Dusty Tracks - Part 3 - The Horse

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#3 of Dusty Tracks

Charlotte has ridden out to the desert with Nate and has an important question to ask him, but she is worried if she will have enough confidence to ask.

This story has been a labor of love to get this out to you all over the last couple of years, so I hope you enjoy it! It features a lot of breast growth, heat, horniness, and all that fun stuff!

Please leave comments if you enjoyed the story or even if you didn't enjoy it! I always love hearing from readers!

Dusty Tracks

Part 3 - The Horse

By Corvis

"Hey, do you want a drink? I packed some of the good stuff, even better than I usually bring," the horse interrupted the pregnant silence.

Nate produced a surprisingly large bottle of wine from his pack along with two delicate glasses. She had expected some manly drink like whiskey. The wine surprised her. The bottle had a bunch of fancy-looking writing that Charlotte couldn't read at the distance she was sitting. The bottle shimmered in the waning light in Nate's large hands.

Charlotte took a glass from him against her better judgment. She didn't drink, even socially. Nate settled back down on his side of the fire. Examining the glass in her hands she sniffed it inquisitively. Her whole muzzle furrowed, it smelled like grapes and disinfectant, like most wines did to her. Even pulling the glass away wasn't enough to save her from the scent so strong that it made her whiskers twitch.

Nate laughed at her reaction. The fire's light flickered across the curves of the glass and the red wine within.

"To..." the horse looked towards Charlotte.

She was taken aback at the gesture, unsure what to say.

"To trying new things," she said hesitantly.

"To trying new things," the horse repeated and smiled as he knocked back the entire glass, letting out a refreshing "ahhh!" at the end as he licked his lips. "I love the floral notes at the end," he added, setting down his glass.

Charlotte always marveled at how easily others could down drinks. If she was in, she was going to go all in. What was drinking a little fruity disinfectant compared to what she had already pushed herself to do? Attempting to match Nate's fortitude she gulped the entire thing down in one go. She immediately knew she had made a mistake. The liquid seared her throat and threatened to dig new nasal cavities through her nose. Trying to put on a brave face, she wasn't totally sure that she hadn't just been poisoned.

"Hey now, are you ok?" Nate said with concern, getting up off his log. Gasping for air Charlotte waved him off, despite her face being on fire.

"You don't need to take it all down like that you know," the horse cracked wise, sitting back down on his log.

"Oh crap!" Charlotte finally managed to choke out. If the stuff had a taste it was masked by the intense burning sensation still stinging her throat.

"Take it you don't imbibe much," Nate smiled.

Charlotte could only nod, swallowing dryly. The alcohol had sucked all the moisture out of her mouth.

"Hey I could use some help tending the fire, can you see if you can find some sticks about yay big," the horse put his fingers about a foot apart. Charlotte was happy to oblige, anything to distract her from the stinging sensation coating her esophagus. She set about unearthing some half-buried limbs sticking out of the soil. The light began to fade fast making her work more difficult. Moving around was helping ease the pain in her rear but she couldn't help but wince every time it sporadically flared.

After nearly half an hour of searching, she dumped her meager findings in a pile near the small fire. She was starting to feel unbalanced from the alcohol. Sitting tiredly back on the log she saw that Nate had been organizing the campsite in her absence. Pots and pans lined the fire along with bundles of twine-wrapped food that she assumed was their dinner. Nate was busy retrieving something from the elk, it was getting too dark to see properly. He returned to the log circle with thick two bundles under his arms and with a quick whip uncurled what looked like sleeping pads near the fire.

"Good job! Hard to find even that much out here," the horse said admiring the sad pile of sticks she had produced.

"Come on over," Nate offered, gesturing to the large sideways log he sat on. With a pained huff, she got up and sat next to the horse, putting a respectable distance between them. It had been quite the day. She looked at the fire for a time before looking back over at Nate. To her surprise, he was staring at her. Nate quickly looked away as soon as she noticed him looking.

"It's my boob- breasts isn't it..." she stumbled over the words, having rarely referenced her breasts out loud. The horse had already had his hands all over them, seen them flopping around in the desert but talking about them felt..odd. She looked down at her protruding melons, held back by the skimpy bra and the plaid shirt.

"No, no it's not that. I know what it's like to be suddenly big and full of...well amorous feelings let's say," Nate looked back at her knowingly. The horse took off his hat to reveal the top of his silver-colored mane. "This all happened to you yesterday?"

"Y-Yeah, all at once, I couldn't stop it. I wanted to but I didn't...want to either." Charlotte admitted.

"It was the same for me. I stopped taking my rut pills when I was eighteen. In less than a month I had a third leg growing out of me. It was always there, reminding me of what I was, what everybody expected from me. No matter what you want to do or be, after that point you don't have many opportunities left," the horse gestured at the obscene bulge of his pants that Charlotte had tried to avoid staring at all day. "To be honest I do wonder if going off the pills was the right thing to do most every day."

"Nate...I-" she wanted to comfort him but was unsure how. It was awkward trying to comfort such a large horse while she was such a relatively small hare. Shuffling uncomfortably in her seat, her face became flush. Hearing about a boy's...no a man's equipment wasn't something she had ever heard somebody talk about openly. She had never imagined it would be hard on males too. They always seemed so happy to be off the pills.

The horse's gaze turned towards the fire revealing streaks where tears had stained the pronounced cheeks of his long muzzle. Butterflies filled her stomach. The fox's words departing repeated in her head. She was about to do something reckless.

Shaking her head, she tried to clearly tell herself "no". The thought swirling through her mind was pervasive. The wetness between her legs flared up again, growing worse. The heat was practically howling inside of her. The question she wanted to ask the horse was the most precious, unattainable thing. She had already gone so far with Chase and then Darcie and even Nate in the milking pen...it made her feel so many new things. Her body wanted this now as much as her mind did. But she had already gotten so much further than she had expected, did she have to go further? A welling of desire blossomed in her chest, answering her question, she had to see this through.

"I- Nate will you...will you be my first?" Squeaking the last syllable made her whole body shiver in embarrassment. Her paws pulled nervously at her ears as the words issued from her muzzle. There was no taking it back now. The admission of virginity and having requested something so...carnal. Before the ranch she would never have uttered those words, it was either the alcohol or her body talking but she knew that something deeper was changing in her.

Years of built-up stress brought her to the ranch, but she had to find her own courage now. She had to put herself out there and try. Nate knew her pain, maybe even a worse one. A kindred feeling surrounded the horse sitting next to her.

"I'm...honored, but I didn't know...you hadn't- the way you- at the milking station...and how you-" Nate's wet eyes were confused. "I've never been somebody's first..." He was clearly out of his element as she was, it surprised her that somebody with his...experience could be as anxious about the proposal.

"I- with the fox, with Darcie. That was my first time having something else...inside of me," she admitted, her voice lowering to a whisper.

"I don't know why...but I want- I want to do it for real. With you," Charlotte said quietly. Wringing her hands together over her lap she waited for his answer. The question hung in the air. Unlike the rest of her adventures on the ranch, she felt fully in her body. This was her, not an alien or another person taking over her form. She was half-expecting the horse to jump on her and impale her with the same huge drooling tool Chase sported the day before or tell her she was being stupid and leave her stranded in the desert.

"Ok, yes. If you're sure... But I'll try to take it slow. You sure picked a difficult partner for your first time...I mean, have you tried anything this...big?" Nate looked at her with sincerity she rarely saw in people.

"Oh. I umm, I- oh no," she could barely muffle a small sob, he was right she hadn't thought this through.

"No never mind, we'll make it work. If I do anything you aren't comfortable with, tell me, ok?" Nate said quickly, obviously trying to mollify her. The thought was in her mind now, cycling rapidly. Realizing that she knew next to nothing about the act she was about to commit except for videos she regretted searching for on her computer and just as quickly closed out of she shuddered.

The horse scooted closer to her, so close she could smell his musk from the day of riding. Either it was the heat of the fire or being so close to him but she felt incredibly flushed. His hand moved gently over her face and guided her muzzle to meet his. Nervous tears winced from the corners of her eyes. Their mouths met, her whole body vibrating at the touch. Hot air from his large nostrils exhausted across her face. Willing her own mouth open she returned his advances. Pulling away from her, Nate reluctantly broke the kiss. Her body buzzed, fur standing on end. All the exhaustion of the day melted away. The fear in her subsided, she felt...energized, she felt like she could run a full marathon right then and there if Nate had asked her to.

"That wasn't so bad," the horse smiled assuredly. Nate scooted closer, their hips touching through their pants.

"You really are beautiful, you know that?" Nate said, looking her over. It took all her willpower not to cover her bosom with her forearms. Without the protective layers of shirts and parkas she wore in the outside world her tits were jutting out at the horse, daring the horse to fondle them.

"No...I'm nothing special. I mean," Charlotte sputtered.

"Yes, you are, and I don't have to say that because it's my job," Nate smiled, taking a hand and stroking the length of her ears. She had never had anybody do that but her mother. Even with his thick-fingered hands, it made her feel safe. Tensed muscles relaxed beneath her fur, the toned expanse of her stomach unclenching.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of these either, most women would kill for a body like yours," the horse nickered, moving his hands downward and gently hefting and squeezing her breasts, causing her to gasp at the sensation. His hands moved downward, releasing her tits to bounce on her chest while he began tracing a line over her waist like he was measuring her for a dress. Before she knew it his hands were delving between her deep thighs.

"Or this," he said, cupping a strong hand against her easily accessed crotch. She could feel the heat of his hand reflecting her own heat back at her, causing her to wriggle in place. Without thinking she thrust her hips into him, forcing his palm to press against her confined but hugely inflamed labia.

"R-really?" she managed to gasp out moaning, slowly grinding herself against his touch. Before she knew it Nate was kissing her again, his strong right hand began massaging her breasts through the increasingly tight bra. His other hand lifted her short skirt. She only then realized how wet she had become, thick wet strands of her own lubrication were connecting her panties to the skirt's fabric.

Nate began touching her, stroking her, between her legs. Charlotte let out another breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Unwilling to pass out like she had with Chase, she had to see it through. The sensation of his gentle caressing fingers touching her most private parts was exhilarating in the same way Darcie had been, but different too. They were both exciting, but now that she had some experience it only heightened what Nate was doing.

Charlotte placed her paws over Nate's lower hand, pressing him herself insistently, purposely, without hesitation. Her face and ears were ovens radiating heat into the night. Blood pulsed through her body bolstered by the growing flames of the crackling fire.

"Before we go further, I want to tell you why I was a bit weird around you all day. I-I don't know how to say this but I really like you Charlotte. Not just as a job, but like you, like you." The horse's wide palm massaged the mound of her pussy.

"L-Like me? Ahhh!!!" Charlotte couldn't help but moan at the foreplay.

"It's hard to explain. I knew when I first saw you this morning, it's ok if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to let you know before we, you know, do it." Nate huffed, licking her neck to accentuate his final point.

"I likahhh! Like you too." She managed to choke out before the horses' fingers pushed her underwear aside and dipped an exploratory digit deep between her wet labia. Her back arched in pleasure from his penetration. Time dilated wildly. The world spun and reeled around her. The wetness between her legs increased many times over, soaking his digit almost instantly. She wanted Nate, wanted him in a way she had never wanted anybody before.

She didn't know when or how but Nate had managed to unclasp her bra. The twin mountains of flesh poured out of the thin garment, extending to their full unconstrained size in front of her. Either it was the fire light or her own arousal but they looked even bigger, more voluminous. Exposed to the cool desert air her nipples throbbed, her right nipple grazing the horse's arm. A pleasurable shiver cascaded up and down her spine. Her hot ears stood rigidly upright before flopping down across her bare back. The horse's thick finger plucked gingerly at her inner sanctum.

"Nate I...oh god. Oh god," she managed to moan. The horse's touch was driving her crazy. Nate removed his hand from between her legs, bringing a long glistening string of her wetness with it. Her opening was so empty now, she squeaked in dismay at the cold air that filled the void he left.

"You should be proud of your body, it's really...really something else," Nate said with no small part of admiration in his voice. His hands caressed the long curved sides of her now bare tits, smearing her own wetness across her breast's fur in the process. Charlotte's stomach sucked in, the sensation of him holding them like this was entirely different than when she had her bra on. The feeling was maddening and making the ache in her worse. Her nipples danced with electric heat, daring the horse to caress their engorged expanse. Glistening wet beads dripped from their tips, it seemed like they couldn't stop leaking.

"I'm going to try something," Nate huffed. His hand caressed the side of her muzzle, she could smell herself on him, and it was driving her slowly crazy. Charlotte didn't know what to expect but she had trusted him this far... She nodded her head.

Leaning down, Nate began licking and swirling his rubbery lips around her exposed right nipple.

"Wait what are you doingggg-" she moaned before crying out. The feeling of his hot rough tongue on her newly erogenous flesh was too much to take.

Nate's large flat teeth playfully nibbled at her teat. Milk leaked in earnest from both her nipples. Letting out a deep guttural moan, she felt nerves she never knew she had light aflame across her chest. Grasping for a handhold she gripped the back of Nate's head and despite herself, pushed him harder against her breast flesh. She wanted him to drink of her, all of her.

The wetness between her legs soaked her ass cheeks and the small section of the skirt she was still sitting on. Grinding her hips forward, it was all she could to hold onto Nate's mane while the horse sucked and prodded her protruding nipple with his long dexterous tongue. Nipples pulsing, mirroring each other despite the inequity of attention, leaked her sweet-smelling milk like a faucet. If anything the earlier milking session had made her already huge pink nipples even more sensitive and surprisingly erogenous. Did nipples always feel this good or was it just being off the pills? She hardly could think about that now but her pleasure-filled mind tucked the question away for later.

After what seemed like an eternity the horse detached from her engorged nipple, a long wet trail of saliva intermixed with her breast milk trailing in its wake. Charlotte was breathing hard. The butterflies in her stomach had changed, grown, into something else, something more urgent, more primal. Buzzing pleasure coursed through her veins. The desire for him was sharper, more acute than she had ever felt it. The ache was all-encompassing. Bouncing on her chest, her bosom's weight following her hurried breathing.

Nate wasted no time before leaning over her and latched himself onto her neglected left nipple.

"Wait Nate, wait, I need a minaahhh!!!" She cried out in surprise. The lack of attention granted her left nipple a heightened sensitivity. Nate provided it equal treatment as her right, but its girth submerging into his hot mouth produced ten times the sensation. Breasts expressing milk in copious amounts now she didn't know what her production capacity was for the sweet liquid but it seemed like her body was producing enough to ensure a continuous leak from her nubile breasts. It was a different sensation than leaking between her legs, but no less a turn-on.

Nate wasn't satisfied to only make use of her breasts. Snaking a free hand down her shuddering stomach and past the tight waistband of her panties as he pressed his thick fingers against the lightly-furred flesh of her crotch once again.

Holding onto the horse's mane like a life preserver she could only squeak in pleasure. The horse's fingers massaged the lips of her womanhood, more aggressively, with a building urgency. His fingers dancing around her pronounced clit sent jolts of lightning deep into her body. Dizziness began to bubble to the surface again, the endorphins flooding her system making her feel like she may pass out again, despite her promise to herself not to. Toes curling, cascades of pleasure rippled through the tight muscles of her newly voluptuous frame.

Teeth grinding together, unable to hold back pleasured moans that shook her chest, saliva pooled in the corners of her mouth. Her already overworked heart was racing and her shallow breaths were coming faster and faster. There was so much of her now and Nate was paying attention to all of it. Eyelids fluttering, her eyes rolled upwards into her head, head lolling on her shoulders. It was all too much,

"Nyyaa!!! AHH!" She squeaked, an orgasmic shudder forced fluid all over Nate's hand, her inner walls tensing. Panting, squeaking, somehow she pulled herself back from fully letting herself go into the climax, she wasn't sure how or why. The need was so strong now. As if to weaken her already fragile resolve the horse began to press his fingers more insistently against the opening between her legs, spreading her twitching folds, never faltering from his duty lapping and nibbling on her sensitive teats. Switching between her jiggling breasts he made sure very little of her milk made it to the hard dirt below.

The orgasm refusing to be repressed began building again, quicker this time, her body was quickly approaching a fevered pitch. She couldn't hold it back, it was too much. Gaping, gasping, her mouth elicited a series of moaning squeaks. The pleasure built and built. Unable to stop her back from arching in ecstasy her head lurched upward. Her unfocused vision coupled with her suddenly fluttering eyelids gave her a fragmented view of the twinkling stars above.

"Nyaaa uuhnn- I'm ahnn I'm- I'm- AAAAIIIEEEEE!!!" She screamed, unrestrained. The building tension broke and the roar of the orgasm's full pleasure slammed into her. She couldn't breathe. Every nerve in her body was aflame at that moment. Muscles she never knew she had were contracting and releasing inside her. Her sinewy legs kicked powerfully under her, digging trenches into the dry soil. A spray of hot slick fluid pushed past her engorged lower lips re-coating the horse's delving fingers. Waves of euphoria crashed over her. Even in the deep throws of pleasure, she could tell her orgasms were getting more powerful with every successive eruption.

Nate leaned over and kissed her gasping muzzle. Trying to return his affection she could barely control her body until the climax had subsided. Arms wrapping around the strong triangular muscles of his neck she opened her muzzle to him. The taste of her milk on the horse's dexterous tongue, which was as fatty and sweet as it smelled, only elongated the pleasure still rocking her body. Intoxicated by the feeling of his flesh pushed against hers, the orgasm ebbing, their tongues intermingled, she wanted to stay in this moment forever.

"Come on, join me by the fire," Nate said, barely breaking the kiss, between each word. Helping her onto her shaky legs the horse guided their entangled bodies. The heat inside her wasn't satiated yet. She got what being horny felt like now, it was that ache, the thrill of exploration, the passion, all on a knife's edge, ready to explode. Nate's hands moved downward helping her pull down the soaked skirt over her wide hips. Her panties slipped down her legs making her naked butt wiggle. The sopping garment fell to the sandy ground with a wet squelch, the cloth entirely saturated front to back. Kicking the skirt to the side like she had seen Darcie do the night before she pressed herself against Nate. The thrill of being naked against him made her heart beat faster. The heat of the crackling fire felt good against the exposed wet flesh of her heavy breasts and soaked crotch. There was something primal about being naked and horny under the stars, something that felt right.

"Nate I-I want to see you," she tumbled over the words nervously. She wouldn't hide in her ears or look away this time like she had with Chase.

"What? I don't get to just look at your beautiful behind dancin around completely naked?" Nate joked, a wide but caring smile on his face. She snickered, but it did call attention to her absolute nudity. There was nothing to hide behind anymore, not with her new body's proportions. Nate was more methodical at undressing than Chase had been, drawing every moment out, leaving his pants for last. His beautiful spotted black and white fur shone in the firelight. The flickering shadows only accentuated the chiseled musculature of his chest.

Looking at her, he speedily removed his belt and began to wiggle his chaps and canvas pants as one down over his well-defined hips. She only got a glance at his massive dangling stallionhood before his muscled thigh obscured it. Getting the pants over the complex geometry of his thick ankles and hooves seemed physically impossible but he did it so well-practiced and quickly that she hardly realized he was entirely naked for a moment.

"Well...this is all of me," Nate smiled, turning towards her, exposing the full scope of his naked body. They were both clad in only in their fur. Charlotte couldn't take her eyes off the tall athletically built equine.

"Let me get going here. Don't worry they train us to keep ourselves from getting overly excited with clients," Nate neighed. Moving his hands over his penis it jumped and visibly swelled between his legs. Freed from its prison it surged upward and outward with alarming quickness, growing in length by the second. The sheath at the base of his huge penis was dark black to match the immensely heavy-looking pair of nuts that pressed between his legs. They were a good bit larger than Chase's pair and sat higher and tighter in their ebony sac. Charlotte's eyes traced the length of him. The further down his shaft her gaze wandered the more mottled and pink his tool became. The tip of his penis was capped by a flat pink-fleshed dome of muscle with small ridges around its circumference that was growing girthier with every jerk. She had never seen anything like Nate's tool and couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Urhhhnn...I haven't leaked this much in nrghh!! A long time," Nate moaned, smearing the dollops of glistening pre-cum across the domed head of his cock, making it shine by the firelight. Much like her newly flowing milk, the trickle from his gaping urethra was near constant. "You urhnn- are rubbing off on me," he laughed, a surge of lubricant dripping out of his bobbing tool at the admission.

Impossibly, he looked longer between the legs than Chase. His rising member was thicker from its base to its bobbing head as well. Cock swinging like a baseball bat in front of him, he got closer to her. She couldn't take her eyes off his equipment. His immense obsidian balls jostled between his legs, each virile orb jiggling with every movement of his thighs.

Stabilizing his cock with his hands, he got close enough that his cock's flared head hung mere inches below the rise of her breasts. It prodded towards her like a spear, dripping pungent fluid at a rate that competed with her own exertions. If the volume of liquid indicated desire like she was discovering it did with her body, then Nate really did like her, a lot. Heart racing Charlotte balled her fingers into shaking fists held at her sides, unsure what to do with them.

Fear and awe fought with each other at the sight of the horse's huge cock so close to her. Pussy dripping she knew what her body wanted but she didn't know the mechanics of how to start. Her awe at the veined jutting equine tool won out against her uncertainty. Wondering what its heavy flesh and pulsing veins would feel like in her paws, she raised her hands to touch its bobbing length.

"W-wow," was all she could get out. She hadn't forgotten that Nate's penis was intended to go inside of her somehow. Just as she touched the horse's tool twin rivulets of her own slick fluid traced their way down her still-soaked legs. Her labia were so engorged that the rise of her entrance's flesh pushed into her upper thighs. Draping over the sides of her breasts her long ears accentuated her exposed curves. The dense flesh of the horse's penis was pulsing with his powerful heartbeat in her hands, sending shivers of need deep inside of her. Stroking his cock was as if she had touched something electrical, a shock passed through the grasping tips of her fingers into the deepest recesses of her body.

"Ohhhh!!" Nate neighed above her, his head pressing against hers for support, the weight of him staggering her much smaller frame.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," she quickly apologized, withdrawing her paws.

"No- please, it felt good," the horse urged, placing her paws back on his tool just short of its domed head. Gasping, she tried to weigh the sex muscle, it was impossible to tell but it felt heavy as molten lead and twice as hot. Paws grasping his circumference, there was no hope of circumnavigating his entire girth with one hand. Thick pulsing veins traced beneath the surface. It felt stronger and harder than any muscle she had ever touched. Nate's powerful heartbeat was in every pulse of the tool. She was no good at gauging lengths but the tool Nate sported looked well over a foot long and thicker than her wrist. Thrusting the enormous tool between her paws Nate nickered, whips of pre-splattering her long feet. To her surprise it wasn't done growing, surging in size it grew thicker and more rigid in her grip, its flat tip pressing against her stomach like the head of a steel hammer.

"Nrrghh f-ahhh!" Nate whinnied as a large spurt of his pre-cum issued from the tool and splashed across the fur of her stomach. It was hot and slick and she could feel it dripping quickly towards the oven between her own legs, their combined fluids mixing at the entrance of her sex.

"Charlotte, p..please just-" Nate moaned, his composure temporarily broken. His hands madly massaging his long jaw in what she assumed was an attempt to regain some control. She gasped, releasing his cock upon seeing his huge balls tense beneath his cock, each rising slightly before dropping back down.

"Did I do something wrong?" She gasped, unsure what the horse's body was signaling. Nate's turned away from her quickly his hips thrusting the air, a massive dollop of pre spilling from his enormous bobbing penis. The dusty soil soaked up the viscous fluid hungrily. Nate nickered, his head craning upward, his right hoof stomping the ground.

"No! No, please. Just here- just lay down, before I...before- I can't hold it," Nate neighed urgently, his hands grasping and squeezing the base of his penis and jiggling balls. She could tell she needed to follow his instructions quickly. Another spurt of slick pre-cum issued from his straining column, barely missing her before landing across the log she had been sitting on. His rubbery lips were pulled back, teeth exposed and grinding against each other, grunts and nickers issuing from his broad chest.

"Y-yes of course." Charlotte complied with a fast nod. Lowering herself gingerly onto the sleeping pad she could feel the rough dirt through the thin material padded only by her ample ass cheeks. She thanked her new fatty behind for the comfort. Her back wasn't so protected but any minor discomfort hardly mattered at the moment. Laying down her heavy breasts flopped to the sides, affording her a narrow v-shaped valley to view what was happening between her legs. The rise of her engorged mound and clit waited for what came next, leaving her feeling exposed but excited too.

Nate knelt down, straddling her. His softball-sized balls grazed the mattress in the process. Before she knew it he was on top of her, supported by his powerful arms. The heat of him on her fur made her squirm in anticipation. He was going to do it. She wanted to be mated, more than that she realized her body wanted to be bred.

"Nrghh- ready? I'll try to go slow but I'm-" Nate whinnied to the sky before continuing, she could feel a rope of hot lubricant whip across her thigh. "I'm having a hard time controlling myself around you," Nate moaned, licking the side of her face with his long tongue. His muscles flexing and tensing under his white and black fur, she didn't know much about men but even she could tell he was barely holding himself back.

"Yeah-Yeah I...I think so," she gasped. This was crazy. She had never taken anybody before. After seeing his length, the column of his penis nearly reaching his knees, the small rational part of her brain fought through the hormones to tell her there was no way he was going to fit. Having been so enraptured by the prospect of losing her virginity and having an equine's cock be the one to do it she may have gone too far. Now that it came down to it she was having second thoughts. Her body on the other hand was not. Her entrance practically gaped open for him, wetness leaking from her onto the pad at an alarming rate. Even flopped to her sides her breasts rise was almost touching Nate's chest. Her nipples leaked small trails of white down her brown fur. The cool desert air mixed with the fire's warmth, whipping across her prone body. She didn't even shiver, the pounding need coursing through her body wouldn't let her feel anything but heat.

"This nnrghh may feel a bit strange," Nate nickered above her. The smell and heat of him was everywhere. Her long ears filled with white noise.

Charlotte's body tensed expectantly. Then she felt it. The broad tip of his cock was kissing her entrance. It was hot and slick with Nate's pre-cum and easily a match for the oven between her legs. The unyielding flesh was like a fist pressing against her most sensitive area. Eliciting an unintentional squeak from her chest she bit her lip. It was happening!

The horse above her groaned. Nate's penis began to part her outer lips. Her mouth went agape, eyes bulging in their sockets. Fingers and practice toys were incomparable to what was splitting the opening between her legs.

Summoning as much willpower as she could muster she managed to look past her breasts. Between her legs, she saw a column of flesh almost a third the width of her thighs pressing into her. His cock sunk ever inward with a power she was powerless to resist, breaching her inner sanctum, and stretching her open. She imagined this was what it was like to give birth, but backward. Instinctively she spread her legs further apart to give the horse easier access, her hips gyrating on the sleeping mat. It was all she could to not orgasm again all over the horse's partially submerged tip. Her core spasmed at the intruding column of flesh pushing her apart.

"Hrnghh! You're so wet- and tight..." Nate neighed above her, his hips thrusting forward suddenly, impaling her. She had no idea she could take so much nor had she ever tried. Even with her enlargened pussy it was struggling to keep up with Nate's size.

"Wait- Nate that's too much...you're ahh too big- I cahhhh!" her pleading moan interrupted by Nate sinking a few inches of himself into her with another heavy thrust. Everything went white. Her legs kicked uselessly in the air. Fluids squelched around the throbbing column of flesh pressing against her inner folds. There was no way her body was designed to do this. It hurt, pinching needles of discomfort traveling up her newly deepened birth canal. Despite the pain, she came around the horse's dick almost immediately. Bucking against him he pushed even more into her. Crying out in a mix of pleasure and discomfort her pussy tried its best to knead the intruding tool. She was about to cry out for him to stop but the pleasure exploding through her body interrupted her. The thing invading her was making the nerves in her pussy buzz with a fullness she couldn't put into words.

Despite the discomfort, her hips knew instinctively what to do. Her body began gyrating, trying to goad more of him into her and stretch her tight passage wider. Nate complied with a lusty grunt. Several more inches of the horse's hard flesh sank into her. Fingers tearing at the ground she moaned at the sensation of being stretched so wide and so deep. Having never felt anything like it in her life she didn't know if this was normal. The pain subsided into a dull annoyance but the growing pleasure her body was starting to milk from the invasive cock was telling her this was right. She could feel every vein, every pulsing inch of him inside of her.

Just as she thought she had taken most of him Nate pulled himself almost completely out of her and then thrust himself back in at all at once. The world spun. Taut stomach sucking in, twin-thin streams of milk jetted from her breasts, it was all she could do to let out a rapturous moan. Paws grasping and pulling down on her ears she couldn't help but grind back against every urgent thrust from Nate. The horse's gyrations sped up with powerful and insistent purpose. Every thrust emptied more of her mind. Her tits leaked heavily with every new spread of her inner folds. Charlotte was only barely aware that she was issuing a cacophony of lusty squeaks and moans. Yanking her ears downward she lost grip of their sensitive hot length. Hands scraping the ground, desperate for something else to hold onto she shuddered underneath him. Nate's thrusting was only speeding up. Her legs wrapped around Nate's hips for support urging his cock to penetrate her. The wet sloppy sounds of their union added to the cacophony of heavy breathing and her rapidly beating heart.

"Almost to m-medial ring..." Nate grunted atop her, breathing hard like a feral animal. The horse used the opportunity to sink another few inches inside of her with a needful thrust, reaching deeper into her body. No, that wasn't right. How was there more of him? She had taken him all. Her mind was shattered, fragmented. Every gyration of their bodies wiping her thoughts away for them to only gurgle back to the surface in time to be wiped away again. Her pussy was impossibly ravenous, making room for more and more of his throbbing equine meat each time.

"Ahhh!! Nrhh...medial-whaaaa--" she managed to gasp out, her question cut short by the feeling of a blockage at the end of the length sunk into her. She was in such a daze gripping Nate's penis that she hadn't even noticed it. And now the protrusion around Nate's cock's circumference was pressing against her already gaping lower lips. Nate pressed into her with the power of an unstoppable machine. With an audibly wet *schlup* he managed to push it into her already over-stuffed vagina.

"Uhhn- uhhhn uhhhhnnn!!!" was all she could mutter in a daze. The walls of her overfull pussy were prying at the horse's flesh. The pain of his size was gone now. The pleasure erupting from between her legs made her head feel fuzzy just like the milking session but more. Her grasping paws found purchase on her jutting heaving breasts. Moaning in ecstasy she tweaked her sensitive nubs sending fresh wetness to coat her paws and the stallion's ramming cock between her legs.

Her whole body dragged across the ground under the horse's power. Every inch of her felt erogenous and on fire in pleasure, from the tips of her jutting leaking breasts to her large toes. Tears of pleasure leaked from the corners of her eyes. She had never felt anything like it before. So full. She was so full. She wanted...she wanted...

"M-More...more!!! Fa-faster..." She moaned. The heat insisted that she be bred. She needed to be bred.

Acquiescing to her desire Nate whined above her. The final few inches of his length pressed into her, their crotches touching for the first time. It felt like he had reached her belly button she was so completely packed with the length of his hard flesh. Slick hot liquid pressed out between their connection, lubricants mixed into a pungent blend that filled her every breath. Nate extricated a few inches of himself before ramming himself back into her again and again. Now slapping her inner thighs, the horse's pendulous balls made her squeak with every impact. Her long ears half-folded under her head were red-hot.

Doing her best to match the horse's cadence, Charlotte rammed herself onto the equine tool with a wild unpracticed abandon. Tightening her grip on her lactating breasts, Nate's length was swelling, hardening, and flaring inside her. It was too much! She couldn't hold back the cresting wave building inside her. This was the biggest yet. Nate stopped thrusting, his body tightening above her.

"Charlottee, uhhnn...I'm- I'm NEIGGHH!!!" The horse roared. His column tensing inside of her. The head of his cock flared impossibly larger, filling the space around her cervix. Every vein and crevice of him bulged simultaneously.

"I-I AAAAIIEEEEE!!!" She managed to scream. Shuddering in orgasmic pleasure her pussy squeezed itself around the horse's impossibly thick meat, desperately trying to milk his tool with powerful convulsions. Scalding-hot jism filled her pussy in gales. Each rope of hot cum in her already over-full snatch took her to new heights of pleasure previously unknown. Legs kicking rapidly and uselessly in the air, she had no idea cum could feel so good or be so hot. The sticky hot semen filled every crevice of her pussy.

Despite relishing the feeling of the creamy substance filling her there wasn't enough room for both Nate's equinehood and their combined fluids. Dollops of horse cum and her own lubricant squirted out between their interconnected crotches onto the mat. The orgasm felt like it would never end. Nate for his part was pistoning his length inside of her without stopping, sweat pouring from the horse's face. Grabbing the horse's broad muscled back she rode the intense pleasure coursing through her body.

Her instincts told her to milk every drop from him, to be bred. Milk sprayed from her breasts in gales, soaking their pressing chests. Coaxing another powerful gale of seed from his shaft she came again and again. The pain of their initial coupling was entirely gone, replaced by heaving pleasure. Tears pinched their way out of the sides of her eyes. The smallest quietest voice in the back of her head told her that she had finally done it, she had lost her virginity in the storm of ecstasy ripping through her. A powerful thrust of Nate's penis blanked her mind again.

Everything became a blur, time dilating and compressing rapidly around her. She didn't know how or when they had moved or how they had gotten upright. Hoisted aloft, her body entirely wrapped around Nate's torso, dependent on the strong horse's powerful muscles for support. Thighs wrapping around Nate's hips, she couldn't stop grinding against him. Partially supported by the enormous log of meat pistoning in and out of her audibly squelching vagina her sensitive nipples dragged against his chest, their muzzles intertwining.

"Unhhh, c-changing. Full. Big. So ugnnn big!" Moaning, barely able to string two words together, she bucked in his embrace. Her body swelling again. Hips cracking, her ribs jutted slightly outward, compressing her enormous breasts against Nate's milk-soaked chest. Pussy clenching her curving back elongated at least another inch, stretching her insides longer and more accommodating for his still excruciatingly tight length. She didn't know how she knew but could feel her uterus and ovaries becoming more fertile, stretching larger and larger inside her abdomen. Thighs plumping, ass cheeks swelling, their rounded expanse pressed into Nate's hands, his fingers sinking deeper into her jiggling bubble butt.

"Oh god Charlotte, oh god. I can't believe how much you are making me-nrrghh!" Nate nickered lustily, his muscles tensing against her.

"S-so much," she gurgled out between orgasmic moans. There was so much of her now, her newly voluptuous body craving Nate's breeding. From the heavy weight of her buoyant breasts to the swell of her hips all of her was made to take him. The hood of her clit struggled to contain the rock-hard nub, its thickness and length swelling along with her nipples. Her insides clamping, the tree trunk of pulsing meat pounding her deepest recesses. The sensation of her clit dragging along the intruding length of Nate's veiny tool was driving her to insanity.

"Huhhhnn!!" Neck tensing, fingers digging into Nate's back, she came hard for some uncountable time that evening. Milk sprayed from her teats, splattering them both in the creamy white substance. Pussy spasming shy squirted her steaming-hot juices all over Nate's crotch, resoaking his already drenched pubic fur. Her growth spurt and sudden orgasm made Nate nicker in renewed lust, driving himself more desperately into her.

"NEIIGHH!!" Nate moaned, the tip of his cock swelled against her cervix, flaring wide, stretching her even further. The heat of Nate's jism stoked the fire in her loins. The only thought going through her mind was that she was being bred and that she needed to be bred. It wasn't enough to satiate the ache between her legs.

Blacking out again, she found herself pressed against a small dead tree just outside the fire ring. Nate was taking her from behind, the thick ring mid-way down his penis dragging against her clit with every thrust. The horse's stamina seemed limitless. It was impossible to think, all she knew is that she didn't want the pleasure to stop. The trunk's smooth wood pressed against her breasts, the fragile tree bouncing with their combined thrusting and weight. Nate's strong hands gripped her wide hips, pulling her close. Tail vibrating behind her, the drip of milk issuing from her nipples with every forceful heave stopped for a moment. The pink flesh of her teats began twisting and swelling larger atop her breasts before redoubling their creamy production. Her paws gripped the thick nipples, tugging furiously at them, another orgasm building from the depths of her pussy to the tips of her toes. Grunting wildly behind her, Nate nipped at the back of her neck and then the soft length of her ears. It was all it took to take her over the edge again.

"Uhhn! Uhhnnn! AIIEEEEEE!!!" Her voice was hoarse but she managed another wilting scream of pleasure, her pussy exploding with a fresh shock of juices. Nate whinnied loudly into the night, h's length sending rope after rope of cum into her. Legs failing her, she slid down the tree, forcing the withdrawing length of Nate's tool back into her depths. Grunting, Nate began to take her all over again, his herculean stamina finally beginning to ebb, his balls hanging low in their sac slapping her rear with every slow hump. Her limp-orgasm-wracked body doing its best to grind back against him. She didn't know how long they went at it, pressed against that tree.

Suddenly she was laying on the sleeping mats, the fire causing the wetness soaked into her fur to steam. Nate slumped next to her. It took her a moment to connect that he had carried her, even in his exhausted condition. Shaking from exertion, lying on their sides facing each other, Charlotte noticed Nate was breathing as hard as she was, their fur drenched in sweat. Nate's softening, but still, erect penis lay between them, soaked in juices, almost touching her thigh.

"Wow, that was- wow," Nate spoke first, caressing her muzzle with his hand. "I have never cum so hard in my life. I can't believe you- you took me. So many times, but also...on the first try, just- wow."

"Y-yeah, wow," Charlotte managed to whisper between heavy breaths. Her eyes growing impossibly heavy, she began nodding off. Swallowing dryly her throat was just one thing on a long list of things that were beyond sore from their coupling. Drying cum and her own slick liquids leaked out from between her legs, growing cold and congealing in her fur. Despite her tiredness, the emptiness and growing cold between her legs felt very real. She hardly understood what she was asking even as the words left her mouth.

"Would you put it back in me, just until I go to sleep? I'm so empty..." she moan-whispered to Nate, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment before opening again. It was hard to focus or think.

"Oh, yeah- yeah sure," Nate said a bit confused, his large nostrils snorting in agreement. Scooting closer to her he guided his cock back between her legs. Forcing her thighs apart it found her gaping, abused entrance. Charlotte's eyes darted open at the intrusion all the same, paws clutching her breasts, pushing them against her chest. Moaning softly, Nate's penis pressed itself through the remnants of their couplings. The enormous cock displaced what felt like a liter of cum from her pussy. Pulling himself closer, their chests were pressed tightly against each other, her billowing pillowy breasts threatening to push them apart. Slipping in much easier than their first time, his tool still stretched her wide. With several thrusts he was fully inside of her again, filling the emptiness with his heat.

The horse's heartbeat pounded through her pelvis like a comforting metronome. She wanted to feel him inside her forever. With him inside of her, she felt...complete, for maybe the first time. Not fully satisfied, still squirming at the intrusion she thrust her hips against Nate's, pushing him into the deepest parts of her. Her pussy weakly pulsing along the horse's still impossibly huge length elicited several hot gushes of pre-cum to splatter her depths. A series of mini-orgasms rocked her fatigued body. Nate pulled her close, his tongue lapping at the milk issuing from her closest nipple, grinding his softened tool along her insides.

Their bodies slowly moved in perfect sync. Her long feet pressed against Nate's hard hooves, their legs intertwined. Hugging him, she rested her head on his broad-furred shoulder. Paws gripping his wide-furred back another whisper of an orgasm pulsed through her body. Cradled by the warmth of the fire and the horse's naked body she was more at ease than she had ever felt in her life. Her huge leaking breasts didn't even feel heavy anymore. Nate still slowly moving his cock inside her, Charlotte squeaked in contentment, falling into a comforting darkness.

Waking with a start Charlotte found herself body draped in a thick blanket. Muzzle opening in a forced moan she didn't know what was happening to her. Hands immediately gravitated downward. The nerves of her sore pussy were on fire. Something hot and wet dragged along her clit, making her back spasm. Something was inside of her! What was wrong with her vagina?! Paws quickly making their way under the blanket to her lower lips she discovered something long and hard, covered in fur. Still waking up she couldn't think what it could be. Another shock of pleasure ripped through her. Legs weakly kicking the dirt around the pad the blanket fell from her body revealing Nate's long head buried between her legs. Looking up at her with large eyes she could swear he smiled before resuming his work, his head burying itself between her jiggling thighs.

"Nate what are- you doingahhh!" she moaned, the horse's long rough tongue lapped at her insides. Hands delving between her legs she could only hold onto Nate's silver mane, pulling the long muzzle urgently against her crotch. Was this oral? Was she getting oral? Her thoughts were too fragmented to properly process what was happening. All she knew is that the horse had somehow driven her to the verge of climax while she was asleep and she was about to fall off the edge. Muscles tensing, her legs kicking more powerfully into the dirt her pelvis cracked wider again, her mound growing in size, pressing the fatty lips against Nate's broad flat teeth. Her entrance let in more of the horse's delving curling tongue. No, she was done wasn't she? Wasn't she done? There was no time to think, her body tensing.

"N-Nate please I'm- I'm-" she called out, her frame contorting in pleasure. Muscles convulsing, everything was growing! Growing all at once! The orgasm building and building inside her. The curve of her back crunched longer, stretching her torso. Plump thighs lengthening, her legs swelled in size, her already thick toes swelling atop her long feet. Tendons stretched as tight as piano strings her breasts exploded with twin streams of milk, their immense weight growing heavier and denser on her chest. Nipples straining they stretched away from her body atop the swell of her bosom, her breasts growing in front of her shocked eyes. Rear swelling her body rebelled against her in every possible way it could.

"Hughhh!! Uhnnn! AHHH!!!" An unexpected orgasm ripped through her. Back arching she let out a long moan, her body settling while she squirted a blast of her hot slick fluids over the delving horse's face. Pussy clamping madly on its immense emptiness she couldn't do anything but ride out the cascade of orgasmic bliss crashing over her, again and again.

"Holy-" Nate gasped, pulling away, thick strands of saliva and lubricant trailing from his muzzle. Cock jutting between his legs it jiggled needfully between his legs, dripping pre over his furred thighs.

"Are you alright? I didn't mean to-" Nate apologized, but she could barely hear him, the orgasm had made her brain fuzzy. Everything felt distant, separated. Head lolling back against the makeshift pillow Nate had slipped under her head sometime during the night she fell back into the bliss of orgasmic sleep.

"That scared me a bit, sure you are ok? I've never seen somebody go through their spurt before." Nate admitted gently stroking her long ears, his chest pressing against her bare back. The horse's hooves shifted across the ground below them. She was glad to have Nate's lap cushioning her bare ass from the hard rough log. "So...umm, what do you think of Riverview so far?" Nate asked, obviously a bit shaken by the experience, more than she was.

The light of the morning sun shone brilliantly across the desert. Facing the firepit astride Nate's hips, she couldn't stop her hips from shifting the hardening cock elongating inside of her. Bare breasts pressing against her arms she pressed her boobs together, shuddering in renewed pleasure.

"I-I love it, but I- I want to spend it with you," she admitted. "If that's uhhhnn... ok with you."

"Me? I mean there are a lot of other great attendants at the ranch. Nick has a bigger cock and Nancy knows a woman's body better than I ever could..." The horse trailed off.

"I don't think I want any of them," Charlotte admitted. "Only you."

"I never thought... I never thought somebody like you would want to limit yourself to somebody like me, especially on the first time," Nate sputtered behind her, the words spilling out from the horse's long muzzle.

"Y-yeah, I...I meant what I said last night," Charlotte said, her voice nearly choking in her voice at the emotion swelling in her, her pussy shuddering, leaking a stream of fluid down her thigh. She had to admit her attachment to him was partially due to him being her first time, but there was something else about him, something that made her comfortable, something that made her feel like herself. She liked being around him in a way she hadn't ever experienced before, not even with her small group of friends in the city.

"I would like that, it-its been difficult, imagining you being passed around the ranch like all the other guests. Not that there is anything wrong with that its just...that you would actually want to be around me for more than my...well this," Nate grunted, thrusting his penis deep inside her. Charlotte let out a pleasured squeak, wriggling her hips around the throbbing column. "Sure you don't want to eat breakfast before we finish?" Nate asked behind her, his hands caressing her stomach before moving to her hips, pulling her against his morning wood.

"Just- hnnngh! Just need something quick after that wakeup." She had never known such pleasure existed in the world. And Nate. Nate had awakened something primal, something true about herself. She knew had so much more to learn and experience. "I could..uhnn! get used to this, " she smiled, tugging her nipples, sending streams of milk shooting in front of her, dousing the embers of the near-dead fire, producing puffs of steam. Nate's stretching sheath pressed against her ass, driving her wild along with the swelling girth of his horse cock embedded in her. Frayed nerves from the night before sharpened the horniness beating within her.

"You did really uhhnn! Well for the hrrghhh! Second day," Nate replied with a nicker, his hips responding to her gyrations. "I can't urghhh wait to show you around," Nate said, licking the side of her face. She was leaking more slick fluid down his length, his increasingly-rigid tool pistoning slowly in and out of her well-stretched passage. She needed to climax again. And again. Her still sore body was wracked with an insatiable craving.

"I need to- to cum. Please Nate, I need to c-cum again," she moaned, frustrated at Nate's gentle slow pace. Even a day ago she would have felt embarrassed to use such sexual language, but that seemed like another life. "Please Nate," she begged, grinding her dripping pussy against him, her paws squeezing her nipples to extract as much delirious erogenous pleasure as she could from them. It wasn't long before Nate's head was flaring inside of her, pressing against her impossibly deep cervix.

Head craning backward, muzzle facing skyward she was ready to explode again. No matter how many times she had taken Nate he was still enormous and filling in a way she couldn't put into words. Heavy breasts bobbing along with her partially erect ears she bounced on the cock with her unpracticed body.

"Am I interrupting shug?" A voice called from just outside of their camp. "I just wanted to check in on you two, wanted to see that you were getting along." Charlotte's ears perked up.

"D-Darcie?!" she sputtered out at the same time as Nate. Pussy clamping around the horse's cock in surprise Nate nickered behind her. On the verge of blowing, the horse's buried penis rock-hard, its veins pulsing. What was she doing out here? The fox emerged from the tall brush with her own elk in tow. Charlotte instinctively covered her breasts with her paws. Milk sprayed between her fingers, making her pussy spasm around Nate again. The horse responded with a heavy thrust, forcing her to release the jiggling mammaries. With nipples as thick as her thumbs, maybe thicker, leaking creamy fluid over her stomach, her chest has become massive, her breasts extending well past her elbows. Realizing she was proud of their new immense size she practically presented them. She didn't need to hide in her ears anymore. The fox stared at her in surprise and then smiled knowingly.

"Doesn't look like I had anything to worry 'bout. If it's all the same, mind if I join you two for a spell? Desert gets awful cold at night." Darcie said, slipping a paw down her cleavage to untie her shirt, her voluminous breasts spilling from their confinement.

Sharing a surprised gasp with Nate, Charlotte looked back at the horse with needful, questioning eyes. Nate nodded back to her, wordlessly leaving the decision up to her. Looking back at Darcie, Charlotte smiled. If she could have Nate there was no harm in messing around with some other folks, as long as her horse friend was there to support her. If the past couple of days were any indicator she was going to enjoy her stay at Riverview Ranch.

The End!