A New Friend.

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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A Tale of two friends finding love Chapter 2 Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or over to read this story. No, I'm held responsible if your under. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters are devised by myself and are all copyrighted to me and cannot be used without my permission. Enjoy! ;)

6:30 p.m. I awoke staring into my new mates eyes. "Hi honey did you have a good nap?" "Yea, but I'm starting to get a little hungry." I brought him into another passionate kiss, are tongues wrapped in an everlasting dance ending way too soon. "I'd love to help you with that, but I have to go make some dinner for my little brother." "Maybe he could join us." "Oh you're horrible Alex." I got dressed and went down stairs. Kevin came running in. "What do you want eat?" "It doesn't matter." Kevin replied seeming to have something on his mind. "What's wrong?" "well...I mean...what is...um...sex." "What! where did you hear that?" "Well I was at Pete's house and I saw Pete's parents on the couch on top each other and I asked Pete what it was called, and um he told me they were having sex." I didn't say anything for a while because I wasn't sure how to talk to Kevin about that, I mean since are parents died four years ago and Kevin was only six when it happened no one filled him in on the details about stuff like that so I guess it was up to me. "Well Kevin, sex is what people do when they love each other." "Does that mean you and Alex love each other." "What! Do you mean." "I saw you two naked and holding each other and..." "You mean you saw us?" "Yea" he whispered. A silence filled the room again. "Yes I love Alex and he loves me." The young kit just looks at with a smile on his face. "Well that's good, you've been really depressed lately and I thought you were mad at me or something." I look down into those big blue eyes. "Well now that that's settled why don't we get something to eat." "OK" he replies eagerly "Just let me go and get Alex, okay." "Alright" I walk back up stairs and go over to where Alex is sleeping giving him a little push "Wake up honey it's time to get some food." He just pushes me playfully, and hides back under the covers. "Well you look refreshed after are little events." I simply blush at the comment. "Yea well maybe you can help me with that after we go get some food." "Okay, have it your way." "Oh and it looks like we might be able to have a little fun with Kevin," "What? Does he even know what sex is." "Well he does now it seems that he saw us earlier." "Well I guess will just have to teach him the ropes." We arrived at a Chinese restaurant around a quarter past seven, sat down and ordered some food. "So Alex what did you do this summer?" "Well like I said, I stayed at my uncle's farm and he had a track so that was pretty much the highlight of my summer." "It shows, you flew passed me on the track today." "Yea they really got me in shape. So what about you did anything interesting happen this summer?" "Nothing really, I got a job at a gas station, but they fired me for being late." "What about you Kevin?" "Well I went to camp this summer. It was okay, but I'd rather stay home with Jake." "Okay cutie's here's your food" the waitress said winking at the three. She sets the food in front of us, and we begin eating. Kevin got the sweet and sour chicken, Alex and I shared an order of appetizers. When we finished eating I paid the bill. We got in the car and drove off. "So what do you two want to do now?" Alex asked, "Well we can go to the mall or something." I replied, "No, the mall closed down at the beginning of summer." "Man this town just gets more boring every year." "Yea I know. Why don't we just go back to your house?" "Okay were almost there any way." We pulled up to the house, and went inside. "So Kevin, do you still want to know more about what we were talking about earlier." "Well, if you would tell me about it." "No we won't be talking," Alex smiled as he talked "Then how will I know?" "How about we show you," I said, to the younger fox I unbutton his pants and pull them off along with his underwear, Alex comes over and kneels next to me and grabs Kevin's shaft and starts pumping it. Kevin's pink cock tip starts to peak out from its sheath. Kevin moans in sheer bliss. Alex then pulls the fur all the way back. He leans forward and swirls his tongue around the tip. Then he takes his entire length into his mouth. Even at full erect Kevin was only four and a half inches so Alex had no problem sucking up and down that young fox meat, but it did just reach the back of his throat. Alex pulls off the little fox's cock and I lean forward starting to suck up and down on the little kit's cock while my hands are massaging his full ball sack. Alex gets up behind me, and pulls down his pants lining up my ass with his erect member. He slides in just a little to loosen me up, and pushes in all the way so that his groin fur is against my ass. He pulls out almost all the way and thrusts back in as hard as he could, while I continue to suck off Kevin. We start to get a rhythm going; Alex will thrust in while Kevin pulls out and vice versa. I feel Kevin's balls start to contract so I knew he wouldn't last much longer. I suck on the cock in my mouth as hard as I can while clenching down on the cock in my ass. The rhythm getting much faster, then I feel Alex's hand grab onto my throbbing cock. He starts pawing me off. All three of us are in the same rhythm thrusting in perfect sync, Kevin's cum starts flowing down my throat, I make sure to gather every drop. Hearing Kevin moan in ecstasy drove Alex over the edge. His thrust became faster in sync with his hand. I can feel his cum squirting out like a fire hose, Jet after jet filling my bowls to their brink yet again, but Alex continues to paw me off making sure I came before this was over. I was never one to disappoint, and I was not about to start now. I came all over the couch Alex just draining my balls completely. We sit on the couch together panting in pleasure until we fell asleep. We awake the next morning on the couch still holding each other. "Good morning my lovers" I said happily. "Good morning." They said, simultaneously "Well, I think we should get up and get ready for school." "Yea okay." Kevin replied, As Kevin went to the shower Alex and I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I started cooking when I felt Alex come up from behind me and grab my waist. He begins purring in my ear seductively. I lean back against him while he nibbles on my ear causing me to purr like a feline. I can feel his member poking at my entrance. He grabs my cock and begins to paw me off. I stop him knowing that this would lead me to burn the food. "Be patient my love we will have plenty of time for that after school." "Okay have it your way, again. That just means after school were going to do what I what to do, and I have a very creative imagination." I finish cooking and set the food on the table. "So Kevin, did you sleep well?" "Yea, it was the best sleep I ever had. "I hear that." Alex agreed "Hey Kevin after we finish eating me and Alex are going to take a shower so do you think you can get on the bus by yourself." "Yea don't worry I'll be fine." We finished eating, and go up stairs to take a shower. We decide to take a shower to getter to save some time. When we got ourselves cleaned up we headed out side, and got in the car to go to school, "Oh yea, hey Alex I forgot to tell you. I got a call from Phil yesterday; he said he wanted to meet us after gym today." "Okay, I wonder what he wants." "I don't know that's all he said." By the time we got to school it was about seven o' clock so we had another hour before the bell rings. I lean in and whisper in his ear, "how about I help you like you helped me yesterday." I bend forward and unbutton his pants pulling out his already hard cock and start stroking him off. He starts panting as I stroke faster. Then I take his entire length into my mouth, sucking on his throbbing member as he moans in pleasure. His barbs scraped at the back of my throat as I continued to suck off him off. He starts humping into my throat more franticly, my mouth matching each of his thrusts. He places his hands on the back of my head, and I feel his cum rushing down my throat, jet after jet filling my stomach with his warm seed. He stays there panting for a moment. After he gets his breath back he goes for my pants, but I stop him once again. "Why don't we save that for later." "Well if you keep stopping me I may never go home." "Is that a promise?" He just looks at me in a loving way and we kiss passionately, sending my mind on a trip of pleasure as our tongues entwine. We get out the car and start walking to the building, when we walk through the door a wolf is there to meet us, it's Phil. We walk up to him. I asked him what it was he wanted to talk about. "I'll tell you after gym, for now do you think I could talk to Alex alone for a minute." "Uh...okay...yea sure. I'll see you in algebra 101, alright?" "Yea okay" Alex replied, "I saw you two" Phil said with discomfort in his voice. "What do you mean?" "I mean I saw you and Jake having sex." "What, When?" "A few moments ago, in your car, but I knew how Jake felt when I saw him staring at you yesterday." "So what now? Are you going to black mail us?" "No, you see I've liked Jake since I met him three years ago, but he said he was straight. So I was hoping that I... could join in the fun" "Is that all? You know you could have just talked to us about that." "Well I didn't know how you two would have reacted." "Well now you know, but we'd better get to class before we're late." "Yea your right" They went to their separate ways making it to class just before the bell rang. "Hey, so what did Phil want?" "Uh...it was nothing he'll tell you after gym." "Oh, alright" After a long day of class's we ended up at gym class once again. Phil was nowhere to be found. We ran are laps and headed to the showers. Alex and I try to let as much time pass as we could so that the other furs finish their showers so we could wash together. After the last of the furs left the locker room we go to the last stall at the end of the showers, turn on the water, and start to wash each other. I feel something hard pushing against my tail hole, knowing what it was I lean back on it, hearing moans coming from Alex as I ride him. I reach for my own cock, but it was pushed away by someone unknown. I look down, but before I could see who it was my head went back with pleasure from the feeling of a warm muzzle wrapped around my cock. I started humping into the muzzle which in turn made Alex hump faster. Each time I try to look down my head is jerked back with the pleasure coarsening through my body. I can feel that my climax is near, and by the movements of Alex he was getting close to his too. My entire body tenses as I begin to cum. Alex soon follows. The muzzle wrap around my member continues to suck my dry; all the while Alex is filling my bowls for the third time. We stay there panting for a moment. When I look down all I see is two big brown eyes looking at me, and as fate would have those eyes belong to one of my good friends, Phil. My weak knees give out, and I fall to the ground. Phil catch's me in his arms, and I hear Alex's moan as I was pulled off of him when I fell. I try to get up, but my legs were still too weak so I just look into Phil's eyes and asked why he didn't tell me, but my sentence was cut off short as I was pulled into a kiss, "It was more fun for you to find out yourself." Alex leans into my ear. "Hey honey, it looks like we have a new play thing to have fun with, huh." "Yes it does." "Hey Phil how about we help you with that big thing" I said, as I grip his thick member. "Well I don't know. How does your mate feel about that." "What do you say honey? Why don't we help are new friend get some relief." He leans in and whispers something in my ear. "Well I guess you do have a creative mind," I said, while giggling. We position Phil so that he's standing up in front of us. I lick at the tip of his cock while Alex licks along the base, I start sucking up and down the shaft while Alex licks at his balls. Then I reach around and place a single paw toe at his tight entrance. I then bring that toe up to Phil's face and he starts licking it, getting it nice and wet. I bring it back to his entrance and push the now slick toe into the tight hole making him pant heavily. I pull my mouth off his cock and I switch with Alex, keeping my toe in his tail hole. Then I took his balls into my mouth massaging them with my tongue licking over his entrance slightly. I push two toes in then three. I can hear the pleasure in his voice as his moans echo through the empty locker room. I move my mouth from his sack up to the base of his cock. Alex pulls off his member and we kiss on each side of his cock taking turns slipping it in out of our mouths. Phil starts to cum the first shot landing on Alex's tongue I lean in and kiss him savoring the taste, as Phil keeps cumming on our faces. He continues to paw himself off on our faces and in our mouths. The squirts of cum cease and we continue kissing and cleaning the cum off one another. When we get up the three of us finish taking our shower and we walk over to our lockers to get dressed. We walk outside and head towards the car. "Well I guess I'll see you two tomorrow." Phil said, while turning around to go to his car. "Well we were hoping you wanted to come over. My little brother would just love to meet you, maybe you could show him how to do what you did to Me." "Maybe another time, I'll need some time to rest. What about tomorrow, that is if you two don't get to excited in the locker room again." "We'll try to control ourselves, if you do" Alex remarked, We get in the car and head for my house to see if Kevin wants to join are little game again. To be continued...