Siriel's Exile to Wonderland Chapter I

Story by MoonScythe on SoFurry

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Alright, here is the first chapter of the series that I started about a guy named Siriel. Please, any feedback would be great. PM it to me by all means. Next on a note, if you are under 18 don't read this, please. I know I cannot turn you away if you are going to read it anyway, but seriously... Finally, I am S.L. Proxy. Don't ask me to explain it, it is just a pen name.

Siriel's Exile to Wonderland

Chapter I

by S.L. Proxy

Let me start by putting several cards on the table. My name is Siriel, and I'm a human who was thrust into an Earth-like world overrun with animals. Sounds like a normal world, doesn't it? That's where you would be direly mistaken. I use the term 'animal' very loosely in this case, since that's what the people of this world really seem to be. As it turns out, this place is just a dimension parallel to my home dimension where I lived on Earth.

So basically, I'm living on a version of Earth where magic was allowed to develop and thrive, which ended up resulting in the animal population being wiped out for the most part, and humans to go nearly extinct. What came of this were magic experiments where all of the animal species of the world were made to have sentience and a humanoid form. There were only five humans in this world before I arrived, and I'm the youngest of the lot at twenty five. I haven't actually met any of these humans, but I do know one thing about them. They're hermits and extremely powerful mages with knowledge of forbidden magic.

Now I bet you're wondering how I came across a dimensional rift to my new home. Well, I don't really like to talk about my past so I'm not going to let you in on that. Quite frankly, I don't count anything before the day I woke up in this world as part of my life. All you need to know is that I was saved by someone in this world as a merciful twist of fate. To this day I still thank the wolf that saved me. My life started with a wonderful jump into society.

I was not well liked by the first town I visited, but I met a beautiful snow leopardess, Selina, who vowed to spend the rest of her life with me. We moved away from the hostile Gilded City, and to a metropolis known as Ether City. In this place, we had five beautiful children, four boys and one girl, and I learned the basics of magic. Since they met the half human requirement to learn magic in the city, my children and I all attended school together to learn magic. Time flew by as they learned their basic academics, and magic at Ether Academy. It felt like yesterday that they graduated with me from Ether Academy, and they already seem as old as I am.

Shortly after all of our children graduated, Selina died. Animals on this world don't live very long at all, usually about fifteen or so years. However, those who have human genes in their magically warped bodies live far longer and are separated into castes of their own in society. The Nobles as they are called, are the ruling class of society. These animals have magically enhanced themselves, while simultaneously mixing human genes into their pool bringing them lives longer than even humans. The Nobles are also the most magically adept, since they have the time to study the basics and more advanced magic.

The middle caste are the hybrids. Most of the time you won't be able to tell that a person is a hybrid, unless they are more than three quarters human. These animals live longer than normal animals, but have shorter life spans than humans. This was the caste my children fell into, though two of my children were actually mated to Nobles, possibly due to my status in Ether City, since my family actually interacted with Nobles. As a human, I was treated almost like a king in Ether City. I didn't think I was all that special, just another fallible human being with ten faults for every perk. Despite this, my children were given good lives due to my status.

I am always impressed with how little this world is connected to itself, especially for the magic and technological development they have. They had developed hydro power, and mastered containing magic as a power source. Depending on what caste a person is in really tells whether they depend on technology or magic. The higher castes are taught magic and only use technology as a backup, while people in the lower caste of society depend on technology. For instance, my house has an electrical connection to the hydro plant in ether city, but it's typically powered by a lightning stone, which will probably last thousands of years, unless someone dispels it.

The communication in this world is only as fast as a person can deliver a message. Avians tend to be the messengers of the world, carrying letters or messages from city to city. I'm not sure if teleporting was banned, and I am not sure why they haven't developed phone communication; travelers spreading rumors and letters were really the only communication from city to city. I'm bound to be known in every city, and I'm certain they'll all treat me differently. It really differs from person to person, some still holding ancient prejudice, but since the generation changes about every fifteen years, I'm sure the views on humans will change widely. For the most part the Nobles want to preserve humans, and since that's the case that's the law.

For the most part each city is its own state, while the smaller villages were simply nomadic and hunted as they needed. This is where it becomes important to point out the animals that were not wiped out. Fish of most species, cows, buffalo, mammoths, deer, elk, chickens, turkeys, and things that humans typically consume were not completely destroyed, probably in the interest of preserving humankind at the time. As the animal civilization grew they also grew dependent on the hunting of these animals, since there were still human-like versions of every animal on the planet, and they did not want to become considered cannibals for eating another humanoid.

I love this world, despite the depression I just came out of, and I decided to try my hand at adventuring. My daughter, Serena, decided to go adventuring and every now and again I hear tales of a beautiful snow leopardess doing dangerous things to get powerful human artifacts, or simply to get gold from dungeons from golden ages. Following in the footsteps of my daughter, I decided to make something of my life and try to change the world, something I probably never would've done back on Earth.

So this is where my story continues, having been uprooted after my lovely Selina died, I couldn't simply stay in one place. I decided it was time to do something. One day, while I was sitting in a bar, I heard a story of a witch tormenting a village to the north. It was a rather vague story, but I decided this was as good a place as any to start my adventure and to take a bad person out of the world. I'd studied the basics of magic, and when the wolf saved me... I was given a lot of knowledge to survive in this world, and many advanced spells that didn't exist in the archives of Ether City.

I figured if a hybrid was using her magic for tormenting people then she might as well learn what real magic can do. Rumor had it that this woman was actually a human, but the story always changed. Some people said it was a Noble, some a hybrid, others that she was human... The only consistent thing was that she was a female and a mage. It made me wonder if anyone had gotten a good look at the lady.

So I set out, packing what I thought was necessary in the bag I received from the wolfess in the hut, my first encounter in this world.Since I had become accustomed to wearing a kimono with a hakama, as my lover seemed to favor, I packed one extra kimono and hakama in the bag, but seven sets of underclothes, several days worth of buffalo jerky, and two flasks of water. I also had my spell book, which was always good for practicing the ancient words. I was different than other mages since I tried to combine spells and make new ones, which I hear is incredibly dangerous.

I swear the bag was like a military duffel bag, but made of leather, rather than the green synthetic material. My lover had crafted me a beautiful staff out of oak and I had taken it with me on the road to defend myself. I had always been in decent shape, but Selina had insisted that I get into what she called survival shape. I of course trained with her and no matter how strong I got, she was always one step ahead of me. I didn't mind this, because I was a mage more than a fighter, but I never gave up on my training, always keeping my body in fighting condition.

I had come up with this brilliant idea of a watch, yes stolen from home, but it was a great advancement on this world, at least in Ether City. As soon as I suggested it to keep time and make appointments and such, it immediately sold. I carried a pocket watch with me whenever I wandered around, and though it was powered with magic, it kept accurate time. I didn't care to explain for Daylight Savings Time and such. Merely dividing the days into twenty four hours, sixty minutes, and sixty seconds. Leave it to the Nobles to figure out all of the details and relate it to the rotation of the plant and its course around the sun.

Not to brag, but I could easily run ten miles with my bag on my back in just short of fifty minutes. I was at the limits of my physical training, as I had tried to improve my times, only getting a second or two anymore. Secondly, it was easy for my to do two hundred push-ups in two minutes, with my bag on my back. I never really tried to marathon out pushups, but I know I can do a lot more than two hundred. I never really cared for situps, finding other exercises to work my abs. I could've made millions selling the stretches and exercises I'd learned in high school to the Nobles.

The planet was beautiful, and the air and water were clean. I had no quarrels dipping my hands into a river to get a drink of water and the air was far more crisp than back home. Though the woods and sky seemed to be exactly the same, save the presence of animals, it felt a lot different. I was always happy to be outside, and since there were no electronics on the world... I really had nothing better to do than go out and hike. I set forth on my journey, taking a rather relaxed pace, following a trade road toward the north.

One thing I miss about my home world is the ambient noise on the road. I swear, the sound of insects buzzing around gets annoying, and there are hardly ever birds singing, unless they're on the road to make money, which does happen relatively frequently. However, since winter was setting in, the roads were becoming more sparse. Some animals still had the urge to hibernate, and those who normally migrated stuck to the heat of the cities, unless they were part of a nomadic village.

I walked along the path, alone in my travels, searching for the large city of Ether Prime. Apparently, Ether Prime is the headquarters of all things magic. I figured I would be able to gather information there on this witch, and at the very least pick up a few spells from their archives to fight her, just in case. With my knowledge of advanced spells, I was a walking army, but I can only talk and accurately gesture so fast. Not to mention spells that cover an area of greater than a hundred square feet are illegal. Quite frankly, it's effective to say the same word over and over again, but it's annoying, and very informal. Mage duels are supposed to have finesse, but when it comes down to it if you can say the words and draw the rune for lightning in the air faster than anyone else you will win.

I'm very good at casting lightning and I keep several strips of paper with the rune already inscribed so I don't have to draw it before casting the spell. Of course, with my ingenuity in magic, I decided to make a more viscous lightning spell that combines chain lightning, and ball lightning into one spell. It covers a thirty by thirty foot area, just to make sure that I don't break the law. I have mastered this technique, but only my wife has seen me use it. Though all of Ether City heard and felt the shock wave it made.

I thought a lot about Selina, and slowly let her go as she had asked of me. She wanted me to find a new mate one day, but there will always be a hole in my heart for Selina. She was my first kiss, my first lover, the first girl I had ever been truly attached to and I missed her. Yes, I was over my depression, but it still hurt to think about her dying. Anymore, I thought of the happy times and the wonderful lover she had been. She and I had experimented many different ways of making love, and we definitely grew experienced to each others bodies and what worked best.

As I walked, I heard the rolling of a wagon, and the clopping of horses as I wandered up the road. The wagon in question came into view after a short time and I immediately recognized the driver. It was one of my sons. It had been about a year since I'd seen him and he smiled as he looked to me. He stopped the cart, his equine workers greeting me as I approached. The workers set the cart down and my son, and his lover hopped off the cart to greet me.

"Father! How are you doing. It's been a long time," Allen said smiling and hugging me, a slight purr rumbling through him.

"I am doing alright, Al. How are things going for your business, and your lovely mate?" I asked smiling as she grew timid, despite walking over to me and licking my cheek.

I gave Rory a hug and released her, while Allen's two equine workers decided to simply go off to the side and take a break, reaching into the back of the cart to get some food and water. Horses tended to be vegetarian, and these two seemed to be no exception. I was glad to see that my son was becoming so successful. Allen and Rory led me over to the cart and used some magic to make a little tent so we could sit and talk.

Rory and Allen sat next to each other and I sat across from them, dropping my bag, happy to be out of the cold. It seemed the two of them also continued to hold Ether City's clothing tradition, wearing kimonos just like me, though Allen's was black and Rory's was a lovely shade of lavender. I knew how tight their relationship was; Rory had mated Allen for life, and since she was a Noble she would far outlive him.

"So, father, how's mother doing?" Allen asked, smiling while Rory poured the tea.

"Selina, died a short time ago, God rest her soul," I replied softly, not liking to speak those words, and Rory practically froze as I spoke, almost spilling the tea she was pouring.

"I am so sorry," Rory, said softly, setting the teapot down, and Allen looked a little shocked.

"How old was mom?" Allen asked, his tail swishing nervously and whapping against his chair.

"She was fifteen going on sixteen. You have to keep in mind your mother was a snow leopardess to the core," I explained taking the cup of tea, so as to keep the situation from getting awkward, "I fell in love with her the moment I got here and well, we settled down."

After a while the tension let up, Rory seeming to nudge more against Allen as time passed as if to get moving again soon. She seemed restless for some reason, though she was genuinely happy to see me. I was probably just oblivious to something, since my human senses are just that, only human. It seemed Allen had started his guild idea and got it up and working. There was no way he could fail... he had a near endless source of money, thanks to his wife, who was probably the most responsible person I'd ever met.

"I meant to return home to give you two some gifts, but alas, it seems that you are going to be heading north," Allen said sipping on some tea.

"I'm going to take on a witch up there. Magic isn't meant to be used to torment people. Though it can be a weapon, it's meant to be a shield, not an iron maiden," I said leaning back in my chair, noting how much Rory was watching me, "Do you two need to get going? Have you an appointment?"

"What? No. We're just traveling on the road right now. Like I said, we were coming to find you and mom," Allen said looking to Rory, "Oh dear..."

Allen seemed to notice something I didn't as he looked to Rory. She was blushing deeply, and her tail switched about through the back of the chair. Slowly, I started to note what might be happening, picking up a slight scent. Perhaps Allen had just grown accustomed to it, traveling next to her, but I could now tell that she was in heat. It seemed to be a little out of season to me, but then again... the Nobles had their own genes... so I wasn't certain how that worked. Rory, started wriggling nervously in her chair, definitely embarrassed.

"I can go, Al. I don't want to interrupt you," I said meaning to tease my son, but his wife was the one who reacted.

"Siriel! Don't tease us. You have no idea what it is like to be in heat!" Rory barked.

"Rory. Dear, I thought we discussed this. We have to wait a couple more years," Allen said looking down.

I had no earthly idea what was wrong with Allen. That was a terrible way to go about it, leaving his mate in torture. She wasn't going to leave him, but she was going to hurt him if he didn't satisfy her soon. By the looks of things she had gone up and down several times and this one was probably the worst so far. Rory had never snapped at me before, and I thought I had simply made a joke. However, it seemed that she was in pain.

"Al, take your mate and go give her what she needs. Don't torture her like this. You will regret it later. I do not know how many cycles you have skipped, but there are treatments available if you do not want to have cubs. Hell, I can even help you out for today, if you want," I said laughing a little, amused by the situation.

Rory gave me a vicious glance and Allen dropped his head with a sigh. She was very protective of Allen, and I swear she changed from a coyote to a wolf if people were mean to him. Despite that I drew a rune on the table and said a reverse rune changing the contents of the teapot to a different kind of tea. It was fairly simple and it would work for a day. The world had done a lot as far as herbal remedies, and magically enhancing them was easy enough.

"Father, this is rather awkward," Allen said looking up to me with a sheepish look.

"Drink a cup of that tea, boy. Trust me... you won't get your lovely mate prego and she will get knocked right out of her heat if you can perform the task," I said laughing a little while Rory continued to glare at me with the sharpness of a scalpel.

Rory was very loyal to Allen, and she wanted to please him no matter what it took. She had fallen for him completely when she did, and this made their relationship strong. Allen was a little slow when it came to feelings, but one couldn't blame him... he was only half human, unlike the Noble Rory. However, he did not have eyes on any other girls. I remember talking to him about the subject when he was young saying that he was actually very nervous around girls and quite frankly he was lucky to have met Rory.

Allen slowly reached for the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, hesitantly drinking it. He nearly spit it out when he tasted it and I laughed. That tea did taste horrible, but it did its job. I encouraged Allen to drink it and he sighed trying to gulp a cup down. It was a difficult feat to perform with a muzzle, but he managed it relatively well. I rose and bowed to my son and his mate.

"There you are Rory. I am sure you will be a little happier next time we meet, you will probably even thank me," I said laughing a little more.

I may have been far too easily amused by the situation, but I couldn't help but laugh. It was a nice change of pace coming off of a depression. My son was growing up fast and was succeeding in life. I decided it was time to take my leave and I gathered up my bag to do so. I heard some whispering and shuffling behind me as I moved to exit the tent and before I could do so, Rory took my hand in her paw.

"Sorry, Siriel... I am so sorry. I did not mean to get snappy. I'm just really emotional when I'm in heat," Rory said softly, licking my cheek.

"Don't worry about it. I may not have ever been in heat, but I did have a lover that had her cycles. I was just quick to sate them," I said noting Allen coming up behind her with a small box in his hand.

"I managed to get my hands on a pretty valuable treasure, and I meant to give it to you and mother. However, I suppose I'll just give it to you now, father," Allen said and he opened the box, revealing a small dagger made of obsidian.

I could feel the power coming from the dagger after he opened the box and I looked the blade over, seeing that it had been fashioned with magic, matching a normal blade rather than being chipped into sharpness. The handle was made of ivory and there was a piece of jet in the back of the handle, along with two ruby studs running through the blade to bind it to the handle. There was no hand guard and it looked like some sort of ceremonial knife. I reached out to take the knife into my hand to better observe it and Allen smiled.

"Serena brought the knife to me and sold it to me. She imbued it with a message for you, not giving me any details, but telling me that the knife was incredibly valuable. I took her word on it and bought it from her. She told me to give it to you and mom as a gift," Allen said smiling as I took the knife into my hand. Immediately the message started directly into my head and I listened closely.

"Siri! It has been a long time since I have been able to contact you, about a year now, right? I hope everything is alright, and I am sorry that mom passed away. I have something I need you to do for me, I thought I could handle it on my own, but I was wrong. I would like you to meet me in Ether Prime at the Silver Snow Shoe Hotel. It is really easy to find, just ask a guard, or a resident of the town.

Let's see... what else was I going to say? Oh yeah! The knife that I am imbuing this message into. It has some interesting properties that I thought might be able to help you. The blade nullifies the magic of anyone whose blood is in contact with it. Also each of the rubies can hold a spell, though I am pretty sure they are already occupied. Unfortunately, I don't have the advanced knowledge to dispel parts of an object, else I would have cleared it out for you. Lastly the jet on the back can be charged with pure magic and then if you stab a person with it, the energy will erupt through their body, basically incinerating them. I have learned a lot about the darker civilizations and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on one of my quests.

Well, Siri, I look forward to seeing you in Ether Prime. I will be there for a month, since I am taking a nice vacation and enjoying the snow. I love you lots. I can't wait to see you again!" I heard Serena's voice in my mind and she seemed really happy.

"Now for something actually from me. I have a leather sheath that will keep that dagger from putting off its power signature. I know there is something powerful in that knife, but I don't know exactly what it is. You should get it analyzed when you get to Ether Prime," Allen said handing me the sheath and I slipped the dagger into it, instantly masking the power of the dagger.

"Thanks son. I am glad that you are doing well. I hope to see you prosper even more in the future, and I am sure we will meet again. However, I must take my leave, your mate is getting anxious," I said smiling to Rory and then looking back to Allen.

I was pleased with the surprise of seeing my son again, and I continued on my path after saying goodbye. It was good to know that I was at least on the right path for Ether Prime, and I was excited to see my daughter again. She was my best friend. Serena and I had grown closer than any of my other children and she had been mostly solitary when she was growing up. She told me everything, sometimes things I did not want to particularly want to know about, such as how she felt in heat and what she did to sate it since there were no boys around that were good enough for her.

Serena never seemed interested in any of the boys at school, and I wondered if she had found a mate in her adventuring. She had been abroad, and surely she had found someone good enough to at least talk to and get to know. Though, I was not sure since her letters home were usually just about her adventures and how she had gotten the coolest artifact, or so much money. She never really mentioned her party, but she did refer to 'them' a lot. She never said where she was going, or where she had been just the general direction and she had been in every direction at least three times.

I knew I was going to have to camp out a few days along the way, but I planned on reaching Ether Prime by the end of the week. I began to wonder if I should have brought a bicycle as I walked, getting board simply walking with no one to talk to. I had nothing to really keep me entertained, but I kept up a good pace until night fell. Once the sun had set I moved off to the side of the road and used magic to set up a camp for myself. I knew I had to rest eventually and it was bad for my health to stay out in this cold for too long.

It wasn't difficult to craft a house out of the earth using magic, the hard part was making sure it wouldn't collapse on me while I slept. I decided to use a tree for support and angled several branches up to make a small tent. Though I had no fabric to stretch over the branches, the earth complied with my magic command and the clay bound the branches together. I started a small fire and contained it at the mouth of my little shelter.

The shelter was certainly warm and I was out like a rock shortly after eating one of my jerky rations. My dreams were strange, and I could swear something was wrong as I dreamed of wearing something soft. I was warm and I could swear I was laying on a beach, but for some reason I was wearing a fur robe. It was a weird dream, and other than tanning on a beach my dreams were bare. Now I bet you are wondering what the importance of me telling you about that dream was...

I woke with a start and found my self half naked, my kimono draped over me and someone else, a furry body pressed up to mine. Whoever this person was, I had my arms around them and I felt a little strange. I slowly released the animal laying with me and tried to draw back. They had really soft fur and they had a rather warm body. The fire had not gone out, luckily enough, and it was still warm in the small shelter.

It was too dark for me to be able to tell what kind of animal had decided to sleep with me, and I hardly had any room to sit up. I sighed, not wanting to wake the animal, but that seemed like it wasn't going to be possible. The fire shed a little light into the shelter, but it wasn't a lot. However, to my luck, or lack thereof I realized what was with me. It was a white mouse.

She had large round ears and her nose wrinkled as I drew further back. I say 'she' because she wasn't wearing any clothing and definitely had breasts. Judging by the fact she had only one pair, I assumed that she was a hybrid or a Noble, though I doubted that a Noble would crawl into an earth hut to sleep with someone they did not know. The logic of a half sleeping man is ridiculous. No one would just crawl into a hut and sleep with a stranger.

The mousette chattered a little, sounding distressed and I laid back down deciding to entertain the thought as a cold breeze blew into my shelter. She placed a slim arm over me and tugged herself against me. I wondered if she was asleep or not, but my answer was given when she opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. I saw the heat rise up in her cheeks and she stared at me for a moment, frozen.

"Good morning, mousie," I said smiling to her.

"I'm sorry... I just... I just needed a place to sleep," she said rising to a sitting position and moving back.

The mousette was clearly nervous, her tail curling around her form as she chattered, making a nervous sound. I sighed, and reached out to comfort her, placing a hand on her head and stroking her ear gently. I was not about to reprimand her for needing a place to sleep, but she did steal my kimono. Unless I had given it to her while I was sleeping. Who know what sort of stupid things I may have said or done when I was asleep?

"Well, if you give me back my kimono, we won't have any problems here," I said softly, and she nodded blushing deeply, still chattering, though a little less now.

"You said you didn't mind if I slept next to you," the mousette said softly.

"Well that is probably true, and I do not in fact mind that you slept with me. However, you should be careful. I might say and do stupid things when I am asleep. I did have a mate at one point and I'm told that I fondled her quite frequently in my sleep," I teased, though I was serious.

The mousette laughed a little, seeming to calm down and I smiled to her. I had no idea why she did not have any clothing. Perhaps she was too poor? Perhaps she didn't like clothes? I was not sure what it was, but it really didn't matter. She sat cross-legged and rested her hands in her lap, not caring if I saw her chest, though she did hide her womanhood. As I sat up I blushed a little, feeling the hardness between my legs.

"Excuse me ma'am," I said softly moving to rise and step out of the shelter and out into the cold.

The mousette stopped me, taking my wrist in her delicate hand and looked up to me with needy eyes. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I stopped and met her gaze, dropping back down to take a seat next to her. The mousette slipped into my lap and draped her arms over my shoulder, pressing her nose to mine, her tail curling against my legs. I was rather curious of her behavior, since I was a complete stranger to her, and she did not have the smell of heat.

"I can take care of that for you, Mister. You did save me from the cold after all," the mousette whispered gently.

I was not certain how old this lady was, but she was short, maybe four and a half feet at most; I would probably wager her to be closer to four feet in height. She was a petite woman, small all around, though her body was proportioned perfectly for her size. She had breasts that suited her, though my hands were probably a little big for them and she had slender curves, making her rather sexy. She had beautiful green eyes, white fur, and shoulder length, white hair. Since she climbed into my lap I noticed that she was very light, and I felt like I could easily break her.

"Well, mousie, I don't know if I'd like you to do that," I said giving a sheepish laugh.

"Well, then let's find out," she whispered into my ear, licking into it a little, drawing a shiver from me while her small hands slipped down under my hakama.

The mousette was probably surprised to find my juban as well as my boxer shorts, but it didn't stop her from fondling my manhood through my clothing. Whoever this woman was, she was very good with her paws. I couldn't help but tense up as she rubbed over my crotch and I leaned back against the tree pulling away from her a little while she pressed her chest up against mine, peering into my eyes with a cute expression. Something about this felt so wrong, but my body certainly did want it, having been denied sexual release for nearly a year now.

"Ah... stop that... mousie..." I said, unsure of what to call her, since I did not know her name.

"But you're getting so hard for me," she whispered, getting a devious grin on her face as she rubbed her chest against mine.

Though I told her to stop, one hand dropped down and took her hand, simply holding it against my crotch. I did not let her move her hand anymore, but at the same time I did not force her away. She drew her muzzle away from my ear and rested her head on my shoulder, looking down at my crotch and she took my free hand in her other paw, bringing it to her chest and inviting me to fondle her. She pressed her chest into my hand, revealing how soft and supple her breasts were.

"I am safe right now... so please... let me repay your kindness in full," she whispered into my ear seductively, my hand glued to her chest as she started to move her hand against my crotch again.

I did not stop her... and I felt really guilty for it. I found my hand betraying what my mind wanted and caressing the beautiful mousette's chest, drawing soft moans from her. She was sensitive, and her nipples perked up with the smallest amount of rubbing against her breasts. Slowly, she shifted, encouraging my descent from the tree and laying me to my back. This was something I found strange, since Selina had told me that most animals did not change positions during sex. I didn't think for a second that this mousette was anything less than a human hybrid.

The mousette had successfully laid me to my back and climbed over me. She removed the top part of my juban with such grace that it seemed natural. I did not resist her in the least, finding the way she rubbed against me all to pleasurable. She rested on her arms on my chest, my own arms slipping around her back and stroking her silky fur gently. I felt her hot breath splay against my chest and I noticed the white ribbon on the end of her tail. The mousette leaned up to lick against my collarbone and I shivered with the affection, clutching her against me and making her squeak a little with my strength.

I felt my stiff rod prodding at her stomach as she lay on my chest, and she smirked as I blushed. She was certainly an aggressive woman and that is something I had always liked in women, even before coming to this world, not that I ever had sex before Selina. The mousette slid down over my chest and between my legs, my hands rising to pet over her ears, making her close her eyes for a moment before she tugged down on my hakama and juban, pulling my garments down to my knees, then slipped her paw into my boxers to grasp my cock in her soft paw.

"I expected you to be big, but not like this," she said with a little shock and she climbed up over me after stroking me several times.

If I had a metaphorical deck for my morals, I just shuffled my deck and drew a new hand. I was playing her game and she had me on the defensive. The gorgeous mousette knew how to work me quite well, seductively arching her body against mine and lapping at my neck, even nipping my collar a little. I did not know where this dreamy woman came from, but it was like she knew everything to make me feel good, lapping right where it made my body quiver, nipping those little sweet spots that made me moan. She even rubbed her chest against me in a way that made me squeeze her for more.

I groaned a little more as she worked her soft paw over my flesh and she slid back down between my legs to pull my boxer shorts down. I could not help but admire this woman as she seductively stroked my manhood and slowly brought her muzzle down to lap at it making me shiver. I placed my hands back on her head and crushed against her ears a little and she just smiled to me, leaning forward and rubbing her breasts against my hardened love tool.

"Let me make you feel good," the mousette whispered to me rising back over me, sliding her breasts up over my chest as she came to rest her paws on either side of my neck, peering down at me.

"You have already done a might fine job of that, mousie," I said softly, as she pressed her muzzle to my lips for a brief moment before drawing back and lapping at my neck once more.

I hadn't gotten a clear look at her womanhood, but I was fairly certain that it wasn't much different than what I was used to. I was just swimming in arousal and she was filling the libido tank to overflow. It was time to play a new moral card and as she looked down to my cock, then back to me I simply nodded and she squeaked with glee. No words could describe the feeling she created when her hot slit caressed my solid manhood.

This was a feeling much different than I was used to, this mousette already dousing me with her wetness. Maybe I had simply ignored it, but it seemed like she had simply opened a floodgate as she ground her hips against me. She let out high pitched moans of approval as she prepared to take me, and I could not help but grasp her hips and encourage her to continue. It had been so long... and I felt like I was in heaven.

No, that is a lie... I wasn't in heaven yet. I guided her hips and as my hard manhood penetrated her hot slit... that was heaven. I was wrapped up in a blanket of pure pleasure, and she moaned out over me, slowly lowering herself onto my rod. She was almost too tight for me to enter, but her body adjusted slowly and slurped my rod, making me moan with each gripping ripple her hot walls performed. I arched my back up as she moaned, her breathing growing heavy as she took me.

The mousette was taking deep breaths once she finally situated herself over me, having been unable to take my entire length, my body meeting a resistance I wasn't meant to penetrate. The gorgeous mousette lowered her chest and pressed it to mine, liking across my shoulder and I slipped my hands up from her hips to her lower back, gently massaging against her. It seemed she needed to stop a moment for her body to get used to my larger one. I was willing to wait, already feeling that if she moved I would explode, her hot walls seemingly gripping and rippling over me, despite the lack of movement.

After a moment of lapping at my chest and my massaging over her back she brought her delicate paws to my shoulders and raised her hips a little and lowered them back in a slow, smooth motion. I groaned in absolute pleasure as she moved, feeling her tail stroking my balls. I slid my hands up her chest and started massaging her breasts and she leaned down into my hands picking up the pace of her riding. She moaned with each squeeze to her chest, only to be cut off by a louder one when she slammed my length inside of her body. I would swear she was trying to make me break through her cervix, but that was not going to happen. It did not feel particularly good to me, and I could tell by her disgruntled look that it really didn't feel good for her.

"Calm down, mousie... calm down. You are going to hurt yourself, or me, doing that," I said, noting the displeasure in her voice.

I corrected her, lifting my legs a little to support her some, to keep her from crushing the head of my cock. I really didn't like that... Quite frankly, it is something you will regret feeling if it ever happens to you. It only took a few thrusts like this, resisting the urge to slam my cock into her, to make her moan with deep pleasure. She was about to orgasm. I could tell because her already tight walls were starting to clamp even harder, almost uncomfortably so.

The mousette shifted her weight over me and fell to my chest making a couple of short thrusts, and that did the trick for me. I don't know what she did, but the way she had shifted just sent a wave of pleasure up my shaft that made my balls release, my eyes shutting tightly. I had never felt anything like that and I squeezed the mousette tightly as she forced herself as hard as she could against me. I tried to break free, before filling her, but she was intent on getting filled. I would have forced her off if not afraid that I would hurt her.

Suddenly, while the sparks were still going through my mind I heard a loud bang in the woods and I took several deep but short breaths. I looked around, and realized whatever had just happened was a dream. Apparently my body had enough of not getting any and supplied me with a wet dream, but it surprised me with its realism. I had never interacted with a mouse, let alone been with a mouse... in fact I had never been with anyone other than Selina.

I shook my head, realizing my mind was probably just imagining stupid things. Despite this I rose, noting that I had been aroused by the dream. Apparently my mind had something else in store for me since I didn't feel sticky. I sighed and shook my head. I supposed I would have to take care of the problem later and I sat for a moment looking out into the woods hearing another bang. My fire had gone out, but only recently, since there were still embers in the fire pit.

Now that I was ready to stand I crawled out of the shelter and looked around seeing another random tree burst. I hadn't really looked closely before, but the trees in this area were scattered with maples and the cold weather was making them burst. I had thought something more interesting was going on, like a gunfight, but I was glad I was wrong. It meant that I needed to move though and I picked up my bag and collapsed my shelter.

I could not help but wonder why I had dreamt about a mouse. I was really not all that fond of rodents, and I really had never had any interaction with one. How would I know what their body structure was like, and make it real enough to trick me into believing it was happening. I suppose the dream state could play tricks that made your mind think something was right when it was totally wrong. I had seen a few mice running around town, and they were notably shorter than most animals. I shook the dream from my head and started walking down the path again, hoping to reach Ether Prime as soon as possible.

I cannot say this enough: traveling alone is a shitty deal. It is boring, and also dangerous. As a human I am a social creature, at least since I came to this world and I really wanted to talk to someone. I mean, I can talk for hours about things that really have no importance, but that idle chatter really just keeps me sane. I decided that once I arrived at Ether Prime there was no way I would turn down my daughter's offer to travel. If she had moved on, well I was going to find someone to travel with or become a caravan guard. It really doesn't matter as long as I don't have to suffer this boredom.

The only dangerous thing on the road was the actual cold itself, and that was easy enough to stave off. I knew a few fire spells and I kept a ring of fire about me to keep warm, eating rations as I needed along the path to the grand city. I saw it off in the distance long before I arrived, some of the towers in that city had to be near a hundred stories high. Also there seemed to be a cloud that hovered around the central spire of the town, red lighting arcing about across the clouds.

I was not sure what was going on, but I assumed that it was normal as I approached the large city. I had traveled for days, and I was going insane, being alone. There were no animals on the road, and the bugs had even gone away for the winter. It was like walking in dead silence, save the blowing of the wind. I was annoyed with the bugs in the summer, and in the winter I missed them, go figure that hypocrisy. It had been only a five days, but I had to be covering around a hundred miles a day. The trek felt like weeks and the moment I saw someone at the gate I sighed with relief.

Ether Prime was a massive city and once I was close I could see the wall stretching out into the horizon, the large spire still having the black clouds arcing with red lightning about it. The strange thing was it didn't seem to make much sound, other than the occasional zap. It sounded like a bug trap and I noted that the lighting really only got active for about five or so minutes every hour. I was curious what was behind the large metal wall and I smiled to the guards at the gate, two of them armed with rifles, and two of them armed with knight's gear.

I could not be certain about the knights, but I knew that the gun wielding guards did not know how to use magic. It was near impossible to get a lethal high speed projectile weapons license when one was registered in the magic user compendium. Even if that were the case, if one had a gun in hand it was illegal to use magic with the weapon. I did not sense any magic from the other two guards, but I did note that all four were black panthers.

"You must be Siriel," the eldest of the guards called out, the other sword wielder and two riflemen standing at the ready.

"I am the one called Siriel. I am here to do some research and hunt the witch in these parts," I said back, bowing once I was within five or so paces of the guard.

"Lady Anna wishes your presence in her court," the panther said softly.

The name sounded familiar to me. I swore that was the name of one of the humans, and the youngest human at that. She was forty or so, the actual ages of the humans unknown to all except those in the highest courts of Noble society. Frankly, I did not care but I would entertain the idea since I didn't want to leave a bad impression on the center of the magic universe. I nodded and quickly a large stallion with a chariot ran to the gate.

"I can walk," I said softly, bowing to the guard and the equine man.

"Nonsense, I am paid to cart people around the city. I would be honored to carry a human in my cart," the stallion said bowing back, after setting the cart down.

"I get cart sick easily. Something about the feel of being constrained to the ground wihtout actually touching the ground just makes my stomach turn," I lied trying to insist not riding in the cart.

It wasn't that I didn't trust the stallion, nor was it that I would get sick. There was just something weird to me about being pulled around by another person. If I were a kid I would not have a problem with it, but as an adult... well it didn't feel right. I sighed, but it seemed that the stallion would not be denied as he explained the rubber wheels and advanced shock system to make sure that it was a smooth ride. I really didn't have any choice but to comply out of respect and I climbed up into the cart.

The stallion was certainly right about the cart being a smooth ride, it was almost magic how it adjusted to the road and it felt almost like riding in a car. I looked around the city as the grand black horse made his way toward the tall spire in the center of the city. Ether Prime was inhabited by a lot of almost human creatures, some only having animal ears and tails from as far as I could tell. Though they were not the majority a good third of the people were this way. I was not sure who was noble and who wasn't though as I looked around at everyone else. People in this city seemed rather friendly and were mingling well.

The city was not as divided into districts as Ether City, as every area seemed like a residential area, but there were various strip malls with food stores, artifact shops, clothing stores and a few other specialty shops for various races. I was surprised by this almost at home feel and while most people walked, there were far more horses, donkeys and the like carting people around than any city I had seen so far. The stallion carting me to the spire was mostly quiet, and people seemed ready to get out of his way as I finally made it to the entrance to the spire.

I looked up and sighed. The building looked completely and utterly evil. It looked like there were black horns coming off the side, there were dark clouds with red lightning swirling about the top, and the walls seemed to be jagged and the windows had no symmetry. I sighed and hopped down from the cart, the stallion simply waiting there. I was unsure if he had been assigned to me or what.

It didn't really matter to me and I dug in my pocket revealing four gold coins and handed them over to the stallion before heading into the building. The inside was far more benign than the outside and I was happy to see that. The walls were painted white and there were paintings of various people and places scattered up and down the walls. I was impressed by the business of the building and I made my way to the front desk, realizing that this place was like a business.

The woman at the counter was taking notes in a logbook of some kind and I smiled to her as I approached the counter. Immediately upon seeing me the otter rose to her feet and bowed to me. I definitely stood out in my kimono, but I was okay with that. I didn't want everyone to get all formal with me, and I hadn't noticed the floor clear out as I approached the counter.

"Good afternoon, sir! Welcome to Ether Prime Headquarters. I will inform Lady Anna of your arrival immediately.

I could not help but blush and I reached out and pat the otteress' head gently before she ran off to the back elevator. I looked around, noting that no one was on the floor at all. Not a single person was coming in or going out of the building. I began to wonder if I had walked into some sort of trap, but it was really too late for me to decide as the otteress and a human woman stepped out of the elevator bay. How long had I stared off into space... maybe a minute. That elevator was ridiculously fast.

"Here is the man you requested, ma'am," the otteress said ducking back behind the human woman.

The otteress was certainly cute, and it had been a long time since I had seen a human. I wasn't even phased by it though, and nothing really surprised me anymore. I had seen giant bear people, little mouse people, canine people, feline people, a lot of a snow leopardess... a little more of a snow leopardess, avian people, equine people, and the list goes on. I think the only kind of people I had really not gotten a look at myself were aquatic species people. Now, seeing this human before me I really felt nothing different.

"Master Siriel, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Anna and I am happy to have you in our wonderful city. I am the director of Ether Prime Academy as well as the mayor of this city. I regulate almost everything in the world relating to magic. I have watched you grow at Ether Academy, at least on paper... and I am quite happy with the results. I am sorry your mate died so early, but you should have expected it since you did decide to mate with a lowly animal," Anna said nonchalantly, but instantly raised a heated rage inside of me.

"If you ever say anything about my wife like that again, woman, I will kill you," I said sharply.

I was not retarded, just angry. I knew there was no way I could fight one of the five human mages in the world. However, I would die before letting someone slander my mate's name in such a way. Anna seemed to be taken aback by my words and the otteress had stepped back behind the desk, fearfully looking over the desk at me. It seemed that she expected me to be a rather vicious human for some reason.

"My apologies, I should not say such things about another's choices. I would like to discuss a matter with you, however. Would you kindly follow me?" the woman asked and I looked to the otteress as if to read her for a trap since this woman was far to composed.

Anna was pretty good looking for someone her age. I had to guess she was in her forties or fifties, but she could easily pass for a woman in her mid thirties. She had her chestnut hair tied up in a tight bun, her piercing blue eyes cold as an arctic breeze as she looked me over. She had olive skin, and despite how old she was, not a wrinkle in sight. She was a little on the larger side and did not seem to be in all that good of shape, but I knew that she had a wealth of knowledge on magic. She was dressed in a black business suit with no under shirt, simply a sport top and high black boots.

"I would, but I have a meeting with my daughter coming up here pretty quick. I haven't seen her in a long while and I really want to visit with her," I replied bowing respectfully, not really wanting to visit with this woman at all. In fact I wanted to stay as far away from her as I could.

"Your daughter? You must mean that assassin that I hired. I believe her name was... Serena. Convenient timing on your part to show up here. She is up in my quarters as we speak," the woman said and I felt uneasy as if she were lying to me.

Anna had given me no reason to truly distrust her, probably making the comment about my wife out of habit, not malice. I realized this, but the otteress knew something that I did not know. She was watching both of us fearfully, and I really didn't think of myself as all that intimidating of a guy. Sure... I was what one might call 'ripped' but I was a big softie at heart. I mean come on, when had I ever harmed another person? I had gotten the shaft all of my life, and I still turned out to be a loving father. I was pretty sure I didn't wear an aggressive expression either.

"You know what, fine, I will join you. However, that does not mean I will accept your terms, Lady Anna. I have things to research and people to put in their place," I said and she led me to the elevator.

The otteress watched us as we boarded the elevator and it almost instantly reached the top floor upon command. I looked around and noted that nothing had really changed visually. It had merely felt the surge of power. As the elevator door opened however, the scenery changed completely. There was another secretary in this small room, and a door on either side. One read 'Room', the other read 'Office' above each respective door.

The secretary up here was also an otteress and I could swear she was the twin sister of the one on the first floor. Both looked the same, long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and soft fur covering their bodies. Both were dressed in a blue polo shirt and a long blue skirt. This one seemed a little less fearful as I walked across her space, though she watched me with just as close an eye as the first one. Lady Anna led me to her office and we stepped inside.

I hadn't even made it through the door before I was pinned to the wall. I was strong, but this person was stronger and she had knocked by head against the wall in her excitement, making me take even longer to realize the situation. The only reason I could tell it was a she was her chest pressed against mine as she lapped at my face. Her paws slipped from holding my shoulders to wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer. I felt her purring and I immediately recognized her voice as she greeted me.

"Siri! I missed you so much! It's been rough without you!" she cried happily and she lifted me from my feet, even with my bag on my back and squeezed me.

"Serena," I huffed out as I felt my back cracking a little, "To tight... to tight!"

Serena let me go and she gave me an amused look. It was the first time I had seen her in any clothes such as what she was wearing. She was wearing a black, silk shirt which revealed her midriff and had little silver bells along the frills of the bottom. Around her waist she wore a long silk half skirt which covered her right leg. I could almost say it was a piece of fabric tied about her waist just enough to hide her undergarments and conveniently had enough extra fabric to extend down her leg. She had a well defined six pack and her muscles were tight to her body. She looked like a woman of steel and someone I would be afraid of pissing off. Serena had grown taller than me by about a foot or so, placing her at almost seven feet tall, if not seven feet tall.

Serena had gorgeous fur, just like her mother, and despite her body of steel she had thick soft fur covering her body. Also unlike her mother she only had a single pair of breasts. Why was I observing this on my daughter? Well, they kinda stuck out a little, and it is a notable fact since I had been used to four pair before. Like her mother she had long white hair, though it was tied up in a long braid today with a beautiful silver hair clip shaped like a crescent moon. She had gotten special black leather boots for her feet, and they were about mid-calf high. Her tail was notably long as well, slightly longer than her body, and if it didn't curl up at the end it would drag on the ground as she walked.

"Do you like what you see, Siri?" she teased me as she caught me looking her over.

I was in shock to both her beauty and her statement. The human part of me was screaming at me. Why the fuck was I admiring my daughter like a man admires a woman? The learned part of me that my wolf friend imparted on me upon entry to this world gave me a different train of thought. Something along the lines of: It is normal for a child from the first litter to continue their legacy with their parents. I think as a human I kept Selina pretty well occupied since I was pretty much good to go all year round, and when she wanted it from me... she took it, period.

"Ah... sorry, dear. I ah..." I choked on my words and looked away, dropping my bag off my back and leaned it against the wall with my bo-staff.

"Alright, you two, please come have a seat over here," Lady Anna said and directed us to take a seat in the two chairs in front of her desk.

Anna had a stack of papers in her hand and she was looking them over. One thing I was not ready for was Serena to scoop me into her arms like I was weightless and carry me over to the desk, having me sit in her lap. She had always been close to me, but it felt different this time. I suppose that is because I used to be the one who cradled her in my lap and listened to her problems. I had thought she stopped growing when I last saw her, but she had grown a couple more inches, actually probably making that seven feet. I was surprised the chair supported our weight, especially since I weighed near 240 pounds on my own. Serena was bigger than me and had thicker muscles so... I would probably place her at roughly 280 pounds.

"That is cute. Father and daughter together again. It is almost romantic," Lady Anna said shaking her head. She seemed to be annoyed by the sight and I felt Serena's tail curl about my waist. I knew that a tail could be a dangerous thing, but this one could kill me.

I felt uncomfortable at best in my daughter's lap as she purred and nuzzled against me while Lady Anna situated herself and sorted out some documents. It seemed she had expected me a little later. Despite this once she had sorted her papers she pushed a stack toward Serena and me and I reached out, taking the papers into my hands looking them over. I started to read, realizing what it was about: the witch.

At first it seemed pretty straight forward... a witch was terrorizing a group of nomadic villages up north and blaming it on Ether Prime. Her motives were unknown and according to the information I had in front of me she had graduated from Ether Prime Academy as top of her class, making her a really powerful witch. She knew many advanced movement spells, and most of her spells were cryo in nature. As I flipped through the stats and saw her picture a chill went down my spine. I had a dream about this woman a few nights ago.

I stared at the picture in disbelief and horror, remembering her features to the tee. However, Serena giggled behind me and squeezed me lightly. She made a joke about hunting the mouse and I could swear she rubbed her chest against my back. Regardless, I looked to the last page and saw a map of what she was doing, realizing her pattern. She was going to hit a small bear village next and I shook my head. According to the analysis, it was going to happen in two weeks and by the rising number of kills this village was going to be wiped out.

"What did you do to piss this mouse off?" I asked looking to Lady Anna.

"She is a noble and she wanted to be my mate. I declined her and told her I wasn't interested. Also, I declined her in teaching her my teleport spells and my heart freeze spell. I have a myriad of lethal spells at my disposal, and she knew it. I didn't dare teach them to a noble. I have no interest in letting the half hybrids kill us humans off with our only weapon. Though Master Kellen seems to have already become senile and a little crazy in his old age. I invited him to my office, but when he came in the front door, seeing the half animal hybrids I employ he got pissed off and started killing people. Naturally I stopped him and Ginger down there was the only survivor on the floor when it happened. I did not kill him, but I did teleport him back to his home. It seems that everyone has gone a little crazy, except for you and me. We really are the last hope for humankind," Lady Anna said.

"Oh yeah? Well, unfortunately, humankind is a disgusting thing. I know from experience. Frankly I don't give two shits if humankind ever comes back. As it stand right now, human influence will stay on this planet forever and the human race will never die. I would say it is even worse here, but at least here they don't all think like humans," I said sternly, and Serana gasped at my words, her purring stopping as Anna rose from her seat.

"What do you know about humankind? It sounds like you were there in the golden age? If you are so brilliant, Master Siriel, please... enlighten me," Anna said sharply, taking a deep breath to calm herself and take a seat.

"Alright, sure. Humans constantly go at war and some enslave others of their own race, and some sell their children as prostitutes. Some make chemicals to inject themselves with and waste away, wile others go and commit heinous crimes against humanity such as burning hundreds of thousands of people inside of giant ovens after killing them with toxic gas. Some humans kill each other because they look have a different color of skin or because their eyes are shaped differently. Some humans live in a city on a hill where they can be glutenous and happy while others in the world are starving and being killed by disease. Some humans will torture other humans for the sake of enjoyment, such as taking a gun and forcing them to rape a feral beast.

You know what though, maybe I am wrong... maybe there is something in human society worth calling good. Humans live for hope, and some humans help each other. Some stand up for civil rights, and others defend freedom and justice. Some do the right things even when no one is looking. But you know what... those humans are few and far between. The humans I know are self serving and will only help those they are close to or if it will benefit them. Quite frankly, the way the world is now is better. We have human influence and intelligence. It is pretty much the opposite here. Most of the people believe in survival, and the good nature of humans keeps them in the common good, while the bad guys are few and far between," I said unable to rise as my daughter kept be pinned against her.

If I had not been held still I would probably be in Anna's face, but she simply listened in shock to what I said. I had a bad experience in life, and maybe my views on the human race were a little biased and tilted. However, I spoke my mind freely and told her exactly what I felt about the human race. Somehow it felt good to say it, to finally get that chip off my shoulder. I had a better life now and I was happy with it.

"Leave my sight, Master Siriel. You are welcome to use my facilities out of respect, but I do not want to see you in my office ever again," Anna said sternly and with those words Serena lifted me and carried me to the door set me down beside my bag.

I thought about smiling back to Anna, but I decided against it. As I said before, I am not retarded and she is a powerful mage. Maybe fate had finally given me a break by putting me in this world, and I was thankful as I realized how happy I had actually become here. I had always been respected and loved by those I knew and those who were close to me so I was happy. Serena smiled to me and her tail pat my back knocking me forward a bit as I carried my bag in one hand my bo-staff in the other.