Scara and Sky 2

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#84 of Commissions

Scara takes Sky to her home where she can give him a meal he will never forget!

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"Such a good choice!" Scara says, sitting down on the couch next to him as she settles in, turning toward him, her massive milkers pressing against his cheek, supporting him like fluffy and furry pillows. The smaller dragon growls his approval, opening his mouth, his maw dripping with delight.

Scara places the apple pie on her lap, shuddering at the cold with a nice little sigh of anticipation. She then breaks apart the pizza along the center, folding the semicircle into a calzone shape, and slips it toward Sky.

Sky moans when his tongue touches the pie, the cheese, and the tomato, making a savory combination on his taste buds. But aside from that, the alien fingers that deliver them get a moment for his tongue to play against.

Scara giggles, lifting her hand away, letting the pie disappear into his mouth. Sky chews, his cheeks puffed, letting out sounds of delight as he watches her.

"Oh, you silly boy," she coos, lifting up her own half of the pizza. Her own tongue rolls out, long and wiggly, as she drops the dish into her waiting maw. She gulps it down with little problem. The bulge of food gulps down her throat and into her body. She pats her stomach and sighs, sitting back. "I'm not on the menu, you know. I'm much too big!"

As soon as she says this, those pillowy mounds on her chest spring up, growing squishier and softer. They strain against the bikini, which digs into them, tensing up the outfit, but she doesn't seem to mind. Instead, she looks down at the pie in her lap and frowns. "Oh, pooh. Where did I put that pie knife?" She glances around, then squeals. "Ah, there you are!"

With that, she places the pie aside and rolls around.

Sky was busy swallowing his pizza and doesn't know what's happening until the moment she rolls on top of him, practically squshing him beneath her weight, his face burying between her tits, his snout pushing the strained strap of her bikini up over it. He waves his hands a moment in shock but then just sits back, letting his whole world be enveloped by warm, fuzzy, squishy darkness.

For her part, Scara reaches over the back of the couch, fingers straining to grab the knife discarded on a nearby stand. She wiggles and squirms while stretching her fingers, but it mainly just serves to bury Sky's face deeper between her massive knockers.

After a long moment of strain and cute little grunts of exertion, she snatches the knife between two fingers. She pulls it free, rolling off Sky and lifting the item into the air. "Hurray! I did it!" she chirps.

Sky leans back, taking in a big gulp of air. His poor trunks straining under the hardness of his erection.

Scara picks up the pie and cuts it masterfully into eighths without turning back to him. She then scoops out a portion and hands it to him. "Maybe we should feed each other this time?" she giggles.

"H... huh? Yeah, that would be cool, I guess!" Skye says, sitting up on his knees, trying to get himself to be at her level, but even sitting up, he's no match for her size.

Scara giggles and lifts up a slice of pie towards him. He opens his mouth and closes his eyes, giggling.

But she plops it into her mouth instead, still giggling but in a muffled voice.

He opens one eye, letting out a surprised squeak. Suddenly, she pulls herself close to him, squishing his rounded-out body against her big-tittied one and pressing her mouth to his.

He squirms and wiggles as she pushes the pie into his own mouth with her tongue, squishing it down and shoving it down his throat.

Sky's eyes roll back as he feels the cold, crusty, and sweet treat slip down his tongue and gullet, only to pull himself back, laying on the sofa and letting out a delight. "W... what wa... was that!?" He gasps.

Scara blinks. "I was feeding you. Is that not what you wanted?"

He gulps, patting his stomach. "I... I mean... ye-yeah, but I didn't think that you... uh, you wanted to get that intimate."

She frowns and lowers her head. "Oh, I'm sorry. I noticed your stiffening in your pants and thought that meant you wished to have intercourse with me. I'm sorry I didn't read the signs correctly."

"H-hold on!" he says. "You want... you want to do it?"

She blinks. "You do not, right?"

"N-no, I mean, I do, but... then we had such wonderful food, and you didn't seem like you wanted to and... jeeze, I dunno."

She shrugs. "I don't know much about your customs myself," she admits, taking another slice and holding it in her hand. She tosses it up in the air, snaps at it, and swallows. Her thighs thicken up, the lower part of her bikini fraying at the seams, ready to explode immediately. "But, you are so cute, and the way your belly gets bigger when you fill up is just too adorable. I want to feed you and pamper you for hours on end. After all, in your profile, you did say you loved to eat home-cooked meals."

"W... wait," he gasps. "You mean you were on the Blind Date app!?"

"Yes!" Scara chirps, handing him another slice, this time in her hand. "I'm sorry I was so late. I just had to get myself some snacks before our date. And while I expected someone who didn't have any sight, I am happy that being able to see or not, you enjoy my food and my feeding."

"Scara..." He says, opening his mouth wide. "I'd be happy to enjoy your feeding all the time!"