The Farmers Secret

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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The Farmer's Secret

By: Cimmaron Spirit

**Disclaimer! This is only for those 18 or older, if it legal where you are, and only for those who like anthro-furry sex, so, if you don't, stop reading now! I can't be held responsible for your decision. You have been warned! **

Jake stumbled into his room, dead tired, after a long day working on his Uncle Greg's farm. When he was done school last June, his dad arranged him to go work at this miserable place for the summer, so he couldn't get into trouble, or so his dad said.

"I think he's trying to kill me!" he muttered, pulling off his heavy work boots and taking off his shirt and pants, caked in sweat and dirt, and tossing them into the hamper. He pulled off his socks and boxers, which followed the other clothes into the hamper.

It had been two weeks, and, although he was making a bit of money, plus some new muscle to show off at school in the fall, and he had a tan that would have cost hundreds at a tanning booth, he would have rather been anywhere but here. The work left him dirty and exhausted, and he had aches and sores all over his lithe body, which he gladly would have done without.

He stepped into the shower in the little bathroom that adjoined to his room, and rubbed soap over his body. He grinned a little, watching the soap and water cascade off his bulging biceps and chest, which was starting to hint at a six pack after those long hours of work here, as well as the time spent at the gym at school and the private weight room at his house. At 16 years, he was clearly better looking than any of his other classmates, and so next September, he should be able to get the hottest girl in class, Jessica. She went into puberty early, Jake remembered. While the other girls had flat chests, or starting to develop at 13, Jess had already had tits sticking out, and started to wear bras, although, the days she didn't...

Jake felt his groin heat up, and looked down to see his pitiful member pointing out, and sighed. It was only 4 inches, below normal even. Yeah, his one downfall to getting Jessica would be that she'd laugh at him, then dump him, then tell everyone else. He had managed to hide for this long...

But, his member demanded attention, so he gave it some. He rubbed it down with soap, then began to thrust it in between his hands, until he couldn't hold back, and sprayed his less than stellar load onto the wall he was facing. He sighed again, and finished up. He climbed out of the shower, dried off and slipped into some pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and climbed into bed. He had another long day of work ahead him. And another. And another. Might as well get as much sleep as he can...

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Greg was just stepping out of his shower, finally feeling clean after a long days work. Getting the machines ready for harvest in a few weeks, as well as tossing hay into the loft above the barn and chasing several wayward cattle across the pasture to the south had clearly tired out his helper. But, he still felt great; surprising for his age. Greg was in early 40's, but he didn't have the aches or pains that came with getting older, and he still seemed to be at his peak of performance. His friends who helped out during harvest or building a barn, or something like that, were quietly stunned that, after a few hours of heavy work, he was still going strong, while they were tired and exhausted. Maybe in a few more years he would have to slow down, but not yet.

He threw on a bathrobe after drying himself off, and left the bathroom, walking down the hall, and went through the kitchen until he got to the back door. He looked out, and smiled when he saw his favorite horse, Cheyenne, standing near the fence. The stallion had been his since he got this place twelve years ago, and the two formed a bond that could never have been broken. Of course, the stallion had just appeared one day, but immediately grew attached to the one farmer who feed it, while the others chased it away.

Greg opened the back door and slipped out, careful to not slam the door to wake up Jake (who, he found out, was not a heavy sleeper), and went up to the fence to the stallion.

"Hey boy," he said, brushing his hand along the long golden muzzle of the horse, and through the long, thick, black mane. "How are ya doing tonight?"

The horse nickered, and pushed his head up against Greg's work callused hands of the, and stomped his hoof impatiently.

"A little excited, Cheyenne?" Greg grinned. The stallion merely nodded his head, understanding what the farmer was saying.

"Well then," the farmer said, slipping out of his bath robe, "let's get started..."

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Jake tossed and turned in his bed, as the hot night wore on. He couldn't sleep: that much was for certain. It has hot, and sticky, and, although the bed was soft, he just couldn't sleep. He tired to close his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep. The red digital time keeper showed his failing efforts: 11:34...12:09...12:27...12:48...1:12...

He finally sat up, and decided to get a drink. He knew were Uncle Greg kept his alcohol, so he thought a bottle of vodka or something should put him to sleep. Hell, back home it did; after a couple drinks at a late night party, he was out like a lamp, much to the amusement of his friends. Why wouldn't it work here?

He left his room, and went through the kitchen to the basement stairs, and went down quietly, so he didn't wake the farmer. After he landed on the cold concrete floor, he reached up for the light cord that should have been around here...

"Ah ha!" he said, his fingers touching the rope, which he pulled on. The dark basement was suddenly blazing with light, and Jake let go of the rope, and made his way toward the far cupboard, where the booze was.

He rummaged through the bottles, before finding some vodka, which he grabbed. He quickly left, turning off the light and taking the stairs two at a time, until he was back on the ground floor. He was just turning back toward his room when he stopped, and dropped the bottle, which, fortunately, didn't break.

Looking out through the window in the back door, he could see two horses, one on top of the other. The bottom one, he could tell, was Cheyenne, the famer's personal steed. But the one on top, riding the stallion was...another stallion? Jake got closer so he could see, and he gasped when he saw that the golden haired equine was being impaled in the ass by a well hung horse, which was just as tall as the other horse, but was red with white spots, as well as a red mane and tail. But Jake had never seen that horse before.

He rubbed his eyes, hoping it was an illusion. But, no, Cheyenne was being screwed by another horse. And the bottom stallion had his massive dick out of his sheath, and it was long, hard and throbbing, bouncing against the owner's muscular body. Jake could feel his tiny dick get hard at the sight, but ignored it.

Jake was drawn toward the scene being played out in front of him; as his mind was screaming 'Don't get near the gay horses!' but he couldn't help himself. It was a beautiful display of raw power... and he wanted it. That power: whatever it took.

But when he opened the back door, the two stopped. The top stallion looked over to see Jake standing in the open door. Cheyenne seemed to be in the throes of ecstasy, and was disappointed that the horse ridding him wasn't finishing the job. He whinnied out loud, and the other stallion answered with a soothing nicker, and dismounted the gold stallion, and moved toward the young boy.

Jake moved back, and gasped as the stallion seemed to shift before his eyes. The chest seemed to grow upward, pushing the head and neck up as well. The growing chest began to lose its fur, being replaced by well browned, tanned skin. The muzzle retreated back into the face, as the tall, pointy ears moved down. His nose and mouth reformed and the eyes realigned, making his face appear to be human. The chest bulged out on either side, and within moments, two long, muscular arms appeared.

"Uncle Greg?" Jake asked, stunned. His uncle could shape shift into a horse man?

The centaur laughed, reaching toward Jake, pulling him closer. "Yeah, it's me."

"B...b...but..." stammered Jake, his mind still trying to wrap around what was happening.

"Just relax, Jake," his uncle said. "Do you want this power?"

Jake, thinking back to the big dick being thrust in and out of Cheyenne, the massive muscles, the male musk that filled the air, found himself nodding. Uncle Greg grinned, and then pulled Jake toward the pen he had been screwing his horse, and the young teen followed.

Greg, his massive member still erect, turned to face Jake. "Alright, I need you to strip down," he commanded. Jake didn't complain, and quickly pulled off his PJ bottoms and t-shirt, but was reluctant to pull off his boxers. He really didn't want to show his uncle his small manhood.

"All of it," Uncle Greg commanded, and Jake sighed and pulled off his boxers, revealing his four inch penis standing at attention.

Greg looked down. "I'm guessing you want a bigger package, dontcha?" Jake blushed and nodded.

The centaur grinned. "Well, I'll help with that. See my dick?"

Jake looked between his uncles back legs to see the massive member, which must have been nearly 2 feet of horse flesh, with splotches of pink and black and crisscrossed by bulging veins, drooling pre cum, behind which was a sac that must have held basketball sized nuts. Jake whimpered, hoping he wasn't going to get what he thought he was...

"Good. I want you to start sucking it," his uncle commanded again. Jake's mind, lost in the haze caused by the strong musk of his uncle and the golden stallion standing nearby, agreed, and he shuffled between his front legs to position himself in front of the massive cannon between his centaur-uncle's legs, and began to lick at the pre dripping off the cock, causing Greg to shiver at the feeling. "Keep going!"

Jake obliged, and kept licking, and began to rub down the member, hoping to get his uncle's magical seed as soon as he could. He wanted to be stronger, faster... bigger.

Cheyenne, seeing that he was being left out, climbed up behind Greg, and began to lick at the tail hole of the centaur, as his own 16 inches got hard again. Greg moaned, feeling his nephew and his stallion pleasure him. Man, he thought, I haven't felt this way in years..."

Cheyenne then mounted Greg, pushing his tip into the tight hole, and began to push in and out, the stallion's animal instincts taking over. He began nipping at Greg's long red hair, making Greg shiver in lust and ecstasy. Jake knew that it wouldn't be to long before his uncle had to cum, so redoubled his efforts, licking the entire flat cock head as it flared, while his hands massaged and rubbed, feeling the medial ring and all the veins, as Greg's cock began leaking pre at an ever increasing rate. Not much longer...

Greg groaned, and whinnied out loud, as his massive member shuddered and unleashed, spewing out what seemed to be gallons of cum all over Jake, coving his head, chest, stomach and legs. Greg was felling light headed as he cummed, and then Cheyenne let out another load whinny, as he deposited his load deep inside the centaur.

Jake, after being doused with his uncles cum, slipped out from other the half man-half horse, just before Greg collapsed onto the ground, Cheyenne still deep inside him.

And then it started.

Jake collapsed to the ground, his entire body wracked in pain and pleasure. Greg smiled as his nephew's transformation began.

His nails grew longer, and then began to pull his fingers on his hands and his toes on his feet together, turning them into black hooves. Brown and white fur began to cover his body, as his bones began to pop and snap into the new positions required to be a quadruped. His face began to stretch out, his nose flaring into nostrils while his teeth began to shift, and his mouth got bigger. His neck grew longer, and his ears repositioned themselves on top of his head, growing taller and pointier. A tail grew out of his backbone, as his black hair grew longer and moved down his neck.

Jake stumbled up onto his feet, and looked down to see his manhood grow bigger and bigger, and his sac balloon out, and a protective sheath grew around his new cock base.

The new stallion panted, and looked toward his uncle, who was still smiling. "I hope you like it," he said, moving toward his new nephew stallion, who nickered and whinnied at his new look.

"You really like it, don't cha?" asked his uncle, and the brown and whit stallion nodded.

"Then why don't you show me?" Greg turned to show of his rump, Cheyenne's gunk dripping out. Jake took the invitation, and mounted his uncle, his new 20 inch member gladly showing his love to his uncle. He pushed the cock head into the already stretched hole, stretching it further. Cheyenne, seeing the new stallion tail hole, took it upon himself to take away Jake's virginity, and mounted the paint stallion. Jake began to pile drive in and out of his centaur uncle, until soon his new cock couldn't handle it, and he poured his massive amount of cum into his uncle, who came again with the feeling, followed close behind by Cheyenne, who pumped Jake's rump full of hot, sticky horse seed.

They continued into the early morning hours, during which Jake was taught how to transform from horse to centaur to bipedal and several other combinations of horse and man. And, with his new status as a literal "were-horse" were two gifts for his human form: muscles that would make a body builder proud, and a new set of junk between his legs, over 12 inches long, with testicles the size of small oranges.

Of course, now when he did get Jessica, she would be turned into a horse-human hybrid like himself and his uncle, as well every other person, male or female, his newfound bisexuality was used on...not that they would mind...


A New Life

**A New Life** By: Cimmaron Spirit - 2010 \*\*DISCLAIMER: You should know by now: those less than 18, and those who don't like massive furry "organs" on anthropomorphic animals, turn away. Otherwise, enjoy!...

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**Unexpected** By: Cimmaron Spirit - 2010 \*\*DISCLAIMER: You should know by now: those less than 18, and those who don't like massive furry "organs" on anthropomorphic animals, turn away. Otherwise, enjoy!...

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