Drunk Mom Crashes a Sleepover

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All characters are at least 18 years of age. And no, I couldn't think of a better title.


"Kevin, you fucking cheater."

Kevin laughed, and pressed his advantage. "You don't like it, you better grab the sniper before I do next time."

"Aww, fuck off," Silas cursed as Kevin finally nailed him with it.

"Shit," Shaun grunted a moment later, as he too was shot down.

They both tossed their controllers aside, giving up on the current match. They were too far behind to have any hope of catching up.

"We need to give you a bigger handicap, you play these games way too much," Silas said.

Pieter continued playing for a few more seconds, then, with reptilian slowness, looked around and realized the others had stopped. He set his controller down as well, as Kevin started to enact damage control.

"Aww, come on guys," the bunny wheedled. "Look, I couldn't resist going all out, but I'll take it easy the rest of the night."

The other three glanced at each other briefly, then Silas nodded. "Fine," the lanky stallion said. "But you're not allowed to use anything with a scope."

"Or rockets," Shaun, the calico cat, chimed in.

Pieter did some mental calculations. "Or stickies," the monitor lizard lisped.

Kevin sputtered for a second, then acquiesced. "Alright, alright. We'll try that for the next round. Let's go, Pieter, it's your turn to pick a-"

The door to Kevin's room suddenly opened, and an older bunny in a nightgown stood in the doorway. "Hey boys," she said thickly, and Kevin groaned quietly, rolling his eyes. "Y'all still up?"

"It's only 11," Kevin said flatly. "We'll keep it down, okay? Can you please leave?"

His mother pouted, lingering in the doorway. "I just wanted to see if you boys wanted anything before I went to bed."

"God, mom, you're-" Kevin bit his tongue. His mother was clearly drunk, but he felt embarrassed to admit it in front of his friends. "Look, we're fine, okay? Thanks. You can go to bed."

She continued to pout, but took a step back, and started to close the door. Then she seemed to notice something. "Oh, I almost forgot," she said, with a mischievous smile.

She walked into the room as Kevin started to stammer again, and then bent over to wrap her arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the head.

"What the hell, mom!" Kevin protested, struggling out of her boozy grasp. He was too distracted by his embarrassment to notice the lecherous stares from all of his friends as his mother swished her ass and showed off her cleavage by pressing her chest against her son. "Would you just leave already?"

"Hey, take it easy, Kev," Silas said smoothly, standing up. "It's okay, Miss Luchik, we don't mind. Thanks for checking on us."

Kevin's mother straightened, and smiled coyly at Silas. "Aw, you're always such a sweetheart, Silas," she said, and patted his arm. Kevin's mind struggled to catch up, but didn't fail to notice the way his mother's paw lingered on Silas's lean bicep. "I just can't believe you've all graduated already, you all grew up so fast..."

Kevin stood up, stumbling over his words. "Okay, yes, thank you for checking, but we're fine. Good night." Kevin's father had left over a decade ago, and he didn't begrudge his mother going on dates or even occasionally sending him out of the house so she could bring someone home, butt his was way too much.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Kevin. I just thought about all the cute boys who were in my house and couldn't help myself," she teased.

Silas boldly slipped his arm around the older bunny's waist, and Kevin felt his hackles rise. "Dude!" he snapped, but Silas ignored him. Out of the four boys, Silas was easily the most confident, and the only one who claimed to have had any experience with girls. Shaun and Pieter both stared on with unconcealed envy while Kevin seethed.

His mother just giggled drunkenly. "Okay, okay, I'll get out of your fur." Kevin bristled further as she leaned against Silas for a moment then stepped back, allowing the stallion's hand to trail down across her wide hips. "Oh, and Silas, if you've got a minute, I could use a bit of help with something downstairs..."

Silas looked slyly across his friends' wide-eyed faces, two of them with jealousy and one with rage, then grinned at Kevin. "Actually," he said, "I think we can all help you right here."

Before Kevin could say anything else, before his mother could react, Silas turned and wrapped his arms around her waist. She gasped, then squealed in delight as he lifted her easily and carried her to the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Kevin shouted.

"Oh, hush," his mother admonished absent-mindedly as Silas laid her on her son's bed. Her nightgown had slipped open, fully exposing one breast and coming tantalizingly close to exposing her snatch as well. Kevin blushed furiously and looked away, only to see Pieter and Shaun standing up and staring hungrily at the scene.

"Oh, not you guys too," Kevin moaned.

Shaun glanced at him, then looked away, abashed. "Sorry, dude, but... I mean, your mom is really hot, and she wants it. We're all consenting adults, right?" He shifted his legs, ran a paw along his thigh. "Fuck, I wish I had my strap."

On the bed, Kevin's mother turned her head to look at the calico. "Bottom drawer of my dresser," she said cryptically, with a small grin on her face.

Shaun looked puzzled for a moment, then went wide-eyed. "Really? Thanks Miss Luchik!" he said, and scrambled out of the room.

Kevin's mother giggled. "Please, call me Zoe," she said huskily. Silas had removed his shirt, exposing a torso which was halfway between lanky teen and the typical stallion barrel chest. Zoe sat up and reached for the waistband of his jeans, completely exposing herself as she did so, and deftly unbuttoned them.

"Mom! What are you doing?"

Zoe paused for a moment, and gave her son a very sober look. Then she looked back at the stallion before her, at the huge bulge straining beneath the denim of his pants. "Sorry, Kev. You can go order a pizza or something if you want. I'll wash your sheets tomorrow," she added as an afterthought. She unzipped Silas's jeans, and slowly slipped them down, practically drooling as the massive rod of stallion cock slipped free and bobbed upwards, pointing straight at her face.

Kevin was horrified, but was too dumbstruck to look away. His mother gingerly wrapped her paws around the base of Silas's pole, then leaned forward and rubbed her face along its length, inhaling deeply. "Oh, god," she moaned, and Silas raised his head and grunted at her touch.

Zoe stroked Silas's cock a few times, delighting in it throbbing in her paws, and daintily licked a drop of pre-cum from his tip. Then she leaned back on the bed, pulling his cock down between her legs. "Let's not waste time, boys," she said.

Silas was all too happy to oblige. As soon as he was lined up, he started pushing forward, and he and Zoe both moaned as he entered her. He met little resistance - she was wet enough that everyone in the room could hear him sliding in, and she had more than enough experience that Silas's size was not an issue. Silas gasped as he fully hilted, and stared down at his friend's mom. "God damn, Zoe," he said, taking a moment to fondle one of her breasts. "You have no idea how many times I've jerked off fantasizing about this."

Kevin trembled, and his mom giggled again. "Well, you won't have to fantasize anymore. Come on stud, give it to me."

Silas didn't say anything. He leaned over, planted his hands on either side of Zoe's head, then began to thrust his hips in long, slow motions.

"Yes!" Zoe cried, and reached back to grip Silas's wrists in her paws. "Oh, fuck, yes!"

The sight of his friend fucking his mom finally overwhelmed Kevin's shock, and he turned his eyes away. Pieter was watching the two with a quiet intensity. Kevin was trying to convince his jellied legs to carry him out of the room when he heard the sound of footsteps over the wet slapping and grunting behind him.

Shaun appeared at the top of the stairs, completely naked except for his binder and the strap-on he had found in his mother's drawer of sex toys. He and Kevin met eyes, and Shaun coughed awkwardly and averted his gaze as he re-entered the room.

"Fuck," Shaun said when he saw the two rutting on the bed. "Silas is really giving it to your mom."

"Fuck you Shaun!" Kevin shouted, and shoved Shaun's shoulder, glad to finally have an outlet for his frustration.

Shaun glared at him. "Hey, fuck you!" he said, and shoved him back. Kevin stumbled in surprise, and fell on his ass. He hadn't expected the normally timid Shaun to retaliate. Shaun stepped over him before he could get back up, and Pieter turned his head to watch with the same cold curiosity he had focused on Silas and Zoe. The two on the bed paid no heed to anyone but themselves, and continued their wild fucking.

"You got a problem?" Shaun said down at him. Kevin felt ridiculous, completely lost, staring up at his naked friend past the silicon cat cock strapped at his waist while his other friend was drilling his mom on his own bed. "You're the only one here acting like an asshole. You could've just left, you're the one who decided to stay and watch."

Kevin's mind whirled as he lost all grip on his situation. Why had he stayed?

Shaun calmed down a moment later, and reached a paw down to help him up. Kevin numbly took it, let Shaun hoist him to his feet. "Sorry," Shaun mumbled. "I didn't mean to shove so hard."

Kevin stared at him dully, then they all turned back to watch the two on the bed.

Zoe's legs were dangling over Silas's shoulders, and he was pounding into her short and hard. Kevin could see his mom's fluffy tail brushing against Silas's massive testicles with every thrust, and he thought he could see a bulge in her stomach where the huge cock pressed up into her abdomen.

"Shit..." Shaun murmured, and Kevin could only dumbly nod his head.

Silas groaned loudly, and glanced over at Kevin. "I'm about to blow. You want the next go, Kevin?"

Kevin stiffened, almost choked. "I'm not gonna fuck my own mom, dude!"

Silas shrugged, and redoubled his thrusts, causing Zoe to cry out in pleasure. "Your loss. If my mom was this hot and this big of a slut, I'd fuck her every day."

"Don't call my mom a slut!" Kevin protested weakly, hearing how preposterous it sounded even as he said it.

Silas just moaned out loud, and then froze with his cock buried as deep as it could go. Zoe gasped, and then murred happily, rubbing the slight bulge in her tummy with a paw. Kevin tried to turn his head way, but couldn't tear his eyes from the sight of his friend cumming inside his mom.

"Fuck," Silas said after a moment, and pulled out, dripping cum and juices all over Kevin's bed. He looked at Kevin, grinned wickedly. "Guess you should start calling me dad."

"Fuck you," Kevin murmured, and Silas just laughed.

On the bed, Zoe dipped a paw to her gaping snatch, then brought it to her mouth and licked. She sighed contentedly, then asked, "Who's next?"

Shaun jumped. "Me!" he said eagerly, although neither Pieter or Kevin had made any move. He spared a quick apologetic glance at Kevin, then nervously stepped forward as Silas stepped back to give him room.

Shaun paused at the end of the bed, eagerness abating, and stammered, "Um... it's my first time, so, um..."

Zoe sat up again, reached out a paw and tenderly placed it on Shaun's face. "It's okay, I can guide you through it." Shaun nodded, and Zoe slowly pulled Shaun down on top of her, nuzzling his nose with hers.

"I'm ready, so you can just slip it in and go at your own pace."

Shaun shifted his hips, then slowly pushed forward, and Zoe moaned happily. "There we go," she cooed once their hips settled against each other.

Shaun slowly started gyrating, and Zoe squirmed and squealed. "Oh, god, I love cats! Your cocks are so good."

Shaun beamed proudly as he clumsily tried to find a good rhythm to thrust. "Just... tell me if I can do anything better, okay?" he asked.

Zoe smiled, and stroked his back. "You're doing great."

"Hey, Kevin." Kevin tore his eyes away to look at Silas, who was sitting on the sofa nearby. Silas grinned. "Come sit down if you're not going to join in."

Kevin stared at him in disbelief, stared at the messy flaccid cock between his legs that was still dripping fluid.

Silas patted the seat next to him. "Come here," he said again, firmly, and Kevin felt himself start to move. He walked stiffly to the sofa, and as he started to sit down, he felt strong hands at his waist that pulled him over. He yelped and squirmed as Silas held him in place on his lap, felt slick wetness start to soak through his shorts.

"Sit still," Silas commanded, and Kevin stopped struggling. Pieter spared them one slow glance.

"What are you doing?" Kevin mumbled, and he could almost hear Silas grinning behind him.

"What, you don't want to spend time with your old man?" Kevin snorted derisively, but Silas continued. "You're about to have three new dads you know, you'll have to learn some respect."

Back on the bed, Zoe was panting and moaning as the soft barbs on Shaun's silicone cock massaged her insides. She trailed a hand down along Shaun's waist questioningly, and asked, "Do you want me to finger you while you fuck me?"

Shaun froze for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah... okay," he said hoarsely. The two shifted position slightly so Zoe could reach her hand around Shaun's thighs, and there was a quiet squelch as she sank her digits into his folds. Shaun gasped and shuddered, then started driving his cock back into the doe beneath him, though much more erratically than before.

After a moment, Zoe reached her free hand up and wrapped it around the back of Shaun's head, pulling him down for a long kiss. Shaun's eyes opened wide in surprise, and then he moaned into the kiss and kept humping, filling the room with wet slapping again.

Kevin nearly jumped when he felt something brush his cock through his shorts, and only Silas's strong hand on his waist kept him down. Kevin looked down and saw Silas idly trail a hand across his crotch before returning it to his waist. He hadn't even realized he was hard, but now thanks to Silas he was painfully aware of the fact.

"Why don't you take those shorts off?" Silas asked reasonably. "You'd be able to enjoy the show better if you did."

Kevin didn't say anything, but he gasped and twitched when Silas slowly grazed across his covered erection with his hand again. Then, he removed his hands completely.

"Take them off," Silas reiterated.

Kevin swallowed, and stood up now that he was no longer held down. He felt like he was having an out of body experience as he slowly peeled his damp shorts down to his feet. He straightened, fully exposing his erection as he watched Shaun fucking his mom. When the hands returned to his waist, he didn't resist - he let Silas pull him back down to his lap, felt cum smear into the fur on his rump.

"Isn't that better?" Silas asked.

Kevin moaned when he felt a large hand wrap around his cock, leaned back against Silas as he started stroking. He could feel Silas growing hard again between them, felt the huge horsecock throb and lift along his ass, trailing pre-cum in his fur as it did so.

Silas removed his hand from his cock, and Kevin whimpered at the absence until he felt him lifting his shirt. He raised his arms, allowed Kevin to finish undressing him, then moaned again when the hand returned. Silas's other hand lifted, rubbed through the fur on Kevin's chest until it found his nipple and pinched gently, eliciting a gasp.

"Are you enjoying the show?" Silas whispered into one of his long ears, and Kevin shivered before he nodded. On the bed, Shaun and Zoe were both writhing and quivering, clearly nearing matching orgasms.

"Don't you want to join in?"

Kevin whimpered. "She's my mom..." he said weakly.

"That's not what I meant," Silas said, and before Kevin could muster up a question, Silas nibbled at his ear. Kevin squealed as his whole body tensed. He hadn't known his ears were such a weak point, but Silas used this new-found information to devastating effect. Soon Kevin was nothing more than mewling putty on Silas's lap. He was nearing his own orgasm, and he had nearly forgotten the show on the bed, nearly forgotten the throbbing cock that was pulsing along his back and soaking his fur with precum.

There was a conjoined cry from somewhere in the distance, and suddenly the onslaught of sensations stopped. Kevin panted as his senses returned, and whined in desperation as his impending orgasm subsided. He started to reach for his cock to finish himself off, but Silas gripped both of his wrists.

"Hands off," he said gruffly, and Kevin shivered.

Zoe and Shaun were a panting heap on the bed, slowly recovering from their shared climax. "Oh my god," Shaun gasped, and then, for good measure, "Oh my god."

Zoe laughed, and pulled the cat's head back for another kiss. "I'm glad you shared your first time with me," she said. "If you ever want a second, you know where to find me."

Shaun flushed, and nodded. After a moment he pushed himself up, and slowly pulled out. Zoe hummed happily as the barbs raked her walls one last time. Once Shaun was off of her, Zoe rolled over and looked at the others in the room. She grinned broadly when she saw Kevin squirming in arousal on Silas's lap, then looked at Pieter. Kevin felt his whole body flush at his mother's blatant dismissal.

"You next?" she asked the monitor. Pieter looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, almost indifferently. He casually slipped his pants off, and Zoe licked her lips as his twin red hemipenes were exposed. They were relatively short, but thick and bulbous, with barbs around the tip similar to a cat's cock.

Zoe watched him for a moment, but Pieter didn't move. Comprehension slowly lit her features, and she slid off the bed and crawled towards the lizard on her hands and knees. When she reached him, she knelt in front of him and gave one of his cocks a lick before taking it slowly into her mouth.

Pieter's tongue flicked out once, then his head rolled to the side and he stood still as Zoe began bobbing back and forth on his cock.

"How is it, Pieter?" Silas asked. Kevin squirmed as he felt Silas flex his slimy cock against his back.

Pieter tilted his head to look at Silas.

"I bet it would feel better if both of them were getting sucked on, huh?"

Pieter continued to stare, then nodded once.

"Hear that?" Silas whispered in his ear again, sending a shiver down Kevin's spine. Kevin watched his mother suck expertly on one of his friend's cock while the other bounced in the air. The entire time, Zoe's gaze was locked on her son. "Why don't you go join your mother?"

"I... I can't, Silas..."

Kevin gasped when the horse nibbled on his ear again, causing his cock to jump. "I said, go kneel down next to your slut mother." A moment later, he released his grip on Kevin's wrists.

Kevin stood up awkwardly, thin cock stiffly at attention, and slowly walked over to stand next to his mother. Pieter watched him with that odd, reptilian curiosity.

"Uh... what's...?" Shaun started to ask, then fell silent as Silas stood up and followed behind Kevin.

"That's right," Silas said, and placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder. He didn't push - Kevin sank to his knees on his own. He was inches away from Pieter's free cock, inches away from his mother's face as she sucked on the other one. Silas stood behind mother and son, and his cock jutted between their cheeks. "Now, let your mother show you how to suck a cock."

Zoe pulled her mouth away and smiled at her son. She reached a hand up and rubbed the back of his head tenderly, and with the other she grabbed the cock in front of her son's face to steady it. "Come on, Kev. Open up, I'll teach you what to do."

Kevin felt a brief sensation of vertigo, like he might faint at any second. Then Silas's deep voice above him said, "Listen to your mother."

Kevin licked his lips subconsciously, then opened his mouth. Zoe gently pushed his head forward, guided his lips over Pieter's cock. "That's it, baby. Keep your jaw open, and wrap your lips around it. Just breathe through your nose. We'll take it slow, okay?"

Kevin allowed his mother to push his face forward until his nose brushed against abdominal scales, and he inhaled the odd scent of reptilian musk from Pieter's slit. The cock was wide and oddly shaped, and the barbs tickled the roof of his mouth, but it was short enough that he could take it all without gagging. It was oddly cool in his mouth, but then Kevin supposed he should have expected that.

Zoe held her son there a moment, then stopped pressing and allowed him to pull back until just the tip remained in his mouth. His eyes turned to meet hers, and she smiled. "You're doing great, sweetie," she said, and began pushing him down again.

Kevin stared ahead, watching the bright red cock disappearing into his mouth under his mother's direction. "Lick the tip when you come up this time, but be careful with your teeth," she instructed, and he did so, rolling his tongue over the spiny head of Pieter's cock before she pushed him back down again. He bobbed back and forth, trying to put all of his mother's instructions into practice. Every now and then, his face would brush against Silas's cock, which was still hovering between his and his mother's heads.

"Just keep that up, and you'll be a better cocksucker than mommy in no time," Zoe said, and Kevin's ears burned in shame. Her hand fell away from the back of his head, but he kept bobbing on his own. Zoe watched proudly for a few seconds, then turned and resumed sucking Pieter's other cock, alternating her bobbing with Kevin's.

"Like mother, like son," Silas teased, and Kevin closed his eyes, focused on the cock in his mouth. "Better with two mouths, eh Pieter?"

The monitor looked down at the mother and son slobbering on his cocks, and put his claws on top of their heads. They both looked up at him as they continued sucking. "Hmmm. Much," he said after a moment. He continued staring down at them, and Kevin felt bashful under his reptilian gaze and turned his eyes down. He watched his mother instead, who kept staring up at the monitor lustily, and tried to imitate her technique.

He felt a warm hand on the side of his face, and it pressed him towards his mother - or more accurately, towards the large horsecock between them. His cheek came to rest along the hot, sticky length, and he rubbed his face along it back and forth as he continued to attend to Pieter's cock. He could feel his mother's movements as she did the same on her side of Silas. Precum trailed from Silas's tip, and he occasionally pulled back to rub it off on one of their faces.

"God, you sluts are so soft," Silas moaned. "I fucking love bunnies."

Zoe wriggled happily beside him, and even Kevin was starting to feel affected by the praise.

"Damn, Pieter, how much longer can you last?" Silas asked after a minute.

Kevin looked back up at the lizard for his answer. Pieter cocked his head, flicked his tongue. "A while," he said simply.

"Right, well, I don't want to interrupt your fun, but I'm going to have some more fun of my own," Silas said.

The hand left Kevin's face, and then Silas's cock pulled away. Kevin watched through the corner of his eye as Silas stepped behind his mother, and pulled her hips back and up until she was on her hands and knees. She faltered in her blowjob only briefly as she was repositioned, then resumed as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, don't I get to have any more fun? You guys have been at it for ages."

There was a lewd squelch as Silas pushed himself into Kevin's mother once again, and she squealed around Pieter's cock.

"Sure, why don't you use Kevin?"

Kevin went wide-eyed, and started to pull his mouth from Pieter's cock, but the monitor's heavy claw held his head in place and pulled him back into rhythm. He met his mother's eyes, but they were practically glazed with lust. She would be no help.

"Yeah... yeah, alright, sure," Shaun said. Kevin heard the bed squeaking behind him as Shaun stood up.

"Be a good slut now, Kevin," Silas grunted, balls deep in his mother. "Let Shaun fuck your ass and I'm sure he'll jerk you off while he's at it."

Kevin whimpered. He had all but forgotten about his own cock again, but now that he was reminded he realized he was still completely erect.

Kevin felt paws at his waist, and Shaun's untrimmed nails dug into him slightly as he mirrored Silas's movements from just a minute before, pulling Kevin's waist back and up until he was also on hands and knees next to his mother. Pieter again pulled his head forward, not allowing him to pause his sucking. He glanced at his mother's beatific face again - would he feel that good, he wondered.

He had once more paused his bobbing to lick at Pieter's tip when Shaun's paws gripped his cheeks and spread them apart. The head of Shaun's cock pressed against his ass, and the cat pulled up on Kevin's short tail with one paw as he pushed forward.

Pieter pulled his head forward again as he squealed at the violation. The silicone cock was still slick with juices - Shaun must have been using it on himself while waiting for his next round with Zoe. Still, even with the lubrication, Kevin's ass burned as it was stretched.

He squeezed his eyes shut as Pieter kept rocking his head back and forth, and tried to relax himself to ease the entry. Shaun paused when the first couple inches were in, and allowed him to adjust. Kevin's breathing evened out, and then he gasped as Shaun pushed forward again.

"Fuck, dude," Shaun grunted. "You're so tight. I never noticed how hot your ass looks, I can't believe I get to take your first time."

Kevin's ears splayed, then his whole body twitched as a paw wrapped around his throbbing cock.

"Don't worry, bro," Shaun said, "I won't leave you hanging."

Kevin moaned as Shaun began slowly stroking him, and then hissed around the cock in his mouth when Shaun pulled back. The barbs on Shaun's cock sent electric tingles through his passage, adding another layer to the unusual burning sensation.

Shaun's next thrust was easier, either because he had adjusted or because the feelings on his cock were overwriting the pain.

"Hey Kev, just let me know if I need to stop, yeah?" Shaun said, and wiggled his hips. "Oh, fuck, but I really don't know if I could."

Silas laughed. "Look at that slut, of course he doesn't want you to stop. Go on, get in there!"

There was the sound of a smack, and Shaun jerked forward, slamming his hips against Kevin's ass and shoving him onto Pieter's cock. Kevin squealed as the thrust hit something deep inside him, and he involuntarily pushed back against Shaun.

"Ow, Silas, what the fuck?" Shaun asked, rubbing his ass where Silas had smacked him.

Silas laughed again and sidled away as Shaun tried to reach over and give him a slap in return - meanwhile, both their does pushed back desperately at them, moaning around cocks in their desperation to be fucked.

"Shit, Silas, he really wants it," Shaun said, thrusting into Kevin again and earning a lusty whimper in return.

"Told you, dude. Give him what he wants. Oh, and quit jerking him off. I bet the little slut'll cum without it. God damn, can't wait until we get him stretched out enough that I can take that soft ass."

Kevin whined as Shaun's hand left his throbbing cock, but he didn't have long to mourn its absence. Shaun gripped Kevin's waist with both paws, and began hammering into him as fast and hard as he could. Kevin squealed again as Shaun pounded his prostate, sending waves of pleasure through his skull and down his thin cock.

They received no warning from Pieter - the monitor simply yanked Kevin and his mother forward, and they both moaned in surprise as he filled their mouths with his lukewarm reptile spunk. He heard his mother swallowing eagerly, but the taste overwhelmed Kevin's tongue and he coughed, letting the salty semen leak from his lips and drip down his face and neck. Pieter pulled out a moment later, and settled his cocks on top of their snouts, letting the last ebbs of his orgasm dribble onto their faces.

Kevin panted breathlessly, occasionally forced to moan out whenever Shaun's cock plunged particularly deep. His mother likewise gasped and squealed as Silas's thrusts grew quicker.

Pieter pulled away, and resumed watching the scene with something bordering disinterest now that he had been satisfied. Kevin felt like his mind had been whitewashed, so when his mother pulled his head over and kissed him deeply, licking the residue of cum from his mouth, he could only return it in kind.

"Fuck... that's... hot..." Shaun grunted in exertion.

Silas just groaned loudly, and there was a loud wet slap as he smashed his cock deep one last time, causing Zoe to break the kiss with her son and shriek in pleasure.

"Fucking slut..." Silas panted. "Take my cum."

Zoe retreated into herself, quivering through another silent orgasm as the teenage stallion flooded her with seed again, the excess pouring down her legs to the floor.

Shaun, meanwhile, didn't slow down, despite how hard he was panting. He seemed hell bent on making Kevin cum hands-free, and Kevin himself pressed his face into the floor, overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through his body.

"He just needs a bit more practice, he'll get there eventually," he heard his mother saying. He turned his head to look - she had recovered from her orgasm, although Silas was still kneeling behind her, still hilted. "Next time he'll probably cum just from being fucked, but he's been so good, I think he deserves a little help."

Zoe shifted towards him, turned her torso so she could put her head beneath her son while Shaun continued to pound his ass.

"Mom... wait-" Kevin tried to gasp, but too late. His mother wrapped her mouth around his bouncing cock, and almost immediately Kevin came. He whined long and loud as he flooded his mother's mouth with cum, and Shaun's pounding slowed to a gentle, deep rocking that continued to milk out his orgasm for nearly a full minute.

Finally, Shaun's orgasm abated, and he shivered all over. His mother pulled her mouth from his cock, and gave it one short lick to clean the tip as Shaun slowly pulled out of his ass. Kevin sniffled once, and felt his shoulders start to shake with a sob. He was too overwhelmed by what he had just experienced over the past hour, and now it had all finally come crashing down.

"Oh, sweetheart," his mother cooed, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She pulled him up to his knees again, then pulled him close. As she did, Kevin saw through bleary eyes that she was sitting on Silas's lap, that his slowly-softening cock was still buried deep in her cunt, and cum was slowly leaking onto the floor beneath her. She stroked his back as he hiccuped, still on the verge of tears.

"You did so good, baby," she whispered. "You made me so proud."

And then Kevin felt others around him. Silas's strong arms draped reassuringly around his shoulders. Shaun knelt behind him and gently wrapped his arms around both him and his mother. Even Pieter, after a moment, stood over him and gently patted his head.

Kevin slowly calmed down, felt his turbulent mind ease and his tears subside. He swallowed the last of the outburst heavily, and took a deep, calm breath.

Someone kissed the top of his head, and he wasn't entirely sure who it was.