has around the house for the convenience of a lady who's staying the night..." she said, posturing in the robe that was either a very dark green or a very green black, depending on how the light stuck the shimmering surface of the fabric.

"Modern males still have stuff like that..."

"A hockey jersey doesn't count."

"Is that real silk?"

"Mhhh, the silkiest! Wanna touch it?"

"That... that's not the sort of question a guy likes to hear from his sister..."

"I meant the robe, you perv!" Sarah tossed back with a huff, filling her cup with steaming hot coffee before taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Finery like this is obviously wasted on a plebe like you..." she concluded, taking a demure sip.

"You're not going to go weird on me, are you? Start calling me 'dahling' or something like that?"

"You'll have to be a lot nicer if you want me to call you 'dahling'..."

"You do remember we've agreed on doing some work today?" Ronnie remarked, obviously referring to her glamorous new look.

"I did, and don't worry I'll change into something suitable. I just couldn't pass on the chance to air out this little number and see what it felt like to be a lady starting her morning wrapped in silk." Sarah said wistfully before bringing the cup to her lips again. Ronnie can try and cover as much as he wanted, but the look on his face when he saw her wearing this was something she wouldn't soon forget. "You know, you should be the one raiding the wardrobes. You're Uncle Arthur's build, there should be a ton of fancy clothes that would be a perfect fit for..."

"No." Ronnie cut her off.

"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"Because I can already see how this ends. You have a fun time playing dress-up with me and various old-timey suits, until you have me in a tailcoat and a top-hat, at which point you take a picture of me and put it online with a caption like 'My brother the penguin'..."

"Fine, be a frump. I'll go through the clothes then. Maybe I'll find another gem like this..."

"What, you think Uncle Arthur used to have more than one lady 'friend' overnight?" Ronnie asked, and Sarah was about to say how ridiculous he was being but stopped before she began. Arthur had been pretty suave even after his hair had gone from gray to white. In his younger days, and given the near-scandalous life he'd lead, it wasn't really far-fetched as it had seemed a moment ago.

"Any idea where to send what?" Ronnie asked, taking Sarah's mind off a topic best not pondered.

"Some. I figured we send Cousin Marissa those pans and stuff over there."

"Really? I mean she is the chefy type but those things look kind of..."

"Old? When we came in you were 'Mr. Preservational Society'. Anyway I checked online and copper cookware is still being made, you just don't see it a lot because it's really pricey. And a generous gift like that should earn us plenty of opportunities to sample what comes out of those pots and pans. Besides, which one of us is ever going to use half of those things?" she asked, gesturing at the gleaming metal hanging on various pegs.

"Okay, so that's one down. I figure mom would definitely want the china. As for the silverware, I think we need to parcel that out so that we don't wind up offending anyone..."

Sarah nodded in agreement. Shortly after taking stock of just how much stuff was in here, they decided to do right be their family, especially those that had felt a little snubbed at the will reading. Neither she nor Ronnie had any real idea why they'd wound up with this place. Uncle Arthur had left all of his savings to various charitis, something nobody present could really grumble about, but there had been a bit of a shock to find out that his siblings and cousins had been passed over in favor of a grand-niece and grand-nephew. Not that anyone could contest it, but the two had decided it would be a nice gesture to share some of their good-fortune with their kin.

"Sounds good. I'll go and get some of the boxes and the packaging stuff ready while you finish your coffee. Any idea where you want to start?" Ronnie said, getting up and rinsing out his cup.

"Let's go top down. We clear at least some of the stuff from the attic and we have room to store anything we don't know what to do with. Then we'll have some room to start bringing our stuff out from out of storage..." she said, taking another sip, obviously in no hurry to shrug off her silk and get good and dusty...


"We're keeping the letters, right?" Ronnie asked, after lifting the lid of a box of honest to goodness snail-mail.

"Well yeah, it seems right, doesn't it?" Sarah replied, wiping down the dust off a wooden chest. "I mean if there was anything in there we weren't supposed to see, he wouldn't have left it here, would he?"

"Yeah, I think if he had any secrets in here, they're safe from us... Do you even have any idea what script this is written in?" he said, showing his sister a letter filled in a very neat and completely incomprehensible writing.

"Uhhh, no idea. Looks pretty though, I figure something waaaay out East? Anyway, I know it's a love letter..."

"And just how do you know that if you haven't the faintest idea what language is in?"

"Duh, the scent!" she replied. "In olden days, when a lady finished a love-letter she would spritz her perfume over it and let the scent soak into the paper. That way when her lover opened it he'd be struck by the fragrance and be thinking of her before he even started to read. A devious and classy maneuver that died out in the age of emails and texts..." she said, fiddling with the clasps of the trunk she'd managed to wipe fairly clean.

"Huh... so is that why you had mom buy you that scented stationary back in fifth grade?" Ronnie asked, going through the neatly folded letters and giving each a careful sniff.

"No, shut up!" Sarah tossed back, her twisting tail betraying her annoyance at the reminder of her early and awkward forays into seduction. Fortunately lifting the lid provided her with suitable distractions. "Oooh, mine!" she cried out, plucking her new prize from the chest.

"Yeah, great. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's gonna grab all the best loot?" Ronnie remarked when he saw his sister alternating between admiring the little sterling-silver hand-mirror and the reflection it showed.

"C'mon, are you kidding me? Now that we're living together you get to look at this gorgeous visage all the time. The only way I can see it is with my new mirror..." she explained, making pouty faces at her reflection.

"You know, that's what people used to do before the selfie camera..."

"Did they now..." Sarah remarked, adjusting her hair.

"Yeah, they called it 'narcissism'..."

"Oh, ha, ha. Anyway, here's something for you! Wow, who'd have thought Uncle Arthur had an actual dagger!" she said, lifting a small knife with a gleaming two-edged blade.

"That's a letter opener!"

"How do you know?"

"Try closing your fingers around the handle."

"Oh." Sarah said when she only managed to grip the tiny hilt with two fingers. "Still, it's yours. In the interest of fairness and Freudian symbolism."

"Yeah, just what I need. It's not like I have exotic lovers sending me perfumed letters from around the globe. Bet uncle Arthur got a lot of use out of this..." he remarked, hefting the box full of letters of a potentially sordid nature. "Dig around in there, I bet there's a teeny-tiny whetstone..."

"Maybe under this fabric... wonder if this is real sati-AaaAaaaahhhh!" Sarah cried out, dropping the cloth and falling back on her butt with one hand clutching the mirror and the other one clutching her chest.

"What is it?" he asked, genuinely concerned for his sibling who was trying to inch herself away from the chest and whatever she saw in it.

"Oh my God, it's... ewwwww!"

"What are you - oh wow..." he said as he saw what had scared his sibling. "You know it can't hurt you right? On account of being under glass? And dead?" he asked, lifting the frame holding what looked like a very big rhinoceros beetle.

"Shut UP! It's still... ewww, I almost touched it!"

"The way you reacted, I figured it must have been jars with human organs or something. Oh wow, Uncle Arthur had been holding out on me. He's even got a tarantula, look!" he said, removing frame after frame of perfectly preserved creepy crawlies.

"Ahhh, keep them away! Just put that stuff back in there and nail the god-damned lid down, at least until we can burn the thing!" Sarah insisted, holding her new mirror in front of her as if the bugs under glass were vampires and she was gripping a crucifix.

"Calm down, we'll give them to a nature museum or something like that. Besides, who knows what's under the- holy... Sarah, come see this!"

"Ahhh, I knew it! There's organ jars in there, is that it? Or like... part of a mummy or something? Whatever gross thing you found, just keep it the hell away from..." she insisted, turning her face away in case she glimpsed what had fascinated her sibling.

"Oh really. So you're fine with me keeping... this!?" Ronnie asked, pushing the thing in front of her face.

"Wha... what's that?" she asked in an awed tone, her eyes wide as they focused on something glittery rather than gross.

"I was hoping you'd know. I don't own much jewelry, so precious stones aren't really my forte..."

"I... it kinda looks like an emerald, but it couldn't be. This thing is huge..." she said, picking the thing out of her brother's hand.

It wasn't jewelry, since nobody would ever wear anything this heavy. The setting was intricate, if a bit gaudy, and it held an oval stone at least four inches in diameter. The sheer weight of it made her sure this thing was just cut green glass, but rather than being transparent it had that shattered-planes quality to it that suggested an actual gem. The stone was gorgeous, and probably worth a fortune, but the setting looked like old bronze, dark in places where teal patina hadn't begun to gather. Why set a gem like this in common bronze?

"I can't tell what this thing is in this dim light. Lemme just..."

"Where do you think you're going?" Ronnie asked, taking a hold of the bulky brass setting before his sister could manage to slip away.

"I'm going outside to see what this thing looks like in daylight. What, you think I'm gonna steal it?"

"No, I think you're gonna try and get away from doing your share of the work and leave me to sort through and clear out the rest of this stuff."

"Well I resent that! I'm gonna do my fair share, but that doesn't mean you're the boss of... me!" she finished, putting emphasis on the last word as she gave the bronze a good hard yank. What should have happened is that she should have wound up triumphantly clutching the big green stone with her brother scowling and pouting at her triumph. It shouldn't have ended with both of them flat on their butts, each one gripping a piece of brass holding a glittering semi-circle of...

"Wait, this... this was green, right?" Sarah asked, rubbing her throat as her voice came out a bit coarse. Working her tail of in a stuffy old attic had made her a bit dizzy, but as hard as it was to focus her eyes she was pretty sure the half of the gem she was holding was yellow, more like amber than an emerald.

"I dunno. Feeling a bit lightheaded but..." she heard Ronnie say, or rather squeak. Good God, what the hell have we been breathing in? "Mine's blue, so maybe when they were together they seemed... green?" he said, his high-pitched voice trailing off at the end.

"I swear, if you're making fun of the way I sound I'm gonna..." she said, and a part of her registered that her voice was persistently deeper than it should be just as she lifted her eyes from the broken gem and saw herself holding the other piece and staring wide-eyed at... her?

"Wait... wha..." she gasped in a panic as she laid her paws at her head, her face before frantically patting down the rest of what was a hard, lean body. She saw Ronnie, now wearing her body do the same, with the same shocked expression. When she noticed his patting hands linger a little longer than she liked on her chest she fought down an urge to slap him, probably only thanks to the fact she couldn't bring a paw to her own face.

"Ronnie!" she cried out, snapping her brother out and making him sheepishly put his hands at his sides.


"Just... okay, we fucked up... we fucked up bad!" she said, her paws shaking as she grabbed his half of the stone and tried to fit the pieces together. There were no shards, and both gem and setting looked like they'd been cleanly cut along the edges of the gem's facets, fitting seamlessly together but remaining two halves and not one whole green stone. They tried both holding a piece as they put it together, switching pieces, anything they could think of and when they ran out of ideas they were still looking at each other and themselves at the same time.

"What... Ronnie what are we gonna..."

"Okay, just try and calm down. Maybe... this probably isn't permanent, right? It's some sort of hocus-pocus thing, so maybe it will be gone by sunset, or sunrise. Maybe it's affected by the phases of the moon, or... or the year. Like solstices, equinoxes, all that stuff..."

"Oh, nice thinking Gandalf! So what do we do until the stars align or whatever?" Sarah asked, speaking the way she always did but wincing at how wrong it sounded.

"Look we just... let's leave this here..." he said, laying the stone down on the floor, with the two halves fitted together. "And we'll wait it out. We pretend to be each other because if we try to explain this to anyone they'll put us away. You just be Ronnie and I'll be Sarah, and hopefully this thing will switch us back before..."

"Before what?" Sarah asked in disbelief. The plan sounded ridiculous, but try as she might she couldn't think of anything better.

"Before things get weird... uhh, weird-er?"

"Okay... I guess so. Only one more thing - we take good care of each other's bodies and we don't take any... liberties. Got that?" she said firmly.

"Wh... oh for God's sake you don't really think... you're... this is my sister's body, I can..."

"What, keep your hands off it? Except that's not gonna work, is it? We have to change clothes, and we'll have to... bathe sooner or later. So let's just agree to keep a sort of... professional distance."

"Okay, I kind of... get what you're thinking of..."

"Good. And you better hope we get back to normal soon because my period's due in about two weeks, and I hate the idea of giving you the talk mom gave me..."


Sitting next to Christine with soft music playing in the background, Sarah couldn't help but think that she'd fucked things up. Not for her brother by any means. The skunkette subtly snuggling up to her seemed to genuinely enjoy their date, and Sarah had apparently done a good enough job of playing Ronnie's part that his date insisted they stop of at her place for a nightcap. Looking back, Sarah couldn't help but wonder if there had been some way of worming out of the invitation without tanking her sibling's relationship. The reason for her unease was that Christine was quite tipsy at this point and getting frisky in a way that made the body-swapped raccoon a bit uncomfortable. If she was being fair she'd also imbibed quite freely during dinner and was on her second glass of the bottle of wine they'd opened once they got here. She should have drunk enough to calm her nerves, but her new body seemed to have a tolerance for alcohol she wasn't used to.

"Y'know, I gotta say I really enjoyed our date tonight..." Christine said in an intimate, purr-like tone that was only slightly slurred.

"Oh? Uhh... any particular reason?" Sarah tried to reply nonchalantly, before cursing herself. She should have thought of something better to say and it should have been said in a blindly confident tone of a male trying to... trying to impress.

"Well I feel like I saw the real you for the first time. I mean, nobody's really themself the first few dates, too worried about first impressions and all that. But I felt like... I dunno... like you didn't expect anything other than spending a nice evening with me. You were so easy to talk to during diner and after it was done I didn't get the impression you were expecting something... to happen." She said, her smile hinting that she wouldn't have actually been averse to something happening.

"I guess I... believe in taking things slow..." Sarah said. Of course she hadn't been _expecting_anything - she'd been dreading it! And when the skunkette set her glass down on the coffee table the dread stirred anew.

"You know what they say - good things come to those who wait..." she said, going from a purr to a husk and giving what she believed to be Ronnie a very definite look.

Sarah did her best to swallow past a lump in her throat, her hand almost shaking as she set her own glass down. Christine seemed to take that as a signal, and before the raccoon could react she had the tipsy girls lips pressed against hers. It was different - the lips were fuller than what she was used to, and she'd never had to tilt her head slightly down to kiss someone. For a few moments their lips were just locked with nothing happening until...

Ooh, that's right! I'm the male!

Remembering the role she had to play Sarah pushed her tongue out, and after that was met with a soft moan she decided to get cocky and actually touch the girl. Her hand rose and after a brief moment of indecision she settled for cupping Christine's cheek. It seemed kind of romantic and affectionate, and it definitely got the skunkette going, but Sarah wondered if it would have been more of a 'guy' move to touch the skunkette's hip. She didn't even consider grabbing either boob or butt, and hoped her brother wouldn't have been that crass if he'd been the one piloting this body. Christine seemed to like the gesture, considering the way she'd pressed herself closer and laid one hand on Sarah's chest.

It was hardly the first time she'd had that happen on a date, but usually the guy would have reverently cupped something soft yet firm. It was bizarre to instead feel a gentle hand trailing along her flat, hard pecs. But awkward as her first bit of intimacy with another woman was (from Sarah's point of view, at least) she had to admit that the skunkette, in spite of being tipsy, was a pretty good kisser. Enough that when their lips finally parted Sarah felt a little short of breath, but the look on the skunk femme's face was a little more intense. It wasn't the look of someone who was happy just to get a good night kiss.

"Y'know... I don't want to pressure you into anything and... well we've both had a bit to drink..." Sarah trailed off, politely avoiding the fact that 'her' date was drunk and she wasn't. I wish I was drunk! I could just go with this and probably not remember a thing in the morning...

"Mhhh, so thoughtful! But I just couldn't sleep if I sent you out with this..." she said, sliding her hand down the front of Sarah's shirt and lower still, letting it settle on...

Sarah's knees twitched and her eyes went wide at the sight of Christine's hand laying on top of... How long had that even been like that? The sight of the tent in Ronnie's pants took her breath away, and when the skunkette snuggled up next to her gave the bulge a squeeze it didn't make breathing any easier. She didn't even feel horny, how could it have gotten that big that fast, and without her even noticing? Whenever she got a little over-excited in public it had always made her feel self-conscious, because she could feel the tell-tale dampness of the fabric pressed against her crotch, even though she knew nobody else could see it. But you would have seen this thing from across the street, and it had just popped up without bothering to check in with her!

And even though Sarah wasn't into the idea of getting into anyone, the reaction of Ronnie's anatomy to his date's touch was impossible to ignore. And it kind of killed any chance of Sarah getting out of this by claiming she was too tired to 'perform'. Hinting at erectile dysfunction wasn't going to help her brother much, but Sarah had kept it as a weapon of last resort. Small chance of that now that I look like I've been shoplifting in the vegetable isle...

"After such a nice evening, I'd hate to send you off like this, so just relax and let me take care of you..." the skunkette said, her voice slightly slurred even though her fingers were moving deftly.

Sarah just sat there like a deer in headlights as the girl fished out what she still thought of as her brother's cock, the pink length looking painfully hard, staring up at her and daring her to claim that she didn't want this. When Christine wrapped a hand around the stiff spire she saw her chest fall as she let out a shuddering exhale, her eyes losing focus for a second as she felt a delicate and very eager touch on her new and hopefully temporary privates. The skunkette was undeniably drunk but her hand seemed to know what it was doing - her paw-pads were soft and silky but her grip was firm, coaxing the pink rod sticking out of the raccoon's crotch to flex in response. She gave the pink length a few strokes, loosening her grip and tightening it again in a way that had Sarah gripping the upholstery.

"Mhhh, you're so hard I'm surprised it doesn't hurt. So just relax and let me make you feel better..."

Sarah was about to say she was feeling pretty good, but lost her voice when she saw Christine push her white hair behind her shoulder as she leaned forward, the lips that had so very recently given the raccoon femme her first girl-on-girl kiss (from Sarah's perspective) were descending towards the head of her cock and the drop of pre glistening at its tip. She was frozen again, trying to figure out what her brother would do in a situation like this, but when she felt the heat of Christine's breath against the tip of her shaft the train of thought was derailed.

The black lips parted and an intelligible groan left Sarah's muzzle as her tip was first kissed and then swallowed up by the skunkette's muzzle. She had to admit that she'd never gotten why males were so obsessed with blow-jobs. She liked it when a guy was gentlemanly enough to go down on her, and it certainly got her motor running when done right, but it was always an appetizer. Getting head actually seemed to satisfy most guys she'd... known, while even a good round of cunnilingus only made her hornier. But now that it was her (borrowed) shaft getting enthusiastically licked and sucked, she wondered if she'd feel riled up for nothing by the time Christine was done.

She doubted she'd have to wait long to find out. She had no idea how long her brother's fuse was, but she hadn't done anything to get relief since getting stuck in her twins's body, and the skunkette bobbing her head in her lap was really getting into what she was doing. Now that she'd almost adjusted the thrill of a hot, moist mouth wrapped around the hard length of meat she was sporting, she could focus on the little details - the weight of the skunkette's breasts on her thigh, the sound and feel of her moaning around her mouthful, and soon enough a soft, skilled hand cupping her sack. Her breathing was still hard, her breath catching in her lungs every time the skunkette's tongue swirled around her tip, and leaving in a shudder whenever she pushed her muzzle down far enough to take every inch of the steely pink length.

As the skunkette's muzzle rose and fell Sarah's whole body had felt as rigid as the part of her having a tongue brushing and twisting against it as a pair of pouty black lips clung lovingly to the glistening pink shaft. But that was before something began to happen and she realized that she could indeed get even tenser. All right, calm down, it's not like you're cumming for the first time... she reasoned, if one could consider talking to yourself reasonable. The feeling was familiar but at once alien. Usually when she was about to cum there would be a lot of fluttering and quivering down there, but now it just felt like things were getting harder, and she was sure she could feel the pink length being polished by Christine throbbing in the skunkette's skilled muzzle.

"Ahhm... I'm gonna..." she gasped, struggling to give the girl sucking her off the courtesy she would have expected from a male lucky enough to get her lips wrapped around his masculinity. The tone was rougher and deeper than what would have emerged from her own throat, but not the sort of grunted warning she usually heard when she was on the other end.

The skunkette didn't react and Sarah wasn't sure if she'd heard her. Either way the warning was the best she could manage as her new body did what it had no problem doing without her guidance. Sarah found herself giving one short buck up into the girl's mouth before she restrained herself, gripping the couch cushion in a vise-like grip as her eyes lost focus. She could feel it - the strange clenching somewhere down there, the throb of her cock and the pulse of raccoon spunk as it traveled up her quivering cock and into Christine's mouth. The skunkette moaned as Sarah began to spray jet after jet of sticky seed into her muzzle, pressing her tongue against the underside of the shaft and practically nursing on it as she fondled the twitching pouch. Only when her flow ebbed did the skunkette lift her head, her lips sending jolts up Sarah's spine as they slid across her surprisingly sensitive head.

"Mhhh, either I'm better than I thought or you were really pent up..." Christine crooned, sidling up along Sarah's heaving chest and by now noticeably slurring her words. She was still trying to get a grip on herself when the skunkette lunged, pressing her lips against hers and slipping her tongue past them, apparently forgetting where her mouth had just been. Sarah felt shock at first, but then she remembered that it wasn't her first time tasting a guy. Then she remembered she was tasting her brother and that definitely grossed her out. She then remembered she was her brother right now, but couldn't decide if that was an extenuating circumstance or not. Either way she resolved not to tell Ronnie about this.

"Mwaah... y'know this got me a little riled up... would you mind?" Christine asked after breaking the kiss, leaving Sarah with a bit of a dilemma.

She definitely didn't want to get more intimate with a woman than she already was, but in all fairness Christine had given her what had felt like an amazing blowjob. She certainly felt like she owed the girl some affection. And she had to remember it was Ronnie's reputation in her hands. She knew full well what her opinion would be of a guy bailed on her after she sucked him off.

"Y-yeah, sure. Do you... uh... wanna..." she stammered, trying to suggest moving things to the bedroom when Christine just flopped back, her head on the arm-rest and her legs splayed wide enough to make her dress ride up.

"Mhh, come and get it, tiger!" she purred, mistaking the wide-eyed stare on masked face as lust and not petrifying awkwardness.

Okay, you can get through this. It just like... 'do unto others' and all that stuff. Sarah mused as she got into position between the skunkette's shapely legs. Even though she was drunk Christine was hot and she doubted a guy would have had a problem getting stuck in, if nothing else than a sense of chivalrous obligation. The skunkette's crotch was covered by a slim pair of burgundy-red panties, and Sarah wondered if Christine had forgotten that she was wearing them. The dark red was just a tad darker where it was cupping the monochrome female's slit, and when her fingertips brushed against the fabric she wasn't surprised to feel the tell-tale wetness.

He touch had been tentative, but enough to make the skunkette sigh and spread her thighs just a little farther. Sarah pulled the drenched fabric away, revealing a pale-pink sex outlined against the stark-white fur running from Christine's chin and along the insides of her thighs. It felt strange reaching out, even though Sarah knew she should have at least some confidence. It wasn't like she didn't know what one of these liked, so she should at least have no trouble getting the drunk skunk off nice and quick. But the fact that she was touching another woman still felt a little awkward, and the sounds Christine was making weren't helping. She started off by running her fingertips along the glistening mound, a soft touch on the little hood at the top and a little more pressure applied to the plump pink labia.

A little up and down, and a few vigorous circular rubs were getting Christine worked up, but she knew from her own experience she'd need a little more. Using her ring and index finger she spread the slippery folds apart, her new angle giving her a very explicit view of a cunny that was undeniably eager for anything she had to offer. Her middle finger dove in, no stranger to the sensation of a warm, moist tunnel clenching on it, even though it was weird to feel it without the accompanying sensation of a snug tunnel being filled.

She thrust her finger knuckle-deep, wriggling the long, dexterous digit just a little and feeling the amorous skunkette clench around her. It wasn't the hard clam that preceded the vigorous pulsing that was a dead give-away of a girl reaching cloud nine, but it was enough to tell her to keep going. As she pumped her finger in and out of the increasingly messy slit, she allowed herself to hope that Christine was so horned up that it wouldn't take her much longer. And the sooner she got her off, the sooner she could slip away and let the horny skunk sleep off her drunk.

It was that thought that made her put in a little extra effort. The fingers that had been holding the skunk's labia open now pressed together, keeping the pink folds pressed against the digit busy inside, twisting and curling as she sought out the other woman's sweet spots. And she realized that it was a lot easier when both the fingertip and the silky walls it was probing were hooked up to the same nervous system. No wonder a guy needed to be told where to go when he was down here! And Christine was too far gone for any helpful hints, so Sarah was stuck trying to make sense of her moans, sighs and the occasional squeak.

When her finger started cramping up, she decided this would take all night and that something would need to take its place. She could feel her newly acquired shaft was still not hard, and she guessed either Ronnie needed longer to get his batteries recharged, or it might be the fact that it wasn't being played with. The sight of the squirming skunkette's messy sex would probably have made a guy desperate to dip something else in there, but it wasn't doing much for the gender-swapped raccoon.

With her options limited, Sarah took a deep breath and decided to take the plunge. The messy hand was withdrawn, the thump of her other paw still hooked around the panties and keeping them away from the glistening flower between the skunkette's thighs. If I chicken out of this, I'll feel like a hypocrite every time I ask a guy to do it to me...

That though had been enough for Sarah to take the plunge, pushing her muzzle between the black-and-white legs and running her tongue along the other woman's sex. The taste brought back memories of those by-gone days of teenage exploration, when she'd been curious enough about her developing body to lick her fingers after a vigorous and messy session. The scent was different, and she supposed that subconsciously she'd been nervous about getting her nose this close to the business-end of a skunk. But Christine's sex had a clean scent to it, despite how messy it was. There was the subtle scent of a female very much in the mood for love, but it was carried on the sharp floral aroma of the shampoo she'd used getting ready for this date. It wasn't exactly enough to stir up any lesbian lust luring in Sarah's psyche, but it did kind of make her want to take a peek at the skunkette's bathroom to see what products she was using.

Having licked away most of the juices glistening on the softly moaning skunkette's labia she found the courage to slip her tongue in. Again there was that strange disconnect of the senses - her brain was dredging up cherished memories of a deft tongue plunging between her own lips (currently on loan) even though the act of licking the inside of another woman's honeypot was entirely new to her. And as much as Christine had liked her finger, having a tongue between her blushing folds was definitely getting the girl winded. She was more vocal and when she curled her tongue Sarah had heard what could have been a 'There!', so she did her best to hit the same spot.

She was in deep, her teeth pressed against the soft flesh of the moaning woman's labia and her nose pad brushing the tiny pink nub peeking from its hood as she licked away, enveloped by the scent of an aroused female as she did her best to push for towards the edge. It was taking more work than she'd expected, but after diligent minutes spent licking every part of Christine's femininity a dozen times over the girl's tones were rising in pitch. After that came a silence, and at first Sarah figured she must have reached a register only dogs could hear. It was only when the silence continued without the shudders and quivering that would have told Sarah that she'd done a good job that she thought to check.

"Uhh, Christine? You... oh..." she said when she lifted her head to see the girl sprawled with her eyes closed, head tilted back and muzzle open. Her chest rose and fell steadily, and in the awkward silence Sarah could hear the drunk girls' snores slowly rev up.

She almost reached out to shake the girl's shoulder and wake her up when she realized she was off the hook. Putting her tackle back in her pants she got up and spotted the almost empty bottle of wine still standing on the table. Well, she's obviously had enough... Sarah mused, pouring some in her glass before taking a big sip and swirling it around in her mouth, less to appreciate the bouquet and more to rinse the taste of pussy off her tongue. Taking one last look at sleeping beauty she took a cushion and stuck in under her shoulders and slipped into the bedroom to get something to cover her with. Figuring she'd done her best to return the favor and that tucking the skunkette in was a nice touch that would certainly be a point in Ronnie's favor, she slipped out and began to wonder how much of what happened she should tell her brother...


"Hey, just a quick question - where do you kee- oh fuck! Sorry!" Sarah blurted, quickly ducking out and closing the door on Ronnie. It had been an instinct from their childhood since their rooms didn't have locks and it wasn't the first time one of them had accidentally walked in on the other in an.. awkward moment. So instinctive had been her desire to spare her twin any embarrassment and to give him some privacy that she forgot what she'd actually seen, and what Ronnie had been touching. "Wait a minute, what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" she asked, barging back in with barely restrained indignation.

"What the hell does it look like?" Ronnie asked, and once again Sarah experienced the strange feeling of having her own voice snap at her.

"It _looks_like you're finger-fucking your sister's pussy!" she pointed out, even though Ronnie had closed his legs and slipped his hand from the offending area.

"First of all, I'm using my sister's fingers to do it, so I didn't think it was that big a deal. And second, would you try and keep your... would you keep my voice down? This is a nice neighborhood and we don't want them thinking they have a pair of inbred hillbillies living near them."

"But what the... we had an agreement, didn't we? No unnecessary touching, remember?"

"This is necessary! It's been a week and I haven't... had any release. I'm having a hard time concentrating, and if I don't keep it together you're going to have to deal with the fallout." he insisted, getting flustered enough for his chest to rise and fall.

"I don't... what do you mean by fallout?" Sarah asked, getting a queasy feeling as she waited for the answer.

"Well I... I'm spending time with your friends at work like normal and... well I realized that in situations where a guy would get a 'My eyes are up here!', women get a 'Is there something on my shirt?'" he admitted awkwardly.

"So you're telling me you can't keep it together for more than a week?"

"Hey, you don't get to talk! You got a blowjob. Hell, you got my blowjob!" Ronnie insisted, taking a bit of wind out of Sarah's sales as heat rose to her cheeks.

"I _earned_that blowjob!" was the best she could come up with. "Are you seriously... you know what, fine! Go nuts if that will keep you from peeving on my co-workers, and leaving me to clean up your mess." She said, turning on one heel and grabbing for the doorknob when her brother stopped her.

"Wait! I mean, as long as you're here, I'm... I'm having trouble... y'know." Ronnie said, suddenly unable to look his sister in his own face.

"Having trouble... seriously? How hard can it be?"

"Look, if I still had something hard down here I'd know how to do this! What I have is... squishy and I can't really work out how to..."

"...get off?" Sarah finished, not bothering to mask her disbelief that her sibling was asking for this kind of advice, or that he could be so clueless. "C'mon, you must have felt up a girl or two down there!"

"Well yeah, but that was foreplay. And I did manage to get that far, see?" He said, lifting his hand and showing the noticeably damp digits of the paw Sarah knew like the back of her hand. "But usually after this point I'd just move to the... main attraction, so to speak, or use my muzzle, but I don't think your spine's up to that. C'mon, I'm kind of committed to this right now and I'd like to get some sleep."

Sarah just stared at disbelief while her brother gave her a sheepish look that she had to admit looked adorable on her own face. No wonder I got away with so much as a kid._She'd only come in here to ask Ronnie if he could help her make heads or tails of his wardrobe, and as a consequence was dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers. She had half a mind to just leave Ronnie to figure this out, but flashes of her own attempts at figuring out how her developing femininity worked came rushing back. It hadn't exactly been easy, and definitely something that took more than one evening to work out. _And I tend to catch on a little faster than Ronnie...

"Okay, fine." she said, walking over to her bed and sitting down on the edge opposite her brother, so that the two were back to back. She figured this would be less weird than watching herself clumsily pawing away down there.

"What are you..."

"Look, you wanted my help, so just listen and do what I tell you." she said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "It's not as straight-forward as stroking off. You have your clit, labia and the... the inside stuff. And the trick is to build up and then sort of switch between them. If you want to go over the edge, you have to keep yourself off balance, if you get what I mean."

"Okay, so on a more practical note..."

"Just... put your fingers on either side of your slit and start rubbing in a circular motion. Try doing that as fast as you can before moving on..." she said, starting with the reliable method she turned to when she needed release. "And use your imagination."

"What do you mean?" Ronnie asked, while his paw got busy between his thighs.

"What do you think I mean? C'mon, are you telling me you don't like girl-on-girl stuff? Just try to build up a fantasy around that..."

It seemed like an obvious piece of advice, which made Ronnie feel stupid for not thinking of himself. Back when he was stroking what was currently between Sarah's legs he'd imagine himself with a hot girl, sliding into her and feeling her clench and pulse around something he didn't have at the moment. It had felt all wrong but the idea Sarah had planted in his head seemed to be taking root. What he was doing made more sense if he imagined he was a girl with another girl, with soft, limber fingers pressed into the soft folds between his thighs. He had his eyes closed on force of habit, and it only then occurred to him that the view might be more interesting now.

He tried not to think too long on who the body he was now staring at belonged to, at least originally. It helped that he'd never seen his sister -or any other female- from this angle. His eyes were caught by the supple pair of breasts just under them, rising and falling and drawing attention to the hard nubs at the tip of each pert mound. Once he got beyond that he saw the slender thighs parted wide, and the paw moving frantically between them. He'd never imagined just furiously stroking the smooth pink labia could do much, but Ronnie could feel his pulse speeding up.

"Okay, now try pushing your middle finger in all the way and curl it upwards a little bit. You should feel a..."

"NghhahaAahhh!" her brother cried out, finding the right spot before she managed to tell him where it was.

"Never mind. Just sort press up at that spot hard and gently rub it."

Ronnie didn't really need to be told that. He wasn't sure what it would have taken to make him take his fingertip off that tiny spot inside him that was making his tail puff out and his toes curl. He wasn't clueless - this was the thing that, with careful angling he'd manage to graze when he was inside a girl, and he knew just what a difference finding that sweet-spot made. But now that he had his fingertip mashed against it the knowledge was a lot more intimate. It was all he could do to keep his new flared hips still, fighting an urge to writhe and buck against the paw pressed against his sex. His ears rang with the panting noises he was making, different than usual but familiar enough. It was only when he heard more familiar noises join his that he turned around.

"Wha... are you..." he tried to ask, but with his finger still buried and on just the right spot, he was a bit out of breath.

"Look, I can't just sit through you making those sounds. Let's just get through this..." Sarah insisted, and now that he was listening for it Ronnie caught the familiar sounds of the up and down strokes.

He couldn't really complain about what Sarah was doing considering where his hand was, and tried to work out what was more unsettling - that his sister was masturbating just behind his back, or that his sister was stroking his own cock in order to get off. Unable to decide, he went back to what he was doing, trying to focus and get back on track. Sarah's advice was working, and he could feel the tingling tension rising, his chest now rising obscenely with every labored breath and drawing his attention to the pert mounds and the rock-hard nipples sticking out of the feather-soft fur. He kept his middle finger pressed against that electric spot while the rest of his fingers mashed his folds together around the penetrating digit. It was working, as evidenced by the wetness covering his hand and making things slippery down there, but he still wasn't sure he could get far enough.

"Are you close?" Sarah asked in his tone but in a way her voice, out of breath as she furiously worked the shaft sticking out of her lap.

"Don't -huhh- think so... you?" he asked, the labored feminine tones coming from his muzzle actually arousing him a little.

"Me neither... I don't get it, all Christine had to do was brush her fingers against this thing to make my toes curl. And it's not like it's my first time holding one! Why is this -ngh!- so hard?" Sarah asked, oblivious to the irony.

"It always feels better- hmpfh!- when it's someone else's..." Ronnie started but stopped both talking and fingering as his words brought up an awkward idea. His ears told him Sarah had also stopped dead, and for a few seconds all either could hear was labored breathing until the weight on the mattress shifted as his sister got up. He was sure she'd given up until she sat down next to him. I'm litterally beside myself! Ronnie thought as he turned to meet his sister's awkward gaze.

"Look just... hear me out. We... we both know how our own bodies work, so..." Sarah began, casting a meaningful glance at Ronnie's crotch.

"Are you serious suggesting that we... each other?"

"Don't give me that look! It's not like this is an actual brother-sister thing. But unless you realize it, that's my pussy you've got your finger buried in..."

"Technically it's _your_finger!"

"Whatever. I have a right to touch my body! And the same applies to you. Look, would it really be any weirder than what we were doing up until now? Wouldn't you feel more comfortable jerking yourself off like you've done millions of times already..."

"Where are you getting 'millions' from?" Ronnie squeaked indignantly.

"Figure of speech. More to the point, we could get this over with quicker. Just stick to what you're good with, y'know?" she said, her voice trailing off as a familiar hand slid across one of Ronnie's thighs.

In silent and grudging agreement he took his hand away from the messy slit he'd unsuccessfully been fingering, reaching out until the fingertips brushed something that was familiar, even though it wasn't where it was supposed to be. He felt Sarah's fingers sliding across his mound, and had to admit that her touch seemed a little more confident as they slowly brushed against the slick folds. He took a deep breath before wrapping his fingers around the erection she was sporting, his ears perking up a little at how much bigger his endowment seemed now that the hand grasping it was smaller and daintier than his own. Her groan as he gripped it was wrong, and he wondered if there was something masculine about the sigh he heaved as a finger plunged past his glistening lips. It was a little awkward at first, with their arms crossed and their sense of self mixed up.

As her cock flexed in Ronnie's grip, Sarah was feeling a little more certain that this was a good idea. Either her twin knew what his own body liked or it really did feel better when it wasn't your own paw, but she could feel her masculine endowment respond in a way it hadn't to her own stroking. For her own part it felt strange to feel her finger slip into the warm wetness of her snug little sex without feeling anything going inside her. The mound quivered and she saw Ronnie's thighs tense as she pressed, stroked and rubbed, doing everything she knew always got a reaction from her.

Having her finger knuckle-deep in what felt like someone else's honeypot brought back memories of the drunk skunkette she'd tried to get off, but this didn't feel as awkward and unappealing. Was girl-on-girl really a bigger taboo for her than this bizarre twist on incest that they were even now engaged in? Or was it the fact that she was pumping a pussy that technically belonged to her and that she had every right to finger. She also had to admit she was having fun stealing glances at Ronnie's expression on her face. She was definitely doing a better job down there than he was. She was used to a little more... feedback when she had her hand down there but Ronnie had managed to get himself worked up and she knew what she needed to do to push him over.

The gasp she got from him when she slipped another digit in was almost feminine and definitely encouraging. With two fingers as deep inside the snug slit as she could get them she began to pump, keeping her paw-pad pressed firmly against her clit. She wasn't sure if the tightening of her brother's grip was a subconscious response, or tit-for-tat, but it was definitely getting a reaction from her anatomy. She could feel her abs tensing and saw the tip of her cock swell as beads of pre leaked from the slit. The panting from beside her tore her glance from the engorged maleness sticking out from between her legs, to the pretty little thing beside her.

Ronnie was getting into this in spite of his initial reluctance, or at least that was the impression Sarah got at the sight of her twin squeezing one of her own boobs with his free hand. Not wanting to feel left out, she dropped her hand and palmed the sack under her cock, and even though it felt nice she felt like Ronnie was having more fun with his handful.

When she judged that Ronnie was close enough she plunged a third finger into her unsuspecting sibling's slit, determined to push him over. Before Ronnie had a moment to recover she was pushing all three fingers as deep as she could, stroking her sweet spot and rubbing her palm against her clit, all the while feeling the dripping honeypot pulse and squeeze around the digits stuffed into it. When it finally happened she found the sight of her brother experiencing his first vaginal orgasm strangely captivating.

This was the part she'd never reached with Christine, but she doubted the sight of the admittedly gorgeous skunkette cumming into her paw would have been as intimate as watching her own body go through the familiar tremors and twitches with someone else at the wheel, so to speak. Her brother's strokes had faltered while he bucked against her hand, but his grip had tightened which only made Sarah more eager for her own release.

"I... uhh... you can..." he mumbled, his face flushed as he looked down at his lips splayed lewdly around three drenched fingers.

"Nu-uh. Guys have to stop when they pop, but a girl keeps going until her hand starts to cramp." she said, surprised at the tone of her voice. I sound like one of those boys mom warned me about!

What had started as an attempt to give each other some quick relief was escalating into something neither of the twins could identify but something they were in no mood to stop. Living in the body of a gorgeous young woman seemed to have gotten her brother quite pent up, and she had to admit she was impressed at how soon he began shuddering through his second climax, letting out little mewling noises as his sensitive sex once again began to milk his sister's fingers.

"I think I'm... getting close..." she grunted as Ronnie polished what was by now a slick length of masculine flesh.

"Okay just -npffhhh!- grab a tissue..." he gasped, still a little zoned out.

"Wha... where from?" Sarah balked, suddenly aware of the dilemma she was faced with - making a mess of her room, or herself.

"Fu... just... hold it..." Ronnie said, stopping his stroking but still not actually releasing Sarah's shaft from a thrillingly tight grip.

"Not gonna happen..." she grunted, feeling things tighten in her in preparation for what she knew at this point was unavoidable.

"Fuck! Just lemme... uhh..." Ronnie said, fidgeting for a non-existent box of tissues and not even realizing he was swiveling on his sister's paw still buried in his slit.

Sarah wasn't sure what was going through her brother's head in those dwindling seconds. Was it an instinct developed in puberty, or a desire to sleep on clean, dry sheets. She wasn't sure what had gotten into his head, but she watched in stunned silence when the same head, her own adorable face dived for her lap. The muzzle opened and the touch of a tongue against her engorged head was the last straw. She felt the way her cock flexed and throbbed in Ronnie's grip, her fingers digging into the sheets as she fought down the urge to buck up into her brother's muzzle.

Whenever she was down there she usually tried to give the lucky guy she was with more of a show, but to his credit her twin did a good enough job just making sure not to gag. When her spurts finally died down he lifted his head, gracing her with a sour look before dashing out of the room. Sarah was reasonably sure he hadn't heard her stifling her giggles from the bathroom down the hall, but when he came back in with his breath almost reeking of toothpaste she couldn't keep the grin from her face.

"Thanks for that, but here's a little tip - if you're going to swallow, push your muzzle down so the spurts go right down your throat. That way you barely even taste anything. It's the prisses who spit that end up with a guy's bitter spunk sitting on their tongue..."

"I stand in awe at your experience. But I had a choice of either letting you spew all over the fancy rug, the bed I have to sleep in, or all over yourself. Since I saved you the trouble of showering and drying your fur at this time of night, I figured you'd be a little more grateful."

"You're right. Sorry, and thanks." She said, giving him a peck on the cheek. "It... it wasn't too weird, was it?" she asked, trying and failing to sound nonchalant.

"No it... is it weird that it wasn't all that weird?"

"I dunno. It's not like anything about this is normal..." she said with an awkward smile. "So... if we don't switch back in a while..."

"Yeah, I guess we can... help each other out..." Ronnie said, giving the thing they'd just did a euphemistic name they could both live with.


Ronnie was just about to crawl under the sheets for a good night's rest when he heard a knock on the door. Awfully considerate since he was not only in the room but also in the body of the person he knew would be on the other side of said door. He supposed Sarah might be worried about catching him in a private moment, but that notion didn't last. Ever since the first time they'd given each other a helping hand they'd come to an agreement that they were better off... sticking to what they knew, so to speak. Ronnie still couldn't figure out what was weirder - jacking his sister off while grinding against her paw, or personally poking around inside her twin's sex, with much less success.

"It's open." he said, an eager note creeping into his voice. Understandable, he supposed, since he had been hoping Sarah was here for some mutual relief, but one look at his sister made it clear there was something else on her mind.

The two of them had gotten good enough at playing each other's parts in the workplace and the outside world, but with just the two of them the default mannerisms tended to surface. Masculine as her outward appearance was (especially in nothing but a pair of boxers) the posture was anything but. Her tail was swishing anxiously behind her, ears half-folded and one hand griping her forearm in front of her.

"Hey, uhh... you mind if we have a talk?" she asked, her usually brash and cock-sure tone sounding a little shaky as she made her way to the bed.

"What's up?"

"I've... I've actually meant to bring this up sometime during the day but... I couldn't work up the nerve, and now I know I'm not going to get any sleep unless I just get it out..."

"Okay, I'm listening..."

"It's been... what - ten, eleven days? And that thing in the attic is still in two pieces, and we're still like this..." she said, taking a deep, trembling breath before continuing. "It's just... at what point to we stop looking at this as something temporary?"

"C'mon Sarah, it's only been..."

"More than a week. But... what if we're just fooling ourselves? This is... I dunno, something like a curse... so why are we so sure it's just gonna be nice and go away?" she said, and Ronnie could hear tone wavering as she gave voice to her fears.

"Yeah but... what can we do except hope?"

"We... maybe it's best if we had a talk about moving on. We've been trying to live each other's lives now and we both know how awkward it is. We can't switch bodies so maybe we just trade. You live Sarah the way you want, and I do the same with Ronnie."

"That... I can see the reason behind it. But would you really be comfortable with that? It's a lot to give up on your whole life up to this point, even if you trust the person who'd be taking over it. Besides, what would you do?"

"I dunno... I don't think I see myself with Christine, so... I think I'd rather be with a man, to be honest."

"So you'd... come out as gay?" Ronnie asked, feeling a bit awkward about the direction this conversation was going in.

"Yeah but I'm not, am I? If I was gay I'd be fine with dating Christine! I'm... fuck, we're never gonna be normal, are we? And it's not even like that thing turned me into a guy! Then I'd still be in my own body! And I can see my body, right here..." she said, grabbing Ronnie's bicep for emphasis "...but it's like I'm locked out of myself and locked away inside someone else! I mean, how can you go on living if you don't feel... no - if you know your body doesn't actually belong to you?" she said, and Ronnie wasn't sure if she was close to tears or some sort of breakdown. He wasn't sure what to say, and had no idea where his next words had come from.

"But when we're... you know... you don't seem to mind fooling around with a woman then..." he said, and when Sarah's head snapped up he wondered if he'd crossed a line, but his sibling seemed to be genuinely struck dumb by the statement.

"Yeah but... it's different! And believe me, I tried both! I've been both knuckle and muzzle deep in a very attractive skunkette, if I liked women I would have known. It's different with you! I... I _know_you, and I know your body and... it kind of blurs the line, doesn't it?" she asked, and even though the question was clumsy Ronnie understood instantly.

During those moments when pulses raced and breathing became labored, when thought gave way to emotion and sensation it was hard to tell who was who and who was doing what. And if they blurred that line of who was who, even for a moment, the feeling of displacement that had been gnawing at them since this first happened didn't really matter. And if they did decide to completely trade lives, would that be over with? Would they drift apart just to keep things from getting awkward?

As weird as it was, Ronnie had to admit that he liked living with Sarah. Her stubbornness, and her general know-better attitude had grated on his nerves back in high school, but now even that seemed endearing. They had been happy to get out of each other's hair the first time they parted, but now he wasn't sure that would be the case.

It was on some instinct that he moved his hand to cover Sarah's, twining his fingers with hers. A small gesture, but one that seemed to calm his twin. In spite of her suggestion, it seemed that neither of them was really in a mood of staring a life in someone else's skin on their own. The greater the distance between them, the more broken they'd feel. But if they were together, well then it became a matter of Sarah and Ronnie or Ronnie and Sarah. And when she turned to look into his eyes he could tell the same thoughts were going through her mind.

How long they stayed still staring at their own faces and their own twin Ronnie couldn't tell. He'd even missed their faces drifting closer together until their muzzles were inches from each other. It should have been weird of him to do what he did next - leaning forward to kiss his own lips. He knew that he was technically kissing his sister, but that should have been weird in its own way. Instead it felt right, right enough to ease the hard thoughts they'd just laid out. He felt Sarah lean into the kiss, almost whimpering into his mouth as a paw rose to caress his cheek. The stone in the attic might never mend itself, and if they really were cursed to live in each other's bodies, this felt like a good way to do it.

The kiss got deeper and hands roamed lower, possessive touches as they had every right to. Sarah had insisted she couldn't imagine herself with another woman, but one wouldn't know from the way she was running her paws up along his sides, the deft hands settling on Ronnie's pert breasts. And he was more comfortable than he would have been touching another man, and more eager to explore than if he'd been touching himself. This was his body, his twin, and as their tongues began to twist around each other, he began to wonder what else.

Ronnie had gone to bed in one of his old t-shirts which on Sarah's body was just long enough to provide some modesty and familiar enough for him to feel comfortable in. It did little to give him any modesty now that Sarah's hand had slipped under the hem, fingertips trailing upward until they settled once again on Ronnie's chest. He gasped into their kiss as his sibling found a sensitive nipple and soon began to play and tease until the nub stiffened and stuck out. And while her hand rose his own slid lower, under the band of the boxers Sarah was wearing and over the hard length tenting them. If there had been a chance for this to end in more ways than one it was gone the moment he'd closed his hand around Sarah's erection.

With a soft whimper against his lips, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over her head, with his own hands following her example a moment later. They broke the kiss and seemed to spend a moment working things out until Ronnie finally laid himself down on the bed. He'd been in this position before, but every time it had been a girl on top of him and him inside her. In retrospect it should have felt awkward, but all he felt was an anxious eagerness as Sarah climbed on top of him. She brought her head down and planted another kiss on him, something about her mannerisms still feminine even though she was obviously ready to assume a very masculine role

As she leaned over her twin, Sarah knew that if she'd been forced to go this far with Christine she would have freaked out, but looming over her brother with their bodies close enough to each other for the tip of her cock to brush against the fine fur just under his belly felt right. More than that, it felt electrifying, a thrill that seemed to push her along past taboos and boundaries that she'd never imagined crossing. More to the point, she felt he same need from the twin under her. Ronnie's arms were sliding around her, fingers running through the fur on her back as her brother spread his legs, making it clear how far he wanted her to go. She laid herself a little lower, moaning into the sloppy kiss when she felt stiff nipples poke through the fur of her hard chest, moving until the tip of her shaft slid lower and lower until feathery fur gave way to warm, smooth skin.

The moment she felt warmth and wetness against her tip she gave a lunge, a spirited if clumsy attempt that had the tip of her cock skidding over Ronnie's clit and her sack slapping against the soft cleft she'd hoped to sheathe herself in. She felt her sibling squirm a little, an arm snaking between them as he fumbled around down there, trying to spread himself open. Sarah forced herself to be patient, knowing how annoyed she felt when a guy started stabbing away back there while she did her best to make sure he ended up where he was supposed to. She used one hand to guide the head of her cock to the parted folds, and once her tip was caught between them she gave another buck of her hips and sheathed almost the entire length in her twin's snug sex.

The sound Ronnie made as he was filled made her ears twitch because it had sounded very much like sort of happy little squeak she might have made if the tables were turned. Combined with the sensation of velvety walls clenching around her, it drove her to give another shove, hilting every last inch into the cute girl under her. With her bone buried she finally let out a ragged breath, understanding for the first time why guys were always so eager to jam it in. Christine's mouth had felt amazing, but it paled in comparison to having a snug, slick love-tunnel pulsing gently around her, the masculine endowment reacting to every twitch and clench with a twitch of its own.

She lowered her head and caught sight of Ronnie breathless under her, his muzzle open as he fought to control his breathing. Her own face wearing an expression that she didn't really get to see in the mirror. She was caught by her eyes, bright green and standing out in their little black bandit-mask, and in the center of each one was a wide black pupil showing a tiny reflected image of Ronnie's face. Her borrowed body was making certain demands, but she held her hips still, lost in this moment.

If they never went back to normal, she felt like this could work. This level of closeness, this level of intimacy... when it became hard to tell where one sibling ended and the other began she felt almost like she was whole, and something in Ronnie's face told her he felt the same way. It wasn't really a solution to what had happened to them, but it was enough to lift the dread she'd been carrying around all day. And with that sense of relief she felt herself in need of another kind.

The sensation of an erection slipping inside him had been as intense as Ronnie had expected but the body he was in had welcomed it on reflex, and to his surprise the sensation of being claimed like this was sitting quite comfortably in his mind. Part of him insisted it should have been emasculating, although he wasn't sure how much of a claim to masculinity he had right now, especially with his slick cunny pulsing around the shaft hilted inside it. Not to mention that despite what his senses told him it was a women he was having sex with.

The sound he'd made when Sarah bucked into him had been... strange. Normally a noise like that_was music to his ears, a sign he was doing something _very right. Not a noise he'd ever imagined he'd make, nor was the shaky gasp that slipped past his lips when the length his sex was wrapped around began to withdraw. Sarah's first few strokes were a little awkward, a sure sign that she was thinking about what she was doing. But thoughts tended to recede in moments like this, the lure of sensations making the idea of letting instinct take over becoming too attractive to ignore. As he let what was left of his own inhibitions go, Ronnie felt his arms slide around the male on top of her, pressing the hard chest against his soft one and sighing at the sensation of a warm body pressed against his own.

As she felt her brother hold her closer Sarah experienced a strange feeling she couldn't even put a name to. She'd surrendered control of her body to instinct, letting her hips move without her brain getting in the way and just enjoying the ride. And yet she could see herself under her, hear her own voice making the happy little noises that told her Ronnie had also let go. Every little think he did was the sort of thing she would have done in his place and it created a strange illusion that she was in control of her body. She certainly didn't feel like she was in control of her brothers. Was this really her bucking her hips, grunting as she pistoned a hard pink length into the girl writhing under her? Was it really her brother down there, moaning every time the hot shaft slid in all the way into the slick cleft between his thighs?

Nor did she seem to have any inhibition about having sex with a woman. She remembered how squeamish she'd been about eating out Christine yet here she was, rutting this gorgeous girl and savoring every caress, every clench of her sex, and the softness of her breasts against her chest. And shouldn't she have been repulsed by the idea of having sex with her brother? She sought for any trace of these inhibitions, these taboos that they'd broken, but the only thought that filled her with any distress was the idea of stopping what they were doing.

Part of that was obvious, but she was sure she had the willpower to walk away from good sex. But there was something deep and intimate to this frenzied coupling, some need that had caused them to leave common sense behind and to not look back. She needed her twin, and she felt the same need from him, so frenzied and desperate that she doubted a bucket of ice-water would have been enough to stop them at this point.

The cries coming from Ronnie's muzzle were rising in pitch, the soft moans turning to whines and whimpers as the snug slit she was driving into grew just a little tighter. When it came her brother's orgasm was hard to miss. The dripping femininity Sarah was bucking into began to quiver before clamping down, and every other part of Ronnie's body followed its example. She felt his arms tighter around her chest, the full claws on his fingers digging into her back as his legs rose and wrapped around her, the limbs staying firmly locked even when her lover's silken tunnel began to milk the shaft still lovingly rutting it.

Sarah found herself actually gritting her teeth as the sensation almost pushed her over the edge, but she felt like if she just gave in this would end far too soon for her liking. This was more than relief - it was bliss, a moment so perfect she was intent to make it last until she ran out of her last ounce of strength. The noises they were making were getting messier and she could soon smell her own arousal with each breath she took.

Ronnie would have guessed his 'stress-relief' sessions with Sarah would have prepared him for the fact that his new body could achieve an orgasm without winding down, but as the pulsing of his sex slowed the sensation of his sibling's shaft plunging in and out of the snug slit were even more intense. His limbs remained wrapped around... Sarah? Himself? With his pulse racing and his breathing labored it was hard to tell, hard to draw a line between the two of them.

As the frantic mating continued Ronnie developed a new respect for what was in a way his own stamina, but as he felt a by now familiar tightening under his abdomen he couldn't fail to notice the way the cock being driven into him over and over was flexing. It was a significant detail, especially since his walls were caressing bare skin and not thin latex...

"Sar-aaAhhh! You... you're gonna... we..." he said, fumbling for words since he'd never before had to warn a girl that she was about to cum inside him.

His sibling looked puzzled for a moment before replying with a crooked grin. As she bent down to plant a kiss on his lips Ronnie felt a little silly for forgetting that Sarah would know better than he whether she was safe or not. With that last sapient thought out of the way, he gave himself over to the swelling tension rising from between his legs, gripping his whole body before finally breaking. A final, savage thrust from his sister made him cry out against her lips, the steely red now fully buried between his legs flexing several times before he felt the surge of warm seed flowing into him.

They moaned into their kiss as they rode out their combined climax, their lips locked and their tongues writhing against each other like angry snakes. It had been wonderfully intimate, and had satisfied a deep need they had both felt, but as their muzzles parted the twins wondered if the need for air might have been a more practical consideration. They were both panting like dogs in the summer and Ronnie was having a hard time getting his eyes to focus. And when they finally did, he didn't believe them.

"Ronnie?" came what had until a few seconds ago been his voice, coming from the disheveled woman looking up at him.

He gave a tentative nod of acknowledgement and soon matched the wide, drunken grin his sister flashed him. In the wake of profound elation he became aware that he was still both on and in his sibling, but when he made an attempt to disentangle and let her breathe he found the limbs he'd wrapped around his own body were still holding firm. He certainly wasn't about to fight to break free, and he doubted he could since Sarah seemed to have spent every last bit of strength his body had on that wild rut. So the two remained as they were for a while, until curiosity got the better of them and they made their way up to the attic, neither of them showing surprise to find the stone that did this to them once again green and showing no signs it have even been broken in half.


The two hadn't said much after that night, and why would they with any awkwardness washed away by the flood of relief and elation at being back where they belonged. But with Monday looming tomorrow they agreed it was in both their interest to get a good night's sleep. Morning was spent in a mutual debrief, with each sibling catching up on what had been going on in their life, or at least their workplace.

And for a time Ronnie had managed to burry himself in his work and just savor the fact that he was himself again, back in his own body and his own life. But every now and then memories of last night would intrude, raising questions that demanded answers. Like what had possessed the two of them to do what they did, and where do they go from here? Would they just try and pretend it never happened? Bury last night and the ten days preceding it away and never speak of it again? It didn't seem doable, but how else could they go on living together? They could always just sell the place, split the money and move away, but that thought disturbed him more than he could say.

When he got back home Sarah was already there, and he was sure one of them would address the elephant in the room, but they ended up avoiding the whole thing and just settling down in the living room. They'd set the TV up, the modern flat-screen sticking out like a sore thumb in the antiquated but stylish living room, almost but not quite as much as what they were sitting on. Sarah had made good on her threat to replace the genuine leather couch, and Ronnie realized that even spending more than a week in his sister's body hadn't given him an insight into why on earth she'd ever buy a fuzzy heart-shaped cushion.

"Hey, uhh... you think uncle Arthur ever used it?" she asked, breaking his train of thought.

"Used wha... oh, you mean the... the thing..." he said, feeling like a near-imbecile but they still hadn't thought of a name for the stone that had turned their lives upside-down. "Makes you think, huh? All those women, all those letters? And whenever there was a wedding in the family, or any other gathering he never showed up alone. How many times do you think we shook hands with the person we thought was our uncle and wound up shaking hands with his date wearing his body?"

"Yeah, I can see him doing that just to mess around with the family. And it does kind of add credibility to those rumors that he was a spy. Imagine how useful that thing would be - seduce an enemy agent, switch bodies with her, do god-knows-what and then have a night of wild, passionate sex to get back to normal..." Sarah said, and her perked ears and sudden awkwardness made it clear she hadn't meant to bring up what the two of them had done just last evening.

"You don't suppose... he meant us to have it? That it was the whole reason he left us this house?" Ronnie ventured, feeling awkward himself but unwilling to let this go.

"Yeah but... why though? We didn't really do anything with it..." Sarah trailed off, finding it hard to meet her brother's gaze.

"Yeah but... it did something to us."

"You've... has it also occurred to you?" Sarah asked, and something in her tone, something in the careful way the question was broached made it perfectly clear.

"We used to get along pretty well when we were kids..." Ronnie said, and he could see some tension leave Sarah's shoulders as she nodded in agreement, both of them now on the same track, with neither of them with a hand on the brakes.

"Yeah, the sparks didn't really start flying until... what - late puberty? That's when the boy-girl line gets a little wider..." she said, trailing off again but there was no need for her to finish the though, because Ronnie had the same one. Anger born out of frustration was what had soured their relationship. And what better way to frustrate a teenager than to dangle something they can't have right in front of them? This situation might have ended the same way - with tension caused by desires beating against an iron-clad taboo finally getting too much to bear. But then they found something that turned their world upside-down, and challenged their notion of what was normal. He was drawn from his musings by the sensation of a hand covering his own, the fingers twining with his in a perfect copy of his own gesture from yesterday. How could he not smile at that?

"So, which one of us do you think is gonna break first?" Sarah asked in a warm but coy tone.

"You mean actually say it?"

"Mm-hmm." She replied, sidling a little closer. "On one hand I kinda wanna hear it, but on the other I don't want to be the first one to say it..."

"Yeah, I completely get that..." he replied, not rising to her bait as the silence ticked away.

"So I'm going to have to _make_you say it, is that it?"

"What makes you think you could?" Ronnie asked. He liked the idea of going down this new path with his twin, but that didn't mean she'd get to lead him on a leash...

Sarah's reply never came, at least not the one he was expecting. The next thing Ronnie knew there was a paw on his muzzle, turning his head to the side just in time for his sibling to plant her lips on his. The kiss had been sudden, almost a lunge, but as soon as their lips met it melted into something soft and sensual. Sarah let out a low, soft moan that seemed to reverberate through his while body, her paw moving to caress the line of his jaw as twisted around and pressed herself against him. She was wearing a loose-fitting crop-top and apparently nothing underneath since he could just barely feel the tiny pokes of her nipples against his own chest. God, how wonderful it is to be on this side of those breasts again!

He wasn't sure how far Sarah was going with this, but when she didn't break the kiss he figured she was trying to do more than make a point. And he had to admire the technique, the little smacks of her lips against his, the sugary noises she was making and the way her tongue flitted out to play with his own. Combined with the way she was pressing herself against him it was clear she meant business. She was doing everything she could to make sure that when they broke the kiss the next, breathy words to come out of his mouth would be 'I love you.'

And he could just break down and say it. It wasn't like there was a doubt left in his mind that she would say it back. In a way they would both come out of it as winners, but in another rather subtle way, one of them would be the clear winner. He had no doubt romance would win out over rivalry, but old habits were hard to break. With that in mind, Ronnie slid an arm around Sarah' trailing his fingers slowly down her back and feeling it arch out on reflex. The other hand went on her knee, traveling slowly up along her thigh and then resting there. It had been hard to restrain himself from sliding it a little further, but when he felt his sister's tail twitch in annoyance he knew it had been worth it.

"You think I'm kidding, don't you?" Sarah asked, breaking a kiss and not bothering to wait for an answer. Instead she pulled away and grabbed the hem of her twin's shirt, pulling it up before the young man could get his bearings. With his top off Ronnie was treated to another kiss, although a brief one. After that his sister's muzzle traveled along his neck, down the middle of his chest, and by the time she'd reached the bottom of his abs the tent in his shorts would have been impossible to miss. She made a show of kneeling down on the couch next to him, bending over and daintily pulling his waistband down and fishing out his stiffening shaft.

The rest of him also got bathed in kisses, her soft lips landing on every inch of his smooth length until he was as hard as a rock. He was wondering if this was her plan, to torture and tease him until he broke down, but he decided he'd pegged her wrong when the next kiss on his tip ended with her lips parting and her muzzle smoothly sliding down. As blood drained away and nerve endings tingled he was struck with the weirdest sense of déjà vu but even that shattered when his sister began to murr contentedly around him.

Without much he could do he leaned back and let Sarah have her way with him, a part of him wondering if he should be taking notes. Her tongue was sliding along his shaft like a striper against a brass pole, her lips wrapped tight around it as she slowly worked her muzzle up and down. He wasn't sure how far she was going with this, but knew that if she really was intent on getting him off he'd have no problem returning the favor. The taboo against even thinking of your sibling _that_way was well and truly broken and the more effort that she put into pleasing him, the more eager he felt to do everything he could think of to feel her shudder and gasp against him. Far to soon for his liking the mouth pas pulled off his erection, and he was left panting and staring at his sister's impish grin.

"C'mon, get these off and let's have some real fun..." she purred, getting off the couch before pulling her top off.

The sight of her perky breasts bouncing free shouldn't have drawn his eye as firmly as it did. It wasn't so long ago that he saw those hand-filling mounds every time he looked down, but it was infinitely more exciting to drink in the sight of Sarah thrusting her chest out and cocking a hip, her ringed tail swishing lazily behind her as she posed for him. And she in turn seemed a lot more interested by his own endowment now that it wasn't swinging between her legs.

Once he was naked she made a point of turning around before grabbing the waistband of a pair of snug and very short shorts, lifting her tail so suddenly that it brushed the tip of his nose as she bent over and pulled the shorts and her panties down in a single stroke. He felt his shaft twitch at the sight of her bared sex and when she turned around he'd been sure they'd be taking this show to either her bedroom or his. That was before Sarah pushed him back onto the couch.

"You ready to say it now?" she asked, climbing on and placing a knee on either of Ronnie's thighs. When he failed to reply she thrust her chest out and pushed his face into her cleavage. "Now 'bout now? Wait, are you shaking your head down there, or are you motor-boating me?" she asked, while not actually complaining. "You know, you really don't deserve me... but I guess I'm just such a giving... soul." She said, wriggling her hips until she felt the tip of her twin's cock against her slit.

Ronnie groaned out into his sister's lush chest, the pert mounds and the tuft of hair just above them muffling some of his delight at feeling the warm, wet folds part gently, engulfing the tip of his cock in the silky warmth of his sibling and lover. The moan Sarah let out was enough to make him twitch, a low, sensuous sound that seemed to writhe its way into his ears. She began to swivel her hips from side to side, miniscule movements that still had Ronnie's thighs tensing as she inched her way slowly but surely down his length. He couldn't help but notice it was by far a gentler pace than the savage thrusting she'd subjected him to, but as more and more of his masculinity found its way into the slick cleft between her thighs he couldn't really hold it against her.

The only down-side to her going down was that her chest was getting out of reach, and when she was close to sitting in his lap Ronnie gave one of her stiff nubs a parting nip before raising his eyes to his sister's face. Accentuated by the little white highlights at the top and nestled in their black 'mask' her eyes glittered with a dangerous mix of lust and mischief.

"But you know that you really doooo, don't you?" she cooed wriggling a little for effect as she let her shapely behind settle on his thighs. Rather than give her what she obviously wanted, Ronnie settled for giving her what she obviously needed.

The kiss was slow, playful, and a bit out of place considering that he had every inch of his shaft buried in this gorgeous girl. He wanted her in every way a man can want a woman, and he would have her, just as she would have him. They were still making a game of it but neither of them doubted what this was or how their lives had changed since last night. But last night had been born out of desperation and fear more than desire. It had helped them feel whole when they were broken, and when everything had gone back to the way it was it became clear that it would never really be the same again.

As his sister slowly ground her hips back and forth, leaning a little into their kiss every time her back arched he knew they would never drift apart again. A lot about the life that lay ahead of them was uncertain, but the one thing he knew was that he would never let Sarah go. And by the way she was moaning into their kiss and the way she was writhing against he was certain she felt the same. She had her hands resting on his chest and for a while he was content to just hold her, but his palms seemed to itch and soon he was sliding them along her lush fur. He spent some time letting them rest on the slender waist but yielded to the temptation to let them fall a little lower.

Sarah seemed to like it when he held them on her swiveling hips, and she definitely liked it when he reached around to grope her cheeks. She kept up her grinding, pulling her body close to his before pushing back, thrusting her rear out into his grip and making his cock stir and shift around inside her. It had been sweet torture letting her do that, but when she started to rise and fall with every arch of her back he knew she needed a little more as well.

As she rode her sibling, Sarah wasn't sure if she should be disappointed or not. She had imagined he would break by now and that they could get some quality lovey-doveyness out of the way before they got down to having some fun. But all she really needed to do was to look into his eyes to know how he felt. She knew that she was good, but nobody was good enough or hot enough to make a male wear that glazed, besotted expression just by getting frisky. The fact that he was still being stubborn and refusing to admit it kinda made her want to slap him, but looking at that face just made her press her lips to his instead.

She'd enjoyed being held by her twin but when his hands started to roam she could feel her body tingle under his palms, and when they settled on her rump her tail had actually fluffed up. She was intent on taking things slow, savoring the easy and sensuous rhythm she knew wouldn't last. Her his moved back and forth and her rear barely rose off her twin's lap, the slightest movement of his manhood within her sex making her insides quiver and her moans rise in pitch. Her brother took the cue and kept his hands on her rump, kneading the firm cheeks with just enough force to make Sarah's tail twitch and her toes curl.

The back-and-forth motion segued into up and down, her lips clinging to his shaft as she dragged her chest up and down against Ronnie's pecs, her nipples growing hard as acorns as they trailed up and down through his fur. She could feel her sex hug his shaft each time she rose from his lap and her tail twitched a little each time she pushed herself down, arching her back to make sure the tip grazed just the right spot before he bottomed out inside her. Her body began to take over moving in its own rhythm as it sought to sate its need for a male she'd known for ages but never dared approach. During their teenage years she'd never really thought of Ronnie as a male, even though her subconscious mind had on a few occasions conjured up some very awkward dreams. Usually very intense ones too.

A few fragments from those restless nights swam up in her mind, lending speed to her movements even as they stole her breath. Ronnie was reading her pretty well, his fingers digging a little harder into her cheeks each time she pushed her ass back against his hands, her insides tightening around him as she approached her climax. In fact her brother was getting quite frisky back there, and it was only when one of his errant digits brushed against the little pink bud under her tail that Sarah found herself losing a grip on herself.

Her body didn't stop or even slow even as her orgasm washed over her shuddering body, her cunny quivering around her gasping twin even as she rode him, her rise and fall steady even though her legs felt shaky. Now guy had ever had the gall to touch her back there, but then no guy she'd ever slept with had spent more than a week living in her body. It only made sense that Ronnie was comfortable touching her all over, and considering the way she'd reacted to the little poke she could hardly object. In fact it was something to be explored at some later date...

Ronnie had to fight to keep a smile from his face at the image of Sarah surprised to feel a finger pressing gently against her pucker and then almost immediately being surprised by her own climax. Then again his expression as he fought back his own urges while having his cock milked by his sibling's sex must have also been a sight to behold. After her legs grew a little steadier Sarah began to rise further off his lap, lifting her rear until he was barely inside her before sliding down in a swift, smooth stroke, stopping only when the glistening folds of her sex were pressed against his crotch. This made kissing impossible but it did mean she was lifting her chest up into his face every time she went up, singing every time her nipples grazed his whiskers. He in turn tried to give each nub a lick or a peck before they went out of reach, earning a coo when he was gentle and a yip when he was playful.

He was fighting his urges, but the minx riding his lap wasn't making it easy. The sight of her, the sounds she was making, not the mention the velvety grip of her sex on his shaft were pushing him along, breaking down his resolve and urging him to just let go and lose himself in this moment. Soon he found his body moving on its own, his hands gripping Sarah's hips as his own began to rise, bucking into the panting, gasping beauty in his lap.

She didn't seem to mind taking it over, and the next time she pushed down she stayed a few inches away from his lap, giving him enough room to move. He began to thrust up with enough force to make the smacks ring out in their ears, not to mention for his sister's breasts to bounce inches away from his face. He felt his breath run short, his body tense as what he'd been holding back began to take control. Sarah was leaning slightly forward, her palms resting on his shoulders to steady herself as she angled her hips in just the right way for the tip of his shaft to stroke what it needed to.

"I'm...close..." he grunted.

"Oh no! But I-aahhh!- I'm not safe! Pleeeease don't breed me..." Sarah said, grinning from ear to ear at her little impersonation.

"I did -ngh!- _not_say that!" Ronnie insisted, never breaking his pace.

"Yeah but -mpfh!- that's what you sounded lik..." Sarah insisted, shutting up only when he raised his muzzle to hers and kissed her.

A few more thrusts into his happily mewling twin and Ronnie felt his shaft throb, flexing against the silky walls of its prison before release washed over him. For all her teasing the sensation of him spurting inside her seemed to drive Sarah wild, her hips driving all the way down as she began to grind herself against him. The frantic motion was enough to push her over and the next thing Ronnie knew she'd broken their kiss and buried her face in his neck. He held her tight as she whimpered and panted, her hips holding still but her insides moving frantically as they pulsed around the spurting length. They stayed like that until their breathing was under control and they could hear something other than their hearts beating in their ears. Sarah tossed her hair back before giving him a coy look.

"Mhh, you know this is really sort of a moment..." she urged, trailing her hands along his chest.

"Okay. I..." Ronnie began before grabbing the fuzzy, heart-shaped pillow to his right and raising the pink monstrosity in front of him. ""

"Awwwww..." Sarah cooed, carefully taking the heart from his hands and hugging it close. "I..." she began before smacking her lover in the face with the fluffy cushion " too!"


"Okay, now you will be gentle?" Ronnie said, even though it was, to all appearances Sara with her tail raised and her ass in the air.

"Of course! I promised didn't I?" his sister asked, feasting her eyes on her prostrate twin.

"Only you do tend to get carried away..."

"Look, as far as we know, this thing goes back together every time we get intimate, so it will probably still do the same thing even if we try something a bit... kinky..." she said, popping the cap of the tube in her hand and letting some of the clear goo drizzle over the adorable little rosebud twitching before her eyes. "That means that if I do get rough it will be me sitting on an icebag all evening, not you."

"Still can't believe you talked me into this..." Ronnie said, blushing as Sarah worked the goo under his tail.

But she'd also been able to talk him into trying to split that gem again a week ago, once again leaving them in each other's body. Not that they spent very long like that this time. They knew what made it knit back together, and it happened to be something they did a lot these days. So instead of being a terrifying curse, it was just a bit of kinky fun that brought them closer together. Until Sarah got this little idea.

"Mhhhh, I can't believe what a great brother I have. Willing to go through all this just to ease my fears about anal sex!" she said behind him, slipping a finger in.

"Just remember, if I go through with this, I get at least one turn when we switch back."

"Of course! I'm not a welcher. But you know how easily I scare..." he said, and Ronnie was about to reply that he didn't but was worried at the noise he might make if he opened his mouth. "And this way I can see for myself how well my cute little tush can take this big, hard spire of man-meat..."

"Are you... are you trying to compliment me or scare me?" he asked, Sarah's response was to bend over him and plant a kiss on the top of his head.

"You I love you for doing this for me, right?" she said and he had to admit that she really sounded honest. "Besides, you're the one who first touched me back there and got me curious. And not a lot of girls get to find out why guys are so obsessed by sticking it up our butts..."

"And not a lot of guys get the chance to find out why you're so hesitant to let us..." he said, trying to keep his voice steady as Sarah worked two fingers in and out of his pucker.

"Well I get the appeal of doggy-style. My butt really looks amazing from this angle." She mused, pulling her fingers out assuming position. "Okay now, all kidding aside I'm gonna go real slow, and if it hurts too much just let me know and we'll just stick to what we know..."

With those thoughtful words Sarah placed one hand on her brother's perky behind, using one thumb to open him a little wider as she guided the tip of her shaft under what was and would soon enough again be her tail. She felt the little ring clench up when she pressed her head against it, but that was to be expected. She just held her tip in place, applying the tiniest bit of pressure and trusting the copious amount of lube she'd worked in to do the trick once Ronnie relaxed.

"Okay now, just relax... deep breaths..." she said, watching as the arched back of the ring-tailed beauty presenting for her relaxed a little. She kept her eyes on the glistening ping ring, watching with something approaching awe as it stretched little by little, more than she'd ever imagined it could. She could hear Ronnie breathing and found herself a little short of breath as the snug tail-hole slowly dilated until one tiny push sent the head plunging in between those bouncy cheeks. She heard a gasp and it actually took her a moment to work out that she was the one who'd made it.

"You okay?" asked Ronnie, his voice slightly strained as his pucker clenched around her.

"Ahhhmmm... fine! Just... tighter than I thought..." she said, to keep her breathing under control, as well as some other bodily responses. God, that had been close! she thought, imagining how her brother would tease her if she wound up popping after just one thrust under his tail. She also wondered if she'd just lost her anal virginity, or taken Ronnie's.

Fortunately for her, by the time she got a grip on herself Ronnie's grip on her had loosened a little, and she figured the clenching had just been a reaction to her slipping in, and not a devious attempt on her twin's side to get her off too fast. She wasn't sure how this felt on her brother's end, but as she pushed a little deeper in he didn't give any signs of being in pain. Grudgingly she had to admit that this felt amazing from where she was standing, and the sight of the taut pink ring occasionally flexing as a hard, smooth shaft sank between those perky cheeks was amazing. With her shaft now firmly embedded in her twin's tush, she laid her hands gently on the fluffy cheeks, rubbing and kneading them as she sheathed the last inch under the bristly tail.

"How does it feel?" she asked, out of a practical curiosity. After all, they'd made a deal that she would let him have at least one turn with her if he let her have one with him.


"You wanna call it quits?"

"No, not bad weird... I kinda... you can keep going..." he said, and something about the tone of his voice convinced Sarah he wasn't just putting on a brave face.

And if the tone had hinted at something, the gasp Ronnie had made when she started pulling out confirmed it. So it's a good kind of weird... she mused, feeling a little better about what she had to look forward to. Meanwhile she was determined to enjoy having her hard rod buried in this beautiful butt, adding her own moan to Ronnie's as she slowly pushed herself back in, stopping only when her hips were pressed against the supple cheeks. As Ronnie relaxed his grip on her she started picking up speed, her eyes glued to something she'd only ever seen in porn, but this time with her own rear in the starring role.

The snuggly fitting pucker clung to her lubed length every time she pulled out, and dimpled when she thrust back in, the perky behind bouncing just a little with every thrust she made against it. It was a hell of a sight and she had to admit she was having a great time just kneading her buns, but she felt this lacked a little intimacy.

"Hang on, gonna try something..." she said, and before Ronnie could even ask what she was bent over him with one arm wrapped around his chest.

It had taken her some time to get used to being stronger when she was switched with her twin, and even though Ronnie wasn't particularly buff he was fit enough to easily move around a willowy little thing like her. It had been easy enough to pull him up and against her, and even though she couldn't pull back as much and couldn't admire the view, Sarah was enjoying how wholesome hugging her sibling felt, especially considering what was going on below the waist. There were no buns to kneed here but it didn't take her long to find something soft and bouncy to lay her hand on. And while one paw deftly groped her chest, the other sunk lower.

Even though he'd claimed to feel 'weird' Sarah could easily tell he was enjoying this once her fingers settled on her silky folds or more to the point the wetness seeping from between them. She quickly set to work rubbing and tweaking, both out of a desire to make this feel as good for her twin as it did for her, but also out of a sense of obligation to her poor neglected cunny. Her fingers pumped between Ronnie's thighs just as her hips pumped away between his cheeks, her thrusts short but sharp as she bounced her pelvis against her sibling's rear.

With her fingers working frantically between his thighs, Ronnie was definitely getting close, which was a relief to Sarah who was felt like she was at her limit. She wasn't sure if it was the tightness of the rump she was rutting, or the sheer kinkiness of the situation but she doubted she could last much longer.

When she felt the walls of her sibling's sex tremble around her fingers she buried her face in Ronnie's neck, the convulsions of his pucker sending her over the edge along with him. She could feel her hips bucking even though they were flush with the perky behind, her shaft flexing along with the taut pucker as she sent warm sticky ropes shooting up into the girl gasping with every flex of her cock. Her breathing grew labored as she savored that blissful moment of confusion where she had no idea where she stopped and Ronnie began. It was only when she realized that her muzzle was pointed at the ceiling instead of her own neck that she realized she was back, and with that realization came a certain peculiar feeling of fulness.

"So... weird huh?" she asked, trying not to wince as her pucker clenched around the softening shaft still buried up her rump.

"Yeah but c'mon... we like weird, don't we?" Ronnie asked, kissing her neck as she laughed at the simple truth. It was weird how happy they were with each other, wasn't it?