Horror Vale - ch 5

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#5 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

_ NOTE: This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._

Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November.

Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well as a running total for the month.

Word Count - Day 4 ~ 3696 words

Word Count - Month ~ 18180 words

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The girls watched him enter the basement, the loud echoes of his footsteps having heralded his return long before they saw him arrive. Darya glared at him, while Alix's consternation grew as he unpacked the camera. Shuddering, she sobbed quietly, not wanting to be videotaped as he raped her.

"P....Please... Don't do this. Let me go, I won't tell. I promise. Just... don't do this to me, please," she begged softly, the camera already recording her pleas. Her young body was firm and perky, even suspended like she was, it was easy to tell she was in shape, though not in as good a one as Darya was.

His ears perked as Alix began to beg him, that was something that turned him on more than almost anything else. Begging for mercy. To hear her pleas as she wiggled in the restraints. Knowing that no matter what she said, he wasn't going to leave her alone. Another thing that he found extremely interesting, was that she was only concerned for herself. 'Don't do this to me,' she'd said. That was natural though, he supposed. He smiled at her.

Darya stared at him, her red-violet eyes throwing daggers at him through the curtain of her green hair. Blood coated her lower lip, which was slightly puffy from the backhands he'd given her before retrieving his camera to record what he was going to do. Spitting out another glob of blood, she sneered at him. "You'll rot in hell for this. You sick, perverted bastard!"

He laughed, saying, "Smile nice for the camera, ladies. Please stop cussing at me, Darya. It will just make it Worse for you." He specifically emphasized the single word, worse.

Alix whimpered as he spoke, seeing that he wasn't stopping the camera and hearing him telling them to smile for it. She shook her head, pleading still. "Please... Don't do this... I'm too young. Please... Just let me go..." Her body shivered in the chains holding her suspended.

Darya just glared at him, finding again that she couldn't look away from the horror of what was starting just feet from her. Couldn't look away from what she knew was her fate as well.

Deryck slunk forward toward the bound and helpless form of Alix, taking his time to get there, prolonging her agony over the whole situation. His cock was rock hard from her begging, but his knot didn't form quite yet. He wondered if it would inside her. Finally, he reached her, and grabbed her legs with his rough paws and sharp claws.

"Alright, Alix. This is going to hurt. Any last words before you scream?"

Alix tried one last time to beg him not to rape her, to leave her alone, though she was resigned to the fact that he was not listening to her pleadings. "Please." she whispered as his paws wrapped around her hips, lifting her just enough to angle her for his penetration. "Please don't. I....I don't want to lose my virginity like this. Just, please, leave me alone. Don't do this to me."

Deryck seemed to pause and think about her words for a moment. "Well," he sighed, putting on an intensely thoughtful expression as if he really thought about not doing it to her. Inwardly though, he was grinning. He was fucking with her mind. "Perhaps you don't need to lose your virginity yet."

Alix nodded, hopeful that he understood where she was coming from. "I don't, Really. I'd be much happier if I kept my virginity. Please," she begged, "Just let me go. I promise I'll never tell what happened, or rather, almost happened here. I'll keep it a secret. Just let me go." In her naiveté, she believed he would stop, would leave her alone.

He loosened his grip on her thighs, preparing to turn away, and then snarled loudly. He leaned forward and snapped his teeth in her face, whispering, "Never!"

He then tightened his grip and shoved his cock straight into her pussy, through her virgin hymen, splitting her wide and stretching her around his massive girth. He finally stopped when his tip hit her cervix.

Unprepared for the onslaught of his hard, vicious thrust, her back arched, her hips pushing at him as his cock drove deep into her. A loud, high pitched, terrified scream ripped through the air as he tore through her hymen, taking her virginity from her. Her blood, the sign of her innocence, stained his hard, thick canine cock as he stretched her around his shaft. Her pain and terror filled screams kept echoing around the basement as her defloration was caught on video. Loud sobbing could be heard on the tape, coming from her, tears streaking down her face.

Behind him, Darya couldn't look away as he slammed home inside the other girl, the loud screams echoing in the room as he pinned Alix to the wall as he started his ravaging molestation of the black haired girl.

Her screams rose, driving his senses higher, and he hadn't even begun to fuck her yet. With a grunt, he pulled himself out, then slammed back in, again hitting her cervix, but not going through. He knew that he would have to break into her cervix if he wanted to knot with her and fill her with his cum. If she had hated her virginity being taken, that would hurt even more. He began to fuck her, picking up his pace slowly as she was so dry it was almost hard for him to keep going.

Alix hated it, and him, each of his thrusts drove her into the wall at her back, screaming anew, and each withdrawal made her sob, knowing it was coming again. She screamed and screamed until her throat was raw, and she couldn't make another sound. Tears streamed down her cheeks, though, as he kept thrusting into her, apparently not caring that she was dry as a bone between her legs. The friction hurt, and the repeated slams of his tip against her cervix hurt even more. It felt like..... Well, like he was demanding entrance to her womb.

When she stopped screaming, Deryck knew two things, one, her throat was too sore to go on, and secondly, she had finally realized that she couldn't fight him off. He continued to pound her though, he would break into her womb, and coat her insides with his cum. It was required if the serum had any chance to work. So even though her cunt was like sandpaper, he kept going, increasing his force until he felt a small give at the tip of his cock. He knew the next would do it, and as he thrust again, the tip of his cock popped into her cervix, and his knot began to swell inside her pussy.

The sudden tearing of more inside her made Alix tense her body, shuddering in pain. She couldn't help it. Her body bucked hard against his, trying to get him out of her. Her eyes widened as she felt something new inside her, and she trembled, as his knot made her tight tunnel seem even tighter around his thick girth. His cock expanding in her cunt sealed them together, like a bitch and her mate, though this bitch was definitely not in heat and definitely was not cooperating. Her cervix penetrated, knotted with what she saw as a monster from all of her nightmares, he was still thrusting into her madly, though with shorter jabs. And he was digging into her legs, when suddenly he stiffened, his cock going rigid inside her and swelling, jetting thick streams of cum up into her tightest of places. He moaned loudly as he felt the hot cum around his cock.

Her mouth opened as she felt something hit her inner walls, but her throat was still too sore for any sound to emerge from it. The entire time he was raping her, tears streamed down her eyes, blood pooling under her from her stolen virginity.

"Now...my bitch... We will see..." he growled out, then relaxed, waiting for his knot to shrink enough that he could yank it out without actually tearing her.

Before he could read into her movements though, she flung her head forward and head butted him, her forehead hitting his muzzle with a loud crack. He reeled backwards as her head impacted his, and a startled grunt came out of his throat. His hands left her legs to clasp his muzzle for a moment.

Unfortunately for her, his backwards movement also caused his knot to rip out of her pussy, causing cuts in her vagina from where the walls split slightly. Her action also made him angry, very angry. He roared at her, his mouth opening wide and his skin rippling as he growled deep. His hand came up, claws extended, then struck her across her left tit, the one with no blood on it, yet.

Alix couldn't avoid her 'punishment' for head butting him. Her abused, violated mound, tore as his cock was violently yanked form her, making her scream soundlessly again. Her eyes widened in terror as his paw lifted, then came slashing down over her left breast, making four red furrows in her soft skin. Blood dripped from her breast, slowly running down her body to pool in the crease between her torso and leg. Her body ached and she glared at him, despite the pain and fear she felt.

"Fuh Yuh," she breathed softly, unable to really speak from the previous screaming she'd done.

He stepped back toward her now, his anger not abated, furious at her for head butting him. He dipped one finger in her pool of blood and smeared it across her lips.

"So your mouth is too dry to say anything?" He backed up and bent over his small bag of supplies, pulling out a full bottle of water. His feet padded noiselessly back across the floor to her side, opening the bottle. "Want some?" he asked her.

She didn't trust him, but her throat was too dry for her to deny her need for some water. She nodded in answer to his question, half afraid it would be alcohol or something that would sting in her wounds, or worse yet, it was truly water, and he was going to drink it. He held it up to the light. "Look at that. Beautiful water." He put it to his lips and took a swallow, then held it to her mouth. When she opened her lips to admit the bottle, he pushed the whole top in her mouth, and pinched her nose, forcing her to swallow continuously, or risk drowning from the sudden flow. Of course, he wouldn't kill her, he needed her, at least until he knew if his experiments would work. It was fun to toy with them though.

Alix thrashed in the chains holding her as he pinched her nose shut and held the top of the bottle in her mouth, forcing her head back as she tried to swallow. The water was pouring into her mouth faster than she could swallow, and with her nose pinched shut, she couldn't breathe. She choked and gagged as water slid down the wrong pipe and into her lungs, making her feel like she was drowning. She couldn't pull her head away, though. His grip was too firm on her nose, and his other paw kept the bottle in her mouth. He waited another minute after she began thrashing before he released her nose and lowered the bottle, but he didn't take it away from her lips. He let her breathe, and then lifted the bottle again, this time slower, so that she could actually drink from it. He let her finish most of the bottle, then put it down on the floor next to her.

Water trickled from her nose as he released it, and she bent her head forward as he lowered the bottle, coughing and spluttering some. She took a few deep breaths before he lifted the bottle again, but this time, he didn't try to drown her, but let her drink from the bottle. The water soothed her parched, sore throat enough that she felt safe in talking after drinking. She wouldn't be able to reach the bottle later if she needed anymore. He placed it on the ground next to her, but her wrists and ankles were still bound above her head. He paused for a moment after putting the bottle down, and looked at her, hanging there. The smell of his cum and her bloody pussy was pungent, and to him, sweet. He put a paw to her pussy, toying with the sore flesh there, then slapped her ass hard, letting his claws hit her skin only a bit, making tiny pricks.

Giving a low cry as he toyed with her sore, aching, abused pussy, Alix's body trembled in fear. She was afraid that he was going to rape her again. The sudden slap to her ass, though, made her thighs jiggle in reaction, as she let out a louder cry. It came as a complete surprise, and then she winced, feeling his claw tips pressing into her ass cheeks drawing small droplets of blood. There wasn't much she could do to protect herself from his paws, though, not strung up like a sacrificial offering to a lust demon or fertility god.

He wasn't going to let her get comfortable, or forget that HE was in charge here. His second slap wasn't to her ass, but to her pussy, on her lips, and she screamed, his paw hitting her right on her abused mound, the swollen flesh reddening more under his 'tender' ministrations. Then he took a single claw, and pressed on the very tip of her clit. As he held her clit with that claw, he reached up to the uncut tit, and began twisting.

He was driving her insane. One minute he was nasty, drowning her with a bottle of water. The next, he was kind, letting her drink, the very next, he was sadistic, slapping her abused cunt and ass hard. She couldn't even twist to get away from his probing, violating paws. Her eyes widened as she felt his claw pressing against her clit, which, until now, had been ignored by him. A jolt of searing pain raced through her as his claw tip dug into her clit, almost making a cut in the tender nub. She bit her lip, trying to keep from making any more noise, as he reached up to her bloody paw printed breast, the one still unharmed, and twisted the nipple hard. Her back arched in pain, her body trembling from the sheer amount racing through her. Her nerves were getting overloaded with stimuli, and it wouldn't be long before she passed out.

Suddenly, he released her completely from his paws, removing all contact from her, and stepping back towards his bag. Taking a rag from it, he crossed back to her and pushed it inside her pussy, letting it soak up her blood and his cum from her abused and violated cunt. Before kidnapping them, he had scoured the house for anything useful. He had picked up a bottle of alcohol, a roll of tape, and a few other things. His lip curled in a wince as his cut thigh throbbed, and he pulled the bottle of alcohol out of his bag, then soaked another rag in its contents. Applying it to his cut, he hissed as it burned him. He had to clean it though, he couldn't afford a nasty infection. After cleaning the cut, he soaked the rag in the alcohol again.

Taking it, and the roll of tape from his bag, he moved over to Alix again, watching her eyes widen as he came close. The blood and cum stained rag was pulled from her pussy, every inch, every fiber of the rag soiled from being inside her abused cunt, and quickly forced into her mouth. As she tried to spit it out at him, he ripped off a section of tape, and covered her mouth with it, trapping most of the rag inside. The alcohol soaked rag, the one he'd used to clean his wound, was lowered to her pussy, and he jammed it inside with one finger.

The alcohol...... Oh god, it burned. Alix's body stiffened as the alcohol found the rips in her bloody cunt and seeped into them from the rag. A primal scream of pain, intense pain, ripped from her, only to be muffled by the disgustingly stained rag taped into her mouth. She couldn't get the soaked rag out of her abused, violated pussy with his finger pushing it further into her. Tears streaked down her cheeks as she struggled, trying to stop what he was doing, despite being chained. She writhed in pain as more of the rag got shoved into her, the alcohol burning a path deeper and deeper inside her torn, violated body. More screams of pain, not as primal as the first, but still loud, despite the rag-gag taped in her mouth, ripped from her throat.

Even as he let her cunt be tortured and burned with the alcohol, Deryck was ripping a clean piece of her clothes into another rag. He put a little water on it, then held her still through her struggles, and began to clean the cuts on her ass and torn breast. He wiped the blood away, letting her pale skin shine through again, and made sure the wounds were clean. If there was one good thing that the burning alcohol would do, it would clean the cuts in her cunt. He finished wiping the blood away, and tossed the bloody rag in the corner, then returned to her. He took a piece of the alcohol rag in his claws, and pulled it very slowly from her cunt, making sure she felt every bit of it slide from her.

The torture of the alcohol followed by the tender care of his cleaning of her wounds had her mind whirling in confusion again. He was vicious and mean one moment, then kind and caring the next, only to have the cycle continue moments later. He must be trying to drive her insane. She didn't know the in's and out's of psychological torture, but that was what he was doing to her.

Completely and utterly fucking with her mind, breaking her down into the perfect cumdump..... Mindless..... Helpless..... Practically lifeless.

He'd raped her, taken her virginity, and now, he was caring for her. Cleaning her up. The contrasts boggled her mind, and she whimpered as he started to teasingly pull the alcohol soaked rag from her abused cunt. Each tug of the cloth from her made more of the alcohol seep into her cuts and therefore into her blood stream.

Deryck pulled the last bit of the rag out of her violated cunt quickly, wadding it up as well, and throwing it across the room. He wiped the last bits of blood, cum and alcohol out of and off of her pussy, then his bloody paw print off of her right breast. Alix cried out again as he yanked the alcohol soaked rag from her, her abused, violated body screaming from the added onslaught of more alcohol from the sudden departure of the cloth. Gods, the pain, she hurt terribly, and she knew it would not end here. She would suffer much more at his paws. He reached to her mouth, and began to pull the tape off slowly. She started struggling, twisting in the chains, trying to stop him, though her efforts were futile. He easily took control and peeled the tape from her mouth, making her scream into the rag before he pulled it from her mouth and threw it across the room.

A key was quickly produced from his pocket, and first one, then the other ankle was let down, so that her feet were touching the floor. Her hands were next, and when he released them, she fell heavily against him, unable to sustain her own weight. He carried her to the farthest corner, so she couldn't reach the stairs even if she tried, and laid her on the bare stone.

She felt like her arms and legs were on fire as he unlocked one ankle and let the leg drop, then the other. Blood rushed down into her legs, making them tingle as her circulation was 're-activated'. She slumped against him, as he freed her wrists, unable to stand on her own two feet, after the length of time she'd been chained and suspended in mid-air. Her eyes grew heavy as he carried her to the corner. She just wanted to die. There was no way she would survive this, not mentally healthy, at least.

He had one last thing for her now though, even if she was now clean, and thoroughly exhausted. He had brought some sets of bondage nipple and clit chains, with toothed clips. One of these he procured from his bag, and he attached the nipple clips to her sore tits, then he forced her to curl up, and snapped the one onto her clit. She had to stay bent over, or she would risk ripping the clips off, and tearing her over-sensitive skin.

Before she passed out, he clamped her nipples, making her cry out sharply, the pain of the teeth forcing her nipples to harden. She tried to roll onto her side, to avoid the last one, especially after seeing the glint in his eyes, but again, her efforts were wasted as he fastened the last clamp over her clit, making her scream in pain. She started to straighten out, but felt the tug of the clamps, the teeth digging into her tender flesh. She was being forced to remain in a fetal position or risk losing body parts. That she refused to do. She curled up into a ball, and cried into her knees. The last thing she heard was his paw steps as he walked away from her.
