mercenary 1

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#1 of Mercenary



WARNING: You should already know what you're going to find here, but here we go anyway, this story contains graphic sexual situations between male anthropomorphic characters as well as some violence, if you don't like this stuff or are under age,


The rain had been falling all night, the soaked guards barely had any refuge. A thunder crashed in a nearby tree, the small flame that formed reflected itself in a pair of amber eyes, and it slowly died. The eyes moved towards the guards at the door of the castle.

"This should be easy"

Slowly, the robed figure started to move in the shadows, until it was just a few feet from the guards, the last thing they saw was the sparkle of the sword that opened their throats.

The figure remover his robe, revealing a gray wolf dressed in leather pants and cloak, a few more leather straps covered his muscled chest.

The wolf took a rope, tossed it to the castle wall and began to climb.

Inside the castle in the royal chamber, he owner, lord Danath was slowly forcing his 18 inches of horse cock into a young tiger, the lad was probably no older than 15 and was moaning in pain as his lord impaled him, the enormous cock making its way through his clenched anal passage. Lord Danath was to lose in his own pleasure to notice the tears running down the tiger's cheek. He had bought the tiger in a slave market and this was his first night with the horse. The tiger shuddered as the horse began rocking his hips savagely.

Outside the room, two more guards were hearing the muffled moans coming from the poor tiger. They didn't really approved their master's like for young slaves, but their job was not to lecture their lord, they were there only to protect him.

In the main yard, the wolf was watching the light coming from Lord Danath's chambers, he quickly crossed the yard and entered the main tower, moving like a ghost and passing through the corridors avoiding some guards until he was next to the doors of Lord Danath's chambers. The two bear guards were absently rubbing the uncomfortable bulge in their crotches. They didn't even felt the poisonous darts that ended their lives.

The Wolf approached the door and listened to the sounds coming from the room, he peeked through a hole in the door and saw Lord Danath's cock disappearing in a young tiger's ass, he waited for the right moment and quietly entered the room in the moment the horse was flooding his slave's intestines with his cum. The horse felt the cold breeze entering through the open door and turned to scold whom he think was a guard.

"I said I didn't wanted any disturbance for tonight, what do you w..."

He stood at mid sentence, watching the wolf standing in front of him with his sword unsheathed, the horse's cock was still deep inside the tiger.

"Who the fuck are you?" asked Lord Danath. The wolf didn't answered, he just gave a step forward.

Realization stuck lord Danath's mind, he looked past the door to the bodies of the two that were supposed to be protecting him.

"GUARDS! " the horse's scream made him thrust his still deflating cock in the tiger's ass a little deeper, the tiger closed his eyes and just heard a slashing sound, then the cock invading his ass disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes and felt a warm liquid in his back, he looked down and saw that the white sheets were now stained in red, he slowly turned to the standing wolf next to the bed, the wolf's sword was still dripping blood, then the tiger saw Lord Danath's body lying limp in the carpet in a pool of his own blood.

The wolf raised his sword and brought it down with all his strength, cutting Lord Danath's head. He picked it up and stored it in a leather bag, then as he was tying the bag to his belt he turned towards the tiger, who was still looking at his master's decapitated body.

"You may want to cover yourself a bit, in a few seconds this place will be crowded with guards" said the wolf and slowly stroked the tiger's cheek. The corridor then filled with the sounds of steps and the wolf took a sheet and wrapped in one of the bed's bars, then jumped through the window to the main yard and kept running until he was out of the castle, the constant rain washing away the few tracks he was leaving behind, and the darkness of the night keeping his silhouette in the shadows.

Nahual slowly opened his eyes, it has been almost a month since he took Lord Danath's life, yet, he remembered every second of it.

"That's the bad part of being a mercenary " he thought "pleasant dreams are a thing from the past"

He was lying in a hill next to a road, basking in the warm morning sun, a bird chirped in a tree and Nahual closed his eyes again, his mind bringing another memory.

He was in a small town, on a small pub, drinking from his jar. Some other furs were here and there, some celebrating one of them had recently became a father, some just having quietly a jar of ale and some others so drunk that they had fallen asleep in their chairs. Nahual listened to the ones celebrating and thought for a moment what could it feel like, to become a father, to have someone to love, someone to live for, and to die for, someone to grow old with. Nahual turned other way and took a sip from his jar, there aren't much chances to be a father when you prefer males, but it would be nice to have a place to call home, and a fur to call love, but he was not like the farmers he was watching, or like the soldiers that were drinking in a table in the other side of the pub. He was a mercenary, an assassin that could not afford such things like love or family, it was his destiny to wonder around the world, selling his deadly abilities to anyone who could pay for them, until the day he knew, someone he should kill would end up killing him instead, he knew very well that day would come, but he was sure it would not be soon.

"thinking of getting a new job?" asked a voice to his right and he turned to see a striped hyena drinking next to him.

"What could you possibly know about my job sir?" asked Nahual, instinctively holding his sword with his right hand while holding his jar with the left.

"I know lots about you mister Nahual, I have a deal for you, let me get you another jar of ale and we can talk about this in a table"

Five minutes later, the two were in a table far away from everyone's ears.

"I know what you do for a living, that's why I'm here" said the hyena "I heard it was you who gave Lord Danath's his new shaving style"

"Maybe I was" said Nahual "who could have told you?"

"The same person that gave you the five hundred golds for Danath's head, Danath's former wife. Would you like some more ale, maybe something a little stronger?"

"She must have forgotten to tell you I like to go straight to the point"

"Okay then, here's the point" said the hyena " I need you to kill someone for me, in Kalorath's kingdom, two thousand golds"

Nahual's left eyebrow lifted a little, two thousand golds was a fortune, enough to live comfortably for the rest of his days. This must be someone really important, or very powerful, it didn't mattered, he had never refused a job.

"two thousand gold is a lot of money, so I can only assume it won't be an easy task, tell me more and I'll decide weather to do it or not" said Nahual.

"You are to kill a dragon, hence the size of your pay, his name is Grekko, it will be hard to find, he lives somewhere near Saaroth, two weeks from here, he has reddish brown scales and red chest and belly, you'll find his eyes are very interesting, you'll have to kill him and bring me not his head, but his genitals" The hyena tossed a heavy bag in the table "one thousand golds, I'll give you the rest once the job is done"

Nahual took the bag and lifted it from the chair.

"Two weeks to go, two more to return, two more to find him and do the job, you'll have news from me in six weeks, if you don't it will mean I failed"

Nahual started heading towards the exit.

"Wait" said the hyena " Don't you want to know why I want you to do this, or even my name or how to find me?

" I don't care the reasons you may have to want me to do this job, and if I couldn't find you whenever I want I wouldn't be the one you seek for... Jarhed"

"So, you know who I am"

Nobody answered the hyena and he lifted his eyes from his mug. The wolf had vanished.

"He's as good as the rumors say"

Nahual opened his eyes again and slowly got up, he had been on the road for eight days now, there was a town a couple of miles ahead, he had been walking without stop, except for a few hours of sleep, Saaroth should be two or three days far, so he decided to take at least a good night of rest, Nahual lifted his left arm and smelled his armpit, his nose snorting at the stench.

"I could use a shower too"

He started walking again.

It was a quiet town. As Nahual walked through the main street he noticed a few furs staring at him, he paid them no attention as he walked, he saw an inn but that's not the kind he was looking for, he walked through the smaller alleys, finally finding what he was looking for.

This was another inn, smaller than the one in the main street, but more discreet, and with the services he was looking for, hot water, food and both male and female attendants.

Nahual entered the place and went straight to the counter, a short male fox was talking to another wolf.

"I need a room for tonight" said Nahual and tossed five golds in the table.

The fox looked at them in disbelief, that could easily cover a month.

"Just for tonight sir?"

"yes, and an attendant, a male horse if there's any, I'll return in an hour, tell him to have a hot bath ready"

"Of course sir"

Nahual Left the inn and started walking towards the main street again. He saw a pub and went straight for it. He entered the pub and ordered a jar of ale, then started making conversation with the barman, trying to pump some information out, an hour later he decided it was time to leave, he already had some tracks to work upon.

He returned to the inn.

"Everything is ready sir" said the fox "your room is the last one on the second floor, it's the best one we have"

Nahual nodded and went upstairs. He entered his room, there was a bed and a table with three candles, to his right, there was a door leading to what he guessed was the bathroom, since a flow of steam was coming from it, he entered the bathroom and saw a brow horse clad in a loincloth kneeling by a large bathtub filled with hot water. The horse saw Nahual and stand up.

"Your bath is ready sir, would you like me to take your clothes off?"

"I can do that myself, but you'll help me to bathe, what's your name?"

"Adam sir"

Nahual took his cloak off, followed by the straps holding his sword and other weapons, then unbuckled his leather pants and slid off them, he stood naked in front of the horse, Adam just stood staring at the naked wolf as he slowly sat in the tub.

"Wash my back " said Nahual.

Adam kneeled next to Nahual and started scrubbing his back, when he was done with the back he moved to the wolf's muscled chest, Nahual didn't made any attempt to stop him, so he continued, washing his chest and arms, Adam returned to Nahual's chest and slowly went down, rubbing Nahual's abs, he wondered what was next and turned to look at the wolf but he had his eyes closed, Adam decided to skip to Nahual's legs and feet, he gently rubbed the wolf's legs and feet until they were clean, he turned to look at the wolf again.

"finish" said Nahual without opening his eyes.

Hesitantly, Adam brought his hand to the exposed scrotum of the wolf and started rubbing it, he ran his hands all over the balls and the sheath, which began to throb a little at the touch. He kept idly rubbing Nahual's equipment even after it was well cleaned.

"You seem to enjoy hat boy" said Nahual opening his eyes.

Adam followed Nahual's gaze and found out his cock was already at full hardness and pushing the loincloth aside.

"We'll take care of that soon" said Nahual getting up "now, help me dry"

Adam got up and took a towel from a nearby chair, his cock bouncing with every movement, he ran the towel all over Nahual's body, paying special attention to his groin, Nahual's cock started to poke out of it's sheath.

Nahual moved towards the bed and motioned for Adam to come in, Adam approached the bed, Nahual extended an arm and ran a hand trough the underside of Adam's hard cock, Adam let out a moan, Nahual leaned a little and started licking Adam's 15 inches of black horsemeat, Adam shuddered at this and started caressing Nahual's ears, the wolf used his right hand to slowly jerk whatever he wasn't licking and his other hand cupped Adam's balls, Nahual could feel the cock's thick veins as he passed his tongue through them, he buried his nose in the horse's pubic hair and inhaled, filling his senses with the horse's strong musk, he opened his mouth and took as much as he could of the horse cock and started sucking. Adam's eyes rolled in bliss, as a whore he was used to get blow jobs, but this wolf was doing it with a strength he had never felt, he felt his balls tensing against his body, already burning with the seed within, just a few more seconds and... suddenly, the marvelous mouth was gone, he looked down and saw Nahual laying on the bed with his pointed wolf cock totally unsheathed.

"Your turn horsie boy"

Adam knelt and slowly brought his mouth to the pole of flesh, he licked the clear fluid coming out of the tip, encouraged by the taste, he licked the whole shaft and used his hands to caress the soft balls of Nahual.

After a few minutes of licking and sucking, Nahual laid in the bed, pulling Adam with him in a strong kiss.

"Sit on my cock" Nahual whispered to Adam.

Adam positioned himself so Nahual's cock was brushing against his hole, Adam lowered himself on the pointed member until he was on his knees and Nahual's member was totally buried in his ass. Adam started moving up and down on, making Nahual softly moan in pleasure, Adam's own cock madly bouncing and soaking Nahual's chest and abs in precum Nahual lifted a hand and started playing with the horse's cock, Adam could feel Nahual's knot starting to swell and it made each thrust a little more painful, but he didn't care and kept lowering himself on the cock, suddenly, Nahual gripped Adam's shoulders and pushed him down, burying his knot deep inside Adam's ass, The knot swelled even more and tied the two furs, Adam felt the warm gush of Nahual's cum inside him and this sent him over the edge too, his cock erupted all over Nahual's chest and face, Nahual opened his mouth catching a few globs of horse cum and savoring them, finally, their orgasms subsided and Adam collapsed on top of Nahual, still tied to him, smearing the cum from his orgasm all over their chests.

Adam woke up the next morning feeling his ass very sore, they had been fucking almost all night, he looked for Nahual, but the room was empty, He slowly got up and winced at the slight pain, there was nothing that could tell Nahual was ever there, except a small pouch on the table, Adam opened the pouch and found it full of gold coins easily 50 golds, Adam searched for his clothes, got dressed as quickly as he could and went downstairs. He asked the Fox about Nahual.

"He left very early without saying a word"

Adam looked at the exit door, fighting the urge to run after the wolf, instead he just went back to the room and started getting ready for the next visitant.

Nahual was on the road again, the small town was far behind, as he walked along the road he kept thinking in the horse he had spend the night with, although he knew the horse was just doing his job, Nahual felt good when he woke up with his arms around the warm fur of Adam's chest, he felt strange feeling like that, but he could deny it no longer, he was feeling lonely, he had started feeling like this short after he killed Lord Danath, he had found himself thinking about settling down, searching for a mate, and maybe have a normal life. At 30 years, he was still young and would not be difficult to find a nice piece of land with the money he had earned with his jobs, but he knew it was not possible, sooner or later he would feel the calling again, the need of adventure, he had been on this way of life since he was a cub, he could not forget it so easily, he had a gift, a natural skill for combat, he could not go a single day without the urge to hold a sword, even if it's just for training, so he just kept going, taking whatever job was well paid and involved high risks, sleeping in the open and taking one night stands occasionally, his mind drifted to the horse again, it would have been nice...

Nahual realized he was not walking anymore, he was running, so he ran, he ran for hours until his lungs felt like they were on fire, he stopped and rested against a three, his body covered in sweat.

He looked at his surroundings, the sun was warm, the birds sang happily in the threes, it was a beautiful morning, he couldn't stay depressed for too long, he decided it was time for a meal, Saaroth was not far now, he was going to finish this job and leave this part of the world.

Two days later, Nahual was entering Saaroth, it was another small town, with houses everywhere and the streets crowded with people, as he passed some faces turned to look at him, but he felt no hostility, this seemed to be a friendly town indeed. He remembered the information he got in the other town, they told him a Dragon lived in a small farm outside Saaroth, and that he was some sort of protector to that town. "this could make things a little difficult" Nahual thought. He walked through the town, getting to know the streets, and establishments, figuring out escape routs, he entered a shop to buy something.

A young vixen greeted him.

"Good morning sire, what can I do for you?"

"Good morning, I was looking for a satin cloak and maybe a silver necklace..."

"Satin?" asked the vixen, looking at Nahual's black leather cloak.

"It's not for me, it's a gift for an old friend, perhaps you know him, his name's Grekko, he's a dragon, with brown scales and red chest, I haven't seen him in years and I want to surprise him, but I don't even know where he lives now"

The vixen's face lit and she smiled at Nahual.

"Oh, you know Grekko, he'll be glad to see you I'm sure, he doesn't get many visits, he lives in a farm in the outside," said the vixen as she rummaged around an old box "you can get there if you walk down the main road, you'll see a small path to your right, just follow it and you'll be there in a few minutes, here"

She handed Nahual a red satin cloak,

"Now, let me get you the necklace" she went inside a room.

Nahual didn't wasted any time, he left ten golds on the counter and ran towards the main road, fifteen minutes later he was on the small path leading to Grekko's home. Nahual stopped when he saw a small building ahead, he left the path and hid in the bushes, he approached a little more, it was a simple house, with a small fence, a wide garden with lots of threes and flowers, his mind rifted again, thinking if he could ever get a cottage like that one for himself.

Then the wooden front door opened and he got his first view of his target.

In the doorframe stood Grekko, he had to be him, It was a big dragon, probably 7 feet tall, towering over Nahual's 6 easily, hid body was covered in reddish brown scales and his chest, and belly were covered in ruby red larger scales, just like the hyena had said, Nahual saw what the hyena meant when he said Grekko's eyes were peculiar, he had one clear brown eye and the other was blue.

"Peculiar indeed" thought Nahual, he noticed the dragon was wearing only a old looking pair of shorts, he saw no visible bulge there,

"Damn" he thought "he must have internal organs, it will be a messy job taking those"

He saw the dragon walk to the garden and start taking the dead leafs of a plant.

Nahual wondered if he should strike now or wait and see what else he could find out about this dragon. He decided to do the last, so he looked for a convenient spot and spend all morning watching the dragon taking care of his plants. Nahual saw Grekko walking out to the back of the house and decided to change his spot, he moved from one three to another until he got a clear view of the back of the house, Grekko was now cutting some wood, Nahual saw how the dragon lowered an axe and the logs shattered without effort, he noticed the rippling muscles of the dragon contracting, and the way he hold the axe, he then realized, this dragon had fighting skills, he probably had been in many battles, he saw him master the axe like only a few could do it, he also noticed the dragon had no visible scars, almost like himself, that meant he was a very good fighter. Soon, the pile of wood was reduced to a pile of small logs, the dragon dropped the axe and wiped his brow, Nahual was starting to find his target very attractive, then he heard someone coming from the path, apparently Grekko hear it too, because he was walking to the front.

Nahual saw the figure starting to run as Grekko came to view, it was the young vixen from the store.

Nahual got as close as he could and tried to listen.

"Hi Mary, what brings you here?" asked Grekko smiling at the vixen.

"Your friend forgot this" she said and handed the dragon a small package.

"My friend?" asked Grekko surprised.

"Yeah, a gray wolf came by the store this morning saying he was an old friend of yours, he buy a few things saying they were a gift for you, but he forgot this one"

Grekko looked at the package and then at the smiling vixen.

"Oh yeah, him, I remember, he's back in town to arrange some business, he'll be back soon, thank you for coming all the way here"

"It's no problem" said Mary "I'm sorry I haven't been visiting you lately, but there's a lot of work, but now that your friend is here you won't be so lonely"

"Thank you very much Mary" said Grekko caressing Mary's cheek "Now if you excuse me, I have to take a bath before my friend returns"

"Ok, I'll see you later" said Mary and started running back to the town.

Nahual saw the dragon enter the house with the package still in his hands, then he left a few minutes later carrying two barrels and started walking into the forest behind a three.

Nahual wasn't sure of what to do now, the dragon must have figure out by now something was wrong, but he still acted as if nothing happened. He decided to follow him.

Nahual walked through the forest until he saw a clearing, there was a small pond hidden between the dense line of threes, Grekko was kneeling, filing the barrels with the clear water. Once the barrels were full, The dragon stripped his shorts and got into the water. Nahual watched as the dragon bathed in the crystal clear waters, he was right, between the dragon's legs was a small sac and a slight bulging slit, he started thinking what the dragon may look like aroused, and what they could do if they have meet under different circumstances, he wasn't even sure if this dragon could like males, but he knew for sure killing him would be a difficult task both physically and emotionally.

"Why don't you come out so we can finish this?" he heard the dragon, Nahual looked and saw Grekko looking at the spot he was hiding in. "you've been watching me all morning, you must have figured the way to kill me by now"

Nahual came out of the threes.

"Very impressive" he said "you know why I'm here, but why did you decided to face me now and here? Wouldn't you rather die in your house? Maybe in your garden and with the dignity of some clothes."

"That's very thoughtful of you" said Grekko with a grin as he started walking towards Nahual "But I'm definitely not going to be the one who dies today"

"Look at you, you're naked, unarmed and tired after a day of work, it wouldn't be fair"

Grekko took a branch from a nearby three.

"now I'm not unarmed"

He kicked a small rock and hit Nahual in the muzzle, The wolf stood surprised, he didn't saw it coming, but his surprise turned to anger as he felt the taste of his own blood.

Nahual unsheathed his sword and attacked, when the sword was a few inches from Grekko's head, he arched his body and dodge the cut, at the same time he throw a kick to Nahual's ribs with his right leg. Nahual felt the pain in his left side, but before he could even moan in pain, he felt another blow in the face. Grekko was moving too fast, he dodged every strike from Nahual and counter attacked, Nahual Stopped his attacks.

"You're definitely a natural warrior, How long is been since you left the army?"

"I was never a soldier" said Grekko,

"A simple farmer couldn't possibly move the way you do" said Nahual attacking again.

Grekko just kept blocking his attacks with the branch.

"I was a mercenary, just like you"

The answer made Nahual lower his guard and Grekko lurched forward with all his strength and throw Nahual against a tree.

By the time Nahual tried to react, his sword was no longer in his hands, he looked up and saw Grekko holding his sword, the naked dragon looked beautiful standing over Nahual holding the sword and looking down at the wolf

"You know what's next right?" Asked Grekko.

"Yeah, just get it done"

They were interrupted by the yells of Mary.


Grekko moved to a nearby tree to get his shorts, Nahual just remained in the floor.

Mary came running between the trees.

"Grekko... riders! They are attacking the village!"

Grekko's eyes lit with anger.

He turned to look at Nahual.

"We're going to have to finish our little exercise later" said Grekko and dropped Nahual's sword. Grekko ran towards his house followed by Mary, Nahual slowly got up, and took his sword, he stood there for a moment, just looking at his hands. He had been defeated, he had been defeated for the first time in a job that could not allow that kind of failures, yet, he was still alive, His target had forgiven him, he didn't knew what to do, he should be dead, but Grekko had decided to let him live. Now Nahual was in the middle of a problem, his own code wouldn't allow him to attempt to kill the dragon again, he lost to him and he had to recognize his defeat, but he couldn't left this job unfinished.

He decided to deal with this later, he started running though the open field towards the town.

The shop where Nahual had bought the cloak was now on fire, a couple of old foxes was outside, holding each other. Mary came followed by Grekko.

"Grekko, thank the gods you're here" said the old fox, "They came and destroyed everything"

Grekko was wearing a pair of pants, protected with small metal shin guards and a metal chest plate, a sword was attached to his waist.

"Where are they now?" he asked.

Before the fox could answer, an arrow flew from the shadows, Grekko caught it inches before it hit the chest of the old fox.

"We haven't gone anywhere"

Grekko tried to locate the source of the voice, but it was difficult, there were screams in the streets, and there was lots of smoke in the alley.

Grekko closed his eyes and concentrated, a second arrow flew towards Grekko's chest, he caught it again and throw it back. From the shadows emerged a lion, his left hand pressing a cut in his right arm.

"You son of a bitch"

The lion unsheathed his sword and attacked the dragon, Grekko easily evaded the attack and countered before the lion could even turn around, Grekko's sword had left a huge cut in the lion's side and he fell dead.

"This place is too dangerous," said the dragon "we have to go"

The dragon started walking towards the main street followed by the foxes, they slowly began advancing amongst the chaos that was now the main street, riders attacking everywhere, the villagers defending their families the best they could. Grekko kept fighting every time a raider approached the foxes, fighting groups of two or three riders.

By the time they reached a rather big house where most of the women and children had gathered, Grekko was still unharmed.

"Get inside, you'll be safe"

The family of foxes entered the house and the door closed, Grekko returned to the main street, a bear was already waiting for him, they began fighting and soon Grekko's sword entered the bear's chest.

Grekko took his and the bear's swords and kept fighting, most of the riders were either dead or captured by now.

Grekko entered the small alley where the store was again, the fire had already died, it wasn't so bad, maybe it can be repaired he thought.

Just then, six fur appeared from both sides of the alley.

"You have some balls dragon" said a rat holding an axe "I saw you kill most of my men, if it weren't for you, we could have burned the entire village without problems"

"So, you're the leader" said Grekko, taking a fighting pose.

"I am" said the rat and he lunged towards Grekko, along with the other five furs.

Grekko did his best to avoid the attacks, but there were too many furs, for each blow he managed to dodge another took its place, when he blocked a sword strike with one arm and trusted his sword into the throat of another fur, the rat made a strike and buried a knife in the left side of Grekko, the dragon roared in pain and a club hit his head, Grekko fell to the ground and his vision got blurry. The rat stood in front of him and raised his axe. Grekko just closed his eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. He opened his eyes and saw a sword impaled in the rat's chest. He knew that sword, he had hold it this afternoon. Grekko turned in time to see Nahual standing behind him, his jaws closed in the throat of a jackal. Nahual ripped the jackal's throat and turned to look t the remaining three furs, they all charged at once, in a quick motion, Nahual thrown a knife that was hidden in his back to one of the furs, hitting him between the eyes, then as the others raised their swords, Nahual moved towards his left and managed to hit one of then furs in his chest, the hit blown the air out of the fur's lungs and he dropped his sword, Nahual caught it before it touched the ground and used it to cut the poor fur in half. There was now only one rider left, a lizard, he looked at Nahual, the wolf was covered in blood, all of it from the riders, the wolf's blood dripping jaws formed an evil smile and he looked at the lizard right in the eyes. The lizard made one final desperate attack, the swords clashed one, two three times, on the fourth strike Nahual dodged the lizard's attack and for a brief moment both fighters were back to back.

Grekko, who was still on the ground trying to keep his wound closed was watching the whole thing, he thought Nahual would use this opportunity to thrust his sword in the lizard's back, but he didn't, instead, he moved to give the lizard time to turn and face him, then he shoved the sword in the lizard's stomach, Nahual raised the sword, opening the lizard's flesh all the way to the chest. Nahual turned to look at Grekko and walked towards him, still holding the sword, Grekko didn't closed his eyes, but he did expected a deadly attack from Nahual, who was now standing by his side, instead, Nahial dropped the sword and offered a paw to the wounded dragon.

"Why?" asked Grekko, taking the wolf's paw.

"A life for a life" said Nahual as he helped Grekko to stand up "You didn't killed me when you had the chance, now we're even"

Nahual's sword was still impaled in the rat's chest, the wolf pulled it out and cleaned it in the rat's body, then sheathed it.

"Let's get out of here, we need to treat that nasty wound of yours, here, let me help you"

Nahual made Grekko wrap an arm around his neck and helped him walk.

There were still some fights in the street, some riders had run away, the rest were dead, captured or helplessly fighting groups of three or four angered villagers. One particular fur, a huge boar was surrounded by ten or so villagers, around the boar were five dead furs and no one dared to fight him. Nahual saw this and helped Grekko to lean against a wall.

"I'll be right back"

Nahual walked towards the group of furs, they cleared a way and let Nahual enter the circle, as soon as the boar saw him, he lurched forward aiming his spear towards Nahual's chest, in a fraction of a second, Nahual took the tip of the spear with his right hand and with his left, he lifted the spear of the boar's hands, Nahual's right wrist moved and the tip of the spear entered the boar's throat, Nahual pushed until the tip came on the other side of the boar's throat. The wolf simply walked to Grekko's side.

"Why are you doing this?" asked the dragon.


"All of this, helping me, the villagers, I'm very grateful but I don't understand."

They were walking as they talked, Nahual was still helping Grekko.

"I have nothing against this furs" said Nahual "They mean nothing for me, but if I don't help them, you are going to try to, and in your condition, you'll be dead in less than ten minutes, I can't let that happen, you must heal, so we can fight again."

"I see" said Grekko "You're helping the village just because the riders are interfering your mission, Wouldn't it be easier to let them kill me?"

"I follow a strict code, I won't let any one else kill you, and I won't fight a wounded warrior, we'll have a fair fight, and if that means I have to take care of you until you are healed and take your place as the village protector, I'll do it"

Grekko looked at Nahual's face, he knew the wolf was telling the truth, despite being a mercenary, Nahual was an honorable fur.

"Thanks" was all the dragon managed to say before blacking out due to the blood loss.

The first thing Grekko noticed was the warmth enveloping his body, he slowly opened his eyes and found himself laying in his bed, covered in an blanket, he tried to move and winced at the pain in his side, he pulled the blankets aside and inspected his wound.

It was clean and it had been stitched, Grekko touched the back of his head, it still hurt a little, but the club had made no big damage. As he pulled the blankets a little further, Grekko noticed he was naked.

"Keep moving like that and the stitches will open" said Nahual, standing in the doorframe holding a tray.

"You did all this?" asked the dragon.

"I told you I would look after you" said Nahual, placing the tray in a nearby table and sitting in a chair next to the bed. "After you blacked out, I took you to the house where you left that vixen, as they were cleaning your wounds, the riders were defeated completely, after that, I brought you here, all that happened two days ago.

"Thanks" said Grekko looking Nahual in the eyes.

Nahual blushed a little and then got up and took a soup bowl from the tray.

"You're still very weak, eat something and I may let you get up tomorrow."

Nahual gave the bowl to the dragon and left the room.

Grekko woke up in the middle of the night, he didn't remembered falling asleep again, he slowly got up, it didn't hurt much, he was healing pretty fast, he slowly made his way out of the room and into the living room, he saw Nahual sleeping on a couch near the fireplace, Grekko silently approached the sleeping wolf, he looked tired, but at the same time at peace, he had a smile in his face, Grekko thought he must be having a nice dream, so he decided not to bother him and quietly walked back to his room.

Finally, morning came and Nahual stirred in the couch, he opened his eyes and stayed like that for a moment, still remembering his dream, he and Grekko in a flower covered field, just the two of them, laughing and embracing each other, that was it, the people from the village had offered their gratitude and their friendship, and Grekko had made him feel something he had never felt. Nahual had finally made a decision.

He heard someone laughing outside and slowly got up to see who it was. When he opened the door he saw Grekko and Mary sitting in a wooden bench under a three, the dragon saw the wolf and motioned for him to join them.

"You're supposed to be in bed" said Nahual walking towards them.

"I heal very fast, I'm feeling much better now"

"Why didn't you woke me?"

"You seemed to be having a nice dream, besides you looked tired."

"I'm sure he was" said Mary "He had been helping us to rebuild the village all this time."

"Yeah, well... I got tired of watching Grekko sleep all the time" said Nahual avoiding Grekko's surprised look.

"Well guys, I have to get going" said Mary "there's still lots of things to do, eat your cake and when you feel better, come and visit us, we have a surprise for both of you, see ya!"

Mary started running down the path

"Eat your cake?" asked Nahual looking at Grekko.

"She mad a cake and brought it to us" explained Grekko "Its in the kitchen right now"

They both walked into the house.

"Why are you helping them to rebuild the town?" asked Grekko closing the door behind him "You said you didn't cared about them"

"I already told you" said Nahual without looking at him "I got bored of watching you sleep"

"Give me more credit than that" aid Grekko "you may have tricked Mary, but not me, we'll have our fight this afternoon, you'll probably kill me and return to get your reward from Jarhed, since I'm sure he's the one that hired you, Why do you give them false hopes?"

Nahual turned to look at the dragon and Grekko noticed for the first time the tears in the wolf's eyes, Nahual's face showed great pain, Grekko felt a lump in his throat.

"Because the made me feel like I'm needed for more than my killing skills" answered Nahual "Because they consider me their friend, because knowing why I'm here you keep treating me like a guest, you gave me my first pleasant dream in years, ho could I hurt you or any of them now? I would give my life for you if I had to!"

Nahual fell on his knees and started sobbing.

Grekko gently lifted Nahual to his feet and their eyes locked on each other, Grekko's eyes looked more appealing than ever to Nahual. Grekko gently wiped Nahual's tears.

"It's okay" said the dragon "I feel the same for you"


"Hush, we'll talk later"

Grekko hugged Nahual tightly, Nahual felt the dragon's heart beating trough his warm scales, the wolf lifted his gaze and pressed his lips against Grekko's, Grekko kissed back and his hands roamed all over Nahual's back.

"Let's go to my room" whispered Grekko.

Nahual was sitting in Grekko's bed, watching as Grekko lowered his shorts, the dragon bend to slip them off giving Nahual a chance to admire his rounded, well muscled rump, Grekko stood in front of Nahual, the dragon's hardening penis already peeking trough his slit, Nahual noticed Grekko's balls had grown considerably, the first time he saw them they were little orbs barely visible between the dragon's legs, now they were almost the size of a small tangerine. Grekko followed Nahual's gaze and explained.

"They grow like that when i'm exited"

Nahual reached and cupped them in his left hand, eliciting a moan from Grekko. The wolf use his other hand to caress Grekko's red belly scales as he leaned and ran his tongue over the dragon's slit coaxing more of his cock out, then he moved a little lower and tongue bathed the dragon's balls. Grekko kept moaning and caressing Nahual's ears. Nahual drove Grekko to the bed making him lay on his back. Grekko spread his muscled legs to give Nahual better access, Nahual was done with Grekko's balls and inched his face a little lower, slowly running his tonge all over Grekko's anal slit, Grekko's cock was now fully erect, bouncing and dripping pre cum all over the dragon's abs. Nahual replaced his tongue with a finger and moved his mouth towards the inviting black pole of flesh, the wolf gently licked the tip before engulfing the whole shaft, Nahual's nose touched the dragon's slit and he stood like that for a moment, inhaling the strong male musk and feeling every vein of the throbbing organ in his mouth, Nahual's own cock painfully confined in the wolf's leather pants, Grekko sensed this and used his tail to pull Nahual's pants down, Nahual's cock popped free and swelled even more, the knot starting to fill with bloodGrekko kept caressing the wolf's cock and balls with his tail and Nahual started bobbing his head up and down, sucking hungrily on the dragon's cock. Grekko felt his orgasm approaching and slowly lifted Nahual's head of his cock

"I want to taste you" he said.

Nahual rolled so his cock was facing Grekko, a few drops of pre cum dripped onto Grekko's nose before he started licking the wolf's pointed cock, then Greko opened his moth and let Nahual's cock enter until the wolf's knot touched his lips, The dragon started sucking and Nahual started gently bucking his hips, both kept sucking on eachother for some time, Grekko felt his climax building again and gently groped Nahual's butt cheeks squeezing them to let the wolf know he was close, Nahual sensed this and sucked harder, massagin the dragon's testicles, Ghrekko started shuddering and dug his claws on Nahual's cheeks as the first spurts of hot dragon cum erupted from his cock into Nahual's eager mouth, Nahual felt the warn, sweet liquid and the claws scratching his butt and he fired his load too. Grekko stopped sucking, he wrapped his hand around Nahual's cock behind the knot and closed his lips around the thick shaft, letting it pulse and fill his mouth with warm cum. Nahual felt Grekko's orgasm fading and pulled the dragon's cock out of his mouth, as he slowly pulled his cock out of the dragon's mouth as well. Nahual positioned himself so they were face to face. They passionately kissed sharing the remaining cum in their mouths, they hugged eachother and remained like that for a few minutes, Grekko's cock had already retreated to his slit, Nahual's knot started to shrink too.

"Remember the package Mary gave to you the day we meet?" asked Nahual


"What did you do with it?"

"I left it in the living room, in the window frame"

Nahual slowly got up and left the room, Grekko chuckled as he saw his semi erect cock bouncing and the red marks on his cheeks. The wolf returned a few seconds later with the small wrapped package in his hands. Nahual's cock had already retreated to his sheath.

The wolf handed the package to Grekko. The dragon opened it and pulled a silver necklace, attached to it was the figure of a wolf head.

"I bought it just so Mary could tell me where to find you" said Nahual "But now i want to give it the proper use."

Nahual took the necklace from Grekko's hands and wrapped it around the dragon's neck.

"I would be the happiest person in the world if you let me grow old next to you" said Nahual.

"Of course" said Grekko "I would die before letting you leave"

Nahual felt like crying for the second time that day, but before that happened he returned to the bed and wrapped his arms around Grekko. A few minutes later Grekko was deeply sleeping next to Nahual. The wolf was looking at the ceiling, thinking he had finally found the peace he had been looking for, then he remembered a few words he had said exactly two weeks ago.

"you'll have news from me in six weeks, if you don't it will mean I failed"

Let me know if you liked it and I'll write a sequel.

Mercenary 2: youth

MERCENARY 2: YOUTH By: NAHUALMORPH DISCLAIMER: this story contains lots of nasty stuff, violence, rape, incest, and sex between anthropomorphic male characters, you are warned, you should be over 18 to read this. All characters are...

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Back to the mountains 3

BACK TO THE MOINTAINS III BY: NAHUALMORPH WARNING: Okay guys, just a little teasing in this one, but it's starting to get interesting, If you read the first two parts, you know what to expect of this one, if you haven't, you should, or...

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Back to the Mountains 2

BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS Part II Warning: Like in the first part, there isn't much in this one, but I promise the next one will be more interesting. It's been hour since we left Hawaii, it has been a pleasant trip, most of the...

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