The Longest Night... - Draconic Nightmare Moon TF

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Marking this as Mature for safety - whilst there's nothing adult about it, some of the descriptions may sound a little sexually charged X'DA lovely Christmas gift from my bro , featuring Petra turning into a draconic version of Nightmare Moon. And yes, there will probably be a sequel down the line which I'll write which'll involve Furi's character becoming a draconic version of Daybreaker :P Enjoy, and thanks again!My Little Pony (C) Hasbro/E OneStory (C) Synixthedragon, uploaded with permission

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"So, you're suuure I'm not about to disappear into the aether when this is all over with, right?"

If anyone was around to hear the conversation the naked lady was having in her own back garden, they'd likely quickly question the sanity of the silver haired woman that lived there. Perta herself had wondered the same thing when she first started hearing the dark and sultry voice inside her mind. Over the past half a year though, she'd quickly grown to like the companionship when hardship after hardship was piled upon her life.

"Positively," the voice responded, a slightly tired edge to its tone as it repeated its assurances again like a broken record, "as we hast already said, thine mind will become one with ours. Thine art most likely to be the dominant part due to how diminished our own energy is."

She sighed and looked up to the night sky, calm and clear on the Winter Solstice. Petra's gaze instantly locked upon the full moon, as if seeing its true magic and splendour for the first time. Time seemed to dilate as she lost herself in its beauty, her breathing coming slower and longer as every moment stretched out into infinity until all was still.

Perfect serenity, the moon, the voice, and Petra were one.

The moment passed, and the calmness gave way to a storm of emotion. Petra threw her head back and let loose a maniacal laugh that sang the maelstrom of feelings inside her as her pupils pulled into slits. Her laugh exclaimed liberation, lust, power, desire, and everything between. Her moment had come and she was going to enjoy this.

A slight itching sensation coming from her hands captured her attention. Bringing them into view, her smile grew yet wider as she saw her nails darkening and hardening, wrapping around to coat a new bone that was growing out of her digits, forming wicked sickle like black claws that gleamed like obsidian in the moonlight.

Her once nailbeds darkened and cracked, her skin splitting apart into individual plates as it also darkened to a shimmering black, harder than diamonds and far prettier to the eyes.

Scales, she thought as they continued their march up her arms _ my scales._

Beneath her new armoured hide, her muscles bulged with inhuman power, her fingers grew slightly thicker and longer although they retained a feminine slenderness to them as they became more worthy to be called talons. Her arms followed a similar style, supernatural strength in a curvaceous, sexy form.

A distant memory from the voice told her this wasn't how she used to look, but she hardly cared, this was better, prettier, and far more powerful!

Aaaaaaand now I'm sounding like my sister. she shook her head in feigned defeat as the changes met up at her torso and began a march downward.

Her upper back was quickly consumed by the uniform wave of midnight black armour as her front was sprouting dark grey scutes in contrast. Her modest bust expanding a couple of sizes in proportion to her body naturally growing taller, anything privat tucked away behind nigh impenetrable charcoal bands. Her waist pinched in ever-so-slightly as her hips cracked wider, while she always has a mild hourglass figure, now it was fair more pronounced. Her rump pushed out a couple of sizes just like her breasts as anything that didn't need to be seen by anyone but the most intimate of partners was consumed by scales and scutes.

"Yessssss," Petra hissed out between slightly pointed teeth, "more, give me more!" her body responding to her cries with matching waves of pleasure and lust beyond just base carnal desires; a goddess like herself had no need of such things. All she needed was her intoxicating power and maybe a few dozen or so worshipers to corrupt and control.

A pushing sensation manifested in her rear as something from within made its struggle to get out known, her coccyx beginning to have purpose once again after millenia of evolution deemed it redundant. Her tailbone popped and cracked as the bands of fused bone began to break apart and grow once again, each crunch of separation and new growth like miniature fireworks in Petra's pleasure centres as a new draconic tail began to push out. Her hips cracked wider yet again as they aligned into a more avian or reptilian configuration, designed for a smooth transition from underbelly to tail over the more... inferior design that primates adopted.

Her tail continued to push out as her mind began to warp like her body, already a desire to assert her godly might on inferior beings and bend them to her will pushed into her psyche, both mind and body stepping further and further from her former mammalian identity. Each step towards a more perfect form had her eyes rolling in ecstasy, her lengthening tongue lolling out of her mouth as her tail reached its full length with a resounding crack. A torrent of release smashing through Petra's system, almost like the distilled essence of a full morning stretch had been injected directly into her nervous system.

"Ha.. ha... soooo, gooooood~" she panted and moaned as her form writhed. Thighs now bulging with muscle and fat as her scales swept downward onto her legs, a perfect blend of feminine beauty and beastial might. Another series of cracks split the night like a new year fireworks display as her legs shifted further into draconic perfection; shins growing shorter as her feet stretched longer, balance shifting to the balls of her feet as her body adopted a digitigrade stance. Flesh ran together under the shimmer of scales as bones collided and fused like celestial objects, Petra's toe count being reduced from five to three as they grew longer and thicker, forming draconic hind paws that were soon tipped with the matching talons, bursting out like six individual climaxes.

"Yes... almost..." words started to fail her as her changes neared completion, two more spots of pressure similar to the one that created her tail formed on her shoulder blades, More new bone began to grow outwards, pulling Petra's scaly hide taut until it gave way and began to flow along, a second set of arms pulling free of Petra's back along with the best upper body stretch she'd ever had.

Slowly, these hands too started to mutate, fingers growing longer and thinner as a thick, leathery membrane filled in between the digits, a deep midnight blue contrasting her black scales. Even Petra's endorphin-drunk mind could easily tell what they were.

"Wingssssss~" she drew the 's' out into a lustful hiss as they grew to their full size; easily twenty foot long tip-to-tip, her body now standing at a towering fifteen foot tall with only her head being human.

"Finish me!" Petra cried out to the moon, no longer caring who might hear her, her voice deepening slightly into the same dark yet seductive voice she'd heard in her head for the past few months as the scales made their final movement upwards. "Make me complete!"

Almost as if the magic was waiting for that moment, the black scales swallowed up her entire head in one final burst. Her nose sank into her face as her jaw began to push forward into an almost beak-like draconic snout. Her teeth growing longer, sharper and more numerous to match her new maw as her tongue finished its own growth and split at the tip.

Her ears felt like someone was tugging on them as they started to grow as well, growing into points as they angled backwards along Petra's skull. Her hair began to grow longer and yet somehow more ethereal as its colour shifted from silver to a luminous blue as it grew out into a nebulous mane of night and stars.

Only a few more tweaks now and she would be perfect her subconscious thought amidst the haze of pleasure that clouded her mind. Four final little pulses of pressure manifested on her skull as two pairs of magnificent charcoal horns burst forth, the upper pair growing larger than the lower as they curved back in an 's' shape, each one sporting a deep spiral grove running up its length. Her eyes grew larger as they pushed to the sides of her draconic head, the scales on their lids shifting to a dark purple as the very finishing touches manifested themselves. A final tsunami of euphoria cascaded through Petra's form as her eye slitted and shifted to a bright turquoise while a darker shade flooded her sclera while a dark purple cloud with a turquoise crescent moon appeared on both of her flanks finalising her changes as she roared to the heavens.

Petra didn't know how long she lay on the ground basking in the afterglow of her changes, just that it wasn't long enough. However, she had things that needed to be done.

Standing up to her full height, she took in her new form fully for the first time. From the ebony black of her scales, the blue nebula that was her mane, her leith yet sexy build, the size of her wings, all the way down to the tips of her tail and talons.

Yes, she was perfect. She was the dragoness of the night, mistress of all lust, and the chill of the darkest nightmare... Yes... Nightmare Moon, that is what she was called.

She looked up at the full moon once again, drinking in its splendour and beauty, it was almost as perfect as she was.

Sadly, she couldn't linger in the moment, no, she had to make herself scarce for now. No doubt her...enthusiasm for her changes, had attracted attention. She couldn't allow herself to be in the public eye too soon; while powerful, she couldn't fight the entire world alone. Nightmare needed to bide her time, secure a following in secret, and find out who had the seal needed to release her sister on the longest day...