Simply Better Part 3 - Commission for maxxx4791

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#28 of Theme: Cuckoldry

Krystal and Panther fuck like rabbits while poor Fox is none the wiser.

Commission for maxxx4791 on FAPart 1Part 2

It was about enough for both of them. He came out from her neck and breathed hot air onto the wet spot. "Ah, ready to fuck now?"

"Mmmmmmmmmm... I told you I was..." She pecked at his cheek weakly.

"I know, but now I am too."

"Mmmm, you weren't before?"

"I was, but not as badly as I am now."

She giggled and squirmed her hips on him. "I can tell. How do you wanna do it?"

"I don't know." He looked around. There was nothing but empty floor and folded tables. "There isn't much room to navigate, unless you want me to pull out a table, or we do it on the floor."

"Well, that's your fault for dragging me into here of all places. You really didn't think that through, now did you?"

"Ah, not really."

She politely pushed herself off of him. His cock slid out from her thighs with an audible skwish. It was absolutely soaked in her product. "Pull a table out for us, if you don't mind."

He bowed his head. "As you wish, madame."

He went to the end of the room where the tables were waiting for them. They were on wheels, making transport to the center of the room easier. Krystal watched with one paw on her tummy, the other fingering her cunt. To an observer it may have been an awkward moment, but for Krystal it was an opportunity to watch him and admire his athleticism. She watched the grind of his glutes and the flex of his many other muscles. He unlatched the table at its center and shoved it flat with ease. His erect cock, now slightly deflated, bounced as he worked. From afar she could appreciate how big it was compared to the rest of his body. He was tall, much taller than Fox, and still that barbarous spear stabbing out from his loins looked gigantic.

The table was set, and Panther sighed. He stood by it on the other side from her, leaning on it with his paws spread apart like a boss demanding news from his employees. He presented his newly created bed. "Voila. Your chariot awaits, Your Majesty."

She bit her lip and waltzed her way up to his side of the table. He presented his paw for her to take. She laid her fingers in it. He held onto them gently and guided her onto the table like a carriage driver leading one of his passengers. "Why, thank you, sir~" She crawled onto the wooden table and sat on her knees. She faced him, back straight, legs spread, fingers squelching around her clit. "How do you want me, Mr. Caroso?"

In spite of the debauchery going down below, he kept his eyes on hers. "On your fours, if you will. Hang your ass over the edge."

"Mmm, yes sir~" She came down and got into position as he asked. Her ankles fell right on top of the edge of the table with her ass hovering just above them. There was her cunt, open and pink, drooling a thickish strand of coagulated desire which fell all the way down onto the floor. Above it was her fleshy canyon, made shadowy by her mountainous haunches. He could see her pink pucker winking at him. The woman herself peaked around her ass and smiled at him expectantly. "Well, Mr. Caroso? Aren't you going to do something?"

Indeed he was. His cock was back at full staff, ready for action. "Why, yes I am, Ms. Krystal~" He stepped up to her, paw on his cock, lifting it up so that he could plop it down on her cushiony ass crack. She murred and wiggled her cheeks on it, jostling it around and making the soft tissue wobble. He put a stop to that with an assertive grab of her ass. He hoisted his cock backwards so that it fell in line with her cunt. Their intimates collided, squishing her soaked flower. Delight resonated through her, making her moan and vibrate on the table. Worsening her ordeal was him sawing his tip up and down his slit, parting her thick lips wherever he touched it.

It did the trick, curling Krystal's toes and having her whimper. "Oh fuck... Don't do that... Please..."

"Why not? It's making you awfully wet. Something tells me you like it."

"Nnnnnnn, I do like it."

"Then why should I stop?"

"Because it's driving me fucking crazy."

"Well in that case I might just keep doing it."


A hearty chuckle rolled through him. "Alright, here I come." He put a stop to his malicious teasing and leveled his cock with her cavity. He pushed it forward, gaping her quim until finally his head breached inside.

"Huhhhh..." She melted where she was. Raw delight blossomed across her loins and thrived in her belly. This was what she was waiting for, this is what she needed. His staff continued onward, burying itself slowly so that she could feel every individual inch as they made home inside of her. His cock barbs began to disappear within her pussy lips until none of them were left. His hips came to her ass. His balls were pressed into her clit. It was so much, she felt like he had penetrated her to the very core. The bottom of her tummy bulged where he was inside of her. Her feminine walls gripped his dense shaft and quivered incessantly. "Oh... Oh... Panther... Yes~"

He kept himself there, enjoying the softness of her ass and the grip of her pussy. His paws swam up and down her curvy back. He traced his claw around the white runes emblazoned in her fur. "That feels good, doesn't it? Much deeper than Fox's, eh?"

She was able to laugh through her moans. "Mmmmm, yeah... So much deeper... His baby cock couldn't do anything like this... He doesn't deserve this pussy... Fuck me like that manlet loser never could..." She touched the space below her navel. There she could feel his dense presence within her tunnel, separated from her fingers by only a thin layer of fur and flesh. Her fingers crept down to her pearl, currently stretched out by his neighboring cock. She pressed it into him, making herself moan and shiver some more. She took the initiative and pulled herself forward to the last inch of his pecker. Panther watched his black limb reappear from the iron grip of her vulva, now completely coated in her shiny juices. He gladly stood where he was so that she could go to work, opting to caress more of her back and play with her hair.

She went back and forth like a pendulum, devouring his pole for every bit of its length. The wet schlick of her cunt could be heard just below the soft bellow of her moans. Her vulva caved in with every push backwards. "Huhhhh! Mmmmm, God... That's it... Yes... Huhhhhhhh fuck... God, so much better than that puny Fox dick..."

"That's right," Panther grumbled. The mere sight of her harvesting so much pleasure from his staff made his chest swell with burning pride. The black skin of his cock was stark against the blue buttocks flanking it. The white fur of her underbelly continued down around her cunt. Her wrinkled pink star flexed and distended above it, almost begging for his attention as well. Maybe for later, but for now it was her pussy who earned his charitable cock. "Throw that ass back, bitch."

That harsh word slapped her in the heart, but only made her more desperate. She went faster. The table started to wobble beneath her knees, requiring Panther to put a paw on it to keep it still. She didn't notice. She was too busy impaling herself with a pleasure so divine that the room around her seemed to melt away altogether. "Oh Panther! Huhhh! Oh God... Fuck me..."

"Fuck you? It looks like you're already doing it yourself just fine," he teased.

"Mmmmm, shut up... Don't act cocky like that clit-dicked reject. You know what I mean... Ohh..."

"Yes, I do." He put his paws on her hips, signaling for her to stop. She did gradually, having trouble putting an end to that heavenly feeling. Once she was done, it was Panther's turn to start. He went slow and easy, relying partly on the thrust of his cock and pulling back on her hips. His onyx buttocks squeezed and his fingers sank into her plush upper butt. He rocked her body back and forth, all the while his hips struck a smooth cadence. Krystal sounded off her approval, making Panther laugh. "Much better now, ah?"

"Yes~" She wasn't answering his question, at least not intentionally. That was her involuntary announcement of the delight she felt, now tearing through her insides like an automatic battering ram. Just as noticeable was his strength. He maneuvered her body with total ease. Though he went easy, she could feel the surplus of potential energy built up in his glutes. His grip on her hips was unbreakable. She was powerless to stop him, not that she ever would. This was just too good. "Ohhh, yes... Fuck me... Huhhh! Yes! God... Panther, baby... Fuck... So good..."

"Ah, I know it is. Your pussy feels amazing. Ah... I could make love to it all day."

"Mmmmmmmmm... Longer than Fox ever could... Ohh... That sissy fuck would've came already." She sank her head down to the table so that her chin rested on it. Her blue fox tail swung up into a tight curl, bringing the tip onto her mid back. Panther leaned into her more deeply, grabbing onto her thighs and assuming a tempo more like a jackhammer. Bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap. His black balls crashed into her clit. The fat of her bottom waved with every impact. Though he only pulled back halfway, he used the entirety of his rod, crashing it into her for as deep as it would go. Her voice grew shrill. The euphoria started to tower. It wasn't very long until the inevitable approached. "Oh fuck... Panther, I'm gonna cum... Yes! Huhhh... I'm cumming! Huhhh! Huhhhhh!" Her high pitched voice turned into a siren as the wildfire of pleasure inside of her exploded into a mushroom cloud of ecstasy. "Huuuuuuaaaeeuuuuggghhuuuuhhhhhh~~~!!!"

"Yeeeeeeeeessssssss~" boasted the still-thrusting Panther. "Cum for me, darling. Let it out."

She did, and with relish. Her voice trailed off for several more seconds, accompanied by the rapid quake of her thighs and ass. Her cunt gripped his dick tightly, milking it for every ounce of pleasure it could bless her with. It certainly did, garnering a very heavy layer of her cum which smeared itself across his column. "Huuuuuuuhhhh ohhhhhh fuuuuuck~"

He stopped only when she did, holding his hips to her ass. "That's what I like to see!" He patted her ass. "Now wasn't that lovely?"

She huddled her head into her shoulders and hid her blushing face. She wore an embarrassed smile. "Yes... I think it was. Oh God. I fucking love your cock so much. His pussy dick couldn't do anything like that. So much better than his."

"I can tell." He stepped back and pulled out of her. Schllllp. He left her sleeve gaping and gnarled. Thickish white cream was coagulated around her vulva. The rest of it was decorated across his shaft. "Something tells me you'd like me to make you do that again?"

She rolled over onto her back, holding her legs open for an even better view of her cunny. She chewed one of her claws and fingered her pussy. "What gave you that idea?" Her tail swung down near the floor lazily.

"Ah, just listening, is all. It was quite hard not to hear you."

"Mmm, not my fault you make me get so loud."

"No, I guess it isn't."

She motioned him to come forward. He did, and she politely grabbed his dick. She laid it on her groin, pulling it up so that his hilt was on her vulva. His rod rested on her like a hot and heavy sledgehammer. The tip reached its way to her navel. Though she had just felt it inside of her, being able to visualize how deep it would go made her anxious. She stroked him some more while he played with her thighs. "Do you want it like this?" he asked.

"Kind of." She thought about it for a moment. "Get up here with me. I like it when you lay on top of me."

"Alright." He climbed onto the table after her. She scooted back into the center and pivoted on her butt so that her height was parallel to the table's length. She laid down and opened her legs for him. He crawled up to her on all fours like a predator. His black cat tail flicked in the air high above his butt. His pink tongue slithered across his lip. His soul-piercing eyes stabbed daggers into hers. He broke through the gate of her legs and mounted her. He grabbed her wrists and pinioned them to the sides of her head.

"Oooh, feisty~" she murred.

"I cannot help it, not when I see something as delicious as you."

"Delicious, am I?"

"Yes..." He opened his jaw, showing her a glistening pink cavern hung with sharp white teeth. His eyes began to close as he leered his face down towards her. "And I'm very hungry." She opened her mouth for a kiss, only to gasp loudly as she felt his teeth clamp down on her neck. Her body seized beneath him. The quadruple poke of his fangs was sharp, close to being painful. His sandpaper tongue slid circles around her neck. Her artery pounded away beneath it, mere millimeters away from being punctured.

Krystal's eyes rolled into her head. Her maw hung open. "Oh, Panther~"

A manly purr echoed out of his mouth, vibrating her neck. He unlocked his jaw and scraped the inside of her neck with loving laps. "So beautiful, so sexy, and you're all mine."


"I'm going to fuck you like this and make you cum like the goddess you are."


"And there's not a single thing that pathetic Fox can do about it."


"Mmmmm, that's right." His voice was so deep, so strong, so certain. It thrummed through the air and against her chest like the rumble of distant thunder. His body blanketed hers with a heavy shroud of muscle, bone, fur, and cock. The latter sat on her cunt like an anvil, wet and throbbing with eagerness. She could only imagine what amount of his seed awaited her, especially after the activity he had just performed on her. It was ready to be a flood. "Are you ready again?"

"Panther... Fuck me. Cum inside me. Fucking breed me so I can have your babies and make Fox raise them."

"Ahh... As you wish." He elevated his hips so that his tip slid down to her cavity. He grabbed his shaft, pushed the head inside, then held back onto her wrist to plunge back into her.

"Ohhhh..." Her head turned from side to side. Her mouth fell open. "Yes..."

He fucked her in a fluid motion, arcing his butt back and bringing it back down with an added crunch of his abs. His tail flicked and swayed above him. He smiled as he watched her expression toil under the weight of her joy. Her legs wrapped around his waist, resting the heels on his pumping haunches. Mesmerizing was the way her white tits bounced with the cadence of his thrusts. Her nipples circled around in two concentric paths, perfect mirrors of each other. "God, you're so beautiful. I keep saying it, but it's so true. Hmph..."

"Ohhhh..." She opened her eyes. Her head was turned to the side. She looked up at him. His chiseled face loomed high above her. His slanted nostrils flexed with the beat of his breath, brushing her ruddy face. His long whiskers swung along with his thrusting. Lipstick stains from earlier were still constellated around his face. His sickle-shaped scar seemed to direct his gaze at her. She felt the crunch of his abs. The tip of his tail appeared occasionally behind his shoulder, flicking about merrily. Most spectacular of all was his penis, jamming its way into her pussy and flooding her with his masculinity. She briefly pictured Fox doing the same, but quickly gave up on it. There was no way he could ever accomplish something like this. "Nnnnnnngh... You're so handsome... And strong... And you have a big cock..."

He laughed. "Thank you for reminding me."

"Huhhhh... You keep reminding me too... All Fox ever reminds me of is how worthless his dick is. We should make him watch... Teach him a thing or two..." She squirmed her wrists in his grasp. He let go, freeing her so that she could touch him. She held onto his sides where she could feel the muscular rack of his ribs. She pulled him down so that his chest was flat on hers. He stopped fucking for just a moment, only to adjust his angle of entry. His ass came up further and more slowly. While her paws glided around his ribs and back, he started kissing around her face and into her neck. Her voice carried right past his ear. "Huhhhh! Ohh! Panther! Hohhh..."

He smooched under her ear and whispered into it. "You know I like it when you say my name like that, my dear Krystal."

She giggled and writhed. "Mmmmm, Panther~ Huhhhh... Oh God... Fucking... God... I love saying it too~"

"Mmmmm, do you ever say his name like you do mine?"

There was a rude scoff. "Not even if I tried... I'll never say his name ever again... That puny-dicked cuck doesn't deserve it... I'll call him a clitboy to his face, fucking soyboy... Oh fuck... Huhhh... Mmmmm... Saying 'Panther' is way more sexy..."

"It is, isn't it? Say it, then."

"Mmmm, Panther~"

"Yes, louder."


His pace intensified. "Louder."

"Huhhhh! Panther! Oh God!"

A feline growl tore from his throat. He snarled. "Come on now! Say it you whore! Say my fucking name like you never said his! Say it!" His hips slammed into her, rocking the table beneath them to its breaking point. Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

So she obeyed, screaming his name at the apex of her volume, shrill and deafening, letting the world know who it was could please her as well as she deserved. "OH FUCKING GOD! PANTHER! PANTHER! YES! FUCK ME! OH FUCK! YES!" The following orgasm was catastrophic. Her already hollering voice broke into a deafening shriek, ripping past Panther's ear and making them fold back against his head. She did not just cum, but unleashed a fountain of womanly waters which squelched and squirted around his dick and soaked their laps. A shuddering puddle spread out on the table beneath her ass, invading the previously spotless wood. It caught the reflection of Panther's body, still fucking her like it was nothing. He wasn't going to give her a break, not until he delivered unto her his seed, as he had promised. He repositioned himself by pushing his upper body back up into the air. Her legs opened up from around him. She pulled her knees back further, pointing her dainty feet up at the ceiling, forming a large V. He opened his legs too, showing off the pair of fat black balls hanging from his crotch, shoved against her ass tightly and covering her pink pucker. He pulled back. BAP! His balls came down again with tremendous force, then repeated to begin another hot and heavy session of balls deep fucking.

Krystal reacted as usual, screaming his name and climaxing when her body could take it no more. Again and again her cunt would squeeze on him and gush forth another flood of her crystalline waters. The poor table was dripping off its edges soon enough. Panther felt his knees slipping on the wet surface. Soon he felt the burn of fatigue growing in his glutes, abs, and thighs. He broke out into a sweat. Pants and grunts could be heard underneath the chorus of Krystal's screams. Finally he felt the pleasure in his cock growing. He had to tell her. "Ahhhh... Krystal, I'm close... Huhhh... Fuck. I'm going to cum. Huhhhh! I'm cumming!"


What were once fluid thrusts began to stagger as the ecstasy flowed over to his tipping point. The last few plunges were drawn out while the clench of his ass made his body tremble. His head swung back. His mouth bared itself in a ferocious snarl. "HHHHMMMMMMMNNNNNNNGGGHHHUUUUHHHHAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhh~~~!!!" At last the treasure he had been saving for her exploded its way out of him, dousing her womb point blank. His scrotum shrank into itself. The undermuscle of his cock imploded and throbbed with each epic spurt. Every rope of cum was like a deluge of its own, filling her cavity with a molten ivory that spurted out of her from around his pulsing cock.

The impact of his love batter was more than enough to trigger Krystal's next climax. Even after the barrage of ones she had experienced prior, this one dwarfed the rest. "UUUUUGGHHHHUUUUUEEEEGGHHUUUUUUUUUHHHHHhhhhhh~~~!!!" Yet more of her juices spurted out from her, hissing with an added venom as every muscle in her loins worked in over time to douse him in her appreciation. It joined the flood of his nectar, creating a cataclysmic concoction of their bodies.

Even as their climaxes descended into falling action, they continued to moan, groan, and squirm. The mighty Panther felt the energy abandon him, making him slump his body down onto her. Krystal didn't even feel it, too blinded by the afterglow of delight which swam across her body like a million different colors streaming through every nerve, fiber, and vein. Panther could only huff and puff next to her face, his chin on her shoulder. He managed to pucker his lips and smooch at her cheek. "Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Krystal.... Mmmmm... Incredible... Yes... Fuck..."

He was faring better than her. The most she could muster were some pitiful whimpers and gasps. "Panther..." she said at last. "Oh God... Panther."

His chest bounced with his chuckle. "Yes, yes, I'm here." He gave her one last peck on the cheek before gathering the strength to pull himself up to his knees. His cock was going soft inside of her, letting out what cum was crammed in her depths. He slid it out, uncorking a heavy wallop of liquid sin from her yawning pussy. It splooged out from her lips and drooled down her pucker, onto the bottom side of her tail. "Yes, fucking beautiful." He opened her vulva further with his two fingers, letting even more out. "Look at that. Fucking amazing."

"Mmmm, stop it," Krystal moaned with a squirm.

"Why? Do you want it for yourself?"

She smiled and dabbed her two fingers into the alabaster slop. "Yes, I do. Mmmm, I wish he was here so I could sit on his face and make him lick it~ A wimpy-dick cuck like him needs to learn what real cum is." She scooped some up and stuck it into her mouth. She murred and suckled on it. She pulled her fingers out with a hollow pop! "Mmmmmm... Much more appetizing than his watery stuff. His shriveled boy balls couldn't get me pregnant if his life depended on it, not like I'd ever want babies as weak as he would make."

"No doubt. I could feed you more, if you'd like."

"Mmm, yes sir~" She tried sitting up, only to fall onto her back due to her rubberized muscles. He helped her by pulling her up by her paw. They stood on their knees in front of each other and began kissing. She held his penis against the side of her hip, stroking it back so that it would grow hard again. His cum continued to glop out of her pussy, forming a small puddle of gunk between her open knees. Some of it was lodged in his dick hole where it fell out to make room for the proceeding orgasm. He soon came back to an apex, but not without a level of soreness in his shaft. Krystal sensed it with her powers. "Mmm, little rough down there?" she asked.

"Ah, just a little. It's nothing."

"Want me to take care of it?" She cradled his dick like it was some injured limb. It was big like one, that's for sure.

"You don't have to."

"Hush. Let me help you." She scooted back and held his cock with two paws. She closed her eyes and focused on the feel of his flesh in her grasp, becoming aware of every cell in his shaft and scrotum. Her lips began to move silently, reciting ancient spells. Panther watched as an eerie glow, blue like her fur, began to radiate from her palms and flow into his dick. The runes in her fur glowed a similar color. He expected that if she opened her eyes, they would appear the same way. He didn't have much time to enjoy the spectacle before she stopped reciting and the glow dissipated. Naturally, the ache in his cock was gone. Not only that, his balls felt extra heavy, as if she had given him a week's worth of loads. His pole was as hard as a rock, dripping precum like nothing had happened to it. "There we go," she said proudly. "Better?"

He raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Much better. So..." He looked up at her. "Ready for more?"

She answered him by shoving him in the chest, landing him on his back with his dick flopping onto his belly. "Maybe I am." She straddled his trunk. "Just lie down and shut up for me, will ya?"

He grinned up at her and rested his paws beneath his head. "Yes ma'am~"

And for the following hours they fucked like the animals they were, filling almost every other minute with punishing climaxes that drained their bodies of seemingly all of their sexual product. Each orgasm seemed like it would've been the end if not for Krystal's healing magic. She restored energy in both him and herself, turning it into a prolonged affair of violent thrusting and explosive ejaculations out of the both of them. The poor table was absolutely defiled by the end of it. The entire meeting room reeked of sex. Panther's ears were ringing from the constant hammering of her screams. Thank God for sound proof walls. Neither of them knew it, but Fox himself passed by the room, blissfully ignorant of the rampant adultery happening less than ten meters away. He crossed Krystal's mind several times, making her spew whatever foul insult to his manhood she could come up with and comment on the poor fox's many other shortcomings. Panther gladly made up for them, showing her how a real man treated a woman.

Like all good things, their daily affair came to an end. It was not through fatigue that they had to stop, but that both of them were getting hungry thanks to them skipping lunch. Powerful as her magic was, Krystal couldn't fix an empty stomach. The two of them cleaned their bodies as best they could, utilizing their underwear as rags. Panther volunteered to come back and clean the place before anybody discovered the horrid mess they had created. "I dragged you in here, I should clean it. I chose it 'cause nobody ever uses it."

"That's good," Krystal said as she casually buttoned up her jacket. She made herself look as presentable as she could, like she hadn't just came her brains out over a dozen times. "I don't want anyone getting grossed out by our little mess."

"Little?" He looked back at the collection of white puddles on the table. "I wouldn't call that little."

"No, and neither would I call you that." She strutted up to him and honked his bulge. She kissed his lips. "I had fun. When do you wanna meet up next time?"

He gave her ass a polite pinch. "Whenever you'd like. Just say the word."

"I will." She kissed him. "Later, handsome."

"Later, beautiful." She turned around to leave. He swung his paw down to his knee and gave her an upwards smack on the ass.

"Ooh~!" She rewarded him with a flick of the tail, and swayed her butt out of the meeting room. She unlocked the door, it slid open, and she walked out. It closed behind her, leaving Panther to deal with their mess alone.

* * *

Fox was in his office, bored out of his mind, clicking away at his computer and writing up reports. He had spent the entire day there so far, doing absolutely nothing interesting. The urge to give up on this monotonous bullshit and go out flying was strong, but Fox was a military man. He followed orders and got the job done, no matter how mind-numbing it was. He was torn from his boredom when his office food shoomed open. He jerked in his seat, angered that someone would just walk in unannounced. He softened once he saw Krystal standing there, smiling. "Oh! Hey there. What's up?" he asked, eagerly turning away from the computer.

She waltzed inside, letting the door close. "I had a request for a mission, one that I think is very important."

His ears perked. "OK. What is it?"

"There have been openings for new flight trainers needed at Cape Claw on Dinosaur Planet. I was hoping Captain Caroso and I could volunteer to go there and teach."

Fox frowned. "Dinosaur Planet? I didn't even know they had a training program."

Krystal nodded. "They do, and we got a message requesting experienced pilots to help train cadets. I think Caroso and I would be good fits to go there."

"Oh... OK." He thought for a moment. "You don't want to go with me?"

She maintained her cool smile. "I'd love to, but you're busy here, and I'm very familiar with that planet."

"Well, so am I. We met there."

"I know, but I think it would be a good experience for Caroso."

He fell silent. He turned to his computer and wordlessly began typing something up. He clicked his mouse twice. Finally he asked, "How long will you two be staying there?"

"Two... maybe three weeks."

He cocked an eyebrow. "They didn't tell you?"

"Three weeks." she said firmly. "It's three."

He nodded. "Alright." He shook his head. "Cape Claw you said? Didn't they make that a resort town? I didn't think they'd make it a place to train pilots."

She shrugged. "Neither did I."

"Well, have fun, I guess. The beaches there are very nice." He typed away at his computer. "I've got you and Caroso headed there and staying for three weeks."

She bowed her head. "Yes sir. Thank you, sir."

"No problem." They shared a salute then Krystal did an about face to leave. "Wait!"

She came to an abrupt stop. She turned around. "Yes sir?"

"Be careful around Panther," he warned. "He's a bit of a romantic. He might try and pull something on you." He narrowed his eyes. "I see the way he looks at you sometimes."

"Don't worry, baby. I won't let him." She left his office, grinning eagerly. Resuming her hip-swaying strut down the base's hallway, she made it to the chow hall for her daily meet up with Panther. He was waiting for her in their usual spot. She slid into the seat in front of him, a smug grin on her face.

Panther looked at her apprehensively. "Well?"

"Three weeks," she said. "Three weeks, you and me, Dinosaur Planet. Fox signed off on it. Didn't suspect a thing."

Panther's whiskers elevated along with the corners of his lips. "Wonderful. I think you and I will have the time of our lives together." He slid his paw out onto the table.

She reached out and squeezed it. "I know we will, but he did warn me."

"Warn you? About what?"

"About you. He said you're a 'romantic', and said you might 'pull something' on me."

Panther chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't dare."