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Job stress affects everyone, and self-care is important! Extreme problems can require extreme measures, but the results speak for themselves.

A little foray into writing a hypno scene and some resulting horniness. Story is very much 18+/NSFW


The door to Lysander's office swung open noiselessly. He prided himself on keeping it well-oiled. Through the door, less than noiselessly, stepped a man with equine features. Not in a poetic sense: he had a lovely palomino coat, a mane of darker hair, and notably, hooves instead of feet, which tapped loudly against the faux-hardwood floor. "Come in." Lysander's voice was as smooth as the door hinges and as polished as the floor.

The man flinched nervously at the sound, his ears briefly pinning back, before stepping further into the office. "Dr. Oikonomou?"

"Call me 'Lysander' please," he smiled in response. "I feel excessive formality interferes with our goals. Have a seat! Please," he paused to glance at his chart, "Jeffrey, tell me what brings you here today."

Jeffrey sank into a large easy chair which, notably, had a gap in the back for his tail to fit through. He cleared his throat, and the sound was similar to a nervous whinny. "Well, you see, I volunteered as a test subject for one of our newest products. Supposed to be a kind of energy and stamina formula, I was told. And, well, it worked, but there were these...side effects. It's been a week now and I'm told they're still working on a cure, but in the meantime I could at least see a therapist as part of my benefits. I just...can't seem to relax."

Lysander nodded. "Understandable. You're both adjusting to a new body and wondering when you'll get the old one back. To say nothing of the probable social difficulties."

Jeffrey leaned forward slightly. "You have no idea. I feel like a freak. Hell, I am one. I mean, people stare at me. And that's just in the laboratory complex! I don't dare set foot outside. I've been holed up in the employee dormitory for days."

"What would you say is actually the hardest part of this for you?"

"These damn hooves!" Jeffrey tapped one on the floor for emphasis. I can't even wear proper shoes, and they're so damn noisy. Even if I could somehow avoid grabbing attention everywhere I go, people can hear me coming from across the building. I might as well have a marching band following me around!"

"Anything else?"

"Well, I keep getting my tail caught on things. It doesn't fit conveniently in my clothes, and sitting down is a chore. Well, usually. Your office is the first place that's actually had a suitable chair that I didn't have to specifically requisition."

"Hmm, I see. All of that certainly does sound difficult." Lysander made a few more notes on his pad. "Let's try a bit of cognitive adjustment." Lysander made a few notes on an old-fashioned notepad with a pencil. "Is there something, anything, about this change that's been positive for you?"

"Positive? Well, I guess my junk is bigger," Jeffrey smiled weakly at his half-joke, "but I don't see that mattering anytime soon. Not like anyone's gonna ask me out. I guess, jokes aside, this body wouldn't be so bad if I'd been born with it. Or if there were more people like me. But there just isn't."

"So the sense that you stand out, that you'd be ostracized, is what bothers you, not so much the change itself?"

"Well...yeah. When I signed up for this I thought it'd be temporary, and kinda fun, you know? Explore being something else for a while. But now I'm scared it's not gonna wear off."

"Perhaps if you felt a bit more in tune with your new, albeit temporary, self, this whole experience might be easier for you?" Lysander ventured.

Jeffrey paused, and nodded hesitantly. "I-I suppose so, yes."

Lysander shifted forward in his own seat. "If I may, I often find hypnotherapy is most useful in these situations. I understand if it sounds extreme, but I promise I'm speaking from experience."

Jeffrey waved a hand impatiently. "Anything! I can't go on like this. I hardly sleep, and when I do, it's mostly on my feet."

Lysander took a tablet from a small table next to him, and made a few adjustments. The lighting in the room dimmed slightly, and the air grew a bit colder. "Best to remove distractions. Now, we need to get you comfortable enough to relax. Just look me in the eyes, keep that eye contact, and focus on my voice. Keep your breathing steady." He pulled his chair a little closer to Jeffrey. A soft spotlight shone from the ceiling, illuminating his features. "Your name is Jeffrey. You are an employee of Seda Labs Incorporated. You work as an electrical technician and occasional study volunteer. Nod if this is correct."

Jeffrey nodded. The spotlight began to change colors gradually, shifting from white to blue to green to red, each change happening slowly.

"You're a palomino stallion with a dark mane and brown eyes. You've been this way for about a week. Nod if this is correct."

Jeffrey's ears twitched, but he nodded.

"Your prior form is unimportant. The future is unimportant. You live in the here and now. You are a horse. You have hooves and a mane and a long nose and a tail. You know this and accept this."

Jeffrey nodded and made a noise that might have been a curious whicker.

"You're content to go about your life, because you're a good horse who doesn't worry about silly things like wearing sneakers or trimming nails. You just want to have someone stroke your nose and offer you snacks."

Jeffrey gave a loud whinny in response. "Y-yeah."

Lysander leaned in a bit closer, keeping eye contact the whole time. His pale blue eyes stared straight into Jeffrey's soul. "You could use an apple slice or two right about now."

Jeffrey nodded enthusiastically.

"You should feel proud of how strong and accomplished you are. How brave you are. When people look at you, they feel admiration and envy."

Another nod, and this time Jeffrey sat up straighter in his chair, all but giving into a subconscious urge to puff out his chest.

"You're going to get up and admire yourself in that full-length mirror there. Really take yourself in and get comfortable with your body. When I return, I'll knock three times, and you'll awake and feel much better about everything." Lysander gradually returned the lighting to normal, then stood and exited the room.

Jeffrey got groggily to his hooves and looked to the mirror on the wall behind him. He stepped closer, and took a good look at his ears, his nose, all the way down to his hooves. He liked what he saw, but there was so much clothing in the way! Fortunately, that was an easy problem to fix.

He was more built than he'd realized. Decently defined pecs and abs, legs that were clearly good for running. And hanging between those legs, a darker sheath above two round, smooth balls. He couldn't possibly be any sexier, could he? He was indeed a very good horse. At that thought, a flash of color: his sheath plumping up and stretching a little as his brightly colored tip emerged. Jeffrey didn't feel embarrassment, only curiosity and a growing excitement. He stamped a hoof on the floor, a snort escaping his nostrils. He reached down subconsciously to feel the velvety skin of his sheath.

Almost immediately, neurons blazed to life, setting fire to his senses. Belatedly, Jeffrey realized it had been more than a week since he'd had any sexual relief. He fondled each of his balls, cupping and tugging at them gently. Again, the response was immediate. His cock, barely halfway into view, lurched and jumped, splattering the mirror messily with hot, thick seed. He felt relief but also a little disappointment. He hadn't even had time to get hard.

That, apparently, was not going to be a problem, as instead of retreating to its resting place, his shaft only continued to drop into view before swinging upward stiffly. As he reached down to brush his fingertips along it, long strings of precum drooled from the head as it flared to its full, impressive size. He took a moment to admire the turgid, mottled appendage as it twitched and shifted, occasionally swinging upward as though trying to reach his belly, seemingly desperate for further release and with a mind of its own. He cupped the end of his cock in one hand, luxuriating in the sticky warmth flowing over his fingers, as his other hand gripped the shaft near the base and slowly slid forward til he reached the medial ring, where he began pumping back and forth, faster and faster, losing himself in the motions.

He felt something stir deep inside him and planted his hooves, bracing himself and pulling his hands away so that his mottled shaft swung freely and tautly, flare pointed at its mirror twin through a glaze of his previous load. He tossed his head back and neighed loudly as contractions that seemed to start in his soul worked their way outward and along his cock, forcing out huge jets that put his previous production to shame. Having thoroughly painted the mirror white, he continued pulsing weakly for some time after, fluids pooling on the floor around his hooves even as his length finally went soft and slowly retreated back into place. He stood there, panting and snorting, until several knocks on the door refocused his attention.

"J-just a moment!" He scrambled to get back into his clothes before searching frantically for a towel or anything similar, but it was no use. He opened the door resignedly. "I g-got carried away," he began, but Lysander cut him off, entering the room followed by custodial staff with a mop, bucket, and a collection of rags.

"It's to be expected. You're a very good horse, clearly. Just remember to eat at least one apple a day, and you shouldn't need to be back here for quite some time."

Jeffrey could only nod blankly as he made his way out the door, but was soon distracted from his shock as he enjoyed the distinctive sound his hooves made against the tile.