The Swap - Part 1

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#69 of Shorts

When her perfect husbands secret is finally revealed, a loving and happily married couple seek another loving and married couple to indulge their shared fantasies.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

Something different I have been wanting to write for a while, it just never really wanted to start before. But finally, I found the right characters and setting to bring this story to life. Initially this was going to be a one-off story, but as I am writing it, I am finding more depth and personality here and expanding the story is surprisingly easy.


Sometimes it is true when they say opposites attract, as was the case for Saygan and Luke. Where Saygan was always the wild child growing up, Luke was always serious and focused. It wasn't surprising then that their friends were confused when the two started going out, having met at a rock concert of all things.

Saygan was there of her own free choice while Luke had been forcefully dragged there by friends. Luke's first sighting of the ebony furred punk rocker wolfess was when she lifted her top and flashed the band up on stage. When she'd noticed him staring at her with raised brows and his jaw almost on the floor, she'd just winked at the blushing handsome wolf and jiggled her pierced nipples at him before demanding he at least buy her a drink as she wasn't giving a free show. Luke being the gentleman he was had complied, following her to the bar like a Saturday cartoon character being drawn along by the smell of a freshly baked pie to buy her that drink.

Something magical had happened that night, Luke actually relaxed his usually stiff personality and had let loose. Saygan had gotten him to come out of his shell and have fun for once in his life, from that moment on, they were inseparable. Saygan whom had a reputation for being a tough as nails bitch that took no shit actually fell head over heels for the well put together white wolf, whom at times seemed like her polar opposite.

With the shaved sides of her hair and the purple locks of her fringe framing her face, along with her penchant for dressing like a lumberjack in heavy boots, denims and a flannel shirt, most people wrote Saygan off as a butch lesbian. It certainly didn't help either that her eyes forever changed color depending on her mood and which contacts she chose to put in that day. Then there was also her fashion sense, which tended to lean more towards things like little silver skull studs in her ears and a tongue stud. Saygan wasn't afraid to get dirty either, having been the youngest of seven kids and the only girl, she had grown up to be quite the self-confident and self-sufficient tomboy whom was capable of stripping and reassembling her cars engine with ease. She had become quite the successful mechanic as well, earning the respect of many racers over the years despite her not owning a set of her own testicles.

Luke, or Choirboy as Saygan loved to call him, was always very bookish and scored high on exams. He could've easily been a doctor, lawyer or any other number of high paying positions. But instead, he chose to become a policeman as he had a strong sense of altruism and loved nothing more than helping people. Where Saygan was pierced and dyed her hair, Luke was all natural with not so much as a small dollop of hair gel in his hair.

Shortly after he made Captain, Luke had proposed to Saygan in the best way he knew how. She wasn't much for romance, unlike he was. So the big lug of a handsome wolf compromised and organized with a local rock band she enjoyed to call her up on stage and sing her favorite song with them. Once she had finished, the lead singer pointed out the sign Luke was holding, a simple banner that read "Marry me, bitch." In their own special way, Saygan knew it wasn't a joke as Luke was not one whom swore very easily. The dumb mutt had even kept a blown cylinder from her first mustang and had a jeweler friend turn it and the shards of broken glass from her first wreck from her one and only attempt at breaking into the Nascar scene into a custom engagement ring.

Even their wedding had been unorthodox, but somehow, they made it work. Saygan wouldn't be caught dead in a traditional white wedding dress and always joked that she'd probably burst into flames if she stepped foot inside a church. Instead, they had a barbeque out in an open field and got married under the stars with all their friends and family in attendance. Saygan in her best flannel and Luke in a half tuxedo over his favorite pair of cargo shorts. It was a clear night with no cloud cover and a full moon, the conditions couldn't have been better if they'd planned it themselves. Their first dance was at midnight with the moon casting a gentle glow over them both in the middle of the circle of haybales which had served as the seating during the ceremonies.

As life would have it, with how perfect their lives were turning out to be, the worm in the sweet apple pie of their life came in the form of Saygan being unable to have kids. As was often the case, she happened to be exceptionally good with them regardless of her rough exterior. All their friends kids were magically drawn to the loud and crude wolfess and as such, more than a few of their mutual friends requested for her and Luke to be their children's godparents. Luke had initially been devastated by the blow, knowing he would never have kids of his own. However, a couple weeks later when one of his friends, a fellow officer, was gunned down in the line of duty and left behind two young children, it clicked in his head that perhaps it was for the best. If anything were ever to happen to him, the thought of leaving Saygan behind and alone with their child was not something he thought he could bare.

Life simply went on for them, happy and content, life was good again. But nothing good lasts forever, at least not without hard work and compromise. Luckily Saygan and Luke were both very adept at compromising with one another. So when one day after being stuck indoors alone with nothing else to do, Saygan's curiosity got the better of her and she went snooping through her husband's stuff. She knew he wasn't the sort to cheat or even think of cheating on her so that wasn't her intent, but her dear little Choirboy had been so good and so well behaved for so long, she was convinced there was something he wasn't telling her and it was starting to annoy her. There was no way her handsome white wolf could be that pure for that long.

"Oh...oh my...Choirboy, what do we have here?" Saygan grinned evilly to herself as she scrolled through Luke's internet history. For once he'd forgotten to clear it before leaving for work. The more she scrolled and discovered about him, the more an unusual plan began to form in her mind. Clicking on link after link, reading all the stories he had been reading and even watching some of the videos too, the more excited she became by the idea and soon found herself with a paw down the front of her pajama pants as she worked herself up to a surprisingly intense climax.

Later that evening when Luke returned home, Saygan pretended like she had done nothing all day and that everything was normal. Unnoticed by her husband, she did linger in the kitchen for a little longer than usual when Luke went to take a shower before bed. Instead of letting the tired mutt fall asleep however, Saygan had other ideas as she began to growl playfully, nipping along his chest and up along the scruff of his neck, which she knew always got him going. Swinging her graceful long legs over his waist to straddle her husband, Saygan guided his hands up to the metal framework of their bed's headboard. As she snuck her husband's handcuffs out from under her pillow and clicked them in place, she couldn't help but grin at the confused look on Luke's face.

"This is uh...different..." He mumbled as he struggled with the cuffs for a moment before realizing he was not going anywhere anytime soon, at least not until she let him go free.

"So...I lied to you earlier..." Saygan began with a soft almost purr, her hips slightly rolling and grinding against the tent in her husband's boxers below.

"You did, about what?" Luke asked with a shuddered breath, goddamn he loved when she ground against him like that. For being a rough and tough tomboy, Goddamn did she know how to move her hips like a belly dancer when the mood struck her.

"Did you forget to do something before you left for work this morning?" She teased, leaning forward to bury his snout in her cleavage as she nipped and tugged at one of his ears playfully.

"'re really not making it easy to think straight..." Luke half complained, but he was telling the truth. He had a face full of tits and she was nipping at him like she was in heat, she knew how that got him riled up and in that moment, his blood was most definitely not prioritizing flowing to his brain right now.

"Someone forgot to clear their browser history..." Saygan continued, kissing and nipping her way down across his cheek, back along his strong handsome jawline and ending with a firm nip to his bottom lip.

"Oh shit..." He replied, staring up at his wife with wide eyes. He couldn't remember what he'd last been doing on his computer, but if she was teasing him about it, it must've been good...or bad for him, perhaps.

"Oh shit indeed. I might have to stop calling you Choirboy after all these years finally. Maybe I should call you...Cuck?" She leaned in close, cheek to cheek to almost whisper into his ear. The look of fear on Luke's face was priceless as he stared wide eyed up at his beautiful wife. She'd found his deepest, darkest secret.

A million different thoughts raced through his mind; how could he have been so careless? Was she mad at him, disgusted by him? Would she want a divorce, or had she simply just lost all respect for him as a man and a husband? Before he could form a coherent thought or even attempt to apologize, Saygan snapped him out of his thoughts by a firm kiss and stared deep into his eyes as she smiled lovingly at him.

"Relax, loverboy. I'm not mad, angry or any of those other million things I know you're probably thinking right now. Frankly, I'm impressed how you have kept this a secret from me for so long. It's good to know you actually have fantasies and desires that don't revolve solely around me. Well, I'm not one hundred percent sure on that, but still..." The beautiful ebony wolfess laughed, kissing him again as he looked up at her with surprise and wonder in his eyes.

"'re not mad and disgusted by me?" Luke asked, still needing confirmation before his heart exploded in his chest.

"No, not at all. I actually think it's kind of hot." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders, smirking to herself a moment later when she felt the extra hard throb of her husband beneath her.

" do?" Luke asked, as if someone had just told him Santa was real and was about to come visit him.

"Yeah, I mean...I love you and everything about you. Including this, if it's something you like and want. It doesn't change how I feel about you, even if you want some random guy to plow your wife in front of you, my heart belongs to you, dumbass" She admitted with another lingering kiss. "Hell, even if you wanted to plow some other guy's wife, I'd be right there beside you, cheering you on because I know that you love me too. Even though you park your car in someone else's garage or they park theirs in yours, it doesn't change the fact they're still your car and garage...right?" Of course, she'd put it into terms she understood, but what she said made sense.

"Right" Luke replied with a far more relaxed grin. "'d have sex with other men while I watched? Or maybe even without me there, just sending me videos of it?" the white wolf asked with a playful growl.

"While I can tell you're trying to pass it off as a joke, that raging boner threatening to rip through two layers of our clothing tells me you're really not" Saygan pointed out as Luke was damn near hard enough to lift her up off his lap with his erection. "Not at first, but eventually. I'm okay with the idea of maybe being with another man, but not just some random dude. But in saying that, I'm also not comfortable with approaching any of our existing friends, but I'd still like it to be a friend...if that makes sense?" She asked, seeming to confuse herself with what she was saying.

"I get you; you want it to be with someone you're comfortable with. Not a stranger, but not someone that we know. friends then, that are probably looking for the same thing?" Luke offered hopefully.

"Yeah, I guess so. Like we can still hang out with and do fun stuff with outside the bedroom too, but then we can do fun stuff with in the bedroom as well" Saygan nodded in agreement.

"I...uhn...d...damn..." Luke groaned as his wife finally freed his trapped length and guided him up into herself. With how slick she was, it was obvious the idea was definitely turning her on as well. Unfortunately for Luke however, he generally didn't do his best thinking when he had his beautiful wife riding him slow and steady like this, at least not normally "Apps...I...uhn...I think there's an app for this sort of stuff..." he groaned out, finding it hard to form coherent sentences with a snug hot little wolfess cunt gripping down on him.

"Mmn, an app where you can find a nice big stud to come over and fuck your wife?" Saygan purred into his ear once again, grinning as she felt an extra hard throb of his cock inside herself.

"Oh God...yes..." Luke almost whined out for her, his muscles tensing as he struggled against the cuffs while the gorgeous wolfess slowly rode him. Being unable to even touch her while she basically used him as a sextoy was both incredibly frustrating and so damn exciting at the same time.

"An app where you can ask random men how they'd like to use your wife while you watched? Let them do all sorts of nasty things to her?" She continued, teasing with ever more dirty and degrading ideas until finally Luke couldn't take anymore and flooded her with the biggest load she'd ever felt him produce.

"Fuuuuuck...." He huffed and panted, feeling far more drained than ever before, but also curiously lighter and not just in his balls either. His dark secret was out, but best of all it seemed his wife was more than just open to the idea.

"Damn hon, if I didn't know you'd emptied your balls in my mouth before breakfast this morning, I'd have thought you were pent up for an entire week!" Saygan joked, climbing off of her husband as she sauntered over toward their bathroom to clean up a little, his mess already starting to run down her inner thighs.

"Uh...while you're in there, could you get the keys to these cuffs?" Luke called out after her.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, Choirboy" the wolfess paused at the doorway to their bathroom, her fluffy tail wagging behind her as she grinned back over her shoulder in that sultry manner that made his heart flutter.

"I love you..." Luke blurted out, staring lovingly at his beautiful wife. She really was a stunner and he knew he was damned lucky to have her. Classic curves just like a classic car, as she often described herself. He could see if then, the slight dip of her waist to the flare of her hips. The curves of her behind, the lines of toned muscle playing just beneath her silken ebony fur, she was a real work of art.

By the time Saygan finally released Luke from his own handcuffs, the poor Policeman was begging for mercy. She loved making him beg, but she loved even more how turned on he got when she ran her claws down over his toned chest and abs while she rode him painfully slow, slow enough to keep him rock hard, but not enough to bring him to climax. The little bites and nips to his shoulders and neck never failed to rile the big wolf up, normally he'd be free and able to pin her down so he could just fuck her into a quivering mess on their bed, but not tonight. Tonight, she was in charge and she made sure he knew it, even riding his face until she'd cum a couple of times herself. Her Choirboy was very diligent when it came to pleasuring her, not that she was a slouch either, the way she used her tongue stud to tease his aching cock and bringing him right to the edge half a dozen times before letting him finish over her face finally.


"I found someone" Luke said one evening over dinner.

"Someone for..." Saygan replied with a frown of confusion.

"You know...the thing...." Luke responded, blushing as he still couldn't bring himself to say it out loud, despite now knowing his wife was on board with the idea.

"Oh, you mean you found someone to fuck your wife?" Saygan blurted out rather nonchalantly, making her husband almost choke on his sip of beer.

"Jeezus woman..." Luke coughed and spluttered, wiping his mouth and nose against the sleeve of his Superman shirt.

"What? That's what we're talking about, aren't we?" She couldn't help but grin at his reaction. "You want to share your wife's little Clark Kunt with someone else," the wolfess pressed on.

"Yes...sort of" Luke groaned internally from her terrible pun, suddenly regretting his choice in attire. "It's actually another couple who are looking for the same sort of...situation or setup as we are?" The white wolf frowned as he tried to explain the situation to his wife.

"Oh, so you found another husband that wants to fuck me while you fuck his wife?" She asked simply while staring straight at him and taking a sip of her beer. "A sort of perverted super hero team up?"

"You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?" Luke groaned.

"Hell no, it's too much fun watching you squirm. Besides, you get to watch some dude fuck your wife and you get to fuck his. What do I get out of all this?" Saygan continued to tease Luke.

"" Luke sighed in defeat.

"Oh right, I get dick. Well, another dick anyway. Fair trade!" She laughed and blew a kiss at the flustered white wolf.

"Just take a look and tell me what you think, before you give me an aneurysm?" Luke asked as sweetly as he could, pulling out his phone and opening his "Herd Heard" app to the couple's profile.

"Oh damn, he's a beefcake! She's quite cute too!" the ebony wolfess commented as she flipped through their pictures. The couple consisted of a large white ram and his smaller black wooly ewe of a wife. "Charles and Evelyn, huh?"

Charles Bromhead was a firefighter, according to his profile he was a couple inches taller than Luke and built like a brick shithouse, as the saying goes. A couple of his photos showed the ram with his shirt off and all those rippling muscles along with the tribal tattoos which circled around his shoulders, chest and back were doing something to Saygan. She felt a weird tingle in her crotch which she usually only felt when she was sneakily watching Luke work out in the backyard with his shirt off.

Evelyn however looked like your typical grade school teacher. She wore sensible clothing, her hair was neat and done up in a bun, she even had those typical horn rimmed librarian glasses to complete the look. But Saygan could see that even beneath her unflattering clothing that the ewe had a killer body. She could quite easily be the female version of her Choirboy it seemed, a fact that rather endeared her to Saygan right off the bat.

"They look like they fit the bill. So how does this work, do you send up a bat signal or something?" She asked with interest.

"Cute...but no, we just send a message and see if they're interested in meeting. We'll do a double date, somewhere public and see if there's any real chemistry before getting too involved." Goddamn he loved her, she knew he was a big comic book fan and the way she occasionally threw in little references like that just made him love her even more.

"Oh good, because I was going to tell you to tell studly over there, no anal on the first date" Saygan stated matter-of-factly before taking a bite of her tofu burger.

"Right, so only anal for the cheeky wolfess and I'll eat the little sheep like a fat kid at a buffet. Got you" Luke mumbled as he busily typed a message into the app. Clearly Saygan wasn't expecting his snarky reply as she nearly choked on her food in surprise. It seemed this whole thing was bringing out a fun side of Luke she hadn't seen n a while and she rather liked it.


After the initial matching up on the app and an exchanging of a few cursory details to confirm what each couple was looking for, their first double date was set for the weekend. On the surface of things, it looked like they were a good match for each other. Chuck and Eve were also an opposites attract kind of pairing. Eve was similar to Saygan in fact that she was unable to have kids but was excellent with them, which is why she went into teaching at a junior school. Chuck was similar to Luke in that he wanted to help people, but being more of an adrenaline junky, he opted to be a firefighter instead. There were enough similarities between them to make them feel like a good fit, but there were also enough differences to keep things interesting.

While they wanted to meet in a public setting, they also didn't want to meet somewhere noisy like a bar where it would be hard to hold a decent conversation easily. Or somewhere crowded where someone might overhear them talking, like a restaurant. Ultimately it was decided to have a nice picnic at a park, where they would be out in public, a nice relaxed setting, but also where other people wouldn't be right on top of them either so there was a layer of privacy as well.

The physical attraction was obvious from the onset, the way Chuck looked at Saygan with raised brows and a little smirk spoke volumes. Likewise, the way Evelyn nervously chewed her bottom lip as she stared up at the tall handsome white wolf indicated she liked what she saw as well.

"Fireman, huh? Guess that means you know how to handle a hose..." Saygan asked with a grin as she sized Chuck up.

"Only if the fire is hot enough, and by the look of it, you're a real five-alarm hotness for sure!" Chuck quipped back without missing a beat.

"Charles!" Evelyn chided, gasping at her husband's brashness.

"Don't worry, she's just as bad. That was rather restrained on her part actually..." Luke laughed and winked at the ewe reassuringly.

"Oh, well...good, I guess. I'm Evelyn by the way, it's nice to finally meet you, Luke" the small sheep blushed and stammered under Luke's intense gaze and his disarming smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Evelyn" Luke replied while reaching down to gently take her by the hand and kiss at her knuckles lightly.

"Such a gentleman...want a beer, princess?" Saygan sighed and shook her head at Luke, smirking with her hands at her hips watching his display of chivalry. "Don't overdo it, you didn't bring a jacket to throw over the wet spot she's going to leave if you keep that up, Romeo." While Evelyn's cheeks just about burst into flames at the comment, Charles nearly bust a gut he laughed so hard at Saygan's rather accurate observation of his wife.

"Bit early to start drinking, isn't it?" Luke asked in confusion, seeing as it wasn't quite lunchtime yet.

"It's twelve o'clock somewhere in the world. I'll join you with a beer, hot stuff" Chuck replied with a grin.

Both Eve and Luke sighed and shook their heads at their partners, pausing for a moment as they looked at one another before laughing.

"Well now we know whom will be driving whom home today" Eve pointed out as Saygan and Chuck began to chug their beers down to see whom was the fastest. Clearly Chuck was just as competitive as the wolfess, but Luke knew his wife and he almost pitied the poor ram as he didn't know what he was getting himself into.

"I win!" Saygan cheered triumphantly.

"I let you win! It's the gentlemanly thing to do!" The ram admitted while brushing a bit of imaginary dirt from his shoulder.

"Bullshit, I just have more practice with swallowing" the wolfess grinned at the ram whom for the first time was caught off guard and actually blushed.

"Oh, I like her. I've never seen him blush before" Eve commented as she watched the wolfess tease her husband.

"I'm just glad she has someone else to aim all that sass at for a change, it is actually quite fun to watch someone else be on the receiving end of her tongue for once" Luke said before realizing his choice of words and he too began to blush.

"Oh, I'm sure Chuck can't wait to be at the end of her tongue" Eve replied with a little wink that instantly put Luke at ease.

The longer they sat and spoke, the more at ease they became with each other. Soon it felt like they were old friends that had known each other for years, Saygan continued to give Chuck a hard time and even teamed up with Evelyn against the boys. The ewe enjoyed having someone on her side to fend off Chuck's lewd remarks, someone that was able to give it back and then some. Every time the wolfess managed to make the ram blush, Eve giggled with joy. Luke was happy to have someone as level headed as he was too, Eve seemed to have a natural way about her that compelled not just her husband, but Saygan as well to behave themselves before they got out of line. He could see why she was such an excellent teacher; she was a natural leader despite seeming quite submissive.

"Marvel or DC?" Luke asked Evelyn when he realized she was catching far too many of his comic book references to be just a casual observer.

"Both" She replied with a shrug of her shoulders while sipping from her water bottle.

"Both? Surely you must like one over the other a little more?" Luke frowned in confusion, being more of a DC fan himself.

"Who says it has to be one or the other? I like characters from both, stories from both, so why can't I like both?" the ewe responded logically.

"You have a point there..." Luke eventually agreed after giving it a moment's thought.

"Hey! No fair, you didn't agree when I said that!" Saygan pouted.

"You never said it like that, in fact your exact words were "They're both equally dumb" if you want to be technical about it" Luke pointed out.

"Well...they kinda are..." the wolfess huffed and stuck her tongue out at her husband.

"The real question is, American muscle or import..." Chuck asked with a serious look at the wolfess.

"American muscle all the way!" Saygan replied while flexing her bicep at the ram.

"Hey now, muscle is good, but you have to admit that some of those imports kick ass and look damn fine while doing it too" Chuck offered with a knowing grin.

"Don't use logic against me! That's his schtick!" Saygan growled and picked up a marshmallow to toss and bounce off the ram's forehead.

"Holy shit...I think he just got her to agree imports where okay. I never thought I'd see the day..." Luke watched with awe.

"Oh, don't you start with me now too, Choirboy..." the wolfess continued to growl, tossing another marshmallow at Luke. She had to grin however, when he caught it out the air and swallowed it with a wink.

"Choirboy?" Eve asked curiously as she looked up at Luke.

"Oh, she's called me that ever since we first me. She thinks I'm so well behaved and never do anything wrong, just like a Choirboy" the wolf explained as he took a drink and again winked at his wife.

"Choirboys don't usually want to fuck other people's wives though..." Evelyn stated at the wrong time, causing Luke to cough and splutter hard enough that beer shot out his nose. Of course, that set Saygan and Chuck off laughing, collapsing against one another as they pointed and laughed at an embarrassed Luke.


"I bet that cute little sheep is fantasizing about riding this nice big wolfy dick of yours right now...." Saygan growled as she ground and gyrated herself down onto Luke's raging erection later that night after they got home.

"Just like you're imagining riding her husband's firehose?" Luke teased her right on back, his hands cupping her breasts while his thumbs toyed with her pierced nipples.

"Jealous?" Saygan growled playfully as she began to rise and fall in her husband's lap.

"Not at all, I'll be right there cheering him on" Luke growled right back at her as they both reached their peak within moments of one another.

Saygan collapsed into a panting heap atop Luke's broad chest, nuzzling under his chin as her hips remained tied by his thick knot locked inside her, murring softly as she felt the warm splashes of his cum deep inside her. "Might have to be careful with Eve, she's a bit small. I don't think sheep were meant to take wolf knots as big as yours..."

"I wonder if Chuck has a knot..." Luke mused for a moment, before they both began to laugh.

"I love you, dumb mutt" Saygan whispered, leaning up to catch his lips in a tender kiss.

"I love you too, princess" Luke replied as he kissed her back, wrapping his arms protectively about her as they basked in the warmth of one another.


"That's it, take that big wolfy dick!" Chuck snarled out, giving Evelyn's behind a rough spank that made her bleat out.

" more..." She begged as Chuck tugged at the leash attached to her collar. He seemed more worked up than usual tonight, her pussy was already beginning to ache from how long and hard he'd been fucking her. Normally she'd have been complaining about it, but she couldn't help but imagine it was the big handsome Luke fucking her like this. Something about being mounted by a wolf really ignited something in the usually reserved ewe and she'd cum more times than she could remember already.

Finally with a sharp snort and a gritting of his teeth, Chuck began to cum and fill her with his seed. As he collapsed forward onto her, his arms wrapped about her middle and he rolled them to one side so he could spoon the smaller ewe without dislodging himself from her. His chin resting atop her head as he held her close against himself.

"Are you sure you're still okay with this? I won't be mad or upset if you want to back out, I promise" Charles asked with sincerity, suddenly switching back to being caring and tender.

"I admit I was a bit skeptical at first, but they seem nice. I love Saygan, she's a real firecracker and I know she'll give you a run for your money" Evelyn replied honestly, panting as she scooted herself as far back as she could against Charles while he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"What about Luke?" He pressed on, more out of curiosity than anything. When Eve didn't reply right away, Chuck raised his head to look down at her and noticed she was chewing her bottom lip nervously. "C'mon, spill. Tell me honestly what you thought, this only works if we're completely honest with each other, no secrets...remember?" The ram reassured her.

"Okay...okay...he' fucking hot, I just want him to pin me down and fuck me senseless" Eve finally caved and admitted.

"That's my girl!" Chuck laughed and leaned over to give her a loving kiss before making out a little.

"Plus, I think the thought of you and Saygan together is damn hot as well..." She offered without being prompted this time, bringing an even bigger grin to Chuck's lips. Her honesty seeming to stir the ram up as he began to lightly grind against her behind, his cock starting to rise once again.

"Oh really, you'd love to see me collar her and fuck her on all fours in front of you, huh?" he teased.

"God...yes!" She huffed out loud as Chuck shifted about and between her thighs, keeping her shoulders on the bed as he lifted her legs up about his waist. She loved watching his toned muscles ripple and work, especially while his thickness filled and stretched her just shy of being painful. He always left her aching in the best ways after a good session of fucking.

"You want to watch me wreck that little wolf pussy while you sit on the sofa with a mouth full of wolf dick, don't you?" he continued on, offering more and more debaucherously obscene scenarios for her. He knew how her mind worked; knew how she would be very clearly seeing these scenes in her mind's eye as if she were really there.

Evelyn didn't think she could climax anymore after their initial bout of fucking, but what Chuck was describing to her was just too much. She couldn't stop herself imagining all the things he was suggesting, feeling dirty for wanting to do all those things and more...with someone else's husband no less!

They'd found their perfect complimentary couple, now all that was left was to see if they got on as well in the bedroom as they did in public. But that would come in due time, there was no doubt about it anymore.