The Silver Renomon Series chapter 5

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#8 of The Silver Renomon Series

First things first the disclaimers: This is entirely a work of fiction and nothing more. With respect given to the copy write owners of Digimon the anime series and assorted books etc. In addition, I would like to thank all of the writers out there on the net, especially Rena Tamer whose stories were my inspiration. And to all those others I have read in the last six months and those I might read in the future, Thanks for inspiring me to write again. And lastly I need to think my wife and her editing skills, without her this story would have never reached the internet.

This is my first try at writing a Digimon lemon so be kind with the critique. Notice this story involves mature concepts and adult situations, graphic sexual situations, language, violence, blood, death(not in yiff) and it's not recommended for those under the age of 18. Some (a lot) of yiff, for those of us that don't understand the rest of what I just

The Silver Renomon Series

By Howard Hilmer-Tyson aka wolf421

Editor Diana Hilmer-Tyson aka Lady Shandi

Chapter 5

Last night in Spokane at one of the cities many motels:

"Welcome to the nightly news from channel 4." Said the station announcer.

'Today a west valley home is the topic of a serious investigation by the J.A.S.F. and other law enforcement agencies. The home was destroyed by what J.A.S.F. officials said was a homemade bomb of undetermed type. Officials are looking for Lisa Thackry the owner of the home along with her 17-year-old son for questioning. Citizens are urged to report any sightings of Mrs. Thackry or her son to the local J.A.S.F. office. In other news-'

Disgusted Lisa turns off the TV and looks over at Deb and Dax sitting at the table.

"I can't believe the bullshit lies they are spreading about me and my family! Of all the fucking nerve! They destroyed my house and say that Devon or I made a homemade bomb to cover it up. That's bullshit plain and simple! I'm just glad that I was able to get Devon and Kithira out of town before this shit kicked off." Raged Lisa, as she sat down at the table.

"This is just the type of crap I would expect some desk jockey in J.A.S.F. to come up with. The good news is that Deb was able to get to you first and not them, now here's the bad news; all your bank accounts and credit cards have been seized and a warrant for your arrest sent to all law enforcement agencies." Said Dax as he closed the laptop on the table.

"Or as those of us at the old Hypnos used to call them Just-Another-Stupid-Fuck, long before they got the power they have now, heck, most of the J.A.S.F. are Hypnos rejects that couldn't make it against digimon with it's hands or paws tied behind it's back. Much less fight their way out of a wet paper bag with a blade in their hand. Now all they have is bigger guns and even worse attitudes, no ethics, making them a serious threat to anyone that gets in their way." Deb said bitterly.

"Yeah I know what you mean Deb, but now the question is what can we do to help Lisa? She's now on the run just like we are from those jerks.-"Dax stops mid sentence as he realizes what Lisa had said.

"Lisa did I hear you correctly? Did you say Kithira and Devon not Daryl? "Dax asked worried.

"Yes, Kithira is Devon's digimon partner. Why, what's wrong Dax? You seem concerned. You know something about Daryl?" Lisa replied now confused and concerned.

Dax shook his head in denial but could not hold back the tears of mourning. "No it can't be! That's not true! It can't be true! - it-it can't be," Dax said in denial as his tears flowed freely.

"What's wrong with you? Yes it's true! Not that you have a say in whether or not Devon becomes Kithira partner, I'm proud my son got this chance-"

"Mrs. Thackry please calm down. I am happy for your youngest son, but I hate being the bearer of bad news but Kithira was Daryl's digimon partner. And you know as well as I do being a trainer yourself, yes I saw you pull out that relic of a digivice, that for a digimon to get a new partner the old one has to have died. I'm sorry for your loss, but if Devon is Kithira partner now Daryl is dead." Deb told her regretfully.

Lisa sat there in stunned silence as she tried to absorb this new information. Five minutes later her face was a mask of outrage.

"Why didn't she tell me! She failed to protect Daryl and now she is out there alone with my now only child! How can I trust her!" Seethed Lisa with contempt.

"Kithira probably didn't know how to tell you, and you can trust her. I don't know what happened in the digital world, but I know Kithira. She loved Daryl with everything she had. So much so that as far as I know, they married and became life mates. So, having Devon as her partner is like a second chance for her! She would rather die than allow a single hair on his head to be harmed in any way! They are good for each other right now. They can comfort each other's pain. You have lost a son, but I shouldn't have to remind you that Devon has lost a brother and Kithira has lost a mate! We have lost a good friend, one we'd give our lives for. You judge her too harshly and condemn her before you even truly get a chance to truly know your eldest's mate. Much less, to find out what happened in the digital world to Daryl?" Said Deb harshly as she got up from the table and, sat on one of the two beds in the room.

Lisa took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten then twenty. When she finally calmed down, she realized that Deb was right after she thought about it. Lisa sighed woefully.

"I apologize, your right Deb, I'm not the only one that has experienced the pain of loss with Daryl's death. I let my anger get the better of me." Apologized Lisa with sincerity.

"It's alright, Lisa we understand. Anger and lashing out is your way of grieving. But with all due respect, it's not very constructive. I'm itching for revenge, as I have no doubt it was Hypnos that killed him. He never did trust Hypnos to begin with after he began noticing some things that were kinda off. He never did tell us what, but he was sure of that fact after the team we were on the members started dying left and right especially in the last four months. That's when Deb and I went to ground. Helping where and when we can. But right now if we want answers we are gonna have to talk to Kithira, but I doubt very seriously we will be able to find them unless Kithira wants' us too." Replied Dax.

"I know where they are going, it's just a matter of whether I trust you that far & getting out of town without getting stopped by the authorities." Lisa admitted begrudgingly.

"Well I guess if we are going to trust & help each other in the coming battle there first must be an understanding between us. Right now while we sit here, our digimon partners are in the digital world looking for Daryl and Kithira, but now with what you just told us that search is fruitless. Time is of the essence if we are going to save not only Devon and Kithira but our partners we can use your help, if not I'm out of here before dawn. Chime in anytime Deb." Replied Dax truthfully.

"Lisa, you had a partner digimon long before Dax and I were out of diapers, understand there has been many times that we or any of the team thought that we were going to lose our partners in battle, with your help we can hopefully avoid that possibility again. The net is in lockdown mode right now, which means we cannot even talk to our partners in the digital world. Let alone get them here to help us if needed. The information Kithira has just might be what we need to go after the bastards that destroyed your house and killed the rest of the team; and quite possibly even the ones that killed Daryl. I don't know about you, but I do want some revenge for what they have done." Said Deb bitterly.

Lisa sits in the chair halfway listening to what they are saying, her hand in the satchel holding her digivice, sorrow, rage, scorn, fear, distrust, uncertainty, every emotion she has felt that day flow through her and into the digivice with her thoughts of Cole her digimon partner. 'Damn I wish you were here, we need you Cole' she thinks to herself, as she pulls the digivice out of the satchel and looks at it remembering when it had first appeared in front of her at her parents' home one winter day. On the screen words appear "I come" just as the digivice starts beeping and a bright light discharges from the screen. Across the room, Deb dives behind the bed she was sitting on and Dax dives for the other bed, scrambling behind it.

As the light fades away a tall figure stands before Lisa, its head only inches away from the ceiling.

"Oh, shit it's a Taomon, How the hell did it get here?" Said Deb looking from behind her bed.

A deep baritone voice, "Lisa, you called I'm here. Are you alright? It's been a long time since you called me, too long. I was beginning to think you didn't want me anymore mate. I've missed you beyond what mere words can express."

"Cole, is that you? I tried to come to the digital world more times than I can count, but Hypnos would not let me go, claiming it was too dangerous for humans." Lisa explained with tears of joy on her cheeks.

"And they were right, many areas of the digital world are lifeless deserts from the battles that have occurred over the digi-years. Humans are not safe in the digital world as they once were, great armies of digimon have ruined the world for greed, power or racism. Or all three, it seems they don't need a reason anymore to destroy what's left of the digi-world." Said Cole sorrow tinting his words.

Jumping up Lisa wraps her arms around Cole and burring her face in his robed stomach. Cole's wraps his robe covered hands around Lisa's body holding her close. As if on cue, Cole's body shrinks down to the form of a silver renomon. Looking down at Lisa, Cole leans down and plants a loving and passionate kiss on her lips. Lisa is swept away by the memories of years long past as she returns his kiss with equal passion. Both of their hands start to drift towards each other's private parts before Deb's interruption brings them back to the present.

"Uhh... Do we need to leave the room and give you two a little privacy? But you do realize we don't have time for that, don't you? Dax and I do understand that's it's been awhile since you have seen one another, but considering the current events in both worlds we need to get going like yesterday. Besides I doubt seriously, you two want an audience. Though I wouldn't mind a free show." Said Deb with a slight smile playing on her face.

"We have got bigger problems to deal with right now, get the gear down to the car and get the hell out of here; that bio-emergence was probably picked up by everyone this side of Tokyo Japan!" Said Dax, Emphasizing his words by shoving his laptop into its carrying bag before unplugging it from the wall, and then starts shoving other items into various pockets.

Deb's smile fades as Dax's words sink in.

"Oh, shit! Lisa grab your stuff and that bag by the door and take it to the car, we got to go in a hurry." Responded Deb as she picked up a tote bag by her bed.

Grabbing her satchel off the table Lisa turns toward the door to find Cole holding the other bag. Dax shoulders the laptop bag, picks up another but larger tote bag than the first, and heads for the door. As they leave the room, Deb presses a button on the cars remote unlocking the car doors and opening the trunk. Then she presses another button and the car's motor starts. As they head for the car, Dax and Deb both turn their heads constantly watching for any sign of the J.A.S.F. team showing up. Dax reaches the trunk first and pushes the lid up and tosses his bags in, then holds his hands out to Deb for the ones she is carrying and does the same for Lisa and Cole.

"Lisa, and Cole in the back seat, Dax you take shotgun." Said Deb as she opens the driver's door and climbs in not giving anyone the chance to argue.

After everyone is in the car Deb wastes little time getting them out of the hotel parking lot and on the street. Dax half turns around to look at Lisa.

"Where do we need to go to find Kithira?" He asks her.

"Head out of town on Trent avenue east and keep going until we reach Hauser, Idaho. From there I'll tell you where we need to go." Said Lisa, her hand in Coles.

"Good now we're getting somewhere, besides running around in circles." Said Deb as she turned a corner heading them in the direction of Trent avenue.

They drive in silence for a few minutes before Dax breaks the ice.

"I'm Dax and that's Deb, Cole nice to meet you, just wish the circumstances was different. Never thought for a minute that I would see a renomon in the real world, let alone a silver. I thought you all stayed at that school of thought (never could pronounce the name right so I stopped trying) in the High western mountain range." Said Dax half way turned around in his seat looking at Cole.

"Normally we do, but sometimes one or more of us leave on a walk-about. Such is only one of my reasons for being here and now, besides the main fact that my mate called me." Replied Cole looking at Lisa for a reaction.

"Deb and I were at the school once, right after the net crashed nine years ago, we helped repair the transit node in the region. Nice school but a little to advanced for me." Said Dax pointing to his head for emphasis.

"Cole, you never told me about this school, why?" Asked Lisa.

"Because mate I didn't go there until after I had returned to the digital world. Not that it mattered much, I left shortly after I arrived there. Ever since then I have traveled the digital world looking for a place to call home." Said Cole.

"Why didn't you come back here then, I missed you, we all missed you especially Devon." Said Lisa.

"I couldn't come back until you called me, Hypnos made sure of that when I returned to the digital world, no matter what I tried I could not get through the firewalls or gateways on my own." Replied Cole.

"Same story Deb and I have heard from too many digimon to count, Hypnos started locking out a lot of digimon from ever being able to return to their human partners after they went back to the digital world almost ten years ago. Partly to do with the anti-human sentiment that was on the rise then in the digital world, it's sad that after all these years of co-existence between digimon and humans some feel the need to control what they can't control at all." Said Dax.

"I remember when all that started, it was what prompted me to leave the school, that movement ran through the school faster than a jetmon with hyper-speed activated.

So when can I see my step sons?" Asked Cole out of the blue.

Not a word is said inside the car for almost a minute before Lisa speaks.

"Cole, we think that Daryl may have been killed in the digital world in the last couple of days, we're heading to where Devon is suppose to be with his partner to find out for sure." Lisa said as she held back from wailing out her sorrow, with tears in her eyes she collapses into Cole' s arms.

Cole wraps his arms around Lisa trying to comfort her. But looks at Dax with a stern stare.

"Do you know who was the one that killed my son, uh, step son?" Cole asked anger coloring his tone.

"Thanks for confirming a thought I had back at Lisa's house when I found the picture of the whole family at that cabin. Hey I don't care one way or another what you all do in the bedroom, I think it's cool, but then again I'm biased. Can't wait to get hold of my partner it's been too long since we last mated." Said Deb looking back at the pair in the rear view mirror.

"Deb, I knew you were a horny bitch at times, but damn! With Achilles your Leomon?" Commented Dax playfully.

"Like there's any difference between Achilles and I or you and Rayne your Ophanimon, we all need companionship at one time or another; besides Achilles asked me to tie the knot when he gets back from the digital world." Retorted Deb.

Looking down at Lisa.

"Well my love, it looks like our secret is out at last. That's one less dishonorable thing I have to live with. Now only one more remains and that's to tell Devon the truth about us mate." Cole whispered to Lisa quietly.

Time passes on the road east.

"Are you two brother and sister? Because you two sure act like it. You've been at it for two hours." Chided Lisa from the back seat but still laughing.

"Hell no we aren't even related! Besides if we were, it would have been illegal as all get out, we once upon a time were dating before we got our partners." Replied Deb.

"Hell Deb, you're the kinkiest woman I know, leather whips and chains, oh and lets not forget the occasional sheppard or rottie in the mix. At least you're not into water sports or scat. That's just gross." Dax teased.

"Fuck you Dexter! After all we have been through together, I thought you would at least keep that part of my teenage years a secret! Last time I tell you anything about my years before I joined Hypnos." Deb said rather angrily to Dax.

"Sure had me fooled, the way you two were going at each other's throats, if I didn't know by your words; I would think that you two had already been married and divorced." Lisa chimed in.

Cole leans forward and takes a big sniff of both Dax and Deb, then leans back into the seat laughing loudly.

"What's so funny back there?" Dax asks looking back at Cole.

"Oh, just that you two are related not by your mothers but your father is one and the same; oh one more thing Deb your pregnant. Congratulations. " Cole stated in a jovial tone.

Deb pulls the car over to the side of the road, breaks locked up and sliding to a stop. They both turn and look back at Cole and then each other and responded at the same time.


"We need to talk to our mother's together about that and find out if it's true." Replied Dax.

"Wait, Cole you said that I'm pregnant? Oh, shit." Is all she gets out as the words soak in and her eyes roll up into her head as she faints. Dax quickly reaches over and puts the car into park before it starts rolling.

"That was a real good one, if it had been anyone else to tell her that she wouldn't have believed them for a second. Lisa give me a hand moving her over to the passenger seat and I'll drive while she's out. Real good joke, Cole, wish I could have pulled that one on her." Said Dax as he opened the door chuckling.

"It's no joke, she is pregnant by about three months. I can tell by her scent." Cole affirmed seriously. As Lisa climbed out to help Dax.

"It's true, Dax, Cole knew I was pregnant before I even bought a test to check myself both times. He can tell by scent because of the hormonal changes in the sweat and well other places." Lisa informed him, while helping move Deb into the passenger seat and strapping her in with the seatbelt.

"Well that explains a lot about Rayne and my relationship, every time she's starting to go into her heat cycle I can't keep my hands off of her. Is it the same for you and Cole?" He asked.

Lisa blushes before she answers.

"Every time, back then I enjoyed the extra attention I got from him because of it. And right now I would love to get some time alone with him, but Kithira and Devon come first before my small wants." Lisa replied honestly before climbing into the back seat and closing the door.

Dax, climbs in the car and drops it into drive leaving rubber as he mashes on the peddle and pulls the car back onto the road.

"Turn off at the next major road and go north, the state troopers will have a road block up at the state line, hope you don't mind running the back roads. It will take longer, but we'll be able avoid being stopped by the law." Said Lisa giving Dax directions from the back seat.

"Back roads no problem, as long as you don't have me on some forest trail calling it's self a road." Chided Dax from the driver's seat.

"So do you love, Rayne? I believe that's what Deb said her name was." Cole asked politely.

"Are you kidding? I would die for her if I had to. I miss her so much now, even after a week I can't stand being away from her." Responded Dax

Looking over at Lisa.

"He's a good man, mate we can trust him. I sense the truth in his words." Cole stated boldly.

"That's good we need all the people we can trust with some rogue unit gone kill happy on Daryl's unit. Cole, they've lost most of their unit in the last four months and now besides Dax and Deb and their partners and Kithira, they are the only ones left from a unit of twenty." Lisa said.

"I have heard rumors of a group of digimon going around the digital world killing digimon and humans alike for months now. From what I've heard they are pushing for all humans to return to the real world along with their partners, and if they don't they are overwhelmed by sheer numbers and destroyed. My mate do you think this group could be the ones responsible for our first born's death?" Cole asked curiously.

"Mmm, More than likely they did it, and with help from this side also. They placed tracking devices in each of our D-arc's some months ago. If it hadn't been for Dax finding the trackers in our d-arc's we both be dead by now also." Replied Deb groggily from the front seat.

"It seems to be the direction this is heading from what I can tell. The tracker I pulled out of the D-arc Devon had for Kithira was definitely made here in this world, kinda obvious when one of the chips had (made in China) stamped on it. And that means only someone within Hypnos could have put it there." Lisa said as she ran her hand along Coles leg.

"Not just Hypnos but anyone with the proper security clearance from J.A.S.F. could have done it. The last meeting we had someone there from J.A.S.F. was supposed to be upgrading the security chip in our D-arc's, but installed a tracking device instead. We didn't think about it until the unit started getting killed, but by then it was almost too late for the last of us to escape." Dax responded, a mixture of anger and sorrow tinting his voice.

"Cole knows the way from here and can give you the directions, wake me when we get there love." Lisa said as she snuggled up to Cole wrapping her arms around him, afraid that he would leave again.

"That's good, just tell me when and where to turn." Said Dax, his voice falling on deaf ears as the sound of Lisa snoring reaches him.

Here ends chapter 5, the adventure continues in chapter 6 The Reunion.