Trying Something New

Story by WolfTales on SoFurry

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#2 of Library View

Chapter 2

Crossing through the long bathroom, he raised his hand and knocked on the other door. After a few seconds he heard rustling and foot paws shuffling against the floor. He heard the deadbolt slide open and, as the knob turned, a Dalmatian wearing only a pair of baggy sleeping shorts, one ear dropped oddly and rubbing his eyes against the light came into view.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think about the time, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Nah, it's just the light, don't worry about it. What is it Nathan?"

"Actually I need your help." Suspicion crossed through the watery blue eyes.

"We've lived together for half a year, and besides introductions the only thing you've ever knocked on my door about was the fur in the shower. What could I possibly help you with?" He cringed at the words, knowing they were all too true, but he thought he saw some regret on the Fur's face at his reaction.

"Look, Alan, I know I haven't been the best suitemate, but I was raised in Lizard community. They aren't very accepting of... well anyone else."

"So I've heard." The distain in his voice was clear.

There was a strong silence before he felt comfortable enough to continue. "I'm taking this class on Fur History, and I remember that you're a History buff so..."

"You want my help with your homework?" A low growl emitted from the Dalmatian's throat, but Nathan straightened, holding his ground.

"I have to write a report on Fur Tribal Affairs and I was wondering if you might be able to help me find information." The Dog's ears twitched and lowered in anger at the agitated level in his voice. Taking a breath, he tried to calm himself before starting again. "Let's just say I've had a change of heart and I wanted to try and use this to get another view on things."

Alan's ears went straight up, a sign that Nathan knew as surprise. But suspicion was still strong in the K9's features. "Why? What caused this change of... heart?"

Thinking back to the library he let a half smile crack his maw. "Believe it or not, a girl."

"So your focus is Squirrel Tribes?" Alan had already skimmed through all five of the books he had checked out. "That'll make it a little harder, but not as much as your choice in books. You're looking in the wrong section."

Nathan let out and exasperated breath. "Go figure. What is it with Furs and documenting things?" There was a strong, awkward silence. "Sorry. I'm..." He sighed again.

"Hey, it's ok. It'll take some time to deprogram your brain from what you've been taught. Think of it this way, have you ever had a bad experience with a Fur?"

He thought long and hard about high school, his only real interaction with Furs before college. "Before college I never really interacted with them at all. They were scared to death of the community, even though they lived in it. I thought they were weak, but I guess it would make sense."

"There's step one. Trying to relate, even just a little. Putting yourself in their paws." There seemed a note of almost pride in his voice and it seemed to resonate through Nathan as well. "So what about now, in college?"

"Besides the fur in the shower?" He smiled, letting Alan know he was joking. "I've had two professors try to fail me, only on the ground that I don't have fur." His anger seemed to dull the pride and humor of the previous moments.

"Ok, which teachers?"

"Stasher, the old Weasel, and Ramer."

"Stasher tried to fail everyone. The dropout rate for his class is 50%. Ramer doesn't usually fail people without reason, can you remember anything specific?"

"Yeah, that was last semester right before my counselor... Oh." That was the class that he had turned in the rather racist essays. He felt the skin on his cheeks warm a little from embarrassment. "Ok, I guess that one I kind of edged her on."

"Had a feeling. So is that it?"

Nathan thought for a few minutes. "Yeah, I mean, I pretty much keep to myself and my studies."

"Alright, what you need to do is not focus so much on what you were taught, but your experience with Furs. Maybe when you're walking, say hi or ask someone for direction, see how they respond to you. Now every race has their bad-apples, but don't let that one soil the whole lot. As for your report, I suggest looking in the Folk Lore section, rather than History."

"How will that help with a historical report?"

"Furs find different things important than Reptiles, stories being one of them. A lot of Fur Folk Lore is based on history, and it's pretty easy to tell them apart if you know what to look for. If you want, I can help you. You do the looking and find the books and I'll help you tell fact from fiction. Sound good?" He held out his paw with a genuine smile across his muzzle.

Nathan looked at it for a long moment before he reached his own hand up and grasped him in a hand shake. "Deal!" He tried to hide his surprise at the warmth in the Dalmatian's paw. It was the first time he had touched a Fur in anything but anger; he had forgotten that they were warm blooded.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then. Just knock on my door when you get in."

"Thanks, Alan." He blinked at him for a moment before smiling again and, tipping an imaginary hat, headed back through the bathroom.

He couldn't help but smile. It had been a long time since he'd even had a long conversation with anyone, his parents often too busy to stay on the phone more than just a few minutes. He wondered if working on this research together would make him and Alan friends. To his surprise, the thought was warming. He hadn't thought about it, but he didn't really have any friends at the school. In fact, all he ever did was eat, sleep and study. When had his life become so boring?

What was he even going to school for? After this semester he would be done with his gen-ed requirements, what was he going to do then? He sighed again and threw himself on his bed. Hitting the light on the nightstand he decided to think about that tomorrow after some sleep and then some research. With that thought, he let his mind slip back to the library. Though his eyes were closed, he smiled at the thought of seeing his inspiration again. Maybe it should have been weird, maybe it was, but there had been a time when little more than loin cloths were worn. The image of her red and white fur, cover by only a small piece of leather was his last as he fell into happy dreams.

Waking close to mid morning, he dressed in a hurry and started looking through his cupboards for something to eat. Setting a plate down on the counter, he spotted it, sitting there almost as if daring him. His meal-plan card. He had never used it; there must be a tone of money on it. Glancing at the bathroom door, he thought about what Alan had said. Putting the plate away and grabbing the card he scooped his stuff up, locking the door behind him.

His ears were ringing slightly at all the nose. There were Furs and Reptiles everywhere, tables packed with too many people, windowsills' covered in backpacks and some people actually sitting on them. Several tables near the door were looking at him strangely; he realized he had simply been standing there staring. Digging his card out of his pocket, he made his way through the sea of tables and bodies to the food counters. They had a lot more choices than he'd thought.

Grabbing some pizza and a drink he made for the counter and swiped his card. Leaving the line, he stopped in his tracks again. There wasn't an empty table in site. Looking in every direction, he finally saw a small four chaired table that was being emptied. He weaved and hopped over backpacks, trying to reach it before someone else spotted it. A sudden jerk and only his fast reflexes kept his drink from spilling on more than just his shoe.

"Oh, crap! I'm so sorry!" Turning slightly he saw a short orange tabby cat, eyes wide in horror, staring at him. His first reaction was anger, but both his hands being occupied, all he could do was fume. Seeming not to notice, the girl turned back to the table she had risen from and grabbed some napkins. "Here, I'm terribly sorry. It didn't stain anything did it? Oh, I'm so sorry, let me buy you another drink." He blinked several times, shocked by her willingness.

"N-no that's ok. Thanks though." She met his eyes, concerned.

"Are you sure? It really was my fault, please."

"No, not that much of it spilled. Thanks for the napkins." Her eyes were still apologetic as she smiled and started to move around him in the direction she had intended to go before bumping him. He surprised himself further by smiling back. Not a forced smile; one that just crept up on him. Turning away from her as she moved easily through the crowd, he found the table he had been making for was being filled. His mood dropped, but he was still far from angry.

Finding and empty spot on the windowsill, he managed to make a table out of his lap, securing his backpack behind his legs, and watched the room as he ate. There was lots of laughing and several other people bumping into others, almost taking a few to the ground. It was hard for him to hear anything specific, but the mood of the room was altogether infectious. Actually watching furs, instead of sneering and looking away, gave him a much better view.

As he was leaving, he made a point of smiling at everyone who met his eyes. Some turned away, most smiled back, and one, a tall, slender chocolate lab, bat her eyelashes and he saw her look him up and down before giving him an alluring smile. He smiled to himself, shaking his head as he went through the double doors and into the afternoon air.

It seemed his feet couldn't take him to the library fast enough. He almost tripped over himself and a loose brick before he finally made it to the doors.

"Hello, Mrs. ... uh.."

The black tabby from the night before smiled and his skin redden. "It's alright. My names Grater, but please, honey, call me Karen. I don't need any help feeling old."

"Alright Karen," he held out his hand. "I'm Nathan." She looked at him curiously, but smiled and shook his hand. "I was wondering if there was anyone in the library who specialized in Squirrels. Preferably the tribal years."

"Hmm," she pursed her black lips and tapped them with a slender finger. "I actually don't think so. David did, but he felt the university last semester, very unexpected. We haven't have time to find anyone else to fill the department yet."

"There's a department for it?" He couldn't keep the surprise from his voice.

"We try to keep a small department for ever species if we can, but it's getting harder and harder every year." He looked down at the backpack he's set on the counter. "I'm sorry honey."

"It's alright." He met her eyes again, hardly deterred. "Is there anyone who can help me find the section on fur folk lore?"

"Ah! Now that I can help you with." Picking up the phone sitting closest to her, she rang back into the main office. "Can you send Gary out; there is a student who needs help finding the fur folk lore section. Thanks Penny." She hung up the phone and smile at him again. "He'll be out in just a minute. Go ahead and wait."

"Thanks, Karen." Turning he walked to a nearby ring of chairs and waited. When a figure came into the corner of his vision, clearly looking at him, he turned and made to rise, but froze half way through the motion. "Y-you're Gary?!"

"Yeah," the tall blue Lizard smiled down at him. "You must be the guy looking for the folk lore, right?" He could only nod slowly. "Well, grab your stuff and I'll show you the way." With an unsure sigh, he hauled himself the rest of the way out of the chair and off at the other Lizard's quick pace.

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