Lucario Awakens

Story by Revesonant on SoFurry

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Hm. I haven't updated in a while, have I? Other stuff to do, waiting for the contest to show up before writing anything, entering in the contest, not doing very well. Bah. Well, here's something I've been working on for a while. Now I've finally finished this, I'll probably start on some sequels to my other stuff. The usual disclaimers for something like this- if sex offends you you're in the wrong place, and I DEFINITELY don't own the rights for pokemon. Enjoy!


There was a crunching sound as the attack hit the Graveler, knocking it backwards into a tree. The pokemon fell to the floor. Kyrin lowered her little arms and smiled. She wins again.

"Well done, Ky," said the voice behind her, and she turned to face him. Her master. Ben. A black-haired boy, maybe 16 years old. She still remembered when he'd caught her. That'd been... some time ago. Months? No, it must have been at least a year now. And what a year. They'd been to the top of mountains, to faraway islands. On top of that tower in the sea. The caves, so many caves. Not forgetting closer to home. Goldenrod City was so beautiful at night. And Ilex Forest so nearby, the trees swaying to winds from other ages. And the Lake of Rage, when they'd stayed there for a while and the moon had been so bright-

The Riolu fell to her knees as the sunlight hit her. They had been training since early in the morning and only now was the sun visible from this part of the mountain. Every hair stood on end as her body began to react.

She began to glow, a pale, yellow-white light engulfing her entire body. She looked at her paws in astonishment, then up at her master. He was smiling. Then her body convulsed again and she fell to the ground further, whimpering and closing her eyes. She heard his footsteps and tried to look up, but the pain was too much. She flinched as she felt him stroke her head.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Ky..." He whispered. "It's only natural. Just let it happen."

She shook her head, eyes clenched shut.

"I know it hurts. It'll be over soon if you just stop struggling. Isn't it about time you became a Lucario?"

Kyrin glanced at him. So that was what this was? No-one had ever told me it'd be so sudden. I don't know a thing about being a Lucario. I'm not strong enough. I'm too young-

She sighed and relaxed, tried to keep herself under control. Yes, that was the important thing, wasn't it? Control. Focus. She stood up and tried to keep as still as possible. She closed her eyes and sifted for something to concentrate on. The wind? The feel of the ground? Ben?

She smiled slightly. Yes, that was it. Think of my trainer, my master. Run through all the times together. Starting with being caught. The first battle. Learning attacks. visiting all those cities and forests and caves...

The pain died down to a dull ache. She could still feel it, in a way. Her bones lengthening and changing, her entire self morphing into a new body. As quickly as it started, it died down. Suddenly... everything was quiet. She could hear her master's breathing, the leaves rustling-

She opened her eyes, and the world came back. Ben was there, directly in front of her. She took a step towards him, stumbled and fell over. He leant down, concerned.

"Are you okay?"

Of course. I'm just not used to these legs... she trailed off. The two stared at each other for a second. Ben grinned.

"Now that I wasn't expecting," he said. He reached out and pulled her to her feet. "Of course, I heard rumours about the telepathy. I wasn't expecting it to come so early, though."

Kyrin walked forwards, a little unsteadily. She turned around to face him, leaning against a tree.

I feel... strange. She frowned. Both the new body and the telepathy. Is there anything else I should know about?

_ _ "Not really. Just more... you know, aura stuff."

Can I... There was a lake we went past earlier. Can we go back there for a while?

Kyrin waded deep into the water, deeper than she could ever have gone as a Riolu. The lake was clear and unpolluted. Occasionally she felt a Magikarp swim past her legs and shivered. The sun was high in the sky now, and she was having no trouble keeping warm.

She looked down at her shimmering reflection in the water. Is that what I look like now? Well... It could be worse. She absent-mindedly moved her hands over her body as she examined herself. The ears were okay... it'd take a while to get used to that nose. Spikes on the hands. Nice. And... breasts? She hesitated. Well, that was only to be expected. She was an adult now. They weren't particularly large, but definitely noticeable. And... she wiggled her tail experimentally. That's good, too. She was a Lucario.

And what did that mean? She tried to remember back to the forested area she had been born in. She remembered the adults, the Lucario. Her own mother...

She concentrated. That time. She hadn't understood it when she was there. When she had watched her mother and that male Lucario. She was only young, and it hadn't made sense. Her mother, normally so proud and strong...

She'd watched her as she suddenly knelt in front of him. She recognised him only vaguely. One of the young males, only recently evolved, as far as she could tell. But she was grooming him, like she did to her. But grooming him... down there? Back in the present, Ky's hand slipped absent-mindedly towards her crotch. Her mother was licking, sucking, rubbing herself against the other Lucario with such energy that she knew it was more than that. As she watched, she saw the male push his cock into her mother's mouth, then begin to thrust in and out again, faster and deeper. She remembered wondering why her mother was letting him do those dirty things to her. She hadn't known much about that at the time.

Then... she had turned, falling to her hands and knees, unwittingly giving Ky a direct view of her vagina. She could see it was dripping wet, see her panting in anticipation. She almost let out a gasp herself as the male slid himself inside and began to pound her violently. She heard the murmurs of the two Lucario from there.

"Oh god, fuck me..."

"Take it, you little slut..."

They all merged into one, really. The moans and little screams, panting and grunting. The waves of aura from the two felt weird to the Riolu. A sort of pink, hot noise that made her whole body tingle...

In the end, she still hadn't been told much. When she'd questioned her mother about it later, guardedly, not revealing she had been there, she only said... said she'd understand when she was older. She'd understand when she was a Lucario...

Kyrin suddenly realised she was stroking herself and froze. Now... that was odd. But somehow she couldn't stop thinking about that night. She kept wondering what it had felt like. Because now it seemed to make sense. This... this need was beginning to press at her consciousness, a vague, niggling hunger for something she couldn't quite put to words. She kept imagining herself pinned to the floor in the clearing, with some other Lucario on top of her.

She hesitated. No, not just any Lucario using her like that. It was... him. She imagined her trainer kissing her, stroking her, mating her in the forest. She imagined calling out his name, crying out for her master...


She froze in surprise. Ben was looking out from the shore at her.


"Oh, I thought I heard you shout for me. Are you okay?"

She hesitated. It seemed the telepathy was stronger than she thought.

Yes! Yes, I'm fine.

For a second, she thought she saw something in his expression. As though he knew exactly what she'd been doing and thinking, as if he had read her slightly blushing cheeks and sudden defensiveness as easily as he could hear her thoughts. Then it passed.

_ _ "Okay.Well, tell me if you want anything."

He sat down again on the ground by the shore, apparently totally immersed in his pokedex.

And then it was night. Kyrin settled down on the floor beside her master's sleeping bag. She shivered a little, and turned over. She was finding it hard to keep her eyes shut.

Until tonight, she had normally slept with Ben when they had to camp out. As a Riolu, she could fit snugly into that zip-up bag that they had to use for a bed. She could fit comfortably between his arms in the bag, like she was some sort of living childhood toy. If he had found it difficult to get to sleep with her lying on him, he never mentioned it...

Suddenly, Kyrin missed the bag. Something about being pressed against Ben made her feel... safe. And warm, of course. That was the point, wasn't it? It got cold at night, especially near the mountains. You needed to conserve as much heat as possible. But... Ben had always chosen her, hadn't he? Ever since he'd caught her it had always been her in his arms, her walking by his side.

She turned over again, so that she was facing away from the bag. What if it was more than that? The thought seemed so unlikely. A fantasy more than a genuine belief. What if he really thought of her like that? As... she struggled to find the word. Human customs were somewhat alien to her. As... a potential mate? She tried to imagine it, fit it against what she knew about him. And she imagined him on top of her so easily... Her master, she belonged to him, she was his-

Kyrin couldn't take it any more. This feeling inside her, this heat, this longing was too much. She crawled over to where her master was lying, to hold him, maybe even give herself to him-

He was looking straight into her eyes. She froze. Ben was wide awake and smiling at her.

"Did you want something, Ky?"

She couldn't tell whether he was teasing her or not. It was awkward, looking into his eyes like this. She was embarrassed about letting her half-asleep emotions get the better of her. She slumped beside the bag, but leaned against him.

I... I was feeling cold.

Kyrin lay back, snuggling up to the makeshift bed. She noticed that it was still unzipped. It made sense, really. It was a bit claustrophobic inside. If some wild pokemon came in the night, he wouldn't have been able to move his arms enough to fight back. She heard the bag rustle as he turned over behind her.

Then she felt his arms wrap around her.

Ky hardly dared to breathe as Ben hugged her. It was a while before she gathered the courage to speak up again. Her heart had started to beat so fast that she was sure he could hear it, feel it through her chest as he pressed himself against her. She half-turned her head so that she could see his face in the darkness.

What are you doing, master?

That mischievous grin was on his face again. He pulled himself closer to her and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Just keeping you warm, Ky. Is there something wrong with that?"

She whined as his hands began to move up and down her new body. She was beginning to get that feeling again. She couldn't hear, feel anything except him. It was half instinct as she murred at him and pushed herself deeper into his arms. He was beginning to touch her more intimately now, the fingers just briefly brushing against the parts of her that had never been touched by a male before.


She felt him slow down, and paused. She stretched slightly, inadvertently rubbing against him.


He leant down and kissed her, briefly. He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"I heard that a Riolu only evolves when they really love their trainer," He carried on gazing into her, trying to judge her reaction. "Do you think it's true, Ky?"

The Lucario hesitated, staring at her trainer's eyes in the moonlight as if they were the only things in the world. Then-

She reached up behind his head and kissed him for a long, passionate moment. If Ben was surprised, he didn't seem to mind. She leant back, pulling him on top of her small body, and smiled slightly.

_ Maybe. _

She giggled.

_ Or maybe we're just special. _

She affectionately licked at his face.

_ Do_ you love me, master?

That grin was there again.

"Oh, definitely..."

They kissed again. Ky felt along his body, beneath the jacket he wore. She murred in appreciation and wrapped her legs around him. She gave a little squeak as something brushed against her unexpectedly.

_ Master..._


_ You're not wearing any pants, are you?_


She glanced down for a second and laughed.

_ God, you_ are eager. How long have you been planning this?

"A long time. Since before you evolved."

He pressed himself against her and she stiffened.

_ You... you really want to do this, then?_

_ _ "Yes, Ky."

Be careful, then, she whispered. I'm not used to this body yet.

He reached down and carefully guided his cock towards her entrance. She kept perfectly still as he pushed against her, then groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he slowly pushed the head into her.

Argh... It's too big...

He pushed himself further in. She was about half-way down the shaft now, and she clenched her teeth as she felt him continue to drive further into her.

"What do you mean? Not to be modest or anything, but it's not that big."

She gasped and grabbed his hips, making him moan in pleasure as she pulled him closer.

It's big for a Lucario... but I think I'm getting used to it now. Ah!

Kyrin pushed the last few inches into her and lay on the ground, panting. Ben was on top of her, propped up by his arms.



_ _ "Is it okay if I start moving now?"

The Lucario moved her hips experimentally. The pain had begun to die down, and she moaned as she felt his length rub against her.

Yes. Please... fuck me. The words felt strange in her mouth, and she grinned. Mate me, master-

She gasped and shivered as Ben began to thrust into her- slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed.

"Quiet, Ky. You don't want the whole forest to hear, do you?" he whispered into her ear. "Oh, that's good..."

Ky began to kiss him, embracing him on the ground.

I love you, master...

He grunted and pulled her waist up further. Ky screamed in delight as he pushed deeper into her.

Oh, god... Ah! Please...harder...

As Ben groaned and moved even faster, Ky leant back and let the feelings run through her. Every now and then a particularly vigourous thrust would make her let out a little moan or throw her head back.


_ _ The feeling was beginning to build up, stronger than ever before. She was sure she could hear her own heart beating through her chest. They had rolled out of the sleeping bag by now, and her fur was exposed to the night air. She felt the strange sense of balance between the cold of the wind and the heat from inside her.

"Oh... I'm going to come soon, Ky..."

Kyrin sighed and stroked his face.

Can I try something, master?

_ _ "Why, what do you have in mind?"

Ky kicked at the ground with one leg, rolling on top of Ben. She showed surprising control and strength as she knelt, straddling him.

I wanted to see what it was like on top. Heh.

_ _ She smiled and pushed herself down onto him. He moaned as she slipped to the base of his penis and rose up again, slowly rubbing himself against him. Her body brushed lightly against his as she softly teased him.

_ Do you like this? _

"Yes... oh, hell yes."

_ How about this?_

She suddenly thrusted downwards, gripping him tightly and repeating the motion for a few seconds before resuming her original pace.

"Ah! Ky..."

Well? Was that good?

_ _ "What do you think?"

Kyrin laughed and arched her back, leaning down over him.

Do you like my new body, Ben?

Ben's hands gripped her sides and he fucked her enthusiastically.

"It suits you, Ky."

_ Yes, I think so too. It's a lot more... sensual, you know?_

She tightened herself around his length, and he moaned.

_ Cum for me, master. Fill me up. I'm your little-ah... b-bitch..._

She panted as she began to hump him faster and faster. Then he came, his seed gushing out into her womb and mixing with her own juices as she followed suit, orgasming for the first time in her life. She slumped in his arms for a few seconds, embracing her master. Then she pulled herself off him and began to lick his penis, running her whole mouth over it.

"Ky... you don't need to do that..."

She gave it one last slurp before pulling off again.

I have a duty to clean my mate, don't I? She made a contented noise and half-rolled, half-crawled into the sleeping bag. Besides... you taste nice.

She snuggled down into the folds of the bag.

"Ky, there isn't really enough room for both of us..."

She didn't seem to hear him. Ben gave an exasperated noise and climbed in after her. She gave a sleepy noise of appreciation as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her one last time.