Clay and Josh (part 3)

Story by Pongo Pup on SoFurry

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At that instant the Earth was torn asunder, then was reborn. Every blade of grass that defied to move was reanimated, swaying to and fro in the wind, which had once again begun to blow softly. The fog, too, began to swirl and breathe over the grass and the rocks...and the boys, who were still embraced in each other's arms, their muzzles mated, holding each other so tightly that, in that moment, the two seemed to be as one. It was a perfect kiss.

They held each other in their arms, murring softly, absorbed in the moment. Every now and then one of them would take his head off the other's shoulder and stare into his mate's eyes for a moment. They would then laugh softly, draw their heads back together, and murr and sigh with happiness...

Clay moved so that his back was against the boulder and took Josh back into his arms, placing his chin on Josh's shoulder and hugging him from behind, their arms interlaced against Josh's chest. "What time is it?" Clay asked lazily.

"A little after 2:30" Josh replied, squeezing Clay's paw inside his own.

"You hungary at all? All I've had today was a Honey Bun from the machine today."

"yeah, starving. Where do you want to eat at? We can get fast food, fast food, or Denny's" Josh joked.

"3AM is always a good time for Denny's!" Said Clay as he affectionately scritched between Josh's ears.

"sweet!" Josh picked up the flashlights, handed one to Clay, and they proceeded down the trail and off the mountain. Neither of them spoke as they navigated their way by flashlight down through the sword grass and the broad-leafed trees, and the toads, and more sword grass to the Jeep across the street from the trailhead. Clay let Josh lead the way this time, though they travelled much closer together this time.

It wasn't until they were back on the road when Josh broke the silence. "Can I ask you a question?" he asked.


"Why me? I mean it seems kinda random. I never wouldda imagined in my wildest dreams that you felt this was toward me."

Clay sat silent for a moment gathering his thoughts. "Well..." he began. "You cought my eye the very first time I saw you. I remember sitting in the locker room at work and you walked in. You were wearing carpenter jeans and that brown t-shirt of yours that says 'never stop exploring' on the back. I thought to myself 'never stop exploring...hmm...what an awesome concept...' Then you turned around! Your electric-blue eyes pierced two holes straight through my heart. Your face--your smile-- struck me like a wave breaking upon the sand, and it engulfed me, from my toes to my ankles to my hips, all the way up until I was swimming in the in the warmth it created deep inside me...That and you have a freakin' HOT body!" Clay let out a laugh and held out his paw.

"ha ha ha I can't believe you remember all that! I have a hard time remembering my work boots when I leave for work!" Josh said, taking hold of Clay's outstretched paw and squeezing it a little.

"Is that why you were wearing black shoes the other day? I'm surprised noone noticed, well, noone but me that is."

Josh laughed, "yeah, it's actually the second time I did that this month!"

"Ah, yea," Clay sighed.

"You know, it's funny," said Josh after a moment of silence, "I knew you were different than the others at work."

"How so?" Clay asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Well, everyone else seems so self-interested. Noone does anything for anyone else unless there's something to gain from it. I noticed right away that you're always helping others with their work, even if it means cutting in to your sleep. Heck, I don't think I wouldda survived working at the complex if it weren't for you. Actually," Josh chuckled, "I was really hoping you had feelings for me, but I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid you weren't interested and then tell all the others about me."

"I know what you mean," Clay reassured Josh. "up until, well, the day I met you I just figured I'd keep my feelings to myself--don't ask, don't tell, ya know? But then you came along you know how many MONTHS I had this trip planned, but had always chickened out at the last second?!"

"At any rate, I sure am glad you finally did, 'cause I was going through the same stuff in my head about you...I don't know if I ever wouldda got up the balls enough to ask you out!" Josh laughed again and picked up Clay's paw and kissed it. Clay returned the favor and smiled contently.

Up ahead the large neon "Denny's" sign became visible suddenly as Clay steered around a hairpin curve. "We're here" he said as they pulled in to the nerely deserted parking lot.

"I didn't even know there was a Denny's out here!" Josh said as he stepped out of the jeep and stomped his boots off on the ground, shaking the dust off of them.

"Yeah, not many do--we're on the other side of the island. I nevery see anyone here but locals,and they're always really laidback."

"Is it even open?"

"Yup, 24 hours a day! I sometimes come here and order a coffee and a strawberry milkshake when I don't get out from work until late."

Josh nodded, opened the door, and they went inside.

Even though the late-night restaurant was off the beated trail, it was a mirror image of the location on the other side of the island: same waitress booth, same dining room setup, same crazy crap on the walls, only this one had a patio in back that sat overlooking a small bay. There were only three employees working tonight, which was the norm for this time of night, and they quickly took notice of the two as the door shut behind them.

"I saw you drive up, Clay, and I see you brought a friend!" the waitress said as she took out two sets of silveware and started toward the patio. "the usual tonight?

"No thanks, we're gonna get some breakfast. Josh, this is Rose, Rose this is Josh, from work" said Clay as they reached a round table in the corner of the patio, nearest the water.

"It is nice to meet you, Josh," Rose sounded, "Clay always seems so lonely when he comes here--always by himself. Quite frankly, I was beginning to think that he didn't have any friends!"

"Ha. Ha. Thanks for busting my balls, Rose!" said Clay sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Nice to meet you too, Rose," Josh returned.

"So what'll it be, boys?" Rose took the pencil from behind here ear and poised it at her order pad.

"I'm gonna have the 'moons over my hammy' with a coffee, please" Clay ordered first.

"Umm...I'll have to go with..." Josh scanned the menu scratching his ear.

"How 'bout the 'hobo?'" Rose suggested.

Josh looked up at her quizzingly, "the 'hobo?'"

"Yeah," Clay laughed, "it's an island thing. It's Spam, broccoli, culliflower, sliced carrots, and onions ever white rice. It's great! Oh, It's got cheese on it, too."

"Your choice of American, provolone, or swiss," Rose added.

"Ha! Okay, I'll have that...With American cheese, please, and a coffee."

"Alright, I'll be back with your coffee, boys" said Rose as she finished writing, and turned and walked back into the restaurant through the patio's double doors.

Before the doors could stop swinging, they opened again as Rose returned with two hot mugs of coffee on a serving tray. "Here ya are. Your food should be out in about ten minutes."

"thanks, Rose" Clay said, taking his coffee and setting it down in front of him.

"Yeah, thanks," said Josh before taking a sip from his mug. Rose disappeared through the double doors once again.

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the, morning?" Josh asked, looking over the top of his coffee.

"Well, I figured we'll chill here for a bit, eat, then head back to my place and drop the gear off before dropping you back off at your car. If you want you can use my shower when we get back, I've got plenty of towels."

"Yea, I noticed them in your 'walk-in closet.'" Josh chuckled as he took another sip from his mug. "I should probably get all this dust and stuff outta my coat."

"You and me both, dude!" Clay returned, and started sipping on his own coffee--still too hot to drink normally.

It wasn't more than about ten minutes later, as promised, that Rose came back to the patio, each hand carrying a plate of food, steamy and hot from the kitchen.

"Here you boys go, just let me know if you need anything else," said Rose as she set the plates down on the table.

"We're good, thanks" said Clay and with that, Rose spun around and the boys were left alone on the patio once again.

Clay and Josh enjoyed each other's company as they ate. They didn't talk much--each was more concearned with gobbling up their meals, seeing as how neither of them had eaten since yesterday afternoon.

With their tummys full and bill paid, the two set off again into the night. Holding paws, driving down the moon lit road, the Jeep negotiated the winding truns and rumbled up Clay's street, which was out of the village, but not more than four miles from the restaurant.

"Home again, home again," clay sang out as they pulled into his driveway. He turned the engine off, grabbed his backpack, and the two of them headed inside the sleepy house.

"Well, you know where the towels are," Clay told Josh as he plopped on the couch, tossing his backpack in the middle of the room, and untying his boots. "I think you're my size, so go ahead and grab some boxers and pants and a shirt off the pile. I'll throw our dirty clothes in the wash and bring them to work with me tomorrow."

Josh grabbed what he needed and returned to the living room, where Clay was now laying on the couch, his socks and shirt lying on the floor along with his boots. He was staring blankly at the ceiling, his fuzzy chest moving up and down as he breathed.

Josh, with a glimmer in his eye set the clothes and towel he had picked out on the armchair and knelt down at Clay's head and started to paw it gently. Clay smiled and closed his eyes. Josh continued down to his chest, using both paws now to massage Clay's muscular pecs...then to his sexy six pack abs. Clay's smile grew as Josh continued to massage deeply, seemingly able to find and caress every muscle in Clay's torso. Clay reached down and started unbuttoning his pants when Josh noticed a slight bulge between his legs. He helped his pants off around his hips, then down to the ankles and moved his massage lower to Clay's now exposed sheath. Clay murred softly and tilted his head back in exuberance, then opened his eyes, took Josh by the ears and kissed him.

Josh smiled as Clay then stood up, his tip poking out of the top of his long sheath and removed his pants completely.

"You ever done this before?" Clay asked Josh, who was on his knees now.

"This is all kinda new to me, but I think I know what to do," Josh winked and exposed Clay's now fully arroused member. Clay murred louder as Josh muzzled Clay's entire seven inches and began pawing his balls, which were tight with anticipation and pleasure. Clay's penis slid in and out, from the tip of Josh's tongue to deep within his throat, his knot becoming rock-hard and pulsating with the motion.

"How about that shower now?" Clay asked his partner, affectionately playing with his ears as he slipped his head out from Josh's mouth and drew him up off his knees and started undressing him.

"You read my mind, stud," Josh replied, now taking his pants and boxers off and exposing a fully formed sheath of his own.

Josh, now fully undressed, grabbed his change of clothes and towel from the floor and went into the bathroom while Clay ran and grabbed a towel for himself before meeting his buddy, who was already getting the water started. Clay set his towel down on the vanity and continued over to where Josh was bent over the side of the bath tub, his long, bushy tail wagging and raised so that his tight entrance was clearly visible.

"Murr..." Josh's approval was readily apparent as Clay softly massaged his tailhole with one paw while stroking up and down his hip, giving it a good squeeze as his paw moved.

"How's the water?" Clay asked, continuing his massage.

"You tell me," Josh steppped out of the way to let his partner dip his paw in the water rushing down at an angle from the shower head.

"Perfect. Hop in," Clay instructed, but Josh was already in the shower, the wet water sticking to his gray and black coat, running down his back, to his tail and hind legs, to his large feet, and finally down the drain. Clay climbed in, too and shut the shower door, which immediately started to fog up, concealing the two from the bathroom and the rest of the world.

"Close your eyes," said Clay as he grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed a blue line from the top of Josh's head all the way down to his tail. He rubbed and skretched the shampoo into a bubbily lather starting at the top of his head and ears, taking care not to get any of the suds in the wolf's shut eyes. From there he continued down to his broad shoulders, working fur and muscle in a meticulous and rythmic fashion. He then reached around to Josh's chest and underarms, rubbing and kneading slow circles, Josh murring all the while with pleasure.

As Clay moved to the arms, Josh lowered them from the facing tile wall to the front of his body and unsheathed his erection. He started pawing his throbbing member as Clay continued to shampoo his arms, gripping and releasing his muscles from the shoulder all the way down to his lower arms. When he got to the front paws, he removed them from Josh's penis and started rubbing it with one paw, while his other went further down to Josh's balls. "Oh, fuck!" Josh sighed with enjoyment as his partner's paw, lubricated with shampoo suds, slid down from the tip of his head to the base of his knot and back again...up and down, up and down.

"Rinse off so I can get your tail and legs," Clay said, turning his partner around and changing the direction of the shower head so that now it was washing the suds from Josh's upper body. All rinsed off, Clay moved Josh from under the showerhead once again and put some more shampoo on his paws and smeared it from Josh's muscular butt to his hocks. Clay then reached between Josh's legs and pulled his tail underneath, stroking and sudsing it up and fingering his hole at the same time. Josh's murring got louder and longer whenever his partner's finger slipped in and out, in and out. Next, Clay dropped the tail and started working on Josh's legs while licking and muzzling his wet, slippery cock at the same time. After he got done with his partner's feet, being sure to get in between each toe and the pads beneath, he stood up and kissed him, rubbing their cocks together, the showerhead dumping buckets of water over both of their heads, covering every inch of their bodies--from head, to tail, to feet.

"Now it's your turn, buddy," Josh traded places with clay and started pouring the shampoo and rubbing as his mate had done for him.

Both of them now squeaky clean and toweled off, they headed back to the living room, where Clay cleared off the carpet and Josh grabbed an armful of blankets and laid them out in front of the couch. "You ready for this?" Clay asked, kissing and biting Josh's neck a little.

"Mhmm," Josh replied and lied down on the blankets, pawing his still rock-hard boner.

"Turn around," Clay instructed his partner as he got down on his knees. Josh did so, lifting his tail high to expose his tight entrance again, and immediately felt Clay's warm, soft fur on his back, and teeth on his neck, biting in harder than before. Then, with Clay's muzzle still engaged, Josh felt Clay's warm, hard head pushing steadily against his clenched hole. Probing and prodding, Clay waited until he felt his partner relax and his entrance open just enough, before thrusting his strong hips forward even more. Josh let out a slight whimper and his shoulders drew back as Clay entered Josh's tailhole and slid his cock, self-lubricated and pulsating, halfway in.

"You alright?" Clay asked, pausing to allow his mate to respond.

"Mmm...It's okay, I've just never done this before," Josh replied and grabbed Clay's paw with his own and squeezed.

"Me neither, but I've seen a lot of porn!" Clay laughed and returned Josh's squeeze.

Josh swallowed hard and said "I'm good now, but I'm still gonna hold your paw if that's alright."

"Fine by me, buddy," clay said, putting his free paw on Josh's penis and stroking it long and slow.

"MMmmmm..." Josh relaxed his shoulders and Clay resumed, sliding his erection in and out, and then back in again.

Clay continued, slowly pumping at first, his body pulling away, then comming back in to meet Josh's, his mate now murring in concert with Clay's thrusting hips, with the occasional yip as the shepheard picked up speed. Soon Clay's balls were slapping up against Josh's as he pushed his fully formed knot into Josh's tailhole, Josh murring and yipping and Clay growling, both panting more and more as they went. Josh kept a firm grasp on Clay's paw, squeezing and releasing, while Clay took control of Josh's hip with the other. Both were locked in a battle of extacy and pleasureful convulsions, moving as one in passionate embrace.

"I'm gonna cum!" Josh panted loudly and lifted his hips higher, thrusting Clay's cock in fast and deep.

"Me, too," Clay returned, and began thrsting deeper and faster, faster and deeper, holding his orgasm back until he could feel his partner's throbbing, wet cock release his milky spunk.

"AAAAhhhhh, YEAH!!" Josh howled as hot cum exploded from the tip of his penis, shuttering with happiness and satisfaction. Clay's hips pulsed twice more before lunging them forward, climaxing and releasing his load deep, deep inside Josh. "MMMMPPH" Clay grunted, and laid his muzzle on Josh's shoulder, who was now panting softly, and pressed his body to the floor. For a moment, neither of them spoke, still panting, savoring the moment...

"So how was your first time?" Clay asked, rolling to one side, his semi-erect member still inside Josh's tailhole, which was now noticeably stretched, but still tight around the shepheard's insertion

Josh closed his eyes, "MMmmm it was pretty much awesome!" he answered and pulled Clay's arms in around him.

"I thought so, too..." Clay murmured, closing his, and breathing a sigh of comfort and satisfaction.

...They fell asleep there on the floor in front of Clay's couch in each other's peace, and in love.