Spygate: Night Fox's Overture

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#12 of Spygate

With the rest of his team gathered, Nocturne and the others infiltrate the government building. But obstacles get in the way in the form of the former chiefs. Can they overcome this hurdle and bring about their goals?

A few days after recruiting Inferno, Nocturne explained the situation to the rest of the uninformed members, who were extremely wary of Inferno, especially after indirectly assisting with putting Nocturne's life in danger.

Thankfully though, the others saw reason and accepted Inferno, officially welcoming him into their ranks and ultimately, their plans to take over the government.

Nocturne, Unnerve, SnipeS, Kain, Vern, Gabu, Fry, Waru, Sorien, Baku, Seth, Moxie, Leo, Ken, Sleuth, and Inferno reconvened back into Nocturne's gigantic bedroom to have another meeting regarding their plans which was close to execution now that they were getting closer and closer towards achieving their goals.

"So now what?" Fry asked them.

"Now we plan out what we need to do. We just need a bit more preparation and we're good to assaulting the government building" Waru told Fry.

"It won't be easy, I'll say that much" Moxie added.

"What? You getting scared now?" Baku asked Moxie.

"Whatever happens, we'll be ready" Sleuth said.

"I may be able to infiltrate it as well with how the governor trusts me" Inferno joined in.

"Whatever the case, we'll need to still be careful, the governor isn't going to pull any punches" Leo warned everyone.

"Whatever, that doesn't change anything, we'll just punch the living daylights out of anybody in our way" Ken growled.

"We won't need to be afraid anymore after that" Sorien muttered.

"And we'll be able to do whatever we want" Seth muttered back.

"No longer following anybody's predetermined path..." Gabu muttered, grabbing Vern's talon.

"No more rules..." Vern squeezed Gabu's talon back.

"No more prejudice..." Kain looked at SnipeS and smiled.

"No more fear..." SnipeS smiled back at Kain.

"Alright alright enough with the sappy shit and let's focus on the important thing right now" Unnerve broke the atmosphere to gather everyone's attention.

"Thank you Unnerve. As much as we feel like we're going to succeed, we still need to focus on our task, which is finally overthrowing the government. Thank you everyone for joining me here today, and we will discuss the importance of our mission, a mission that will greatly benefit all of us. And my... My..." Nocturne stuttered, not able to say what his other goal was.

Unnerve patted him on the back, knowing how sensitive this other goal really was.

"All of you know what the other goal already is. And we know that his son is still out there, no matter what you all believe happened. I'd like to remind you that no matter your thoughts on this matter, whether we find out where his son is or not, you all owe it to help him out, especially after taking over the government" Unnerve reminded everyone.

"Yes... Once we finish taking over the government, I will shift my focus on finding my son. I never expected everyone to partake in helping me..." Nocturne was going to continue until he was interrupted by everyone.

"You don't need to say anything Nocturne" Waru interrupted him.

"Yes, we're here for you. Even though it is my duty as an officer, I owe you more than the people I work with" Fry said encouragingly.

"We've been with you for a long time, you think we'd abandon you after achieving our goals?" Moxie asked him.

"You won't be able to get rid of us that easily" Baku smirked.

"Like you helped us, we need to help you as well" Seth added.

"And we're not going to abandon you" Sorien told him.

"You managed to persuade me to join you, so you'll have to try harder to shake me off" Leo told him.

"And you've yet to prove to me that you're worthy of my help, so I'll hold you to it until you do" Ken huffed.

"And we still owe you for forgiving us" Sleuth said sheepishly.

"And for giving me a second chance despite what I've done" Inferno smiled at him.

"And despite me going against you, I'm now going to follow you" Gabu told Nocturne, swearing his loyalty.

"And I have years of debt to pay you back" Vern told Nocturne, remembering the first time he joined him.

"And I've never met someone who managed to outsmart me before, so I'll have to outsmart you back in some other way" SnipeS joined in.

"And with my experience, I think I can help you find your son faster" Kain added.

Nocturne started crying as he got emotional, although he tried to hold back the tears as he couldn't even believe that he had gathered such loyal friends and allies despite the nature of their plan.

Nocturne was about to return to his usual calm state until Unnerve gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled at him.

"It's alright to show emotions once in a while Nocturne" Unnerve smiled warmly at him.

Nocturne smiled back at Unnerve and looked him in the eyes, and saw the loving haxorus inside them once again.

"I have some important news to share to everyone, but I think that Inferno can explain it better than me" Unnerve informed everyone before turning towards Inferno and giving him the floor.

Inferno nodded his head and thanked him for giving him the floor.

"I'm still new to the team, but I look forward to accomplishing our goals together and understanding what Governor Jalorda's real plans are and who he really is. The only reason I worked with him is because of my status as a hero, but that was still not an excuse to hurt someone I barely knew. This is the reason why I'm joining, not only to achieve my own interests, but to also atone for what I've done. I'm hoping to find answers more than anything, and to expose Governor Jalorda for who he really is" Inferno told everyone.

Everyone nodded in response. It was weird for a Governor in the first place to do something like this, at most, he would have tried to have Nocturne arrested, not killed since he would gain nothing out of it.

"Soon, Governor Jalorda will turn his proposal acts into a formal law, and we can't let that happen" Inferno warned everyone.

"And how do you know that?" Vern asked Inferno.

"I looked into Governor Jalorda's laptop and documents, and found a date range of when he will write it into the law. I couldn't read more into it since I might get caught after snooping in on his things" Sleuth jumped in and explained to everyone.

"How confident are you that Governor Jalorda really will enact the law?" Nocturne asked the both of them.

"Very confident" Inferno and Sleuth said at the same time.

"Then we need to act soon" Nocturne sighed.

"We need to come up with a game plan, Jalorda is tactful and well-guarded, I doubt that he will be very lax with how soon this law will be enacted. And I doubt I'll be able to act freely, because I suspect that he will have me and Sleuth block you and everyone here from interfering with his plans" Inferno further explained.

"I believe I have an idea on what to do" Nocturne agreed and nodded, before pulling out a map and placing it on the table.

The map showed the whole schematic location of every room that the government building had, down to the foundation.

Unnerve was surprised that Nocturne managed to get his hands on something like this.

"Where on earth did you get a blueprint of the government building?" Unnerve asked Nocturne.

"I got it from both Sleuth and Kain of course" Nocturne smirked at him.

Everyone turned their attention towards the two sidekicks, making the both of them blush.

"We were just walking around the building doing "hero business" and they practically believed us" Kain told them.

"And Kain used his drones to get the layout of the building, and I used my number 1 hero status so that nobody bothered us" Sleuth added.

"You should be careful using our title like that" Inferno chuckled.

"You should use it more often to get away with stuff" SnipeS smirked and hit his shoulder lightly.

"Those words don't sound hero-like" Inferno rolled his eyes.

"As a hero, we should use our perks whenever the opportunity allows it" SnipeS argued.

"I'll keep that in mind in the future" Inferno chuckled and decided to let SnipeS win the argument.

"Thank you SnipeS and Inferno, for letting us use your status to get this far" Nocturne thanked them and smiled as the two nodded their heads in appreciation for his thanks.

Nocturne turned towards Leo and continued with discussing the plan.

"Leo here had formulated a plan for us to get inside the building without being seen coming from the entrance. Leo, go ahead and explain" Nocturne gave Leo the floor.

"I actually found a better way to enter the building without drawing too much attention. And that is to perform a mass teleport to specific areas of the building. We just have to know where we can teleport to privately of course" Leo proposed to everyone.

Everyone was surprised and began murmuring towards each other, wondering if such a thing was even possible.

"I haven't really tried it yet, but I think it's still possible. I've been practicing in private, and increasing how many things I could teleport at once. I've been getting help with someone to perform it on a living pokemorph of course" Leo turned towards Ken.

"I've been helping Leo teleport others from long distances, while the distance is not too ideal yet, we've been making great progress, and if we keep this up, we'll be able to teleport towards the building in no time" Ken told everyone.

"Heh, I'm surprised by these actions" Unnerve chuckled.

"I'm only doing this for Leo and Nocturne, not for a pathetic dragon like you" Ken said as he gave Unnerve a death stare.

"Heh, that's the Ken I know all too well, still angry and ill-tempered as always" Unnerve smirked at him, riling up his rival.

Ken started growing more agitated, and was about to punch Unnerve when Leo stopped him by giving him a stare and making him calm down.

Nocturne did the same to Unnerve, making him stop with the aggression he was doing immediately.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away there. Force of habit, it was unnecessary" Unnerve forced himself to apologize to him, as much as he hated it. Ken smirked at the forced apology that Unnerve was made to do, but was nudged by Leo to apologize as well.

"Tch... I'm sorry too... Even though I don't think I should be apologizing" Ken grunted back at him.

Leo and Nocturne smiled, glad that any further argument between Unnerve and Ken had been avoided.

"I would attempt to teleport to far places with Ken, testing different landmarks and distances, and so far it worked. And with the help of Sleuth and Kain, we had managed to teleport around and into the governor's building" Leo continued what Ken was talking about.

Several were surprised by such a bold move, and decided to ask them further about it.

"How is that possible without being caught by the governor's people?" Sorien asked them.

"And if you were seen, you could have jeopardized the whole mission!" Seth added, worried about their mission being ruined.

"I thought of that, but with all the work that Sleuth and Kain had done with the initial scouting, I knew of places that no eyes would notice. And I practiced mass teleportation as well with Kain and Sleuth to see how at least four of us would be able to teleport while being unseen" Leo informed and smiled at them.

SnipeS and Inferno turned towards their respective partners about their personal experience.

"What did it feel like?" SnipeS asked Kain.

"Does it make you sick teleporting far away somewhere?" Inferno asked Sleuth.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it just makes you feel pretty light at first, before feeling the weight suddenly return to you. It's kind of hard to balance yourself though" Kain told SnipeS.

"Not at all, although there's this sensation that you're falling in less than a second, before you drop onto the floor" Sleuth informed Inferno.

"Perfect! Then teleporting inside the building is the best plan yet" Nocturne said as he clapped his hands together.

"However, I have not yet tried teleporting more than four others at once, but it should be fine" Leo warned Nocturne.

"Why don't we just teleport in batches then?" Vern suggested it to Leo.

"I've thought of that, but there is a possibility that if Governor Jalorda finds out about the first batch teleporting in, he might do something that would completely hinder me from letting any other batches from teleporting inside" Leo informed Vern.

"Is that even possible?" Gabu asked Leo.

"I haven't heard of anything that would impede teleportation into buildings, but I wouldn't want to rule that out considering how much power the governor has" Leo replied.

"You seem to have thought of most of the obstacles so far" Baku chimed in.

"To be honest, we were worried when you first joined us. We're glad to know now that our suspicions of you didn't come true" Moxie added.

"I learned a lot about planning for the worst, so I thought of the safest route as possible" Leo said as he gave the spotlight back to Nocturne.

"So we now have a way inside the government building, and we have a plan to get inside" Nocturne started before looking over at Waru and Fry.

"You two have an extremely important job, which is why you two won't be joining the raid" Unnerve stepped in and told Waru and Fry their duties.

Fry nodded, but Waru began to protest.

"Hey! Why can't I join the raid this time?" Waru asked Nocturne and Unnerve.

"I understand that you want to join the raid, but it is important to not leave the police station unattended to. There might possibly be some sort of mutiny or attack. You know how the others reacted when more police officers started joining us" Nocturne explained to Waru.

Waru wasn't quite satisfied with that answer.

"Then maybe someone from Unnerve's team should do it then" Waru crossed his arms and pouted, before feeling Fry's paw hold his tightly with teary eyes.

"I understand why you want to participate, but I need you at the station. Don't you remember last night? How I told you that it would be better that we would stay and defend the police station and not send too many people in the governor's building?" Fry asked him.

Waru felt defeated, before hugging Fry tightly, and even giving him a passionate kiss.

"Thank you Fry... For calming me down... I just don't want to sit idly by while the others go" Waru sighed.

"I'd be devastated if you left and something happened to you. And I couldn't stand it if you were away for too long as well" Fry said while hugging Waru.

"You two can stay in my office, and you're free to command the team if you need to, while we deal with Governor Jalorda himself" Unnerve nodded his head towards them.

"You two can communicate with my station if you need any assistance" Sorien added.

"And mine as well" Seth told them both.

"We'll be ready if something happens" Leo joined in.

"Hmph... And my station as well... If it's important" Ken crossed his arms.

"Thank you... Everyone..." Fry smiled at them, thankful for the ready assistance.

Nocturne looked at everyone and chuckled.

"I'm proud that everyone here is working together, even though our backgrounds are different" Nocturne told them all proudly.

"Heh, and I never thought of a day that police chiefs and criminals would even be working together hand in hand" Inferno chuckled as well.

"He has a way with doing things, and prefers cooperation rather than confrontation" Unnerve gave a kiss on Nocturne's cheek.

"Well that's just how he does it" SnipeS said in the corner.

"Which is why we're all here" Kain added.

"I guess you could say that he's the heart of this operation" Gabu said while holding Vern's talon.

"You all better be grateful after this" Vern said as he squeezed back.

"Let's make this the smoothest operation ever!" Sleuth yelled.

"We'll see how smooth things go with the governor" Baku said worriedly.

"I doubt he'll back off as easily as we think" Moxie said, not too confident about Governor Jalorda.

Nocturne turned towards Waru and Fry again.

"Just ensure that no silly business happens in our absence. We wouldn't want to be unprepared in case an assault happens" Nocturne told them.

Fry and Waru saluted Nocturne in response as a sign of their promise.

"Everyone else, expect much resistance once we arrive there. I don't think Jalorda is stupid enough to have gotten his position and set up any defenses for a raid. Especially with my reputation" Nocturne warned everyone else.

Everyone nodded in acknowledgement.

"Meeting the former chiefs will be extremely high, and they will probably be undergoing superior training, funded by Governor Jalorda no less.

"I-I can imagine that. Chief Kom will do anything to shatter my confidence again" Sorien shivered at the thought of confronting his mentor again.

Baku then held Sorien's head tightly yet lovingly in his paws to comfort him.

"You're your own person, and there is nothing that your mentor can do anything to you again. Not if I can say anything about it. I'll stand by you and any battles that you will face, including every decision you make from now on" Baku comforted him.

Sorien began to cry and leaned forward to kiss Baku, who returned the kiss.

"Thank you for being part of my life and standing by me" Sorien thanked him.

"I don't think chief Drei is someone I'm ready to face, especially his yelling and demeaning language" Seth said, uncomfortable with the thought of facing Chief Drei again.

Moxie than placed a hand on Seth's shoulder, and hugged his side, before pointing at everyone in the room.

"You have friends now Seth. And nobody, not even Chief Drei can take that away from you" Moxie told Seth as everyone nodded in agreement.

Moxie would then look Seth square in the eyes.

"And he can't take me away from you either, and if he did, I'd like to see him try" Moxie said, reassuring Seth.

Seth then turned the side hug into a full hug as he kissed Moxie passionately.

"I never felt so at ease with myself until you showed up in my life. I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone except you" Seth admitted to Moxie, causing Moxie to blush a bit and smile at him in response.

"Nocturne really knows his way around with giving everyone happiness. Me and Ken aren't ready to confront our grandparents, but we'll try to handle them as best we can" Leo smiled as he looked at Sorien and Seth.

Ken however, punched his claws together.

"I'm ready to teach my old man a lesson" Ken told everyone as an indirect threat towards Chief Tai.

Leo snickered and patted Ken on the shoulder.

"You seem to have some resentment towards your chief just like I do towards mine for making me become someone I'm not. But I've already accepted this path in my life. However, being a gardevoir is still something that I still long for. And I'll prove to him that making me a Gallade is a regretful decision for him" Leo snickered at Ken.

"And I will make my grandpa regret the way he raised me. And I will prove to him that I will live and follow my own path instead of the one he wanted me to follow. I had to endure countless nights to live to Chief Tai, and I deeply regret that" Ken clapped his claws together.

Nocturne looked over at Unnerve, who grunted in response.

"The amount of negativity I have towards dragon types still runs in my veins, but Leo has helped me get over that as much as possible. It will take time, but I know not to become the shadow of a tyranitar, but a strong one like my blaziken mother. YOU HEAR ME TAI? YOU CAN NO LONGER CONTROL ME! AND I WON'T LET YOUR EXPECTATIONS GUIDE ME ANYMORE!" Ken yelled as he pumped his fists.

Cheers rang through the room from Ken's speech as Leo pulled him in a tight hug and kissed his partner.

Ken returned the gesture and kissed him back, before they broke and returned to the crowd again.

"Heh, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all to face Chief Kai again" Unnerve chuckled.

He turned towards Gabu and Vern, who nodded at him.

"But I gained the resolve to tell Chief Kai that he is wrong, and I'm a haxorus to heart" Unnerve showed his resolve to the others.

"And I will stand by Unnerve no matter what, and I'll personally show Kai his wrongdoings" Gabu stood in support for Unnerve.

"And I look forward to the encounter as well, the cadet that he made a mockery of will be his undoing" Vern said while smirking.

"And with our powers combined, we will be unstoppable" Unnerve put his arms around both Gabu and Vern and brought them in a group hug and smirked.

Nocturne clapped his paws together, seeing how everyone had their own plan on how to deal with the chiefs before looking at the sidekicks and heroes.

"I've been discussing things with Sleuth, Kain, and SnipeS, and I unfortunately can't say too much about our actions" Inferno said to the group.

Surprised gasps rang out throughout the room as they were surprised as to why they were keeping their plans a secret.

"Why keep it a secret then? Why the secrecy?" Seth asked the four of them.

"The four of us talked about the possibility of facing each other, and we want to keep it between ourselves in case it would prove to cause any missteps in our plan" SnipeS explained to Seth.

"Everyone here can be trusted, so why keep us in the dark" Leo asked them, having an urge to just read their minds.

"I deduced that we will not do anything at all to jeopardize the plan" Sleuth told Leo, which Kain nodded to.

"And I know that Governor Jalorda will have Inferno at his side, and I know and trust that the four of you would stand by me no matter what" Nocturne smiled and nodded his head towards them, while Unnerve frowned at them still not revealing what their plans were.

Nocturne looked over at Leo, who smirked in return.

"I expect to face Governor Jalorda on my own. But this time I'll be ready" Nocturne told everyone.

"Are you even ready for this?" Unnerve asked Nocturne, gently caressing his hair, which Nocturne slowly nodded his head to.

"I have to show Governor Jalorda is wrong and these two acts of mine will bestow chaos and then create harmony" Nocturne replied.

"Governor Jalorda will probably have some tricks up his sleeves" Unnerve said as he continued running his claws through Nocturne's hair.

"Then I'll face everything and just wing it" Nocturne said as he was still determined, making Unnerve stop playing with his hair and face him eye to eye.

As they stared into each other's eyes, Nocturne saw a haxorus lovingly holding a zoroark in his grasp, causing Nocturne to tear up.

"You must have seen something to get so emotional on me all of a sudden" Unnerve chuckled.

"Shut up, you're the one who exposed it" Nocturne jokingly said.

"Ah whatever, not like we didn't see you kiss him many times already" Ken huffed.

"Yeah, it's not like it's a secret" Leo agreed with Ken.

"Besides, we all have someone we care about" Sorien added.

"And there's no shame in showing our affection" Seth smiled at him.

"Not like we're going to shame you for that, we're guilty as well" SnipeS smiled at Kain.

"Making all of us just as guilty" Kain smiled back at SnipeS.

"Besides, I should be the one ashamed here for getting you injured" Inferno started.

"And it's up to us to make up for it, so we don't have much to say" Sleuth finished.

Nocturne appreciated the words of encouragement from everyone, before he felt Unnerve's arms pull him into an embrace and for a wet kiss, before pulling away.

"I believe that the world you had envisioned for everyone will come to fruition" Unnerve encouraged Nocturne at last.

"I will try my best, thank you Unnerve, for standing by me through thick and thin. And I hope I find Gao to show him his true hero again" Nocturne thanked Unnerve before leaning his head against Unnerve's chest.

"You're all dismissed, you may do whatever you want in the meantime. The raid will happen in a few so try not draw suspicions on us. I would like some personal time alone with Nocturne. And if any of you think about getting frisky, you're welcome to do that" Unnerve told the rest of the group

"I'd like some personal time as well" Nocturne said as he rolled his eyes.

Everyone began leaving Nocturne's bedroom, with Leo being the last one to leave.

"Don't stay up all night you silly lovebirds" Leo told them as he made eye contact with Unnerve.

"Then don't barge in next time" Unnerve scoffed at his statement.

"I know not to this time. Besides, I'll be busy with Ken myself' Leo chuckled.

"Heh, at least that fire chicken would know how to release some tension in the meantime" Unnerve smirked.

As if on queue, Ken's head poked out inside the room.

"Sorry if you have to deal with someone like Unnerve" Ken told Nocturne.

Unnerve was visibly angry by that remark, and was about to reach for a chair to throw at Ken but was stopped by Nocturne who grabbed his arm.

Unnerve nervously put the chair down in response.

"Sorry" Unnerve apologized to Nocturne.

Ken smirked, but it quickly disappeared when Leo grabbed one of his crests and gripped them tightly.

"Ungh... Sorry... Didn't mean that" Ken grunted in pain.

"I'll need to teach you a lesson now, and I will use my psychic abilities if I have to" Leo told Ken, making Ken's eyes widen.

"I don't want that" Ken said in response to the threat.

"It's about time you experience some backdoor training again" Leo smirked evilly at him.

Leo then turned towards Unnerve and Nocturne and smiled.

"I look forward to the raid, we'll be taking our leave" Leo said as he pulled Ken behind him, and closed the door with psychic.

Unnerve and Nocturne sat on the bed, looking at each other and blinked, unsure of what exactly happened.

"Leo is someone we shouldn't mess with. I'm glad he's on our side" Unnerve said nervously.

"The gallade is indeed a powerful ally, I'd be nervous for anyone who meets him in a dark alley" Nocturne agreed with Unnerve.

"We can talk about Leo some other time but for now, this is our time" Unnerve chuckled and held Nocturne.

Nocturne smiled and stared back at him affectionately.

"Oh? Are you really this excited for me?" Nocturne ran his claws on Unnerve's chest.

"Like I said, it's our time. Nothing can take me away from you. And nothing can stop me. Not even you..." Unnerve whispered as he embraced him.

"Yes... It is..." Nocturne agreed with Unnerve before kissing him passionately as the two of them fell on the bed.

Nocturne stared up towards the ceiling as he held onto Unnerve with one paw.

"How are you feeling about this?" Unnerve asked as he scooted closer to him.

"For once, I'm entirely nervous in my life with how my plan will go. We have a lot riding on it" Nocturne admitted to Unnerve.

"It's alright to be nervous, you've been a great leader so far, and everyone looks up to you" Unnerve tried to reassure Nocturne as he caressed his furry chest.

"Like I said, the raid has a lot riding on its shoulders, and the consequences will be especially dire for not just me, but for everyone if this fails. Everything before this was simple, which only involved recruiting others to my team. The next part now is something big, taking over the government is not a joke. I'm afraid that things might turn out bad, jeopardize anyone here" Nocturne sighed.

Unnerve shook his head as his paw reached down and rubbed Nocturne's belly.

"Everyone here understands that and believes in you. No matter what happens, they will stand by you, and you've done the unbelievable already. You brought the spy hero, SnipeS, into the team, along with his sidekick Kain. You've successfully raided the number one chief's police station, and brought all of the chiefs together, not to mention recruiting the number one hero as well" Unnerve told him all of his accomplishments so far.

"Yes, those are worthy accomplishments so far. But I believe that nothing will ever compare my encounter with you" Nocturne chuckled.

Unnerve leaned up and looked at Nocturne, who leaned back and stared at him in return.

"Oh? And what do you mean exactly?" Unnerve asked him while smiling.

"Our first encounter with the can of soup, to the raid, and even now. I feel like one of my most successful accomplishments in my life is being able to spend my life with the one I love even now" Nocturne smiled back at him.

Unnerve smirked and reached his hand lower until it brushed up against Nocturne's cock, before grasping it.

"Well maybe I should start by playing with my nightstick here. Maybe that will be the next best accomplishment I have~" Unnerve smirked at him as he began pumping Nocturne's cock with his talon.

"Ah...!~" Nocturne gasped as his cock was grasped by his lover.

"I see... Well this angry dragon loves his night fox as well" Unnerve whispered to him before kissing Nocturne's snout, while one paw stroked Nocturne's cock ands the other one stroked Nocturne's face before slowly reaching up and tugging on one of his ears.

"Daring today aren't we?" Leo asked Ken, who was tugging on the crest on his chest.

"I have my ways..." Ken whispered as they walked down the hall.

Once they made it towards their designated rooms, Ken started rubbing his face in pain and anger.

"Why did you have to do that in front of Nocturne... Especially Unnerve!?" Ken questioned Leo.

"Because there was no need to be so rude between them! Especially with the amount of pressure Nocturne is going through right now!" Leo answered Ken.

"I didn't think about that... Sorry..." Ken apologized, feeling defeated.

"I accept the apology... But that doesn't mean that you can escape punishment" Leo whispered and smiled as he gently patted Ken's shoulder.

"Come on! You know what type of guy I am! I'll fuck you longer and harder if you do!" Ken screamed, rejecting any notion or idea of being somebody else's bitch.

Ken became scared and looked at Leo, who gave an evil grin.

"You rarely got to experience what everyone has already, which if you're going to ask, is some backdoor training" Leo specified.

"I don't like being a bottom, I am a top! What happened to being considerate to your own lover!" Ken yelled as he shook his head.

"You have to do it here and there sometimes, if not, how can I get a break. I don't mind bottoming for you, but it's only fair that I get a chance" Leo said while smiling, amused by his lover's struggle to escape.

Ken felt defeated once more, and reluctantly agreed with Leo's insistence.

"Ugh... F-Fine... Alright I'll do it... Just this once" Ken agreed with him, making Leo chuckle.

"I'm always right, and since you agreed to it, I feel a lot better with what I will do now" Leo said to Ken.

Before Ken could ask what he meant by that, psychic energy bound his arms together behind his back and kept his legs in place.

"W-Why are you using your psychic powers on me all of a sudden!? Didn't you have some kind of honor to never use it on anyone besides criminals!?" Ken yelled at Leo as he struggled to get himself free.

"Yes, but this time I'll make an exception. I do so like it when virile, strong males like you squirm underneath me, and I don't even have to lift a finger to

Leo walked over and placed his paw on Ken's fuzzy chest and began stroking it.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything that you're against. We will do the backdoor training in a second, but first, you have to get ready" Leo reached down and stroked Ken's cock.

"Ngaahhhh... Hey... G-Go slower... If you keep doing that I might cum quick!" Ken tried his best to resist Leo's strokes.

Ken gritted his teeth as his cock was stroked, feeling the smooth hands of Leo along the length of his cock as it became fully hard and ready to fuck.

"F-Fuck... L-Leo...!" Ken gripped his own talons tightly as he was now horny and willing to fuck already.

"Finally... I've been waiting a long time for this" Leo cooed before kneeling down and taking the cock in his mouth.

"Y-Yeeess...!~" Ken moaned, he was good when dealing with pain, but pleasure? That wasn't his forte.

This elicited a few moans from Ken, who tried to hold himself back from facefucking Leo's mouth as he got sucked off.

"Leo... S-Shit... Slow down... W-Will you...?" Ken tried to request Leo, who didn't slow down at all in response.

He stared down at Leo who bobbed his head up and down, all the while smirking at him as he gave him a fellatio.

Ken shook his head and moaned as pleasure surged through his body, while Leo tickled his balls with his tongue.

Leo then pulled away and swallowed what precum he had managed to coax out of him as he showed the lewd display to him by letting Ken see it happen, tongue out and all.

"I'm happy that we're together now, and in the future led by Nocturne, we can express our love for each other" Leo told Ken with a warm smile.

"Yes, and Nocturne would give us that world, as long as we help him out... I love you" Ken agreed and nodded with Leo, saying the last three words sheepishly, and a bit quietly.

"What was that? Could you repeat that?" Leo asked Ken, pretending to not have heard what he had just said.

"IsaidIloveyou..." Ken whispered fast, not wanting him to hear.

"Sorry, I still can't hear you" Leo began toying with Ken's feelings.

"I... I love y-" Ken was about to repeat but before he could finish the last word, Leo peppering his beak with some more kisses to embarrass the proud bird.

After a few more kisses, Leo pulled away and gave Ken some mercy from them as they stared at each other, with Leo still smirking while blushed.

Leo reached up and cupped Ken's face, before pulling him back in for another kiss, but this time with more tongue.

"You're a good kisser you know that?" Leo told Ken.

"I could say the same thing for you... Maybe I should nibble your chicken wings then" Leo joked, making Ken roll his eyes.

Lewd slurps and smacks of their mouths could be heard in the room as their tongues circled and danced around each other, The two exchanged saliva with pent up passion for each other after having not been able to release their frustrations and feelings with each other for a long time now.

Unnerve and Nocturme continued french kissing, the two of them hard and raring to go as their arms molested each other's body, as well as their cocks twitching against each other as their lengths frotted.

"Mmm... Your cock's really rigid... You're twitching excitedly... Are you sure you're not the excited one here?" Nocturne teased Unnerve.

"You think I'm the excited one? You're precumming more than usual~" Unnerve teased back at him before the two locked their maws together and lewdly kissed each other.

Unnerve managed to intertwine his thinner, dragonic tongue with Nocturne's more canine one.

"Mmm... You really missed fucking me after I got my injury didn't you?" Nocturne teased Unnerve as he slowly got hot and bothered by him.

"Well my little cocksleeve was unavailable, of course I'd be pent up. Masturbating isn't enough anymore" Unnerve returned the gesture as they continued kissing each other.

"Oh? So does that mean that only I can make you cum now?~" Nocturne asked him, chuckling a bit as he stared at Unnerve romantically.

"Not literally... You know what I mean" Unnerve replied back and returned the romantic stare back at him.

"I'm just a bit scared that you might be taken away from me if everything fails" Nocturne voiced his concern.

"I won't let anything keep me away from you..." Unnerve reassured him, before getting the nearby lube and lubricating his eager cock.

Unnerve then rolled behind Nocturne and lifted his leg up, before rubbing his cock up against Nocturne's hole.

"Aren't you going a bit fast?~" Nocturne asked him as he rubbed his hole against the cock.

"Oh you don't want to test me... Trust me~" Unnerve lightly pushed his slick cock up against Nocturne's crevice.

"Hah... It's been a short while...~" Nocturne said as he felt Unnerve twitch against his hole.

"Don't worry, we'll have you back in the saddle again~" Unnerve whispered before he started to push his cock in.

Nocturne gritted his teeth before feeling Unnerve force his way in, stretching him again, just like before.

"Hah... D-Did you get bigger?" Nocturne asked him, feeling his cock pulse with Unnerve's.

"You're just not used to it yet. But I appreciate that" Unnerve grinned before he got into a steady rhythm with him.

Nocturne and Unnerve locked lips as they started fucking, the way the cock was digging into Nocturne's hole made resistance useless.

"Hah... Hah... Y-You really missed me didn't you?" Nocturne panted, feeling pent up from the few days that he remained out of commission from his injury.

Unnerve aimed right for the spot where Nocturne's prostate was located, and slammed himself right onto his target.

"Uwah!!!" Nocturne cried out, not expecting him to find his weak point so quickly.

"Heh, I still know where it is huh? Seems like I know you much better now than ever before" Unnerve laughed a bit before going back to a steady rhythm.

"I-I didn't expect you to pound me there so... q-quickly..." Nocturne managed to say before the two of them got friskier.

"Just goes to show how much I've come since my fucking skill has improved with you" Unnerve motioned his hand over to Nocturne's cock.

"Gahhh... Stop touching my cock...!" Ken moaned as Leo thrusted into him, while his arms hugged Ken's midriff and rapidly pounding into him.

"I can't help it... Your ass is gripping me so tight and expertly... Ngh... You sure this isn't the first time you've been fucked from your rear?" Leo asked him as he rapidly pistoned into him eagerly, drool dripping from the side of his mouth.

"Gah... Will you... Slow... The fuck... Down...?" Ken said, slightly annoyed, though he couldn't deny that Leo's cock felt incredible.

Ken felt humiliated being forced to bottom despite the one fucking him being his lover. But despite that, he felt a pleasure he had never known before, and it wasn't like when he did it with Chief Tai.

"I can't help it... It feels too good Ken" Leo shut his eyes and pistoned into him faster with a pleasured smile.

"S-Shit... F-Fuck!" Ken shut his beak hard, his cock twitched in sync with Leo's thrusts as he tried his best to not show any signs that he was enjoying this at all.

"Does my cock feel good?" Leo asked him.

"N-No... I don't feel much of anything" Ken didn't want to remotely admit that him bottoming, not even for Leo, felt that good.

"Come on... I let you fuck Unnerve several times by now... Are you really gonna let that dragon be better than me?" Leo asked Ken as he kept thrusting.

Ken realized that he was putting Unnerve higher than Leo ever was at the mere mention of his actions with Unnerve.

"Of course not! Like that dragon can compare to yours! I'm just saying that bottoming doesn't feel good at all!" Ken continued denying the pleasurable ecstasy he felt from having his rear pounded.

"You're really not gonna tell me? You're trying so hard to deny it and yet your mind is saying the opposite... That's cute of you" Leo chuckled as he kissed the side of Ken's face.

"Stop reading my mind damn it!" Ken panted, his already red face flushed with embarrassment as Leo continued to enact the humiliating position he was in.

"I can tell you love it... Just admit it already... Or is Unnerve's ass better than my cock?" Leo asked him, thinking he could get the better of him by playing into his weakness.

"Unnerve? Better? Don't make me laugh! Your cock is several times better than his ass! I bet I could cum hands free from your cock alone!!!" Ken said with mixed pleasure and anger in his voice.

Leo laughed at his lover's outburst, and decided to give him some space.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" Leo laughed a bit before resuming his pace.

"You're really... Mph... Rough today... Did you really miss my rear that much?" Nocturne asked him, barely able to shut his mouth in pleasure as he leaked precum from the constant thrusting Unnerve was giving him.

Unnerve and Nocturne had oriented themselves to a doggy position, letting Unnerve pound him harder than the previous position they were in earlier.

Unnerve had gone from gentle to rough like his draconic nature told him, as wet slaps of their hip thrusts against each other echoed around the bedroom, their sweaty balls dangling and slamming against each other as they fucked like animals.

"I can't take it anymore... I can't resist not using the full strength of my hips...!" Unnerve moaned, watching Nocturne's back and large rear slamming back against him while he gripped his ass cheeks.

Nocturne could feel it, from the way that Unnerve's cock was twitching and the fast pace that Unnerve was thrusting into him, his partner was getting close.

"Ungh... I'm getting close...!" Nocturne moaned as he bit on one of the pillows as his climax was fast approaching as well.

"Ngahhh... M-Me too... I'm gonna shoot my load inside and impregnate you...!!!" Unnerve yelled as he wrapped his arms around Nocturne's chest and humped with the ferocity of a dragon type.

Ken could feel a tingling sensation in his ass, and he could feel it on his cock as well. He was getting close, he was gonna cum from bottoming.

"Shit... I can't believe I'm gonna cum from a cock deep in my ass...!" Ken moaned with an almost crazed smile on his face.

"Me too... Your ass feels incredibly tight...!!!" Leo had the same look on him, hugging Ken's rear tightly as he no longer showed any mercy and used the full length of his cock to bury himself deep inside him while using psychic to stroke Ken's cock.

The couples thrusted with all their might, letting their passions get the best of them as they showed each other their love.

Unnerve shot his load deep inside Nocturne as his cock pulsed with each load he filled him up with, simultaneously making Nocturne cum as the canine fox shot six loads all over the bed with his canine cock.

Unnerve rolled off of Nocturne as the two of them laid on their backs, while their paws held onto each other.

They turned their heads towards each other, before scooting closer and bumping their heads upon one another. They looked at each other deep in the eyes, before giving one last kiss and embrace. They let the warmth of their bodies keep each other warm through their slumber, hoping for a better tomorrow the next day.

"F-Fuck... Here it comes... Take it all Ken!!!" Leo continued to fuck Ken sideways before plunging deep inside the blaziken and spewing several loads inside him, making Ken throw his head back and roll his eyes.

Ken's load shot through the air and came all over himself as Leo plunged into him sideways and triggered his climax like a bitch.

Ken panted as Leo pulled his cock off and let the cum leak, who smirked at the sight of the prideful fire chicken looking exhausted and pleasured while in a lewd position.

They stared into each other's eyes before Leo helped Ken back up.

"So... Guess that means I stuffed the chicken huh?" Leo asked Ken.

Ken rolled his eyes at the corny joke.

"Just get us out of here already" Ken grunted while crossing his arms.

Leo chuckled, but obliged as he teleported him and Ken out of there.


With the exception of Inferno, Sleuth, Waru, and Fry, they all reconvened inside Nocturne's room once more.

Everyone was riled up, they were ready to storm the building and enact the plan to finally bring about the change that they want. But first, Nocturne had to calm them all down.

"Order! I will have order! We can't begin with our plan if everyone keeps interrupting each other" Nocturne told everyone, calming them down.

Unnerve grunted, but forgave the others for their excitement. This was the big day after all.

Nocturne looked over at each and every one of the members of his team. SnipeS, Kain, Gabu, Vern, Sorien, Baku, Seth, Moxie, Ken, and Leo nodded to him as he looked at each of them.

Nocturne turned towards the computer's monitor and saw Waru and Fry nod back at him.

"So is everyone ready?" Nocturne asked everyone.

"Anytime" SnipeS replied.

"Ready to blackmail if I need to" Kain added.

"Only when everyone else is" Gabu said as he crossed his arms.

"It's time to teach Jalorda what we're all about" Vern tightened his talons.

"I'm not afraid of my mentor anymore... I'm not afraid..." Sorien told himself like a mantra.

"We'll teach them not to go anywhere near you again" Baku comforted Sorien.

"After this we don't have to worry about them anymore" Seth agreed with Baku.

"Damn straight!" Moxie concurred with Seth.

"I'll beat up anybody who gets in the way!" Ken's talons lit up as he screamed.

"I normally dislike violence, but if it comes down to it, I won't hold back" Leo reluctantly agreed with Ken.

"We'll keep things in order while you guys are away" Fry told Nocturne from his end.

"And you can expect me to protect Fry" Waru pulled Fry by the waist, making the flygon blush.

Unnerve then stepped up towards them and started speaking towards everyone.

"We're all here for a common goal, and minimize casualties, I hope you all know that. Especially you Ken" Unnerve looked at Ken intensely.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Ken glared at him.

"Exactly what I'm implying. Don't kill. If someone dies, it'll only hurt our cause more than them" Unnerve explained.

Ken wanted to argue more, but knew there was no room to let this argument go further, so he remained silent.

"We're here for Governor Jalorda, and we can expect much resistance coming from everyone we see inside that building" Unnerve continued until SnipeS interrupted him.

"Inferno and Sleuth told me that there are a high number of private security personnel around the building. But the real fishy part was that they hadn't let up the whole time, it's like he knows we're up to something" SnipeS informed Unnerve, making the latter slam his fists on the table.

"That Governor Jalorda is taking a lot of precautions!" Unnerve seethed while breathing heavily.

Nocturne placed his paw on top of Unnerve's and gently rubbed it, before looking at the crowd.

"Hey, we haven't failed yet, why are you getting angry?" Kain asked Unnerve.

"Yeah, it's only a little bit of resistance, are you really going to give up just because he sent a few guys to guard the place?" SnipeS said with a smirk.

"You can project that anger towards everyone in the government building instead" Gabu advised Unnerve.

"If you want, direct that to Governor Jalorda instead" Vern suggested.

"Don't give up yet! We're going to see this through!" Sorien encouraged them.

"We're so close too, don't get wet feet now" Baku warned Unnerve and Nocturne.

"If we're going to do this... Then... Then let's fight with all we got!" Seth yelled.

"That's right! We don't have a choice, we should use everything we got" Moxie agreed with Seth.

"Shut the hell up Unnerve! This doesn't change a thing about what we're gonna do!" Ken said with annoyance.

"Besides, as long as we don't cause much of a ruckus, the security personnel outside won't notice us teleporting in" Leo spoke his thoughts.

"Guys... Thank you..." Nocturne smiled and felt his eyes well up.

Nocturne was about to tear up and get emotional again, but composed himself. No, he should save those after everything is done. Unnerve smiled at everyone's support before turning back towards Waru and Fry in the monitor.

"Watch over the station, and keep a close contact if anything suspicious happens. If the other stations need help, don't hesitate to help them" Unnerve ordered Waru and Fry.

"We'll ensure order stays in the station" Fry promised as he saluted Unnerve.

"Good luck everyone" Waru bid them all.

"Thank you, both of you" Nocturne thanked them before gesturing over to Leo.

"This is the first time that I'm going to try to do something like a mass teleport, but I feel extremely confident that I would be able to pull it off" Leo told everyone.

"Why don't you just use a megastone for extra power? You did mention to me and Nocturne that it's a difficult thing to do, isn't it?" Unnerve asked him.

"I considered that... But I plan to use it against Chief Sal once I've confronted him as a backup. I don't want to use it until the most necessary moment" Leo replied.

"You really thought ahead of this, didn't you?" Unnerve asked him as he nodded on his decision.

"I just thought that this will leave me winded is all. Besides, I have to have an ace up my sleeve in case things get complicated. But I should be fine" Leo answered and smiled at Unnerve.

Ken then grabbed Leo by the shoulder as they stared at each other.

"You better not exert yourself" Ken told Leo before giving him a hug and quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be fine" Leo chuckled and gave kissed him back.

Unnerve gave a slight snicker, making Ken roll his eyes at him.

"Everyone, please form a circle around me, and hold onto the paws of everyone who surrounds you" Leo ordered everyone.

Everyone grabbed each other's paws and talons as they waited for Leo to teleport them.

Leo then sat criss-cross in the middle of the circle, and began to use teleport, but with more effort.

Leo's eyes shut and his teeth gritted as he concentrated, trying to make sure that he would teleport everyone, and not accidentally leave them behind. Leo could be seen physically straining himself as he slowly felt he was getting the hang of it.

"Leo...!" Ken said worriedly, showing concern on whether or not he should even do this.

Leo sensed Ken's concern and shook his head at him, making Ken nod his head in understanding to let him do it.

After a few more seconds, a bright light radiated from Leo before shooting out of his body and enveloping everyone in the bright light, and not long after, they were gone from Nocturne's bedroom.


All of them had teleported in the dimly lit room, with the less nimble of the bunch, like Unnerve, Gabu, and Vern, falling onto the floor.

"Ugh... Where did we end up...?" Unnerve asked as he and the others got up.

Everyone looked at each other and noticed that all of them appeared to have been unscathed from their teleportation, and that none of them were left behind in the process.

Ken immediately rushed to the center of the circle that they made, and ran over to Leo.

"Leo! Leo are you alright? Speak to me!" Ken yelled worriedly at him.

Leo struggled to get up, and was seemingly exhausted as he was on his hands and knees already by the time that Ken had approached him.

"You shouldn't have done a mass teleportation! Now look at what it did to your body!" Ken yelled worriedly for him.

"I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath" Leo smirked at him.

"I'm amazed by the power you have" Nocturne walked over to Leo and patted his shoulder.

"I'm happy to use my power for justice, and you're always welcome to have me use it" Leo smiled back at him.

"Thank you... Now everyone listen up. You were all probably not expecting to teleport in a dimly lit room like this, which is because this is the basement of the government building that is mostly hidden. This room doesn't get much use so we should be safe for now. From here, we can access Governor Jalorda's building from the back entrance instead of going through the lobby" Nocturne addressed to everyone.

"How many floors would there be though?" Unnerve asked Nocturne.

"We'll have to go through at least three rooms before we get to the Governor's office.

"Alright... Is everyone ready then?" Nocturne asked everyone.

"You bet! It's about time we finally make a change!" Gabu started.

"And no stupid law is gonna stop us from changing the future" Vern added with Gabu.

"Well... A Governor eh? Well taking one down is certainly more impressive than a bunch of criminals" SnipeS readied his sniper.

"We might even find incriminating evidence to prevent him from changing things back" Kain suggested.

"That will certainly make him think twice" Sorien agreed with Kain.

"But wouldn't doing that just make us just as bad as him?" Seth asked Sorien.

"No, it wouldn't. You can't have a happy future with him in charge" Moxie reminded them.

"Yes, you won't be able to live freely if you try to reason with him. A governor will surely stab you in the back" Baku advised them both.

"Bah! Who cares! I'll beat the hell out of him! That'll make him think twice about it" Ken threatened.

"Ken... Stop... You're gonna make things harder if you do that" Leo tried to calm him down.

"Thank you Leo, for the mass teleportation that you had done for all of us. I wouldn't put it past you to stay behind, or rest while we take care of things" Nocturne suggested to Leo, worried about his well-being.

"No, it's fine. Like I said, I just need to catch my breath. I'm not out of commission yet" Leo assured Nocturne.

"Thanks Leo, we won't forget this anytime soon" SnipeS thanked him.

"Maybe I'll make something similar one day that does the same thing too!" Kain offered Leo.

"We'll try to compensate for this after we succeed" Gabu recommended.

"True, teleporting a whole group is no easy feat" Vern commented.

"Maybe we'll celebrate after this too" Sorien blushed.

"H-Hey! T-This isn't the time!" Seth yelled at Sorien.

"Heh, maybe we'll invite them next time" Moxie liked the idea.

"Either way, we all owe you for helping us infiltrate the building" Baku thanked Leo.

"Hmph... You all better be serious about all of this then. Leo's putting his body in danger for all of you" Ken bluffed.

Nocturne looked at everyone, and nodded at them.

"It's time to go then. Try to act natural, maybe we can make things go smoothly here" Nocturne told everyone as they then climbed up the stairs and left the basement, proceeding to the next floor.

They had stumbled onto a large ball room, which showed elegant furniture and a rather large room for several pokemorphs to dance in. They didn't expect however that a huge army of pokemorphs were waiting for them, standing still and motionless.

"What the..." Gabu muttered, caught off guard by them being discovered so quickly.

"But how...!?" Ken yelled in outrage as he looked at the pokemorphs blocking their way.

"Everyone stand back! Don't make any rash actions!" Nocturne held his team back and tried to assess what was going on.

Nocturne began looking at the pokemorphs blocking their way, trying to see what their demeanor towards them were, but none of them were budging, or even moving.

"Why are they just standing around?" Sorien asked Nocturne.

"I have no idea, they seem really odd" Nocturne shook his head.

Nocturne looked at one of the pokemorphs even more carefully, and noticed a futuristic looking collar that emitted a faint glow.

"The pokemorphs seem to be wearing something weird on their next" Seth interjected, pointing at the weird looking collars on them.

Nocturne's eyes widened as he realized what Governor Jalorda had done. But before he could tell his team, he heard clapping from the other end of the room as two pokemorphs emerged; a kommo-o and hydreigon.

"Your sorry excuse of a raid ends here!" The kommo-o called out to Nocturne's team.

"You will all be arrested for trespassing and invading a government office" The hydreigon agreed with the kommo-o.

The kommo-o then noticed Sorien, and called out to him next.

"I didn't expect my protege to be here. I expected a lot more from you than to rebel against the government that you're supposed to serve" The kommo-o said as he looked at Sorien.

"Looks like my student ended up in the wrong crowd just to end up with some so called friends" The hydreigon did the same with Seth.

Sorien stepped up bravely towards his former mentor.

"What you did to me was wrong! All the training and yelling at me didn't help me at all!" Sorien yelled at Chief Kom.

Seth did the same as Sorien, and began rebelling against Chief Drei.

"My friends are true friends and they will stand by my side even if we lose!" Seth yelled at Chief Drei.

The two chiefs just laughed at them.

"Hahahaha! The two of them must have learned a bit of defiance!" Chief Kom laughed at their students.

"Looks like we'll need to put them back to training... Hahaha! Or should I say superior training!" Chief Drei laughed as well.

Seth and Sorien seemed to be getting aroused by the words, before shaking their heads upon realizing they were letting their desires get in the way of seeing through the abusive demeanor that their former mentors were going to give them.

"All of the other officers you see here understand what superior training is. And unlike you two, they are the perfect representation of police officers" Chief Kom smirked as he referred to the other pokemorphs, putting his talons underneath their bulges, with them not even reacting to his molestation.

"These officers know complete obedience, and know not to go against their betters" Chief Drei added as he smirked at the passive officers.

Nocturne then stepped forward.

"Using those collars and taking away the free will of the officers is morally wrong! How can you call yourself chiefs if you're willing to go this far!?" Nocturne asked them.

"A villain like you needs to be captured, and having officers who only focus on apprehending criminals is what is needed in society" Chief Kom smirked at him, not bothering to answer Nocturne's question.

"These officers will do as they're told and ensure that all of you are captured. Nothing personal" Chief Drei said.

Before anyone can do anything, the chiefs then command the brainwashed officers.

"Get them!" The two chiefs yelled, which the officers immediately obeyed immediately.

"Everyone! Get ready!" Nocturne yelled as the officers charged at them.

SnipeS shot the officers with a non-lethal version of his snipe shots, rendering the officers he shot unconscious.

"Didn't expect innocents to be involved... Sort of" SnipeS muttered as he kept shooting at the brainwashed officers.

As another officer snuck in from behind SnipeS, he was quickly dispatched of by Kain as he used a taser on the officer, rendering the attacker unconscious before he could do any harm to his lover.

"I'll watch your back SnipeS" Kain said as he defended SnipeS.

SnipeS smiled as he kept his focus and kept fighting.

"Take this!" Gabu spewed dragonbreath upon the officers, causing them to become trapped.

Taking advantage of the trapped officers, Vern used his powerful wings to make a small tornado around them using his wings, causing the officers to lose their breath and pass out from the lack of oxygen.

"Just like old times" Vern smirked at Gabu, who smirked back at him.

Officers charged at Seth, but Moxie blocked them before they could get to him, and used roar to hold them back, briefly stunning the group.

"I won't let you touch them" Moxie said to the brainwashed officers.

"I won't cower anymore..." Seth muttered before shooting a ball of slime towards the group and trapping them.

Seeing this, Sorien looked over towards Baku.

"Now's our chance!" Sorien told Baku.

"Let's show them what real justice looks like" Baku agreed as the both of them shot a thunderbolt and flamethrower, igniting the slime and scattering the officers all around the room, hitting their heads on either the wall or floor and knocking them out.

"I don't want to hurt any of you, but you leave me no choice" Leo yelled as he started throwing psychic punches towards several officers at once.

"If you dare harm Leo, I'll make sure to not hold back!" Ken yelled at the officers as he unleashed his fury towards the officers with several blaze kicks whenever they went near Leo.

"Traitors... You're all fucking traitors!!!" Unnerve angrily grabbed one of the officer's necks with his jaw, before forcibly slamming them against the floor.

"We should help them see the error of their ways" Nocturne muttered before defending himself with thief, stealing an officer's baton and knocking him out with his own weapon.

The threat of the officers was soon dealt with. There were numerous of them but Nocturne's team had managed to deal with them.

After all of them were dealt with, Kom and Dre looked disappointingly at all of the officers on the ground that were harmlessly incapacitated.

"Tch... Looks like the superior training needs more tweaking" Kom said as he looked at the now unconscious officers.

"Don't worry, we have two perfect candidates to test more factors" Drei said as he turned his attention to both Sorien and Seth.

Sorien and Seth shuddered upon hearing the comment that Drei and Kom had made, fearful that they would be subjected to superior training again.

Baku and Moxie however, weren't going to let their mentors talk down on them and use them as their puppets.

"You're not going to touch them any longer. Sorien has the potential to be a capable chief, full of confidence and knowing what's right and wrong" Baku yelled at Drei and Kom.

"You'll have to get through us first! Seth is not someone you can just control, he has real friends that won't betray him and support him no matter what. Makes me think if Governor Jalorda even thinks of you like that" Moxie joined Baku.

Sorien and Seth, touched by Baku and Moxie's words, hugged them from behind, but as a result got laughed at by their mentors.

"And who is this sorry excuse of a badger? You're really going to place your loyalty on a stranger? I can easily give you what he can give" Kom laughed at Sorien.

"You dare let a dangy mutt like him enter a fancy government building? I expected much better from you Seth. You know much better than I that I can give you so much more than him" Drei smirked at Seth.

Before Sorien and Seth could respond, Baku and Moxie beat them to the punch.

"You know nothing about who Sorien really is. So you don't get to have a say in what you think about him" Baku defended Sorien.

"And Seth is a respectable chief and cherishes those under him, unlike the both of you" Moxie growled at them.

Kom looked at Baku, and realized who he was.

"I see that you really do need superior training again since you're now working with a criminal" Kom commented.

"I didn't think you'd stoop so low Seth. But don't worry, I will fix that broken mind of yours, and open your eyes to see that you should go back to where you truly belong" Drei said as he looked at Moxie.

Filled with determination thanks to Baku and Moxie, Sorien and Seth no longer felt fear towards them.

"We're in control of our lives now and we won't let you take control again!" Sorien yelled at Kom.

"And we'll defend our freedom to our last breath, even if it means defeating you" Seth threatened Drei.

"Then I'd like to see you try" Kom said as he started getting ready to fight Sorien.

"We will crush every last bone in your body, maybe then you'd learn something" Drei followed Kom's lead into a battle stance.

Sorien and Seth then turned towards Nocturne and the rest, while Baku and Moxie stood beside them, ready to fight the opposing chiefs.

"Nocturne, this is our fight, and I don't want us to get in the way of the mission" Sorien told Nocturne.

"Please, just go without us. We can handle them" Seth encouraged Sorien's request.

"Are you both sure about this? I don't want to leave you behind" Nocturne asked worriedly.

"Yes, it's time we stopped being scared. So go, we're confident that we'll win. We'll catch up with you later" Sorien insisted.

"You heard him everyone, let's go" Nocturne turned towards everyone else and smiled, before climbing up towards the next floor.

Sorien, Seth, Baku, And Moxie all expected Chief Kom and Chief Drei to try to stop Nocturne and the others, but surprisingly they didn't.

"Heh, did you really think we'll try to stop them? That's too grand of a luxury to even grant them" Kom smugly bluffed.

"They don't stand a chance for what's up ahead, so we'll just focus on both of you for now. We have all the time in the world to beat you to a pulp, and maybe you'd understand that it's our bodies you need, not these two" Drei motioned over towards Baku and Moxie.

As Nocturne and the rest had all went up the next floor, Seth and Sorien began to worry about Baku and Moxie.

"Baku, Moxie, this is our fight, we don't want anything happening to you. Please, go ahead with Nocturne, we'll be fine" Sorien told Baku and Moxie.

"We'll manage on our own. I don't want any harm to happen to you, especially if we fail" Seth warned them.

"No, we're your partners, we won't abandon you" Baku stubbornly said.

"We will stand by you no matter what. Especially after finding out what these bastards did" Moxie smirked at Seth.

Sorien and Seth felt touched by what they had told him, and agree with what they said.

"After this... I want to bail you out and live with you" Sorien told Baku.

"And if things turn out well... I want you in the future I want to see" Seth told Moxie.

The four pokemorphs got ready to face the chiefs, with fear in their hearts and hopes riding on their shoulders.

"We look forward to giving all four of you superior training" Kom smirked at all four of them despite their determination.

"Maybe this badger and dog might even be good for something as a result" Drei smirked as he licked his chops before both of them charged against the four.


As Nocturne and the others ran upstairs, Unnerve stopped for a moment to look at everyone.

"I'm sure that Sorien and Seth will be able to handle things from there" Unnerve reassured the others.

"And Baku and Moxie will take care of them, so don't worry about them" Nocturne agreed with Unnerve.

The others nodded and continued running up the stairs and managed to get to the next floor, and came upon their next obstacle, which was a salamence and tyranitar.

The two imposing pokemorphs had their arms crossed and were looking menacingly at them, prompting Leo and Ken into a battle pose.

"I didn't expect my own grandson to be so rebellious" Chief Sal commented.

"And I'm ashamed to see my own grandson being so defiant, nothing a bit of superior training wouldn't fix" Chief Tai mused as he looked at Ken.

"You're only my grandfather because of marriage, we're not in any way related, not even by blood" Leo scoffed at Chief Sal.

"And you can argue that we are blood related, but that means nothing right now because we're fighting for what's right!" Ken yelled at Chief Tai.

The two laughed at their responses.

"You're all fighting a useless battle, your failure is futile from the beginning. A little more superior training will show you what is honestly right" Tai laughed at Ken.

"And I need to teach you a lesson, one that you'll never forget" Sal said before smirking at Leo.

"I don't need a lesson from you, and I'm perfectly fine with who I am even though you forced me to become a gallade. I accepted that fact, and will use the power you gave me to defeat you myself" Leo said defiantly.

"And I no longer need to live up to your expectations, and I fight for myself and Leo now. I fight for a future that I want to live in with the people I respect and love" Ken joined in Leo's bravado.

The two chiefs laughed at them, showing no cowardice towards them.

"Then we will show you who's really in control!" Tai said before whipping out a megastone in both of their talons and transforming into their mega evolutions.

Nocturne and the others covered their eyes as Tai and Sal had transformed into their mega evolutions, drastically changing their appearance and gaining even more strength, showing them that they meant business.

"Nocturne, go on ahead without us" Leo told Nocturne.

"We will catch up once we show our old mans who we really are" Ken said as he got into a battle stance with Leo.

Nocturne nodded as the rest of them moved forward to leave Leo and Ken behind to fight their grandfathers.

"You will never get past the obstacle ahead" Sal said as he got ready to fight their grandsons.

"And I'm sure HE is looking forward to seeing Unnerve" Tai taunted Unnerve.

"That dragonite has nothing on me anymore!" Unnerve growled at Tai.

"You will eat those words soon" Sal said as they let Nocturne and the whole team pass through.

As Nocturne and the others left, Sal and Tai turned towards Leo and Ken once more.

"Do you have any last words?" Sal asked Leo and Ken.

"Think carefully, these are the last things you will ever freely say to us" Tai warned them, smirking as he could already imagine bringing them back to their old selves.

Ken and Leo looked at each other silently, before suddenly charging towards Tai and Sal, not bothering to say anything.


Chief Kom and Drei mocked Sorien and Seth as they fought, not in the least bit regretful of what they had done to their apprentices since they trained them.

"I should have done more to break you Sorien. You could have been strong, like me. But no, you chose to become some sort of delusional coward who thinks they can go against his superiors" Chief Kom mocked Sorien as he managed to grab him before he could dodge.

Chief Kom's claws glowed, ready to give Sorien his first beating. If fear and rough sex wasn't going to make him listen, then maybe pain will.

But before he could go through with it, Baku jumped straight into Kom's face and gave him a faceful of eruption, managing to make the kommo-o reel back.

Baku jumped away next to Sorien as he landed.

"Yeah right, so you could abuse him again and turn him into your living sex puppet? I know that you're just saying all this because you know you can't control Sorien anymore. You may have been able to do that in the past, but Sorien is different now. He can see through your lies and abuse" Baku backed up Sorien as he defended Sorien.

"Looks like you're having trouble hahaha! But this one... Oh this one is going to know the meaning of true fear when I'm done with him. Not even your friends are gonna be able to save you from me. And then when they know how powerless they really are, they'll abandon you, just like I told you years ago. Starting with that mutt you call a friend" Chief Drei said as he grabbed Seth's tail and started slamming him on the ground.

As he was about to slam him down for a third time, Moxie gave him a face full of sucker punch, making Drei drop Seth.

"That's where you're wrong. I won't ever leave him, even if it means that I'll have to go to jail just to stay by his side" Moxie said as he helped Seth up.

Kom and Drei had enough of their banter, with Kom grabbing Baku's neck with his jaws and charging towards the wall and using the impact to slam him against the wall, making the concrete crack as Baku groaned in pain.

Drei on the other hand clamped both of his head's mouths on Moxie's arms and tried to tear them apart, which Moxie struggled to get out of.

Sorien and Seth, seeing Baku and Moxie on the losing side, began to fight back against them while charging their moves.

"Do you really think we'll just let them remember you? We'll torture them if we have to until they forget any trace about the both of you" Kom grinned while biting harder onto Baku's neck.

"But first, we'll permanently disable you both so you won't get in our fucking way again. And We'll make you both suffer while Sorien and Seth will watch the two of you. Maybe we'll even give you some mercy if they beg hard enough for us to stop" Drei said as he began pulling harder on Moxie's arms.

Sorien and Seth each shot hyper beams against Kom and Drei, creating a blinding flash of light and a large cloud of rubble and dust as the beams hit them.

"Baku! Moxie! Are you alright?" Sorien and Seth called out to their two friends.

As the dust settled, they saw Baku and Moxie, lying on the ground, who seemed to be fine, but there were no traces of Kom and Drei.

"Where..." Sorien wondered as he stood shocked by their sudden disappearance.

"Did they go...?" Seth finished as they were about to turn around to try to look for them.

As they turned around, Kom and Drei had appeared right behind them and used close combat and dragon pulse on Sorien and Seth.

Sorien took the beating from several powerful punches from Kom, who fell on his knees as he couldn't take the damage. Meanwhile Seth got sent flying to the wall, nearly falling as he hung from the hole that he made before climbing back up.

"How..." Sorien tried to think of what exactly happened, getting up on one knee.

"Did you dodge our attacks?" Seth asked as he shakily stood up.

"Protect, did you really think that we'd teach you such exhausting moves without any means of you using them against us?" Kom smirked at Sorien.

"You were supposed to use that against criminals, now you're both paying the price" Drei cracked his necks as his mouth exuded draconic breath as he got ready to use it.

The two of them expected Sorien and Seth to give up by now, but instead, they gained a determined look on their faces as they got ready to fight again despite their injuries.

"Baku... Has done... Huff... More than... You've ever done... He gave himself to me... As a supportive friend... And even a lover... You couldn't even give me anything similar to one of that!" Sorien yelled back at his mentor as he charged at him with dragon rush.

"Yes... You see this Kom? You will never know this feeling... I normally would leave you alone... But knowing you'll only get in the way... I can't forgive you!" Baku got up and charged at him with flame wheel.

Sorien's speed let him reach Chief Kom before he could put up another protect barrier, causing his concentration to break and preventing him from using the move as he got staggered and damaged by the attack.

Sorien then used thunderwave to briefly keep Kom in place for Baku.

"Guwahhh... You little... Wait... No!!!" Kom yelled as he saw Baku, who was now a large, spinning wheel of flame, charging towards him as he felt excruciating heat and the impact of the blow hit him hard and rolling away on the floor.

"Moxie... Is someone that I trust with my life... And I'm sure he trusts me with his as well... And he's the truest friend I've ever met... So I can't let him down!" Seth yelled back at Drei.

"You fucking... I did all of this for you! I warned you before that you will be betrayed! You will regret this!" Drei yelled back at Seth with visible frustration and stomping his foot repeatedly on the tiled floor and breaking it.

Drei began charging up his dragonbreath, ready to finish this fight with Seth's injured body in one more move.

Moxie smirked as he got up as well, and assisted Seth as well by using quick attack to get to Drei quick, before using crunch to bite one of his necks, preventing one head from using dragonbreath and making Drei thrash around as Moxie held on.

Seeing a chance, Seth began fired a large orb of slime, a unique looking form of sludge bomb.

Moxie jumped away just as the sludge bomb landed onto Drei, poisoning the dragon.

"Gah... I feel... Sick..." Drei got on one knee and felt greatly weakened by the poison.

"I'm sorry Chief... But you left me no choice. I had feelings for you, but now I know you were toxic, and being with you will just destroy me. Goodbye chief" Sorien said as he charged up a hyper beam while Baku used inferno, knocking Kom out.

"It... Can't be... You little shit..." Kom said as his last words before fainting.

"It's time you realize that maybe you're the one in the wrong, and that we were right all along, chief" Seth yelled as he charged a hyper beam while Moxie used giga impact, knocking Drei out next.

"Don't think you truly won..." Drei said before fainting as well.

The four pokemorphs panted, they didn't expect it to be this hard considering how much older the chiefs were now. They underestimated them, but in the end they still won.

"Thank you Baku, for making me more confident in myself" Sorien thanked Baku, before giving him a passionate kiss.

"Thank you Moxie, nobody can replace you in my heart. I'm happy to have found you..." Seth thanked Moxie and kissed him as well.

They leaned onto each other as they rested, now that things have calmed down.

"I wonder what the others are doing..." Moxie wondered as they all closed their eyes.


The scene then shifted and continued over to Leo and Ken against Sal and Tai.

The four of them mega evolved earlier as they fought, showing that they were going all out and taking the fight seriously.

Sal deflected each of Leo's punches with his tail, all the while mocking Leo.

"You're a disappointment to your family and parents. I thought you'd be better than to go against your own grandfather, Leo" Sal insulted Leo as he kept blocking the attacks.

"You have no right to talk about my parents like that" Leo growled as he got annoyed that Sal would even talk about his dead parents.

Ken was throwing furious blaze kicks at Tai, who kept summoning stone edges to block the attacks similar to Sal.

"And you're a disgrace to your family as well Ken. I thought we had a common hatred for a certain type. Why side with them now?" Tai said as he kept blocking.

"I'm none of what you're describing! I choose my own path now and there's no disgrace with fighting for what you believe in!" Ken yelled as he kept trying to hit Tai with his kicks.

Sal and Tai had enough of toying with Leo and Ken, before the both of them started fighting back.

Sal grabbed Leo's foot with his tail and threw him carelessly on the floor and sending him rolling, which Leo caught himself.

Tai used thrash, landing several blows against Ken, until he went sliding on the ground right next to Leo.

Leo and Ken panted, showing signs of exhaustion. They had been on the offensive the whole time but never managed to land a single blow on their mentors.

Ken took a look at Leo and saw that he was still tired from the teleportation earlier.

"Let this be the first sign of your new training Leo" Sal walked over to Leo and was about to use double edge, an attack that would use more than 100% of a pokemorph's power.

But before it could land on Leo, Ken blocked the attack with his own body, injuring him.

"Guwah!!!" Ken groaned in pain as he took the full hit, clutching his chest as he felt the blow knock the wind out of him.

"Ken!" Leo yelled for him, concerned about his lover, holding him while he writhed in pain.

"D-Don't worry, I'm f-fine..." Ken got up again, although he still looked visibly in pain.

"Ha! Despite being a gallade and fighting type, you still lost to both of us! You two should know that. We're the best duo chiefs that the world has ever seen" Sal boasted.

"We always worked together, and we thought we'd see even a smudge of that in you two. How disappointing. But with the training collars, we're going to whip you two into shape and teach you how to really be obedient" Tai said as the two walked closer and closer toward the pair.

Leo and Ken looked at each other with an expression of dread showing across their faces.

Their mentors brought out the promised training collars as they looked helplessly at them, showing that they actually meant business as they mockingly looked down at their grandsons.

"Do you have any last words?" Sal asked them.

"We may leave you with some free will... IF you behave like good children" Tai offered them.

Ken looked at his grandfather, before shaking his head, causing Tai to laugh.

Sal looked at Leo, expecting him to do the same, but surprisingly, Leo's reaction was different... He was laughing at him.

Sal kept looking at Leo, wondering what was funny, but Leo just chuckled.

"I just have one question to ask you, grandfather" Leo said, peaking Sal's curiosity and making him entertain the question.

"Well then, go ahead, ask away, grandson" Sal allowed him to ask it.

"Earlier you said that you and Tai formed the perfect crime fighting duo" Leo mentioned, with Sal nodding his head.

"I wonder if you know about Tai's secret about dragons" Leo snarkily said.

"...!" Tai then immediately tried to punch Leo, but his arm was held back by Sal who was even more curious about this secret while looking at Tai.

"Maybe you should ask Tai about his true feelings about dragon types" Leo suggested to Sal while smirking.

"Shut up! Sal don't listen to him!" Tai yelled at Leo before trying to sway Sal back to believing him.

"... Even though my grandson needs to be taught a lesson, I will honor this one request from him. So tell me... Tai... What do you REALLY feel about dragons since you seem so hell bent on trying to kill him before I could find out" Sal asked Tai while looking at him square in the eyes.

"W-What are you talking about? I have no feelings towards d-dragons at all! They're powerful! So why would... Would I... Would I be jealous of them? There's nothing to be jealous or hate them for! I am proud of myself!" Tai stuttered before pulling his arm away from Sal's grip.

"Really? That doesn't seem like a genuine statement" Sal said as he felt suspicious against Tai.

"This doesn't matter right now! We can deal with this topic later after we deal with them!" Tai yelled at Sal.

"I want answers now Tai, I'm not going to wait. You told me you wouldn't keep secrets so tell me NOW" Sal yelled at Tai, growing frustrated that Tai seems to know something.

"Chief Tai has a hatred towards dragons and even bestowed this trait to Ken" Leo smiled as he snitched on Tai's secret.

Sal then looked at Ken, who nodded back, confirming what Tai was hiding from him.

"I was born and raised to hate dragon types, if that's what you're wondering" Ken corroberated Leo's accusation.

Sal then gave a death stare at Tai, who began lying through his teeth.

"Leo is lying! Do you really think that it's true!? If you did, then you're a fool! Don't you see!? He's trying to get us to fight each other!" Tai yelled at Sal.

"The one thing that my grandson will never do is lie, and I know that he isn't lying right now" Sal said as he shook his head.

"Fine... FINE! I DO hate dragons! But you're that one exception! I never hated you alright!?" Tai yelled at Sal, frustrated and fed up with his secret being outed.

"You do realize that you work with four other dragons right!? I wonder... Would you backstab me or everyone else on our team then?" Sal began questioning him yet again as he stomped towards him.

"By Arceus you fucking... You are ALL exceptions! And I don't plan to backstab anyone anytime soon!" Tai yelled back in anger.

"You know what? You're too dangerous to be kept around. You deserve special training too, I should pull that racist bone out of your body, and that makes you a liability. But don't worry Tai, I'm sure I'll be training you thoroughly every night. Just us, a cage, and several moments together" Sal licked his lips as he then gave a mildly hard squeeze on Tai's bulge, making him blush and moan, before realizing what exactly was in store for him.

"F-Fuck you! You're not getting anywhere near me you fucking perverted old man!" Tai screamed while blushing.

"... Which is something I'll deal with for a later time, but right now, we need to focus on our grandsons" Sal said as he and Tai turned back towards their grandsons, only to realize that they had closed the distance between them already.

Leo and Ken had closed in on both Sal and Tai, opening their attack with a barrage of close combat blows, dealing extreme damage to both of their grandfathers as they were completely off guard.

But that wasn't it yet, they didn't stop, not until they were done with their grandfathers. Leo and Ken kept using close combat without hesitation or even slowing down, not until they were defeated.

The blows were too much for both of them, and felt that they were nearly about to pass out. But before that could happen, their grandsons stopped as they both towered over them.

"Thank you grandfather, for making me into a gallade. Even though you forced me to, it allowed me to defeat you. Although I'm guessing that the real reason that you made me into one was because you were afraid of losing to a fairy type, weren't you? That way you'd have no power over me if that was the case" Leo asked Sal, who was barely hanging onto consciousness.

"Heh... You really are too smart for your own good" Sal said before passing out, demega evolving in the process.

"I still respect you as a grandfather, and helping me get to where I am now as a police officer. But that still doesn't mean that I forgive what you've done. So now I will dictate what I want to do with my own life, and choose how to live it. Knowing you're homophobic and racist, I won't let your beliefs get in the way, so I will forever choose Leo to be my husband, and work honestly with Unnerve and the other dragon chiefs. You can however, choose to be part of my family in the future" Ken told Tai as Leo walked over to him.

"Heh... We may have lost here but it's just a momentary setback, and I can't wait to beat the shit out of you when I catch up" Tai managed to say before passing out and demega evolving.

Leo and Ken revert back to their normal forms as they sit down to rest from their encounter. They looked into each other's eyes and kissed each other.

"We did it... Now the rest just falls on Nocturne and Unnerve" Ken released a big sigh of relief.

"Hmph... Nocturne may be able to do his job but Unnerve will have trouble with the dragonite... But I believe that he will get through it, even if it's tough" Ken huffed as he clutched where his chest was hit earlier.

"By the way... You did mention about me becoming your future husband right? Leo chuckled and smirked at him.

"You must have heard something else, I never said that" Ken blushed as he started denying what he said earlier.

"You cannot hide it, not from me Ken" Leo said, shaking his head as he smiled, making Ken panic.

"I hope that Nocturne and the rest made it safely" Ken managed to turn the topic towards a different concern.

Leo shrugged as he then pushed Ken onto his back and kissed him.


Nocturne kept climbing the stairs, and had managed to beat a number of pokemorphs on their way. They would have used the elevators themselves but Governor Jalorda seemed to have had it disabled the moment they were discovered.

"I'm almost there, we're coming for you, Governor Jalorda..." Nocturne thought as they climbed to the next floor.

Hypno's Hypnosis Reign Chapter 7

I have been asked to give names to the pokemon by the guy asking me to write this. I know it's a bit late but this is the list of names that he had thought of for each character. I apologize if this sudden name change gives confusion to anyone reading...

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Unraveling His Persona: Kabuso's Lucky Catch

The fall... Yes... Morgana remembered it... He was Falling... And falling... And falling... He was about to plummet to his death... That's right... He had fallen off the plane and foolishly died a death that he couldn't prevent... Maybe he wouldn't be...

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Tammy

Anon made his way over towards the throne room, passing by several empty rooms, no doubt intended for more of her minions once she had possessed more villagers. He came upon a library, dressing room, a ball room, a paint gallery, all sorts of...

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