It was a whole new word from him. The jackal of grey fur with white details on him and sky-blue eyes was excited to discover more of his new house and its surroundings. The little canid was only 4 years old and had the name of Lucas. His new house was...
Canid, Canine, Coyote, First Time, Male, Male/Male, Romance, Sex, Slice of Life, Story, Wolf
Abrí mis ojos cuando la luz del día empezó a entrar a través de mi ventana. Pese a que el calor ya estaba ausente a esas alturas de noviembre y el frío tomaba su lugar, mi pelaje me ayudaba a mantenerme caliente. Al menos, dentro de casa, porque fuera...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, lgbt, mpreg, spanish
I opened my eyes as daylight began to enter through my window. Although the heat was already absent at that time in November and the cold took its place, my fur helped keep me warm. At least, inside the house, because outside I still needed to wear...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, english, lgbt, mpreg
-Oh, vaya, no sabía que te tocaba hoy- dijo mi madre tras entrar a mi cuarto.
-Se me adelantó un día- suspiré, tomándome una pastilla para el dolor-. Odio la puta regla.
-La boca- me recordó mi padre.
-Perdón- suspiré nuevamente, no muy agradado por...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, lgbt, mpreg, spanish
"Oh, wow, I didn't know it was today" my mother said as I walked into my room.
"It has come one day before" I sighed, taking a pain pill. "I hate the fucking period".
"Careful with your mouth" my father reminded me.
"Sorry" I sighed again, not very...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, english, lgbt, mpreg
Es increíble como de una tranquila pero aburrida vida hogareña pasé a una llena de días atareados pero muy entretenidos. Lo primero remarcable que ocurrió tras descubrirse mi identidad fue algo que mis padres llamaron "explosión mediática". Por lo que...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, lgbt, mpreg, spanish
It's amazing how from a quiet but boring home life I went to one full of busy but very entertaining days. The first remarkable thing that happened after my identity was discovered was something my parents called a "media explosion." From what I...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, english, lgbt, mpreg
Era de mañana, eso lo sabía. No por la luz del sol entrando por las rendijas de las persianas y dándome en mi cara. La verdad es que ese era un placer que aún no había podido disfrutar, ni con persianas abiertas o cerradas. Puede que parezca una locura...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, lgbt, mpreg, spanish
It was morning, I knew that. Not because of the sunlight coming through the cracks of the blinds and hitting my face. The truth is that this was a pleasure that I had not yet been able to enjoy, neither with open or closed blinds. It may seem...
Bisexual, Furry, Gay, Male, Male/Male, Pregnancy, White Wolf, Wolf, english, lgbt, mpreg