Pred8R - Welcome to the family

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#2 of Pred8R

A lonely army wife find herself alone during the holidays for the first time. A chance spam message leads her down the path to infidelity and changes her life forever.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Melody had always been a good and faithful wife, she had never strayed, never even entertained an inappropriate thought about anyone other than her husband. Even after the birth of their daughter Emily, Melody remained the ever devoted and loving partner. At least until she wasn't.

It all happened so fast, Emily had suddenly sprung up out of nowhere and was already looking at moving out of home and going away to a university on the other side of the country. Ethan, Melody's husband and Emilie's father, was off on the other side of the world serving his country, leaving Melody alone for the holidays for the first time in decades.

Byran, Melody's father-in-law had offered for her to come spend the holidays with him and his wife, but she hadn't wanted to intrude. Truth be told, the older big grey wolf was just very intimidating even when her husband was around, so the doe wouldn't feel very comfortable being there on her own without even Emily around to be a buffer. At least Byran seemed to have a soft spot for his only grandchild, if nothing else.

Melody had always gotten the feeling that Ethan's father had not approved of their marriage from the start, after all, it was not very becoming for a wolf with such a proud lineage of serving their country to bed a "lesser" species. Byran hadn't said it out loud of course, but she could see it in his eyes, the way the old wolf looked at her. He was polite and courteous of course, but only as much as he was forced to be.

With a sigh, Melody sat and watched television with a glass of wine, having already finished cleaning her small house. Having completed all her other chores in the morning, there was nothing else left to occupy her time now she was alone. She hadn't realized just how empty her life would be once her daughter left for university; moving from state to state every couple of years whenever Ethan changed bases meant she never really had any close friends to call on and spend time with either. As the days wore on and got ever closer to Christmas, the loneliness began to become unbearable. Melody was a real people's person, a very bubbly and lively sort; she loved nothing more than to talk the hind leg off a donkey. Perhaps that was where it all went wrong, the combination of her growing loneliness, the need for company...and her growing and unmet desires began to bubble and boil beneath the surface. At first, she could hold them at bay with just her fingers, but soon enough she required mechanical assistance. Her magic wand worked well enough, for a while at least, but it wasn't the same as being beneath her husband. The feeling of his hot breath on her neck, his claws scratching along her side as he sunk his teeth into her shoulder. She missed his touch, his smell, no...she craved them. They drove her wild, perhaps that was what had drawn the cervine to the handsome grey wolf from the start. He had a natural woodsy scent about him, something raw and natural that was almost like catnip to the doe. He just had to work up a slight sweat and walk past her to get her in the mood, something he did fairly often enough that it was a miracle they only had one child so far.

Unfortunately, his return was still months away, leaving Melody to fear she might be so desperate he'd return home to finding the furniture wrecked from her grinding herself on every available corner and surface she could find. The thought made her laugh out loud, shaking her head before she exhaled slowly and looked herself over in the full-length mirror on the inside of her cupboard door.

Even for her age, she looked alright, she supposed. Her hips were perhaps a little wide, but she had good strong thighs still from her college days of playing soccer. Her tummy had a slight bump to it now after having had a child, but she'd been working on it and her abdominals were starting to show through. Her breasts had not shrunk down as much as she'd have liked after giving birth either, leaving her with a decent handful of soft pliable cream-colored flesh capped with small and rather cute little nipples. Her ass always disappointed her, she felt it wasn't that cute apple bottom shape she so desired, despite Ethan scoffing at her suggestion it was anything but perfect. She supposed he must be telling the truth, especially considering how he'd often scoop a palmful of her posterior with a little groping squeeze every time he walked past her in her short silky sleep shorts. She loved the heart shape her white spots made along her tawny furred back, the point ending just above the base of her cute spade of a tail. But most of all, she loved her heterochromatic eyes, one blue and the other green. They should've been a genetic impossibility for her considering her parents eyes were both normal and there was no record of any past relative having such a curious combination.

Flopping back onto her bed with an exasperated sigh, Melody puffed a breath up to flip her auburn fringe back out of her eyes; her long hair a tousled mess in need of a touch up. Thoughts of Ethan began to stir in her mind as she held one of his still dirty shirts she'd not bothered to wash since he left, it still had his scent on it as she held it over her snout like a chloroform-soaked rag. Her eyes closing as she pictured her handsome husband, shirtless and sweaty as he stalked toward her. Her right hand began to caress down over her belly, working lower and lower until she touched the waistband of her panties. Slipping beneath, she quickly found her throbbing little clit and began to rub in slow circles, making herself groan passionately. Already she could feel a nice hard cum starting to build, fingers moving faster and faster beneath the thin material of her underwear, until...nothing.

"Goddammit!" Melody groaned in frustration as her mobile chimed with a message notification, shattering her little fantasy at the worst possible moment. Worst of all, it was a spam message advertising some sort of dating app. The doe huffed and tossed her phone onto her bed as she stomped angrily into her bathroom to take a shower, no longer in the mood to Jill off despite feeling frustrated at not having managed to reach climax.

Hours later and suitably calmed down again, Melody sat staring at her television, half watching some reality tv drama about a bunch of supermodel looking furs on a remote island. It had only caught her eye as one of the contestants happened to look a bit like Ethan, but annoyingly the cameras seemed to focus more on the heaving bosoms of the airheaded women more than the hunky wolf. With an annoyed sigh she turned her television off, against her better judgement, she was feeling lonely enough to actually accept her father-in-law's invitation. At least it would be something to occupy her time with, perhaps she could even somehow win him over with some sort of Christmas miracle! As if, Melody laughed to herself, Byran was such a Grinch she was sure he probably snuck around his neighborhood and stole all the kids presents from under their trees.

When she unlocked her phone, she saw there was still an unread message from earlier. Curiosity got the better of her, opening it up to find it was an advertisement not for just a dating app, but something far more curious. As she read the little blurb, something in the back of her mind clicked. They promised absolute anonymity and safety for their users. They did full background checks and no one with a record of any serious crimes was allowed on the service, users were able to rate and review other members as well so it was easy to weed out any unwelcome problems. Reading through a few testimonials only put further doubts in the doe's mind, the fact that most of them were written by verified women using the service and how they raved about the benefits. Some even admitting they were married but using this service had revitalized their sexlife, the majority claiming to be even more fulfilled because of it. But...could she really do something like this though? She loved Ethan with all her heart, she could never betray him like that. But then, it was just sex, there was no emotional attachment. It was just to scratch an itch, just this one time. No one would know beside her, so she wouldn't even have to hide it really.

Throughout the night Melody kept picking up her phone and looking at the message, reading it and some of the reviews again and again. The more she read, the more her resistance began to crumble, aided by a couple more glasses of wine. By 1am the next morning, she had given in and created a profile, which now sat in a queue waiting to be processed and approved. With her head spinning and her mobile switching off from running out of battery, the doe passed out face first and partially clothed on her bed with all her lights still on. Her dreams were scattered and fragmented, brief glimpses of past events and future occurrences which had not happened yet. She would begin in her husband's arms as he kissed her passionately, caressing her body and holding her close. But every time as he began to enter her and she tried to look back at him, his face was cast in shadow. The arms about her were no longer Ethan's, they belonged to some stranger. A stranger whom bit and scratched at her, held her tightly as he roughly fucked her until she was screaming for mercy.

Melody awoke with a throbbing head and a dry mouth, her head still spinning a little as she tried to move. Slipping her hand from between her thighs, she raised her slick fingers before her blurry eyes and watched as the light danced along her slick dew kissed digits. She could feel the wet crotch of her panties damn near soaked through clinging to her every crevice below, goddamn was she ever this aroused by her dreams. Rolling over with a yawn, the doe plugged her phone in to charge before finally climbing out of bed, noticing sun was already streaming in through the windows. Making her way to the kitchen first to put a pot of coffee on before returning to have a hot shower and get dressed. By the time she was finally sipping her coffee and drying her long auburn locks, her mobile had charged enough for her to switch it back on. As soon as it got signal, a message pinged obnoxiously loud, almost startling the still half-asleep doe.

She had been approved for the service and was now free to browse through the profiles as she liked. In truth, she had actually forgotten she'd even signed up for this. While she scrolled through the profiles and some of their revealing photo's, Melody began feeling and thinking things a faithful and married woman shouldn't be thinking and feeling. The guilt was starting to catch up with the needy whisper and demands from her crotch, telling her to stop what she was doing and delete the app before it was too late. But it was already too late, she had seen him.

A grey wolf, or at least part of a grey wolf. He'd not shown his face, but what he had shown her was...was something that she had been sorely lacking for a long time. Reading through his profile, he sounded a bit arrogant, but that wasn't off-putting for her as she wasn't looking to date him. Melody just really wanted him for his body, or at least part of his body. The more she read of his biography however, it began to trigger flashbacks from her dream last night, things he said he enjoyed doing to his partners. He liked biting and scratching, being rough and fucking them until they begged for mercy.

Melody gasped, suddenly finding her hand down inside her shorts as she idly rubbed at herself while reading. When the hell had that happened? She returned to reading the wolf's biography, gasping and panting as she touched and rubbed herself with growing fervor, until finally she came with a loud squeal. At least she still had the mental capacity to bury her face into a couch cushion when she did so, otherwise the sounds she made would surely have caused her neighbors to call the MPs to come do a house check on her.

The rest of the afternoon and into the start of her evening was spent agonizing over whether or not she should go through with contacting the wolf. But the longer she stared at his pictures and read his bio, the more she wanted to go through with it. Ultimately, her growing need to be bred by a big strong wolf won out in the end and Melody sent a greeting template message to the wolf, as per the applications requirements. Men were not allowed to initiate contact, only once a woman had contacted them were they able to communicate. She had seen the wolf was online recently, but that didn't mean he was still online or that he would even respond to her.

To her surprise however, a response came back fairly quickly. The wolf had looked her profile over and was interested, after exchanging a few more messages, she could tell he was very blunt and to the point. At least she knew where she stood with the anonymous wolf, from the outset he was very forthcoming with what he wanted and would do, should she agree to a meeting with him. While some of his demands were not what she normally enjoyed, the manner in which he told her, not asked her, that he would do these things to her added a bit of excitement she hadn't expected to feel. Again she could feel herself damn near soaking through her panties and she had only exchanged a dozen or so messages with this wolf, she could see why he had a five star rating from his previous encounters. She didn't even know what he even really looked like or sounded like and already he had her fantasizing about him.


It was Christmas day, a day when families celebrated the joy of giving and being together. But instead, this year Melody found herself in a seedy motel, wearing nothing but a long trench coat and high heels as "Mr. Wolf" had commanded her to. She was to enter room thirteen, get up onto the bed on her hands and knees to wait for him while wearing nothing but her heels and a blindfold. The previous days leading up to their meeting, he had worked her up into an eager mess, telling her all the nasty things he was going to do to her. Goddamn he knew her so well, but how? Every little thing he told her was like he'd plucked it straight from her dreams and he constantly had her needing to change her soaked underwear.

Melody gave a start when she heard a key slide into the lock of the rooms door before it opened and closed a moment later, once more being locked behind whomever had joined her. Only once the person was in the room did she realize how silly she'd been, this could be any number of people whom could expose her and what she was doing!

"M...Mister Wolf?" the doe asked nervously, not sure if she was more afraid of it actually being him or someone else right then. The person simply grunted in the affirmative, it was the wolf. She didn't need to see him to know he was looking her over, she could feel his eyes caressing every bare inch of her, it was both embarrassing and exhilarating like nothing she'd ever felt before. Being subjected to a complete strangers unhindered gaze as they took all of her in. "Aah!" Melody gasped when a rough large paw cupped right between her thighs and groped her right across her mound, his strong fingers rubbing at the front of her groin while his thick thumb rested under her tail. He was strong, easily lifting her hips with just one hand to move and position her as he wished.

Slowly the wolf began to rub at her, insistently and without pause. Again, she didn't need to see his face to know the bastard was smirking at the sudden dampness growing against his palm while all he did was touch her like this. Melody wanted to hate this, wanted it not to feel so damn good and exciting. She wanted that so much that tears began to form at the corners of her eyes as she grit her teeth and clenched her fists, but it was pointless. Goddammit, he made her so wet, her hips were already rolling back against his touch and her cheeks bursting into crimson as she caught the faint amused puff of breath from the wolf's nose at her response.

His touch finally relented from between her thighs, the sound of clothing being removed was heard behind her before a weight climbed up onto the bed in front of her. Slick fingers gripped over her muzzle and nose as he clamped down, briefly stopping her from breathing when he pinched her nose shut while holding her jaw closed at the same time. When he finally relented, she understood why. The first gasp of breath she took was so heavily scented with her own arousal, she knew the bastard had just wiped her own wetness across her face and muzzle mockingly. It worked too, Melody was suitably cowed by this, her ears drooping as she cowered before the unseen wolf, but he wouldn't let her get away that easily.

The doe felt something hot and heavy slap down against the side of her face, warm slickness being rubbed into her fur as the wolf ground his rigid cock against her cheek. She knew what he wanted, even though her conscience screamed at her not to, she parted her lips and permitted him entry into her warm slick maw willingly. Instead of the pleasured huff like Ethan usually gave when she did this for him, Mr. Wolf made no noise. He didn't need to make a sound or say anything either, again she knew he was grinning smugly as the doe kneeling nude before him so willingly took his cock into her married mouth, she didn't even complain when her gripped her ears roughly before forcing his thick length deep down her throat until his knot was kissed by her soft lips.

She should've been angry at him for doing that to her, shouldn't she? Then why the fuck could she feel herself damn near dripping to the bed below when the large wolf began to fuck her face like he owned it. His cock so girthy that he forced her jaws wide, the thick cumvein along the underside grinding back and forth against her tongue every time he made her kiss his not again and again. His grunts and pants were becoming more labored as his heavy balls started to tuck up against his scrotum, tapping against her chin while he rut her face. Until finally, Melody tasted the warm saltiness of another man's cum for the first time since before she'd married Ethan. Every sensible thought in her told her to spit it out, to at least be ill and beg for forgiveness, but she didn't. The doe swallowed the hot mess like it was ambrosia from the Gods themselves, feeling it burn a trail down her throat to the pit of her belly and igniting the growing embers of her lust into a roaring blaze.

Even as the wolf's climax began to ebb, Melody noted that there was no sign of his cock softening. If anything, he just felt more rigid and harder between her lips when he withdrew to tap his messy length against her nose, wiping himself off on her soft fur before he climbed off of the bed and moved back around behind her. Again, he wasted no time in claiming the doe like he owned her, Melody raising her head to cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain when Mr. Wolf sheathed himself inside her in one firm stroke. Ethan had never stretched her out like this before, nor had he reached so deep inside her. With her tail gripped in a strong hand, the wolf began to buck into her carelessly and hard enough she bounced off his hips with a meaty clap of flesh against flesh. Only to painfully be pulled back by the grip on her tail, all the way down until his thick knot threatened to batter open her castle gates and storm her depths. Suddenly she was glad for the suggestion of meeting somewhere other than either of their houses, the cries and bleats she made as the big wolf fucked her like a cheap whore definitely would've alerted the base MP's and exposed her extra-marital activities. Despite the ache he was giving her married cunt, the doe loved every second of it, even through half a dozen body shaking and mind-wrecking climaxes.

The mattress felt damp beneath her face as she fought to remain conscious after yet another savage climax, her muscles feeling tired and worn out as if she'd just freeclimbed the western face of Mount Kilimanjaro. In a brief moment of clarity, she realized the dampness was a mixture of her tears and drool, the wolf had done exactly as promised, he'd fucked her stupid and he was still hammering at her aching cunt.

" more...mercy..." Melody whimpered, reaching weakly behind herself to try stop the savage assault on her womanhood, even though she knew what that meant. He'd been very explicit in his demands of her, even though she didn't normally do it. Mr. Wolf's hips stopped abruptly with one final clap against her behind, his knot wedged firmly against her opening as he pressed a thumb suggestively under her tail, then a little more insistently when she didn't answer immediately. "'s yours..." the doe responded after swallowing, trying to wet her suddenly dry mouth.

In a stark contrast to the rough pounding he'd given her all afternoon, the way in which Mr. Wolf moved her about to settle her into his lap was almost loving and tender. He sat with his back against the headrest, settling her down in his lap with his cock poking up between her thighs and rubbing against her angry red pouting pussylips; there was no mistaking the doe had been fucked hard and long. Her ears twitched as she thought she heard the wolf fiddling with something in one hand as the other reached down to pry her folds apart and expose the mess he'd left inside her before sinking two thick fingers into her, causing Melody to whimper uncomfortably and squirm in his lap. His retribution was swift, jaws clamping down on her shoulder with a firm bite to make her sit still. Again, his thick fingers began to pump in and out of her aching pussy, every time she whimpered or squirmed, Mr. Wolf just bit down harder until she felt his teeth break her skin and a sudden warmth began to trickle down along the curve of her breast. Melody quickly learned to tolerate and withstand his torture; it would soon prove to be good practice for what he had planned next.

Once Mr. Wolf was satisfied she could handle the pain, he withdrew his fingers from her cunt and instead slipped them back down along her inner thigh and under her tail while his other hand grabbed for something beside them. Melody huffed at the sudden coldness of something being poured down across her folds, the coolness of it soothing her aching slit a little before it met the fingers below, which had begun working back and forth within her to prepare her for what was to come. Mr. Wolf wasn't helping her relax though, he'd warned her he wasn't going to take it easy on her even after she told him she didn't really do this even for her husband, but it was on his list of items she had to agree to regardless.

As much as she disliked his thick fingers under her tail as they twisted and probed deeply while making her slick, she quickly began to miss them when the wolf replaced them with his harder than steel erection. His tapered tip kissed at the little pink indent beneath her tail when he lifted her up high enough; settling her back down on him and letting gravity impale her. Melody tried to hold herself up over him for as long as possible, but she couldn't get a good angle to push up off the wolf. With a pained groan, she began to slip and sink down, feeling every inch of thick wolfmeat beginning to part her reluctant opening, being further betrayed by the slickness denying her any hope of resisting the entry. She imagined the smirk on the wolf's face as he watched the doe struggling to keep herself raised, a futile struggle as he inched up her snug little married asshole. Even more so than before, Melody felt full to the point of being uncomfortable, Mr. Wolf felt twice as big now inside her and she hadn't even met his knot yet. Almost impatiently he grabbed her by the waist and firmly pushed down, sheathing her on his cock with a startled bleat from the doe. He obviously enjoyed her cries; she could feel how hard he was throbbing inside her and the added hot slickness he was depositing deep within the stretched walls of her guts.

Shifting further down on the bed, Mr. Wolf lay back a bit more and pulled her shoulders to his chest while raising her knees high, letting him buck up into her stretched pucker. "N...not so hard..." she whimpered, quickly finding that was the wrong thing to say. Again, her pained words only excited the wolf even more; his strokes up into her becoming more rapid-fire as he bounced the smaller doe in his lap. Melody swallowed hard; she knew what was coming. The last thing on his list, something she now regretted agreeing to. " can't!" she cried out when his thick knot pressed up against her asshole, stretching her painfully wide and feeling like she was going to break. " won't fit!" she pleaded, but he didn't relent. With her knees held raised as they were, she couldn't even sit upright to reach down and try stop him. A white-hot ember burst into a roaring flame within her, when suddenly the pressure against her stretched pucker vanished, being replaced by a curious new feeling. She suddenly felt insanely full, painfully so, but there was a unique pleasure to it as well. The doe began to buck and convulse, to anyone looking on from the outside, she'd almost appear to be having a seizure. To the seasoned wolf, he knew she was experiencing her first ever climax from being tied like this.

"Say cheese!" A familiar voice suddenly said, her blindfold finally being removed and letting in the blinding light of the room, drawing her back to the surface from her climax induced stupor. Melody opened her eyes to see a grey furred arm outstretched, something in their hand. As her eyes began to focus and she realized the wolf was holding a mobile phone out with the camera in selfie mode; her heart froze.

On the screen she saw herself, completely naked with thighs parted to expose her well fucked cunt and a very obvious thick red cock buried under her tail. But it was the person behind her which caused her blood to freeze in her veins, Byran was grinning at the camera from over her shoulder. With an odd sense of detachment, she watched as he attached the picture to a message which read "Told you so, looks like you owe me $200!"

"What's...going on?" Melody tried to speak, feeling like she was about to have a nervous breakdown suddenly.

"Just settling a bet, I told Ethan I'd fuck his wife in the ass by Christmas this year as revenge for him doing the same to mine" Byran chuckled, idly petting along Melody's bare belly almost affectionately.

" planned this?" She wanted to turn about and slap him, but every little move she made tugged that knot locked under her tail, making her legs jerk even though they still felt like jelly.

"Heck yes, when you declined my invitation to spend the holidays with us, I thought I'd lost the bet. Wasn't sure how to get you to come over, but then through some sort of miracle...your profile popped up on my Pred8R app and you actually messaged me first. It was perfect, I knew I had you then" Byran smirked, licking along her shoulder at the spot where he'd bitten hard enough to break the doe's skin.

" said revenge for him doing the same to your wife, that means...." Melody's head was spinning, surely her perfect husband wasn't...he couldn't....

"Of course he did, it's a family tradition. Something I wasn't sure you'd ever be okay with; always thought you were too straightlaced to be any fun. Glad to see I was wrong!" Byran laughed, an honest laugh this time as he leaned over to awkwardly kiss her on the cheek. "First time was after his twenty-first birthday; his mom and I took him to France to celebrate. We got drunk on some fancy wine, then he lost his virginity to Marris. But the sneaky bugger; he plied her with more wine and slipped it up his dear old moms' tailpipe, even tied her too! Takes after his old man!" the wolf laughed heartily, lightly shaking the stunned doe resting atop him in the process. "Of course, I had to teach him a lesson, so I tied him too for the young scamps first time ever."

" him!?" Melody suddenly felt like her entire world was crashing down around her, she apparently didn't know anything about the man whom she'd married, at all.

"Of course, even I've sucked and taken a few dicks in my time. What else do you think bored soldiers get up to all alone out there on the battlefield when there's no fighting. Heck, even some conflicts were resolved that way too, we just don't put it in the history books." Byran scoffed at the doe's apparent lack of knowledge regarding his proud military career. "Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't know it was me. Not like I hid it in my photos on the app either..."

Melody quickly began to realize what a fool she had been as Byran began swiping through his images, pointing out little details she hadn't noticed before. Very clearly someone else had been holding the camera and snapping the pictures of him, at first, she'd assumed he'd just used a tripod. Now she knew it was Ethan's mother whom had been the photographer as she caught glimpses of Marris in the reflections of nearby mirrors or polished surfaces. In the background she could clearly see the very familiar bedroom in Byran's house, he'd even left the photo of himself and his wife smiling on the nightstand, but she had only been focused on the big thick red cock being held aloft in the center of the image. In the picture where he was gripping his erect cock beneath his knot, he still wore his unique black and gold wedding band as well.

"So...Ethan knows about all this?" Melody tentatively asked.

"Heck yes, I sent him the screenshots of our conversations. Where do you think I got all those tips about the stuff you liked in bed?" Byran laughed, giving a suggestive lick to the bite at her shoulder.

"He was okay with this then?" She pressed onward, ignoring the slight mocking note of Byran's laughter.

"Of course he is, he encouraged it actually. You've got nothing to worry about" The old wolf replied, wrapping his arms about her and giving a comforting hug.

"Good...because I want you to fuck me again" Melody politely asked, a sly grin starting to spread across her lips.

"Atta girl! I knew you were more fun than you let on!" Byran cheered, growling playfully as he began to stir his hips beneath her suggestively.