End of Illness; Beginning of Sickness

Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#4 of An Assassin of my Heart 2: One Wish

A/n: Um, I like this chapter, and yes, that is delicous lemon at the start. Go ahead, skip this note and read it. I know you want to... *Listens to you Paw off* I thoughts so. Anyway, the ending requires you to read the previous chapter. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 3: The end of Illness; A beginning to sickness

Sonic stretched himself upon the bed. He lost himself in thoughts of the drawer's contents. The papers told of supposedly ancient stories of a girl and her hedgehog. A 'hog she loved so much, that the love became a problem. The Firm destroyed that love, as the pair would later find out. Sonic let his mind drift as the gray clouds beyond the penthouse window.

"This is a brighter morning than I can remember." Came the voice beside him. That ever so elegant voice, spoken with the highest authority. Sonic responded with a look of interest. Shadow gave him a smirk before leaning in, the other closed his eyes in anticipation. Shadow allowed his breath to dance on Sonic's lips. The smaller quivered under Shadow's torture and gave an audible moan as he did so. The ebony 'hog brought his hand to the other's cheek and rubbed the peach fur on the blue body. Shad leaned in closely to the other, took breath, and pressed his lips against those of Sonic.

Their tongues raged war for the taste of the other. A dance of passion behind the locked lips and closed flesh. Before long, the darker bowed to the younger. Shadow allowed Sonic to explore his mouth. Without warning, Shadow pushed Sonic back as his muscle embraced that of his equal. Their breath flowed from the first to the other then back. The passion the two young lovers held so sacredly was expressed in the perfection of the simple and fiery kiss. Sonic used his hands to rub his love's chest fur. Pulling against it to feel every inch of the ebony hedgehog's body. Rubbing the white fur upon the Shadow's chest, he shoved him onto the bed. Sonic went down with him.

Sonic released the kiss and buried his head in Shadow's chest. Shadow took a deep breathe when he suddenly realized the azure hedgehog twas teasing the darker's awakening member. He took the ebony hedgehog's cock in hand, stroking the long prick with his gloved hand. Shadow moaned and Sonic immediately moved to the lower portion of the large, cushioned bed. Sonic strokes slowed as he took tentative licks to the ever so sensitive cock head. Shadow moaned loudly again, his breath quickening already.

Not wanting a quick release, Sonic stopped his licks and squeezed the penis within his grasp. This merited him another moan from the older. Sonic's own prick announced itself from his sheath. The engorged dick leaked a steady stream of pre. The smaller whispered, "My turn," into Shadow's ear. His breath dancing warmly on the other's ear.

"Please, just . . . take me . . .," Shadow begged, almost pleading. Sonic wasted no time in draping Shadow's legs over his shoulder. He lined himself with the ebony below him, but first, he proceeded with a finger, pushing it into Shad. Shadow found himself begging even louder, clearer than before as Sonic added a second digit into the quivering tailhole.

Sonic took his fingers from the hedgehog's ass, and realigned himself with the tailhole. In one swift movement, he slid his entire length into Shad's hole. Immediately, Shadow felt himself drown in the beyond fantastic feelings of both pleasure and ailment. Shadow immediatly began begging, "Your torturing me, please, just move!"

With that order, Sonic pushed his full length into Shad. In turn, the bottom moaned loudly as his prostate was struck in the motion. Sonic quickly pulled out his member and slammed again to the hilt, creating a slow rhythm with his thrust. He pulled out and pushed in again, Shadow's moans and grunt coming in tune with Sonic's movements.

A small time past before Shadow began begging for Sonic to move faster. Shadow gripped the cover tightly in his fist as Sonic began to piston in and out of his lover at an ever increasing speed. The incredible rate of Sonic's movement's caused their balls to slap together. Feeling himself about to release too soon., Shadow used his tail hole's muscle to take hold of Sonic's rate. Sonic felt this and knew to slow down so Shadow could ride out his orgasm.

With this new pace, Shadow began to tense as Sonic took deeper, slower slams into the darker. The two moaned in unison, feeing overwhelmed with the pure ecstasy that flowed through them. Sonic took his lover's dick in hand and pumped it slowly. Shadow moaned Sonic's name for the second time as his prick sprayed his white, milky semen from its head. His tail hole tightened around Sonic's member causing his lover to hit his orgasm. With the releasing and tightening of Shadow around it, his cock let go, emptying his seed into the depths of his one and only love.

Overcome with a night sweat, Sonic sat up suddenly in his bed. His head ached, his heart beat quickly, and he found himself cover with his seed. The image clear in his mind, his purr as he first enter Shadow. Yes, Shadow, a name long forgotten, had finally been remembered. The Firm was the place of evil and was the root of the fall of furdom. According to the paper's of Shadow, Sonic realized, the disappearance of The Firm would be shown by blue sky.

Sonic lifted his covers and went to the restroom to wash himself. He examined the watch which clung to his wrist. "I have to return it." he said quietly to himself. He, however, only wanted one thing so that he may be satisfied. He returned from the restroom to the desk by the wall. He took his pen and wrote on the page. He wrote:

"The mirror of me is Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog. He was a teacher and lover. It is for him I wait and seek."

With that written, he took off the watch. His mind seemed to shut down, his memory clouded. He felt all he cared for gone, but he remembered cleaning himself and writing something. He looked at the pad in front of him. To himself he whispered. "Shadow . . ."

He took to the stairs with great care. He had no desire to wake Tails in the premature hours of the morning. Knowing the fox, it was likely he slept in the lab last night. More than likely, actually, it was almost a fact. He opened the door to the basement below, and treaded ever so carefully into the dark hallway. The staircase made little noise, but he still feared being caught.

As he neared the door, he heard a breeze being let into the room. He stopped for a moment, and nothing. He must have waited at least fifteen minutes, but then pressed on. He realized that waiting much longer might cause the sun to rise and Tails to awaken, catching Sonic in the act. Sonic opened the door slowly, the lower regions of the lab were illuminated, but the high ceiling remained dark. Sonic proceeded to the work bench, thankful to find Tails missing. 'Asleep in his bed.' thought the hedgehog to himself.

As he placed the watch down, his hand hit something metal which tipped. He grabbed it quickly, his handy becoming a little sticky as it touched the liquid on the table. He held the object to the light and found it to be a carrier for lantern oil. 'He must have realized how low the lanterns were.' The lanterns were out, and Sonic assumed Tails was to tired to complete the task. Sonic put it back, and as he turned the light caught something red upon his glove. He took it close to his face and licked it. 'Is this . . . ?" He thought before being interrupted as something sticky and lukewarm landed on his left shoulder. He looked at the place on his shoulder, watching it create a dark stain in his fur. Struck with curiosity of the leaking liquid, Sonic looked up . . .

A/n: I want a show of hands of how many people started this chapter and said, What the fuck happened? lol,so, the good news is that this ends a really sick note. If you didn't get the end, kill yourself then tell me about it. I will laugh at the irony.
