Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 39

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#39 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.©

Written by Wolfie Steel©

The rights to all the characters depicted in this story belong to me, Wolfie Steel, with the exception of Linkin Doberman, Matt Bond, Hammy and Calvin. The rights to these characters belong to their owners and creators and are used with their express permission and with my never ending gratitude.

_ MORE legal stuff, this story contains scenes of a homosexual nature, mild violence, mild to strong use of language, if you are easily offended by any of this, or are not old enough to read the material, please go no further, otherwise please enjoy._

This is a special chapter dedicated to kashito91, as it is his birthday on the 13th November 2010. I'm sure that all my readers will join me in wishing you a Happy Birthday bro.

On a side note, I would like to thank my new mate Kasa Steel for his help with this chapter, hun I love ya loads.

Linkin Doberman: Linkin Doberman ©

Matt Bond: kashito91 ©

Part 39.

It has been several days since I welcomed Calvin into my life. Waking up next to him, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful he looked in the morning light. I smiled gently as he slowly stirred from his slumber.

"Morning gorgeous"

Calvin's eyes slowly open as he looks at me and he smiles softly.

"I still expect this all to be a dream Wolfie; I must have really lucked out"

I chuckle softly and shake my head.

"Well hun, I think I'm just as lucky to have been blessed with another beautiful mate"

He smiles and gets out of bed, stretching that perfect Labrador body; I couldn't help but steal a look at his fine rear. He catches me looking and smirks.

"Now now Wolfie, if I let you have your way we would never get up now would we"

I laugh and smack his rear with my paw, making him jump.

"Go get yourself a shower before I decide to take you up on that comment"

He waves his butt suggestively and walks off to the bathroom. I gently hop out of bed and proceed to stretch myself, yawning gently as I hear the shower come on in the other room. A devilish idea enters my thoughts and I slowly sneak towards the bathroom. By the time I get to the bathroom, Calvin is already in the shower with his back to the door. Grinning evilly, I suddenly fling open the shower door and jumped in, causing Calvin to yelp in surprise.

"Hey gorgeous, thought I'd save some time and join you"

Calvin growls playfully at me, and flicks water in my direction.

"You gotta stop doing that Wolfie!"

I laugh and wrap my arms around him, embracing him.

"And miss my mate in the buff? Not a chance"

He murrs softly as we gently explore each other's nude forms, my paws slipping down to grab hold of that firm Labrador rear. He shivers and I can feel something poking my leg.

"Is my wuff getting a little excited?"

He blushes gently and nods, I look down and sure enough I can see his pride standing to attention. I lick my lips and whisper gently into his ear.

"Want me to help you with that?"

He bites the lip of his muzzle and nods; I kneel down in front of him and run my tongue over his shaft. He moans softly and bucks towards me, taking my cue I open my muzzle and within seconds it's filled with prime Labrador meat. I begin to suck and bob my head, the sounds of panting and whining filling my ears.

"Oh...oh Wolfie...please..."

I increase the speed of my bobs, taking more and more of his rod into my muzzle; I feel his knot as it begins to swell, bumping against my muzzle.

"God Wolfie...*pant* I'm real close"

Upon hearing this, I suck hard, pulling his knot into my muzzle and gently squeezing it, milking the pre as I feel the build up to the main event. Soon I'm rewarded with a flood of Labrador cum as he howls, his body twitching in ecstasy. I greedily swallow down all that he gives me, slowly releasing his shaft and licking my muzzle for the last of his seed.

"Mmm, hun that was delicious, I was gonna have toast but that's a much better breakfast"

Calvin pants softly and leans against the shower wall.

"I think I might need to go back to bed hun, you've drained me dry"

I smile and embrace Calvin in a hug, the water pouring down on us, washing away any evidence of our fun. As I get out of the shower, I hear the front door close and then the sound of Matt's voice.

"Hey Wolfie, are you decent?"

I call down from upstairs.

"Hang on Matt, I just got out from the shower, let me dry off and change and then I will be with you"

I quickly race to my room with my towel around my waist; I quickly dry off and throw my clothes back on. Once back in my clothes I head downstairs to meet up with Matt. Matt giggles as I quickly enter the room.

"You missed a spot"

I look at him with a confused look, and he points to the bottom left corner of his muzzle, I look in the mirror and to my horror I realise that some of Calvin's cum is still present on my muzzle. I blush profusely and quickly lick the spot clean.

"Ok Matt, you caught me, yes I was showering and yes I wasn't alone"

Matt's giggle turns into an out and out laugh, he then brings his laughing under control and speaks.

"Sorry Wolfie, but that was priceless, anyway, Senior Doberman has given me the day off because it's my birthday, so I was wondering if you and I could hang out for a while, maybe go out to a night club, I mean if you and Calvin have made.....plans then that is fine, but I really need a night out"

I consider the options, sure I need to spend more time with Calvin, to get to know him even better, but here is Matt, all alone on his birthday with a day off, so I make the decision that I will spend some time with Matt. I head back upstairs to tell Calvin of my plans. I know that Calvin is not much for going out so I know that it is a hopeless task to ask him to join us.

I promise Calvin that I won't be out too late and then I head back down to rejoin Matt. Once I get back to Matt, we both head into town and do some retail therapy.

By five pm we have bought all our purchases and have made our way back to Doberman manor to relieve ourselves of our packages and to also get ready for the night out. I find Calvin still unpacking his bags and putting his clothes into our closet. I give him a loving kiss as I begin to get ready, I put on some smart tight black jeans with a smart white button down shirt, and I then top it off with my leather jacket.

Calvin lets out a wolf whistle as he sees me all dressed up, he smacks my rump playfully and then speaks.

"God damn Wolfie I could just fuck you right here and right now, just be careful at the club, I don't want my wuffie being taken by another guy"

I giggle and assure Calvin that he has nothing to worry about, and then I give him another passionate kiss and again make my way downstairs to meet up with Matt. I find Matt in the front room dressed from top to tail in black leather. Damn he maybe a Martian mouse but he knows how to present himself.

Matt and I head back into London and eventually arrive at a night club called Blasters; it makes no secret of being a night club, from the flashing neon signs, to the sounds of the techno music booming from the speakers within the building.

We both enter and head straight for the bar, as I order our drinks; the DJ decides on a slight change of pace, he announces the fact that the next segment of the evening is going to be devoted to one band, Queen.

The first song begins, and instantly Matt's eyes go wide as the beat of Flash strikes his ears.

"Oh my god, not many places play this track, it's one of my favourites"

Our drinks arrive and I excuse myself for a moment, I head towards the DJ and ask him to dedicate "A Kind Of Magic" to my good friend Matt Bond on his birthday, the cougar on the decks nods his head and I make my way back to the bar.

The final beats of Flash fade out and the DJ announces the next track.

"Well guys and gals, seems we have a birthday in the club, Matt Bond stand up and take a bow my friend, this next track has been dedicated to you by your good friend Wolfie, so here it is, Queen's A Kind Of Magic, enjoy your night my friend"

As the track begins to play Matt softly thumps my arm.

"Wolfie, I don't believe you sometimes, I think that you can't surprise me anymore, and then all of a sudden you pull the rug out from under my paws, thank you my friend"


The night wears on and Matt gets me back by dedicating the final Queen song to me, again the DJ announces the track.

"Well, it seems that our birthday boy has turned the tables on his friend, as he has dedicated the final song to Wolfie, what else could it be but "You're My Best Friend", after this track we head back into the techno beat"

I blush madly as the song begins to play, I look at Matt and there is a massive grin on his muzzle. The song comes to an end and fades out, then the techno beat kicks back in.

As the techno song begins, a fight between three furs breaks out, punches are thrown left and right, the fighters begin to move as they fight; suddenly Matt and I find wind up getting pulled into the fight. After half an hour of fighting, Matt and I manage to bring it back under control as we separate the once fighting furs, I take hold of a fox and fellow timber wolf and lead them to the exit, whilst Matt grabs hold of a pony and marches him towards the door.

As I get to the door, I turn to the wolf and speak.

"To think that I'm related to you by species, you have managed to ruin an otherwise perfect night, now fuck off out of my sight, or so help me you will feel what it's like to get on the wrong side of me"

The three furs give me a little verbal attack but then head off in different directions. Matt and I head back into the bar to the sound of cheering and applause, the bar tender calls us over as the DJ restarts the music.

"Guys, these drinks are courtesy of Blasters, thank you for getting rid of those guys"

Matt and I finish our drinks, I look at my watch and see that it is now twelve thirty am; we take one final look at the club and then head back home.

We arrive home to find Senior Doberman crying his eyes out, I quickly rush to him.

"Sir, what's wrong, why are you crying?"

Senior Doberman sniffs back his tears as he replies.

"Wolfie.....I have lost Wolverine.....we have split up, and now he has taken off somewhere, and I'm just so frightened that he will do something stupid"

I turn to Matt and speak.

"Matt, take care of Senior Doberman, I'll get Calvin and head out to look for Wolverine"

Matt quickly stands before the Doberman and begins to comfort him, while I head upstairs to find Calvin sleeping, I quickly wake my love up and tell him what has happened, without any question, Calvin quickly jumps out of bed and puts on some warm clothes. Once he is ready we both head out and jump into my car to go in search of Wolverine.

Once we are out of sight, Senior Doberman looks deep into Matt's eyes.

"Matt, since you started with my company, you have been an incredible friend to me, and one of the best employees that I have ever hired, thank you for that"

Matt blushes and smiles, then his eyes go wide as Senior Doberman takes him in a deep and passionate kiss.