My shelter (English version; One-Shot)

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#1 of One Shots

This is my first story I upload in two places, one completly furry and the other one is Wattpad.

And also, it's my first time writing in both English and Spanish (the spanish version of this story will be upload in a few minutes).

Hope you like it ;3

It was a whole new word from him. The jackal of grey fur with white details on him and sky-blue eyes was excited to discover more of his new house and its surroundings. The little canid was only 4 years old and had the name of Lucas. His new house was still empty, and a lot of people were helping his parents to get the house ready to live. It was his family, from what his parents told him, but he didn't meet them until they move. His grandparents were with him, pinching his cheeks and telling him who cute he was.

"Look at the little boy!" one of his grandmothers said. "Papa and mama told me that you are very smart".

"I think so?" he said, with a little of confusion. "I don't know, I just think the things the teacher teaches me are easy".

"He's going to be someone extraordinary, I'm sure of it!" his other grandmother petted his head, making his tail wag with happiness.

"What do you want to do now, champ?" his grandfather smiled at him.

"Oh, I saw a forest outside when we arrive!" he exclaimed, more excited. "Can I go to explore it?"

"I don't think it's a good idea, Lucas" his mother told him, putting some boxes on the floor.

His mother always was a little worried about who energetic and adventurous her son was. She cared a lot about him, he didn't know why. Lucas pout when he heard the words of his mother, making her sigh.

"C'mon, honey" the father of the little one helped his son. "You know that this zone it's secure, a lot of children can go out without problems. Furthermore, the forest is not that big. He is going to be okay"

"Can... at least someone go with him?" asked his mother.

"Yay! Thanks, papa!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll go with him" his grandfather beat his chest proudly. "I have a good sight, so he'll be fine with me"

"Thank you, that leave me a little less worried" the woman smiled, looking at his son. "Be good with your grandpa and don't make him work too much"

"I promise I'll be good" Lucas smiled, grabbing his grandfather hand, hurrying him to go outside.

Lucas started to get more and more excited. He wanted to explore the place so bad that he was jumping while he walked. His grandfather was following him very close, keeping an eye of what the little jackal was doing. When they reached the forest, Lucas looked around. It wasn't that big, as his father told him, but it was big enough for him to explore it. He saw a bush with beautiful purple flowers, so he got close and smelled the flowers.

"Oh, they smell very good!" Lucas wagged his tail with happiness.

"It's lavender" his grandfather explained. "It has a lot of uses, but most people known it for it use in perfumery. You can scrub some of them in your neck and hands if you want"

Lucas did as he told him and scrubbed some flowers in his neck. He didn't pick too many because he didn't want to damage the rest of the bush. After smelling himself, Lucas told his grandfather that he was going to enter the little forest. The older assented to him and the little one went inside.

At his first objective, he wanted to find some bugs. But not the ugly ants, he was searching for big beetles and beautiful butterflies. His father told him that the beetles should be outside at this time of the year, so he searched in the trunks of the trees and behind the bushes, but it was difficult to find them. Finally, he found one, but it wasn't very big. He was searching for the big ones, with horns capable of holding a camera with a string.

While searching for another beetle, he saw a beautiful butterfly with red wings and white spots on them. He was hypnotized for his beauty, so he started following the butterfly slowly. Sometimes, the bug perched in the little leaves of the grass or the bushes to rest. Sometimes, it drank the nectar of the flowers, and the little jackal just watched the little insect doing it. However, the last spot where the butterfly stopped was very interesting.

A little wolf, maybe of the same age of Lucas, was lying down in old cushions and blankets that were put inside a hole of a big tree. The fur of the boy was fully orange, with not visible marks due to the clothes that he was wearing. He was snoring softly while the butterfly was in his nose. Lucas didn't know who the wolf was, but he was curious about him. The jackal thought about what to do. He wanted to talk to him, but he thought it was rude to wake him up when he was sleeping so peacefully.

Suddenly, the wolf sneezed, scaring the butterfly and the jackal. The wolf scratched his nose and looked to the jackal.

"Who are you?" the wolf asked confused.

"Hum... Hi..." the jackal said nervously. "I'm Lucas. I was... exploring the forest"

"Hmmm... Let me guess" the wolf sat in the cushions. "You have recently move to the neighborhood"

"You guessed!" Lucas exclaimed surprised.

"Hehe, it was easy to know" the wolf smiled, holding his hand out. "I'm Tomas"

"Nice to meet you" the jackal responded to the greeting with his hand.

"Oh, and also, welcome to my secret shelter" Tomas laughed.

"Doesn't look very... secret" Lucas tilted his head, confused.

"It is" the wolf assured him. "No one enter in this forest except me... and now you, of course. I want to transform this in something cool, but I needed a person who trust"

"I can be that person!" the jackal said with confidence. "I'm smart, or that is what my grandmas told me"

"Then it's decided!" Tomas smiled. "From now on, you're my right hand and my best buddy. We will transform this boring tree hole with old cushions and blankets in a fantastic secret base where we can live!"


And like that, both canids started a friendship. Lucas and Tomas chatted a little more before Lucas' grandfather called him to go back to home to eat the lunch. The jackal hugged the wolf and went with his grandfather. "I made a friend today!" that was he told to his parents when he came back. Both were happy of hearing that. They thought at first that his son would have problems to socialize and make friends, but they were relieve that they were wrong.

Time started to pass, the families of the boys finally met and they started to hang out frequently. Most of the time, Lucas and Tomas would meet in the forest, in their little secret base, and thought about how they could make it better. With time, they started building a little cover of the place with a huge piece of cloth that they secured to some trees and branches with some rope. With that, the little hole in the big tree became a very nice shelter for the rain.

Soon enough, both started going to school. Thanks to Tomas and his charisma, Lucas managed to get a lot of friends, but with the passing months only the ones with true friendship remained near of them. Lucas was the one with the best notes, so Tomas would always ask him for advice when to studies referred the conversation. Tomas was a quick learner when the things were explained to him, so when the teachers didn't know how to explain something to him, Lucas was there to explaining the terms that the wolf didn't understand. However, the thing in which Lucas was a good with little effort was sport, especially football. He quickly became a favorite of the team.

Even with all of this, the two friends never stopped hanging out in his secret base. And that was what they were doing in the afternoon of spring, when both had 11 years old.

"So... Did you kiss any girl yet?" asked suddenly Tomas.

"Huh?" the jackal was confused by that question. "Why do you ask?"

"Because a lot of girls asked me to go on a date with them or to kiss them" the wolf laughed. "They think I'm handsome"

"You're handsome!" Lucas giggled. "It's normal that girls want you to be their boyfriend"

"I don't know, dude" Tomas scratched his ear. "I'm not prepared to date anyone. I think that's a thing that more older people do"

"Well, it's true that my dad told me that he met my mom when he was 14" Lucas thought at loud.

"See? Furthermore, I heard that people with a girlfriend become dumb" the wolf laughed.

"Then I prefer to be single" the jackal laughed with the wolf. "But with my best friend"


"Anyway, I doubt that I'm attractive enough to catch someone attention" Lucas started touching the lavender flower that he picked from the bush with his fingers.

"I think you're pretty handsome" Tomas winked an eye to Lucas, making the jackal blush.

"D-Dumb wolf!"

Tomas laughed at loud by the reaction of his friend, and soon Lucas stopped feeling shame and laughed with him.

The time passed, and both went to the same high school. They knew it was a difficult phase of their studies and their lives, but they promised to stay together. With the wolf being admitted in the football club, the attention given to Tomas was increased. A lot of people had their eyes on the young canid that was taking the lights on the field. But what was surprising was seeing the wolf with his friend, the jackal. Of course, both started to grow a lot and his bodies changed with the time: both were tall and the same heigh, but Lucas was slim, and Tomas has muscle because of the training. There were other things, like their voices or the classic "urges" that every teen started to have in their teens, but the friendship that both shared stayed unbroken.

However, something changed when they both were 15 years old.

"I'm dating Sophia" Tomas finally confessed, making Lucas spit his soda.

They were both in the secret base, eating some pizzas and drinking some sodas. The base was a little different from before: now it had some photos of them and some of their friends nailed in the tree crust and Lucas made some decoration with paper and hung them in some places. Another different thing was that the cloth was higher because they were tall.

Lucas was surprised: Sophia was the popular girl, a cute border collie that was beautiful, smart and very kind. It shouldn't have been a surprise that they both were dating, but for Lucas it was surprising.

"I thought... we wouldn't date anyone?" Lucas scratched his cheek. "I mean, I'm not mad or anything, but... I don't know, man"

"I guess this caught you by surprise" Tomas laughed awkward.

"Yeah... But I think it was obvious" Lucas also laughed. "Both you and her are the most popular in the high school. I guess it was a matter of time of you to meet"

"Yeah, but it's true that I promised some years ago that we wouldn't date anyone" Tomas sighed, but then he smiled towards Lucas "So I won't keep off you, don't worry"

"You promise?" Lucas wagged his tail.

"I promise" Tomas did the same.

Lucas trusted the wolf. He wouldn't forget him just because he is in love with a girl, right? They continued eating pizza and talking about other things before they have to come back to their houses. At first, it was as Tomas said: he was by his side to time to time, and even introduce him to Sophia. The three of them hanged around sometimes, so the jackal was relieved.

However, Sophia and Tomas started going alone more time than they were with Lucas. At first, only for one or two days, but sometimes Lucas saw them only in the cafeteria, where Tomas was eating with Sophia and her group of friends. There was always the weekend, that was Lucas thought. But Tomas started using the weekends as well to meet Sophia. The only thing that Lucas had left to communicate with him were the messages through the mobile phone, but it wasn't enough to the jackal. He started feeling abandoned by his best friend, who promised him to not forget him even when he was in love. The messages were not better: his friend only talked about Sophia and then apologized to Lucas for being so occupied with her.

Those feelings... Lucas thought he wouldn't experience them: rage, jealousy, sadness... Even his parents were worried about him because he always was so expressive, but he always responded "I'm fine" with a fake smile and a fake wagging tail.

One day, he was sitting alone again in the cafeteria, but he planned to talk with Tomas in person, even if he was with Sophia. Lucas had an idea in his head for the past days and he decided to finally make it true: he was going to invite Tomas to go to his house. It was a special day, and he hoped his best friend remembered. After taking some breaths, he gained the courage to stand up and go to the table where Tomas and Sophia were. They looked up to see the jackal when he was by their side.

"Hey, Lucas!" the wolf exclaimed with a smile. "What's up?"

"Hey" the jackal smiled. This time, it was genuine. "I was wondering if you have this Saturday free"

"Oh, sorry, dude" Tomas scratched the back of his head and then hugged Sophia. "This Saturday it's her birthday party so I have my hands occupied. Maybe another weekend?"

"Y-Yeah" the smile was still there, but his ears went down. "Another day"

He then went to his site, picked up his backpack and rush to the bathroom. He didn't want to cry. Crying in front of the rest of the high school would only lead to him being ridiculed in front of everyone. Finally, he reached the bathroom and went inside a bathroom stall, starting to sob and cry. Tomas forgot it. The wolf forgot about his birthday. He replaced the birthday of his best friend for the birthday of his girlfriend. Lucas didn't understand it. All the promises that Lucas made were empty. None of them mattered to the wolf. The jackal continued crying until he was done and got out of the stall, washed his face and continued the day the better he could.

The rest of the week Lucas tried to keep a straight face while coping with all the things that was happening in his life. He still wanted to have fun the Saturday because the rest of his friends said yes to the invitation, but he still was in pain because the rejection of Tomas. He couldn't understand how everything about their friendship was collapsing without the wolf noticing it. Saturday finally came and he was a little better. Just a little. His mother entered in his room while he was finishing his homework, a little after it was midday.

"Lucas, Tomas hasn't come yet" his mother noticed the absence of the wolf, who always was the first in the birthday parties of Lucas. "Something happened?"

"Oh, he... is occupied" Lucas lied, because he didn't want to admit that kind of thing. At least, not yet. "But he will try to come later"

"Okay" his mother smiled, closing the door.

Lucas sighed "At least, I wish he would come later"

His friends arrived when it was 1:00 PM. His mother told the boys to let the gifts in the table and that Lucas was in his bedroom. The jackal soon saw the door of his bedroom opening and then his other two friends entered the room. One was a golden retriever called Oliver and the other one was a white with orange marks and green eyes called Cloud. Both greeted Lucas, who smiled and wagged his tail. At least both of his friends were there.

"Hello there, Lucky Luck" Oliver greeted him.

"Ugh, Oliver, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like that nickname?" Lucas sighed a little upset. But he didn't mind: he grew accustomed to Oliver calling him that.

"Hehe, sorry" Oliver laughed.

"Dude, you have the patience of a saint" Cloud laughed softly. "How are the classes going?"

"All good, of course" Lucas winked.

"Yeah, we know that your brain is from another world" the golden retriever joked.

"Oh, btw, do you know what's up with Tomas" Cloud asked. "I haven't seen him in a lot of time"

"Oh, yeah!" Oliver remembered too. "He looks occupied. It's because of the football or something?"

"I-It's.. complicated" Lucas sighed. His ears went down.

"Did... something bad happen?" Oliver asked.

Lucas, trusting in his friends, told them "Promise me you won't tell my parents. They will get mad at Tomas if they know this"

After receiving an affirmative response from his friends, he started with the story about how Tomas got a girlfriend and how, little by little, started to hanging out more with her than with him. Both of his friend listened in silence the story until Lucas finished, with some tears in his eyes. Cloud handled him a napkin and he cleaned his eyes.

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with Tomas" sighed Oliver. "I didn't think he would be capable of doing this"

"Because he doesn't mean any harm" Cloud sighed.

Both Oliver and Lucas looked confused at Cloud. He got up and started walking around the room while explaining the situation: "The thing it's, since he was little, Tomas was, and he still is, a clueless person. He sometimes forgot about certain things or struggled to remember special events. I met him during this time, maybe some months before you and him met, Lucas. Because of that, I always helped him with some tricks to remember things and that shit. It worked, but I think having a girlfriend had the effect of only caring about Sophia and nothing more, which I don't think it would be good for him and his own health".

"Then... he didn't do it on purpose?" the jackal asked, wagging his tail.

"Of course not!" Cloud laughed softly. "He just needs a bonk in the head. I'm pretty sure that he has his mobile phone with him right now. Maybe he doesn't look at the messages that much, but if we send him a lot of messages, I'm pretty sure he will come fast soon or later".

"Can I be the one who give him the bonk?" asked Oliver in excitement.

"Yeah but be sure to use a rolled-up newspaper and not a bat!" Cloud laughed again.

"I'm not that dumb!" exclaimed the dog.

"I'm pretty sure you're" the jackal followed the joke.

"Aww, c'mon!"

The three of them laughed. After that, they started writing and sending a lot of messages to the wolf. If what Cloud said was true, then Tomas would come later. Lucas was nervous about the plan not working at all, but Cloud and Oliver reassured him and made him go down the stairs because it was supposed to be a birthday party and they wasn't eating or playing anything fun.

Lucas decided to go with the flow and just enjoying the party. Worrying about Tomas would only lead to him to be sad, and he didn't want that in his sixteenth birthday. They started by eating the food that Lucas' mother prepared to them, but soon they started using the game console to play different games while listening to music in the background. They were having and a great time, but sometimes Lucas would check his mobile phone to see if Tomas responded the messages. When his friends caught him, they picked his mobile phone and turned it off so he could concentrate in other things. He was a little grumpy about it, but he knew that his friends did it for his wellbeing.

When it was 4:20 PM, someone knocked the door. Lucas was the first one to get up and go to the door. When he opened, he saw Tomas. The wolf was out of breath and has a bag where he carried the gift for Lucas. Even with no breath, he started apologizing.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Lucas" he started talking. "I-I have no excuse..."

But he didn't talk more. The jackal just hurried and hugged his friend. He needed that. Lucas missed Tomas so much that he just wanted to hug him. The wolf was surprised by this action, but he reciprocated the hug. He didn't say anything, but the wolf had a bad time in the past hour. Even though, they both were happy to see each other. When they entered, Oliver bonked Tomas in the head with the rolled-up newspaper.

"Ouch!" Tomas stroked his head. The bonk was a little hard. "Okay, yeah, I deserve that... But goddammit, Oliver!"

The group laughed at the situation, but they soon started eating and playing again. This time, Tomas was with them. At first, Lucas noticed something when he entered to the house: his eyes were red. Was he crying? But why? He thought it was because of not remembering the birthday, but he knew that Tomas wasn't a person of crying. However, he decided to ask about it later. Now, they were having a lot of fun.

After some hours, being 11:00 PM, they decided to end the party. Lucas, however, asked his parents to let Tomas stay the night, and they said yes. The wolf and the jackal went to the bedroom, and Lucas closed the door.

"So... here we are" Tomas sighed.

"Yeah..." Lucas was uncomfortable, but he needed to talk to Tomas.

"I'm so sorry" Tomas sat in the bed. "I... have no excuse. I put Sophia before you, my best friend. I forgot about your birthday, and I ignored you for months. If you don't want to see me again, I will understand it"

"No!" Lucas denied. "Please, don't be sorry! Cloud explained to me about you being a little... clueless. I understand it. I... was pained, but now..."

"You should be angry" Tomas had tears flowing down his eyes, while the sobs started to hinder his words. "I forgot about you and st-t-tarted going out with that bitch instead. I'm the worst friend you could have"

"Bitch?" that sounded strange to Lucas, who immediately asked "Why do you call Sophia a bitch?"

"She... was cheating on me, dude" the wolf cried. "She was going out with a kangaroo while we were a couple... Fuck! She was kissing him in the backyard when I was in her birthday party... I was so pissed, and she acted like she was doing nothing wrong! And... I-I saw your messages... I started running to the nearest store to buy you something, hoping y-y-you will forgive me... But I don't deserve it".

"Tomas, c'mon... Man, you don't have to say that" Lucas was sad for his friend, so he started comforting him while his hand caressed the wolf's back. "You're an amazing dude and... I wouldn't want to lose you because of that bitch... Yeah, you committed mistakes, but everyone do it. I just want to forget about this and... still be the best friends that want to build a secret base together"

"Oh my god" Tomas laughed softly at that. "That sounded cheesy"

"I don't fucking care about that" Lucas laughed softly. "So... want to keep being good friends?"

"Of course I want" Tomas hugged Lucas.

Both decided to sleep together in the same bed, like when they were little. The bed was bigger enough to sleep both in there, even though they needed to be a little closer than expected. Tomas fell asleep quickly, probably tired of all the emotions of the day. Lucas, however, was very awake.

He started thinking about all that happened recently and wondered why Tomas has such an influence on him. He thought they were only good friends and that's all... but it was only that? He was feeling jealous of Sophia for keeping the wolf away from him, and he thought at first it was because he cared about his friendship. But what if the feeling that he was feeling from some time to now was different? He opened his eyes and looked at the wolf. The canid was placidly sleep in the side of the window, but he was facing the jackal and the jackal was doing the same. The hand of the wolf was on the pillow. Carefully, Lucas put his hand over Tomas' hand.

"I need to think about this, but not now" Lucas smiled. "Tomorrow"

After this event, both started to being closer, even more when they were little. They started sleeping together in the same bed, and stay together when they met in the school, Tomas gave Lucas a big hug, a hug that the jackal always reciprocated. Not only hugs, but Tomas would usually sat really close to Lucas, to the point where their thighs would touch. Lucas, of course, noticed this behavior, and started thinking about what the intentions of his friend were.

Lucas, since the birthday incident, started to experiment a little. And of course, the thing that was more accessible to him was the porn. It was easy to access, and it would clear all his doubts. He already watched videos with a man and a woman, but never with two men together. After the first time, he was pretty sure that he not only liked girls, but boys too. However, one thing was the porn and other completely different was the real sex.

After being sure about his likes, the jackal started investigating. He found some blogs and webpages that were useful. Lucas even met some other people of the LGBT that welcomed him to the community and congratulated him for discovering himself, with made him feel at ease. At least he knew that he was not alone in the world.

After a few years, Lucas and Tomas graduated from high school. The next step was the college, and Lucas knew that the chances of both being in the same college were tiny. He wasn't sure if saying what he wanted to say after those years was a good option, because he knew that he couldn't meet the wolf that much if he said yes. And of course, that was if Tomas accepted his propose.

Lucas was waiting inside the tree hole on his old secret base. After some years, some cushions and sheets were wearing down and probably they would need to change them soon. The photos lost some of the colors, but lucky for Lucas the photos were also saved in their PCs, so it was not a big lost for them.

"Hey there!" the wolf made appearance and introduced himself under the hanging cloth, which had some holes in it.

"How are you doing?" the jackal smiled, seeing the wolf sitting in front of him, but outside the hole.

Lucas saw his friend in front of him. Both were the same height, but it was clear that the wolf had a well-trained body. Tomas was very handsome, that's something that Lucas had always in mind.

"Mm... Have a lot in my mind, actually" Tomas admitted. "Some bad things, some good things and some fantastic things"

"Oh, wow, then you better start, because I only wanted to tell you one thing" Lucas laughed.

"Okay! First the bad thing" the wolf dropped his ears. "I think... we have to clean up and dismantle our secret base"

"H-Huh?" that was something that the jackal didn't expect.

"I discovered yesterday that this zone of trees it's being cut down so they can build new houses" Tomas sighed.

"B-But that's not good!" the jackal exclaimed.

"I was talking about this with my parents, and we can't do shit about it" the wolf explained. "These few trees don't form a full forest and this zone was planned long ago to be dedicated to that"

"Fuck!" Lucas hit the old cushions. It was a special place for him, and it was going to disappear soon.

"Hey" Tomas petted the head of his friend. "It's okay. I'm angry as well because I knew you thanks to this place. Believe me: if there was a way to avoid the disappearance of this place, I will tell you"

"I... suppose it's fine" Lucas sighed, defeated. "At least we are still friends"

"Yeah" the wolf smiled and started wagging his tail. "And hey, at least we are going to the same college!"

"H-Huh?!" that surprised the jackal. "How?! I-I mean... your notes are good, but they weren't as good as mine!"

"They have given me a scholarship for my sport's career!" the wolf's words had some proud in it. "And thanks to you and your tutoring, I will be capable of studying something alongside doing sports"

"I-I didn't do that much" Lucas blushed. "You are a quick learner; I just found a way so the information would stick in your head"

"Doesn't matter, you did a great job with this fucking dumb wolf" Tomas laughed.

"Hehe" Lucas laughed softly.

"And I have another thing to tell you but tell your thing first" Tomas said.

"O-Oh... Okay" Lucas started feeling nervous. This was a hard thing to say, but he needed it to say it, or he would regret not saying anything when he had the chance. "First of all, promise me when I finish talking, we will still be friends despite your answer"

"It's... something really bad?" Tomas asked with worry in his eyes. His tail was still in the floor and his ears were down, stuck in his head.

"It shouldn't be" the jackal took air and prepared himself to talk. "I... can't say with words how grateful I am for meeting you, the first friend I made when I move out to this city. You had this beautiful place that you called your secret base and offered me to be your right hand and build something here. With time, I started to learn about you, and I started to get more attached to you. You're someone amazing! And when it occurred the thing of Sophia... I'm going to be honest; I was mad at you. But... I have to say that one thing that was unexpected was that I was jealous of Sophia. At first, I thought it was because she was taking my best friend away from me, but I was wrong. I was jealous because I liked you. And I still do"

When Lucas confessed this, the eyes of Tomas became wide open, and his mouth opened a little by the surprise. The jackal flinched, but he composed himself. He needed to finish.

"Since you broke up with Sophia and slept in my house when my birthday party was over, I started wondering what I was feeling" Lucas kept going with his explanation. "I started to experiment with my body, and I started to investigate a lot until I was sure that I was bisexual. But... my new fear now it's what you are going to say right now. I... wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend. But it's your decision. Whatever you say, I'm... happy with that".

After saying that, Lucas closed his eyes and prepared for the rejection. For him, it was obvious that Tomas wasn't going to accept that. He waited for a few seconds, and nothing happened. Suddenly, he felt something in his lips. When he noticed what it was, he started to blush heavily. Tomas was kissing him. His muzzle fitted perfectly with the wolf's muzzle. The jackal couldn't evade some tears to come down his eyes. They were tears of happiness. Tomas decided to not make the kiss too long and separated after a few seconds. Lucas opened his eyes and saw Tomas smiling.

"I was in love with you since the moment you forgave me for what happened to his birthday, that was my last thing that I wanted to tell you" Tomas admitted. "You were the kindest person I ever met. I did something horrible and forgot your birthday even when I was your best friend. I didn't deserve that much of comprehension even if I discovered that Sophia was cheating on me the same day. But you did. Cloud explained you how clueless I'm and, even if I have bad memory for a lot of things, that's not excuse. However, you were here for me, and I couldn't be happier to have you. You weren't the only one experimenting these two years"

"Tomas..." Lucas rase his hand and put it in the cheek of the Lucas, starting to stroke his fur.

"My answer is a fucking yes, Lucas" Tomas wagged his tail. "It is and it will always be a yes. I want to create a life with you and I'm going to work every day to show you how much I love you"

The rest of the afternoon they were together, cuddling in the old cushions and sheets and sometimes starting to kiss each other. Both were happy to be in that moment. They didn't think that the confession would come out well, but they were glad that they were wrong.

The next months they received a lot of surprises. At first, they thought they would be sleeping in the college dorms, but their parents surprised them with a little flat in the zone. Of course, they only paid for the place and the rest of the expenses like food, internet or clothes will be in charge of the two boys. After one month, and before moving out, they decided to tell the truth to their parents about their relationship. They were happy to receive a supportive answer, so they could leave their houses with no regrets left.

When they arrived to the flat, Lucas felt the same way when he moved out to the city where he met Tomas. All was new and exciting. The city was bigger than where they used to live. The first days they started unpacking everything and organizing everything in their new home. Of course, they also introduced to their neighbours.

One day, they decided to explore the nearest places to their house, specially looking at the college where they were going to study the next years. They decided to eat in a restaurant near the house, where the food was nice. However, they had to come back to their house because a storm was starting. When they reached his house, both were soaked.

"Shit!" Tomas sweared. "The man of the weather didn't say a shit about a fucking storm!"

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it" Lucas sighed, starting to take out his clothes. "Give me your clothes and I'll let the washing machine do the rest"

Both ended naked in the sofa, thing that became a habit when they moved out to the flat. At first, Lucas was shy about showing his body to his boyfriend, but now he grew accustomed to see him. The rest of Tomas' body were a mystery to him until he finally saw Tomas naked: in his back, there were some yellow spots, and in his left ass cheek was a spot with a heart form. Lucas, when he first saw that curious spot, thought it was a cute thing. Now they were watching TV while their hands were together, with their thumbs caressing each other hand. Tomas had his head resting in Lucas' shoulder.

The jackal looked at the wolf and started thinking about how lucky he was to have him as a boyfriend. Lucas thought about if it was alright to move to the next step in their relationship. He already had those kinds of ideas in his head, but there was another part of him that was telling him that it was too soon to even think about making love. Both were virgin, that was something they had talked about, and it was enough reason to wait a little longer.

Tomas got up and stretched his body "Buff, being in that posture it's a little uncomfy"

Lucas then had the chance of watching the beautiful ass of his boyfriend. It was round and pretty, and his heart spot was something very cute. The jackal thought for a moment before getting up and hugging from behind the wolf.

"Lucas?" Tomas asked with a confused look.

"I'm going... to do something" the hands of the jackal started to touch the chest of the wolf, going down to the hips. "You tell me if I should stop"

Tomas was confused at first, but then he nodded. Lucas kissed the cheek of Tomas with a smile, and then he started a path of kisses that went down on the back of the wolf. The jackal ended up on his knees and kissed the heart spot, making Tomas laugh and, luckily for Lucas, moan. It was a sign that he could proceed if he wanted.

The wolf's tail was up, so nothing was between the jackal and the wolf's ass. Lucas separated the ass cheeks, seeing the defenseless rear of the wolf. He licked his lips and gave it a lick, making the wolf sigh with pleasure.

"That... felt good" Tomas smiled.

Lucas kept licking the wolf rear and enjoyed the little moans and sighs that Tomas was doing. He noticed that "his little friend" was starting to wake up and his body started to heat up. His tongue decided to be naughtier and started introducing inside Tomas, with made him gasp with surprise. Lucas was enjoying the moment; the gasps and the moans were like music for his ears. The wolf stopped the jackal for continuing.

"Did I do something that bothered you down here?" asked Lucas after pulling him apart from the wolf's ass.

"Of course not!" Tomas turned to face Lucas and crouched to be in the same height. "But the floor of the living room it's not the best place to continue this. What about we go to the room and keep up where we left off?"

"Sounds perfect for me" Lucas smiled, and his tail started to wag.

The couple went to the bedroom and then Tomas started kissing Lucas. It surprised the jackal; he didn't expect that after licking the wolf's ass, but he was glad that Tomas didn't find it disgusting. The wolf closed his arms around the jackal's back and fell on the bed, without stopping the kissing and the caressing. They wanted to feel the other before continuing doing something else. Their touches were careful but with love. Tomas then decided to lay down Lucas and he ended up on the jackal. His tongue got out and started wandering down the body of Lucas before his muzzle touched something hard. That made Tomas laugh.

"Well, looks like someone wanted attention too" the wolf winked at the jackal.

"I didn't mind giving you attention first, though" Lucas laughed and winked. "Your moans were cute"

"Hehe, thanks" Tomas blushed a little.

The wolf then looked at the jackal's cock. He didn't mind the size at all, but he was surprised to know that both he and his boyfriend were the same size. His hand then started touching the jackal's balls, making the jackal sigh with pleasure.

"I hope you can forgive me, I... didn't do this before" Tomas laughed with some nerves in him.

"Don't worry, go with ease" Lucas reassured him.

Tomas took Lucas' legs from below and stared at the dick that was in front of him. The first lick was in the tip, the second one ended up being alongside all the cock and finally Tomas started introducing the dick inside his muzzle. Lucas couldn't hold a gasp of surprise. He finally was feeling what a blowjob was like. Wet and hot. However, he then felt something solid pressing his dick.

"W-Watch out with your teeth" the jackal warned.

Tomas then stopped introducing Lucas' dick and nodded, separating a little more his teeth before introducing all he could of the dick inside his muzzle. He then started moving his head up and down stimulating Lucas, who started moaning. The soft moans of the jackal were accompanied by some wet sounds that the wolf produced when he licked the dick of Lucas. After a few minutes, Tomas tried to introduce all the length inside his muzzle, thing that he managed to achieve. After this, he pull out the dick and looked with lust at Lucas.

"I want you inside me" he finally said, after a few seconds of silence.

"Are... you sure?" Lucas asked, surprised.

"I was... scared when you started rimming me" Tomas admitted. "But now I know I want to do this. Right here"

"Okay, then" Lucas got close to Tomas and kissed him. "Do we have lube anywhere?"

"I have one bottle in the night table" Tomas said, pointing to the forementioned piece of furniture.

The jackal opened the drawer and took out the lube. It was water-base, the most recommended for anal sex. The wolf lied face down in the bed, spreading his legs.

"First, I'm going to dilate you with my fingers, okay?" Lucas warned Tomas.

"Go ahead" Tomas wagged his tail, making Lucas laugh.

The jackal put the lube on his fingers and then placed one in the wolf's rear. Lucas massaged the outside with his finger, trying to make Tomas accustomed to the cold sensation. Then he started to introduce the finger inside the wolf. Tomas flinched a little, but he quickly let himself relax.

"I see it's not your first time back here" Lucas teased Tomas with a soft voice.

"I'm sure you did the same the past years" Tomas laughed.

"You know me" Lucas nodded.

"I always did" Tomas smiled. "Now let more fingers go inside my ass"

Lucas laughed again, doing what Tomas told him. He introduced the second finger, making the wolf moan and bite his lips. Before introducing any more fingers, he started moving the two fingers that were already inside him. Tomas sighed and moaned while the fingers of Lucas were playing in his ass, who was getting accustomed to the sensation. Then a third finger joined the party and made him pant. After a few more minutes of playing with fingers, the jackal took them out.

"Ready for the main dish?" the jackal asked, teasing the wolf again.

"Yeah... I'm nervous, though" Tomas laughed with nerves. "I heard a dick it's kind of different of a dildo or the fingers"

"I heard that too, but we'll go slowly" Lucas reassured him. "If you want to stop, we'll stop"

"Thank you" Tomas seemed to relax with Lucas' words.

The jackal rubbed his dick with the lube, trying to use a good amount to make the things easier. The wolf turned around in the bed when the jackal asked him to do it. Lucas wanted to see Tomas' face. The jackal then took a grip on the strong legs of the wolf, making his rear visible and ready for what came next. Lucas tried to penetrate Tomas, but the lube made his dick very slippery. He tried again, but it didn't enter inside the wolf. Tomas laughed softly while Lucas was ashamed by that.

"Not big deal" the wolf assured him. "Let me help"

Tomas used his hand to set in position the dick of Lucas. Then he nodded and the jackal started pushing against the wolf's rear, which didn't resist and let the dick going inside him. Tomas felt a little pain inside him, something that made him flinch. Lucas went slowly, introducing little by little his dick inside Tomas' ass. When the knot finally hit the wolf's ass, the jackal leaned over the wolf and kissed him.

The wolf, at first, still felt the pain, but thanks to the dilatation it was leaving his body quickly. He then secured his legs around Lucas' waist and the jackal put his hands in Tomas' shoulders without breaking the kiss. They continued kissing until Tomas spoke.

"I'm ready" he affirmed.

"You sure?" Lucas asked. Tomas nodded with a smile. "Then let the fun start"

The first thrust sent Tomas pleasure and a little pain. The next ones were easier to take as the pain was fading away and the pleasure was filling him. Lucas watched how Tomas' face were relaxing with each thrust he made, which made him more confident and secure about the whole situation.

"Tomas... Your ass is...squeezing my dick" Lucas said between pant and pant. "It feels so fucking good!"

"Aaah... Aah..." Tomas was moaning, but he could talk a little. "Your dick feels... great... Aaaah..."

Lucas then started to pick up the pace and went a little faster, being more continuous with his thrusts. Tomas used his arms to hug Lucas and hold him closer so he could feel his warmth. The sounds of the room were reduced to the moans, the pants, the wet sounds of the lube and the hips bumps, with some occasional thunders and the rain falling. For both, all those sounds were music that made them feel the lust and the love of the moment.

At some point, the jackal's dick slipped out of the wolf's rear, so the jackal decided to use his hand to put it inside again. However, the wolf's held him of doing it. Without saying anything, Tomas guided Lucas to be under him and he ended over the jackal. Tomas smiled and licked his lips, taking Lucas' dick and leading it inside him again. Lucas understood that Tomas wanted to change the pose, so he was taking the control.

"So... you want to ride this jackal's dick?" Lucas teased him.

"I do, yes" Tomas said after hitting the knot again.

Tomas then started to move his hips. At first, he was slow and careful, trying to find the correct form to move. When he finally knew how to move, he supported himself with his hands resting in Lucas' chest and started to move a little faster. Lucas started to moan and let Tomas do the thing. However, one thing that he did was taking Tomas' dick and started jacking him off.

After some time, both were feeling that they were close to the climax. They didn't want the moment to end so soon, but they also wanted to reach that peak of pleasure. Before doing anything, Lucas warned Tomas.

"I'm... close..." he said between moans.

"I want it... all inside" Tomas answered.

The wolf then started to move faster, wanting his partner to finish inside him and, at the same time, to introduce the knot inside his ass. With all the movement and the hand of Lucas jacking him off, he couldn't hold it more and came. The cum stained Lucas' chest, belly and a little of his face, making him close one of his eyes just in case. However, Tomas wanted Lucas to cum as well, so he put a little of effort and, with some movements, he managed to introduce the knot inside him.

All these sensations made Lucas cum inside Tomas. The jackal moaned at loud while he was shooting his load inside the wolf. When Lucas ended coming, Tomas ended falling over him and both started to pant to recover from all the effort. However, they were very happy. The fatigue made them to close their eyes and sleep a little.

Tomas was the first at waking up. The first thing that he noticed was his wet ass, remembering with a smile of what happened some hours before. He used his hand to pull out the dick of Lucas and then separated from him, who was still sleeping. He noticed that it was almost 8:30 PM, which meant they have been sleeping for almost two hours. He walked outside the room and looked outside the window. Still raining, but it was less than before.

A hand landed on his shoulder, which made him turn around and finding the jackal smiling at him.

"How are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"Pretty fine, thank you" Tomas smiled, kissing his boyfriend. "It was great"

"I agree" Lucas laughed. "I wanted to talk with you, by the way"

"Oh?" that surprised the wolf.

"Yeah, to say thank you" the tail of the jackal started wagging.

"Why?" Tomas smiled as Lucas hugged him.

"When I met you in that little forest and saw that little secret base, I felt safe and happy" Lucas started explaining, looking directly in Tomas' eyes. "I felt that it was my little shelter, where I knew I could be myself with you. And I was sad when we had to dismantle it because of the construction plans. But I have noticed something recently: that place wasn't my shelter it was you. That funny wolf that made me happy and which made me feel safe. It was always you. And I can't thank you enough for being part of my life... and now for being my boyfriend"

"Oh, Lucas" Tomas started to wag his tail as well.

"I wanted to tell you this after we... Well, had sex" Lucas laughed softly.

"You're so cute" Tomas licked Lucas' cheek.

"No, you're cuter" Lucas laughed.

"I can prove you that you're wrong" Tomas said with confident.

"Surprise me" Lucas said.

"Easy: let me fuck that beautiful ass" Tomas winked his eye.

"Wow, someone's still horny" the jackal laughed.

"Yeah, but first I would like to order some burgers to have energy" the wolf stuck out his tongue.

"Okay, I'm in"

"For the burgers or the sex?"

"For both" the jackal smiled. "Don't doubt about it"