The Parasite

, , , , , , , , , -- The Parasite II

So I haven't written anything in forever and a day, so I decided recently to do a small story. Just something I liked that I haven't seen a lot of. This particular one is mostly sexual in nature with minimal lead-in. Various fetishes come into play here, and I think I managed to mark them all in the tags.

As always, this story is intended for those over the age of 18, or the legal age of "parents being unable to sue us because you got caught." in your country........ If you're still reading, happy fapping!

It was a quiet evening in late summer with the air conditioner blowing cool air over the sleeping form of an 13 year old rabbit named John. John was a small boy, standing only three feet tall, not including his long cream-colored ears, and couldn't be called muscular. In fact, he's always been the runt of the litter in every way but one... You see, John had a pretty impressive set of equipment. About nine inches long and two thick at its thickest, and jet black, the same color as lips, though his inner ears were actually a lighter shade of gray.

Now while this cream-colored, well-endowed bun teen lay asleep, sprawled naked with the covers thrown off, a little critter dredged up from some some documentary on bugs nobody can watch all the way through (due to overall ickyness) flew in through the cracked window.

The insect in question was small, about the size of a wasp and with the same body shape, save the fact that it was perfectly clear, and seemed made of glass, filled with an opaque liquid in its swollen backside. Since this story is about John, and not the critter buzzing in through the window, we wouldn't bring this little fellow up if it weren't for the fact that it landed right on the bunnies exposed, slightly musky equipment (after all, the boy was 13 and well aquainted with his anatomy), and in a show of blatant disregard for personal space, or even common courtesy, planted its stinger smack into the base of that package between the shaft and the balls.

Normally, the furry sheath most furres have protecting their nethers would have intercepted such a nasty shock to the system, but for one reason or another, John was circumcised, having the sheath removed from his equipment so it was always exposed, similar to an extinct offshoot of an ape that called itself a 'human', but again that's another story, and a none too pleasant one at that.

So, with his bare equipment having just been stung by some strange little critter, the boy did the only thing that could be expected of him. He sat up with a yelp and clutched his groin. Of course by the time he had finished sitting up in surprise and pain the little bug had buzzed off, sensing its impending death, or possibly just having done what it meant to do.

"FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!" stammered the bunny, tears welling in his eyes.

The sting burned and itched something fierce in a place that would drive anything to tears, and the sensation just spread out through his bloodstream to fill both his impressive set of equipment, and the two heavy tanks nestled in a fuzzy pouch just below it. It throbbed and twitched and peaked a foot in only a few minutes, swelling up with the poison (or so he assumed).

A few minutes passed, the bun doing little more than cursing bugs and everything to do with them and nursing his package, before John noticed that the stings pain was already starting to subside. It wasn't comfortable at all by any means, but the burning itching pain which had spread through every bit of his groin (and oddly nothing else) had been replaced with nothing more than a dull ache that became more pronounced with every throb of his heart. The swelling left him unintentionally erect as well, which intensified his awareness of the throbbing.

"Goddamned bugs..." the boy grumbled, already starting to feel sleepy again.

In a few minutes, the rabbit had fallen asleep again, hsi paws still holding the site of the sting, but this time with a blanket drawn over him to prevent a repeat performance. His dreams were.... in a word, 'fun'. Specifically, they were fun in the way dreams tend to be for hormonal young men, specifically full of hot messy sex the likes of which he had scarcely imagined before that night, which was odd since he didn't have access to the wonders of internet porn sites to learn it from. As a predictable result, by the time the sun rose on a beautiful Saturday morning, the bed was tented with an excited erection that had lasted, for one reason or another, since the previous night nonstop.

Groggy and still tasting the joys of hot, steam-filled dreams, the boy's paws found themselves gripping the shaft of his lapine member, both paws able to wrap around it, though his thumb and forefinger usually met. Not this morning though. This morning, the feel of pressure against his length made the fleeting dregs of dreams vanish without a trace, replaced with a haze of lust he had experienced only leading up to his very first orgasm. Something about the sting last night (which he very colorfully remembered), had caused the sensitivity of his equipment to double, if not triple, and in a very good way.

With a slightly muffled moan his paws began to glide up and down his meat, which remained at a whole 12 inches in length and just over 2.5 in thickness. The increased size didn't do anything to subtract for the experience, as the more cock he had, the more pleasure he had to feel. It didn't take three good pumps for a tablespoon of bunny spunk, unusually clear, but very musky and slimier than usual, to spurt from his shaft. He couldn't stop jerking, couldn't even conceive of stopping the pleasure, and over the course of an eternity packed into a few minutes, emptied 15 more identical spurts to the first all over his belly, his blankets, his legs, his balls, and even his face. He had came a cup first thing in the morning, and more than any load in his life.

His first conscious thought after recovering? More. And just like that, his entire day was planned out. John was a good boy, and his parents left him to his own devices on weekends, and even often went out on Saturdays for the day anyway. This meant that for the next three hours straight, the young bunny emptied load after load, only able to think of how awesome it felt, how he wanted the next one more each time. His eyes were empty of any conscious thought, and he had scarcely moved since that morning when he woke in any way that wasn't masturbation in some way or another.

His blanket was bunched up where he had humped it to orgasm multiple times, his face and fur covered in slimy spunk, and his dick a massive glistening spire of black. With each orgasm, he had swollen bigger, encouraging the effects of the sting. And with each swelling, rather than dulling the sensations or stretching the nerves, only made it that much better, that much more pleasurable.

It was only when his stomach began gnawing at him that he registered another need than to cum, to masturbate, and that's when reason returned to him. He stared at a cock twice as big as it had been that morning in every imaginable way, his balls feeling heavy and full despite their frequent emptying. The veins were visible through black flesh as throbbing purple highways over a glistening spire of obsidian, and he stared in shock for a moment before his belly growled, already pulling inward a little, as though he were starving.

John blinked it away and decided this was definitely bizarre, and that he'd examine it (probably the same way he had been all morning, though he didn't actually admit that to himself), but first he *needed* to eat. So, managing to squeeze on the loosest pants he had (stuffing his throbbing length down one leg nearly knocked him unconscious from the mindbending pleasure), he crept downstairs. Luckily, no one was home, a note on the table declaring that they had taken his sister clothes shopping and to run errands, and that they'd be back in the evening.

Of course, John didn't quite realize that consciously. What john knew was that he had to stop rubbing his dick with his leg before he made an even bigger mess than a trail of thick slime dribbling off of him and staining through his pants from the head of his dick.. Not that he could of course, and by the time he had reached the fridge he was outright squealing in pleasure as he held onto the refrigerator door as he came. His orgasm was more powerful than before, and staring down he could actually watch his cock shift as it grew bigger. Immediately after it ended, his belly rumbled insistently, that much hungrier.

John knew he had to be getting the material for that growth and that cum somewhere, and when he smelled food he realized it was eating away at his reserves of fat and stored energy. He had to eat to feed his lust, and that was all there was to it. When he thought about it that way, his dick throbbed particularly hard, and suddenly the idea of eating turned him on more. It was weird, since he had never been aroused by food, and the food itself didn't really make him horny either. Whatever though. He started small, getting a jug of milk out and going for a box of cereal.

At least that was the plan. In reality as he grabbed the milk, his dick throbbed again, the cock starting to tear the fabric of his pants, and he *knew* he had to drink it, then and there. Twisting the cap off and throwing his head back, the rabbit boy chugged the gallon, the entire gallon, of milk. It had been untouched and the next thing he knew, he felt better, his belly sloshing and the carton empty on the floor, not a drop left in it.

"What the hell?" He asked, never having drank straight from the carton before, and NEVER that much of ANYTHING in a go. "This is just too weird."

Even as he was talking, his belly started to growl again while his balls took the nutrients, swelling visibly, his dick throbbing particularly hard and reducing his pants to nothing but scraps of fabric on one leg, clinging to his ass and his other leg even looser than before. If his family came home then and saw him, they'd probably call the hospital or the police. Or both.

That didn't matter to him right then though. What mattered to him was when his dick got free, the thing bent back and *looked* at him like an eyeless snake. The movement nearly made his legs give out it felt so good, and at the same time, the same pleasurable tension that normally engulfed his cock started seeping further into him,, making him feel warm and good in his belly, even though he was still hungry.

It was only then he got some basic idea of what was happening to him. He tried moving his dick with his paws but not only could he not budge it, he actually felt a very uncomfortable sensation moving through his body like....

Like his cock didn't want him to. That realization, more than anything else made him finally panic. His mind raced, and before the idea of 'call for help' registered, his body gave out on him in pain. It was instant, brief, and full body, knocking him unconscious for a moment. When he woke up, he was sprawled out on the kitchen floor, and his dick had grown again, now as long as he was tall, and even through his fear, confusion and other feelings it was... hot. His dick, moving about like an independant creature, was fucking HOT. He knew it shouldn't be, he knew he normally wouldn't think that. It was then eh realized that the feeling that had pushed into his belly was now at his neck, pushing up further little by little.

He realized that somehow, his cock was going for his brain, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. While he laid there, thinking of the repercussions of that, he finally realized what his dick was actually doing at the moment; It was pushing aside this and that in the fridge, poking at plastic wrap and sealed containers and glass bottles. He felt an alien emotion, centered around his dick (odd as it was to think of it that way, it was no less accurate). His cock was frustrated , and it was hungry.

John's eyes went to the fridge, looking at the head of his shaft, and what it was nosing around. The frustration changed to elation and pleasure before, in the oddest feeling of his life, his urethra stretched open, and started swallowing some wrapped up leftovers he spotted. The feeling of his cock swallowing was.... It could only be described as having the best orgasm of his life, backwards. So dumbfounded at the sensation, John almost didn't notice that when it reached his crotch, his belly swelled out before his nuts grew more, his hunger abating slightly.

That taken care of, his dick turned away from the open fridge, and arced down to 'look' at him. He started to understand then that it wasn't actually looking at him, but was rather examining, ADMIRING, itself through his eyes. He could feel its emotions, and rudimentary needs, but it didnt' seem to actually think. Or if it did, he wasn't privy to the thoughts themselves. He still knew though, that this thing, whatever had happened to his dick, was alive, and it needed him.

The cockhead turned slightly at that thought and spat a glob of slimy pre onto his cheek, the sensation feeling like something between amusement and condescension. Holy shit. It can read my mind. He suspected as much when he had been paralyzed with pain, but this just confirmed it in a way that didn't overwhelm thought. It 'spat' on him again, confirming.

His belly rumbled again, and his cock kept 'looking' at him, and from somewhere he got the idea that it wanted him to feed more. Wait.... 'Feed'? Yes, feed. The odd sensation had reached his brain, and he knew on a level so profound that it was as simple as breathing; he no longer owned his body.

His cock, whatever it had become, could influence his thoughts, could punish him, and could definitely reward him. Now, it may have been that cock parasite, or whatever it was, influencing his thoughts and feelings, or it could have just been resignment, but whatever the case, it didn't seem like a bad thing.

Coming to that conclusion seemed to trigger something in his Cock (yes, Cock, not cock), and in a wave of pleasure, his body rippled a bit, literally rippled, as his Cock took control of functions so natural, living beings don't realize they have control over them. It set his heart rate, it controlled his digestion, it even took ownership of his reflexes. Apparently it had been waiting for him to 'give in' to it before doing so, for whatever reason. Of course, he could still control his body, and even open and closed his paw experimentally a few times just to make sure.

And so, without knowing of anything else to do, John fed. He tried to, as neatly as possible, go through the fridge and open containers, unwrap food, etc. in whatever order seemed 'right'. It felt like he was having the most pleasurable dream of his life as he swallowed food and drink, his cock just rummaging through and devouring whatever it found on lower shelves.

It went on like that, the bunny's belly swelling and his balls growing until they were proportionate to his member, making him almost have to waddle, at which point he still kept feeding as h didn't really have a choice, his belly exploding into hunger pangs (courtesy of his cock keeping him on track) if he stopped eating or looking for food too long. As he ate, his belly growing fatter, he found one paw s5roking hte base of his dick without him consciously telling it to, but it was still him doing it. He just hadn't realized that he was starting to really enjoy all the sensations, the weirdness. In fact, he came to the conclusion that this was pretty damn awesome. His cock agreed with a wave of contentment and pleasure that encouraged him to keep stroking his beast of a length while they emptied the house of food.

It was only after he couldn't' see his balls that he could collapse to the floor, feeling waaaaaay too full. The oddest sensation yet came over him as his belly just... deflated. Hi muscles twitched and spasms, his flesh crawled, and his fur bristled. A few moments later, the muscles in his legs bulged massively before visibly shrinking back to normal appearance, though he could still feel the power. This happened sequentially as the raw material was used to rebuild his body to something his shaft approved of. Visibly, nothing but his equipment had changed. Inside... Inside he was fitter than anyone could ever dream to be, obsolete organs converted into something useful or digested, things realligned and made more efficient... all in the space of about five minutes, during which he thought he was either going to cum, or throw up.

Now, as you might imagine, all of this left John feeling exhausted, and even his cock started to relax, going 'flaccid' though not changing in size at all. '

Sleep. Need sleep.' John thought, staggering almost automatically back to his room, closing the door behind him. In the kitchen... Cum-slime was everywhere, cupboards were empty not only of boxes of food and bags, but cans, whole cans gone. he hadn't realized it, but his dick didn't let anything go to waste. Glass, metal, cardboard, if it could fit, it devoured it, and apparently digested it, and felt awesome doing it. The kitchen was a disaster zone really, but that just didn't seem particularly important to John as he fell asleep.

What did seem frightfully important to him, as he drifted off, was that his parents were coming home in a few hours. And they were bringing his older sister with them.

I hope you all enjoyed it :D I know the transformation wasn't that pronounced, but when/if I get around to writing a sequel he'll start altering physically as well. Also, the next one will almost undoubtedly feature incest, and many of the same fetishes seen here. Also, he may or may not be bisexual, haven't decided yet. If not, the next story will contain TG.

Rate, Comment, and/or Cum!

Chapter 3: A Mother's Love

This has actually been done awhile, but my Loki/Lynn did such a good job on it I couldn't help but horde it for awhile \<3 I hope you all are enjoying this as much as I am, if that's possible. \* \* \* \* \* \* The week had been long and...

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Chapter 2: School Days

This work is purely fantasy, if you'ren ot old enough don't read it, blah blah blah distribution forbidden without permission \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The next morning, that beautiful, busty bunny we all love opened her eyes as the sun...

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Chapter One: A Special Present

NOTE: This story has absolutely nothing to do with the movie Pleasantville or any fiction of similar naming. Chapter One: A Special Present By my genderbending daughter, Lynn (AKA Loki) who has so kindly made a story for me which according to...

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