Hired Hand 19

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#24 of Hired Hand

(co-written by Rikika)

Flynn is working hard on the ranch but the others want to make sure he's not working himself too hard. Not being able to stop on his own, Hudson steps in to set the newcomer straight.


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The next day, Flynn was hard at work. The various things that he and TJ collected from the barn could be used to furnish a comfortable area for sex. Honestly he had been thinking about it since the idea first came to him and his time with TJ only fueled his desire to make it a reality. So the rat was up early and wasted no time starting to repair things. He used some other old things he found around the Stables to make some tables that would be sturdy enough to hold up even Marlo's weight. Anything that could make a comfortable item or add to the atmosphere was used and restored. Some things were reinforced so they would be able to withstand some more intense moments of passion.

TJ was surprised to find Flynn up so early. He had gotten up at about the same time as the others but when looking at the rat's bed, it was already empty. It wasn't hard to find Flynn but the pig didn't expect him to be hard at work already, having completely rebuilt various pieces of furniture.

"Already hard at work?" TJ asked a bit teasingly, but the only response he got was a "mhm..." which made him raise his eyebrow, but he figured Flynn just needed a bit of time to finish.

"Well...breakfasts soon, so come over when you finish up." Again the only response was a sound of agreement.

The others were gathered to share breakfast but Flynn was still missing. The space meant for him was vacant and the others began to ask where he was.

"He's still in his workshop," TJ told them.

"Still?" Owain asked.

"Yeah, he was up before the rest of us. Even Marlo," the pig pointed out. "And he's already fixing up stuff. I told him breakfast was almost ready but I guess he's already eaten?"

Gordie paused and sighed, Hudson had told him to keep an eye out for this kind of thing. The wolf had a feeling that Flynn might be the type to get lost in his work.

"I need to go tell Hudson about this..." the guard dog told the others as he got up from the table.

The others nodded and began to eat while the bulldog sought out the wolf. While heading for the ranch house, he passed by the workshop and saw that Flynn was still working hard. Gordie called out to him but the rat was seemingly too absorbed in his work as he didn't even respond. "Hmm..." he muttered before continuing on to the ranch owner's house.

He knocked on the door and Hudson invited him inside. "Something wrong?" the wolf asked, knowing it wasn't usual for Gordie to come in during breakfast time.

"It's about Flynn," the bulldog stated and the other canine nodded, he already had an idea what this was all about. He had a feeling that the rat would be one to get lost in his work. It was good to be passionate about one's work but he feared that Flynn would ignore other aspects. He did give the rat a warning when the workshop was first completed but the rat had clearly forgotten it.

"Is he still working?" Hudson asked. Gordie explained that the rat had been up before anyone else. He had already completed quite a few things. Anyone else would have taken a break by now but Flynn was still hard at work.

Hudson hummed "How does he respond to anyone talking to him?"

"TJ managed to get some non-verbal responses, but when I passed by he didn't seem to register that I called out to him." Hudson sighed as he heard that, it seemed his gut feeling was right.

"Right," the wolf responded, getting up from his chair. "Looks like I'll have to set him straight." He followed the bulldog out to the workshop. He saw the progress that Flynn made. It was impressive and admirable but repairing all of these things so quickly must take a lot of energy. He didn't want the rodent to overwork himself without realizing.

The wolf knocked on the open door of the shop a few times, finally getting Flynn to look up from another table that he was reinforcing. "...O-Oh, hey, Hudson!"

"I see you're hard at work," the wolf observed. "And it all looks high quality too. What's all this for?"

"Oh, I'm making stuff to go into the barn. With all the extra space it's now a great place to fool around in. But I think it would be better if there's some furniture to make it more comfortable," Flynn hastily explained, his hands moving to work even as he spoke.

"I think we all appreciate that, but you seem to have gotten a bit lost in your work...the rest have already finished eating breakfast by now." Hudson pointed out.

"Wh-what do you mean? I just got started..." Flynn asked, a bit confused.

"You've already finished two tables and mostly fixed up a couch, I think you got more than enough work done." With that as his conclusion Hudson got over to the rat and physically removed him from his tool.

"W-wait...I just need to get this done." Flynn pleaded.

"You are taking a break and getting some breakfast, that's an order." Hudson said with a stern tone of voice.

"Okay..." Flynn relented, finally leaving his projects behind.

"Sorry for being so harsh but it won't do you any good to work yourself like this. You need to take breaks and especially get something to eat," the wolf recommended.

Flynn nodded and headed off to the Stables. Marlo was still waiting for him and presented the rat with the breakfast that was made for him. He was a bit downcast to be away from his work but that quickly changed after taking the first bite of the highland bull's cooking.

"Wow! This is good!" Flynn exclaimed. He soon forgot about his project for the time being and he took the time to eat and savor the meal.

"The others missed you at breakfast," Marlo told him.

Flynn thought about it and realized that he did miss out on that usual experience of sharing breakfast with the others.

"I...I guess I did lose track of time when working..." He chuckled a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright," the bull assured. "Just try not to forget about us," he teased. When Flynn finished eating Marlo took care of the cleaning, leaving the rat to get back to work.

Having done what Hudson asked of him, Flynn felt that he could pick up where he left off. His mind was still stuck on making a great interior for the barn. After finishing the table, he went on to refurbish the couch. He went the extra mile to patch up any tears, cleaning away the dust and making the whole thing seem like new again, it took him quite some time, he was a lot better with mechanics than crafts.

"Oh! These will work perfectly!" he had spied some old cots that he decided to keep. He unfolded and began to clean them up. Between the tables and couch, he was sure that the pair of cots would be the perfect thing to put the area all together. As usual, the rodent took the time to carefully clean and furbish the both of them. From his perspective it only took a few minutes to repair them but when he looked up from the completed project he saw Hudson standing there with his arms crossed.

"The work period ended an hour ago," the wolf told him.

"Oh...it did?" the rat asked. He was sure that it only took him a few minutes to complete the tasks.

"Gordie told me he came by to let you know, but you didn't respond to him," Hudson said.

"Gordie came by?" Flynn asked. He couldn't recall the bulldog stopping by recently, let alone telling him about the time. "I didn't see or hear him..."

"That's what I was afraid of," Hudson sighed. "You've got a lot of talent, Flynn but you seem to get intensely immersed in your work to the point you tune out everything else. We all appreciate what you do, but creating and fixing things isn't the only thing you're meant to do here."

"Hmm..." Flynn pondered. When he was still a part of the crew, fixing things up was the only thing he ever focused on. It especially helped when Vincent got sick, taking his mind off of things so the worry wouldn't drive him crazy. The crew let him work on things for as long as he wanted, and sometimes Flynn would keep it up throughout an entire night and pretty much crash afterwards.

He wasn't used to this new kind of schedule yet. And when getting in the zone, everything else would fade away into the background. Sometimes he would miss meals and keep at it despite already spending hours towards a project. But now he had to keep track of other things like breakfast, the time of day, and even the others on the ranch that might be trying to talk to him.

"I think I understand..." Flynn admitted. "Sorry, I was just so eager to make this for the others. But... I'm finished anyways."

"And you've done a lot in just one day." Hudson pointed out. He did look impressed but his expression hardened a bit. "There's also no need to get things done as fast as possible. You should spread projects out across a few days. We don't haste things here, you can take all the time you need."

"I'll keep that in mind," Flynn said. He honestly did feel a bit tired, stretching and groaning to shake off the stiffness in his body. "And thank you. I guess I just let everything else slip away."

"It's an adjustment. You'll get used to it in time," Hudson understood. "Now. How about I help you get all of this in the barn?"

"Really?" the rat asked, perking up.

"Well, you went through all this trouble and I don't think you can carry that couch on your own," the wolf chuckled. Flynn gave an awkward chuckle, blushing a bit. He was still used to working on his own and would have resorted to dragging the couch across the ranch by himself.

Working together, the wolf and rat brought the furniture to the barn, setting them up one by one to create a comfortable and inviting area. Hudson couldn't help but be impressed by the table's sturdiness and the state of the old couch. It was like new again, missing the many tears that it used to have. It was placed in the corner and with the cots put in place they had a nice area set up with plenty of options for fun.

"Hmm, wait here..." the wolf said. It took him a few minutes but he returned with some extra things. Some cushions and pillows that were stored in a closet. He also brought some extra towels for obvious reasons that were placed on one of the tables. But what really caught the mechanic's attention were the string lights that would provide some warm lighting. Flynn was thrilled to set them up and he marveled at the finished product.

"It's perfect!" he summarized, standing before the completed project with Hudson.

"Well, it certainly looks the part," the wolf said. "But looks alone can't really gauge its effectiveness. I think we need a test run..."

Flynn heard a certain tone in the wolf's voice and gulped. "Y-you mean..?"

"If you're willing. I'd figured you'd want to enjoy the fruits of your own labor," the wolf suggested.

"Y-yeah!" the rat agreed with a sudden enthusiasm. This surprised Hudson but he just chuckled. It seemed the usually soft-spoken rat was rather eager when it came to getting intimate. "Hmm, I think we should try out the couch first." He spent the most time on fixing up the couch and he wanted to experience the payoff from all that time and effort.

"Fine by me," Hudson agreed, being led to it. Already things were going well. The couch itself had plenty of space but it was also comfortable. The both of them sighed a bit as they eased back and let themselves sink into the softness.

"Feels good, but I know how it can feel even better..." the older male reached over, placing his hand on the rat's thigh. He traced up the shorts until his hand rested on the rodent's crotch.

Flynn was already shivering from the gentle rubs that were rousing his length from the sheath. Just from feeling the other male becoming erect, Hudson was getting excited as well. He used his other hand to tease himself. It didn't take long for the two of them to tent their clothes, making their own arousal apparent.

After about a minute, Flynn couldn't stand any more of it. He began to pull his shorts down, exposing himself to the other male.

"Didn't think you would be so eager. Guess I better keep up," the wolf said with amusement. He did the same, exposing his own canine endowment. Flynn couldn't help but be awed by the sight, seeing that Hudson was packing quite the size on him, especially when took notice of the knot that ended the length.

Hudson gave some praise of his own, admiring the younger male's length and his plump orbs. "Good thing we're not having a contest," he teased, reaching over to carefully grip the rat's erection. He was getting a good feel for it while hearing Flynn react with gasps and small groans. All of a sudden, Hudson grunted from the rat's hand doing the same to him. He didn't expect the touch and traces of Flynn's fingers but he certainly wasn't going to complain about it.

"This is..." Flynn said, his body shuddering from the building excitement of being touched while he was touching someone else. He got a better hold on the wolf's rod, properly wrapping his fingers around the girth. The both of them began to gently stroke each other, slipping their fingers up and down.

"Easy now," Hudson encouraged when feeling Flynn's hand moving a bit fast. The rat's excitement was clear enough to see apart from feeling it. Flynn nodded and slowed his pace to match the canine's, understanding that they were building things up gradually.

"See. Sometimes it pays to just slow down and enjoy the journey..." Hudson encouraged, letting out a low moan. His cock began to pulse and leaked a bit of precum against the rat's fingers. Just feeling it was enough to get him to do the same, wetting the wolf's moving digits as well.

"Now, just a bit more..." Hudson directed. He led by example, stroking the younger male's erection a bit faster. Keeping pace with him, the rat did the same, moving his hand up and down Hudson's cock with a firmer grip.

The both of them moaned together, sharing the pleasure that the other gave them. Flynn took deep and steady breaths to keep himself in line. Hudson continued to talk him through it, making sure that the both of them were on the same page.

"Keep it steady. Just a bit faster now..." he showed the way again and Flynn followed suit moaning out from his length starting to get warm and wet from his own precum.

Hudson smiled from the younger male's enjoyment. He wanted to not only share pleasure with the rodent but it would also provide a lesson. It seemed that Flynn preferred things to be done quickly. But there was more to life than being efficient, especially when it came to things like this.

Flynn couldn't help but moan and squirm from what he felt. Usually when things were heating up he would pick up the pace and get himself to a strong climax. But the controlled speed allowed him to feel that same pleasure gradually building to that point. It felt better than he expected, growing stronger with every continued stroke that Hudson's warm hand gave to him.

"Even more now..." the wolf said, jerking his hand up and down at a pace that would be considered "regular." A steady up and down that was getting the rodent to pant and shiver from this new kind of sensation. He did the same to Hudson and was rewarded with the canine's husky moans and grunts.

"Now you're starting to get it. Why rush to the end when you can enjoy the ride?" the wolf asked before moaning out. His hand was wet with the rat's fluids and yet he still controlled its movements, going up to the tip and back down to the base at the established rhythm. He could feel the rodent's arousal building in the form of stronger pulses and even more precum leaking out.

The both of them were starting to get close, especially after they managed to keep it up for a solid minute. Even Hudson couldn't hold back the signs of his enjoyment, thrusting softly against the rodent's moving hand.

"Hey, what about keeping the pace?" Flynn asked with a teasing tone.

"Sorry," the wolf chuckled. "It's hard to keep control when you're getting to that point..."

"So that means we can..." the rat eluded.

"Go ahead, let it all go," the canine encouraged. He counted down and the both of them began to jerk each other with speed, moaning and grunting as they felt the sudden increase of pleasure. Flynn was already awaiting the climax that would come from this. Just from the building feeling he could tell that it would be larger than usual. While basking in the growing sensation, Flynn made sure to keep his own hand pumping up and down with added speed, feeling Hudson's tool throbbing hard against his fingers.

"Rrrph..!" Hudson groaned deeply, tilting his head back from his orgasm. The feeling overtook his body but he kept jerking Flynn at the same time, feeling the younger male getting close as well. The rodent soon cried out as reached that point as well, shooting ropes of seed onto his shirt. The both of them continued to stroke each other until their climaxes ended. As they came down from the intense feeling, the both of them noticed the mess they made. Getting their shirts wet from ropes of expelled seed. They both chuckled and took their shirts off, leaving them in just their shorts.

"Think you can last another round?" the wolf asked, feeling his shaft still twitching. Flynn nodded and shared a smirk of excitement. This time he took the lead, easing up from the couch and heading for the first table. He hummed in thought before climbing onto the table, pulling down his shorts to expose his backside.

"How about this?" the rodent asked.

"I think I can manage," Hudson said, getting up from the couch. He took off the rest of his clothes before approaching, having his sights on the rodent's rump. Flynn being on the table made him the perfect height, requiring the wolf to bend down just a bit.

A small sound came from Flynn when he felt the hands on his backside. He was spread and his tailhole was exposed for the older male. Hudson eased himself in close and tenderly pressed his muzzle to the soft rim.

Keeping up with the theme, Hudson began to slowly lap over the sensitive entrance. His tongue flicked at a controlled pace that really let Flynn feel the warmth and the stimulating texture of the long, pink muscle.

"Mmm..." the rat moaned, finding it hard to not enjoy the feelings that came from each lick. The wet length slid along and smeared the even warmer saliva over the ring. Hudson worked steadily to prepare the rat's backside, and when it seemed ready he focused his tongue on the opening, carefully easing it inside.

"Oohh..." the rat reacted, now having the pink thing sliding in. It was keeping up its slow rolls that slathered more saliva along the soft walls. They reacted to the persistent touching, squeezing down on the tongue as it reached in even further, finding spots that made the rat jump and moan even louder than before. Hudson licked more intensity but still kept his methods slow enough for the other male to savor. That tongue's warmth and texture made it impossible for Flynn to keep himself still, reacting to more and more of his tailhole being prepared.

Hudson carefully rimmed the rat until he felt that he was ready, leaving Flynn's tailhole slick with his saliva upon pulling the tongue free completely. The hole was left to wink with added need and Flynn let out a needy moan for more.

"Don't worry," Hudson assured, standing up to his full height. "I have just what you need."

He helped turn the rat around on the table. Flynn was on his back and Hudson took hold of his legs, keeping them lifted as he finally lined up with the soft hole. He asked if the rodent was ready and upon getting confirmation he made the first push that filled the soft hole.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," the wolf said with a teasing tone of voice. He felt the snug hole wrapped around his length already squeezing but he resisted the urge to start pounding into it.

Hudson started out slow with this as well, gently moving his lower half in a way that carefully eased his cock along the soft walls. He grunted from the warmth and tightness while Flynn was already moaning out, clearly enjoying the steady rocking of the hard flesh through his tender insides.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, giving Flynn a wink. The rat blushed but nodded. He couldn't help himself; Hudson's length moved back and forth in a constant, steady manner that allowed him to feel every inch moving along. He was also able to feel the tip touching his prostate and the rest of the inches smoothly gliding over it, forcing him to react with a louder moan and squirm.

The pace was increased a bit and Flynn was reacting immediately, groaning as the strength of each thrust had increased. The force was just enough to rock his body along the table and the tip was reaching in a bit deeper, touching those sensitive spots that lay further inside. Hudson was making more noise as well, reacting to the added pleasure that came from humping a bit faster.

"I didn't think it would feel this good..." Flynn admitted.

"You should try the 'slow and steady' way more often," the wolf recommended, breaking the pace to make a sudden stronger thrust. Flynn couldn't help but cry out, feeling the sudden surge of those feelings.

Hudson rocked his hips in an even manner, keeping his shaft pushing back and forth. As the sex between them drew out he gradually increased the pace, sometimes giving an unexpected thrust to keep Flynn on his toes. The rat was loving all the contact and pleasure he received. It was evident not only by the growing intensity of his moans but also the mess of precum that had leaked from his tip over the session's duration. Finally, Hudson reached that point where he allowed himself to really start thrusting away without restraint. He and Flynn were able to enjoy that gradual buildup that would soon pay off with another strong climax.

"You've been taking me well..." Hudson commented. Through it all the rodent remained tight around his length and his hole continued to respond with soft squeezes that had milked plenty of precum out of the wolf.

"I have some experience, mostly with bottoming..." the rat revealed. He knew how to be on the receiving end but he was capable of topping someone else if the situation called for it, but was less experienced in doing so, his former partners had been mostly tops and he had been too shy to ask, even if he liked doing both.

"If you can last one more round we can trade places," the ranch owner offered.

"I think that can be arranged," Flynn agreed, groaning and panting from the approach of his climax. He was close and wouldn't last much more, especially with the way Hudson thrust into him. His shaft slid in so easily and would make contact with his prostate each and every time. It was safe to assume that the wolf was doing this on purpose. Either way, it was working and upon the next thrust he was shooting another round of loads just before the wolf snarled and unloaded his own second climax inside of the clenching tailhole. The both of them shared a strong orgasm that came from building up the pleasure over time.

Hudson held onto Flynn, the both of them took some time to wind down. Flynn was still hard and knew that this would be his last round. Hudson had a little more within him as well, and made good on his word. He helped Flynn clean up with a towel before they moved on to a cot. Hudson climbed onto it and commented on how comfortable it was. He then invited Flynn to approach by curling his finger towards himself.

Flynn approached and climbed onto the cot as well. There was enough room for them both and he got into a similar position to before. By guiding with his hands and words, the rat got them in the missionary position with him on top.

"Remember what I said," Hudson advised him and the rodent nodded. His cock was lined up to the wolf's hole and he made a small and careful push that eased the tip inside.

"T-there we go..." the wolf groaned as he penetrated, feeling the bit of discomfort quickly melt away into pleasure. Flynn carefully fed in his inches until all of it was stuffed inside of him. Keeping the two of them close, he lifted his arms and wrapped them around the softly panting rat.

After some time to adjust, Flynn began to move. Taking all that happened into account, he applied more awareness when starting to thrust in and out of the canine's tailhole. He would usually start slow like this but would soon speed up when the hole felt a bit looser. But this time he would keep at it and increase the speed by just a bit.

"That's it... Just like that..." Hudson complimented, letting out a deep and long moan as pleasure began to flood through him. It wasn't often that he offered his hole but he always enjoyed the feeling that came from another male filling him completely. And it was even better when that same shaft was moving along, massaging his walls and producing waves of pleasure that kept him moaning.

"So tight...and warm too..." Flynn muttered, enjoying the feeling of Hudson's tailhole. Keeping a steady pace allowed me to really get a good feel for it, especially when the squeezes came. They worked to milk out the last bit of precum that he had left. It provided added warmth and slickness that helped when he went just a bit faster.

Moaning out together and talking to each other through it, Flynn was carefully humping the inviting passage, reaching a little deeper from the increasing force and being treated to stronger squeezes that came from stimulating the prostate. He was able to feel it all getting more intense over time and that produced an added thrill on top of it all. Taking a page from the wolf, Flynn would make an occasional thrust that came with added force and speed, something that caused the older male to huff and moan out.

"Alright, you can go wild now," the wolf said. He braced himself and was met with a sudden deep thrust from the eager rat. Flynn used the given permission to thrust away with newfound speed and might, getting the both of them all the closer to their climaxes until neither of them could hold back any longer. They cried out at about the same time. Hudson snarled as he unloaded the rest of his balls' contents onto his own pelt, panting hard from the intense bliss that washed over him. Flynn followed right after, shooting the last of his seed inside of the wolf, moaning aloud as well from the third strong climax.

Since they were already on the cot, the two settled down by laying close and cuddling. The pair shared their afterglow, humming in complete satisfaction.

Hudson sighed in delight "See? Taking things nice and slowly can be even more enjoyable than rushing to finish things." the wolf teased.

"Yeah I think I get it now...I'm sorry for all the worry I caused all of you today because I was hyper focused." Flynn apologized.

"It's alright, you are still adjusting, but until you can get it under control yourself I want you to bring me a schedule each day after breakfast about what you plan to do that day with an estimate of how long each thing will take for me to approve." Hudson stipulated. "If you think you can stick to such a schedule, that is?"the wolf asked with a bit of a teasing tone.

Flynn blushed a little "Y-yeah...I think that could work..." if he set his mind to only do the things he had planned he should be able to stop himself, but he would still try to not zone out too much.

"Also don't be shy to ask to top more, you are pretty good at it actually." Hudson encouraged, figuring the rat was also into topping given how passionate he had been rutting him.

"Plenty of us guys don't mind putting out." The wolf teased and Flynn blushed intensely. "I-I'll keep that in mind."

He and Hudson got cleaned up and called the others to see the new section of the barn, revealing its use. The others were thrilled and thanked the rat for his hard work.

"I can't believe that you did all this," Storm praised. "Don't be afraid to ask for some help next time."

"I'll keep that in mind," Flynn responded. He realized that he didn't have to work on these projects alone either.

"So what's your next project?" Ryan asked.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna wind down tomorrow. Hudson offered me to work with Danny. I think some simpler tasks will be a good change," Flynn responded.

"Sounds good. Can't have you getting burnt out already," Riley chuckled.

While the others went to enjoy the barn's new state, Flynn returned to the Stables. He all but collapsed when returning to his bed. Between fixing all that stuff in one day and having his fun with Hudson, he was exhausted. Flynn figured that he could take a small nap before dinner. After missing breakfast with the others there was no way he would let himself miss that too...