How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 1

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#1 of How the Bouncer Entertains Himself

A bouncer at a strip club has a rather talented tongue, and likes to use it to mess with problem people.

Commissioned by limemas

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How the Bouncer Entertains Himself

Part 1

For Limemas

by Draconicon

The strip club bounced to the constant beat of the DJ's music, and the dancers marched down the catwalks with all the grace that they were paid to display. Customers that had money to burn were at the front of the catwalks, throwing bills down for the females, hoping for that eye-full of boob or ass or pussy, and they were constantly complaining when the dancers didn't think that their offerings were enough for the goods that they wanted. Of course, it was completely up to the dancers what to show and what to hide, but Karlos was more often on the side of the customers, even if he would have preferred to see something different.

The Komodo Dragon served as one of the bouncers for the strip club, and as a result, he had the chance to watch the dancers more than the 'real' security guys that stayed at the back of the building. If he'd been straight, he would have called it a dream job. As he wasn't, he was actually more effective than a number of his coworkers, since he actually watched the customers.

Not that most of them are going to be a problem, he thought. And if they are...

Well, if they were, then he would step in. The establishment didn't really like it when he was the one to step in and take care of things, but one couldn't argue with the fact that he was very, very good at his job. When Karlos took care of the problem, the person involved wasn't going to be a problem any longer.

Not really a customer, either, but that was neither here nor there.

Karlos leaned back against the wall, keeping to his position halfway between the front door and the tables where the customers sat, the Komodo Dragon flicking his eyes from one table to another. He doubted that many of them had clocked him when they entered the building, considering he was shorter than most of the customers by at least a foot. Being the runt of the litter meant that he didn't stand out most of the time - except as a freak - but it didn't mean that he had any less muscle than the customers. In fact, he had more than most, and his leather jacket and tight pants showed it off quite a bit. Not that any of them saw that, either; they were more focused on the scaly ladies walking down the catwalk and shaking their tits.

Shaking his head, he crossed his arms as he got comfortable. It might just end up being a quiet night. Not that he liked them, but -

A whip-crack of a tail swinging around caught his attention, and the Komodo Dragon immediately pushed through the crowd, making his way to the stripper pole at the end of the right-most catwalk. One of the dancers was being accosted by one of the customers. A rather desperate one, as a matter of fact, throwing several large bills at her feet and standing up to push for something.

He knew the sort. Rich people came to the strip clubs all the time, each one of them hoping to get a dancer that would look at them favorably, hoping to get that fantasy of a hot girl giving them everything, trying to get that prostitute experience without going so far as to hire a call-girl. Karlos saw them every day, and unlike some of the other bouncers, he loved it when they came in.

The way he saw it, someone that wanted to throw money at a girl was already desperate, and desperation meant that he had a good chance of getting what he wanted. This would be no different.

He stepped up behind the trouble-making lion, tapping the big feline on the hip. The white-maned, gold-furred feline turned on his heel, looking above Karlos's head before dropping his gaze down. Karlos smiled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do we have a problem here, sir?"

As the lion sputtered some excuse or other, the frilled lizard female gathered her tips and hustled back down the catwalk. The DJ had stopped playing, and all eyes were on the lion now. The long-time customers were looking at him in blame for ruining the show, and the others that were just here for the night were glaring at him for taking away their chance for a peepshow. It was an effective shaming mechanism, one that the various bouncers were all keen on employing.

Karlos, however, liked to use it for a different reason. He offered an arm, and the lion, likely unconsciously desperate to get out of the embarrassing situation, took it.

"Come with me. Let's talk for a moment."

"But - she's just - I mean, it's not like she's not being compensated, and -"

"Come with me."

The slight tug on the lion's arm was enough to keep him moving, and Karlos was already making rapid judgments. The lion's suit suggested that he had money, and a fair bit of it. Probably why he thought he could just throw cash at the stripper and get her to do what he liked. But that meant that there was some serious fun in the offing.

"First time?" Karlos asked as they walked between the crowded tables.

"I - well, yes. I've never - I haven't had the need -"

"I'm sure."

"It's just - well, you understand. Traveling, and having needs."

"Of course," he said.

"And they - well, it's not like they haven't done it before."

All the things that he expected and hoped for. Someone that had no roots out here, someone that probably had been traveling long enough to get desperate: perfect for his circumstances.

Karlos, for all that he gay and worked for a strip joint that catered to the straight people, still had needs of his own. Most of the time, he indulged those by heading off to one of the other late-night performance avenues when his shift was over. Other times, however...well, opportunity came knocking, and who was he to send it packing?

He took the lion to the VIP room that the club always kept empty for the purposes of getting drunks or agitated customers calmed down before they were booted out. The other members of the security staff watched him go, giving knowing glances toward the lion that the feline missed and a few towards him that warned him against going too far. He just flashed grins back at them. If the boss was ever going to fire him for what he did, well, that would have happened a long time ago.

As they stepped inside the small room with a stripper pole coming down from the ceiling and a padded, rounded half-booth facing the stage and pole, Karlos pushed the lion into place and sat down beside him. He barely came up to the feline's chest, and he chuckled as he looks down and saw that the big guy was sporting at least a semi-erection. He started to reach for it, only to have his hand batted away.

"H-hey, I'm not into that," the lion said.

"Fair enough. What's your name?"


"Oh, I just like to make sure that I don't just keep thinking of you as 'that perv.'"

"I'm not a pervert!" the lion protested.

"You were throwing stuff at that lizard to get her to be a perv for you."


"So, what's your name?"

"Daniel." The lion sighed, leaning forward and - sadly - hiding the sight of his bulge. "My name's Daniel."

"Well, Daniel, you're definitely in a spot of trouble here," Karlos said. "Do you know what the penalty is for harassing a dancer like that?"


Oh, you're making it easier and easier, he thought. The more that he saw, the more that he realized that the lion was out of his depth. This was probably his first time at a strip club at all, not to mention the first time that he had really been in trouble over something. That meant that he didn't know how to handle himself, or stay calm, or have any expectations of what people were allowed to do to him now.

It was sweet. Normally, the bouncers had to play nice with the richie-riches that came through these places. Not him. Not here.

"So, you want to tell me why you thought that you could just do that?"

"I...look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -"

"That's not what I asked," he said, pulling on the lion's shoulder, making him sit up straight again. Yep, persistent boner. Despite the situation, it wasn't going down. Perfect. "Let me guess. Dick-brain?"

"...Kind of."

"You can't stop thinking about how much you need, huh?"

"...Look, I mean...I'm not proud of it, but you know what it's like. We're both guys. We both know what it means when you don't get it for a while. I'm on the road -"

"I get it. I get it."

And it was so much better than that. Desperate already, horny as hell, doing stupid things to try and get better. Oh, this was going to be the easiest prey that he'd had in years.

"Tell you what. I might have something to fix your problem."

"...What are you talking about?"

"There's a few girls here that are willing to make some bucks on the side. Ain't the prettiest, but the way that you're feeling right now, it's not like you can be that picky, right?"

"...Long as it's pussy..."

It wouldn't be, but he didn't have to tell the lion that. And it wasn't as if he would know. Karlos nodded reassuringly anyway.

"Course, course. But the thing is, you'd have to wear a blindfold. They don't want people ratting them out to the cops. You know how it is."

"Oh, yes. Yes, of course."

Karlos barely suppressed a chuckle at the cluelessness pouring off the rich lion. Gold fur, fine suit, white mane: he was the embodiment of the pretty-boy that didn't know how to handle himself, that had gotten everything handed to him in life and was suddenly thrown in the deep end. Oh, the dragon was going to have fun with him. He wondered if he'd even need his special touch for this.

"Here." He reached over the back of the couch, pulling out an older - but still clean - blindfold. "Put this on, and I'll get the girl. You just get your pants off and be ready."

" sure -"

"Long as you got the cash to cover it, we can keep this private. It'll be $50 for a blow, $200 for pussy."


"Too much?" Karlos teased.

"No, not too much."

"Good. Now, just take off your pants, put that on, and I'll go get her. And don't mind me looking; I just gotta make sure that nothing funny happens. You get it?"

"Yeah...gotta take care of things, after all..."

The stripping started, and Karlos had to hide his own fascination for a change. As little as he was interested in female bodies, the lion's masculine one caught his attention immediately. The jacket came off to reveal a nice, slender frame, one barely covered by a white shirt that was already a little sweat-soaked and clinging to flat, hard abs. The fur beneath was slightly matted down by the moisture, but it was well-groomed, and there were two little nipples just barely visible through it. He imagined biting them and making them stand out all the more, and the thought appealed to him.

As Daniel put his suit jacket, tie, and shirt over the back of the couch, he stood up to take off his pants. They hit the floor, revealing a tight pair of white briefs that were already quite tented. Oh, sure, the lion was blushing from getting naked, but there was no hesitation as he reached for the waistband of his briefs. He wanted to get off, and he wasn't going to stop now. Not when the chance to actually cum and get some relief was finally in the offing.

Karlos had to fight himself not to lick his lips when that dick popped out. It was a nice, thick thing, probably about eight inches long and with a heft to it that would have made most of the girls moan if they had a chance to ride it. And if the lion hadn't been a bit of a creep trying to get their attention, too.

Oh, if only you knew...

"So, uh..." Daniel cleared his throat as he sat down. "Are you going to..."

"In a minute. Once you put the blindfold on."

"Oh, uh..."

"That's the rule. You keep that on until she leaves."


"And blowjob or vaginal?"

", eventually, but blowjob first?"

"You got it. You got it."

It was easy enough to pull the charming act. Everyone wanted to believe that they were getting what they asked for, that the world would be nice enough to give it to them. Karlos wasn't even lying; the lion was going to get off, just not the way that he expected.

As soon as the blindfold went on, he could have gone down and started having his fun, but he knew that he had to sell it. He walked to the door and opened and closed it, but never actually left. He just stood on the inside, giving the lion the once-over again. Daniel started to reach up to the blindfold, but stopped himself, muttering to himself to stay calm and who knew what else. It was almost adorable to see someone that desperate that they were willing to do something so stupid.

Once I get started, you're going to learn a whole new meaning to the word 'need'.

The Komodo Dragon licked his lips, his long tongue pushing past his snout and hanging down low for a moment or two, dripping with slime that was just a bit thicker than it should have been. Once he got started, he knew that the slime would start seeping into every part that he licked, every bit of skin that he teased. It would go deep into the lion's nervous system, altering it, tweaking it, making the lion ever more suggestible and - worse - ever needier and more sensitive. He wouldn't be able to stop thinking with his dick, but more than that, he wouldn't be able to get off without more of that same chemical.

Karlos had used that same punishment on other rule-breakers at the club, and while it meant that they never came by for the girls anymore, they did come around for him. Of course, some of them were able to check into rehab and fix themselves, which was a pity, but most of the guys were still coming around every few weeks. They kept trying to hold back, kept thinking that they could quit him.

They couldn't, not without help, but it was cute that they thought they could.

He waited for nearly a minute, then opened and closed the door again. Daniel sat up straight, the Komodo Dragon chuckling.

"Don't worry. She's going to get started in a minute. There's no talking. Just stay where you are, and let her do her work. Until she's done, there's no need for you to move. Got it?"


"Don't worry. She's very good at what she does."

Or rather, he was very good at what he did. He walked around the couch, kneeling between the lion's legs. The feline spread his limbs without being asked, letting that hefty shaft and sac dangle for his viewing pleasure. The fur turned from golden to something closer to white-gold down at the bottom of his balls, and the shaft itself was bobbing up and down, looking for all the world like a metronome that was begging to conduct its own sexual symphony.

Suppressing the urge to chuckle, he stuck out his tongue. The long, slippery thing passed between his lips and over the rest of the shaft, teasing along the underside. Daniel gasped, arching his back and thrusting his hips forward slightly, grinding the long length over his tongue. The slime along the blue appendage started sticking, sinking into the long shaft, and he smiled as the slightly musky smell at the tip got stronger.

Let's see how long it takes to turn you into a good little flesh-toy...

Giving it its first lick, Karlos tasted every bit of old-pre-cum, every bit of dried pleasure that had crusted itself to the flesh and mixed with sweat and more during the last, oh, he'd say twenty-four hours. The lion had clearly gone without a shower that morning, though the taste was hardly foul. The thick taste of masculine meat was a lovely shift from the female sweat-smell that he had been dealing with all night, and he was happy enough to drown in it for the moment.

As he dragged his tongue along the underside of the shaft, pulling it in sweeping motions towards the tip, he could already feel the difference that the poisons in his saliva made. The flesh was throbbing, swelling slightly, and went from a simple pinkish-flesh tone to something deeper, darker. It looked redder, more swollen, and the lion was panting hard right off the bat.


The feline sounded like he was already on the verge, and the scratching sounds of toe-claws digging into the floor and getting all the more enthusiastic told him that his spit was still doing its magic. The combination of his own biology with a little bit of fuckery in genetics meant that his mouth worked some serious magic on any of his partners. They always came back, always hungry for the sensitivity that they were left with.

That long lick climaxed as he flicked his tongue right under the head, making the shaft bob up. Daniel gasped, moaning and whimpering.


Oh, it was almost adorable. He dragged his tongue over the head a few times, not bothering to use his hand. Not just because it might give away that it wasn't a lady down there, but because it was so much more fun to tease it without actually using his fingers. The shaft bobbed slightly from the pressure of his tongue against the tip, moving to the left as he licked it from the right, and then vice versa as he switched sides. The pre-cum flowing from the head was already getting thicker, warmer, the lion getting into it more and more despite everything that he'd said about not being into that sort of thing.

Oh, he would be by the end of this. Karlos would make sure of it.

He loved that puffy red look that the shaft was slowly taking on. Every time that he had his fun with other males, he loved watching as their cocks changed, getting bigger, thicker, more sensitive to everything happening to them. More than once, one of his partners had put their underwear back on only to have to pull it right back off, going home bottomless from just how sensitive their cock had become. He wondered if that would happen to Daniel tonight.

He dragged his tongue back down along the side of the shaft, watching it as it throbbed against his cheek. Down, down, down to the base, and then along the sac. The heavy balls throbbed under his licks, and Daniel whimpered.

"There...just...just a bit...please...there..."

Heh, who was he to deny the lion at least a little pleasure? He lowered his head as the feline scooted forward, letting that hefty pair of balls hang over the edge of the couch. They were so full, so swollen with need, and each lick from him made them swell a little bit further. The fur, already rather drenched, matted more fully to the orbs, making them look smoother than before. He pulled them down with his lips, gumming them gently, and Daniel moaned out loud, his cock jerking upwards and spitting across the room.



"Oh, fuck, I don't know what you're doing, but keep - mmmph!"

Karlos took those balls into his mouth, sucking on them gently and pulling them between his jaws. They rested on his tongue, and he bounced them back and forth in his snout, making sure that they were getting slathered with pleasure and spit from all sides. They were so big, so full, and he could feel them churning against his tongue as he swallowed and sucked around them.

Mmmm, you're going to get off on ball-fondling alone by the end of this.

Just thinking about how helpless the lion would be at the end of all this was doing things for the Komodo Dragon. He thought about how hot it would be to see the lion all but cumming in his pants getting dressed, or having to adjust himself only to cum his brains out just from putting his cock and balls in a different position. The power of his spit, his tongue, his poisons, was vast, and it was so fun to watch someone lose their mind to it.

As he slowly pulled his head back, there was no denying that the lion had already been changed by his mouth. The shaft and sac were visibly larger than they had been, with the cock a full inch longer and an angry crimson color rather than the healthy pink color that it had been. The sac sagged down further, and he doubted that those tight briefs could contain them any longer.

Best of all, they were a mess of spit and slime and pre-cum, and as Daniel's cock oozed all over the place, the lion pushed it down, whimpering at his own touch. Oh, he was close already, and that meant that he was going to be going nuts when he finally did go all the way. Karlos bit off a chuckle, knowing that the depth of his voice would give him away, and he couldn't have that. Not yet.

" close..."

That could mean going all the way with a blowjob, or it could mean taking it to vaginal. Which would be a bit of a problem, considering Karlos didn't have a pussy, but that didn't mean much. He dragged his tongue up that drippy shaft, tasting the fresh pre-cum against the fainter older stuff, and he wiggled his tongue right against that sensitive tip. The urethra opened slightly against his forked tongue, and while he didn't push it in, he did make sure to push some of his poisoned spit into that dripping hole.

"AH! AH!"

Daniel damn near thrust his cock down the Komodo Dragon's throat, and it was only experience and knowing that it was about to happen that kept him from being gagged right then and there. Karlos rolled his head to the side, avoiding the thrusting humps, and bit off another chuckle as he saw and heard the signs of the new sensitivity there.

Good luck pissing without wanting to cum, he thought, smirking to himself. You're going to remember this for the rest of your life...

There were days when he wanted to go further, to take his tongue under someone's tail and show them just how much need their asshole could have. He had done that, and more than once. He had left some of the customers that he brought back here sore, swollen, and puffy between their cheeks, their assholes more sensitive than their cocks, and he was tempted to do that to the lion. It would be hot as hell to turn the spoiled little rich boy into a hot little slut, more of a lioness than a lion, begging for cock the way that any little twink might have done.

But not this time. If he came back - but that was for the future.

Let's get you close...

He licked over either side of that throbbing shaft, teasing it higher, thickening it. It had taken on the appearance of something that had been stuffed into a cock pump for some time, puffy and swollen, but it lacked the wrinkles and utter puffiness that one of those would have. There was still that hardness, the rigidity that was missing in a cock treated to such artificial growth. This...this was still throbbing, needy, musky, itself.

Lick, lap, lick. Each little tease made the lion whimper, the feline shoving a fist over his mouth as he was teased. He kept thrusting every few licks, clearly trying to shove his cock down the Komodo Dragon's throat. He tried to say something, to give commands, but Karlos didn't let him get any out. Every time that the little slut opened his mouth, he licked the tip, or the balls, or somewhere particularly sensitive to make him go back to being quiet.

Soon, the lion was nothing more than a dribbling toy in the palm of his hand, little more than that hyper-sensitive cock. The temptation to take him over the edge was there...

But not yet. First...the reveal.

He pulled his head back, standing up. Probably thinking that he was finally going to get some pussy, the lion spread his legs, panting, showing off his cock all the more.

Instead, Karlos pulled his pants down and kicked them away, revealing a cock nearly as long as the taller lion's shaft. He stood on the couch, one foot on either side of the feline's furred thighs, and tapped his cock against the feline's nose.

"Open your eyes, bitch."

Daniel gasped, his mouth hanging open. He looked up, then down, then -


Karlos shoved his cock right down the lion's muzzle, filling it for one good thrust. He made sure to hold it right to the base, feeling the clenching, glukking, gagging feeling of the lion pushed right to the brink of what he could take. Weak flailing motions almost pushed him back, but not quite. Even then, he only pulled back when he felt the lion sagging back, chuckling as he tapped his cock against the gasping feline's face.

"Do I have your attention?"

"Where...where's -"

"There was no girl."


"That was all me, bitch. And if you want to get off, now, you better listen to me."

"What - you -" Danie blinked, looking down. "What did you do to my dick?!"

"Something that will wear off eventually, with the right help. But if you don't listen to me, I can take it further, and then it won't."

A bit of a lie, there. It would wear off eventually with the right help no matter how much he did it, though it would take longer. That said, nothing wrong with a threat that would get the little bitch to listen, and it seemed to work. The lion hissed and squirmed, but he didn't try and pull away anymore. Good. Gripping Daniel by his mane, he pulled the little slut a bit closer to his cock again.

"You are going to give this all the attention that I ask for. Hell, I'm going to put you on your back and you're going to suck me off while I suck you off."

"But I'm not -"

"Don't care, but you probably will be at least bi by the time that I finish with you."


"Or, you can walk out, too sensitive to touch yourself, too sensitive to put on your pants, and let everyone stare at you as you walk back to the streets completely bottomless." He smirked. "Your choice."


"Tick, tock."

He knew what the decision would be as he stroked his cock. There was never really a chance for anything else. Someone that was this horned up was thinking with their dick, and that dick didn't have any of the prejudices and preconceptions that the person might have had.

So, when Daniel laid down, he was happy to follow him down, but he wasn't surprised. He shoved his cock right down the lion's throat, lodging it in place. There was no sucking, barely any swallowing, but that was enough for him, particularly with that other cock right in his face.


He grabbed it around the base and started bobbing his head. Almost instantly, the feline stiffened up under him, squirming and panting, thrusting his hips and trying to get away and get closer at the same time. So sensitive, so desperate and needy, but Karlos wasn't letting him get away. Smaller size or not, he was stronger than the lion was, and he put that to good use, rolling those sensitive balls around while still pulling on them, and squeezing the base of that cock so tight that it wasn't cumming until he gave it permission.

And it wanted to cum, and badly. He growled under his breath as he bobbed his head, grinding the tip against the roof of his mouth, dominating the sensitive shaft as it disappeared into his mouth again and again. Daniel's lips pulled tight around the base of his own cock, but it was a rather pathetic attempt at a blowjob. No surprise; the lion was probably too focused on what was happening to him to notice anything else going on right then.

Suck, swallow.

Lick, lap.

Suck, swallow.

Every time that he bobbed down to the base, he knew that there'd be more pre-cum for him as he pulled back to the tip, and he savored every dollop of it. Every lick, every saturated suck meant that the shaft was turned more and more into his own personal plaything. And he knew that it would be weeks before any of it wore off.

Up, down, up, down, sucking and swallowing away. He pulled it back into his snout, feeling it throbbing, hearing the lion whimpering under him.

Hmmm... He chuckled, kissing the tip. Fine.

He released his grip on the base, and gave it a firm stroke. That was all it needed to go off.


As Daniel all but roared around his cock, Karlos watched that fat cock spurt and spray all over the floor. The rest of the staff were going to be pissed at the mess, but he just enjoyed the show. The shaft swelled and sprayed all over the place, white lines appearing on purple carpet, and the lion's balls barely shrunk at all. They just kept churning away.

As it finally slowed, turning from rapid-fire pulses to a slow swell and throb, he rolled his hips sideways. The lion gasped as the Komodo Dragon's still-hard cock popped from his mouth, and Karlos shook his head.

"You're not very good at giving blowjobs."


"And you're still needy, aren't you?"

"What...what did you..."

"Heh, now, now. I didn't say I'd answer your questions. Now, here's one for you. Are you going to give me a proper blowjob, now...or do I need to get started rimming you and getting your ass ready for me? Pick quickly. I'm really pent-up, you know..."

The End

Summary: A bouncer at a strip club has a rather talented tongue, and likes to use it to mess with problem people.

Tags: M/M, Orientation Play, Sensitive, Oral, Blowjob, Cock Growth, 69, Strip Club, Komodo Dragon, Size Difference, Lion, Orgasm, Cum, Domination, Musk,