Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Howl of Halloween (Fran Pt. 2)

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#22 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Fran's Tale Pt. 2

A Story made of Halloween 2022. I hope you'll all enjoy it!

Fran and Chris are doing their best to make the most of the arrival of both Autumn and Halloween. But the joy they're expecting to enjoy was derailed when their friend Kiara loses her mother to illness. As Kiara mourns her mother's death, Fran does her best to assure her dear friend and allow the grieving woman, all while trying to enjoy the most of the spooky season.

Can Fran and Chris make the most out of this year's Halloween Celebrations?

Why not read and find out?

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Howl of Halloween

By J.C. Solis

Pokémon is Copyright © of Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company.

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Poképhilia Story

Love has No Bounds

The Howl of Halloween

Halloween Special 2022

By J.C. Solis

It was another evening during the start of the month of October, and it was a time of much merriment and excitement. The fine smell of pine and spruce was heavy in the air, with the colder months soon to arrive. Though it was still too early for snow to fall, the air still nipped at folks with a frigidity that spelled the arrival of the colder months. And it was a prospect that left some people with a desire for the cold, especially after dealing with summer's sweltering heat. The town folks were following the craze of pumpkin spice, whether in the form of buying coffee or cocoa to make at home or going to a café to have the drink made for them. And it was something that left many folks happy with the prospect of something warm for the arrival of the cold.

For Fran, the cold was indeed a unique experience. She hardly got much of any sort of cold weather back home in Alola, and the weather was oftentimes blustering and warm, even in winter. The weather was not unique to Daegar, for many regions out there basking in the arrival of snowfall. And she had spent a winter here in Daegar, experiencing snow for the first time and getting a taste of what the colder months felt like in this region. For one, she was thankful for the thick coats and wooly jackets that were often on sale. She would usually need more than hot cocoa to keep warm.

As for Christopher, the Midnight Lycanroc was more than happy to weather the cold. He felt an attachment to the more frigid months of the year, sometimes wondering what his wolf brethren would be doing in this region during winter. He was enticed by the prospect of enjoying a snowy winter, which he felt would bring him closer to his trainer. He often cuddled closely with Francine whenever the cold arrived, a feeling that she reciprocated back at him, the girl wanting to warm up with a sensual cuddle session in their house.

Uncle Paulo's business was slow right now. Though it wasn't yet bad enough to endanger his business, he saw that not that many people came to buy flowers during the frigid months. He was thankful for Fran's help with keeping him afloat; if not for her, his flower shop would've closed a long while back. He was just thankful to keep having his niece around, keeping her around his home while he tended to the shop. Of course, she did have a job working at the Silph Co Pokéball Plant, and she made a tidy sum of money from her job. This would help pay the bills while living with her uncle.

But these recent days have felt rather tense for everyone around town, not to mention within her own life. Fran saw the countless protests that were taking fold all over Lakeshire Town. The Poképhile Activists and Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders were once again at each other's throats. And not only that but a lot of these protests and riots were egged on by members of Team Shroud, the sinister organization causing all sorts of mayhem.

What was shocking to hear most of all was another Firebomb attack taking place in the center of the town. It was a horrible event, with many people getting hurt and nearing close to death as they were bathed in flames. And even brutish-looking pokémon took part as Team Shroud sicked their pokémon on the other protestors. It was a menagerie of mayhem, with people and pokémon getting hurt from both sides, with people spreading around their vitriol of hatred and violence.

Fran hoped that she and her Wolf wouldn't get caught up in that mess. She knew that she could rely on Christopher to protect her, but in the end, she didn't want to see this mess of violence and bloodlust take fold. She didn't want people to be beating each other up over something that should already seem to be innate. Poképhiles loved their pokémon, and there was nothing else to it. They loved their pokémon the way a human would love their fellow human. There were even homosexual lovers among the Poképhiles as well, with men and women getting together with pokémon of the same sex as them. It was something that only conveyed the notion that love was universally accepted, and that nobody ought to be shunned for their choice of partner.

Over at Paulo Poli's Flower Hut, Fran was helping her Uncle Paulo with the arrangement of a flower bouquet that was a special order. It was a strange order for sure, with the person requesting it asking for only the most expensive and exotic flowers in the store. What made the order even stranger was the fact that the commissioner even asked for a "Get Well Soon" card. It was perhaps not so uncommon to see the people ordering bouquets alongside a gift card for someone who was perhaps lapped up on a bed. But whoever this person was seemed to have no qualms over spending the amount of money that would be charged for this specific order.

But when it was time for the person to come to pick up the special order, the door swung open as a familiar sight walked in.

"Oh, Kiara, Lance, What's up, you two?" greeted Fran with a smile. "Are you the guys who ordered this?"

"Yeah, it's us..." Kiara didn't look to be in too elevated a mood. Alongside the two of them were also Rose and Dante, the two Galar natives tagging along with the Fighting-type fighters and chefs on this important errand.

"I apologize for Kiara behaving rather downtrodden," explained Lance. "Kiara is just upset about what is happening with her mother."

Fran and Chris looked at each other, realizing the heartache that the poor woman was going through.

"Did you guys also order some flowers?" Fran asked Rose and Dante.

"No. We just wanted to keep our chaps here company," assured Rose. "Kiara's been feeling rather under the weather, so me lizard here and I decided to help her however we can."

"Tis the least that good friends and roommates could do for one another," added Dante. "It's when heartache like this that happens when one needs to rely on one's mates for comfort and care."

The group understood the pain that Kiara was going through. Her mother, Luann, was nearing death's door, a sure sign that her breast cancer was taking over her body. She was recently interred into Lakeshire Hospital, where she is receiving round-the-clock care. But in reality, the care she was receiving was more hospice than healing. It was clear that she would not last much longer, and the grief that filled Kiara's heart could be felt by everyone else around her. Lance did his best to cheer her up, to keep her spirits high, and to ease her through her grief. But in reality, even Lance was feeling the effect of having someone close to him and his trainer dying.

The Galar natives, being the ones who weren't under the pressure of someone's death, did their best to cheer up their friends. Even the others, such as Saria, Jason, and Justin, were also doing their best to cheer the couple on. But this was a touchy subject and one which wasn't easy to withstand. Fran would also do her part in helping ease Kiara off of her grief, and she hoped that Christopher would join in on doing the same.

For now, Fran handed Kiara the flowers that she ordered. There was not much else that she could do for her friend. The four friends turned around to leave, and the three surrounded the one almost like they were protecting her from harm. All Fran and Chris could do were look on as their friend was cared for by those close to her. She'd needed all the help she could get to help deal with her grief.

In many ways, Fran could relate to Kiara. She lost both of her parents at a young age, back when there was an Ultra Beast calamity that struck her native Hau'oli City. Her home was destroyed, with both her parents caught underneath the rubble. They were among the many who suffered because of the attack, and so poor Fran became an orphan. She was taken in by her other relatives, namely her grandparents, aunts, and uncles. She grew up close to her family ever since she lost those she was close to, especially Christopher as he was still a puppy Rockruff who played with her and took care of her. It was during this time in her life that the two bonded even closer together, the two becoming inseparable.

Christopher knew of the pain that Kiara was going through - the Midnight Lycanroc was all too familiar with the way how his trainer suffered upon the death of her parents. He remembered her grief, for the poor girl may have still been young but she was at least old enough to understand what had happened to her parents. She was old enough to grieve and mourn. Chris made it his duty, from then on, to always stay by Fran's side and keep her spirits up. He would always try to make her feel happy, joking around with her and having fun.

In a way, becoming Poképhiles allowed Christopher to get even closer to his beloved trainer. His desire for her happiness and well-being was the crux of why he decided to become a Poképhile. He wanted to make sure that she would always be well. And seeing Kiara in her state reminded him of everything that he strove for in Fran's betterment. There was nothing that would come between him and his beloved trainer.

Christopher figured that Lance had a similar train of thought to his trainer. The Lucario would do almost anything to assure Kiara's overall well-being, and it was through Poképhilia that he was able to bond with her even more. The Lycanroc knew that Lance would stay with his trainer to the bitter end, through thick and thin. Lance was more than honorable, and being a Lucario this was a given. He just hoped that Kiara wouldn't have to go through the horror that Fran did. Fran lost her family in one fell swoop, while Kiara would at least still have her father and sisters to keep her company - even if Luann was not destined to survive her ordeal.

On another topic, since it was now October that meant that a certain holiday at the end of the month was close to arriving. Already there was a heavy ambiance on the arrival of this Holiday, with stores already selling costumes for the occasion and candies by the bushel.

Halloween was now in the air, and young and old folks alike were going abuzz with the arrival of this day. Fran wanted to experience what it would be like to celebrate the spooky season in the Daegar Region again. She already did so once, last year with some other friends that she had made through her stay in Lakeshire Town. For sure Jason would want to grill out in the open and cook some good meats and vegetables, and Kiara would be sure to cook up some delicious, high-quality food like the kind that she makes for her job as a sous chef.

"What do you think we can do this Halloween?" asked Fran with curiosity.

"Meh, perhaps eat a buttload of candy and meat, maybe even get drunk," said Christopher with cheek. Fran frowned and shook her head at him. "I'm joking, of course. To be honest, I don't have a clue what we could do. I guess we'll just have to wait and see when the big day comes."

The two looked at each other with wonderment, hoping that they could get to celebrate the most this holiday. It wouldn't be Halloween without folks buying candy by the bushel and throwing Halloween costume parties. And for sure their friends would want to throw a good party and invite loads of other people ranging from workmates to relatives. Justin's younger cousin Sarah would be coming over with her pokémon partner Virgil the Zoroark, and Natasha the wrestling champion would be visiting with Ivan the Incineroar. It was going to be a full house on the big day, and the friends would have to plan carefully to make sure everyone had a good time. That meant loads of food, plenty to drink, music to blast, and vodka for the two Russians coming over to make merry with.

There was just so much that needed to be planned, and what's more, the situation going on in Kiara's home was not going to get better. She was a key figure among her friends. If she was down in the dumps then most of the others would be sure to be upset as well. Even more so was the fact that "Mama" Luann Strideworth--her mother--was such an important and well-known figure within Lakeshire Town. Many of the young adults around town had been her children, and they were more than grateful for all of the kindness and caring that the doting mother figure had given them. She was as much of the community as Kiara was to her friends. She was one of the most recognizable faces in town, and though Fran didn't know her in person even she couldn't deny her significance.

Uncle Paulo came up to Fran and Christopher, smiling as he brought a crystal vase with beautiful roses inside it to the front counter.

"Good afternoon there, My Niece. How has life been treating you, my dear!" greeted Uncle Paulo as he came up to his niece and her pokémon.

"I guess good, Uncle," replied Fran. "It's just that I'm a bit bummed over my friend Kiara. Her Mom... she's not doing too well..."

Paulo nodded his head as his face turned solemn. He knew of the pain that Fran's friend was perhaps going through.

"Miss Luann is such a kind and caring woman. I remember meeting her for the first time when I first arrived here from Alola. She greeted me and welcomed me into the community. Though I am a few years her senior in age, she still behaved like a motherly figure to me." It was then that he remembered something else. "Her husband Hank, on the other hand, was not quite so warm. He is colder than ice and had quite a strong handshake. My hand went numb from the one he gave me - not to mention the pain I felt during the shake itself."

Paulo grimaced as he remembered the sterna and brick-like man that was Hank. Perhaps he ought to pay him and his wife a visit now that things looked grim. With this in mind, He turned to talk to Fran.

"Kiara is going to need all the help she can receive, Francine. She will be hurt and will need time to deal with the death of her mother. You lost your parents as well, but you at least had time to heal and make peace. Kiara will be feeling terrible grief from the moment her mother is no longer with us. And she will need to be around friends and family alike so that she too could also heal."

He lifted both of his meaty hands and patted Fran and Chris on the shoulder.

"Keep an eye on her, both of you. She is going to need a shoulder to cry on - perhaps multiple times. Be sure to be the help that she needs."

Fran and Chris nodded their heads. They knew what they had to do, as well as the implications of the death of Luann. Kiara and her family would be hurting pretty badly. And for sure she wouldn't be able to celebrate Halloween and the Day of the Dead with her friends if that were to happen. Whatever happened, the Alola couple would be sure to give her the shoulder she needed to cry on. And for sure she was going to help her deal with the fallout of such a tragic event.

Fran looked at Chris with a worried look after Uncle Paulo turned around to do some work elsewhere in the shop. Paulo was right about her being upset when her parents died. She was devasted by that moment, and she even wondered at the tie if she'd ever recover. But Time heals most wounds, and she was able to make peace with the fact her parents were taken so suddenly and cruelly from her. Kiara would likely feel the same about her mother passing away, and she would feel all sorts of emotions while undergoing the initial shock.

But at the end of the day, this would be Kiara's grief, not her own. While she would do her best to give her a shoulder if needed, Fran still wanted to celebrate the holidays as much as she could. And Christopher would also be there to enjoy the merriment of the season. For now, there was the hope of buying a costume and making sure to have some fun while the moment was there. The prospect of a costume party, grilled food from Jason, and loads of alcohol was something that she and her friends would be looking forward to enjoying. And for sure plenty of other young folks would like to come on over to partake in what the others were doing.

Then again, there was always the danger of things going wrong. The last Halloween that was celebrated ended with a Poképhilia Protest taking place outside of the streets, with Team Shroud attacking loads of people and throwing firebombs all over the place. It was a horrible event, and one for which the friends were thankful for the folks who had strong pokémon with them - one of them being Champion Natasha. It was something that many people didn't want a repeat of, and though there'd be plenty of pokémon there to keep watch and fight if need be, the point of throwing a party was so that there would be enjoyment and merry-making without fear of impending danger. The only fighting that the people should be doing should be from inside the party and its drunken patron, not outside.

It was still a few weeks away from Halloween, and after that would be the much-celebrated Day of the Dead. It would be a day of Trick-or-Treating and Partying followed soon after by a day of Mourning and Remembrance. And Fran was looking forward to doing some enjoying and mourning of her own on both days. Though most of her family was buried or cremated in Alola, she would be sure to mourn those passed relatives even here in a new region.

For now, Fran and Chris continued with their shop duties. There was still plenty of work to do, both in Uncle Paulo's shop and over at the Pokéball Factory, and whatever the season, there was a load of money to be made.

So the two could hope...

The morning of this day was not all that enjoyable. The friends had offered their condolences as best as they could, seeing how inevitable this turned out to be. Everyone was dressed in black, and it was a time of much grief. The shared feeling of loss was felt by everyone all around. And it was something that filled the air with a somber gloom that didn't allow for a single smile to form on anyone's face - not like there was a reason to be happy. Even meeting friends and family would not be enough to soothe the hurt that was within some people's hearts, and the friends that were there wanted to do their best so that the hearts that were hurting wouldn't have to shoulder the burden of loss all alone.

This was the funeral of Luann "Mama" Strideworth, who passed away three days ago. The death of the well-loved and well-known teacher sent ripples throughout the community. It came as a great shock to many people, though those who knew that she had been battling breast cancer for the better part of two years were not all that surprised to see the end of her life. There had been held optimism that she would beat her illness, and there was even a time when she did seem to feel better. But all of that changed when her cancer metastasized in other parts of her body, including her brain. It was here that her life began to take a turn for the worse, with the poor woman unable to continue fighting.

This left the woman's children devastated, with all four of Luann's children - Pamela, Kiara, Samantha, and Rebecca - sitting in the front row awaiting the arrival of their mother's casket.

The men who carried the casket consisted of Justin and Jason, with two other men who were significant to the Strideworth family. They all wore black clothes and had mournful looks on their faces, knowing the gravity of this grim deed. All the while, Saria, Fran, Rose, and special guests Natasha and Sarah, were off to the side with their pokémon. They were all wearing black clothes and displayed a sense of mourning as the woman passed them by. The Daegar natives were especially hurt, with Saria and Natasha having grown up with the deceased mother as their schoolteacher. Jason, Justin, and Sarah were also blessed to have had Luann as their instructor all those years ago. Rose and Fran were the only ones who weren't taught by this teacher, but they knew of her legacy and have heard stories from others.

But it was Kiara who had been truly blessed since this beautiful woman of body, mind, and heart was her mother. So many people were touched by the kindness of this woman, and some even had their own children go through her tutelage while growing up. So many people owed Luann a debt of gratitude for everything that she had done for them, and to see such a wonderful woman laid to rest after being the saintly caretaker that she was brought everyone who knew her to tears.

The whole of Lakeshire Town was mourning, with esteemed guests such as Pastor Apolinar Solis, Susanna "Zazzy" Blakely the Pleasure shop owner, and Uncle Paulo "Poli" Olivier were also present to see someone whom they knew so well pass away. Pastor Solis was the one conducting the funeral, with the pastor standing behind his pulpit as the casket was brought to its resting place. The funeral was held at the Lakeshire Cemetery, the place where many well-known people of the town were laid to rest. And it would be here, among the many tombstones held in honor, that the woman and her legacy would be brought to rest. All the while, her family, her friends, and her town would show up in attendance to see a dear person that they had known set off on her final voyage.

Pastor Solis walked to the pulpit, preparing his words well.

"It is with great sadness that I bring this funeral to a start," said the Pastor somberly. "It is with great sorrow that we have all reached this moment, that someone so near and dear to all of our hearts has now transcended this mortal fold into the next life. Today we mourn the life of Luann Strideworth, of "Mama Luann" and all that she has meant to us. Some of us had gone through school in her classroom. Others were graced by her ambient and holly nature, always greeting her in return as she passed them by. She is truly a gem to Lakeshire Town, and someone that- "

As the Pastor continued with her words, Luann's children, with tears in their eyes, listened carefully to his words. Kiara remembered all the fun she had when her mother was around, having spent the best times of her life when her mother was alive. She couldn't imagine her life without her dear and caring mother, someone who truly stood by her and showed her so much love. And though she was with her sisters, her father, and their pokémon, she never felt so alone.

But the truth was that she wasn't alone. Lance clutched her hand, looking at her with joy and happiness. The young woman looked at him, staring right at his red eyes. She always had her fighting-type lover with her, and she would never truly be alone.

Fran was touched by the display of affection she saw from Lance to Kiara. There was nothing but empathy within her heart, seeing the pain that was within Kiara and her family. She was reminded of her loss, back when her parents were killed by an Ultra Beast many years ago. The mourning she felt was enormous, and her grief crippled her for many years to come. But with Christopher by her side - then still a little Rockruff - as well as with the company of all her relatives, she managed to recover and pick up what fractured pieces remained.

Though Kiara at least still had her father and sisters left to keep her company, that still didn't detract from the sheer sorrow that she felt from having her caring mother pass. And it would be a while before the poor young woman would be able to heal. Fran knew this feeling all too well, and she was upset to know that her friend would undergo something like that.

She then felt Christopher nudging his nose against her cheek. Fran turned around and saw the Midnight Lycanroc look at her with curiosity. Fran merely put a hand on his cheek and the other on his paw, clutching him tightly. Chris knew of Kiara's pain, for he saw that in his trainer many years ago. And with that, he hoped that Lance would be able to soothe the pain that his trainer would go through - just like he did for his trainer all those years ago.

The rest of the funeral would be spent in solemn remembrance, with several people walking up to the pulpit to give their speeches on how much of an impact the life of Luann had made an impact on them. And when the time came, four Funeral staff members lowered Luann's coffin into the pit, where her corpse would forever be interred. The sight proved to be too much for the two youngest siblings, with the youngest Rebecca becoming close to hysterical with her wailing and tears. Even for the older siblings, it was a difficult sight to withstand, even with their pokémon partners nearby.

At the funeral's end, the guests all walked forwards to pay their respects to the deceased and her family, making sure to give their condolences to Hank and his four daughters as the family grieved over their loss. It was a fact of life that nobody could ignore. Everyone was bound to pass away. But it wasn't certain when someone would bite the dust. One could only hope that one's loved ones died in peace, without pain, and without regrets. Once the body was buried or cremated, then it was time to move ahead with one's life in the way that the dearly departed wanted one to live.

Fran got out of her seat and walked towards the grieving family. She went up to Kiara and placed a hand behind her back, petting her as the poor woman let out sobs of grief. Lance also put a hand behind her back, letting her know that she wasn't alone in her suffering. Knowing that Fran lost much more than she did and at a much younger age, Kiara began to calm down a bit. There was a bit of comfort washing over her, the ailing woman lifting her head up and looking at Fran with a slight smile. She had someone whom she could trust, someone who was all too familiar with the pain of loss and the effect it has on one's psyche. And the Alola lass wanted to do her best to cheer her friend up as much she could.

For now, the funeral was coming to a close. The friends all got up and escorted Kiara and her family back to her home. She would need plenty more time to allow herself to recover. And it would be a while before she'd fully recover from the pain.

It was currently one week away from Halloween and the Day of the Dead, and though most of the town was excited at the prospect the news of Luann's passing struck the whole town with shock and grief. It would be a while before the hubbub about a well-known woman in town having died faded away. And for sure the people who attended the funeral would need more time to digest what it was they had just witnessed. They were more than willing to come across good news as to its citizens, and there was hope that no more high-profile deaths were on the horizon.

For now, the friends left the Lakeshire Cemetery in grief. Some would take more than others to recover from this tragedy - and even more for the family who just lost the most vibrant and caring person that they all knew. And it would be a while more before they'd be allowed to feel things such as happiness and joy according to what their grieving hearts wanted.

For now, there was only the hope that Halloween would help cheer the spirits of the Strideworth family. There was plenty to be happy about these coming days...

The Hallowed Night was upon the people of Lakeshire Town, a time of much joy and excitement. The ghost-type pokémon were once again out and about, enjoying the time in which they were welcomed by one and all. And the children were out and about with their parents or pokémon, some of them being the friendly ghosts who wished that the younger generation enjoyed this most wonderful and spell-binding of times. And for sure the adult would be spending Halloween together in a way that perhaps involved loads of food and plenty of drinking - not to mention throwing costume parties.

Over at Jason's house, the ambiance was hectic and alive. There were already loads of people who had come over, ranging from friends to co-workers. Fran and Christopher were walking up to the house, though the two seemingly appeared as twin Midnight Lycanrocs. The Alola native was dressed as a shiny midnight Lycanroc, her fur blue and looking silky and soft. The idea of coming to the party dressed as a member of his own species didn't sit well with Christopher, but he was going to kid himself; she looked cute and loveable in the outfit. He was even tempted to force her into a cuddle session right then and there, feeling her soft fur and perhaps nuzzling her.

The two walked up to Jason's house, the music so loud that it could be heard from the streets. Chris could already smell the delicious food that Jason was grilling up, and he smacked his lips at the prospect of getting a tall plate full of succulent meats. And he was more than willing to pig out and make the most of the food and drinks that were sure to be available.

But for Fran, her mind was also on Kiara. She didn't know how the poor woman would feel just one week after her mother's funeral, and she hadn't seen her much ever since. It was a mystery as to how the poor lass must be feeling. Even her other friends were kept in the dark as to how the Sous Chef was handling her grief. Then again, they all wanted to give her some time to help her mourn, with the only friends being sure to bother her being Rose and Dante - though that was only because they also lived under the same roof. The friends decided it would be best to give her some space. For sure Lance would be comforting her as much as he could.

Francine and Christopher walked past the side gate and into the backyard of Jason's house, where plenty of young adults dressed in costumes and with their real pokémon partners dancing around in the center dancefloor. The man himself was once again behind a grill as he cooked various foods ranging from racks of ribs to steaks and even simple veggies. Chris almost wanted to charge forward to the grill and get himself a bite to eat.

Saria and Razor appeared in front of the two in a puff of smoke, with Saria wearing a pink ninja costume and a red scarf. Following them came Justin, who was wearing fancy business clothes while looking like a zombie - a sort of zombie businessman, complete with a two-piece suit, rotting scabs, and a sickly skin color.

"Hey there, you made it!" greeted Saria as she and Razor came forwards.

"Sup, Fran," said Justin. "Ready to have some fun? Jason's cooking over at the grill. He'll be sure to set you two up with tons of food."

"Thanks, guys!" cheered Fran. "I can't wait."

All the while, Christopher walked up to the Gardevoir and Greninja.

"It's quite the party you guys got going on," noted Chris. "I think I might go for a few steaks and sausages like the ones Jason is grilling right now."

"Go right ahead, friend," ushered Razor. "Now's the time to have some food and fun."

"In two more days there is going to be mourning and sadness," added Lillia. "It would be good to spend most of our time in joy before then. But I cannot say that our trainers are very joyful, especially in the case of Kiara."

Having brought Kiara up, Fran wondered how the poor girl was doing. She asked her friends if she was okay, to which Justin pointed backward. Kiara was seen sitting on a chair next to the grill. She seemed to be festive enough to be wearing a Lucario costume, and Lance was sitting right next to her as she looked down at the ground, dejected as could be.

"She's doing better," noted Justin, "but she's not fully back to her bubbly self. We've mostly just tried giving her space, even telling her that she didn't have to come here if she was still upset. We wanted to give her more time."

"But she refused to not come," added Saria. "She said she'd come here and time with us, and for the most part she'd put up a brave face. But she isn't fully the same as before. I just hope she doesn't push herself too hard. She's a trooper, though, that's for sure."

The friends turned around and walked down to meet the rest. Jason was manning the grill with Camilla, the fire-type providing a good amount of flame to the grill when the charcoal needed more flames. He was wearing an apron that read "Kiss the Cook" plastered on the front. Rose and Dante were present, with Rose dressed as a witch. Natasha and Ivan were also there, with the wrestler wearing the outfit that she'd normally put on when she competed in her matches. And finally were Sarah and Virgil, the young college student not wearing a costume, dressed in regular-looking clothes. It was good to see that the whole gang of Poképhiles was there, spending their time together and hoping to help cheer up one of their own.

Fran and Chris walked up to the grill and food table, where they served themselves plenty of food. Chris picked out loads of meat for him to eat, even so much as taking his plate over to Jason so that he could be served meats directly from the grill. There was also plenty to drink, the beverages consisting of sodas, beers, liquor, and the option to combo ingredients into specialty drinks. Though there was no certified bartender, the people could all mix whatever drink they'd like.

But though the party was moving along strong, with people dancing, eating, and drinking, to Fran it just didn't feel complete. Just seeing Kiara sitting off to the side was something that didn't put her in a festive mood. Her poor friend reminded her of the pain she felt when she lost her parents, something that even to this day stung her hard in the heart. At the same time, she couldn't bear to see Kiara struggling so much with the loss of just one of her parents. Then again, she still had her father, sisters, a pokémon partner, and tons of friends - all of whom would stick around with her to the bitter end. they all wanted her to be happy, especially on a cheerful day like this.

After finishing her plate and filling a large party cup with soda, Fran walked over to Kiara and Lance and sat down next to them.

"How are you doing, Kiara?" asked Fran gingerly.

The conversation they had would put her slightly at ease.

"Better, I guess," admitted Kiara. "But my heart still hurts. I'm still pretty heartsick."

"She hasn't been sleeping all that well these past few days," admitted Lance. "I worry for her health. She might struggle over at work if she doesn't sleep well."

Fran nodded her head. It seemed that her friend had indeed been affected by her loss. She wondered if she could do anything to help. She wasn't very good with words or with comforting others, and she wondered how she could be of help. She then felt someone pet her on the back, followed by her turning around and looking at Christopher. The Lycanroc nodded his head at her, urging her to go to her friend.

"You know, Kiara... seeing you in so much pain, so much grief... it reminded me of when I lost my parents," assured the Alolan girl. Kiara lifted her head and looked at her. "I lost both of my parents when I was eight. I was young and lost the two most important people to me. All I had left was Christopher and other family members. I guess I can feel the pain that you're going through right now. It's never easy to lose a parent or both parents."

Kiara nodded her head, looking at Fran gingerly.

"What I mean to say is that... I understand you fully, Kiara. I'm in the same boat as you."

The sous chef opened her mouth, preparing herself to speak.

"You went through worse than me, Fran. You're here, now, better than ever, and with tons of strength. You lost much more than me and you still recovered. If you can pick yourself up after all of that, then I guess I can too."

"Kiara..." said Fran rather stoically and nervously. "I don't mean to make it sound like I had it worse. I just wanted you to know that I feel your pain."

Kaira nodded her head and put an arm on Fran's shoulder, a wide smile forming on her face.

"I know, Fran. Thank you so much for this heart-to-heart with me." She then rushed forwards, enveloping Fran in her arms and hugging her tight. "Thank you for sticking by me when I needed your help. I feel like I can count on you. Do you think you can help me get better after I'm done grieving?" asked the friend gingerly as she looked her friend in the eyes.

Fran nodded her head, happy to be in the role of healer. She would be sure to check up on Kiara through her mourning, making sure that she could relay her grief to someone who knew full well what it means to grieve. And with that, having shared their moment, the two lifted themselves from their seats to get more drinks, perhaps even play a few games. It was no longer the time to be heartsick and sad. Now it was the time to make merry and celebrate the Halloween season.

Their other friends were already playing all sorts of party games, with the first one being "Pin the Tail on the Mudbray". Saria was blindfolded and tried walking around with a paper tail on a pin in her hand. Mostly everyone was laughing at and with her as she tried to find the spot where the effigy of the Mudbray was at. Even Razor tried to guide her in the right direction. But as he turned away from his trainer to put attention to something else, he failed to notice Saria walking towards him. She poked him right on the left butt cheek with the pin, causing Razor to yelp in pain. The friends all roared in laughter, leaving Saria red-faced and Razor both upset and in pain.

Soon, the friends and guests moved on to playing Beer Pong, with the folks all forming teams of four and seeing who could make the ping pong ball into the empty cup and cause the opposing team to drink a cup of beer if they lost the round. The trouble was when multiple cups have already been drunk, making it harder for the teams to land the balls into the cups as everyone got consistently drunker. But the friends were all having fun with the game, the two sides tying with one another, and even their pokémon weren't enough to land one side the decisive victory. The match concluded in a draw, but the people who partook ended up becoming quite pickled from booze.

In the end, the friends were having the most fun that they had in a long while. Fran managed to bring Kiara along with the merriment that was taking place, having confided in her friend the depths of her heart. And the two friends were sure to spend as much time as they could in merriment and joy.

Soon, midnight rolled around and some of the partygoers were already leaving. Though plenty of people were having fun, there were perhaps those who didn't want to get too drunk and suffer a major hangover in time for preparations for the Day of the Dead. There were going to be plenty of people who needed to wake up with a lucid enough mind so that they could volunteer at the cemetery and other locations to get ready for the holiday.

As for Fran and Christopher, the night had come to an end. Though she didn't have a curfew, Fran knew that her Uncle Paulo worried for her whenever she was out late into the night. And to be honest, she wasn't one for partying too late into the night anyways. One look at Christopher and she could tell that the Midnight Lycanroc also wanted to leave. Despite being a wolf whose species has the word "Midnight" in its naming, he too wasn't one for spending his time late into the night as well. The two went up to their friends and bid them all farewell.

"Aw, you're leaving already?" complained Jason. "The party is just getting started! For sure I'm staying here till the very end."

"Dumb-dumb, you live here, for Pete's sake," chided Camilla. "And even if you didn't, I'd be dragging your ass home this minute because I don't like staying up super late either."

"You'll be dragging me kicking and screaming, that's for sure, Miss Spoilsport!" *conk* "Ouch! I'll never yield!" *conk*

With the slapstick conking in progress, Kiara stood up from her seat and went up to her friend with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for coming over, Fran, and cheering me up," Kiara said. "I feel much better because of you. And I hope you and Chris can come to my place for dinner one day. Lance, Rose, and Dante sure are eating well every dinner time."

"Oh, for bloody, did you have to spill the beans on us already?" said Dante the Inteleon. "I mean, it's hard enough to resist her food."

"Well, maybe you should be careful to eat only small portions," Rose chided. "You wouldn't be putting on so much bloody weight if you hadn't been watching what you eat."

"I only gained half a kilo!" complained Dante. "Besides, I need this weight for winter. It gets bloody frigid here in the cold months."

It was at this point that someone had enough.

"AHEM!!!" grunted Lance as he stepped forward and silenced the Galar couple from bickering. "Thank you for coming over and for helping my trainer, Francine," thanked Lance. "If it wasn't for you, my trainer would still be hurting. Whenever you want to come over for dinner you're always welcome. And the food is indeed delicious - like what certain people are alluding to."

Dante and Rose chuckled nervously, feeling like they were being called out.

"No worries, Lance," replied Fran. "I'm glad to help. Though be careful with inviting me over for food. I got quite the appetite when I get hungry."

"Believe her. There is no satisfying that bottomless pit she got for a stomach," added Christopher with a snicker. "And no problems, bub. Whenever we can help out, we'll be sure to come quickly. Kiara being in her state reminded me of Fran back in the day. I hope that she'll heal, just like my girl here."

Fran and Chris turned around and headed out of the backyard of the house and into the streets. Since it was now technically the next day, that meant that it was only one daytime away from the Day of the Dead. There were still a ton of preparations that needed to be taken for when the people would be bringing loads of candied skeletons, faces paints, and celebratory costumes for when the day came. And Fran was looking forward to spending this time with both her Uncle and with Christopher. She did have family buried in the local Lakeshire Cemetery, this person being her Uncle's late wife Liana. Uncle Paulo was a widower with three kids, all of whom had left the nest and now lived life by themselves. Fran was interested to see how the Day of the Dead was celebrated, and seeing Kiara and Uncle Paulo mourn was something that would pique her curiosity.

Fran arrived back at her home, the flower shop has long since closed, and the lights on the bottom floor of the house were left on. Uncle Paulo would have long since gone to sleep, but he would always leave the ground floor lights on for when his dear niece would come home late. Tonight was no exception as Fran and Chris stepped through the front door and saw the lights still on. One flick of the switch later and the two walked up the stairs to their bedroom. Passing by Uncle Paulo's door the two could hear his snoring, sound asleep after perhaps waiting for her to arrive for some time.

The two entered their room as Fran closed the door quietly, locking it to add even more privacy. The two were happy to be back in their own room, with Fran jumping down on her bed with heavy exhaustion. She was happy to have partied the night away while also having consoled her friend from the feeling of mourning that she felt. Today had been a good day, one with excellent food, drinks, friendship, and fun. Since it was now past midnight the child trick-or-treaters have long since fallen asleep, and even the ghost pokémon headed back home now that it was technically November the 1st.

The day of spooks and sweets was over, but now came the day of hallowed mourning and remembrance. It was one holiday after another, and the Day of the Dead was literally a day away from now. There would perhaps be even more celebrating in the days to come, and Lakeshire Town was going to be abuzz with even more activity and celebration.

"Boy, what a party, right Wolfie?" asked Fran as she looked at her partner.

"It was good," agreed Chris. "I got to eat tons of meat, drink beer, and have fun. Can't complain."

"What a life, eh?" teased Fran. "But I'm just happy that I got to calm down Kiara. She seems a lot better now. I hope she doesn't keep feeling down in the dumps for long."

"Mourning is never easy, Francine," reminded Chris. "When you lost your parents you became unhinged and traumatized for months afterward. Even when it looked like you were recovering you still had nightmares from the event. Kiara may or may not go through the same thing, but you two share a connection in that you know what it's like to lose someone close."

"I guess you're right," agreed Fran. "Would you like to go to sleep now, Wolfie? I'm honestly not quite so tired, to be honest. Maybe it's because I had so much soda?"

"Whatever the cause, No, I don't feel too tired, either." He then approached Fran with a sinister and sly look on his face. "I have plenty of energy for other things if you're interested."

Fran looked at his face and was taken aback by his intent. Perhaps if she were to even say no head would still go on ahead anyway. And besides, she did feel rather horny at the moment, feeling like she wanted to calm down some urges that she had pent up inside.

"Sure thing, Wolfie. Would you like me to take off my Lycanroc costume? Don't rip it though, okay? It's a bit pricey."

"No, leave it on, or at least the top part on. The bottom part you can take off for when we get down there."

Fran's costume consisted of a top and bottom section, with a bare section between her chest and waist revealing her belly button. It wouldn't be a Halloween costume if it didn't reveal some skin, and she was going to reveal a little bit more than what the costume showed to get started with their session.

It had honestly been a good while since Fran and Chris last had sex. The two of them had a healthy sexual relationship; of course, they did other things to bond as well. But the two had gotten even closer ever since that fateful day when they decided to break the bonds of Human and Pokémon relationships and go right for the ultimate pleasure. And Chris, being the carnivore he was, made it a habit to munch on her neck whenever he got close enough to take a bite. It was something that was innate with him, something carnal urging him to have a taste of his trainer and lover. He would sometimes even bite hard enough to cause bleeding.

Despite the danger of approaching Chris' muzzle, Fran got on her knees in front of him as he was sitting down on the edge of the bed. His canine cock was just starting to poke out, but soon it started to protrude and get longer. It slowly grew in size, arriving at the usual and good-sized length that Fran had gotten used to. His canine cock had the typical knot at the base, and his pheromones and musk were starting to fill the air, enticing his lover even more.

Fran had removed the furry gloves that came with her costume and grabbed onto his cock with her right hand, careful to not put too much pressure on him. She then bent her head down and stuck out her tongue, looking intently at the male phallus and licking her lips as a small dab of cum dripped down from his tip. She could already smell the aroma of his fluids, and now she would soon taste the familiar taste of his genetic fluid.

The young woman placed her mouth around his cock, the taste of cum touching her tongue and filling her with desire. Fran loved the taste, a familiar flavor that over time she had come to enjoy. She continued to lick him as she enveloped his cock with her lips. There was nothing quite like giving a good old-fashioned oral sex session, one which drove the Alola native wild as she licked continuously. She stroked her pokémon lover's base, squeezing out as much of his fluid as she could get.

Christopher moaned into the stroking and suckling of his cock. He could hardly withstand the feeling of his cock being squeezed and rubbed the way that he was. He tried his best to hold out for as long as he could, though there was still much more that he had to contend with. He could feel Fran get coy by grabbing his balls, inciting a whimper to come from him. He didn't expect his lover to grab him in that area, and according to her rubbing, she wanted to milk him as much of his seed as she could get without causing him to reach orgasm. It was something that he simply had to withstand, with Chris hardly able to complain, since in other sex sessions he was the one to get coy with Fran when he ate her out. this was perhaps returning the favor from those moments.

The two kept at it with their continued lovemaking, with Chris gritting his teeth as he clenched on the bedsheets while his lover licked him like a lollipop and stroked the base of his cock. He could feel his semen being squeezed out of him, his fluid flowing as it exited from his tip and into the awaiting mouth of Fran. All the while, Fran giggled as she looked at the pained expression of her pokémon lover. She looked at him coyly, licking his member and suckling for all he was worth. But as she did so, she realized that he was starting to get close. His cock was pulsating with the urge of emptying his balls into her mouth. Though that was tempting, she wanted his fluid to go inside her but from a different entrance.

Right before the moment when Chris thought he could no longer hold back when his cock was throbbing hard and about to release his load, Fran finally let go of him and pulled back her hand and mouth. As she was about to pull away, a slight spurt of cum shot from his tip onto her lips - a small gush from the orgasm that he desperately tried to withhold. She got a good kick from his pained face, happy to see the pleasure and discomfort that her pokémon felt. She licked at the dab of cum that was on her lips, relishing the thick pheromones that were within, as well as the potent seed that would likely have impregnated a pokémon of the same egg group.

"Holy shit," gasped Chris. "You were cutting it close there, you conniving little minx."

Fran could only giggle innocently at the anger of her partner.

"I take it you enjoyed me giving you some old-fashioned oral?" teased Fran.

"Enjoying it very much, you slutty vixen," growled Chris. "I'm going to teach you a lesson for almost making me cum before it was out time."

"Well, it was fun while it lasted. Just don't bite me too hard if you do," hoped Fran. "I swear, you bite me so hard sometimes that I'm afraid you might unintentionally kill me. Your bite marks tend to go deep into my neck when you get rabid."

"Your flesh is delicious, what can I say?" said Christopher with a snicker. "All right, get in bed already. It's time to give you a little bit of payback for making me almost waste my cum in your mouth."

Fran knew that she would be in for it when her lover spoke like that. Then again, she held no regrets as to what she had done. She wanted to give her partner as much love and attention as she could give him, and she knew that he enjoyed having his cock stroked and licked, even if he almost did blow his load into her mouth. In some ways, she would've been perfectly fine with him emptying his balls into her. That was why she rubbed his balls - so that she could receive as much cum as she could.

Fran laid down on her bed, flat on her back, and prepared to take her punishment. Chris climbed on top of her, going at it in a traditional missionary position. He knew of other positions that he could try, though it was this position that allowed him the best access to her head. And he had other intentions apart from simply kissing her.

Chris aligned his cock with the entrance of her pussy, preparing himself for penetrating deep into his lover. Fran just looked at him expectantly, hoping to feel his hard and pointed cock enter her depths as he had done before. She wanted to feel his cock buried inside her, to feel him fill her womb with his potent sperm as his knot inflated inside of her to keep all of that wonderful baby batter inside of her. And she was more than willing to receive his virile seed deep inside her body.

There was nothing else for it except for Chris to push himself into her. As usual, he'd start off slow, entering into her vaginal walls in increments. He pushed past her clitoris, entering her channel as he looked at her eyes with a wicked smile. He knew what he wanted to do to her, and he was going to have his wicked way with her if it was the last thing he did. He bared his teeth at her, showing her what to expect once he had gotten a significant amount of satisfaction out of her. And though he was initially gentle upon entering her, he was going to be far less gentle once he got a good rhythm going.

Soon, Chris' knot prevented him from going any deeper into his lover. All he could do was pull back out and thrust back inside. But here was where things would really take off - and it would be quite the revenge that Chris had planned. He pulled back until only his pointed tip remained inside of Fran, only for him to bury himself hard and fast into her. He pulled out quickly and buried himself hard into her again. It was a frequent rhythm that caused Fran quite a bit of pain. But she was far from wanting her lover to stop. She loved the roughness that she was receiving, and it was something she adored about Chris whenever the two had sex. It was this fiery passion that would make even vanilla sex in the missionary position seem much more pleasurable and exciting.

This continued thrusting and pounding carried on for the next ten minutes, with Fran letting out her feminine-sounding moans as she felt her lover's cock bury deep into her warm, tight innards. She didn't want him to slow down, to give her room to breathe, or even to take a break from the continued roughness. She was being manhandled by her pokémon, who pounded her without mercy. And she was more than willing to have her lover have his wicked way with her and get as much out of her as he could.

"You like this so far, Wolfie?" she asked him.

"Fuck yeah, slut!" cried out Christopher. "In fact, I think you know what comes next."

Fran looked at the feral smile on her lover's face. She knew that this moment was coming and that there was no way to stop him. All she could do was grit her teeth and bear with what came next. She hoped that he wouldn't wring her neck out.

"Just don't do it too hard," Fran pleaded.

Chris looked at her wickedly.

"We'll see, My Dear Vixen."

The Midnight Lycanroc opened his mouth wide, preparing himself to take a bite off her. He lunged for her with his canines, inciting Fran to let out a gasp of shock and pain. There was nothing she could do to stop him from sinking his teeth into her neck. He made sure to bite her in a spot where there was little danger of bleeding out. But this didn't stop his canines from not going deep into her, with blood dripping out and staining his muzzle and the area where she was bleeding.

As his canines sunk deep into his captive lover's neck, he applied pressure and wrung her out, treating her like captured prey. He chewed and applied pressure onto her neck, making for an experience that was so surreal yet pleasurable. All he did was treat his lover as though he had recently caught a Lopunny, and he would be sure to treat his lover like said prey pokémon.

Fran didn't know what to think as her lover literally punctured her neck. She knew that she was in good hands, that even through his predatory rabidness that he would try to keep her safe. But this was the closest she could ever get to feeling like prey, of being consumed by a creature that hungered for her flesh and blood. She could hear Chris slurping and suckling on her neck, perhaps imbibing her blood and tasting her sweet and succulent meat. But in the end, she played her part as prey to the nth degree. She didn't care for being treated roughly. She didn't care if perhaps her lover had taken things too far. The pleasure was the only thing on both of their minds, and it was something they both wanted for each other.

It was a Halloween night that was sure to end with one helluva sex session, one which started with friends looking after fellow friends and ended with predatory domination. Fran would smile at the serendipity of it all if only her mind wasn't consumed with the feeling of her own body being literally consumed. This was by far the best Halloween she ever had in her life, and she hoped that Day of the Dead would prove to be just as enticing and moving.

Chris let go of Fran and lifted his head, his muzzle and lips completely covered in blood. He looked at her rabidly, smiling wickedly as he then bent down and planted his muzzle onto her lips. Fran could taste her blood in his mouth, and saliva was not the only fluid being exchanged. Her mouth was covered by her own blood and its heavy taste. She wondered if perhaps Chris had perhaps nicked an important blood vessel, but seeing as she wasn't quite yet bleeding out, this proved to be just a senseless worry. All she could do for now was reciprocate the kiss as her lips moved with his own.

The moment was that of serene bliss as Chris put a hand behind her head and pulled her towards his own, planting his lips even tighter onto hers. The moment was so serene and beautiful, a woman acting as prey and her lover being an actual predator. This was as close as the two could possibly get to enacting the part of wild creatures without incurring more permanent consequences, and it was something that both parties enjoyed rather joyfully. The intensity was something phenomenal, and it was something that the lovers hoped to continue enjoying throughout the rest of their sex session.

But all good things must come to an end. The constant heavy pounding coming from Chris wore both of them down, and their passion was reaching the culmination of all this hard work.

"Oh, Wolfie... I'm... I'm...!"

"Me too, Fran!"

The two wrapped around each other in passion, with Fran wrapping her legs around the waist of the Lycanroc. She pulled him as much as she could, all while Chris pounded her with increased fury. He was so close to the edge, and it wouldn't be long before the two fell off the ledge and into the precipice of rapture and elation.

And that moment came with a fury.

Christopher pushed his cock into Fran's depths as hard and fast as he could. He buried his knot into her, right at the moment that it began to expand. He knotted her as his pointed tip just pushed past her cervix and into her womb. His cock erupted in a torrent of warm, potent wolf cum. Fran's insides were bathed in genetic fluid, the only thing preventing her impregnation being her genetic incompatibility. It was a climax that shot the minds of both Chris and Fran up into the sky, the two clutching each other tightly as they felt the rapture from their combined orgasms. Chris's cock continued throbbing while Fran's pussy kept squeezing him with every last drop. And she would not stop until every last drop that her lover had to give finally came out and entered her body.

The two lovers kept cumming even well after Chris' balls ran empty, his cock shooting blanks after having exhausted his reserves of semen. He was now panting hard, as was his lover. The two opened their eyes and looked at each other, the happiness evident in Fran's eyes. Though her neck was still bleeding after having been wrung out, she didn't care if blood poured onto her sheets. She was happy being with her pokémon lover, and she was more than willing to withstand a pain in the neck to allow their bond to further develop.

"Happy Halloween, Wolfie," said Fran with the most ginger smile.

"Halloween was yesterday. More like Happy November 1st," replied Chris cheekily.

"Oh, you know what I mean, you dork."

The two embraced one another as Fran put a hand to her neck. Her neck was utterly bathed in blood, and she could even feel the puncture marks that were left behind. They looked to be stab wounds, perhaps someone with ill intentions puncturing her neck in an attempt to kill her. Little did anyone know that the wounds were consensual and that they were the same holes that would be reopened again and again while the lover had sex. Fran barely had enough time to allow the bite marks to turn into scars before Chris would bite into her neck again.

"Goodness, you wrung my neck out hard this time, Chris," noted Fran. "I think you went in deeper this time around than before."

"Well, I can't help it. I just feel like biting you deeper and deeper. Now come, help me clean up. All that blood coming out is making the bed look like an absolute horror show."

Fran got up from bed. She had the forethought of placing a towel where her head and neck were resting so that any spilled blood would drip onto it. And the towel was also blood red in color, so that meant that the blood was hardly noticeable when it eventually got stained.

For Fran, this was indeed a night to remember. There were loads of food, plenty of fun games to play, and a friend whom she managed to help ease the burden that she carried. It was a momentous Halloween, one with many events taking hold and with wonderful sex that got better every time. As she got out of bed and walked to the nearby cabinet, she wondered if there would be any other way to topple this sex session. She reached into the cabinet and brought out some antiseptic and bandages, hoping to patch up her neck and stop the bleeding. Though her neck was not bleeding as much as when she was first punctured, she still wanted to make sure that the wound healed into a scar.

With her neck taken care of and with Chris having cleaned the bed and pulled back the covers, it was now time to go to sleep. This night would be cold, one which would require some thick blankets and perhaps some pajamas. But Fran figured that her furry Lycanroc Pokémon partner would do. She took off the top of her Midnight Lycanroc outfit - which had a slight stain of blood, much to her begrudging - and put on a t-shirt and some panties. She then went to bed as Christopher climbed on after her, spooning against her as the two got ready to catch some Zzzs.

There was still a load of festivities left his week. Tomorrow would be the Day of the Dead, and that meant a time that was both bittersweet and somber. The people wouldn't be gathering around in debauchery and heavy drinking. Children wouldn't be dressed in costumes and ask for candy while walking down the street to the next few houses. It would be a time of solemn remembrance of those who have passed, of people visiting the dead, and paying homage to those important in people's lives. There would be costumes and food and drink, but it would be a much more wholesome affair in comparison to the raunchy callousness of Halloween. This holiday actually meant something. It meant wholesome reconnection and family reunion.

Fran wondered how Kiara would handle the Day of the Dead once it arrived. It seemed so fast, having one's parent die and then visit their grave on a holiday that was barely a couple of weeks after the body had been buried. She hoped that her friend wouldn't suffer too much. She would be with Kiara and comfort her - as would the rest of their friends. There was going to be a load of grieving and mourning, but there was also hope that the dead were now in paradise, of being in joyous luxury in the next life.

For now, there was only the prospect of getting a good night's rest. There was a need to get together with family and friends and enjoy the holidays that were to come. There was much to prepare and much more happiness to partake in. One only hoped that after a festive Halloween that the Day of the Dead would prove to be just as emotional and eventful.

And Fran was more than willing to see that through...