Rivet's Dog Days

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Commissioned by Irving

Rivet finds herself on a strange planet of canines in need of serious relief, she never expected this little detour to change her life forever.

I'm very happy with how this story came together, Ratchet and Clank is one of my all-time favorite series. (Though still haven't played Rift Apart, hopefully Sony continues their current trend and gives us a PC port.) This story scratched a lot of my personal kinks.

Rivet belongs to Sony.

Thumbnail made by sampling bad dragon's "Rex" toy for the outline.

Want a story like this for yourself? My commissions are open, check out my page for details.

Or you can support me directly though Ko-Fi

Status: In heat.

The planet Canis was aptly named for its local populace of various canine-like species. Heavily forested, the planet was primarily a forestry world, providing lumber to the greater galaxy. My visit had nothing to do with that though, I had been taking jobs as a bounty hunter to make ends meet and tracked a fugitive here. It proved to be more trouble than expected, his accomplices basically had built a whole fortress here, complete with robotic security, using the forest of hide their activities and movements.

After blowing the place to kingdom come, I made the long walk back to town where I had parked my ship. Not every successful conquest had a taxi or teleporter pad waiting for you to make the trip shorter, unfortunately. As the adrenaline of a massive gunfight wore off, I felt a familiar warmth between my legs, was I really in season already? Traveling like I do and keeping busy, It was easy to neglect keeping track of such things. You don't have structured schedules like normal people, day and night were completely subjective concepts depending on the planet you were on. When you are hungry you eat, when you are thirsty you drink and when you are horny...

You build a makeshift fucking machine in your ship. I could already tell this was going to be a bad heat though, last time I had a heat this bad I made some impulsive "improvements" to the Personal Fuckatron Two-thousand which almost had catastrophic results... I still hadn't gotten around to fixing it.

That's when I spotted a club. "Temptation." I laughed to myself seeing the name, thinking about how apt it was.

If I only knew.

The place was busy, wall to wall with dog boys of all shapes and sizes. I could tell just by the smell, musk and sweat, these were working men. They spent all day chopping and hauling logs, then came here to blow off steam.

They had never seen a lombax before, but I don't think it mattered much to them. I was a woman and that was all they cared about. I had their attention the moment I walked in the door. They made all sorts of crude comments as I passed, some bold ones would reach out and touch my body but when I turned to see who had the balls to do that, there were always several of them who could have been the culprit. The way they stared too, it was so smug, like they were challenging me. "Leave or get with the program." I could almost hear them saying.

Under normal circumstances I would probably have said some choice things, got into a brawl and got kicked out. But that heavy musky smell in the air must have been having an effect on my heat-addled brain. I was slow... hesitant even... and I only seemed to be getting hornier. Was I really going to settle for one of the asshole men in this place?

I looked around, a thought crossing my mind. 'Were there even any other women here?'

I looked around, seeing a few, the males outnumbered them at least three to one, but they were here, receiving much the same kind of attention I was. But their body language told me they were enjoying themselves, in fact, it seemed like this attention was the reason why they were here in the first place, from what little I could gleam. There were all sorts of public displays going on too. One woman was making out with two guys at the same time, another had her top off with the guys around her groping her tits. Another was off in a corner, pressed against the wall by a larger male, they were trying to be sneaky but it was painfully obvious he was fucking her.

I stared at them for a good while, losing track of what was around me, until a hand grabbed my shoulder, snapping me out of it.

"How about we find some privacy and I help you out with that heat of yours?"

Who the hell opens a conversation with a stranger asking to have sex with them? Just who did this guy think he was? He isn't even offering to buy me a drink first? Hell, I haven't even made it to the bar! I had half a mind to leave a mechanical fist imprint in his gut but when I turned around to see him...

He was twice my height, so first things first was an eyeful of his crotch, even though his gray jumpsuit I could tell he was packing. Broad chest, shaggy black fur, pointed ears, a bushy black tail.

I wanted him, bad. More than I have ever wanted someone before in my life. But I needed to say something witty... or tough. To remind him that I was still in control of the situation and not just his personal pocket pussy to pick up and use! However, imagining just that scenario completely derailed my train of thought, I couldn't think of anything to say!

"How can you tell I am in heat?" I asked, stalling for time while I came up with some kind of response.

He just sniffed the air and laughed. "I can smell it, the smell of a needy cunt screaming out for dick." He grabbed his crotch, making a show of squeezing it in front of me... inches from my face.

That backfired horribly, I definitely couldn't think of a response now as my eyes locked onto his bulge! Would it even fit inside of me? Fuck... I wanted to find out. To make matters worse, meekly accepting his proposal now would make me look like even more of a submissive slut who would do anything for some doggy dick!

But I just couldn't wait any longer, I needed relief and I couldn't think of anything snappy to say. So you know what? Who cares if he thinks I'm some easy galactic skank, it was one guy, on one planet, that I would probably never see again. Maybe that's just what I need, to be someone's pocket pussy instead of a galactic hero.

"Lead the way, big guy." I said. "Your place, I presume?"

"I just figured we could swing into the men's room, nobody will bother us." He tightened his grip on my shoulder, pulling me in that direction.

I shook my head, giving in to my lusts or not, I had some degree of pride left. "Then you should have gotten me drunk first, someplace with a bed, place."

He stared at me, there was an awkward tension, like he was waiting for me to change my mind and say "Actually lets just fuck right here, I need it now!"

But when that didn't happen, he chuckled. "Very well, we will do it your way tonight." He said, leading me out of the club.

By the time we got to his place, a quaint one bedroom apartment in an apartment block for the workers, his patience was gone. He lifted me up, peeling me out of my jumpsuit, stealing gropes and squeezes whenever he could. It was a blur and next thing I knew I was naked and being literally thrown onto his bed.

I looked back at him, the front of his pants were undone, his thick doggy-prick hanging out... a mouth watering sight. He wasn't undressing further, there was not going to be foreplay, I was seconds from being fucked senseless.

"How do you want it?" He asked, keeping true to his statement that we were doing things my way, but I could tell this was the last courtesy he was willing to give me. After this, he was going to be fucking me, _his_way.

I got up on all fours and wiggled my ass at him. "How about you bury your bone doggy style?" I was patronizing him, trying to get even for his earlier degrading remarks. It didn't work.

"You want to be fucked like a bitch, I am more than happy to oblige." He said, putting me right back in my place as he crawled onto the bed and mounted me. He shoved his cock straight in, immediately making good on his word of fucking me like a bitch. There was no warm up, no warning, just raw animalistic passion as he pounded into me wild and hard, each thrust making an audible slap as he crashed into my ass with his hips.

He shoved my face into the mattress with one hand, the other reaching around, tightly squeezing my breast, uncomfortably so, he would occasionally let go just to give me a sharp slap on the ass. Both acts served only to remind me that I was just a slut to be used. He was being rougher with me than anyone ever had before... rougher than I would have ever let anyone be with me before. I was smaller, perhaps even physically weaker than this massive canine, but my mechanical arm could crush his wrist bones into a fine powder if I so desired.

So I wasn't helpless... yet, I certainly felt helpless. I moaned and whimpered under him like a pathetic slut. Then I felt something, the base of his cock was swelling up.

"Wha- what is that?" I mumbled out, as it only swelled up larger, actively impeding his rhythm while he fucked me, becoming more difficult to pull it out and shove back inside.

"My knot." He grunted, driving it inside one last time, adjusting his stance as he put a foot down beside me and grabbing my tail for added leverage. He adopted more rapid thrusts, keeping the knot inside of me as it continued growing, until it swelled to its full size.

It was one of the most intense poundings of my life up to that point. I could hear him looming above me, growling. I could feel his massive cock twitching and throbbing inside of me, a sudden realization dawning on me.

"P-pull out! I can get pregnant!" I managed to yell out.

"Should have thought of that before you let me knot you..." He grunted back to me, clearly annoyed. He gave a few sharp tugs with his cock for emphasis, to prove he wasn't lying, that knot was far too large, his cock was going nowhere even if he wanted it to.

"You could have warned me!" I cried out, upset.

He didn't respond, not with words. Instead he grabbed my scarf, pulling on it hard, choking me. I struggled for air and it certainly stopped me from voicing any more protests. I reached back with my mechanical arm, about to grab the fabric, I could pull it out of his hands with ease. But I hesitated, I let him keep choking me, holding my scarf like a leash.

"What a dirty whore." He growled, leaning forward so I could feel his alcohol-scented breath on the side of my face. "You like this don't you?" His tone was so accusatory, mocking. He kept fucking me, ramming his hips into mine with as much force as he could muster, his cock throbbing and leaking inside of me. "Here come your pups!"

I felt his hot seed flooding my womb. Virile sperm meeting fertile eggs... I was being bred! I couldn't believe what was happening, but even worse... I was cumming the entire time.

It took forty minutes for his knot to shrink back down so that I could free myself. The mutt had fallen asleep shortly after our fun, so I was left completely alone with my thoughts while I waited. I was a mess of emotions. Anger, at him for breeding me, for humiliating me like that, for being so unnecessarily rough and anger at myself for not knowing canine biology before fucking one of them. Shame, for cumming while being bred, for enjoying every second of that humiliation, degradation and abuse. Uncertainty, was I actually going to get pregnant from this? What would I do if I did? Lastly, one small part of me, a little part of me I was trying to ignore, acceptance. That somehow this felt right.

After squirming out of my partner's grip and making the walk of shame back to my ship, I left, intending never to return.

Pregnancy Status: Two and a half months.

After a couple weeks, a scan confirmed what I already knew. The breeding took and I was pregnant. That seed of acceptance within me grew, my thoughts turned from whether or not I wanted this, to simply how I was going to support them. I tried not to think about Canis and how a dog-man roughly manhandled me, putting a litter of his pups inside of me. But I couldn't, a growing reminder in my belly and every lonely night I found myself thinking about that place...

I tried to lose myself in my work, I wasn't just earning bolts to support myself anymore, I had a future to think of...

This worked for about two months, until a job had me in the same system. Canis was so close, I could pop in and out in less than a day. I was at my loneliest, neediest... I caved.

Back on that planet, back in that club. This time I wore my flight suit partially unzipped, showing a little cleavage and the tight outfit made that small bump of my budding pregnancy unmistakable. I briefly wondered if they would even be interested in me this time, if they would want my bloated body.

But that moment of self-doubt was quickly squashed. Two burly canines flanked me on either side, looming with lecherous expressions. Both of them were tall, one had dark brown fur, narrow pointed ears and a nubby tail. The other was wider, buff, gray fur with a white snout. His ears were small but floppy and he had a narrow medium-length tail.

I looked at each of them and they must have seen the lust in my eyes. How much I wanted them. The skinnier of the two slipped his hand right into my jumpsuit, grabbing a big handful of bare tit.

"Look at this one, Pit, bet ya that's a litter of puppies in her belly." The brown furred dog mused.

The more muscular male chuckled. "And she is back for more. What a needy slut, we better scoop her up before someone else gets to her."

They weren't even talking to me, they were talking about me. I was a flustered, horny mess. I had this whole plan to come into the club, play it cool and seductive and now here I was, keeping quiet, ears down in embarrassment as I just let these two dogs talk about me like I was an object. Was I always like this? Or was there something about these dog men that made me like this?

Regardless of the answer, I didn't struggle as the muscular dog picked me up, carrying me under his arm like someone might carry an old duffle bag.

I wondered where we were going, but I didn't have to wonder long as they walked around the building with me, stopping in a dimly lit alley. I wasn't sure if this was a step up or down from fucking in a bathroom, but this time I wasn't protesting. I wasn't clinging to having any control in this situation.

"Help me with her, Dobs." The muscular male said, shifting me around in his grip, holding me out in front of him by the waist.

Dobs... that was the lankier, brown furred dog's name? Pit was the wider, more muscular one? Or were those just nicknames? I didn't know, I didn't ask. It was more than I had for my first partner, the one who fathered the pups in my belly, I didn't even know his name.

Dobs reached around, unzipping my flight suit further down, then tugged the snug material down, pulling my arm out of the sleeve. My jumpsuit pulled down, my bare tits sprung free, giving Pit a big fat grin on his muzzle. Dobs then hooked his hands under my shoulders, holding onto me as I was made to lay flat between them.

Pit shifted his grip down, pulling off my boots, then pulling at my jumpsuit, tugging it further down until I was completely peeled out of it. I thanked the stars for my fur, the night air felt cold on my nipples, but the rest of me stayed warm enough.

My nethers were cold as well, but that didn't last long. Pit pulled down his pants and I soon felt the muscular male's hot, tapered cockhead press impatiently against my folds. I threw back my head, moaning out. But while my attention had been on Pit, I hadn't noticed Dob doing the same thing. My head back, mouth open, all the invitation he needed to slide his own cock straight into my muzzle.

I gasped in surprise, gagging on his cock and tasting his sweaty, musky flesh. That didn't slow him down. If anything, judging from how his cock twitched, leaking pre-cum onto the roof of my mouth, the sound of a woman gagging on his dick was turning him on. They both just started fucking me with no real regard for my comfort or pleasure, this was a quick alley fuck to get themselves off, nothing more. Was this planet corrupting me, or had I always been so into being degraded and objectified? I didn't know, all I knew was how turned on I was getting from this.

The two of them humped me reckless abandon, the alley echoing with the slaps of their hips colliding with my body. All I could see was Dob's heavy fuzzy balls repeatedly slapping me in the face. I could feel the base of their cocks swelling up, their knots.

With Pit's knot buried inside of me, keeping him from pulling out, I was reminded of how this had led to my insemination. My screams of pleasure were muffled by the fat cock I was coughing and gagging on. I was cumming. I could hear them both grunting and groaning. Pit came first, I could feel his hot seed flooding my already-fertilized womb. As for Dob... he slammed his hips into me, pressing his knot against my muzzle, pouring his load directly down my throat. It was like having a bowl of hot soup on a cold day, I could feel that warmth travel down my throat and into my stomach.

After a while, I was able to get free from Pit's knot and was left alone in the alley. I pulled my jumpsuit up just enough to cover my modesty somewhat, held my boots over my shoulder and made yet another walk of shame back to my ship.

There I sat back, hoping this would satisfy my urges for now. But deep down, I knew, like an addict who just needs one last hit, this was only making it worse.

Pregnancy Status: Four and a half months.

Two more months, I managed to make it another two months. Only by the virtue of my own determination to build a sizable nest egg before my condition prevented me from taking my usual work. My belly strained against my flight suit, pushing its elastic material to its limits. My breasts were bigger, fuller, they had even begun to leak a few drops of milk just yesterday.

This time no jobs took me to the system, but I couldn't ignore it, I went there myself. It was mid-day when I arrived this time, most of the men were still working and the club was quieter. Those who were in, didn't notice me at first. I wasn't in heat, they couldn't smell my lust anymore. I actually made it up to the bar this time.

Behind the bar was an older, heavyset dog, with floppy ears and a droopy face. He was washing a glass and watching me as I approached.

"You look thirsty. Can I interest you in the house special?" He said gruffly.

"Oh, uh, I'm pregnant, I can't have booze." I awkwardly told him, confused as surely my condition was obvious.

"That's not what I meant." He gestured below the bar and immediately it clicked, so I willingly took the bait, leaning over to look.

He had his cock out, because of course he did. It was thick, throbbing... the biggest I had seen yet. Every thought unrelated to his dick left my head.

Next thing I knew was behind the bar, on my knees. My jumpsuit pulled down to my waist and my boots set off to the side. That thick, glorious cock bulging my throat as I eagerly bobbed my head like the dog-cock addicted slut I was. The whole time the older male didn't so much as sigh, or grunt, or groan. It was business as usual, he served drinks like there wasn't a lombax desperately sucking him off.

As it went on seemingly for almost an hour, I could only tell he was finally close by how his cock twitched inside my throat. This time I wasn't going to let that seed go to waste straight down my throat though, I needed to taste it. I pulled back, pleasuring the head of his cock with my eager tongue, stroking the shaft with my hand. He finally grunted, finally acknowledging my existence down here as his seed filled my mouth... and I mean filled. I wasn't ready for his volume. My muzzle was full of his cum in an instant. I tried to swallow it down, but I wasn't fast enough to keep up and some of it sputtered out of my mouth, leaking down onto me, my tits and pregnant belly acting as a bib and keeping it from making a mess of the gruff bartender's floor.

As soon as he was finished, I pulled away, swallowing the last of his load down, coughing and gasping for breath. As soon as I finished recovering, I looked up and was shocked by what I saw. His cock was still rock hard. Before I could decide on what I wanted to do next, the bartender grabbed my waist and picked me up, yanking my flight suit off the rest of the way. He laid my naked body on top of the bar on its side, holding one of my legs up high.

I looked around, it was still sparse in the club, not many people... but every single one that was here was looking right at me, seeing how much of a slut I was. All of them were looking with baited breath, eager anticipation for what was about to happen. All but one, a fox woman in the back corner, with a yellow jacket and curly blue hair, nursing a drink and flanked by two burly men. She had that fish out of water look, an expression of shock at what was happening. While I had seen some foxes on this planet, this woman was clearly an outsider like me.

I was so transfixed on her and the crowd, I didn't even notice what was happening behind me, until I felt the tip of the bartender's fat rod press against my pussy, sliding inside and stretching me wide.

I moaned out sharply as the much larger male had his way with me, rocking his hips and sliding his cock in and out of my needy cunt. His knot kept pressing against my folds, each thrust he would slam it against me harder and harder. My eyes widened as I realized what he was doing, he was trying to force his knot inside of me, but it had already inflated while I was fellating him.

"I... I don't think it will fit." I mewled helplessly.

He stopped for a moment, rocking his hips from side to side, his cock pressing against my inner walls from various angles. "It'll fit." He said bluntly, continuing what he was doing. I didn't argue further.

Each thrust harder than the last, until finally with a little grunt from the male above me, it slipped inside. I screamed out, I felt like I was being split in half, but that wasn't why I was screaming.

I was cumming, releasing screams of pleasure like a complete whore.

The bartender paid it no mind, with his knot buried inside, he didn't hold anything back. The whole club could hear his balls slapping against my thigh.

Speaking of the club, many of the patrons have stood up and were approaching. At first I thought they just wanted a closer look at the show, until the closest of them, a scrawny dog with a big round head, pulled out his cock.

As he drew closer, the bartender spoke up. "If you wanna use her mouth, you gotta buy a drink."

The scrawny dog relented, buying the cheapest drink on the menu. Five bolts. I wondered what the profit margin on that drink was, two bolts? Three? Four if they were really gouging people. The cheapest prostitute on any civilized planet went for a hundred bolts at the lowest.

But my mouth was only worth four at the absolute most.

Despite still fucking me relentless and without even slowing down the bartender poured his flawlessly. As soon as he had his drink, the scrawny male had his cock in my muzzle, humping away eagerly. It wasn't too long before he blew his load, pulling his cock out and painting my face with his cum.

The next man walked up, I didn't even see his face, just his cock bobbing into my field of vision, the sound of a drink being poured and that cock being shoved in my mouth.

The bartender grunted, cumming inside of me. However he didn't stop, he didn't even slow down. What kind of black market stimulants did they feed this guy as a puppy!?

This went on for hours, a constant cycle of men approaching the bar, buying a drink and using my face. It took me a while to realize that some of them were repeat customers as I managed to suck off every interested male in the club, which at my price was pretty much all of them until they started coming back for a second round.

Finally the bartender grunted one last time, depositing more of his seed into my well-used womb.

"One moment..." He said, his voice finally showing signs that he was at least somewhat tired from the endless fucking. He grabbed a wastebasket, positioning it just behind the bar. He pulled me back so that my pussy was right over it. Then he began tugging his slowly deflating knot out. Cum leaked out of me like a running faucet, straight into the well-placed receptacle.

"That was... intense." I moaned out, watching an impossible amount of seed leak out of me. My entire body was sore and used.

"Right. That covers your tab, for now." The bartender barked out, setting me down and handing me my jumpsuit, while his seed was still leaking out, running down my leg.

"My... tab?" I said weakly, confused. "I've never bought any drinks here."

"I know, you come in, buy nothing and take my customers with you. I aint running a pro bono male brothel." He barked out.

I knew better than to argue with him on that, putting my clothes back on and walking out on shaky legs. One constant of every dimension and galaxy was not to argue with older men looking to make a quick bolt. At least he wasn't that plumber...

Pregnancy Status: Five months

By the time I got back into space, I knew I couldn't take my usual more... violent work anymore. The vibrations from the Negatron Collider probably wouldn't be good for the pups' continued growth.

I ditched my jumpsuit, changing into work pants and a top that left my belly exposed and instead started taking mechanic work. However I just couldn't focus, the more monotonous work failed to distract me, the pregnancy was sending my hormones wild, it was like being in heat. If that wasn't bad enough, the few drops of milk I was producing had turned into a trickle after only a couple days, after a week I was fully lactating. I already had to pump them twice a day to keep from making too much of a mess of my top. Though more than once I considered going topless, my nipples had grown tender and sensitive, the constant rubbing against my clothes was driving me insane!

I needed relief, I only made it two weeks this time but I couldn't resist anymore, I had to go back. However... this time I feared if I went back, I would never leave.

Though, would that be so bad? I was going to have to settle down somewhere sooner rather than later. Pretty soon I wouldn't be in any shape for the amount of traveling I was currently doing and once the pups are born... Well, there is hardly space on my ship for a nursery.

As soon as I landed I reached over to the passenger seat, where I had tossed my top as soon as I was in space. I held the small piece of fabric for several moments, pausing as I went to put it on before muttering "Screw this." and tossing the thing under the seat. I had nothing to hide, not here anyway.

I stepped off my ship and it wasn't even a moment since my foot had touched Canis soil before someone accosted me.

"I knew you would be back soon." A fox said, he was taller than me and quite muscular, but by the standards of this planet he was a little on the scrawny side. He placed a hand on the side of my ship, leaning over me with a hungry stare as his eyes ran over my body. "Love the look."

"Uh... thanks? Do I uh... have we met?" I didn't recognize him, but given what happened last time I was here, I could hardly rule out having encountered him before.

He shook his head. "Nah, I only know you by reputation, but I've seen your ship here a few times and figured if I kept an eye on this spot, you'd be back soon enough."

"Oh... wait, reputation?" It was a dumb question, I've been to this town three times and have fucked and sucked over a dozen of its men, the last in a very public display.

"Yeah, you're the cat-rabbit thing that got addicted to canis cock and will let anyone fuck her." He said, placing his hand gently on my head, rubbing it.

"I'm a Lombax, not a cat-rabbit... thing. A-and I'm not that easy!" I protested.

Suddenly the fox tightened his grip on my head, pulling my face into the crotch of his pants.

I gave a token struggle at first, but as soon as I breathed in, smelling his masculine musk, my body relaxed.

"Keep telling yourself that." He mocked, loosening his grip and looking me right in the eyes. "You're not the first offworlder to get hooked on us, we've the best dick in the galaxy and we're always eager to have new breeders join our close knit community..."

Something was different about this male in a way I couldn't place. But as I stared into his eyes, I couldn't shake the feeling that I shouldn't be. Something deep in my brain, like a primal instinct triggering my fight or flight response.

But my logical brain knew I was in no danger of anything I didn't already want.

"Let's go to my place before someone else spots you, I want you all to myself for a little while." He said. I just nodded pathetically.

He smirked and grabbed my hand, leading me along down back alleys and side paths until we arrived at a quaint little home.

Inside he had shelves on his walls, adorned with trinkets and baubles. Rare figurines, busts of famous people, expensive looking keepsakes made of exceedingly precious or fragile materials. I didn't have long to think of his unorthodox collection as I was brought to his bedroom.

"Bend over." he ordered. I did so without question, leaning forward and lying my chest down on his bed, groaning as my sensitive nipples met his soft silk sheets. I looked over my shoulder to see him looming over me, having pulled off his shirt, he leaned in close. He nuzzled my neck and placed a hand on my shoulder...


He stood up straight, holding my prosthetic arm up like an angler with a freshly caught fish.

"How did you-"

"You won't need this tonight." He cut me off, tossing my arm to the ground with a heavy thud. Then, he grabbed my pants, he tugged at them, impatiently ripping them open, destroying the button and zipper on the front.

I opened my mouth to protest this destruction, but he cut me off before I could even speak this time.

"Relax, I'll get you something nicer." He said, pulling my now loose pants off, letting them fall to my ankles. "After all, hiding an ass like this in work pants should be a crime..." He grabbed each of my ass cheeks in both hands, squeezing them tight, kneading them, massaging them. Getting down on his knees and rubbing his face against them.

Then he grabbed my tail, hoisting my ass up into the air, forcing me onto my toes. His muzzle slipped between my cheeks and I gasped sharply as I felt his warm, wet tongue against my asshole.

Nobody had ever done that before, the experience was completely new and alien... but it was not unpleasant in its own, strange way.

He was thorough, his tongue danced across my tailhole while his hands continued to knead and squeeze my ass, he was worshiping my ass. Eventually he stopped, standing back up. He leaned forward, placing his hand over my mouth, he slipped two fingers into my muzzle.

"Get them wet, you know where they are going next."

I blushed when I realized what he meant. I wanted to voice a protest, but my tongue was busy lubricating his digits up, suckling his fingers like they were made of candy.

He popped them out of my mouth and moved them back between my ass cheeks quickly. My saliva and his intermixed for the first time... on my asshole. I groaned as his middle finger pressed in, finding difficulty sliding into my tight hole.

"Jeeze, you feel like a virgin back here." He noted.

"I am..." I responded, my face contorting while his digit invaded my ass.

"Really? A slut like you has never had anything in your ass?" He said, completely in disbelief as he wiggled about with his finger, managing just barely to stretch me open enough to get his second finger in.

I just shook my head, I could hardly do anything else.

"A perfect, virgin ass?" He gave my ass a sharp slap with his free hand, causing it to jiggle and shake. "You're turning out to be a real treasure." He leaned over me, placing his hand on the shoulder for my remaining arm, pinning me to the bed as he drove his fingers in all the way to the knuckle. "Just relax, all you have to do is lay there and enjoy yourself.

I did my best to relax, but it was difficult as he began sliding his fingers in and out of my ass. Though each thrust came easier than the last, with each thrust pain and discomfort gave way to pleasure. But just as soon as I was actually getting used to his fingers inside of me... he pulled them out.

I whimpered pathetically, like a needy butt slut. But then I felt the shaft of his, throbbing cock slide against my asshole. He rubbed his cock between my cheeks. He thrust his hips slowly back and forth, grinding against my ass with his cock. He gave my rear another slap before pulling his member away, grinding it instead against my dripping pussy. He used his hand to rub my juices across his member, lubricating it before returning it to my butt, pressing his tapered tip against my asshole.

He grabbed me by the wrist, using it as leverage as he began driving his cock into my tight virgin tailhole.

I gasped, moaned and squirmed, my face wrenching into new expressions as pleasure and pain intermingled.

The fox leaned forward, grabbing a pillow from his bed and putting it in front of me.

"Bite that." He ordered.

I did, up until now he had been going easy on me, showing about as much care as the intoxicatingly selfish dog-men of the planet seemed capable of. I bit down on the pillow and he began to jackhammer his hips in and out of my ass, my screams muffled by the pillow. Despite how rough he was being, I was brought to orgasm swiftly, the anal ravaging causing me to cum hard... and cum often.

His knot swelled up, it felt like it was going to split me in two, but there was nothing I could do about it at that point. Pretty soon the fox reached a climax of his own, filling my rear with his white hot seed.

I spent the rest of the day with the fox, servicing his desires in many ways, but always returning to his fixation on my ass. Eventually I must have fallen asleep from all the physical activity. I awoke at some point in the evening after an impromptu nap. He was already gone, likely to whatever job he held. I crawled out of his bed and found his bathroom, taking some time to clean the cum and sweat from my fur.

On a table in a little pile seemed to be the replacement "clothes" he had promised me.

Clothes was a generous term. A pair of black lace stockings, a collar with a tag hanging from it that said "Bitch" and a pair of panties that... barely fit the definition of panties. These were essentially a pair of strings, one to go around my waist and another to "cover" my pussy and asshole. Never in a million years would I consider wearing anything like this, even in private... but as I slipped them on, I felt... liberated. I reattached my mechanical arm, pilfered a quick dinner from his fridge and stepped out of the foxes house, wearing this open invitation for debauchery with newfound pride.

Normally a marathon of sex with that fox might have satisfied me for the night, but wearing these clothes out in public... I had to show them off. I did my best to ignore the soreness in my ass as I took a turn and headed down the street, walking straight into Temptation.

The club was quite lively this late at night, I took a quick scan of my surroundings, my lack of dress certainly turning a few heads. I saw a corner booth with several men, presumably old friends or all members of the same work crew, having a drink. I made my way over. To my surprise, nobody tried to intercept me, it was like they could tell I wasn't a little lost lamb anymore, I was walking with purpose.

They saw me coming, some of them elbowing their buddy next to them to draw their attention to me. "Hey there." I called out first, before they could speak.

The closest male spoke "Well hello there miss..." he leaned in, looking at my collar, a grin widening across his muzzle. "Bitch."

"Mind if I sit with you guys?" I asked.

His smile only seemed to widen, he made a show of looking around the booth at the others. They took up every seat, leaving only one place for me...

"No problem." He said.

I started to climb up onto his seat before looking up at him. "Little help for a pregnant gal?" I asked.

"Of course." He said, grabbing me under the arms, lifting me up and onto his lap.

I squirmed in his lap, grinding my ass against his growing bulge before reaching between my legs to begin fiddling with his pants. Meanwhile he helped himself to a handful of my exposed chest, getting a palmful of milk for his trouble while I gasped at the feeling of his rough touch on my sensitive nipples.

I blushed, realizing I hadn't had a chance to pump my breasts in some time. However, the man whose cock I had just pulled out, stroking it in my hand between my legs, grabbed my shoulder and turned me to the side, pressing his muzzle against my nipple.

I gasped sharply as he began drinking from my tit, letting out little moans and mewls as the act continued. I slid his cock inside of me, pushing my panties out of the way.

Soon enough, the group resumed the conversation they were having before I arrived, as though I wasn't even there. I bounced in the man's lap while he would occasionally drink from my tit, before he finished inside of me and I was passed on to the next eager male. That was how I spent my night, being passed from one males lap to the next where they would use my pussy or ass, leaving it leaking with their seed. Some of them wanted my mouth and I would happily service them from below the table.

A girl could get used to nights like this...

Pregnancy Status: Seven months

For a little while, not having a place to stay wasn't much of a problem. I would just let some lucky guy take me home with him, go back to the club the next day and repeat. But that couldn't last, I needed a place for the pups.

Eventually I found a place to stay with some other women, we would be able to watch each other's kids in turns, it was a very convenient arrangement. I could still get plenty of mechanic work during the day too, there was always something breaking down on this planet, saws, log haulers, all sorts of equipment put through rough use by the men of this planet. I could relate. After a month I took an offer on my ship, with pups on the way, by the time I could leave them alone longer than a few hours, I would likely have another litter on the way anyway. My traveling days were probably done and oddly... that didn't bother me like I thought it would.

"Rivet... you mind helping me?" One of the girls called. Her name was Callie, she was taller than me, though most everyone on this planet was. She had gorgeous, fluffy dark gray fur. Her belly had only just started to show.

"Rex is coming over but he said he might be an hour or two so-"

I raised my hand, cutting her off. She didn't need to say anymore, she needed relief now. I joined her in her room, laid down flat on her bed and watched as she straddled my face and lowered her pussy down, until it rested on my muzzle. Between her thick thighs and massive ass, the light of the outside world was lost to me. All I could see was the world betwixt her legs.

I wrapped my hands around her thighs and pressed my face into her wet pussy, my tongue pushing her lips apart and delving inside. I could hear her above, moaning. Then I felt one of her hands grabbing my left breast, squeezing it. They had grown to proper handfuls now, even for larger people like these canines. My tits had also grown even more sensitive as they got bigger, so her squeezing elicited sharp moans in return from me.

This went on for several minutes, before I heard the door to her room open.

"Started without me I see." A masculine voice spoke.

"Ah! Rex... you're here early." Callie muttered out. "We won't be long."

"Nah, it's fine, I can help myself." Rex said. I quickly learned what he meant as I felt two manly hands grab my thighs, spreading them apart and lifting them up.

My tongue kept hard at work at Callie's pussy, unable to do much else as I felt the tip of Rex's cock push against the lips of my own pussy, sliding inside. My moans were muffled by Callie's crotch as the male she called to help with her lust was now fucking me instead.

"Oh... fuck... Rivet don't stop." Callie moaned out. "I'm so close... holy shit." Her legs were tightening around my head and her hand started pinching my nipple, making me squeal and squirm. I doubled my efforts, focusing everything on pleasuring her clit with my tongue as rapidly as I could.

She screamed out, her orgasm was powerful, drenching my muzzle with her juices. When it finally subsided she relaxed and crawled off my face, giving me my first breath of fresh air for some time.

"The slut's mouth that good?" Rex mused, looking Callie over.

She nodded. "Yeah... it is."

"I'm gonna have to give it a try..." He mused.

"Hey! I'm still next!" Callie gave him a shove on the shoulder, pouting.

"Well, you're gonna have to wait a little bit." Rex said with a groan.

Callie cocked her head in confusion for a moment, before snapping her attention to me. "Did you just knot her!?"

"Yes..." I said, my voice straining as her boyfriend's knot stretched my pussy. You would think I would be adjusted to the sensation, but you just never get used to their bulbous anatomy.

"Bastard!" Callie shouted, even poutier than before.

It turned out to be a very long night...

Pregnancy Status: Eight and a half months

My belly was huge, my breasts were producing so much milk that I couldn't even keep up trying to drain them. It was hard to move around anymore, as a result I spent more time with the girls at home and less time at the club.

Of course that can only tide me over for so long before I absolutely have to waddle my way over to Temptation, passing through its doors into the den of vice and debauchery. As I walked inside, I passed that blue haired fox girl again. She seemed shocked to see just how big my belly had gotten, putting a hand on her own midsection, where just the faintest of bumps could be seen...

While my attention was diverted, someone grabbed me by the tail, pulling me into their lap with a sharp tug. Whoever it was, their hands wrapped around my midsection, manly hands covered in shaggy black fur and arms covered in the sleeves of a gray jumpsuit. My heart raced, could it be?

"They mine?" His voice spoke into my ear. It was him, the first man I took on this planet.

I nodded, breathing heavily.

He just chuckled, no congratulations, no celebration of any kind at learning he was a father. It just amused him. It was just proof of his conquest, of his virility. He was exactly as I remembered him... an asshole.

So of course I wanted him. Bad. Again.

His hands slid up, one stopping to grope my exposed chest greedily, causing me to whimper from his palm against my sensitive nipples. His other hand stopped at my neck, wrapping around it, using his thumb and forefinger to fondle my collar.

"Finally learned your place?" He growled, tightening his grip around my throat.

I just nodded meekly. I could feel the wetness between my legs... at this rate he would be able to feel it too.

"Good girl." He loosened his grip. "Shall we hit the bathroom for a quicky?"

Last time I still had enough pride not to fuck a stranger in a restroom. Enough decency to at least ask we go somewhere with a bed. Not anymore. Next thing I knew he was sitting on the toilet and I was on my knees in a bathroom stall, sucking him off, listening to this gruff male moan while my tongue did its work.

"Fuck... you're good at this, bet you have had a lot of practice" He grunted, drawing closer to orgasm. "But I need something more intense." He took my head in his hands, without any more warning he pulled my head down while simultaneously slamming his hips up into my muzzle. I gagged as he began fucking my face. Tears streamed down my face, not because I was upset, I was loving every second of this treatment, it was just simply from the battering my gag reflex was taking.

His cock started twitching and throbbing inside my mouth, his thrusts got even more brutal... desperate.

He came straight down my throat, depositing his seed directly into my belly. My tongue greedily lapped at his cock as he slid it out, trying to taste what little of his seed I could. It suited him, bitter and musky, no regard with how it tasted for his partner. A year ago I would have been disgusted, I would have thought the taste was foul. Now, I don't know if its just lust or pregnancy cravings, but I couldn't get enough of it.

He stood up, shoving himself back in his jumpsuit. "Nice job. Looks like you got someone waiting on you, I know you wouldn't want to let them down. Til next time." He said.

I looked around, spotting a hole in the wall of the stall where someone had slid their cock inside.

When I looked back, all I saw was the stall door closing and the sound of footsteps. The father of my pups, a man I've had sex with twice now... and I still didn't know his name.

I didn't dwell on that long, he was right, there was a man expecting something from me and I didn't want to let them down.

I got up on the toilet, sitting down and leaning forward, using my mechanical arm to brace myself against the wall of the stall and my good arm to begin stroking my anonymous partner before taking him into my muzzle. I heard the bathroom door open, multiple footsteps walking in. Did the black furred man tell others the gloryhole was now occupied? Not that it mattered, this was a task I could thankfully do sitting down... and like I had said before, I couldn't get enough of the stuff. I could take my time and savor each and every one of them.

Pregnancy Status: In heat again.

Six healthy pups, for the last month I have been taking care of my six puppies. Five boys, one girl, all beautiful. Two inherited my fur color... the rest looked like their father and there was not a lombax among them, but I didn't care anymore. It turned out motherhood was the only thing that could distract me from all of my other desires, the only thing I found more fulfilling... and exhausting.

Tonight however I had just gone into heat again, one of the other girls would watch them for a few hours while I went out. I had to re-up my tab at Temptation, they also helped me with that, writing on my fur where I could not reach. On one ass cheek it advertised that breeding me cost one shot. On the other it said anal cost two shots. Hopefully this time I wind up with a varied litter of cute mutts, like one of the other girls had.

Speaking of other girls... maybe I should call Angela, I'm sure she would come to love this place just as much as I do.