More Cowbell

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Contains: M/F, Transformation, Older/Younger, Lactation, and Gender Transformation.

A young buck finds himself stranded on the side of the road in a snow storm. Does he risk trying to wait it out in his car or trudging to the little barn he can see in the distance?

More Cowbell

By Ajax B. Coriander

Start Date: November 28, 2020

Finished date: 1/2/2023


Luke's stomach churned, and his heart raced. The young buck's left shoulder was sore from where he'd been slammed into the seatbelt when he'd met a snow drift after spinning out on the black ice. He looked through his car's window, the storm was still raging, and the sun was beginning to set. He needed to get out of there before he was trapped in his car. Luke hoped he could dig himself out, the snow drift was already past the bottom of his door. He reached into the back seat and pulled out the folding shovel he kept for a moment just like this. The whitetail braced himself and then got out into the bitter cold. He made his way to the passenger side, and he assessed the snow drift, it was covered with a light dusting of snow. He probed it with his boot, and the deer's heart sank as he found a hard mass of ice beneath. He could see the front of his car was firmly lodged in the ice, and his front tires were off the ground - not so good for getting out when you had a front wheel drive. He took the shovel and tried to break the ice, but just ended up with sore hands.

He sighed and realized he needed to call a tow truck to get out of this. He worked his phone from his pocket, and as he fumbled to take off his glove to unlock the screen, the phone slipped from his hand and smacked against the ice covered snowbank with an stomach turning crunch.

"Fuck," he said as he quickly reached down to pick up the phone. The screen was cracked beyond repair. It gave one little flicker of light and then went completely dark and unresponsive.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Luke cursed as he weighed his options. He could stay in his car and hope someone drove by, but he might freeze before that happened. His back windshield was just a strip of plastic he'd put on as a temporary fix until next payday, so once he ran out of gas, he would get cold quick. The whitetail looked up and down the road. The last gas station was 5 miles back and the next town was 10 miles away. He looked to the left of the road and was greeted by a thick forest, he looked to his right, and squinted as he saw the faint outline of a barn in the distance across what looked like a large open field.

If there was a barn, there might be a farmhouse or at least a way to get out of the cold until he could figure out his next move. The buck grabbed his backpack from the back of his car and slipped it on his shoulders. The whitetail started to walk towards the barn in the distance. Luke had to slide down a small hill that led to the open field, the hard frozen ground felt strange beneath his booted hooves, but the young buck tried not to think about it as he stomped forward towards his hopeful rescue or warmth.

It was a long and cold slog, the open landscape allowed the wind to seep into every part of him. It pushed past his warm jacket, through his thick jeans, and chilled him to his core. He couldn't wait to at least be out of the wind. He'd reached the halfway point when something tripped him up, he stumbled forward, managing to catch himself even though the slippery ground threatened to knock him over. He looked back, and he cocked his head to the side as he saw a white round pillar sticking up from the ground. Luke knocked away some of the snow with his foot, and took a closer look. He was confused at first. It was a cylindrical warning buoy. It had a warning on it that read "Hazard Area" under diamond shaped orange lines.

Luke looked around, and horror began to set in as he realized: this was no field.

It was a pond.

The young buck's His mind started to race, trying to figure out how thick the ice might be, and panic starting to set in as he realized it hadn't been cold long enough for really thick stable ice... He gulped, and turned towards the barn, nervous anxiety pushing him forward. His breath quickened and his glasses started to fog up as he moved faster and faster. Luke wanted to break into a run, but he knew he at least had to try to be careful. He got closer and closer to the edge, and he spied a dock poking form the snow just 5 yards away.

The young whitetail's whole body felt the tension drain from it, but that was short lived as the sound of cracking ice came from beneath his hooves.

"Fuck," was all he managed to say before he was plunged into the icy darkness.


Luke felt warmer than he expected to. He wondered if this was what death was like: a big warm hug, a nice weight on top of you, and the feeling of hands rubbing against your sides.

The hands confused him, and he slowly opened his eyes. The buck could see bare wooden beams above his head, and he could see a lantern hanging from it. He turned his head and he could see a set of two electric space heaters on a little shelf a foot above the straw covered ground. He turned his head downwards.

He was in some kind of thick colorful western blanket that was oddly lumpy. His eyes widened as he saw the tip of a nose stick out from under the blanket, and then it started to lift up. A brown hand pulled back the blanket, and a feminine muzzle came into view. She was older than him, and a hyena. She had her dark pink hair parted down to one side. The older woman had a pair of round glasses perched on her snout, and she had a collar with a cowbell hanging from it with the name "Rosie" etched into it. The hyena smirked, and one of her sharp teeth poked out as she ran her hands over the deer's chest.

"Good, I was starting to think you might be a goner..." Rosie said, "I tried to call an ambulance, but the storm took out the phone lines and I don't have a cell."

"You saved me?" The young buck asked as he lifted his head, and then looked down at his body. He realized he was shirtless, and as he took a second to figure out what was going on, he realized he was naked too and so was the large women resting on top of him. "Where are my clothes?!" He nearly bleated.

"Yep, I saved you. I saw you fall in while I was checking the generator against the side of the barn," she explained as she let the blanket fall to her waist, and the young buck got a nice unobstructed view of the massive breasts now staring him in the face. He felt a blush spread across his face, and the women continued, "And I took off your clothes because they were soaking wet, and the best way to warm someone on up is fur-fur contact after all. I didn't want you dying on me after I fished you out."

"Thanks," the chubby young buck squeaked. "But I think I'm warm enough now, I bet you could get off..." He said as the large women straddled his hips. He could feel the woman's shapely rump rubbing against the tip of his sheath, and he had to hold back a whimper of desire.

"Oh?" Rosie asked as she cocked her head to the side. "I imagine a young buck like you would want a woman to be on top of him like this." Luke blushed harder as the hyena women began to slide her paws along his bare chest, fluffing up his still damp fur. "What's the matter? Never had a real woman this close to you?"

"I..I mean," he stammered, and he looked away. "No..."

The hyena grinned widely as she heard that, a predatory gleam in her eyes as she sized up her prey. "Really? I figured you'd be a real stud being as cute as you are, all nice and round in all the right places, but I wonder if you're "big" where it counts..." She said as she started to rub her soft rump against the young man's sheath. Luke huffed, and he tried to fight off the warm sensation now rising below his waist, but before he knew it he was already poking out of his warm fuzzy cover and rubbing into the hyena's soft fur.

"Y-yeah, I... I... just never got a chance..." Luke whimpered.

"Well, I'll need to fix that," Rosie said as she slid a finger around one of the young buck's nipples. "What do you say? You wanna have a big cow see if you're stud enough to be a bull in this barn?"

"I uh..." the young buck said as his hands slid onto the large hyena woman's hips. He looked down over her beautiful body, from those big breasts to her wide soft hips. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good lad..." The hyena repositioned herself so that she was straddling the boy's thighs and her hot wet slot was pressed right against his quickly rising shaft.

Rosie leaned down and kissed him deeply. Her cow bell rubbed against his neck, while her warm moist slot rubbed against his virgin flesh. The young buck's flesh quickly reacted, rising fully to the occasion as he felt those warm folds teasing his cold appendage. He still felt a bit of chill over his body, but the hyena was making quick work of that. He reached up and he rubbed along her sides, and he shuddered as he felt the underside of his shaft teased by her soft clit.

The hyena gal adjusted and reached between them so she could grab ahold of his dick, and guide it to the opening between her sensitive folds. She teased him for a bit, just letting him feel her warm as he became a puddle of horny young lust beneath her. She finally let him slip inside of her, and she growled lustfully as that young buck's shaft filled her. Rosie let him slowly slide into her until his hips were flush with her's and his balls were pressed firmly against her slot.

"How does it feel to be inside a real woman?" She asked as she broke the kiss and started to nuzzle into his neck.

"It... it feels amazing! I... I never thought it would feel so good..." He moaned as he gave a testing thrust into her, and the hyena gal smiled. She leaned up and put a hand on his chest, the blanket still wrapped around them, the light from above illuminating them as she started to slide herself up and down on that thick young shaft.

"Mmm it does, doesn't it?" The hyena said as she looked down into the young buck's eyes. She licked her lips, and she squeezed him tighter between her thighs as she moved herself up and down. "Just imagine what it'd be like to have this every day..." She said as she moved her hand up to the bell around her neck and gave it a flick of her finger. It didn't sound like Luke expected, it had a low hum like a tuning fork that drew in his attention as it bounced between her shapely tits. "Now just relax, enjoy the way you feel inside of me, just focus on how good it feels to be under someone pleasuring them..." Rosie said in a soft calm tone.

"Under someone..." the young buck moaned, his vision going a bit hazy as that ringing sound penetrated his ears. The sound was pleasant, he couldn't help but focus on it as the pleasure from his shaft exploded through him.

"Farm life has it's perks," Rosie said as she reached up and gripped her full breasts, she squeezed them together, and then leaned down to let them hover above the young lad's face. "Like there's no place to get fresher milk..." The young buck opened his muzzle to ask what she meant when he tasted a squirt of warm milk across his tongue. It was sweet, sweeter than anything he'd imagined. Without thinking he wrapped his lips around one of those pink nipples, and he started to suck. Gush after gush of sweet cream rolled across his taste buds.

"See? Doesn't that taste good?" The hyena asked.

The boy could only moan an agreement in response. His hips started to buck widely now, what little leverage he had going into meeting her sweet hip falls as her hot slick passage squeezed him in ways he could have only of dreamed of before. The hyena reached up and flicked her bell again, the boys thrust becoming short and shallow now as he drifted into a dreamy state.

"Wouldn't you love to have fresh milk like that every day?" She asked as she stroked through the boy's hair and trashed along the base of his antlers. "Of course... we already have a bull, so you'll need to go after this. You'll never get to meet Bessie, Jessica, Bella, and the others. You'll just have to go back out into the cold..." She said a hint of pity in her voice.

A look of concern seemed to come over the young buck's features, he seemed horrified at the idea of leaving. He reached up and squeezed her to him, trying to keep her close.

"But... there might be a way for you to stay... We already have one bull, but he'd never turn down another cow or doe." The hyena explained, "We can always find room in the barn for another one to our herd."

The young buck looked confused, but a soft new ring came from the bell, and the happy look came back. He simply just mumbled in agreement around her breast. "Yeah, a nice doe..."

"So how would you like to be a cow-doe in my bull's herd? He's a real sweet fella, he'd make sure your belly is full with a fawn in no time... and your tits will make all you can drink or anyone else." The hyena said as she slid her hands along the young lad's sides.

The hyena pulled away her breast from the suckling lad's mouth with a load wet pop, and he gasped for breath. "Yes, yes, yes! Whatever you want! Just let me have more!" He pleaded before she brought back her other breast to his eager mouth.

Rosie grinned, and she grabbed the bell around her neck. This time she gave it a powerful ring. A shimmering shockwave came from it twinkling through the air as it hit the boy below her. "Well, first thing's first... a cow-doe needs to be curvy in all the right places." The hyena tossed the blanket to the side, giving any on-viewer a perfect view of her peach pounding up and down on that young buck's carrot. She reached down and touched his legs, as she moved her paw up they began to shorten and ripple, becoming thicker as she moved up to the hips. Those swelled as something in them grew and expanded, steam rose off them as the muscles underneath changed and got settled for their new form. The last of that water evaporating and leaving behind silky soft fur.

She slid up to his hips after that, and the same thing happened there. They expanded, the heat from them causing the air to steam as they swelled out along with his rump. She moved to his arms next, they looked a little too long to go with his new leg height, she ran her paws along those, and they moved, the young buck's frame getting shorter to match as well. Finally, she moved to her favorite part, sadly this required her to pull away her tits from the boy's fawning muzzle.

Luke panted, his eyes still hazed and confused as she grabbed his chest and started to knead it. Those little chubby pecs started to expand and swell out, bigger and bigger in her squeezing paws, the nipples swelling and matching her own, before finally that boy let out a long drawn out moan of pleasure as his new large breasts matched the hyena's own.

"Well, you look a little silly with two racks... and besides, they're too manly for a pretty doe like you." She said as she reached forward and grabbed his antlers in both her hands. She gave a gentle tug, and with a soft pop they both came off with ease. The deer let out a surprised bleat as their head suddenly met the straw floor for the first time. The top of his head showed no sign they'd ever been there, just two fresh spots of fur were in their place. She tossed them to the side, and then she ran her hands over the former buck's face, in her wake it became softer, more feminine. She grinned down at her handywork, but the throbbing pole inside of her told her there was one last thing to take care of.

She gave that bell of hers another loud ring, and then she leaned down and whispered into the still ringing ear of the deer below her. "Only one teeny tiny thing, and then you'll get to stay here forever... Just cum. Cum out all of that buck juice you were ever going to make. Get rid of it all. Let every last bit of the male you were flow into me, and out of you."

The deer leaned their head back and moaned as they thrust up one last time and started to cum. Pump after pump of powerful cum squirting from his shaft and into the hyena above them. They lost count of how many gushes or how many thrusts it took, they were just wrapped in pleasure as they came harder than they had in their entire life. They noticed it was getting harder and harder to thrust into the hyena above them, and after one final thrust, they slipped out. They heard a soft pop, and then felt cum start to ooze out of their new folds.

Lucia laid their panting as her body tried to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm she'd just felt. The hyena on her got off her and took a second to look at her handywork. The pretty doe was a mess in a puddle of their own former buck cum. She reached down and rubbed between her own legs, playing with the creamy folds that contained the last load that deer would ever produce as a male. It made her giddy, and she was already imagining how good her farmer/bull was going to look sliding under that doe's tail....

* The Next Day*

The Saint Bernard whistled to himself as he entered the milking shed. It was nice and warm just like he liked it, and he slipped off his coat and started to walk down the row of wooden stalls. Each of his girls had their tits resting over the door of their stall, on full display, full and ready for the pumping he was about to give them each.

"Good morning girls," the farmer said he took in the sight before him.

"Good morning, boss," was the reply that came from the mare to his left. He leaned over and gave one of the tits on that chestnut mare a squeeze, causing her to moan, before she smiled at him. A few other good mornings came from the other stalls, and he started to walk down them waving to each of the girls before he came to the last stall and paused.

He looked on in confusion as a set of big doe tits hanging over Rosie's stall door. The grinning hyena came into view from behind her, the doe had a far off and distant look in her eyes, like she was miles away as she chewed on some kind of breakfast bar.

"Oh!" The doe said when she finally noticed the farmer. "I'm your new cow mister!"

The dog chuckled and patted the doe's head. "It appears you are," the dog said before leaning back over and grinning at the hyena. "Busy night, I'm guessing?"

"Not too bad, I had enough time to make you something nice..." The hyena said before giving out a giggle.

"Well, welcome to the herd," the dog said as he looked at the cowbell around her neck, "Lucia." He reached out and squeezed at one of her breasts, he clicked his tongue, "But, if you're gonna be one of my cows, you're going to need to produce... and there's only one way to do that of course." The big dog grinned toothily, and he opened the second of the stall doors that Lucia wasn't currently leaning over and he walked behind her. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his already hard cock and hefty white balls. "And that's to put a calf in your belly..." He said as he grabbed her hips, and pushed his thick cock between those new virgin folds.

"Mmm... I love my job."

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