A lesson for Doctors in No Nut November

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#4 of Gifts to other people

Oh man this one I feel proud of. A story for dreamandnightmare featuring his character Night and Wyatt alongside my liger Disco. It is an alternative ending to his NNN image series which I wanted to do and was very happy when I was given permission.

I had a lot of fun making this story and I hope many of you enjoy it, it certainly is on the more kinky side of things.

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read some of my other work.

Note: Night and Wyatt belong to DreamandNightmare.

No nut November...what a dreadful challenge it was. What had started s just a small joke on the internet spread to be seen as almost a tradition to some while others simply partook for the "glory" of making it through, no matter how painful it was.

But honestly speaking, Night wasn't in it because of a dare or to boast. No, the tiger wanted to test himself, he wanted to see how far he could go and the fruits of his efforts. He had always been daring when it came to a sexual challenge and he knew he could do it. The only thing he didn't know was how it would end...and how many unexpected turns this month would take.

Before things even began, he made sure to prepare himself, caressing and stroking his own member and even going so far as to milk his own chest dry so he wouldn't have to worry about it. He did feel sorry for his husband, he didn't know if he was taking part on the challenge as well, but if he wasn't, at least he'd have many ways to relieve himself. By the time the clock hit midnight, every part of his body was exhausted; his dick, his chest and even his ass hurt a little. He had never seen or felt his balls be so exhausted. He didn't even clean himself properly before collapsing on bed, that was going to be fun to clean up...

After just a few days, Night noticed a few changes. He felt heavier, not just his balls but everywhere...and his need to cum also felt different. Normally he could go a day or two without feeling it bother too much but this time it was on a whole new level, it felt like he was carrying a weight that was ever so slowly becoming heavier. He just hoped it wouldn't become too much.

It was around the end of his first week that he decided to do something about the growth of his need and balls. "So any reason you're calling me during work hours? I take it has something to do with the whole No nut November thing."

"Listen, Wyatt, I'm not planning on losing but I think something might be wrong, I came around 14 times before everything started yet I'm much needier, my balls even doubled in size!" He could hear Wyatt doing something on the other end of the line, a wet squelching sound that he was familiar with, but that wasn't the only thing...was he laughing at Night?

"Fourteen? Not the smartest move Night, your body desperately trying to make up for it, you might even experience some other changes given how much this is out of your routine, so I advise you just give up." He could hear the kangaroo say it in an amused tone, no way in hell was he giving up that easily.

"...That's not an option."

"In that case, I'll make an appointment on December 1st, I want to drain those balls myself and see how you'll look." He wanted to scream at him but the tiger knew better, he was going to get revenge in his own way.

As soon as the call ended, Wyatt looked at the time and sighed, his break was almost over but he knew he had at least a few minutes before any patients started showing up so he continue to stroke himself, thinking about the plump and full balls of his friend, what he wouldn't give to see how he was now and through the month, but a prize waited for him at the end, thick n creamy prize he knew he would get, Night was one of the most stubborn and determined felines he knew.

"Hey Wyatt I have something I need..." The door opened just as the first shot was mid-air, the roo didn't even care his coworker was seeing him like that, his pulsing balls flexing as he enjoyed himself.

At the door was a rather big feline, bigger than Night and most people he knew. A liger with the most beautiful white mane, Wyatt laughed as he turned to face him while still fully exposed and dripping. "Sure what can I do for you Disco?"

"Just wanted to hand you these files on your patients for next week, I see you're enjoying your freedom from our little game."

"Hey you can't blame me, I don't want to torture myself, you were the one who lost the rock, paper, scissors game and now you're doing that challenge." He couldn't help but give a small laugh at the frustrated growl the liger gave him. "If you fail, you're going to help me any time I want next month, but if you win, it's the reverse, so you're in for a good prize as well."

"Like getting you on bed is that hard of a task, you're neither the sneakiest nor the most subtle sometimes." The liger simply handed Wyatt the papers before he left but not before looking one last time at the roo. "But when I win, I won't have mercy on your body."

That was not a threat, it wasn't a promise either, Wyatt gulped s he felt the strength in those words, it was a statement that Disco had just said. It vaguely worried him, after all, he had seen the monster that was between those legs and he had some doubts he could handle everything.

Walking around the house without any clothes certainly felt refreshing...if he didn't have the equivalent of weight attached to his cock.

After he had slipped over three times on his own precum, Night had bought a number of condoms to help keep his leak in check. The only problem was how difficult it was to move after a while and the fact he couldn't exactly dispose of them so easily. He didn't want to just throw them away but what else was he supposed to do?[

It was while he thought about that, that he remembered something his more hyperproductive friends said. 'Some of my buddies are really into the taste of my cum and pre, so I just give them a full condom sometimes'. That vaguely made night wonder, what if he did the same? He sure loved the faces of those he filled to the brim and even had some people tell him he taste amazing.

Soon Night had made his way towards the kitchen where he proceeded to grab one of his empty water bottles, quickly he pulled the condom that was attached to his cock and transferred the liquid to it. He looked at the bottle, wondering why he was so nervous, he had sucked and swallowed dozens of loads from others before, why did this feel so...different?

He finally gave in and took a heavy gulp.

It was not bad at all.

In fact, he actually quite enjoyed the slight taste it had, Night guessed he would only get a real taste once he came but that was still a while away. For now, he simply settled on drinking the full bottle and planning on how he would do the same to the rest of his pre that he had stored in the fridge, he had noticed how his cock and chest had become bigger but not more than previous times, it wouldn't become a problem he was sure.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

It was when he was just doing something as simple as napping on the couch that particularly hard throb from his member woke up the tiger. He was doing his best to ignore it, only 10 days were left at that point, but that meant he was having to deal with the incessant need to cum, to be milke-


Just the thoughts felt like they could make him fail at any moment and his cock had grown to the point Night could easily wrap his lips around and suck it, had he wanted to. Before he knew it, he was doing just that, not to get himself off but to taste himself. He had consumed so much of his own precum that he got used to the taste, he needed it in a way. So he steered his will and took what he wanted straight from the tap, it was a mystery how he was managing it, yet here he was pinching both of his leaky nipples while sucked from what felt like a tap of a delicious liquid, it was only when he felt close that Night stopped.

He was mesmerized by the sight of the vigorous throbs his cock was doing being so close but he refused...he needed a cold shower.


The month was almost over, he even had Rick and Munroe come to his room one day all dressed up and he felt like he would lose at that moment, but instead, he went and closed the door on the two but not before his cock had the chance to give a gut 'punch' on both of them, he really needed to be careful now that it was so heavy.

And wasn't the only thing that was heavier.

When only five days were left, Night looked at himself in the mirror, his balls had reached colossal size compared to before and his chest felt like it was more milk than muscle at that point. But even his ass was more round and heavier now, it felt as if just walking was a workout. His legs certainly were getting more toned but what about the rest of his body? How was this going to end? The curiosity only spurred him further.

He vaguely wanted to call Wyatt and boast to him, but knowing the kangaroo, he would find a way to make night lose on the spot even through a phone line. He knew the man had nothing to do with the struggle he was going through now but something told him that he should really show the roo how it was done once the month ended, he did make the appointment after all.

On the last day, he was hit by a strange feeling, the opposite of the calm before the storm. It felt like what he was experiencing was worse than the whole month combined, as if every second he was being injected with pure a pure liquid need that flowered through his body. There was pleasure but the inevitable pain that Night felt as he refused to give in, holding on n trying to resist the urge, but his whole boy was exhausted and sore from all the distractions he went through that day, working out, playing games etc.

And then he gave in, he couldn't make the effort anymore.

But funnily enough, that actually helped him. Being so exhausted, the tiger's body just simply shut down as he fell asleep before he could fail or do anything else. At that moment, a shiver went down Wyatt's spine, like an omen that something would happen to him soon.

The morning of December first was oddly calm, no one woke Night up. He simply opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of his girthy, throbbing member, a sight he had gotten so used to through the month that it was instinct for him to hold on to his own orgasm and need to cum...but he still really wanted to. He still felt an almost primal need to release and even to breed someone.

Night almost had lost his mind having to go through such an unbearable challenge, not expecting the many unusual events that went through the month, he even broke through a chastity cage! But just a few hours into the day, he was reminded of another business he'd have to take care of.

"Night? If you really manage to get through the month, I really have to say congratulations! Even with how stubborn you are, I wasn't expecting it. But if you did fail, send me a pic of the mess you made, I'm really curious about the size of it." If Night wasn't as relieved as he was now, he was sure he'd be a lot angrier at the tone the roo was using.

'You'll see the mess I'll make in you.' He thought before an idea popped into his head. He remembered that the so-called appointment Wyatt had made was just after his break, which meant the tiger could sneak into the roo's office and surprise him. "I'll be sure to pay you a visit and show you this big mess you want."

"oh? Are you bringing a picture or yourself?"

"You'll find out soon enough." The tiger promptly shut off the call before his friend could question him more, it felt good to do so. Now...he needed to prepare for his plan and for that he needed to make sure to control himself until he got to the kangaroo's office.

"Holy shit look you!" Wyatt laughed in surprise s he saw a large feline enter his office with an exhausted expression.

"This is all your fault." Disco said in annoyance as he panted while looking at the roo. He had gone through hell to do work and keep up his end of the challenge but now he was there to finally confront the one who started it all. "I didn't think you'd tease me every time I'd come to your office."

"I never promised I wouldn't try and make you fail, but you did great!" He said looking at the bulge in the liger's pants and shirt. They were considerably bigger than the roo was expecting, although, unlike Night, Disco hadn't put his body in overdrive by accident. Though that didn't change the fact his month had been hard, Wyatt had been rather sly with his teasing and he made sure to get the liger hot and bothered every chance he got.

"Well once the day is over, I can come over to your place and help you with it."

"Good, now I think I'll sit for a little here during the lunch break, my legs are killing me." Wyatt chuckled as he saw how exhausted his friend was, though he could understand, he was tasked with a lot more work sometimes, at least when compared to the roo.

"You rest big guy, I mean it when I say I'm surprised you managed to get through everything, I'm gonna go grab a bite." He pat the liger on his shoulder before he left. Disco basked in the silence, not bothering to think much about what he would do for the rest of the day, it was one of the few times he had a light workload. Maybe he could join Wyatt in eating some-

The doors to the kangaroo's office opened slowly, as if to check if anyone was inside, then slowly someone the liger didn't recognize entered. Before he could even question what the tiger was doing, their eyes met and the two gasped in shock.

Disco couldn't even utter a word as he saw the state the tiger was in. He was wearing clothes but they did little to hide the state his body was in, his clothes ready to burst and both pants and shirt looked soaked. His chest was swollen and he could see every detail of the man's nipples on display even through his shirt but his focus was on the tiger's pants, it was like he had a pillar for a cock from how big it was at that moment.

Night on the other hand was confused, he was sure this was the room Wyatt generally stayed in for checkups and other matters, so what was this liger doing here? But most importantly, why did he look like he was going through the same thing Night was? It took him a moment to finally compose himself from being caught sneaking in and speak.

"This is Wyatt's office, right?"

"Yes...but what do you want with him...and like that?" Disco used a pen to point to Night all over. The tiger gave a sigh as he didn't want to quite explain why he was there to a strange but he might as well at that point.

"I have an appointment with him, look over there." He pointed to a calendar where he noticed the roo had put a note to remind him of Night's visit. As soon as the liger saw it, something clicked on his head.

"So you're Night! I was wondering who he was talking about before but now I can understand, Wyatt talked about you a few times and he commented you were struggling...though now I can see that might have been an understatement." That surprised him, he wasn't expecting to meet the roo's prime target today but that gave him an idea. T first he was just going to leave since he knew Night had an appointment but now...

"So I'm guessing he made a dare with you as well?"

"Dare? No, I'm just here because earlier last month he was of no help and when he offered to help me once the month was over, I thought it would be good to take advantage of the moment to surprise him."

"Son of a...I lost a dare to him and had to hold on through the entire month or be his personal servant, but if I won, he would be that for me." Night couldn't help but grin as he started realizing what direction this was starting to take. "Since I won, today begins the month he has to do that...and honestly with all the teasing he has done to me, I'm looking for some revenge."

"I'd be happy to help with that you know." Night said rather bluntly."And even after, feel free to call me if you want to team up on him again, I'm a bit jealous you have a whole month of him like that."

"oh I certainly was planning that, goddamn you're good looking fellow and if today goes well, I hope we can be good friends." He offered his hand for the tiger to shake." I'm Disco."

"Name is Night, so how do you want to do this? I was just planning on waiting for him to come back but you seem like you have more in mind." Disco nodded as he started taking off his clothes and explaining his new plan to the tiger, who quickly followed suit.


It was a somewhat long lunch break for Wyatt, he vaguely felt like he was forgetting something but he ignore the feeling as he walked toward his office. He was thinking about other ways he could tease Disco before the day was over, he knew he was pushing his luck since their dare was over but he knew his friend wouldn't hurt him-

"Oh hey Wyatt, good to see you join us, we were waiting for you." Night said as the kangaroo opened the door and froze.

Night and Disco both stood in front of one another, naked with their members pressed against each other. Despite the liger being taller than night, the two managed to perfectly have their chest touching, with Night's swollen and bouncing pecs almost covering Disco's chest. Both of them massaging each other and looking at the kangaroo with a look of hunger, they could see the roo's pants tenting as the two pressed tongues with one another.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say this fellow here was the patient you were looking forward to the most today? I thought I should help you with his examination." The liger said as both he and Night turned to face him. Wyatt wanted to say something but what could he even say? None of what they were saying was a lie but he wasn't expecting to meet both of them at the same time and once he got a better look at night, he had to admit, he was intimidated by the tiger's new size.

"W-Well gentlemen I'm sure we can reach a compromise, I-I can see you're both very ready to spend some time with me but before that why don't we-" He was interrupted as Disco lunged at him with a great pounce and soon the roo was on the ground face to face with his coworker.

"Spare me the talk, you made a deal with me and him, now it's time for us to collect our prize besides..." He trailed a hand down until it rested on the tip of the bulge in Wyatt's pants."I know you too well Wyatt and I know for a fact that while you are a shameless teaser, you have a thing for doing this kind of business in the workplace, but above that, I know you absolutely melt when someone dominates you."

'Wha- when did you become so knowledgeable about me!' The roo thought in panic, he was far from unwilling but at the same time he was still panicking from how fast things were moving, he thought he could take things slowly but he did play with fire by making all those attempts at making Disco fail through the month...

Wyatt didn't resist as he was lifted up and his lab coat was put away neatly. He quickly found himself sandwiched between the two big cats with his face buried between night's leaking pecs. He could even feel as his butt was coated in precum , these two were like cannons ready to blow but Wyatt had a feeling they weren't planning on doing that just yet.

"So Night, how do you feel about me and the doctor helping you take care of this swelling on your chest? It looks like you're in quite the situation." Night laughed a little at the comment but he couldn't be more eager to agree. Feeling the liger fondle his sensitive chest then finally lean forward and wrap his lips around one of his nipples, he immediately felt the surge of his sweet milk start and the pressure from his chest die down a little. There was still his other pec but it seemed Wyatt had given in and started doing much the same, latching on to his nipple and sucking hard, it wasn't quite enough to get him off even with how sensitive he was but it certainly had the roo feeling how excited Night was with each suck making his cock throb against him.

What impressed him was how eager his new friend was. Disco nibbled and squeezed the tiger's pec as he vigourously gulped down each creamy wave of Night's milk. Night could only moan as the liger ravaged his sensitive chest while kneading it. On the other hand, Wyatt could barely keep up the pace, almost as if he'd be pushed back by the tiger's release if he didn't focus.

He thought the two would keep that up for a while but soon the liger and roo stopped. Night was about to question what they were doing but he saw Disco lift Wyatt and carry him to the examination table before spreading his legs to expose the kangaroo's entrance. "While I can say I'm quite addicted to your chest and the taste you have Night, I remember you saying he made this appointment to drain those balls himself."

Both realized what he was talking about and the kangaroo looked nervous for a moment, as Night approached him with his monstrous tool dropping against his front just so the kangaroo could see how much he'd have to take. He only had to press his cock against the roo's face a little before he starte to work his tongue against it, the size making it so he could only focus on the tip and nurse from the copious amounts of precum leaking from it.

Night enjoye watching the almost drunk look Wyatt had as he made out with his cock, pressing his tongue under the foreskin, suck an pressing his tongue against it. Soon he felt himself be lower down, being remembered there was one other person in that room.

"From all the stories you told me, never once you mentioned getting spit roasted so..." Disco said as he pressed his cock against the kangaroo's cheek. He didn't do anything just yet as he watched Night get a good hold on the roo's waist and pull back. Night hadn't even managed to get in before his seemingly unending spurts of pre-slathered against the kangaroo's hole but that wasn't enough to get inside. Night the tightened his hold on the roo before he made another attempt and then...


Just a few inches in had Wyatt struggling to keep up, he was crazy tight and night did not hold back as he pushed further in once he managed to pop his tip inside. Warmth spread through Wyatt as he moaned out a few intelligible words before Disco took the opportunity to grab the sides of the kangaroo's muzzle and speared directly into the open mouth, helping distract the roo enough for Night to push a few more inches in. I union both quickly withdrew and then pushed back in a few times with each thrust getting just a little further.

As the roo's tunnel stretched to accommodate the huge cock inside it, Night chuckled as he reached down to put a hand over the kangaroo's lean abdomen just in time to feel it bulge out from the sheer amount of dick inside, he could even feel the outline pulse and grow larger as he pushed in further, his brain focused only in burying himself further into the warm tight hole. The pressure against the roo's pleasure spots inside him was almost min breaking, he had never felt such a vicious attack against his prostate, such a new feeling had him letting out long drawn out moans around Disco's member while also letting it reach deeper.

"Even now your body is still in overdrive, just look at you, your chest is back at full size." Night didn't even say anything as he only wanted to get further inside, not that he wouldn't have complained as the liger leaned forward and started sucking on one of his nipples again. On reflex, each time he felt a particular hard suck or a clench around his member, the tiger would buckle forward and fill the roo with more dick than he had ever taken before. It wasn't until he felt himself hilt and his balls swing that he slowed down a little. Only a little.

Feeling that electric tinge of pleasure told Night he didn't have long to enjoy the moment as he was reaching his limit and this time, he wasn't gonna stop it. Night drove his hips back, setting a firework string of pleasure as he went down and started drilling Wyatt against the examination table. Disco didn't even need to thrust as the movement behind each push Night did was enough to make the roo move as if he was sucking off the liger...or was he doing that? He didn't know at that point, all he cared for was getting as much of the delightful treat that was the tiger's milk and now he had all of it for himself.

When the kangaroo suddenly came and clenched down on his shaft, that was the breaking point for Night as he roared in sheer bliss and relief.

Those heavy balls that he had to deal with for over a month flexed and began to unload thick, long and powerful spurts deep inside the roo. Just one gush alone was enough to make the kangaroo's belly much rounder but he just kept on pumping and pumping. It didn't matter that his partner was already full, Night simply continued even as his cum began to seep out of Wyatt's entrance and cover the floor. He continued to thrust and make an even bigger mess inside and outside, Disco watched and heard as the roo's round gut jiggled with the sounds of the cum sloshing inside it. The sight was so much he had forgotten to hold himself and began to unload inside the kangaroo's throat, letting him experience a piece of what Night was feeling.

The kangaroo's own release happened almost as instantly as Night's first shot, but the feeling was barely registered by him as he was overwhelmed by the warmth filling him from both side. Disco own load was no joke either, Wyatt could feel himself to drink such a continuous streak of shots from him.

After a few more hard throbs inside him, Wyatt felt Night start to pull out and with the monstrous cock out of him, even more cum began to gush out of his hole. He was in such a daze he didn't even hear what the two were talking about before he also felt Disco pull out. He coughed as some of the cum clung to his throat and his vision started adjusting before he saw Night's toned ass fall on his face. He didn't put all his weight on it but with how big it was at that moment, the roo's whole face had been covered. He then felt something that immediately told him those two weren't done with him.

In their current position, Night balls were on the roo's chest and he could tell they weren't fully drained, perhaps only half the size they were when he first saw them but the tiger wasn't done and neither was the liger. The two planned to keep him until they were both satisfied it seemed. Night soon felt the roo start to lash out his tongue with no other thoughts left on his head than to pleasure the tiger.

"You did quite the number on his hole, he is so loose." Disco said as he watched Night sit on the kangaroo's face.

"You were the one who offered to let me top first." Night panted as he felt his member spring to life again, he closed his eyes for a minute to enjoy the feeling before he felt a hand caress his face. "I did, and now time for me to also enjoy myself." He said before he gave him a rough kiss, up until now both of them were quite in charge of the situation but during that kiss, Night felt absolutely helpless against the liger's skilled tongue and insistency. He groped the tiger's chest, and his cock, and then drove his tongue in. Keeping that up until he could tell Night was approaching another orgasm. Not a second later he wrapped his lips around the tip and began to kiss it and suck, looking Night right into the eyes as he did so like he was telling him he would take care of it.It was impressive how much he as able to take in a single dive, such expertise had night blowing a secon load almost immediately, he could feel Disco gently caress each of his balls and fonldle them, following it by pressing his tongue inside Night's cock hole before he gave harsh squeeze on the tiger's butt. It was as if he was telling him to cum inside.

Happy to oblige, he let go of himsel for the second time that day as his new friend tried to swallow his second load. With such a short interval between the first and second one, the gushes were weak enough this time Disco managed to take all, but that didn't mean there was little of it. A full minute went on as Night ground his hole against Wyatt and watched the liger gulp down each of his shots, not one escaping his mouth before Night was finished.

"Not bad, but I still prefer this." He put a hand on Night's chest earning a slight blush from him. The liger gave him deep kiss again, long, passionate and wet, letting the tiger taste what he had done to him. The two looked down as Night got up and grinned seeing the pleasure-filled face Wyatt was making. But as he looked up and saw the two big felines were back to being hard, he let out another groan.

And so they continued through the whole appointment.With the two indulging themselves thoroughly that day.

Soon Wyatt found himself being held upside down, his moans barely audible as Night made him take the thick head of his cock, lips locking tight around it as he sucked like his life depended on it. Meanwhile Disco took great pleasure in licking Night's balls, rolling and tasting thoroughly as he could feel and even hear the next load the tiger was going to shoot.


"Mmmph." Night and Disco let the roo rest little as they enjoyed themselves. The liger truly showing his more wild side as he stranded Night and took his member. His much bigger body let things go smoothly as he locked lips with the tiger in a fierce kiss, he almost never let go as he rode Night, keeping the lips together with their tongues wrestling for control all through it, he didn't care how big Night was, he took him as if it was the most natural thing. One hand lovingly fondling the tiger's chest as he continued to hungryly kiss him. Night's bliss ha reached such a level he didn't even register when he came inside him. Only realizing it once the liger pulled back and let Night appreciate the mess he had made.


"D-Disco go slowly." He tried to warn him as the liger went wild on his chest. Gone was the small licks he was giving before, he nuzzled and even bit down on the soft tender nipples as he force his tongue against it. He kneaded them, squeezed, milked Night nonstop as the tiger's muscled body shivered under such pleasure. The streams of milk ha stopped at some point, but the liger didn't stop, continuing to tease and pinch the areola to the point he left a small mark or two on his chest by the time he got a hold of himself again.


The two continued to alternate between who got a turn on the kangaroo's ass, who sucked who off and much more.

By the time their session was ending, Night found himself sitting down on the liger's face with him eating the tiger's hole, licking and pushing his tongue inside, while on the other end Wyatt had begun to ride his cock.Night watched rather amused as the two hadn't even asked him to do that but at some point, the roo had simply given into his role for the two of them. Night even teased him by poking the roo's belly, with how many times it had been filled to the brim that day, he was surprised every time one of them managed to fit a bit more inside him only for it to gush out every time they pulled out of him.

Night could tell the kangaroo was nearing his limit when it came to this, he looked rather tired, yet there he was taking all of his coworker's cock like it was nothing. The tiger was also rather impressed at how much fun his friend was having eating his hole, Disco drove his tongue in and out slowly as he enjoyed the soft cheeks surrounding his face.

When the liger finally came inside the roo, Night could it was the end as he slumped back and let Disco's dick slip out.He wasn't knocked out could, but Wyatt definitely needed a few minutes to recover before he could think clearly again. The other two soon got up and Night almost fell down as he began to take notice of his own exaustion. "I think it's time for us to clean up."

"Yeah, thanks again for this, I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did." He could hear Disco chuckle at the comment as he got up.

"Just like you, I'm quite the insatiable one, I could go for another round or two but I still have work to do. There are some towels over there for you." The liger pointed to a cabinet just as Night saw most of his cum that had spilled on the floor had gone down a drain, although there was still a lot left in the room. "This is going to be a bitch to clean."

"I'd do more but with Wyatt sleeping, I'll just go home and relieve myself." Night started wiping himself down before Disco tapped on his shoulder.

"Well...if you can wait a few hours, I'd be glad to help you finish off, I guess you could say I feel responsible for that." Night didn't know if it was the way he had said it or the way the liger looked at him with hopeful eyes but he thought back. 'After a month like that...just a few hours and I'm getting myself another prize.'

With a nod, the two exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again to indulge in each other one more time that day.

1 week later.

After all that had happened, Night simply went back to his regular routine.His friends and those who requested him where very happy to see him return to his usual self. It was a rather calm day after coaching a few gym visitors but a sudden phone call from a certain kangaroo had him surprised. "Wyatt? Wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon, what's up?"

"You idiots! You and Disco, you!" He couldn't make sense of the jumbled words coming through the line, getting his voice lower so he could answer back playfully.

"We got you good that time, but you shouldn't be mad, you seemed to enjoy it plenty." He couldn't see the roo's face but he was sure that had Wyatt blushing at least a little on the other side.

He wasn't expecting what came next thought.

"Yeah, but you two enjoyed yourselves so much that one of you knocked me up! I don't know which of you did it but I'm betting it was you"" Night stood silent trying to process the words he had just heard. He had knocked up someone, his friend of all people! Although there was a small chance he wasn't the father, part of him certainly wanted it to be true. He could hear Wyatt trying to get his attention before going silent for a second and a familiar voice taking over.

"After he calms down you two can talk more, I was rather surprised when he told me as well but you take your time processing it." The call was then promptly shut off as Night was left to ponder over what he had just heard. He was happy, nervous, anxious, and many other things in that moment. He knew one thing for sure at that moment as he began typing to call his father.

"Hey dad, you're going to be granddad soon."


Side effects are not always bad

_Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males and a herm character, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read some of...

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Angelic Thinkering

Angelic thinkering _Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read some of...

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The blacksmith's temptation

The blacksmith's temptation. Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read...

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