Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Fourteen

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#15 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Fourteen

"Breaking Away To The Other Side of Things"


Furry Sith Lord

Before we knew it, the holiday break was over and he had to get ready to return to Bearly Academy. We had no time to start the machine but set up the warehouse so that it could be built by laying out everything in place. Lou helped us set up and he had more knowledge of technical drawing so that my drawings could look more professional for the actual builders to build it.

I started looking over his shoulder to get a better understanding on how to make the blue prints. He was annoyed at first but said nothing because of the deal he made with Justin. I could smell the scent of distrust off him but he behaved in a cooperative manner.

Justin was slithering around doing everything he could to get everything organized. He slithered himself ragged during the day and stayed up at night listening to A Toast To The Coast until he fell asleep. Which usually did not take long. He got me hooked on it and I was listening then in the morning over breakfast I'd recap the episode. Lou gave up listening to the show claiming it was a waste of brain matter to listen to it.

I could see his point but in a way it just seemed fun. It just made you wonder if species really believe half the stuff they called in with because , as Lou pointed out, the show is full of nonsense.

"Thank you for coming to meet me, Eastwood." Oziah said as he led me into his office and closed the door behind him. "How is everything going?" He asked. He moved to sit behind his desk with his hooves crossed as he watched me. It felt a little unnerving and I had to remind myself that he is my grandfather. That way I could steady my nerves.

"We're running out of time. I nearly faded away but Justin found a way to recharge me." I went on to explain everything that had happened and the concerned look on his face was the reason I had kept it secret for so long.

"Why didn't you tell me when this happened?" he asked.

"Because the letter you sent tells me everything we need to know. Sure I could have died but the machine is not built so I still have a chance."

"If your body is made up of pure energy you cannot recharge it forever. Even rechargeable batteries only last for so long then they stop working. I get the feeling that you are the same way. No telling how many more times we can recharge you unless it stops working." Oziah explained.

"Then what do we do? We have to go back to school tomorrow now that the break is over."

"I'm afraid that's no longer possible for you. It's too dangerous to send you back! I need you here to build that machine." Oziah instructed.

"That leaves so many things unfinished! My parents, whoever they are, may still never get together because of my actions. Your son hasn't started dating Leggo yet? Has he?" I asked as I tried to protest his decision. He watched me calmly and I could tell by his stoic features that he was not convinced of my pleading.

"Since you seem to be fading away because you are made of pure energy and NOT because you messed around with your parents meeting. I think it's safe to say that any interference, if any, is uncalled for." He replied sternly. I felt my ears lower as I realized that he had me.

"I think you can see the urgency of why we need to finish the machine. We have to get you home or your consciousness may be lost forever." Oziah continued.

"Still, once I get home how will my consciousness reattach itself to me?" I asked.

"We need to know how this machine works to know that. I'm hoping that by sending you back it will automatically reattach itself just as it was separated when you were sent here. Still it's only a hypothesis at this time. We'll know more once you finish your machine and we try it out." he explained.

"How will we do that?" I asked.

"Leave that part up to me but for right now I need you to finish that machine..." Oziah said and I realized I had no choice in the matter.

Lou was happy to be rid of me but Justin was bummed beyond belief. He made promises to call me every night to find out how things were going and he wanted to play A Toast to The Coast over the phone to me. I had to remind him of the costs of such phone calls.

Eventually they drove off and I saw Justin use his tail to wipe away tears from his eyes. Lou was more interested in his gardening books and he was reading about care for exotic grasses and lawns.

I went to the warehouse and met the team that I would be working with on the machine. I had to explain how it was supposed to work for the project leads. They seemed nice enough species but a bit annoyed that a teen cub was in charge of the project. They seemed to think it was a joke being played on them.

Lou was surprised that he was not annoyed that his father had not accompanied them back to Bearly Academy. He was used to his father being too busy and things felt like they were going back to normal now that Eastwood was gone.

"Hey," Leggo shouted as he ran up. Justin hid behind Lou as he saw the wolf running at them and Lou just folded his arms as he curled up his gardening magazine.

"You want something?" Lou asked then he saw Justin and reached out to pull him to stand by his side.

"Where's your white little friend? I wanted tro say 'hi' and welcome him back." Leggo replied.

"He won't be returning." Lou said definitively and his eyes opened wide in surprise as he saw the wolf's ears lower.

"Too bad, he seemed like a decent fur. I've always been told that species like him are bad or dangerous but he's taught me otherwise. He must have good parents." Leggo replied.

"Depends on whom you talk to. I've heard stories from others that are, shall we say, less flattering." Lou remarked.

"I think he's great." Justin said and the others looked at him and he hid again behind an annoyed Lou.

"I agree," Leggo finally said and Lou rolled his eyes as he briefly raised his hooves then walked away in disgust. It did not take long until someone else approached him.

Roni, the lion soon called out to him and he was becoming more annoyed that he was once again interrupted. He knew what the lion wanted but wished he could get a minute alone without these fools interrupting him.

"Well?' Roni said.

"Well? Well what? If you are referring to Eastwood he's been gotten rid of and should not be returning." Lou said, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"I don't care about him returning! I want him beaten and humiliated." Roni replied. His eyes seemed to burn with a fierce passion and Lou looked away trying to center himself. He was about ready to swear after having to explain about Eastwood for what felt like the hundredth time. For a rare white fur species he sure had a lot of friends for some reason and even that dullard of a wolf is interested in him.

Lou was more annoyed by the fact that Leggo was focused on him instead of being in awe at the wealth and power Lou had. The wolf usually had a peculiar look when looking at Lou, like a Predator looking at a Prey as lunch. At first it was unnerving but then Lou realized that he was far too powerful and important, so the dumb wolf would never try anything.

Now the wolf had turned his attention to Eastwood and he no longer looked at Lou like that. This was unacceptable and he needed to capture the wolf's attention somehow.

"Have you ever thought about a career in protecting species? I don't mean a cop or anything but like a bodyguard or security?" Lou asked and the wolf looked at him with confusion.

"Never thought about it before." Leggo said after he scratched his head as he thought about it.

"You would be good at it." Lou remarked hoping to give him hope and then he might consider it.

"You think so? I... really don't want to hurt anybody." Leggo said.

"Oh stop, you wouldn't be hurting anyone, instead you would be protecting someone from harm." Lou replied. He realized it was not his best argument but maybe Leggo would buy it.

"I guess," Leggo replied but as Lou saw his face he could see that Leggo was not convinced yet he was too polite to refute Lou.

"I dunno you might look..... I dunno... cute in uniform." Lou said as he grabbed Leggo's shirt and adjusted it slightly as he tried to envision Leggo in a guard outfit. Leggo turned his head blushing slightly.

"Thanks," Leggo mumbled softly then coughed and looked around to see if anyone was looking. Lou took the hint and quickly released Leggo's clothing and turned his back towards him.

"What classes do you have this semester?" Leggo asked and Lou glared at him. The wolf had never asked that question before. Lou suddenly realized why the wolf had captured his attention! He smelled good! Something on him smelled incredible and Lou was surprised that he would show shuch interest in this dumb wolf because of scent.

Lou crept closer and began to smell Leggo trying to find out what he was smelling. Leggo backed up slightly confused by what was happening as the deer was trying to smell him.

"Something wrong?" Leggo asked. Lou had to get past the body odor the wolf reeked of because his hygiene did not seem to be the best yet somehow mixed in was that heavenly scent.

"That smell? What is it? It smells wonderful!" Lou said and Leggo became more nervous as he was trying to figure out what was going on.

"What smell?"

"Apples definitely and something else," Lou began to smell him again. "Ah! Peanut butter! The combination is irresistible!"

"Oh, that was my breakfast. We had to get ready quickly or be late so I had toast with peanut butter on one and apple jelly on the other. We ran out of grape jelly. " Leggo explained.

"Well... that explains a lot. The rest of you reeks so I suggest you take a shower or something but the peanut butter and apple scent is a nice touch for you." Lou said as he had to force himself to walk away. Apples and peanut butter were always his favorite foods so it made sense that the wolf smelling like them would capture his interest.

He had never cared about the wolf before because he always considered him a dullard that smelled badly. For the first time he realized he may have been wrong and that Leggo was not half as bad as he thought.

"Sorry but in the rush I didn't have time to change my box shorts. I plan to shower once I finish unpacking and get everything stored." Leggo replied. He saw the look on Lou's face and he tilted his head in wonder. The comment had Lou halt in his tracks and cringe at the thought of it. Was this how the poor half lived???

"I never understood the fascination you guys have wearing those things. My briefs have always been comfortable so why wear underwear that fat species are forced to have."

"Have you ever worn boxer shorts before?" Leggo asked.

"No, can't say that I have." Lou replied.

"Maybe you should! That way you would be correct in saying that you prefer one kind of underwear over another because you understand first paw how they feel. Just saying you hate them when you have never worn them seems dis-engenerous."

"Are you calling me disingenuous?" Lou asked, shocked that anyone would think such a thing.

"If you are not then can you explain why?" Leggo asked and Lou stomped his feet as he swiftly walked away. He thought about what the wolf had said to him and although he knew he was right it still it infuriated him.

Leggo walked away swiftly because he was afraid that Lou was going to start smelling him again. He could not remember anyone ever finding his scent interesting before. Sure most complained about him because the school uniforms made him sweat more than usual, but this was definitely a first.

"Hey!!! Why are you running so fast!" He suddenly stopped as he heard Jon shout at him. The Golden retriever ran up and leaned forward with his paws on his knees as he was breathing heavily.

"Oh Jon....sorry." Leggo replied.

"What's the rush?" Jon asked.

"I just... need to be somewhere." Leggo said.

"What's going on?" Jon asked, concerned as he finally stood upright.

"I was talking to Lou and he was acting weird." Leggo said.

"Well that's not unusual, he's always weird." Jon mocked but was surprised his friend wasn't laughing.

"He... he... he was smelling me." Leggo said after having to force the words out of his mouth.

"Smelling you?!? Oh my paws poor guy. What did you do? Forget to shower all break?" Jon asked with a smile on his lips.

"No, I had peanut butter and apple jam on my toast this morning and he smelled it on my breath." Leggo said.

"Wait, I remember in health class we learn that certain foods and smells attract other species. They call them aphrodisiacs. If a certain species smells them then they are instantly drawn to the smell. I'm guessing that our rich deer friend," Jon had to force himself to say the word 'friend.' "Is attracted to apples and peanut butter."

"Oh," Leggo said softly.

"Oh? Why so glum bud?" Jon asked curiously.

"Nothing, the whole thing seemed....odd." Leggo replied.

"I know what you mean because that stuck up deer actually talking to species like us is unthinkable." Jon replied.

"He's not that bad, he's just.... Lonely." Leggo said.

"How can he be lonely? He can buy anyone to be his friends."

"Maybe that's the problem! He has no real friends, just people he has to pay off." Leggo said then started to walk away. Jon stood there thinking about it for a second then realized Leggo was wandering off and ran off to follow him.

"WAIT!!!!" Jon cried as he ran after Leggo again.

"What is it?" Leggo asked sourly.

"Have you heard the news? That white fur ball isn't coming back!" Jon proclaimed proudly and Leggo glared at him.

"What... white fur ball?" Leggo asked as his voice took on a bit of an edge as he tried to stay calm.

"You know, what's his name?"

"Eastwood?" Leggo asked.

"Yeah that's the one! They say he tried to blow up a bank because he and his mother are starving! His loser dad can't hold down a job and no one wants to hire a rare white fur. Seemed he lied about being rich and all." Jon said.

"He wasn't a bad fur, I kinda like him." Leggo replied.

"Naw, I knew he was rotten to the core! Getting arrested is a just punishment and hopefully he'll spend the rest of his life as a slave. Society needs to be protected from species like that." Ron dictated.

"But what if he was one of your pups? What would you do?" Leggo asked skeptically.

"Probably drown him." Jon said and Leggo sighed then stormed away angry. As Jon saw the hair of his heckles standing out he knew not to follow his friend but rather to leave him alone. Besides Leggo smelled like he could use a shower anyway.

Leggo stripped of the towel he was wearing and draped it over the showerhead and turned the controls to get the water spraying. The showers in the dorms would not be turned back on until this evening so he had to rely on the gym ones that seemed to run all year round. The warm water felt great against his fur and he turned away from the nozzle as he saw a large bengal tiger enter.

Will stripped off his towel and they both stood there in only their fur. Leggo wanted to swear because Will was the last fur he wanted to be alone with.

"Here doggie," Will mocked as he started whistling at Leggo and trying to snap his paw pads.

"Can't a fur shower in peace?" Leggo said as he turned his back towards Will.

"Lighten up! You know what your problem is? You are too pent up. I mean when was the last time you got your dipstick wet? I mean other than in the shower." Will asked as he smiled with his eyes closed.

"I KNOW what you meant." Leggo said loudly. The embarrassment he felt at still being a virgin was obvious. He was more upset that Will, his rival, was the one to rub it in.

"Which reminds me. That white tiger isn't returning! Rumor has it that he raped someone and was sold off for the next 20 years." Will said mockingly.


"Yeah, Roni's been telling everyone. Seems he has a relative that was the judge on the case. He saw the look on the tiger's face and knew he was guilty immediately.

"I don't believe it. I know Eastwood and he doesn't even know how to paw off let alone rape anyone." Leggo retorted.

"Well you are the expert on pawing off." Will laughed and Leggo had to use all his slf control not to punch Will. He knew he could beat Will easily but Will would go running and crying like a little bitch to the school admins and cause him trouble.

"At least I don't go crying like a little bitch when someone hits me." Leggo countered.

"That's the power I have! No one messes with me because they know what's coming." Will said as he started cracking his knuckles on his paws. "Why you wanna try something?" Will said with a sneer.

"You're not male enough," Leggo said as he turned away and continued washing.

"Anytime buddy, anytime." Will said and Leggo was glad to hear him walking away. Maybe now he could shower in peace. He heard the shower head of a station away from him start up and spraying water out.

"Oh I'm the least of your troubles come this semester." Will said after a long pause. Leggo rolled his eyes wondering what the tiger was going to annoy him with now.

"What nonsense are you going to bore me about now?" Leggo asked and Will walked over and put one of his arms around Leggo's shoulder. Leggo could feel his cheeks get hot and he desperately wanted to throw Will off him.

"Our mutual friend, the rich deer,"

"Lou," Leggo corrected him so at least he would call him by his name. He hated when he just called someone by their species.

"Right," Will replied showing that he could care less and was not even listening. "Anyway he's in our gym class this semester."

"Impossible! He's a Prey! They'd never put Prey with Preditors it's unfair to them. He're bigger and stronger they'd never stand a chance." Leggo said in shock that the school would do something like this. He was wondering if this was more rumors that weree not true. Will wasn't exactly a liar but he did get carried away with tall tales species were spreading.

"That's what I thought but I asked my councilor about it and he confirmed it. Seems the school is trying to be more inclusive and to try to stop segragating everyone but rather get us working and playing together to try and prepare us for the real world." Will responded.

"So even the dorms are gonna be mixed?"

"No, species are gonna stay with their own kinds in the dorms at least but co-opted everywhere else. I asked which Prey were gonna be with us. You know, in case I need a snack during gym." Will said with a big grin on his face and Leggo turned away in disgust.

Society has species that are considered Prey to overpopulate the Predator species. This way when a Prey dies they are ceremonially processed and fed as food to the Predators. The Preditors honor the life and death of the Prey by eating them after they'd been made into amazing dishes. This way Prey can life a long and happy life without fear of being attacked and eaten.

"Sounds crazy." Leggo replied.

"Here's the crazy part! I've been talking to some of the other guys and they say they've showered with him. He has a small dick despite all the bragging he does about how great he is." Will said and started laughing. Leggo rolled his eyes and figured it was just another story someone made up because they were jealous of him.

Even if his penis was small then so what? What did it really matter what size anyone is, even nudity isn't something bad so why would small minded species care about the size of other species. He heard horces complain that their penis is too long and it makes things difficult for them.

"Good to know," Leggo said dismissively and he again turned away leaving Will to skulk away after Leggo stopped showing interest in him. This made Leggo let out a huge sign of relief then he quickly finished before Will tried starting up another conversation.

To Be Continued...