Journies of Martha, Tea Time!

Story by QimmiQ on SoFurry

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#3 of The Journies of Martha

Well, I finally got off my ass and wrote this. I'm starting off where I left off (and a paragraph or two before, so it might easier for you folks)

Thank you to anyone who reads this :)

"My Name is Martha; I challenge you to a pokémon


"I Candice accept the challenge. Let's do this!" Candice said very

enthusiastically. "Get 'em Yena!" Martha called as she sent out Yena.

"Go Sneasel!" in a burst of white light, Sneasel appeared. "Snea sol."

it said with a glint in its eye.

The battle was on. Candice versus Martha. "Sneasel, use Ice Shard!"

Candice commanded. Unfortunately Yena was not fast enough, and the

lump of ice hit Yena squarely in the chest. The Bite pokémon yelped

in pain. "Yena! Hang in there!" Martha encouraged .Yena growled and

sprinted to his opponent. "Yena, use Sand-Attack!" Sneasel's eyes were

bombarded by a small wave of sand. "Good job, now use Bite!" Yena

opened its maw wide and bit on Sneasel's forearm. "Not bad. You sure

are sharp, but can you take this?" Candice said confidently. "Sneasol,

use Icy Wind!" Sneasol opened its mouth, and super chilled air blasted

across the field and hit Yena. Frost started to form across his fur.

Yena staggered. "Yena! Are you alright?" Yena whimpered, but still had

its fiery will. "Let's do our best! Let's try our trump. Use

Payback!" Yena barked and Sneasol was pummelled by purple blows. The

force the attack sent the Sharp Claw pokémon back.

Both pokémon had suffered blows. Each looked beat up, Yena seemed weary. "Yena are you alright? Need to heal you up." she pulled out a potion and used it on

Yena. He looked better. "I hope that helped. She is tough, but let's

does our best!"

"I got to hand it to you, you are doing decent. Your pokémon shouldn't

know Payback, so it must have been a TM (technical machine). But let's

finish this!" Candice called. "Let's do this! Go Yena!"

Yena once again started to sprint. "Sneasol, Quick Attack now!" before

Martha could call out a command, Yena was tackled suddenly from the

side. Yena staggered and fell. Yena didn't stand up again. "Yena! Are

you alright?" she called out, and returned the KO'd pokémon back to

its pokéball. Yena seldom went in its pokéball. More out of habit

than anything else.

"There is a reason you're my idol Candice. Now for my last one. Go Aria!"

Aria was sent out." Aria, use Poison Jab!" Aria's leg glowed purple

and lunged for the Sneasol. It connected, Sneasol staggered. It showed

signs of being poisoned. A look of pain flashed over its features and

it fell. "Sneasol return!" light enveloped the fainted pokémon and

returned to the pokéball.

"Now for my next pokémon. Go Piloswine!" Candice threw another

pokéball and out came the Swine pokémon. "Aria, use Night Shade!"

Piloswine dodged it and began to charge. "Piloswine, let's finish

this! Use Stone Edge!" Aria was hit with a multitude of rocks. The

blow was overwhelming. Aria fell and didn't rise.

Martha had lost. She called back Aria and hung her head. She tried her

best, but still Candice beat her. "You did great! I had lots of fun.

Tell me, how many badges do you have?" Candice asked. "None..." Martha

said sadly."None? For a first timer, you were amazing! But you need

more practice. Practice for a while then challenges me. I'll be

waiting here."

She thanked Candice for her advice and left for the pokecenter. "Could

you heal them please?" "Sure thing. Candice she is tough isn't she?"

Nurse joy asked. "She sure is. I have to train harder. So then I can

beat her." "Good luck." the nurse smiled. Martha left with Snowpoint

City with a fiery resolve. She vowed to train her pokémon as best as

she could for weeks, then challenge Candice.

On her way out she noticed a young looking stranger walk into town. He

had a bright orange/brown pokémon with him. He had a jacket, track

pants and looked freezing. She rushed to him."Hi! You're coming here

to challenge Candice?" she asked brightly. "Yup. I'm gonna beat her

with my Monferno." he said as he patted his pokémon fondly. "Fer no."

it said. "You look freezing. Here I'll help you." Martha offered/

commanded. She insisted on have him place his weight on her shoulder.

When they reached the pokecenter, she opened the doors for him and led

him to the counter. Nurse Joy appeared and healed his pokémon. She

noted three pokeballs. She noticed something shiny on his jacket. It

was metallic and grey. A badge!

Martha looked at him in awe. But the badge was different than the one

Candice gave out. She knew because, years ago her mom showed her the

Icicle Badge that she won. Since then she wanted one. The badge looked

like a rock to her.

"Let's sit you down. Would you like something to hot drink?" "Sure. What is there?" he asked. "I can make good tea. I hope it'll do for now. I'll add some spices to it to help warm you up quicker." "But-" he started but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

She opened her tea caddy and got hot water from Nurse Joy and started on

the tea. She asked if his pokémon had any food preferences. He said

not really. So she gave him some pokémon food.

When the tea was ready she gave him a cup. The tea had no milk. He

looked at her like she was crazy; she huffed to him that that kind of

tea didn't need milk. He sipped the tea under her stern, but concerned


At first his face was impassive, and then puzzled, then a small smile.

"It's good. I thought it would be mouth- blistering hot." he said

sheepishly. "I made sure it wasn't. It takes experience to make it just right.

There's more if you'd like." he declined the offer.

They sat in silence for a moment. "So, what's your name?" Martha

asked. "Jonathon. You?" Martha's jaws dropped. Was this the Jonathon

that Vince told her about? She needed confirmation. "You moved here

recently?" "Yes, how did you know?" he said suspiciously. "Oh my god!

It's you!" she practically yelled out.

She punched his shoulder good naturedly. "Ouch!" he said surprised. "Who are you?!" he said looking uncomfortable."I'm Martha. Nice to meet you again. I never thought I'd see you so soon!" she exclaimed. "M-Martha? Really?" he stammered.

"Of course!" she grinned.

Jonathon grinned and said "True. But what's with the tea? Only old people drink tea" "Tea is one of THE most popular drinks in the world! It's popular for a reason. There are so many flavours to make and try, and I infinite amount of strengths and flavourings. Tea is not just for old people" Martha said with dangerously; her eyes were gleaming. "Dude, it was a simple question. Not a rant..." Jonathon trailed off, at the look in Martha's eyes.

"Tea is pretty good." he hastily added. "I'm gonna make me some as well. Just a moment."

Martha retreated to the depths of her bag to get her tea caddy out.

"I'll just go with ordinary for now." she produced a tea bag and

dropped it into the mug and poured the hot water. She let it steep for

a few moments. While she waited she chatted with Jonathon and took

care of her pokémon. "Looks ready now."

Martha poured her tea, added milk and sugar. She took two sips sat

back and smiled. Contentment seeped into her. Slowly she retreated to

the world within her mind. Contemplating about her current pokémon, their

strength relative to Candice's pokémon, strategies. "Let's have a

practice battle!" Jonathon suddenly yelled suddenly. She jumped,

sloshing tea on her hands. The heat seared her hands she cried out in

pain and the offending mug hit the ground. It cracked and chipped a

little, but thankfully that was the extension of the damage. Tea once

again was all over the floor.

Martha sighed sadly. Another casualty to Fate. "What was it you

wanted?" she asked distantly. "I said a battle." Jonathon repeated.

"Sure. Give me a moment." Martha produced a rag and mopped up the mess.

"Let's go!" Jonathon called out. "I'm coming. I warn you: I have no

badge, two pokémon and not much battle experience. Now let us improve

our skills." Martha called out to him.

They walked to a clearing and started to battle. "Let's take 'em

Staravia!" "Come on Yena!" Martha and Jonathan said. "Staravia use

Ariel Ace!" "Stara via!" Staravia sped towards Yena.

Yena was stuck and thrown back. "You okay Yena? Let's take them! Use

Dark Pulse!" a dark wave pulsed off Yena's body. The attack rolled

over Staravia, who staggered. The bird crashed to the ground, and

quickly recovered. The grass swirled as Staravia took off.

"Let's heat things up, Staravia return. Noctowl I choose you!" white light cascaded out of the pokeball. As Noctowl appeared, Staravia disappeared in a burst of red light.

"Noct owl." The owl like pokémon said. "Interesting. Noctowl what are you like?" Martha muttered. She pulled out her pokedex it chirped "When it needs to think, it rotates its head 180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power." "Well that doesn't tell me much. But I'll go with it. Yena use Bite!" Martha called out. Yena lunged towards Noctowl, but fell short. Noctowl simply rose higher in the air. "Let's try a different tactic." Martha muttered to herself.

She had an idea. It would be hard on Aria though. She would withdraw Yena, and send out Aria. Staravia would have the type advantage. Perhaps Jonathon would drop his guard a little. Perhaps enough to tie down Staravia's wings.

"Well... Let's try this. Yena return!" Martha called. Yena dissipated in a red flash. "Go Aria!" Aria appeared in a white flash. To Martha's surprise Jonathon flinched a little.

The Journies of Martha, Contest with Candice

I had a lot of stuff to do lately, so I didn't have much time to write. As ever, please comment, give advice and enjoy. More to come soon. I decided to make this one extremely short. I'll be posting Part 3 soon ;) Hopefully this edit will make it...

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Kingdom of Light & Dark

One of the older things I written. I know its incomplete, and it pains me that it is. But I will finish it someday. Enjoy Kingdom of Light & Dark In a small kingdom in the middle of the forest there was much commotion; it was almost dusk. ...

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The Journeys of Martha, Start from Snowpoint!

I decided to post this (its obvious I know), and more is going to come soon :) Please respond (tips, etc) QimmiQ Made an edit, so now I'll be posting up Parts now. This is only the beginning. Enjoy. Revamped it, hopefully it'll be easier...

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